How to choose a color for water-based paint. Paint in the kitchen interior

The kitchen renovation is in full swing: the ceiling is ready, the window has been replaced, and the floor has been done. It's time to start decorating the walls. They can be finished in different ways: covered with modern wallpaper, tiled, plastered with a special compound, or simply painted. IN last years painting walls in the kitchen has become incredibly popular, as they say, simple, cheap and beautiful. However, it must be borne in mind that kitchen walls are a place that gets dirty easily and quickly, because the process of cooking is never complete without flying splashes of fat, the release of soot and steam formation. Consequently, they need to be coated with special paints, which could later be easily cleaned of unwanted dirt deposits, and this should be done without compromising the aesthetic appearance of the surface. Let's figure out what distinguishes the process of painting kitchen walls from similar works in other rooms.

The accent wall in the kitchen is painted turquoise.

The main difference lies, of course, in the choice of coloring composition, which has special requirements. Paint for such work must have increased strength, because it will have to be in unstable temperature and microclimatic conditions, be exposed to steam and condensates, and be subjected to frequent washing, and sometimes even harsh cleaning. The cost of such high-strength paint will, for obvious reasons, be higher than that of “residential” compositions, but this is not a reason to abandon your idea of ​​​​kitchen decor.

Painting walls in the kitchen and its benefits

beige walls in the kitchen interior

The paint is great for the design of modern kitchen interiors. With its help, a magnificent, uniform and smooth surface is created, which acquires a beautiful gradation in the light rays. The main advantages of kitchen paints are:

  1. Water resistance. This is the main parameter for compositions planned for use in harsh kitchen conditions.
  2. Possibility of tinting.
  3. Environmental friendliness.
  4. Easy to apply.
  5. No irritating odor.
  6. Fire safety.
  7. Breathability. This condition also applies to mandatory indicators. Pathogenic microorganisms will never settle under layers of such paint.
  8. High-quality adhesion. The paint should adhere well to the surface, not crack or peel.
  9. Almost instant drying.
  10. Durability.
  11. Correct price compared to the cost of other finishing works and materials.

Types of paints for the kitchen

light olive wall color combined with purple furniture

Painting the walls in the kitchen can be done:

  1. Water-based paint.
  1. Acrylic paint.
  1. Alkyd paint.
  1. Water-dispersion mixture.
  1. Silicate paint.
  1. Latex paint.
  1. Silicone mixtures.

The most popular paints for kitchen decoration are latex and acrylic based. They impress with their excellent performance characteristics. They have significantly pushed back oil paints, which also belong to the washable class, since the latter are toxic, fire hazardous and for a long time retain a pungent odor.

Acrylic paint

acrylic paints are odorless and dry quickly

"Compound completely devoid of unpleasant odor, therefore painting the walls in the kitchen Anyone can take part, even children.”

These compositions, due to the presence of resins of the same name in them, have good level elasticity. This paint is ideal for decorating wooden walls. It perfectly masks minor surface defects, so for finishing country houses, temporary buildings and summer kitchens it is better to purchase acrylic paint.

The composition is completely devoid of any unpleasant odor, so everyone, even children, can take part in painting the walls in the kitchen. The resulting coating can, if necessary, be cleaned with a damp cloth and even occasionally washed with a non-aggressive detergent. The acrylic surface will not lose its appearance even after several thousand wet cleaning cycles. The disadvantages of the material include its high cost.

Latex paint

latex paint is ideal for painting walls and work areas

This type of paint is significantly superior to acrylic mixtures in its wear resistance, so it is always chosen for decorating high-load areas. The list doesn't just include the kitchen and bathroom. This paint is used to decorate school corridors, staircases, medical institutions, in general, wherever there is a need for regular cleaning with disinfection and use detergents different class.

This suggests that when painting the walls in the kitchen with latex paint, you can safely clean off dirt not only with a sponge or soft cloth, but also with a brush with soft bristles, because this coating is incredibly resistant to abrasion. Latex surfaces are “breathable”, so they are not afraid of the thickest kitchen steam. You won’t have to deal with such a problem as walls “blooming” with fungus. In terms of price category, latex compounds are higher than acrylic ones, which is understandable.

