Why Sobchak cannot forgive his billionaire admirer. Ksenia Sobchak took her husband away from the world famous top model. How many men have Sobchak had?

The stormy personal life of Ksenia Sobchak has been especially often discussed in the celebrity community in recent months. And this is understandable: before those around her had time to get used to the idea that the presenter’s marriage to Maxim Vitorgan had broken up, Ksenia was rushing down the aisle again. The journalist’s romance with Konstantin Bogomolov has long ceased to be a secret, and, without fear of superstition, on Friday, September 13, the lovers took vows of fidelity to each other.

But what kind of love “baggage” is left behind Ksenia’s shoulders? After all, as soon as she arrived in the capital and surrounded herself with representatives of the local elite, Sobchak not only began to make useful contacts, but also meet with famous businessmen and politicians. Who are they, the former chosen ones of today's bride?


The stumbling block in the quarrel between Ksenia Sobchak and Anastasia Volochkova was not only the dispute about who came to Moscow earlier, but also the relationship of each celebrity with the chairman of the board of directors of the Phoenix-Holding company, Vyacheslav Leibman.

“We had a conflict in the past because of her betrayal. Nastya was my close friend, I showed her Moscow. And then Nastya had an affair with my boyfriend. But this is an old story,” Sobchak assured on the air of the “Exclusive” program.

The famous ballerina has completely different views on the situation. According to Anastasia, the presenter’s mother Lyudmila Narusova personally asked her to introduce Ksenia into the world of social events.

“She said: “Nastya, Ksyusha just got to Moscow. She loves to party. Help her please. Give her your invitations to events if you don’t need them,” Volochkova shared.

Ksenia began dating Vyacheslav Leibman back in St. Petersburg. The couple moved to the capital together. The businessman did not skimp on gifts: he presented his beloved with a Mercedes and strewn it with diamonds. But soon the lovers separated, and Ksenia began to be noticed in the company of entrepreneur Umar Dzhabrailov. This is where Anastasia Volochkova appeared on the horizon.

“At the time when our conversation with Lyudmila Borisovna took place, Ksyusha was already living with Umar Dzhabrailov, who had a bad influence on her and got her hooked on alcohol. I remember television programs of that time, where a drunken Sobchak was dragged out of hotels by her arms and legs. Lyudmila Borisovna and Slava Leibman were worried about the health and reputation of this girl. And Lyudmila Borisovna asked me: “Nastya, go with Slava to Moscow and drink wine at the Marriott Hotel in front of everyone. Maybe this will make Ksyusha jealous. I think they’ll tell her about your dinner.” I did so. I didn’t take anyone away from Ksyusha and told her about it a few years ago,” said the ballerina.

Whether Ksenia was offended by her friend or not, she never thought of returning to Leibman out of jealousy. Despite rumors of bad influence, Dzhabrailov was kind to his beloved and, in turn, gave her a black pearl necklace and a brand new BMW. Umar was 23 years older than Sobchak, which only increased her interest in the wise and respectable millionaire. Ksenia Sobchak responded sharply to the condemnation of others.

“Umar was a handsome man who broke hearts: a well-read, educated man, also rich and famous. Why do you deny me the right, at the age of 20, to fall in love with someone like that?” - she was indignant on her personal blog.

However, this love story also ended. The couple separated peacefully, maintaining friendly relations.


Ksenia began a serious relationship with businessman Alexander Shusterovich, who was involved in the supply of uranium from the USA to Russia. Sobchak’s romance with the entrepreneur lasted three years and almost ended with a wedding in 2005.

The ceremony was thought out by the presenter herself - she wrote the script, paying attention to every detail. She was actively helped by her mother Lyudmila Narusova, who rented a palace in St. Petersburg, planned a boat trip for the lovers, and even agreed with the local authorities on a “special” raising of bridges. The dress for Ksenia was created by Valentin Yudashkin, assuring her that she would be the most beautiful bride of the year. The whole city was waiting for Sobchak's celebration, when suddenly the engagement was canceled a week before the event.

