A painting in two parts. Modular paintings for interior

They represent a fashionable element of room decoration. These are art objects that add style and individuality to any room. The advantages of such decorative items, made from several parts, are that they are suitable for absolutely all rooms, be it an office, a house, an apartment.

The variety of types of such decorative items allows you to choose an image for a room with any style orientation in the interior, for a room of any size. Set objects have several parts; these segments are united by one idea, theme and style.

We figured out what modular images are. What types of such art objects exist, and how to choose them correctly for the interior?

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Types of modular art objects

The range of such paintings is quite wide. According to species diversity, they are divided by the number of segments, by size, and by placement on the wall.

By number of parts

A diptych is an image that consists of two parts. The diptych fits perfectly into small spaces; it does not take up much space and adds some “zest” to the interior in any style.

The triptych, as you might guess, consists of three segments. This is a good solution for decorating medium-sized rooms. The triptych will decorate the bedroom, living room, kitchen, and children's room. It can be of various themes and styles.

The polyptych consists of 4.5 parts. The polyptych is already requires a lot of space. In small rooms it will look completely out of place, weighing down the space. This type of painting looks great in large halls, offices, and exhibition halls.

Pentatech is a canvas that contains 5 parts. This is a type of polyptych and the largest category of all modular images. Of course, the polyptych will harmoniously fit into the interior of bulky large rooms.

By module sizes

Wall paintings made from several parts come in completely different sizes. To know which element to choose for a specific room, you should, first of all, rely on the size and shape of the room itself.

So, if the room is irregular in shape, narrow and, moreover, with high ceilings, it is strictly forbidden to select an image with vertical narrow segments as decor. Such images will further emphasize irregular shape room and make it visually narrower and taller.

The sizes of modular paintings vary, as do their shapes. According to their form, they can be divided into:

  1. Square. In such modules, all segments, regardless of their number, are of the same square shape.
  2. Rectangular. All segments are the same rectangular shape.
  3. Verticals. All segments are in the shape of vertical rectangles, but different in width.
  4. Rectangles that are the same width but different in height.
  5. Segments different in both width and height.

The sizes of modular paintings vary, as do their shapes.

By location on the wall

Based on the method of placing modules on the wall, they can be divided into:

  1. Horizontal. All segments are attached horizontally at the same distance both from each other and from the ceiling and floor. This placement of canvases visually makes the space larger. This great option placing images in a small room.
  2. Vertical. The segments are attached to the wall vertically, at the same distance from each other, along an even vertical. This type of decor is used when it is necessary to visually make a room taller.
  3. A puzzle. From the module parts a puzzle is formed in the shape of a square or other available geometric figure. Puzzle placement of segments looks great on an empty plain wall.
  4. Ladder. In the shape of a ladder, segments of different heights are placed on the wall. They can be placed independently of each other if each segment depicts a separate picture, but if one detail is depicted on all segments, then they must be placed according to the plot.
  5. Asymmetrical. You can arbitrarily place module segments of completely different shapes and sizes. This placement creates a visual impression of creative chaos, which harmoniously fit into the interior and gave it charm and mystery. You can maintain a horizontal or vertical axis.

There are several ways to arrange modular paintings on the wall.

By color scheme

According to color variety, all modules can be divided into:

  1. Black and white.
  2. Colored.
  3. Black and white with a color accent.

General selection rules

To modular composition has become a successful decor in the interior of the house, you should learn how to choose it correctly. The size of images for room decoration has already been discussed above. But you should pay attention not only to size and shape when choosing an art object. The color of the modules is no less important. In order not to make a mistake with, you need to follow the tips:

  1. If the interior of the room is restrained and made in muted colors, then such a room often requires bright accent, a “highlight” that will successfully complement the decor of the room. This “highlight” can be a color modular image.
  2. If the style of the room where the canvas will be located is minimalism, then a black and white module with a bright color accent would be very appropriate.
  3. If the room is made in bright colorful colors, then it is strictly forbidden to use the same full-color and bright modular image for decoration.

In order for a modular composition to become a successful decor in the interior of your home, you should learn how to choose it correctly.

We select paintings for different rooms

The living room or hall is business card home, and it is very important to choose the right decor for such a room. Modular pictures in the interior of the living room above the sofa they can depict landscape, city streets,, ancient and modern architecture.

