Plant placement according to Feng Shui. “Lucky plant” – indoor decorative bamboo

Bamboo is a traditional plant for tropical and subtropical forests in the Asian region. This member of the Poaceae family is actually a grass. However, thanks to its incredible growth rate, ability to adapt to any conditions and surprisingly strong stem, it very quickly turns into a real tree, forming a humid jungle.

Common bamboo is widespread in the south and east of Asia, Africa and Madagascar. However, for all other places this plant is considered exotic. And therefore, since the 19th century, it has been used with pleasure by designers to decorate the interiors of offices and residential premises.

At the same time, bamboo is always popular not only among decorators, but also among superstitious people who consider it a symbol of perseverance, prosperity and constant movement forward. It is worth noting that all the positive signs listed below are associated specifically with bamboo, and not with a very similar ornamental plant - Sander's dracaena.

Bamboo in the house

Almost all signs speak very favorably of the presence of this unpretentious and strong plant in the home. It can and even should be grown by single and family people, chosen as a gift and received as a gift.

  • Bamboo stems growing on the windowsill have a very beneficial effect on the family atmosphere, harmonizing and organizing not only the space, but also the feelings and relationships between household members.
  • Actively growing shoots rapidly increase the owner’s well-being, and also contribute to his consistently positive mood, excellent health and psychological comfort.
  • A strong and hardy plant helps the inhabitants of the home not only gain physical strength, but also strengthen their spirit. His presence helps to overcome any illness and adversity, and more effectively cope with difficult life situations and professional problems.
  • Bamboo is necessary for people who are in the stage of active career growth or intensive training. Its presence on the desktop of a student or schoolchild stimulates memory and attention, and activates mental activity. A green pet will help an adult acquire new knowledge and skills, awaken creativity and the ability to generate ideas.
  • Everyone knows about the incredible ability of bamboo to grow quickly. That is why the appearance of this plant in the house adds purposefulness, perseverance, perseverance in achieving the goal to the inhabitants of the home, strengthens willpower and self-discipline.
  • This amazing grass can survive in the most unfavorable conditions. Such a thirst for life is contagious and adds optimism, mental vigor and a positive attitude to household members.
  • An interior decorated with bamboo has a great effect on the health of the inhabitants of the house. Its shoots relieve accumulated fatigue and depression, and increase immunity.
  • Asian herb is valued by esotericists. They recommend growing it near door and window openings in order to insure against leaks of positive energy and protect the aura of the home from dark external influences.

Healing Ability

The impact of the powerful energy of bamboo on sick people is extremely undesirable, and therefore the plant is not placed in the same room with the sick person. At the same time, its medicinal properties are undeniable.

  • Traditional healers use a decoction of bamboo fiber to combat a variety of respiratory problems.
  • In traditional Chinese medicine, tea made from bamboo stems is used as an antipyretic.
  • The more delicate parts of the plant (leaves, shoots) are used to combat cardiovascular diseases, digestive disorders and intimate problems.

Before using bamboo as medicine, you should remember that its stems contain poisonous toxins. They disappear only after special heat treatment.

Bamboo and feng shui

Feng Shui experts treat overgrown grass with special sympathy. They are confident that its appearance in a particular sector of the home contributes to the prosperity of the inhabitants. If you place a pot with bamboo in the east of the apartment, family well-being will come to the house, in the south - fame and recognition of the professional merits of the owner, in the southeast - wealth.

However, in order for the plant to “work” correctly, it must be turned into the main element of a special composition. The ensemble should include five main symbols that ensure a harmonious connection between the home aura and the external space of the world.

  • The center of the quintet should be a tree, whose role is played by the plant itself.
  • The second most important component is water. Its presence ensures regular watering.
  • Full growth and development of a plant is impossible without soil, which plays the role of the third component - earth.
  • Fire is an indispensable addition to the composition. Naturally, it is present only in the form of a symbol - a scarlet ribbon entwining grassy stems.
  • Complete harmony is unattainable without the last element - metal. Its function is performed by any small coins hidden in a pot or tied to a red ribbon.

