Children's pencil drawing. Drawing a child's portrait in profile

If you take a closer look, children differ from adults not only in their size. The proportions of the body and face in children are not at all the same as in adults.

That is why, before drawing children, you need to carefully monitor the relationship of all proportions. After all, a small adult depicted on paper or canvas is not yet a child.

Differences in head size between a child and an adult

The main difference is the size of the head. In young children, the frontal part in relation to the face is much larger. Skull small child not yet fully formed, so the face is still small.

Features of the proportions of a child's face

Children's chins are also not yet fully developed. When drawing a baby's face in profile, this fact must be taken into account. The chin should not protrude to the level of the upper lip. At the same time, children often have what adults call a double chin.

In the following picture you can clearly see the differences in the proportions of the face of a child and an adult:

The eyebrows are located quite close to the nose due to the fact that the face itself occupies a small area. And only the iris of the eyes is already full size, which is why children’s eyes appear so large.

Features of the image of a child's body

The body itself, in relation to the head, seems disproportionately small compared to the body of an adult. In fact, the difference in the ratio is not that great, but it must be taken into account. We also note that children have not yet developed a long “swan” neck, which is why the head again appears much larger.

Before you start drawing, try to study the “nature”. Look at the child, find more good photographs and drawings. And go ahead!

Drawing a child's portrait in profile

Let's try to draw a child together. To work we will need a simple pencil, an eraser, a sheet of paper and a little patience. As a result, we should get a pencil portrait of the baby in profile.

Let's look at each step step by step:

  1. First, let's outline the most basic things. On a piece of paper, draw... a square. This will be the baby's head. We will need a square to mark the proportions of the face. Split it up thin lines into 4 equal parts.
  2. You need to inscribe a circle in the lower left square. Maybe it won’t be even right away, but it wasn’t the gods who fired the pots. The baby's face will be located here.

  1. Inscribe another circle in the large square. Here are the proportions: big circle- the whole head of the child, the small one - his face.

  1. In the middle of the left side small circle draw the contours of the face in profile - a small snub nose, lips and chin.
  2. Now draw a smooth line from the bridge of the nose to the forehead. Outline the head.
  3. In the bottom right square draw an ear. Draw out the back of the head, which goes into the neck.

  1. The eye will be located at the level of the bridge of the nose. Don't forget, babies' eyes are quite large, but still not saucers. The pupil is usually drawn wide, although in ordinary life this almost never happens. But a small dot instead of an eye does not look very nice in the drawing.
  2. Draw the eyebrows just above the top line of the left square.
  3. Draw the details of the ear, eyes and lips.

  1. Now - an unexpected trick. Use an eraser to erase your sketch so that the pencil marks are barely visible. Now you have hidden traces of your marking squares.
  2. We take a pencil and start again. Outline the contours of the head, details of the face and finish the hair. Here, the portrait is almost ready.

  1. All that remains is to add some shadows and retouching. Do light shading on the face, leaving the cheeks, forehead and around the eyebrows lighter.

  1. More soft pencil you need to shade the eyes, nose and mouth. The pupil is the darkest part of the eye, the iris has a transition from dark to darker light tone. Don't forget to leave a small highlight on the iris - as if from reflected light.

  1. Shade those parts of the face that are not exposed to light. Don't forget the parts inside the small ears.

  1. We draw hairs on the crown and back of the baby’s head, Special attention Pay attention to tones and individual hairs.

The drawing is ready! Want to try again?

Making a full-face portrait of a child

Let's draw another portrait, only now the child will look directly at you. You already know everything about the intricacies of proportions. Let us only add that if the child’s face is located frontally, then the eyes, nose and mouth will be located in the lower half of the circle representing the head.

  1. Draw an oval, slightly wider at the top.
  2. In the middle part of the oval, draw horizontal line- it will indicate the level of the eyes.
  3. Just above the eyes, draw a line for the eyebrows.
  4. Approximately in the middle of the lower part of the oval, mark the place where you will draw the nose and lips. As you can see, the proportions have been preserved - the baby’s face should be much smaller than his entire skull. The marking is ready.