The style of minimalism or hi-tech involves the use of abstraction. Impressionism will fit perfectly into an interior in the Art Nouveau style.

Modular ones can depict the natural, animal or floral world. The main thing is that the module in the bedroom is not too bright and aggressive. It is better if the canvas is made in pastel colors.

Bedroom images should evoke peace and tranquility. Of course, when choosing decor for a bedroom, it is important to focus on the taste preferences of the owner of this room. If a person who is interested in traveling lives in the room, then modern paintings depicting a world map or city landscapes would be very appropriate.

When choosing modules for a children's room, you should also take into account the child's preferences. These can be birds, animals, cars, princesses, favorite fairy-tale and cartoon characters and plots.

Beautiful modular ones look great in the kitchen food paintings, still lifes with fruit, etc. Such canvases will not only fit harmoniously into the interior of the kitchen, but will also help improve your appetite.

Images in the bedroom should evoke peace and tranquility.

Dimensions of modular art objects

The sizes of modular decorative items can be very diverse, ranging from 20 to 200 cm. Usually, modules of quite large and unequal sizes are selected for the bedroom, unless of course the size of the room itself allows it.

Small modules of the same size would look appropriate in the hallway and kitchen. Basically this is a triptych or diptych, the size of which is from 20 to 40 cm.

For a spacious living room or office space select large modules. It could be a polyptych or even a pentatech. Such modules look great in large halls and give the premises status and significance.

The sizes of modular decorative items can be very diverse, ranging from 20 to 200 cm.

How to place on the wall

What is the best way to hang modular pictures? Let's look at the basic principles that should be followed.

Before proceeding directly to the procedure for attaching objects, you need to carefully think through everything and take the necessary measurements. To do this, you need to lay out the segments on the floor in the correct sequence. Carefully measure each segment, and using a level and pencil, make all the necessary markings on the wall.

They begin to make such measurements and markings on the wall at the location of the central segment. If there is such a possibility, you should first attach all the segments of the modules to the wall according to the perfect markings on the wall to make sure that everything is marked correctly. And only after that you can start hanging the canvases directly.

Important! Think over and compare on paper several options for attaching segments until you find the optimal one for your room.

Useful video: how to hang modular paintings correctly

Beautiful modular paintings are a fashionable innovation for stylish interior decor. A wide range of modular art objects allows you to choose images for every taste and for any interior. In order for the painting to become a successful decoration for the room, it is only important to follow all the above tips and recommendations.

Modular paintings mean an image divided into a certain number of fragments (modules). If you connect all the parts, you get a complete plot. A small space is left between the modules.

What types of modular paintings are there?

Paintings are distinguished by the number of modules, shapes and location on the wall.

By number of modules and forms

  • Diptych. The painting consists of two fragments, most often square or rectangular in shape, in a vertical position. This type does not take up much space and is suitable for small rooms.
  • Triptych. Consists of three modules, which can be of the same shape as the diptych. Size may vary. Often the central part is made large, and the two side modules are smaller. Suitable for medium-sized rooms (15 - 20 sq. m.).
  • Polyptych. A picture of four or more fragments that may be different shapes and size. The largest part is usually the central part of the picture. The polyptych is ideal for spacious rooms, as it needs space.

By location on the walls

Paintings on the walls in the interior are placed using one of the following methods, taking into account the image format:

  • Vertical. The fragments are fastened under each other. This solution visually increases the height of the room.
  • Horizontal. The modules are mounted in one row horizontally. This is the most classic option.
  • Square (puzzle). The fragments are a square that looks impressive without being adjacent to other images.
  • Steps. The fragments are placed in the form of steps (ladders). Parts that are different in height but identical in shape are suitable for this.
  • Incorrect ( free form). This method is suitable for fragments of different shapes and sizes. In this case, the horizontal or vertical direction is selected. The main thing is to maintain the harmony of the composition.

The history of the appearance of modular paintings

The first modular paintings are associated with the appearance of writing on fastened tablets, where there was text on one side and drawings on the other. People liked this image format, and they began to use it not only as information about events, but also as a subject for decorating premises.

The direction received its next round of development during the Middle Ages - modular images decorated temples and other shrines. They decorated walls and altars. This trend was recorded in almost all of Europe and Byzantium.

In the 15th century during the Renaissance, Hans Memling and Hieronymus Bosch They began to use this technique to decorate homes, government and public buildings. This trend was not surprising, because during the Renaissance art began to develop rapidly.