When creating a bamboo composition, the number of plant stems plays an important role. It is unacceptable to keep 4 shoots in one container, since this number symbolizes death. But other numbers contribute to positive changes.

  • 2 stems placed in the zone of love and marriage (in the southwest of the home) guarantee complete harmony for a married couple, passion and fidelity for lovers, and a meeting with their soul mate for single people.
  • Do you wish your family happiness and prosperity? Place a pot with 3 shoots in the family area, that is, in the eastern sector of the apartment.
  • Are you experiencing financial difficulties? It is enough to place 5 sprouts in the wealth zone in the southeast.
  • The magic number 7 in the form of bamboo branches, located in the very center of the home, guarantees good health to all household members.
  • If you want to attract Lady Luck to your side, then place a pot with bamboo anywhere in the apartment, but do not forget that the plant must have exactly 8 stems.
  • If you dream of the favor of fortune in a specific area, then ensure the presence of 9 shoots in the desired sector: in the north - for a successful career, in the northeast - for success in studies and making informed decisions. The east is suitable for solving family problems, and the southwest sector will help you find love. The southeast guarantees a salary increase or winning the lottery, while the south quickly brings you closer to fame and universal respect.

If you purchased a bamboo product

Signs convey a lot of positive things about the impact on the quality of life of a living plant. But what about souvenirs and decorative items made from materials such as bamboo? Doesn't its wood lose its wonderful abilities after processing?

  • If you become the happy owner of bamboo sticks, then be sure to hang them in the house near the ceiling near the door or window opening. And don’t forget to tie it with scarlet braid! Such a talisman will protect your home from external negativity and harmonize the internal space.
  • A bamboo flute in the house is a great way to dispel negative energy flows and concentrate all the positive energy that exists. To do this, you just need to hang the musical instrument on a red thread with long sections up in the selected area: above the head of the bed, in the center of the kitchen or living room, next to the front door.
  • A bamboo product, which has received the nickname “breeze” in our country, would be best placed on the street in front of the entrance to the home. After all, it has an amazing ability to “sift through” the surrounding energy, delaying all negative influences, concentrating and enhancing the positive ones.

Happiness bamboo is an original plant that came to our homes from China.

In the Middle Kingdom, this plant is widespread thanks to the teachings of Feng Shui.

The Chinese believe that if you place this ornamental plant in the eastern part of the house, then there will always be prosperity in the house.

In addition, organize special care for him so that the egregor of money sees worthy nourishment in your actions, and plant a talisman nearby - a three-legged toad.

Bamboo itself is a very flexible, tenacious and plastic plant, i.e. you can fantasize with it.
For example, as bamboo trunks grow, they can be bent and intertwined.

In China, there are centuries-old traditions and customs associated with the “bamboo of happiness.”

According to this teaching, “bamboo of happiness” brings health and happiness, financial well-being to the inhabitants of the house, promotes the flow of positive energy, maintains a good mood, strengthens friendships and love relationships and ensures longevity. Just like in a fairy tale - you placed a sprig of bamboo in the eastern corner of the bedroom, and happiness came to you for life. If only it were like this in reality! Through such faith in miracles, and even according to Feng Shui, they often give the most incredible advice and forecasts, so approach them soberly and critically.

But be that as it may, in China it is customary to give lucky bamboo, and not just like that, but with meaning. Several shoots of the “bamboo of happiness” in a floor vase are placed at the entrance to the house, thus showing respect to the guest and providing him with a charge of positive energy. In addition, there is a tradition when a guest is presented with a gift of a stem from a bunch kept by the owner of the house.

The Chinese consider the “bamboo of happiness” to be an ideal gift, so they give it for any occasion: housewarming, opening a new company, wedding, etc.