Alkyd paints

purple color in the kitchen helps reduce appetite, so it is preferable for people trying to lose weight

They are not particularly popular, but you can find them in kitchen interiors. They are chosen exclusively for:

  1. Wear resistance, which is higher than that of acrylic and latex compounds;
  2. Immunity to temperature changes;
  3. Indifference to humidity levels.

Such surfaces are difficult to damage. You will have to try hard to make a scratch on them. Alkyd compositions are always colorful. They are easy to apply to the surface. They are economical. Painting the walls in the kitchen will take place with minimal consumption of material, because during drying there is practically no process of shrinkage of layers. Alkyd paint would be ideal solution for the kitchen, if this “barrel of honey” did not have one, but very bitter “fly in the ointment”. The fact is that the basis of this type of paint is a solvent, which means there is no need to talk about the environmental friendliness of the material, as well as fire safety.

Silicone paints

silicone paints – best choice for finishing walls in the kitchen

But this is already true best solution for kitchen interior. Silicone compounds have all best qualities the materials mentioned above. Moreover, they can be applied to almost freshly plastered, that is, completely undried surfaces, which greatly speeds up repair work. And everything would be fine, but the exorbitant price scares off the average buyer and this the only reason, according to which silicone paints have not yet become sales leaders.

All washable paints are divided according to their gloss level. Painting the walls in the kitchen with them will allow you to get matte, glossy and semi-matte surfaces. In this case, the choice is dictated solely by the preferences of the owners of the premises. Preferences are preferences, but you still can’t do without taking into account one nuance. If, when cleaning the kitchen, you are ready to diligently clean only certain areas of the wall surface, say, above the dining table or behind the stove, and not wash all the walls entirely, then it is better to forget about matte paint. With frequent treatment, the cleaning areas will be “polished” and will be noticeable with their smoothness and shine.

Features of kitchen paints

dark green wall color in the kitchen interior

To ensure that the finish of global surfaces retains its properties for as long as possible high quality and aesthetic appearance, you need to look for washable paint that will create the desired color background in the interior. Painting the walls in the kitchenNotcomplicate itTand not too longno moverepairXprocessov. The material will easily replace the usual wallpaper and will look even more luxurious. Painted walls will eliminate the need for frequent cosmetic repairs. Housewives with children growing up in their families will be especially pleased with this interior solution in surface design. Their craving for creativity, shown on the expanses of the kitchen walls, will not cause visible damage to the environment: what is drawn can be washed, what is scratched can be painted over. Please note that you don’t have to “straighten” the entire wall, as is the case when replacing wallpaper. The main thing is to keep the label with the number and name of the paint used, and even better, leave some of the composition for such an “emergency” case.

Correctly applied paint will have a smooth and abrasion-resistant surface.

Washable paints can be applied not only to plastered surfaces. They can be used to paint walls covered with structural wallpaper in the kitchen. In general, the paint easily applies to brick, concrete, drywall, wood, in general, to any porous material.

Surface preparation

washable paints should be selected for kitchen walls

The walls must be prepared for painting, and the better this stage of work is completed, the better the final result will be. So what needs to be done and in what order?

  1. The kitchen walls should be cleaned of dirt. You need to be especially careful when dealing with traces of fat. The old finish is removed, along with the crumbling plaster.
  2. Browse the space that opens. There should be no signs of mold or mildew. If there are any, then these areas are cleaned mechanically to a clean surface, and then covered with an antibacterial composition. The resulting potholes are filled with gypsum or, less commonly, cement mixtures.
  3. Painting the walls in the kitchen will be ideal if the layers lie perfectly smooth surface. Such a surface can be achieved using acrylic putty. Spread it evenly over the wall, let it dry and sand it well.
  4. To improve adhesion to paint, the puttied wall is treated with a primer and left to stand for the time recommended in the instructions. Now the wall is completely ready for finishing work.

Painting technology

painting the walls in the kitchen in ivory color perfectly harmonizes with the color of the kitchen furniture

Paint for kitchen work is sold in finished form. It is securely packaged, so it can be transported by any type of transport and stored in rooms with positive temperatures, although the composition will not lose its qualities even if it is not frozen for a long time. If this happens to your paint, let it sit at room temperature for at least one day.