It has affected almost all areas of human life. Modular paintings in the interior of those times depicted beauty human body, feminine attractiveness, meetings with angels and other saints, feasts and other episodes from the lives of people of that time. Unlike classical images, paintings from fragments made it possible to look at art from a different perspective. new point vision, and this was one of the incentives for the development of Renaissance culture.

At the beginning of the 20th century, surrealism began to be seen in interior decoration with paintings from fragments, but already at the end of the last century, wall painting, as well as photo printing on canvas, began to gain popularity.

Is this type of painting popular today?

In the 21st century, the fashion for modular paintings in apartment interiors has not lost popularity. Moreover, it has become more diverse in terms of technology - oil paintings, acrylics, gouache, watercolors.

Another popular method is photo printing on canvas. The process is not limited to printing technology alone. Products that imitate artists' brushes, texture gels and varnishes are applied to the printed image. The result is rich in flowers the image is not much inferior to handmade.

Also popular modular posters made of thick paper with a protective coating that prolongs their fresh appearance.

We select modular paintings for the interior of the apartment

To know which paintings in the interior will look harmonious, you need to take into account the style orientation of the home. For example, for classic styles oil painting or a corresponding print on canvas is suitable; for the avant-garde - bright and contrasting abstractions.


Not all apartment owners can boast of spacious hallways. Most often they are narrow and small in area. In this case, it is better to choose paintings for the hallway interior that are narrow and long, for example 15x50 cm. For such purposes, modular images made from rectangular fragments are ideal.

If the hallway is large, you can decorate it with a triptych of squares in both horizontal and vertical directions.

Basic plot directions- flowers, abstractions, landscapes. Most often in the corridors you can find paintings with flowers. It is better to save portraits and personal photographs for other rooms. For the hallway, one modular painting will be enough, since the room is not intended for creating compositions.

Living room

With the help of paintings in the interior of the living room, you can create a cozy atmosphere that exudes creativity and impeccable taste. The main thing is to choose the right plot and place it in a good place.

When choosing a plot, be guided by the style of the home and personal preferences.

You modern interior with a predominance of plastic and metal? Give preference to modular paintings depicting a progressive city that never sleeps.
If you have a classic setting, painting a triptych or polyptych is the best option. Choose stories that you like and evoke positive emotions.

It is not necessary to select modules designed for classic way placement. Modular paintings in the living room interior will add zest to the room if they are placed as a ladder, a puzzle, or in any form.

Most often, paintings are placed in the living room interior above the sofa or fireplace. If they are not just decor for you, but a source of inspiration, place the modules opposite the sofa so that you can admire them.


If you choose the right modular paintings for your bedroom interior, the atmosphere will be conducive to rest and relaxation.

  • Choose calm scenes, without sharp color contrasts.
  • Triptychs with blooming flowers, polyptychs depicting a sunset on the seashore or a fragrant garden will look spectacular.
  • Refrain from paintings for the bedroom depicting angry animals, battles and fading nature.
  • The plot should be calming and evoke good emotions.

Most often, images are placed above the bed. When a person gets ready for bed, his gaze takes in the picture, and he positive impressions go to bed to rest.

Diptych, triptych and polyptych are related concepts in painting. If you explain in simple words, then, is a painting or work that consists of several parts related in meaning and content. The most famous among these varieties of multi-component paintings is, as it is often used in one of the genres of icon painting. In fact, triptychs, diptychs and polyptychs are not at all an invention of the church and date back to the times of Ancient Greece And Ancient Egypt. It must be said that such composite paintings are not only the subject of painting, but also the subject of interior art, design and decor.

Diptych(from ancient Greek - folded in half). The Greeks and Romans originally called special tablets for recordings that were archaic notebooks. They were made from wood, metal plates and other materials. On internal sides notes were made on the folding diptych, and the outer sides were decorated various pictures. Currently, a diptych is a painting, fresco, engraving, drawing, which is divided into two parts.

Triptych(from ancient Greek - folded in three). Has the same story as the diptych, only with three components. Painting, drawing, etc. divided into three parts, sections or panels.

Polyptych(from ancient Greek - consisting of many planks or folds). By analogy with the description of the diptych and triptych, you could already understand that a polyptych is a picture, a canvas that consists of more than three parts. These parts can be four, five, six, ten, twenty, and so on ad infinitum.