According to ancient custom, Chinese newlyweds present each guest at the wedding with 3 stems of bamboo, which means a guarantee of longevity of the marriage bond and a happy marriage of the newlyweds.

The number of “bamboo” shoots in the composition is not accidental and has a sacred meaning:

If they wish for happiness, they give three escapes;

For financial well-being, the bouquet must have five stems;

Wishes of health and longevity - a bouquet of seven shoots;

If they wish all sorts of blessings at once, they present a bouquet of twenty-one stems.

But not only an odd number of stems is acceptable. So, it is enough to remove just one stem from the “Common Good” bouquet, and you get the “Tower of Love”. Such a gift is regarded in China as a gesture of care, friendship and compassion. If you place this composition in the south, east or southeast of the house, then it will no longer symbolize warmth and care, but will attract wealth and prosperity.

Residents of the Celestial Empire use many methods by which, as they believe, they can further enhance the magical properties of the “bamboo of luck.” For example, if you use red and gold ribbons, tie them around bunches of shoots, put them in transparent glass vases, and even hang talismans on the curls of the stems - the house will become just a full bowl.

Chinese flower growers are also convinced that pots for the “lucky bamboo” should not be simple ones, but always with images of sacred animals, for example, a toad, a panda, a dragon or an elephant, and then you are guaranteed help in attracting good luck and happiness!


Caring for indoor bamboo in water

It's no secret that indoor bamboo can be grown in water, but not everyone knows how to care for it in this case. And of course, just putting it in a jar of water and forgetting would be wrong.

So, what kind of care is needed for indoor decorative bamboo if you decide to grow it in water? The water needs to be changed every two weeks, because stagnant liquid will not bring any benefit to the plant. Since tap water cannot contain all the substances necessary for bamboo, it must be periodically fed with mineral supplements. And you should not pour water into a container without first settling - no plant will like cold water oversaturated with chlorine, including bamboo.

How to care for home decorative bamboo in the ground?

We found out how to care for indoor bamboo in water, but what kind of care does it need in the ground, what kind of soil is needed? You can use soil special for dracaenas or any other mixture for indoor plants; bamboo is not picky in this regard. A mandatory requirement is good drainage, so you can’t do without a layer of expanded clay in the pot. It is possible (but not necessary, bamboo feels great without it) to fertilize with fertilizers for dracaena no more than once every three months. Bamboo should be replanted in the spring, no more than once a year. Watering only with settled water, chlorine is harmful to the plant. Well, the best water for watering not only bamboo, but also any indoor plants is melt water. To get it, you need to pour tap water into a plastic bottle and put it in the freezer. After a day, we take out the bottle, drain the unfrozen water, and let the frozen water thaw. We water the plants with thawed water and warmed up to room temperature (on our own, not on a radiator or in a pan of hot water).

How to care for bamboo at home - universal rules

Bamboo must be protected from direct sunlight, otherwise the leaves may turn yellow and dry out. So this plant will not take root in a sunny window. The ideal place for bamboo is partial shade, where there is enough light, but there is no active sun. Bamboo does not have any special requirements for humidity and feels great in the dry air of an apartment; there is no need to spray it. You can only wipe the leaves from dust from time to time. Temperature changes are also not scary for bamboo; it will not be capricious at temperatures from 18°C ​​to 35°C. Fresh air will also not harm your pet, so in spring (when night temperatures are above 16°C) and summer, bamboo can be left outside, on the balcony.

You can often see bamboo twisted into a spiral. What needs to be done for this, maybe it’s some new variety of indoor bamboo, or does indoor bamboo require special care to get a spiral? Nothing like that, everything is extremely simple. Bamboo stems are very flexible, and in order to get the coveted spiral, the bamboo will need to be twisted around some support as it grows. You can also shape the crown as you wish. For example, do you want the leaves to be green only at the top and have bare stems at the bottom? Just carefully break off the shoots that you think are unnecessary. But you need to take into account that the tree grows quite tall, up to 70 cm.