What was the reason for the retreat? Someone said that Ksenia, at 24 years old, was not ready for marriage, others insisted: it was the businessman’s parents who insisted on breaking off their son’s relationship with the scandalous presenter. Subsequently, Sobchak explained why she played the role of a “runaway bride.”

“I had a highly paid job, but it was supposedly not needed because there is a billionaire who is asking me to get married. “Why work hard all August when there is a villa in Saint-Tropez. Please, here’s three times more money for you.” And suddenly I realized that it was the filming that was important,” said Ksenia. “This is a story about how we comprehend everything in life.”

Oddly enough, this time Sobchak managed to remain friends with her former lover. Life went on, and soon the presenter began dating the general director of Silver Rain, Dmitry Savitsky. There were rumors that the chosen one was greedy, and Ksenia’s mother could not stand him. In fact, the main reasons for the scandals in the couple were the excessive jealousy of the journalist and her love for frequent appearances. For the closed and calm Savitsky, this turned out to be a problem.

“We were together and had a wonderful romance. I can't say anything bad about our relationship. But after some time, after two and a half years, this relationship ended. That's all, actually. And yes, she is a very jealous person, really. That is, of all the women who have been in my life, Ksenia is in first place in terms of jealousy. She is, of course, a tough owner. But everyone has their own shortcomings and advantages,” said Dmitry Savitsky.

After the breakup, Ksenia continued to host two programs on the Silver Rain channel, happily communicating with Dmitry, but not about romance, but about work.


In 2010, Ksenia Sobchak found herself at the epicenter of a scandal. The star was accused of taking Oleg Malis, vice-president of the Altima company, away from his family. The journalist vacationed with him in Courchevel, giving more and more reasons for discussion. Soon, piquant details of the novel emerged: Malisa’s common-law wife, model Elena Lyandres, began a relationship with Ksenia’s former lover Dmitry Savitsky. There was a new wave of rumors, allegedly Lena became the cause of the discord between Sobchak and Savitsky, so the TV personality decided to repay the homewrecker in the same coin.

“I have two children, but I broke up with Lena a year ago. I don’t have a wife, I wasn’t officially married,” Malis briefly explained.

Gradually the scandal subsided, and those around them were already talking about the wedding of Sobchak and Malis, when suddenly the relationship broke down. Ksenia refused to comment on the latest breakup, noting that this is her personal matter. How long she remained free is unknown, because almost immediately gossip appeared about the presenter’s new love affairs. So, all of Moscow was talking about her affair with choreographer Evgeniy Papunaishvili. Together with him, Ksenia Sobchak performed in the project “Dancing with the Stars”.

“The romance ended quickly. It wasn't like the season of the show ended and we broke up. It just happened. Everyone started their own business. We sometimes see each other at some events, communicate, say hello. I don’t know about Ksyusha, but I have very good memories of that period,” the dancer admitted in the “Fate of a Man” program.

The relationship was short but pleasant: the presenter and choreographer more than once spoke warmly about the days they spent together.

Sobchak had completely different impressions from her connection with deputy Sergei Kapkov. He was married and raised two children, but passion turned out to be stronger than duty, and Sergei abandoned his family for his beloved. As it turned out, it was in vain - first Ksenia started an affair with theater director Eduard Boyakov, and finally broke off all contacts with the politician when she met Ilya Yashin.

The TV star’s romance with the oppositionist was regarded as a PR stunt: Sobchak became increasingly interested in politics, and protest marches had just become fashionable. Nobody believed in the seriousness of the relationship, so when it became known about the appearance of Maxim Vitorgan in Ksenia’s life, the presenter’s friends breathed a sigh of relief, and fans confidently stated that they expected such an outcome of the “affair” with Yashin.