The paint in the opened jar is thoroughly mixed. If required by technology, water is added to it to make the first layer less saturated. Secondary painting of the walls in the kitchen is carried out with undiluted paint.

You can only paint the walls if the kitchen is warm. Temperature range from 5 to 30 degrees Celsius. If it is cooler, the drying period for the paint will be longer. Though modern paints and environmentally friendly, however, when working with them, the room must still be well ventilated.

If the store doesn’t have the paint tone you need, take white. You can always make it into a colored one using tint. It is better to add the latter to the mixture in a special center where there is a tinting machine. This is especially true when work requires several buckets of paint of the same tone.

yellow color in the kitchen interior will create a warm and cozy atmosphere

Even if you purchased the material of the desired color and in the required quantity, keep in mind that the same type of paint from different batches may differ in shade nuances, so it makes sense before starting work on painting the walls in the kitchen, mix the contents of all purchased cans in one container. This way you are guaranteed to get walls of a uniform color. What else you need to know when choosing a shade of the composition is that after drying, the original color will somewhat lose its brightness.

To obtain a dense and rich tone, three layers of paint may be required. Average consumption figures will help you roughly calculate the required volume. Typically this is 200 grams of paint per square. Covering power bright colors slightly lower, so here it is rational to apply a lighter base layer and then roll two colored layers of paint over it.

The final color of the walls may differ noticeably from the original one, since it will be directly influenced by the roughness of the surface on which the paint was applied, its absorption capacity, as well as the specific lighting of the room.

monochrome light kitchen design

Painting the walls in the kitchen is done with a roller or spray gun, less often with a paint brush. The “clothing” of the roller can be made of foam rubber, fur or velor. The most even way to distribute paint over the surface is by spraying. Drying of the first layer of paint lasts about an hour and a half, but if you pause for three to four hours, this will only affect the final result. in a positive way. Keep in mind that with high humidity and low temperatures, the paint needs more time to dry.

A paint bath will help to avoid paint drips when working with a roller. Pour a minimal amount of liquid into it and do not forget to walk over it several times. ribbed surfaces, squeezing excess paint from the roller coat.

The process of painting walls in the kitchen begins with painting the window. The base layer is applied in a horizontal direction, and the subsequent ones in a vertical direction. This way, every millimeter of the wall will be painted and you won’t have to suffer with annoying omissions.

The red color of the walls goes well with white furniture

Hard-to-reach places (corners, joints) are passed with a brush.

Each subsequent layer of coloring composition is applied only to the dried previous one.

After drying, the working surfaces of the walls can be additionally protected with a glass apron. It will turn out original, and it will be easier to care for the wall.

Painting on the wall

"Lighting in painting the walls in the kitchen is interpreted as important point, in the case of artistic painting its importance increases significantly"

Painting walls is not an easy task. Here you definitely need to have a talent for drawing. Ideally, they invite a real artist. The painting work is painstaking and takes more than one day, but the result is always amazing. The kitchen instantly takes on an exclusive look.

Everything happens according to this plan. First, the artist draws a sketch of the future masterpiece directly on the plaster with a pencil, so in this case there is no need to pre-paint the walls in the kitchen. After agreeing on the contents with the owners, painting begins with water-based or water-dispersion paints.

painting an accent wall in the kitchen interior as a central decorative element

If the picture needs to be given volume, then the background is usually made somewhat hazy, even blurry. In painting they use not only colored paint, but also decorative plaster. It adds realism to stone structures and other natural elements.

The work is completed by tinting the painting with acrylic and coating it with varnish.

The wall for painting should be prepared just perfectly. Unevenness and roughness are unacceptable. High-quality work will delight you with its beauty for at least ten years.