In this article you will learn:

The biological features of bamboo were noticed by people in ancient times: this plant is capable of quickly growing in length and thickness, while its stem remains strong and durable. Therefore, according to Feng Shui, the presence of bamboo planted in a pot in a home has been considered a favorable sign for many years, a symbol of attracting family well-being, good luck and good prosperity in the house.

The meaning of the plant in the teachings of Feng Shui

Bamboo growing in the wild is characterized by fast growth and unpretentiousness. These abilities of his were noticed by people, which is why the plant is considered happy. In Eastern countries, there has been a tradition of growing decorative bamboo at home for several centuries.

According to Chinese teachings, the plant is considered endowed with the ability to absorb evil energy, which helps home owners get rid of the influence of negative forces. If it is not possible to grow living bamboo in a home, then every Chinese tries to install furniture from its stems at home or purchase other decorative products.

Philosophers of Ancient China associated this plant with harmony, happiness, tranquility, bringing prosperity and orderliness to the home. Its powerful, strong stems served as the personification of inner strength, good health and longevity.

Bamboo “bouquets” and products placed in a living room are considered powerful sacred symbols that attract favorable energy into the house and endow the owner with strength, resilience and independence.

In Chinese teaching, bamboo is considered the embodiment of the total strength and harmony of 5 natural elements: Wood, Water from which it grows, Earth, because. is in a ceramic vase or pot; a surrounding red ribbon is used as a symbol of Fire, which is tied around an ornamental plant or a composition made from it.

What do the different numbers of stems symbolize?

When choosing a plant that a person wants to place in his home, one should pay attention to the number of stems. This is of great importance for achieving the set goal and creating favorable energy in the home.

Feng Shui use of bamboo, number of stems and their effect:

  • 2 stems are considered a symbol of love and have a beneficial effect on marriage, so it is better to place such a plant in the southwestern sector of the room;
  • 3 stems attract happiness to the house, have a positive effect on family well-being, especially when installing the plant in the eastern part of the room, the family zone;
  • for those who want to attract financial success and material growth to their home, it is recommended to use a plant with 5 stems, installed in the southeast, in the wealth sector;
  • 7 stems symbolize the strengthening of the health of the inhabitants of the house, influence the improvement of their well-being, which will certainly manifest itself when placing bamboo in the center of the room, the health sector;
  • 8 (or an inverted infinity symbol) is a number that has a positive effect on success in any field of activity of the owners of the house, and the positive effect of such a plant does not depend on its location in the home;
  • 9 stems symbolize good luck: a plant placed in any zone (quarry or other) will have a beneficial effect on the career and other areas of life of the inhabitants of the house;
  • a bamboo with 20 stems, tied with a bright scarlet ribbon, is called the “Tower of Love”, which helps improve family relationships, add warmth and fidelity to them, strengthen friendship and love;
  • purchasing a plant with 21 stems will bring favorable energy into the house, which will have a beneficial effect on any area of ​​activity of its inhabitants; it can be installed anywhere in the room.

There is also a negative number - 4, which symbolizes the word “death” in China. Bamboo with 4 stems placed indoors can bring bad luck or misfortune into it. If such a plant is installed in a wealth zone, then material losses or theft in the house are possible. When placing such a composition in the love sector, even with the slightest influence, the previously strong union of two lovers can fall apart. Therefore, when choosing homemade bamboo, you should be careful and careful not to harm your loved ones.

Placement of bamboo in the house

A home “tree of happiness” will have a positive effect when placed in any corner of the home. However, with its help you can influence the correction of the desired area of ​​life by moving bamboo to the appropriate place in the apartment:

  • the eastern sector, responsible for family well-being and happiness, is perfect for installing the “Tower of Love”, which subsequently, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, will help improve relationships with all inhabitants of the house;
  • southeastern zone, or wealth sector - if bamboo is located here, the owner will be ensured financial well-being and good income, especially if there is a source of water or a talisman nearby that attracts the water element;
  • in the southwestern sector of the home, it is recommended to place a bamboo plant with 2 stems, which will help to find love or improve family relationships;
  • To get help in any business area, you can move your bamboo home arrangement to the northwestern zone of the house.