A couple of meetings between Ksenia and Maxim Vitorgan at political events - and they could no longer be separated from each other. It is not known what touched the presenter more: the actor’s tender courtship, or the complete coincidence of interests with him, but in 2013, Sobchak, who had avoided marriage for so long, got married.

The wedding was secret and very modest: only the closest friends and parents came to the Fitil film club to celebrate the event. The couple seemed absolutely happy. They traveled together, attended premieres of films and shows, and were creative. The couple was brought together even more by the birth of their son Plato at the end of 2016.

Rumors about Ksenia’s affair with Konstantin Bogomolov added a fly in the ointment to the sweet love story. They started talking about a possible affair at the end of 2018, but for several months Sobchak managed to hide problems in the family. Fans did not understand what was happening: either eyewitnesses were talking about a fight between Vitorgan and a rival, then romantic photographs of the presenter and her husband reappeared on social networks, serving one purpose: to convince the public that everything was fine in the marriage.

“We have been living separately for quite some time, each with our own lives. While we lived together, we remained mutually faithful,” Sobchak clarified the situation in the spring.

Secrets came out, and Ksenia stopped hiding from the cameras when she went out with Konstantin Bogomolov. They visited Venice, Paris, and then came together to Kinotavr, where they encountered Maxim Vitorgan. But no conflict followed, because everything had been decided long ago.

The lovers, the director and presenter, were preparing the ground for life together: in June, Sobchak publicly announced that she was divorced, and soon introduced Plato to Konstantin’s daughter Anna. However, the act of divorce came into force only in August, just when the playwright proposed to his chosen one. And if with Vitorgan Ksenia decided to marry for the first time, then with Bogomolov she went even further - she bought a dress from the Edem brand and agreed to a wedding in a church, noting that the beautiful tradition would forever remain in her memory.

The scale of the ceremony is also striking: 300 people are invited to the luxurious Petrovsky Passage, the banquet costs 12 million rubles, and the services of a florist cost four. Sobchak’s wedding dress from a fashion brand was valued at 500 thousand.

Perhaps this is how 37-year-old Ksenia Sobchak puts an end to her love biography: all unsuccessful romances are in the past, and the relationship with her ex-husband ended peacefully. The presenter turned the page and started a new life.

Based on materials from “Around TV”, “KP”, Konkurent.

Photo: Legion-Media, Instagram, Press service

In developed countries, the relationship between a boss and a subordinate, whether in a government office or a private company, is clearly regulated. Clear laws and strong trade unions do not allow the boss to be rude and humiliate employees with impunity. It's the same in Russia! Here, top managers often behave like tyrant satraps.

Both Soviet-era oligarchs and young tycoons are weird. For example, billionaire pharmacist Vladimir Bryntsalov became famous for his antics back in the 90s. Checkmate, dismissal without reason - this is all banal. The funny thing is how Vladimir Alekseevich encouraged the workers. For example, he could give a gold chain or a luxurious fur coat from his own store. Cool? Still would! Only a “Bryntsalov-style gift” meant that the employee had to pay its value within three months. And try to refuse!

Here's another example: the young telephone tycoon Evgeny Chichvarkin. His instructions for internal use on product sales appeared on the Internet. Here are just a few quotes from this, I emphasize, official letter: “We are not a rehabilitation center for assholes named after Mother Teresa!”, “Stick pathos up your ass and go to the village!”, “If you don’t like it, wow... But from September 1, unsold goods will go to wall, and proud admirers of the Labor Code - out the door!

By the way, the floor in the office of the 34-year-old billionaire is lined with one hundred euro bills.

Toilet watchman

The general director of the Silver Rain radio station, Dmitry Savitsky, was glorified throughout the country by his former secretary, who posted it in her online diary report on morals in his office .

For example, one minute late for work costs $1. But recycling is not a penny. “Video cameras were everywhere, so every employee was under absolute control,” the girl told the public. - Fines for smoking or eating lunch for a long time no longer surprised anyone. And even if you linger in the toilet, the voice of the “great” would announce over the loudspeaker to the entire office: “Maria, return from the toilet to your workplace!” so we always knew which employees had digestive problems today.”

