How to renew leather goods. Effective ways to update a leather jacket with your own hands.

Leather jackets are very comfortable and practical to wear, but sometimes they require maintenance and even minor repairs. There are several methods to update leather jacket. Any of them can be done at home without significant financial costs.


Sometimes, in order to return things to their former attractiveness, a good cleaning is enough. You can restore the color and shine of leather products using homemade products.

For these purposes, use beaten egg whites or a soap solution with the addition of glycerin. It is enough to moisten a soft cloth in any of these compositions and treat the surface of the clothing.

Products having dark color treated with lemon juice, and if you wrap some coffee grounds in flannel fabric and walk the resulting bag over the jacket, you can restore the shine specific to such things.

You can make your skin clean and remove light impurities using a soft sponge and regular shampoo. Oily and greasy stains that are difficult to remove will disappear after treatment with gasoline.

If by chance there is pen ink on your jacket, it will quickly disappear when you use a mixture of acetic acid and alcohol.

It may not be enough to simply clean your favorite jacket or raincoat and return it to its original color. You should also get rid of the resulting abrasions. Damaged parts can be rubbed with leather wax or any colorless cream. Fresh orange peels also help restore color and shine. The essential oils they contain do an excellent job of this task.

In general, leather products are very fond of being treated with cleaning agents. With regular simple manipulations, you can maintain the original appearance of things for a long time.


How to restore a leather jacket if, after applying the above options, some flaws remain. You can return the original color or give things a new shade at home using two painting methods.

Spray paint. Two aerosols should be enough for short jacket medium size. In order not to spoil anything in the house when painting and not to suffer from harmful spray fumes, it is better to carry out the procedure outside. The coloring composition should be sprayed from a distance of 20 cm onto a surface previously treated with a damp cloth. Excess paint during work is removed with a sponge, and the result can be assessed after 60-100 minutes.

Powdered dye. Before use, you need to dilute the dye in warm water and be sure to strain. Otherwise, the remaining lumps of powder will leave stains and the color will be uneven. The resulting liquid is diluted with water to 2 liters, boiled a little and cooled to 45°. The jacket must be soaked in this solution for about 2-3 hours so that the leather is completely saturated with paint. After this time, you should rinse the item until the water becomes clear.

To not only put things in order, but also preserve the result for a long time, use a mixture of a liter of water, a glass of vinegar and a tablespoon of salt. A renewed jacket or raincoat is soaked in this composition and then dried.


Give a well-worn leather jacket more than just fresh look, but originality can also be slightly altered. Having sewing skills and imagination, you can create a unique thing at home.

Having come up with interesting design and bringing it to life with your own hands, you will get a unique jacket. For alteration, parts of knitted items, inserts from various materials, and minor abrasions and small holes can easily be hidden by various stripes, rhinestones and rivets.

If you have been wearing your jacket for more than one season, it needs to be updated.

The practicality and durability of leather items have been proven more than once. But, unfortunately, frequent wearing and not proper care bad influence on appearance outerwear: creases and cracks appear, shine disappears. What to do in this situation? How to refresh a leather jacket with your own hands and for sure? Let's figure it out together.

Action plan

You can tidy up your leather jacket in several stages:

Stage 1. Clean the lining

You need to update your leather jacket not only from the outside, but also from the inside. The lining gets dirty during wear no less than the front side of the item, so it needs to be cleaned regularly.

Step-by-step algorithm:

  1. Turn the leather coat inside out and pull the lining as far as possible.
  1. Gently wet the lining with water and rub with soap.
  2. Now you need to wash the soap, wet the sponge and carefully remove the remaining product.

If you add a little 9% vinegar to the water, the soap will wash out faster.

  1. Turn the jacket inside out and hang it to dry on a hanger in natural home conditions.

Stage 2. Remove stains

Now you need to pay attention to the front side of the product. How can you clean a jacket at home?

Methods and means are in the table:

Image Recommendations
Method 1. Wet sponge.

Dried dirt can be removed using a regular damp sponge. Soak it in water and thoroughly rub the stained areas.

Method 2. Gasoline (acetone).