Suitable bamboo products

In addition to a living plant, when decorating the interior of a residential or office space in accordance with the teachings of Feng Shui, you can successfully use various bamboo products: pieces of furniture (tables, chests of drawers, shelves, etc.), decorative ornaments, paintings and images of bamboo , sticks and flutes.

Considered a powerful talisman, bamboo flutes help dispel negative energy and reduce external negative influences not only through their sound, but also through their presence as a decorative element. In the teachings of Feng Shui, such a musical instrument has a special meaning: its successive sections of different lengths represent gradual improvement and favorable development of life, attract good luck, prosperity and family happiness.

It is customary to tie a flute with a scarlet ribbon and decorate it with fluffy red tassels, because this color can enhance its positive effect and activate energy flows. To activate its positive action, it is enough to play the instrument for a few minutes, walking through all the rooms of your home.

Bamboo flutes can be hung on the walls of the house and the ceiling to dissipate and reflect negative energy from ceiling beams and other “secret arrows” aimed at the inhabitants of the house. Guided by Chinese teachings, they are hung at an angle of 30° to the structure of the room.

Can the plant be used as a gift?

According to the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, bamboo is considered a wonderful and useful gift that friends at home can give for good luck. In the East, it is customary to present it to both women and men, because... its influence will be useful to any person and will bring prosperity and happiness to the house, saturating its inhabitants with strength, positive energy and self-confidence.

The houseplant bamboo is an evergreen, perennial, with a green, fleshy trunk, on which lance-shaped leaves are located on top. In nature, it can reach a height of up to several meters; at home, its height is usually limited, not allowing it to grow above 1 m - a plant that is too tall loses its decorative appeal, unless we are talking about some very elegant trunk shape.

In fact, the indoor plant, which we usually call “indoor bamboo,” only looks like real wild bamboo in appearance. But in fact it is called Dracaena sandera and is one of the types of shrubs dracaena. In cultivation it blooms extremely rarely, with small white flowers that have a sweetish aroma. Indoor bamboo is valued for its decorative appearance, attracting with its green foliage and the ability to form an unusually shaped trunk. And also, according to Feng Shui, it brings good luck and attracts money to the house.

Indoor bamboo: care and propagation

As a houseplant, bamboo is not very demanding; caring for it is relatively easy. It is very important for him to choose the right lighting - he loves bright, but diffused light, while his leaves do not tolerate direct rays of the sun - they turn yellow and can wither. The best place for it is east or southeast windows. If the leaves begin to turn yellow, then one of the reasons may be excessive amounts of light; in this case, the plant can even be moved to partial shade


Despite its tropical origin, indoor bamboo does not tolerate too high temperatures; if it exceeds 35°C, it will die. The optimal temperature at which care will give the best results is within 22-24°C; in winter, the room temperature can drop to 14-16°C, but not lower than 12°C.


The plant is not demanding on humidity levels, but if the air is too dry, it is recommended to spray it. Once a month, it is advisable to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.


To grow bamboo, you can use ready-made universal soil (or special for dracaenas), or prepare a soil mixture yourself by mixing humus, peat, sand, turf soil and leaves in equal parts. An important requirement is good drainage, so the pot should not only have a hole, but also additional drainage at the bottom made of expanded clay or pebbles. Despite the fact that bamboo loves moisture very much, its stagnation will lead to damage to the root system.

Indoor bamboo grown in water looks very decorative and impressive. To do this, select a beautiful transparent vase, pour beautiful pebbles inside and install a bamboo cutting. Water must be distilled, alternatively rain or melt water, at room temperature. The main care for such “planting” is to completely change the water every two weeks, and it is necessary to add mineral fertilizers used to feed dracaenas. Otherwise, due to lack of nutrients, the bamboo leaves turn yellow and may fall off.