Mr. Savitsky also ordered the secretaries to use a special button to turn off the lights in the entire building if the weather is sunny. “We, like monkeys with a grenade, guarded this button; D.S. punished us every day for turning on the light. a fine of 5 bucks, then 10,” says Maria. And here’s another example of “educational work”: “A fax has arrived, I’m bringing it to Savitsky.

I come back, think I forgot something, and go to him again.
D.S.: Masha, go back to your place and do it all over again.
Me: What exactly is the problem?
D.S.: Masha, go back to your place and do it all over again.
I come back and understand that he’s really getting burned out from having nothing to do, but I go back.
D.S.: Masha, go back to your place and do it all over again.
Me: Explain to me what exactly you need!!!
D.S.: In our office they don’t walk, they run, so go back to your place and don’t bring me anything until you learn to run.
I returned to my place and received minute-by-minute fines for not bringing a fax on time.”

Catching fleas

The only person Savitsky is afraid of is Ksenia Sobchak. Their close relationship has been rumored for about a year now. And, according to rumors, the mother of the socialite Lyudmila Narusova is not delighted with this game. At the opening of the exhibition “The Story of a Centipede,” where the worn shoes of her famous daughter were displayed, Madam Senator sarcastically said:

Before Mr. Savitsky appeared in our house, we did not know what lice were!

Not lice, but fleas! - Ksyusha corrected annoyedly.

It seems that the head of “Silver Rain” recklessly checked his beloved into a cheap hotel, from where the fleas migrated to her apartment.

After such a beating, the name Sobchak on “Silver Rain” became simply untouchable. SD radio presenters Alexey Eibozhenko and Konstantin Tsivilev suffered for mocking “the saint.”

In their program “Lezheboki” they ironically covered that same shoe exhibition. In particular, the inscriptions under the “priceless exhibits” were read with expression, for example the following: “These shit presses are good for kneading shit on the set of “House-2.” Retribution came quickly. First, the presenters were given a severe reprimand... for the incorrect emphasis in the word “shoe”, which was heard on air. And then the editors of the program began to strongly hint that Tsivilev and Eibozhenko should repent before the boss.
“We sincerely did not know what to repent of,” says Konstantin Tsivilev. - Not for the shoe, after all! By the way, Eibozhenko looked in the 1998 dictionary - double stress is allowed there. It is clear that it was the Sobchak exhibition that was the issue.

When it became clear that there would be no apology, the “Lezheboki” program was closed with the wording: “For neglect of the Silver Rain projects.”

According to technology, before removing a program from the air, you need to notify the regions two weeks in advance, says Tsivilev. - We learned about the closure a day before. “Lezheboki” was published for five and a half years.

It is known that they did not want to let Ksenia Sobchak in without a ticket to the last “Silver Galosh” ceremony, which was held by the radio station. I wonder if Savitsky will now refuse the services of the Karat company, which was responsible for the security of the event? For neglect...

By the way

They say that when at the Silver Galosh ceremony its host Andrei Fomin informally joked about Ksyusha, Dmitry Savitsky deprived him of a quarter of his fee.

TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak became the heroine of the cover of the Russian edition of Tatler. A glossy magazine about the lives of the rich forced her to lift the veil of secrecy over a sensational affair with director Konstantin Bogomolov, who ended his touching and seemingly strong marriage with Maxim Vitorgan.

In an interview, the journalist admitted that her new lover is completely different from any of her previous men. According to Sobchak, in this relationship she has changed: if earlier she wanted her partner to play the role of a father, now he inspires without telling her what to do.
Ksenia also said that Bogomolov is not who he seems at first glance. According to the star, many perceive the director as a devilish person and a calculating cynic, but in reality he is very emotional.