Lighting in painting walls in the kitchen is interpreted as an important point, but in the case of artistic painting, its importance increases significantly. So that the master can choose the right color nuances, lighting fixtures in the kitchen must be installed in advance. There should be no sockets, ventilation grilles, or switches on the wall to be painted. All this will be out of place there. If you can’t do without them, decorate them to match the painting.

wall decoration in soft blue

Safety precautions when working with paint

Modern coloring compositions belong to the category of environmentally friendly products. They are fireproof and do not explode. However, this does not mean that they can be worked without protective equipment, namely gloves and respirators. Paint that gets on the skin is immediately removed with water and soap.

Any remaining paint should not be disposed of down the drain. During subsequent repairs, do not try to scrape the walls. You can safely work on the existing surface. Repainting is allowed within 20 layers.


If you are still wondering which way to decorate global surfaces in the kitchen, stop at painting. The interior will be filled modern rhythms and will retain its aesthetics for many years. Painting the walls in the kitchen can be complemented appetizing design or classic painting, in this case you get one hundred percent exclusive. And note, all this is relatively inexpensive, but at the same time high quality.

Photo gallery: painting walls in the kitchen:

Painting the walls in an apartment can be a good alternative to the usual wallpaper. If you’re too lazy to invent something, you can look at a selection of painted walls from interior designers different rooms. It's always more difficult with wallpaper - it's not always available suitable drawing or texture, and custom ones may not turn out as cool as you would like.

Painting the walls in the room

You can simply paint a room in one or two colors, or you can paint entire canvases of epic battles from the Qing era or cherry blossoms.

Photo 1 - Lake Geneva on the bas-relief in the bedroom from SJull Design

Photo 2 - Harmonious combination deep shade sea ​​wave with white brickwork from ANCCONCEPT design bureau

Bonus: painting walls yourself is not a very difficult process (unless this is the Battle of Waterloo, there is no artistic skills not enough).

IMPORTANT! Painting the walls in a room has its own nuances and secrets. Let's find out how to choose the right colors and textures depending on the room.

Painting the walls in the bedroom

For the bedroom it is better to choose light pastel colors. The room should be conducive to sleep and relaxation. Bright colors They will only be annoying. Choose light and warm shades. In the article about there is a piece about how to decide on a palette.

Photo 3 - Pastel shades lilac in the design of a nursery for a girl from Irina Bubnova

Photo 4 - Bedroom with spring mood for a young romantic girl from Yuryeva Galina

Office walls

Remember, the office is a place to work. This means the palette should be neutral. You shouldn’t use variegated colors, otherwise your employees will go crazy on the second day. Use green (activates the brain), gray (calms), light yellow (increases concentration). Don't even think about painting your walls bright red, purple, light pink or Blue colour. They will drive workers into a state of depression and apathy.

Photo 5 - Respectable business atmosphere in a discreet office interior from GP-Decor Interior Studio

What to do with the entrance?

Remember that not only you live in the house, but also a dozen more neighbors. An incident from the life of the editors: a talented neighbor artist painted the walls in the elevator like spaceship. There is everything that should be in space - aliens, a plate, planets, stars. Guys, don't do this, even if you are very confident in your abilities. Apart from shy and sometimes condescending chuckles from guests at the entrance, this design does not cause anything.

Choose quality paint for your entryway. It must be wear- and moisture-resistant, otherwise you will have to locally paint over the peeling areas after a few months.

Painting the garage

In a garage, most often the walls and ceiling are simply whitewashed. This makes the room brighter. Remember that here, too, the coating requires high wear resistance.

IMPORTANT! The paint should be non-flammable since flammable materials are often stored in the garage.

Photo 6 - Cozy house for cars from Studio Deco Interiors

Photo 7 - Small but functional and bright garage from GarageTek

Walls in a wooden house

Here it is better not to paint, but simply saturate the surfaces. You can use water-based varnishes - they give the wood beautiful view and strengthen it. By the way, we published an article about. You can also write:

  1. painting;
  2. patina for wood;
  3. decorative treatment with special paints.

Photo 8 - Wall decoration in a wooden house from Ze|Workroom Studio

Photo 9 - Wall decoration in a wooden house from SDM Wooden House

Living room, hall, hallway and other rooms

In the living room or hall, we recommend painting surfaces in either neutral or moderately bright colors. The color of the living room should, on the one hand, soothe, and on the other hand, uplift the mood and make the room cozy. If you want to focus on furniture or decorative elements in your interior design, choose soft colors for the room.