If the water begins to smell unpleasant or loses its transparency or becomes cloudy, then it must be replaced without waiting for 2 weeks. Another sign that the water is not suitable and needs to be replaced is that the plant’s leaves begin to turn yellow. Bamboo grown in aquagel looks very expressive in the photo, while the rules of care remain the same as when grown in water.

Advice! It is necessary to maintain a low water level in the vase, otherwise small but very unattractive roots will begin to appear along the entire length of the trunk located in the water.


In summer, bamboo needs frequent and abundant watering, as soon as the soil in the pot has dried out. In the off-season and winter, water the plant moderately, keeping the soil slightly moist.


Up to three years, the young plant is replanted annually, choosing a larger pot, because bamboo grows quite quickly. An adult bamboo needs to be replanted every 3 years.

Top dressing

In summer, the flower is fertilized with mineral fertilizers for dracaenas once every 3 weeks, in winter - once every 2 months. It is permissible to apply liquid organic fertilizers based on peat.


Strongly grown bamboo does not look very attractive, so it is advisable to prune it annually.

Advice! To make the cut look beautiful, it is carried out with special scissors immediately above the knot.

When pruning, long shoots are trimmed on all sides, and if necessary, external reeds are removed at ground level. By removing side shoots from the desired sides, you can simulate the appearance and shape of bamboo, giving it the shape of your own desire. The cuttings obtained during pruning can later be used for propagation. If after pruning a new shoot does not sprout, then the top is cut - after this a new shoot should break through.

Advice! Be sure to trim off yellowed stems and leaves. After allowing the cut area to dry a little, it must be sprinkled with charcoal powder or lubricated with soft wax.


The optimal way to propagate indoor bamboo is vegetatively; for this, cuttings remaining after pruning are used, discarding the yellowed areas of the trunk. Propagation by cuttings can be carried out at any time of the year. And although you can sometimes find seeds of homemade bamboo in flower shops, its propagation in this way at home is almost impossible.

The cutting must be placed in water until roots appear. After this, it is rooted by choosing a spacious pot and filling it with ready-made soil mixture for dracaenas. The main requirements for propagation to go well and for the young plant to take root well and begin to grow are sufficient watering, plenty of light and fertilization once every 2 weeks.

How to twist a bamboo trunk

Many buyers of indoor bamboo are attracted by the opportunity to get a trunk of an unusual shape, the most common type is twisted (spiral). This will require special care, this process is not quick, so patience will be required:

  • when planting a young cutting, it is placed vertically, but for the time when the buds are forming, it must be completely covered with something, leaving only a small hole (window) through which light will penetrate. The sprouts will tend towards it, and in order to “curl” them, it will be necessary to periodically rotate either the flower, changing its position towards the window, or the opaque structure itself. A variant of this design is a cardboard box that completely hides the bamboo. One side is cut out of it, and as the stem grows, the box is gradually turned. You can get only one spiral using this method in a year.
  • Place the cutting horizontally in the water to rise above the water, the plant will tend to grow upward. When the direction of the trunk changes slightly, the plant is turned again. The disadvantage of this method is that the bamboo may grow roots while in water.

Detail of a Chinese ink painting. XVII century

Lacquer box painted with bamboo stems


A plant that plays a large role in East Asian art and symbolism. A symbol of grace, constancy, flexibility and plasticity, good upbringing, long-term friendship, longevity and blooming old age (evergreen constancy and “thinness”). Eastern symbol of perseverance, happiness and spiritual truth. Its hollow trunk symbolizes modesty. The personification of a perfect person who can bow before the storm, but then rise again.

Means longevity, filial virtue. One of the three trees that bloom in winter, along with plum and pine, is associated with winter (“three friends of winter”).