If you want to decorate your home with a work of art of this genre, then you can always order and purchase a triptych at the Terex Art Salon. The most beautiful modular paintings of any genre, from landscapes to abstraction.

One of the most enjoyable moments in renovating and arranging a home is its decoration. There are many decorative elements, serving for interior decoration. Such elements include vases, figurines, various panels and paintings. Among the latter, trendy modular images stand out for their originality. They are able to enliven and decorate absolutely any room, from a small and cozy bedroom to a huge office space.

What are modular paintings?

Modular painting is a mixture historical traditions And modern trends. Externally they look like a subframe with stretched canvas and differ in design, number of segments, size, shapes, themes, etc. Nowadays, you can choose such a decorative element for any, even the most original, interior.


Canvas can be made from natural or artificial materials.

Modular images printed on natural canvas turn out bright and natural, which is why they are quite expensive. They are difficult to use and require careful care. Such paintings cannot tolerate high humidity and temperature fluctuations, so they should not be placed near heat sources.

A product made using artificial canvas is less expressive, but it costs less and is not so demanding in operation.


The separate design gives the modular picture an unusual appearance, draws attention to this decorative element, allowing it to be perceived differently each time. At the same time, the segmentation technique is a rather complex and ambiguous solution. Therefore, the plot of the image, its direction, and execution technique should be in maximum harmony with each other.

A distinctive feature of modular images is the absence of frames that interfere with the holistic perception of the image. By adjusting the distance between image segments, you can change the depth and perception of the picture, as well as the mobility or static nature of the image.

Depending on the number of elements, the following are distinguished:

Diptychs are modular paintings consisting of two parts. They are great for decorating small spaces.

Triptych - images consisting of three parts. This is a classic option.

Polyptych - products that include more than three parts, suitable for rooms with a large area.

The most common are modular paintings consisting of 3 - 5 segments; less often you can find images of 2, 7 and even 10 parts.

Each segment has enough large sizes from 80 to 120 cm in height and from 120 to 170 cm in width. They can occupy a vertical, horizontal and even diagonal position. The location of individual segments may vary. There can be many schemes.

Here are the most popular options:

Creation of modular paintings

As a rule, high-quality photo printing technology is used to create such a decorative element, but the design can also be applied by an artist using oil paints.

The canvas with the finished image is stretched onto a stretcher, which is most often made of wood and is called a gallery stretcher. This type of stretcher is used for frameless decoration. Its size can be absolutely any.

The stretched canvas is secured to a stretcher using staples. The mounting location should not be on the side surface of the subframe, but on the rear. This will make the mount more reliable and the picture more attractive.

The final stage of production is coating with a special composition that protects the image and gives it a complete finish. expressive look. A special gel or varnish is used as such a finishing coating.

There are companies that produce printed modular paintings to order. By using their services, you can get a product that is ideal for your interior, both in terms of layout and artistic image. You can even order modular paintings with your photographs.

Selection of modular paintings for the interior

When choosing a modular image for the interior, you need to consider the following parameters:


The overall size of the painting depends on the size of its individual parts.

Artistic image

The huge range of subjects can be confusing. The following tips will help you make your choice:

Advice ! Painting, dedicated to the holiday, can serve as a wonderful gift.

Color palette

Paintings depending on the material used in them color range, can be divided into full color, black and white and black and white with the addition of one additional color. Of course, this division is conditional. Designers often use the last two options in their work. When choosing a color scheme, you should follow the following guidelines:

Attention ! Remember that than brighter image, the more restrained the background on which it is located should be.

You will find options for harmonious placement of modular images in the interior in the following video:

General tips for arranging modular paintings in the interior

Modular painting: ready-made, to order or do it yourself

The price of a modular image depends on its quality, size and design. In addition, the price may depend on the method of acquisition.

Buy ready product You can do this at specialized points of sale, the interior department of a hardware store, or via the Internet.

Specialized sales points usually offer a wide range. If it is difficult to make a choice, you can turn to the employees working here for help. The negative point is the rather high prices.

Construction stores offer more low prices, but the selection presented here will, in most cases, be small.

A product for every taste can be found in online stores. But in this case, it is impossible to evaluate the product “live”; it will not be possible. Therefore, before purchasing, you need to clarify everything important details from the seller.

Of course, purchasing a ready-made modular image is the fastest and easiest way. But, made to order, it will fit better into the interior and give it individuality.