Photo 10 - Cozy living room in beige shades from the Nadezhda Malykh Architectural Bureau

Photo 11 - Nice living room for long pleasant evenings by the fireplace from Anna Muravina

In the hallway or corridor it is better to paint the walls in light colors, because in these parts of the apartment or house there is not enough natural light. Light colors will help make it appear larger and lighter.

Photo 12 - Combination of light walls with red brickwork in a modern living room from DIA - the studio of architect Bykov

Photo 13 - Accent wall in the living room interior from the Special-style design bureau


In the toilet, use a water-repellent primer for paint, since the air humidity there is always slightly higher. This primer will protect surfaces from mold. You need to choose water-based paint.

Photo 14 - Unexpected color scheme for the bathroom by QT DESIGN

Photo 15 - Modern classic in the bathroom interior from TS Design studio


Facade decorative plaster is used on a balcony or loggia. It looks original and interesting, while being resistant to external factors.

Photo 16 - Cute little balcony gray shades from LIVE LOVE LAUGH

Painting the walls in the kitchen. How to properly decorate a galley?

High humidity and temperature are constant companions of any cooking. Streaks and stains are an argument in favor of painting rather than wallpaper.

The walls to be painted in the kitchen are leveled and plastered; water-based paint (acrylic, latex or silicone) is used for the walls. Both calm and bright colors are suitable for the kitchen.

Photo 17 - Interior for young, modern and active from Design Bureau DAO decor

Photo 18 - Division into functional zones using different shades in wall decoration by Olga Klevakina


More often the bathroom is tiled. There is high humidity in the bathroom, so even washable wallpaper is best left for the nursery. Painting the walls in the bathroom is one of the most simple ways update the room with your own hands.

The surfaces are first dried and plastered, and then covered with acrylic water-based paint (for example, Brioso or). It will protect surfaces from mold, mildew, rotting and blistering.

Photo 19 - Interior of a bathroom in a house made of timber from Lavka-Design, walls painted brown

Exterior painting

Before painting, facades are carefully treated and impregnated. The paint must be waterproof and wear-resistant. Coarse-grained facade plaster is suitable: this and original drawing, and long service life.

Photo 20 - Unexpected choice of paint shade for the facade from Asse Architects

Painting walls: price of work

  • the cost of painting work in Moscow is 150-300 rubles per m2;
  • the cost of painting work in Kyiv is 20-30 UAH per m2.

Photo 21 - Fusion dining room with blue walls from Lada Kulakova

Photo 22 - Bright apartment for a young couple with elements classic style from Studio Enjoy Home

Photo 23 - A dark gray wall highlights the sleeping area in the men’s bedroom from Yulia Cherkun’s Design Studio “UNIVERSAL DESIGN”

Photo 24 - Neutral walls pastel colors like a blank canvas for the entire interior from

Painting walls is becoming an increasingly popular form of decoration. Factory-made wallpaper does not allow you to create an individual design in your home. And then the time comes to think, ? If you want to experiment with interesting combinations, try painting the walls in two colors, but remember - this is a long process that requires precise calculations and markings. But the resulting effect will justify all the difficulties. This design will be appropriate both in the kitchen and in the nursery.

What to consider when combining coloring

The basic rule is a reasonable combination of colors. There are 3 combination options:

  • related shades - classic black and white, neutral, pastel cold tones;
  • degrade - a transition within one color from dark to light tones;
  • a combination of different colors taking into account saturation and temperature.

Combining colors requires care. You will need high-quality masking tape that will protect the surface and come off easily. To decorate less-than-ideal borders, you can use polyurethane molding, paper and stone borders, mosaics and decorative slats. All markings must be made only after the paint has completely dried.

The catalogs present great amount shades. But if none of them is suitable for decoration and design, you can create any shade yourself. You just need to do this with a reserve, since it can be difficult to re-mix the desired color.

Affordable and interesting color options

Don’t know which option to paint the walls in two colors to choose? Consider the proposed methods and choose the one that suits you in terms of labor intensity and design.