This product can remove greasy stains:

  1. Soak a cotton swab in gasoline and rub the stain;
  2. Remove any residue with a damp cloth;
  3. Finally, be sure to rub the treated area with a clear cream.

Before using this product, test on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing. This way you can avoid damage to the product.

Method 3. Vinegar.

Dampen a piece of cotton cloth and rub away the stains. Vinegar works great on stains from various drinks and food.

Method 4. Formalin + ammonia + soap.
  1. Mix formalin with ammonia in the proportion: 100 ml. for 20 ml;
  2. Mix the resulting liquid with a soap solution;
  3. Using a cloth, rub the mixture into the stains and wait until completely absorbed;
  4. Then remove the residue with a damp sponge.

This method is suitable for removing stubborn stubborn stains.

When using any of the suggested products, be sure to wear gloves to protect your hands.

Stage 3. Getting rid of scratches and abrasions

If your leather jacket is frayed or scratches appear on it, use one of the remedies suggested in the table:

Image Recommendations

Method 1: Citrus peels.

You can restore the leather of your jacket in places where there are abrasions by rubbing the outside of them with citrus peel.

It is best to use orange peel.

Method 2. Glycerin.

Use glycerin on a leather jacket to remove deep wrinkles and small cracks on the surface of the item.

Mix glycerin with water in equal proportions and rub the affected areas. No need to rinse off.

Method 3. Liquid skin.

You can patch a leather jacket at home using liquid leather. The manufacturer's instructions will tell you how to do this correctly.

Look for a product labeled "Liquid Leather". The price is quite reasonable.

Method 4. Superglue.

Small tears can be hidden with superglue. Using a toothpick, apply the product to the cracks and press with your finger for a couple of minutes.

Instead of superglue, you can use thick, colorless nail polish.

Stage 4. Restore elasticity and give shine

To fully restore a leather jacket, you need to pay attention to elasticity, restore color and add shine to the product.

Image Recommendations

Method 1. Castor oil + protein.

Mix 2 tbsp. l. butter with beaten egg white. Apply the resulting mixture to the item.

Any thing during long-term use loses its original appearance. Clothes made of genuine leather, for example, can last for more than one season, but over time they become worn, faded, and dull. But you shouldn’t regretfully send a good-quality item that never goes out of fashion to the scrap heap. There are many accessible, absolutely inexpensive ways to update a leather jacket with your own hands, without resorting to the services of a workshop or dry cleaner.

Read in this article:

First - cleaning

Before you start renewing a genuine leather product, you need to clean it of various types of contaminants. Dust can be easily removed with a soft-bristled or dry clothes brush. foam sponge. Cuffs, collar area, pockets, the bottom of the product in the zipper area or near the buttons should be treated with a brush especially carefully.

After dry cleaning, the leather jacket should be wiped with a damp sponge or a piece of cotton cloth soaked in a mild soap solution. The solution is prepared from warm water with the addition of liquid soap, special shampoo or gel for delicate washing of wool clothes.

You cannot wash clothes made of genuine leather by hand or, especially, in a washing machine!

If a leather jacket has prints or decorative inserts made of other materials, the cleaning agent is selected separately for each of them. Complex stains, deeply absorbed dirt, and grease should be treated with a soft rag (cotton swab) soaked in a soap solution with the addition of a small amount of ammonia or kerosene.

It is recommended to first wipe oil stains and heavily greasy areas with gasoline, turpentine or any other solvent. Paint stains, ink, marks from ballpoint pen are easily removed with alcohol or acetic acid.

After wet cleaning, the soap solution from the surface of the skin must be removed with a clean sponge and plain water. The product is wiped dry with a terry towel and dried at room temperature, away from any heating devices and the sun.

Getting rid of scuffs

You can renew a leather jacket that has been worn for many years and remove the abrasions that inevitably appear on it using an ordinary orange peel. It contains a lot of essential oils, so if you wipe the surface of the skin with an orange peel, not a trace will remain of abrasions and shiny areas.