According to the star, her future husband completely reflects herself - they have the same energy. However, he surpasses her in many qualities: Sobchak says that her future husband is a genius whose work inspires awe.

She also talked about how the relationship developed: it turned out that at the beginning of the novel Sobchak tried to control her feelings, but it only got worse - she noted that this was one of the most difficult periods in her life. However, she had to confess to her husband. “He knew about everything for a very long time,” she noted.

Konstantin himself commented rather dryly on his relationship with the TV presenter: “I love this man, and for me the relationship with her is extremely serious. There is no point in discussing everything else.”

One of Sobchak’s policy statements during the interview was the statement that she was no longer interested in the financial situation of her lover. “The decision that money is not the main thing in a man is my main victory over myself,” she said.

And indeed, before, there were almost always wealthy men next to her. Or at least those with weight in society. True, serious relationships ended, as a rule, no later than three years after they began.

Sobchak’s first romance, open to the public, was with businessman and owner of the Eco Phoenix Holding company, Vyacheslav Leibman. They met in 1999 in one of the night spots in St. Petersburg.

It was then that Ksenia decided to enroll in - she moved to the capital, and Vyacheslav with her. They were together for two years - the entrepreneur showered Sobchak with gifts - but a new man appeared in her life.

The next lover was 23 years older than her: businessman Dzhabrailov spent a long time wooing Ksenia, and she left Leibman for him.

Their romance also did not last long - a lot of scandals accompanied the couple throughout their love story. They broke up, but are still friends. “Umar was a handsome man who broke hearts; a well-read, educated man, also rich and famous. Why do you deny me the right to fall in love with someone like that in my 20s? Is he a fat bald m..k with a wart that you suspect me of commercialism? I lived my life. Not a shadow of someone else’s brilliant life, but an absurd, grotesque one, but our own. And I don’t regret it one bit,” the star said in her blog.

Sobchak's next chosen one was a billionaire. Their relationship ended three years later after a failed attempt at marriage.

In 2005, on the anniversary of the relationship, the man proposed to her. The wedding was planned to be grandiose—the journalist herself came up with the script. An entire palace was rented for the ceremony, and a boat trip on a yacht with scarlet sails to the Konstantinovsky Palace was planned. I made a dress for the wedding.

The girl shared her happiness with all the media, but a week before the significant date, in a conversation with her mother, she said that she would not get married. After this she broke off the relationship.

The runaway bride found a new contender for her heart - he became the general director of the Silver Rain radio station.
Sobchak spoke openly and proudly about her relationship with Savitsky, intimidating her competitors: “I want all the girls to know that Dima Savitsky is my boyfriend. And if, God forbid, I see someone with him, then—I’m an expressive person—the reprisal will be cruel!” she told the press.
They lived in a civil marriage for two years, and in 2009 they separated. According to one version, the former lover cheated on Ksenia with model Elena Lyandes.

Then politician Sergei Kapkov became Ksenia’s new love - he was married and raised two children. In this relationship, she was offended that her lover did not attend social events with her and did not divorce his wife.

In the summer of 2011, they broke up - accusations flew at each other through the press. However, a few months later the couple reunited and the politician threw a loud party on the occasion of his partner’s birthday. A few weeks later, Sobchak leaves and becomes a participant in the opposition movement, where he finds a new lover, a young leader.

However, this relationship ended for her along with the political struggle. Ksenia begins dating Maxim Vitorgan, and then marries him.

The wedding ceremony took place on February 1, 2013, and it turned out to be a surprise for the guests. Everyone who came to the Fitil cinema that day was sure that they were invited to the premiere of a new film with the participation of. The film screening turned into a wedding with all the attendants, that is, with Ksenia Sobchak in the bride’s dress and veil.

At the beginning of 2019, Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan, who became the parents of their son Plato through marriage, officially separated. Having made a special statement: “We are forced to comment publicly on our relationship in order to stop all speculation on this topic. We have been living separately for quite some time, each with our own lives. While we lived together, we remained mutually faithful. We do not divide property and, especially, the child, whom we continue to raise as loving parents.