Horizontal division

Painting walls in two colors using horizontal division is the most quick way make the design original. To do this, the wall is divided into two parts and decorated with different colors. Horizontal division can take place in the middle, closer to the ceiling; a distinction can be made in which the lower or upper part predominates.

The border located below the middle of the wall is more traditional approach, which is appropriate in any interior. This design allows you to create an imitation of panels - the room looks elegant and modern. It is better to differentiate colors using molding or border.

Offsetting the horizontal border is best used in a child's bedroom.

Painting process:

  1. Paint the entire surface with light paint.
  2. On dried paint draw boundaries.
  3. Secure masking tape to the half that is already completely finished.
  4. Paint the other half of the wall.
  5. Carefully remove the tape within an hour after completion of work.

Panel imitation

Color inserts are another fashion trend. First, the wall must be painted one color. Then mark out the square or rectangular panels. Paint them different, more dark paint. The inserts must be decorated with decorative elements around the perimeter; clocks or lamps can be placed inside. This design is suitable for a classic or glamorous interior.

Accent on one wall

A bold, fashionable decision. Lets do original design premises and avoid excessive saturation. Paint one wall in a bright or subdued color, and the remaining surfaces should be made in neutral tones. You don’t have to paint the entire wall, but just make a wide vertical stripe.

Solid horizontal line

This design allows you to quickly and effectively refresh any interior. After painting the wall with one color, you need to mark a strip of the required width. This combination is ideal for the corridor and children's rooms.

Due to the horizontal stripe, the room visually becomes slightly lower. But at the same time it expands and looks more spacious. The strip can be decorated with paintings, photo frames, and stencil designs.

Striped wall

Stripes – fashion trend not only in clothes, but also in design. It’s better to make wide stripes - they don’t look so strict and intrusive. Combined colors can be used as an accent. Place the stripes in any direction.

Excessively colorful ones look motley and bright. It is better to use different shades of the same color. Single-color stripes of different textures look original. A similar design is used for classic and retro interiors.

Painting geometric designs

To paint a niche or the walls behind the shelves, you can use a paint that is different in color from the main color. This will help focus attention on them.

Using complex shapes

With the help of multi-color painting of walls, you can complement the interior with original figures and shapes. The border between colors can be designed in the form of an arc, wave, zigzag. The line can follow the outline of furniture and decorative items.

The second color can be applied in different geometric shapes using all kinds of shades and textures. Suitable for pop art style and other modern trends.


This idea is good for children's bedrooms; it would look appropriate in a living room or bedroom decorated in country and retro style. Polka dots are applied using stencils. This greatly simplifies the painting process.

Kitchen decoration

Painted walls – the best option for kitchen. Ceramic tiles are not affordable for everyone, and wallpaper is short-lived and does not tolerate constant moisture and elevated temperatures.

  1. For this room it is best to use the ombre technique. The vertical transition of colors occurs from dark to light tones, from floor to ceiling. This design is suitable for kitchens of any size and allows you to visually raise the ceiling.
  2. If the area allows, then you can make a horizontal degradation. More dark shade used in the back of the room. The area near the window is painted in light colors. This allows you to enhance natural lighting.

  1. The gradient can have clear transition boundaries between light and dark areas; it is used only for vertical coloring. But they look more original smooth transitions and leveled outlines. This design creates a feeling of comfort and peace.
  2. To create a complete picture, you can use ceramic tiles matched to the ombre tone.
  3. Vintage rhombuses on the wall are suitable for kitchens in retro style. This is one of the most labor-intensive types of design, but the result is interesting and unusual, warm and somewhat naive. The painted wall looks like knitted vest. After painting is completed, lines or dotted lines can be applied to the borders of the diamonds. This will help achieve maximum similarity with the knitting pattern.
  4. A kitchen in purple tones looks original, non-standard and new. But an excess of this color makes the kitchen uncomfortable. Can be used as a companion color light shades gray and white. The salad-purple combination looks original.

When thinking through the design of an apartment, it is necessary to take into account the preferences of all household members. Color design should not irritate the psyche or tire the eyes. Comfort and tranquility are the basic rules of a cozy home.