Bamboo was used to make tools for calligraphic writing, so it was a sacred plant for Buddhist and Taoist scholars and artists, who also highly valued its beauty. Sometimes a symbol of a scientist, proud and significant on the outside, but empty and insignificant on the inside.

Buddha emblem. The bamboo branch is an attribute of the meek Guan-yin, the goddess of mercy, an attribute of the compassionate bodhisattva Guan-ying and noble people in general..

Pieces of bamboo placed in the fire burst with a loud crack and drive out evil spirits. Due to its decorative effect and abundance of meanings, bamboo is readily depicted in drawings using the ink technique. Together with chrysanthemums, pine trees and blossoming plums - autumn-winter motifs; with a crane - a wish for a long life and happiness; with a swallow - the personification of friendship.

Its tubular, ringed stem was often seen as stages of initiation, steps on the path to higher knowledge. The seven-armed bamboo stick signifies the seven stages of initiation and witchcraft.

Young bamboo shoots emerging from the ground symbolize eternal youth and indomitable strength. Mature bamboo represents devotion and truthfulness.


In South America, where bamboo was used to make cutting tools; weapons for throwing poisoned arrows; musical instruments used during sacred rituals, some tribes revered it as the Tree of Life.

Bamboo was used in Africa for circumcision.

Bamboo is black. Magical plant of the Antilles; used by black sorcerers as a love filter. It is irreplaceable as an “attractive plant”.

Bamboo / bamboo

In Japan, the bamboo, along with the pine and the plum, is one of the three trees of good omen.

Under the influence of Ch"an Buddhism during the Chinese Sung Dynasty, the bamboo was one of the favorite subjects for the painter. Yet to paint it was more than mere art, it was a spiritual exercise. The bamboo"s incomparable straightness, its perfect upspringing to the sky, the space between the KNOTS in its stem - an image of shunyata, or "voidness of heart" - symbolize the character and the objectives of the meditative practices of Buddhists and especially of Taoists. Nor should it be forgotten that for some Masters, the rustle of bamboos was the signal of enlightenment. Paintings of bamboos come close to calligraphy as expressions of a liying language, but one which can only be approached through intuitive perception.

There are various other aspects of the bamboo. It was used to drive off evil influences, less from any symbolic cause than from the fact that the wood goes off with a sharp crack when placed on the fire. The bamboo clump, the classic barrier, was often depicted as "the jungle of sinners" through which the TIGER, symbol of the spiritual force of Buddhism, alone can thread its way. A Tang Dynasty writer identifies the bamboo with the SERPENT, into which, apparently, it can easily change itself with seemingly beneficial effects. The duality of male and female bamboo is a symbol of mutual attachment and conjugal unity. Many writers mention bamboo with three or nine knots: these items suggest a purely numerical symbolism (BELT, CHOO, CROC).

The Bamum and Bamileke have a chip of bamboo which they call a guis (laugh) which is their symbol of happiness, the unadorned happiness of life free from illness and care.

In equatorial Africa and in the same latitudes in South America a sliver of fire-hardened bamboo plays the same civilizing influence as the sliver of flint or OBSIDIAN in stone-based cultures, especially in Mexico. It is the instrument of sacrifice and is used especially by medicine men in the rites of CIRCUMCISION.

The nomadic Yanomami of southern Venezuela use the bamboo for the heads of their war arrows, and as knives and fire-sticks. Their neighbors, the Yekuana, related to the Caribs, use it as an instrument of religious music. In their language it is called the uana (clarinet) and it should be observed that the chief festival at which this instrument "talks" is called uauana\ the Demiurge, or culture-hero, invoked at this ceremony is named Uanaji. The full meaning of uana for the Yekuana is "cosmic TREE" or "Tree of Life", the father of their mythic ancestor, Uanaji, and hence of all the Yekuana. The names of their clans all end with "uana", such as D^k-uana, Yek-uana.