The speculations that the couple spoke about were related to the alleged affair with director Konstantin Bogomolov, which became known, no matter how hard the TV presenter tried to hide the relationship. The lovers' wedding is scheduled for September 13 this year.

In the past, a scandalous socialite and party girl, and now a serious journalist and politician, 38-year-old Ksenia Sobchak, according to some reports, is experiencing a serious crisis in her relationship with her husband, 46-year-old actor Maxim Vitorgan. It is difficult to say whether they will be able to save the family, but for now we would like to recall the most high-profile novels of the heiress of a famous politician.

Photo: spletnik.ru Ksenia Sobchak and her men

Ksenia Sobchak and Vyacheslav Leibman

According to Ksenia herself, at the age of 18 she left her parents’ home, deciding to start an independent life. The first man with whom the young student had a serious relationship was Vyacheslav Leibman, an entrepreneur and chairman of the board of directors of the large Phoenix-Holding company. The young people met in one of the fashionable nightclubs of the northern capital and romantic feelings flared up between them. Soon the girl entered the Moscow Institute of International Relations. She moved to the capital, where she began to live in a civil marriage with her lover.

Photo: spletnik.ru Ksenia Sobchak and Vyacheslav Leibman

The man did not skimp on gifts for his young lady; he gave the girl an apartment on Frunzenskaya and a Mercedes car. Who knows what this relationship would have come to if Ksyusha had not inadvertently introduced her chosen one to her friend, ballerina Anastasia Volochkova, who immediately took a liking to the young businessman. As soon as Sobchak suspected her lover of treason, she hastened to leave him; in addition, this event marked the beginning of a long-term enmity between two socialites, who did not skimp on mutual reproaches and unflattering statements addressed to each other.

Ksenia Sobchak and Umar Dzhabrailov

Soon after the end of her first unsuccessful romance, young Ksyusha had a more impressive suitor - the owner of the Radisson Slavyanskaya hotel, millionaire Umar Dzhabrailov. Despite the fact that the gentleman was almost a quarter of a century older than the girl, they were credited with a serious relationship and even predicted a quick wedding.

The man gave her a BMW car and literally showered her with diamonds. However, there were also those who accused Ksenia, who lives with an elderly man, of commercialism.

Photo: spletnik.ru Ksenia Sobchak and Umar Dzhabrailov

She herself claimed that then, as a twenty-year-old student, she simply fell madly in love with this smart, well-read and attractive man, and the age difference was not important to her. Later, however, there was a version that the businessman had an affair with the heiress of the first mayor of St. Petersburg for PR purposes, but this was nothing more than rumors, and although their romance did not last long, the former lovers maintain friendly relations to this day.

Ksenia Sobchak and Alexander Shusterovich

Ksenia’s next chosen one was a famous businessman, a Harvard graduate, Alexander Shusterovich, who specialized in the supply of enriched uranium to Russia. Their relationship lasted several years, and in 2005, at a party on the occasion of her birthday, Sobchak announced to everyone about her imminent wedding. Everything happened like in a fairy tale: invitations were sent out, Valentin Yudashkin sewed an exclusive dress for the bride, and the celebration itself was to take place in St. Petersburg, in the Konstantinovsky Palace. In the interview, the blonde shared her plans for the future, talked about how happy she was, and also claimed that she and Alexander “can’t quarrel.”

Photo: spletnik.ru Ksenia Sobchak and Alexander Shusterovich

But, just a week before the scheduled wedding date, it became known that the couple had broken up the engagement and separated. Kenya explained this by saying that she was simply not ready yet for such a serious step and for family life, however, it was rumored that the young bride had cheated on her chosen one with diplomat Vagip Yengibaryan, in whose company she was seen shortly before the dissolution of the engagement. There was no official confirmation of their relationship, but the blonde still communicates with Vagip and always speaks warmly of him, calling him “a bright page in her life.”