Latest fashion trends In interior design, people are encouraged to focus on individuality. It depends on us how our walls will look - the more unconventional, the better. Today there can be no bad, wrong, or ridiculous decisions in choosing the color and type of paint for walls. The only limitation is the lack of courage in putting forward your own ideas and lack of imagination. And at this stage, painted walls in the interior are very popular. We’ll look at how to choose the right color and type of paint depending on the purpose of the room in our review.

Is the hallway light or dark?

The hallway is a space that needs to be designed with care. This room connects the outside world with the interior of a house or apartment, confronts and separates, creates a first impression and tells us what awaits us in subsequent zones beyond the next threshold. As a result, this room must successfully perform several functions at once, among which the most important are aesthetic and functional.

Painted walls in the interior (photo): hallway

Modern paints allow you to achieve a quick, effective and durable coating. Decorating the walls in the hallway with their help is a fairly popular and simple way to update the interior. A very interesting proposal are: After using them with acrylic plaster, the wall acquires the character of structured plaster, thanks to which it looks impressive indoors.

Ceramic paints are highly scratch-resistant, making them easy to wash and clean. They can cover the front side of the door, as well as furniture located in the hallway. And for rooms that are especially susceptible to mechanical damage and various types of pollution, emulsion paints are perfect.

Choosing a color for painting the hallway

If we are wondering which painted walls to choose for the hallway, corridor or hall, we must keep in mind that these are rooms with which not only guests have contact immediately after crossing the threshold of the apartment. After all, we ourselves see the hallway many times a day, moving from one room to another. The color scheme of the lobby interior should bring a smile to your face, and it should provide convenient storage for all necessary accessories: clothes, shoes, various accessories, etc.

The right choice of paint shade can make a dark hallway appear light, which will significantly increase its space. The color of the paint must be selected relative to the color of the rest of the rooms in the apartment and remember that the hallway can greatly influence general style home interior. Therefore, it is necessary to try in this matter.

Living room: painted walls in the interior

The photos (this is a living room or another room) of the interior posted in the review clearly indicate that this method of wall decoration is completely justified. Especially in such rooms where the life of all household members is in full swing. Here the inhabitants relax, play, and also feast with invited guests. The living room should be arranged in such a way as to perform its functions to the maximum. It is also important that everyone who enters should feel the atmosphere of the house and the friendly climate. Before painting the walls in your living room, you should think carefully about the color and type of paint. After all, the living room is the most presentable place in the house. It should look beautiful and create comfortable conditions for you to relax. And this largely depends on the correctly selected interior color.

Choosing the color of the walls in the living room is fraught with many difficulties. It is often difficult to decide whether to choose muted tones or perhaps more intense ones. If you have already decided, then proceed to choosing a specific shade. And there are many opportunities here. Manufacturers offer a huge range, but often fashionable names of paints do not make this task easier.

What color to choose for the living room interior?

Blue is a fresh and cool color. But remember that these are cool-toned colors, so if you're looking for coziness, blue isn't the best alternative. This color visually expands the space. Different shades, ranging from light, delicate blue, dark and ending with almost black garnet, make it possible to apply colors in various variations. Blue promotes relaxation, for some people it is ideal; painted walls in the interior (photos confirm this) are very popular in this color.

Orange is the color of cheerful people, it gives a boost of energy and has a beneficial effect. Lights up the house and conjures up a feeling of a tropical climate. It combines favorably with blue (based on the principle of contrast), with white (accompanied by it it seems even warmer), and with green. Some shades of orange are too intense. They should be used as an addition to the main solution.

Green color - relaxes, has a calming effect on nervous system, improves lung function and normalizes blood circulation. In the living room you can use various shades of it, ranging from deep green, which gives the interior a strong character, and finishing with a cheerful light green that will light up the room beautifully.

Yellow color is rich in shades, ranging from deep rich and warm to cold lemon. This is a very positive tone, such painted walls in the interior, photos taken against their background look very advantageous. But when using this color, you should keep in mind that if present in excess it can tire or irritate. Yellow is a color that improves digestion and appetite, ideal for the dining room. This color looks good in combination with white, green or blue. Looks cool in the company of gray.