The most ideal option would be to create a modular painting with your own hands. Firstly, as a result you will receive a product that best suits the design of your room. Secondly, its quality will entirely depend on you. Thirdly, a homemade product will cost much less than a purchased one.

A master class on making a modular image can be viewed below:

A modular painting is an original, ultra-fashionable decorative element that can give any room a bright personality. It can serve as a connecting link in an interior decorated in contrast, or it can play a role bright accent, giving a certain mood to the room. When choosing a modular one, the main thing is not to forget that first of all you should like it!

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It is impossible to imagine a cozy home without. Figurines and vases with flowers, souvenirs from trips and trips, photographs, etc. - all these items can transform the interior and bring with them a warm and friendly atmosphere. Paintings have been decorating the walls of apartments and houses for many centuries.

What are modular paintings?

A new look at traditional art become segmented paintings, where a single canvas is divided into several parts. This approach allows you to create an unusual image that can be perceived differently each time. Modular paintings in the interior are an amazing mixture of age-old traditions and the newest trends. The most valuable models are considered painted in oil. However, modular paintings made in a printing house by printing method, also deserve attention.

The undoubted advantage of this decorative element is that it is not very difficult to make modular paintings with your own hands. How to make a modular painting with your own hands from available materials, we will tell you below. But first you need to decide on the format and type of product.

Types and schemes of modular paintings

The variety of options will amaze even the most sophisticated art lover. Models vary in size and shapes, direction and, of course, content. But the main difference is number of parts. A diptych has only two segments, a triptych has three, a pentaptych has five, and a polyptych has six or more. You should not chase the number of segments; in any case, they should all be just components of a single picture.

If you don’t know how to hang a modular picture, then refer to the picture. Individual segments should form a single pattern. But do not forget that between elements must be preserved a gap of 1.5 - 2 centimeters. In order not to make a mistake in how to attach modular paintings, you need to consider each specific model.

How to choose a modular painting?

Each room has its own characteristics, its own tasks and goals. Right choice decorative elements will highlight all the advantages of the room and minimize the disadvantages.

Living room

An ideal room for experimenting and using bright and rich colors. Designers advise choosing the size of the segments in accordance with the area of ​​the room. For example, small elements can get “lost” on a large empty wall. At the same time, large segments will look ridiculous in a small apartment. Look great modular paintings over the sofa.


The painting for this room should be selected carefully, weighing all the pros and cons. Give preference tranquil landscapes or abstract images. They will allow you to escape from worries, relieve stress and fall asleep peacefully. It is best to select an image so that the primary colors intersect with the palette used to decorate the bedroom. This way you can achieve complete harmony and include a modular picture in the interior.


Don't overload the children's room bright colors. If there are enough of them in the decoration of the room, then it is better to choose a painting in one range. The baby will be interested figurines of familiar animals, but abstract patterns are best avoided.

If a teenager lives in the room, then invite him to make his own choice. Your favorite film actor, musician or athlete may appear on the canvas. Another interesting option- create composition from their own photos.


For the hallway, designers advise choosing maximum simple images . This is due to the fact that people rarely stay in this room. The owners and their guests simply will not have the opportunity to carefully examine a painting with an interesting abstract pattern. Remember that the hallway sets the tone for the entire interior of the apartment, so the design should emphasize the chosen style.


Juicy, bright and stylish - this is the ideal combination for the kitchen. You don’t have to be afraid to experiment, but the image should still be combined with the interior of the room. Modular paintings for the kitchen are best place on a free wall. If there is not a lot of space, then it is better to abandon the decor and give preference to more functional shelves.

How to make a modular painting with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

if you have free time and the desire to decorate your home with an exclusive item, then pay attention to the modular picture. The amount of work is not very large, but the result will certainly please you.

Do you want to know how to make a modular painting with your own hands? Follow our step-by-step instructions.

This way you can make modular paintings with your own hands from photo wallpaper, fabric and pre-prepared printed images. If you know how to draw, then you can attach a regular canvas to the frame. In this case, the drawing is applied to it at the very last stage.

Will help you create interesting and effective modular paintings video Master Class.

Modular paintings in the interior: photos

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of decorative elements in the interior. It is best to mount modular paintings on a wall free of furniture. Select images that will emphasize the style and complement the atmosphere of comfort and tranquility.