Children's or oily face cream will give the same wonderful effect. Cream is used to lubricate every part of the product using flannel or woolen fabric. Remains of the fatty substance are removed with a clean napkin. Finally, the jacket is polished with a dry soft cloth until it shines.

A mixture of low-fat fresh milk and turpentine will help get rid of abrasions and prevent their early appearance in the future. If you regularly clean the leather jacket from dirt and wipe it with this mixture from time to time, the product will retain its original appearance for a long time.

How to restore shine to natural leather?

Restoring a leather jacket most often involves restoring the glossy finish of the material. Not only special polishes, colorless or with a tinting effect, but also home remedies do an excellent job of this task.

There is no need to buy anything special or expensive, since the following will help you update your leather jacket at home and return it to its original shine:

  • Egg white, whipped into light foam.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Castor oil.
  • Glycerol.

The procedure is very simple, regardless of which product is chosen. A cotton swab is moistened in protein foam, lemon juice, castor oil or glycerin and wiped thoroughly, but without pressure, over the entire surface of the leather jacket.

You only need to polish leather that has been previously cleaned of dirt and stains and has been dried dry.

These products can be used to update the appearance of leather clothing in any color. The jackets are dark and also lend themselves well to polishing with coffee grounds. You need to collect 2-3 tablespoons of wet grounds from freshly brewed natural coffee in a handkerchief or flap of flannel fabric and walk this bundle over the entire surface of the jacket. The effect will be excellent!

How to update your favorite expensive jacket, coat, jacket, trousers or leather skirt? It is known that leather products are worn for quite a long time, which means their appearance becomes appropriate. Therefore, first of all, it should be cleaned of dirt. You can do this in the following ways.

Each leather product, if it is factory-made, has a label sewn into the inside side seam. You should carefully read these instructions on the label to make sure that there are no special warnings: a certain temperature of use when cleaning the product or what cleaning products should be used for this product.

Before using any skin cleanser, you must cleanse the skin of visible impurities cloth soaked in water and wrung out. This way it will be removed most of dirt, dust or food marks. You should be careful when cleaning off traces of food debris - excessive friction can lead to discoloration of the paint in these places. There are special spray products for the skin. They are great for removing food stains. After spraying the product onto the stain, you need to gently wipe the area with a soft, dry cloth. Rough cloth may accidentally scratch the surface of the leather.

Mild liquid soap is good remedy for cleaning dirt on the skin, as it does not contain harsh chemicals. How to do it? You need to soak the stained areas of the leather product in water with a few drops of dishwashing detergent and gently use light circular movements to try to remove the stain from the leather. Then the product must be air dried.

The leather product will be grateful for use vegetable oil to clean it. It can be olive or any other vegetable oil. Pour oil into a container and place a clean, soft cloth in it. After squeezing it lightly, apply the cloth to the contaminated area on the leather product. After 1-3 minutes, dirt will be easily removed from the skin. Then lightly moisten a corner of a dry soft cloth in vinegar and wipe the area. After this, you should dilute vinegar and vegetable oil in equal quantities in a small container and, after slightly moistening a soft cloth in it, wipe again with this solution. Then leave the product to air dry. The leather product will look like new.

If a lightweight leather item is inexpensive, you can try washing it in washing machine with two spoons washing powder in a gentle manner. Before doing this, you need to clean the pockets and, turning the product inside out, fasten all the buttons. It is better if something else from ordinary things is washed together with the leather product in one bookmark. The water should be cold. After removing the product from the machine, check for damage and changes. The wet skin on the product can be stretched and returned to its original position. The product must be air dried.

Old leather jackets and coats can be revived with vinegar and drying oil. Mix one part vinegar and three parts drying oil, then soak a clean soft cloth in the solution, wring it lightly, and run the damp cloth over the entire surface.

Stains on light or white leather can be removed using nail polish remover. This must be done very carefully, as there is a possibility of damaging the leather product. Test it in an inconspicuous place to see if problems arise.

If the item is expensive and you like it, it is better to take it to the dry cleaner.