  1. Sketch out the eyebrows in arcs. A small oval - in place of the nose; use a circle to indicate the location of the ear - just below eye level.

  1. Now draw the details of the face more clearly. Don't forget to sketch out the hair lines.

  1. Erase the extra lines and start highlighting the contours of the face, hair and head.

  1. We design the child’s face in detail, not forgetting about the shadows - we do them using pencil shading and shading of individual elements.

We depict a small child in full growth

The lying baby looks very cute. Let's try to make a drawing like this.

In a small child, the ratio of the size of the head to the body is much smaller than in an adult. Let's not forget about this. In addition, you will need to take into account the cute baby swelling.

  1. First of all, draw a circle. On it, as in previous master classes, we outline the part on which the baby’s face will actually be located.

  1. Since we are drawing a lying baby, mark the eyes, nose and mouth on the left side of the circle. Don't forget about proportions.
  2. Around the future face, draw the contours of the head and outline the lower part of the surface on which the child lies. Let it be, for example, a baby scale.
  3. You already know how to do the rest - eyes, nose and mouth. Yes, just a small ear.

  1. Now let's try to draw the body step by step. Map them out first simple lines- how the arms, legs and body are located. Since the baby is very small, his neck is not visible at all.

  1. After this, draw the chest and arms. More roundness, you can draw a fold on the wrist.

  1. Next is the turn of cute plump legs.

  1. Now draw the outlines of the baby scales.

  1. The resulting drawing can be shaded, shaded and colored.

Not so difficult, right?

Who said that real art is paints and canvases? We are ready to tell you about the direction to artistic creativity, which was and is well mastered by such masters as Vrubel or Brian Duey. They executed the drawings to perfection with a simple pencil. And these works excite, delight and bring pleasure. Is it possible to adopt their technique and learn to draw using a similar method? Of course you can! But how and what is needed for this?

  1. First, let's talk about why you should pay attention to this area.
  2. The next important issue we will focus on is the secrets of drawing.
  3. And let’s complete this excursion into the world where black and white images reign with a small but pleasant gift.

Monochrome pencil drawings

Speaking about the greatness and genius of everything simple, one cannot help but recall regular pencil. Which of us is not familiar with it and has not held it in our hands? We have all been fluent in it since childhood. Of course, for beginners, for very tiny children, it seems so easy to pick up a pencil and start “creating” scribbles.

But the child grows, and he sees that the range of uses for a pencil is huge, and it can be used in different ways. Someone builds cities, bridges and houses for them on paper. Another one lays out a route for them on the map. trip around the world. And the third one writes poetry or draws a portrait of his beloved.

So easily and simply the pencil entered our lives and became our assistant and friend. And pictures drawn in pencil are already a whole trend, stylish and have their own unique charm.

Their distinctive feature is that they are absolutely universal. And therefore their possibilities are endless. Drawn in pencil, they are:

  • Suitable for any age. Both small children find it interesting to look at them, and adults like to use them in their posts on social networks.
  • There are no limiting criteria for their use. It will be interesting for girls and boys to display similar beautiful pictures, as a status or give them to your friend.
  • You can copy them or you can easily learn how to perform them yourself (copy them).
  • Different nature of images. These can be cute pictures with cute fluffies, they can be funny and funny, or they can be similar to photographs.

And most importantly, pencil drawing looks incredibly attractive and convincing. It can decorate not only your profile on a page on social networks, but also your morning and the whole day with pleasant memories.

Options for drawing simple images

The main secret why pencil drawings are cool, original and attract attention is that they look as if they were alive. Everything is drawn so realistically and accurately that it seems that people are about to start talking, or laugh, or cry, and the objects can be taken and used.