Red - perfectly stimulates action and adds energy. But used in excess can also be irritating. It is safer to use red in additions. Particularly suitable for use in minimalist interiors with cool tones. Red painted walls go well with gray, blue, and white accents. It will give the living room a certain mysterious oriental character, if used with blue, purple or pink. This offer is for the brave. Interesting solution the living room will look like one wall painted red. This will add depth and comfort to the interior.

White - suitable for simple and minimalist interiors. White causes the space to become visually larger, more transparent and cooler. However, to avoid monotony, you can use several bright accents: pillows, a chest of drawers, a bedspread that will dilute this whiteness.

Modern and fashionable gray

In the living room, painted walls in all shades of gray will look very good. This currently trendy color is perfect for any modern interior because it is truly unique. Accordingly, the use of gray adds elegance to every room. Provides a special climate and does not overwhelm it. Interior designers advise choosing a combination of several shades of gray in the living room. You can freely choose between warm and cool shades.

Painted walls in the interior of an apartment in grey colour They focus attention well on furniture. In this case, white, yellow, blue furniture and accessories will look good. This color is the perfect accent for a minimalist, ultra-modern interior. It will also look great in a living room decorated in a loft style.

What wall color should I choose for my bedroom?

The bedroom is special place in every house. We spend a lot of time in this room. What color you paint the walls in the bedroom depends on not only appearance our home, but also well-being, quality of sleep and rest. What color should you choose so that the painted walls in the bedroom interior and the photos taken in it bring only joy and satisfaction?

How to paint the walls in the bedroom?

The choice of wall color in this room is so important that it significantly affects the quality of our rest. Of course, the final choice depends only on the personality and imagination of the owner, however, the bedroom is the place where the colors used should be as restrained as possible. This does not mean that a red or yellow bedroom is prohibited, since most depend on the shade and not on a specific color. However, it is better to leave painted walls in a bedroom interior without experimental ideas and try proven shades that are aimed at creating a truly interesting arranged room.

Colors that are always suitable for a bedroom are pastel and neutral shades: white, beige, light brown. If you have a dimly lit bedroom, it is better to choose warm shades to liven up the interior. If there are no problems with access sunlight, then cool colors are, of course, quite acceptable. It is also worth remembering that if the bedroom is small, it will look best bright hues, which will visually expand the room.

Choosing paint for the kitchen

A well-chosen paint can protect the wall from dirt and oil stains. Allows you not only to quickly remove dirt, but also to repaint the walls if necessary.

What is the best way to paint kitchen walls?

To decorate the walls in the kitchen, you need to choose a paint that is resistant to moisture, as well as dirt and grease. Choosing standard paint may not be a good decision. The kitchen is a room where not only food is consumed, but also where the entire process of preparing it takes place. This procedure is often associated with the formation of unwanted dirty marks after use. sunflower oil, from which painted walls in the interior suffer, reviews of housewives especially focus on this. This, as we all know, does not add charm to the walls and looks completely unpresentable. Therefore, you should purchase paint that is resistant to washing and abrasion - thanks to this, if necessary, you can clean the wall.

What should you choose?

In the form of a paint coating with first class strength! The necessary information can be found in the technical data sheet of the product and can also be read on the packaging. Before purchasing, just carefully examine the label and pay attention to whether the paint is intended for use in other areas (manufacturers very often place such information on products).

It is better to buy acrylic or ceramic paints for the kitchen. Their composition differs significantly from the composition regular paints, which directly affects their structure. Due to the fact that the paint is more homogeneous, moisture and dirt penetrate into it to a small extent. Thanks to its durability and strength, there is no need to be afraid that cleaning will lead to loss of color or fading of shine, and painted walls in the kitchen interior (photos against which the whole family can take photos) will delight the eye for many years.

Choice special paint for finishing the kitchen will help save time and money. The room will not require frequent renovation of the walls - it is enough to do it every few years. In addition, the kitchen will look very nice and clean - which is the desired end result.

Concerning color palette, then these should not be standard shades. Manufacturers offer a wide range with amazing shades: wild orchid, hot savannah or honey morning - the choice depends only on your imagination!