  • Creases and wrinkles from the skin are removed as follows. You need to lay out the product on a smooth hard surface and put pressure on this place. Let it stay for 2-3 days. Wrinkles will disappear. You can turn the product inside out and wear it around the house. Body heat will also smooth out wrinkles.
  • The skin on the product, just like human skin, needs to be nourished. Using lotion can soften rough leather. The more moisture the leather receives, the better it will look.
  • If a leather product is stored in a damp place, the leather on it may become moldy and absorb unpleasant odors. Clean the skin with soapy water and remove all traces of mold. In pale, worn areas, mold and mildew spores multiply faster, so you need to be very careful in areas where fasteners, pockets, etc. are located. Cleaning only the surface does not always work. A fabric softener or furniture restorer can help.
  • Sometimes on public transport or on a bench, in a park or any other place you can get glued to chewing gum left by some joker. Relax. Everything can be corrected. The main thing is to act correctly. Applying an ice cube to the gum will harden it enough to easily be removed from a leather jacket or coat with a mild knife. Then the remaining chewing gum should be removed with a stick with a cotton swab, then apply adhesive tape to this area as many times as necessary to completely clean this area of ​​chewing gum. Then apply hair conditioner to the area and wipe dry with a cotton swab. This can happen not only with a coat or jacket, but also with leather trousers, bags and other products. There are alternative methods for cleaning leather products from chewing gum: placing it in the freezer, using a mixture of vegetable oil and detergent.

You should always check the product on the leather of the product in a place that is not visible to others, so as not to spoil your favorite item.


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How to return a leather jacket to its original appearance?

Over time, your favorite leather jacket may lose its former attractive appearance and become dull and worn. But don’t rush to throw it in the trash, because it can be updated with the help of simple recommendations and tips you can return to its original beautiful appearance. To do this, you need to have information on how to update a leather jacket at home, using improvised means.

IN modern world, a leather jacket is considered a practical and versatile item that can be combined with any outfit. Therefore, if its color has faded or it is a little worn, everything can be fixed.

What can help update a leather jacket?

To do this, you need to have the following ingredients and materials on hand:

  • egg white;
  • cotton swab;
  • lemon juice;
  • detergent;
  • a piece of fabric;
  • orange peel;
  • Castor oil.

Using these components, every owner of a leather jacket will be able to return it to its original appearance and make it still stylish and fashionable.

How to update a leather jacket - ways

To restore the original shine to your leather jacket, you can shake an egg white and rub the resulting mixture onto your leather jacket. In addition to this way to make your jacket shine in a new way, use lemon juice. We soak a cotton swab in it and wipe the leather product. No less effective is the use of a soap solution with glycerin, wiping the jacket with it, it will again regain its former shine and brightness of color.

To renew a leather jacket and get rid of any kind of dirt on a leather jacket (except greasy stains), using shampoo or detergent, in which a piece of fabric is wetted and the jacket is wiped. After such actions, all dirt on your leather jacket will disappear.

Over time, leather jackets wear out. Such abrasions can occur as a result of driving in crowded vehicles or during contact with other things. To get rid of them and renew your leather jacket, you need to lubricate the jacket with a colorless leather cream. The result will not take long to arrive and you will immediately see the difference. If there are only partial rubbed areas on the jacket, you can remove them using an orange peel. Due to the fact that it contains a significant number of essential oils, they can be used to remove even old abrasions and tarnished areas of a leather jacket.

If your leather jacket is made of thin and delicate material, it needs to be cleaned regularly and as often as possible. To prevent damage, the use of components such as turpentine and milk will help. To renew a leather jacket, you need to mix these 2 ingredients and wipe the leather product with the resulting mixture. You can also clean a leather jacket using ammonia, water and soap. Castor oil, in which a piece of fabric is moistened and the surface of the jacket is wiped, will also help to add shine to a leather jacket.

In order not to resort to the methods described above for updating a leather jacket and other leather products, experts recommend systematically performing proper care for them. For example, after rain, a wet jacket must dry. Only after this can it be hung in the closet. You also need to protect the jacket from mechanical damage, and also promptly clean it from various contaminants. Remember: the fresher they are, the easier it is to get rid of them. This will help protect your favorite item and extend its service life.