Why are they so cool and everything looks so natural? What brings them to life? Take a closer look, through the light strokes it is noticeable that the master thought through not only the accuracy of the lines conveying the image and silhouette, he paid special attention to one tiny nuance, thanks to which the images are not only beautiful, but also almost material. What is this? Light and shadow.

Masterfully working on chiaroscuro, the artist achieves apparent volume. Before us, as they were, are simple black and white pictures for sketching. But when a shadow appeared, for example, from a curl of hair falling on the face, or on the table from a vase, everything suddenly came to life.

Can you do the same? Do you want to learn? Would you like yours to be purchased? realistic look? Then you have come to us correctly!

Step-by-step master classes

It’s easy to say: “draw,” but how can you really do it if you’ve never studied it and it seems like you have no talent? The team of our site gives all their friends an amazing opportunity to learn how to make pencil drawings step by step. Without teachers, you yourself are able to become an artist and delight yourself and your loved ones with your creativity. How? If you take our tips, you can use them to master sketching and repetition techniques. It's not complicated at all. And the result will please you.

Pencil drawing lessons step by step are activities that will help you master drawing techniques, regardless of your abilities or age. Drawing is really easy!


Don't believe that you can draw beautifully? Of course, a magnificent oil portrait can only really be painted a real artist, but even Small child will soon be able to replicate the character of his favorite cartoon on paper if he takes drawing lessons for children on our website.

Just think how happy your baby will be when you tell her what happened today we are learning to draw with a pencil! Why pencil? You need to start with something simple. And the easiest way to start is with light pencil drawings. Gradually you will master more and more complex skills. And, as a result, you can move on to working with paints. Drawing for children will become a favorite pastime and will gradually introduce kids to amazing world bright images and favorite heroes.

Fundamentals of pencil graphics taught in art school, you and your child will learn much faster if you go through the pencil drawing lessons step by step on our website. We managed to create activities that even kids can handle! With us, learning is simple and fun, step by step you will understand that drawing is very interesting.

Learning to draw with a pencil

The first drawing lessons for children are designed with the help of adults. Help your child grasp the pencil correctly, support his hand while drawing the very first lines. Little artist should get a better feel for how much pressure you need to apply to get a line of the correct thickness. Then let him draw simple line segments himself. different directions. Afterwards you can move on to simple shapes such as a circle, rectangle, etc.

Gradually, the child’s drawing skills will be strengthened, he will be able to come up with more complex plots himself, fantasize and embody his fantasies on paper. But you need to start with the baby with the simplest objects or characters that are well known to him. When purchasing everything you need, please note that for the first lessons to the young artist You will need a thick, soft stylus that leaves a bright mark with virtually no pressure.

Pencil drawing lessons step by step for children

Talent is given to every person by nature, but developing any abilities must begin with early childhood. By helping children learn to formulate images into pictures, you are doing them a great service. Drawing with a pencil step by step is not only interesting, but also very useful for young children. The impact of development has already been proven fine motor skills hands on mental abilities and psycho-emotional sphere in the very early age. Working with a felt-tip pen or pencil, the baby becomes calmer, more balanced, develops a wonderful aesthetic taste, and develops a sense of harmony in relation to the entire world around him. This is also true for adults: when we learn to draw with a pencil, our nervous system resting. Isn't this the best cure for endless stress?

Why is it so important for parents to also learn art lessons for children? Help your child! Your baby, most likely, will not be able to cope with the first tasks on his own; he is very small and, most likely, has not yet mastered many skills. It is difficult for him to hold a pencil in his pen; he has not yet learned to calculate the force of pressure on the paper, or to correctly navigate within the boundaries of a paper sheet. The started drawing may not fit on the paper, and the baby will begin to get nervous. It is important not to miss this moment, but to help the child skillfully organize classes, then drawing will become a favorite pastime.

Pencil drawing lessons are staged in such a way that the child sees only objects familiar to him. They systematize existing experience little man and gradually expand his worldview, introducing him to new phenomena of nature and life. Perhaps now the baby will take a new look at the world, and you will help him with this.