Ksenia Sobchak and Dmitry Savitsky

Ksenia did not grieve for long over the failed wedding, and in the same 2005 she began an affair with the general director of the Silver Rain radio station, Dmitry Savitsky. Their office romance developed rapidly, so that soon the lovers decided to live together. Many then noted that the new lover had a positive influence on the girl, who abandoned the image of a shocking party girl and began to position herself as a serious journalist.

Photo: spletnik.ru Ksenia Sobchak and Dmitry Savitsky

Ksyusha spoke openly and proudly about her relationship with Dmitry, and in one of the interviews she even warned all the girls, saying that this is her man, and if anyone tries to take him away, the reprisal will be cruel. The lovers lived in a civil marriage for about two years, but in 2009 they separated. Dmitry gave preference to the model Elena Lyandres, who at that time was actually married to a major businessman Oleg Malis, and Ksyusha took revenge in a rather sophisticated manner - she stole her husband from her rival.

Ksenia Sobchak and Oleg Malis

For the first time in the company of the vice president of Alfa Telecom and co-owner of Euroset, the blonde appeared at the birthday party of composer Igor Krutoy in 2009. In the same year, the newly-made couple went on vacation to one of the popular resorts of the Cote d'Azur in France. Their romance almost immediately became one of the most discussed topics in the press. It was even rumored that Ksyusha was again trying on the status of a bride and was ready to get married, but this relationship ended in less than a year. However, some are still convinced that the affair with Malis was nothing more than the girl’s attempt to take revenge on Savitsky, who betrayed her.

Photo: spletnik.ru Ksenia Sobchak and Oleg Malis

Ksenia Sobchak and Evgeny Papunaishvili

In 2010, the TV presenter took part in the popular project “Dancing with the Stars,” where choreographer Evgeniy Papunaishvili became her partner. Feigning passion on the dance floor, the couple got so carried away that romantic feelings flared up between them. Although the man himself repeatedly emphasized that it was not in his rules to have affairs with partners, he did not deny that he met with Ksenia and had strong feelings for her.

Their romance lasted only a few months, but during this time the couple even managed to move in together and live together. After breaking up with the dancer, the girl said that she didn’t want to get married now, because Eugene “saved her from this complex.” What exactly the blonde meant, she never explained.

Photo: spletnik.ru Ksenia Sobchak and Evgeny Papunaishvili

Ksenia Sobchas and Sergey Kapkov

In 2011, the TV presenter began an affair with a famous politician from United Russia, the head of the capital’s department of culture, Sergei Kapkov. For the sake of Ksyusha, the man even left his wife with two heirs, but he never managed to build a strong alliance with the blonde. Their relationship was not stable, the couple came together and then diverged, and after one of these separations, the blonde sought solace in the arms of the director and founder of the Golden Mask theater award, Eduard Boyakov.

Photo: spletnik.ru Ksenia Sobchak and Sergey Kapkov

But soon she returned to politics again, and in November 2011, Sergei organized a grand celebration in honor of his beloved’s 30th birthday. The celebration took place in Florence, where the birthday girl and her best friends flew by private plane, and later the celebration continued in Moscow. However, just a few weeks after this, Ksenia and Sergei broke up once again, but now completely. What exactly happened between them is not known for certain, however, Sobchak in one of her interviews mentioned some kind of “unmanly act” by Kapkov. Sergei spoke of her as an “offended woman.”

Ksenia Sobchak and Ilya Yashin

The blonde left the United Russia deputy for oppositionist Ilya Yashin, whom she met at a street rally in the capital. Few people took this relationship seriously, and the couple themselves caused, for the most part, only ridicule and condemnation, but Ksenia was not too worried about this. Her relationship with her new chosen one was accompanied by vigorous joint social and political activity. Official proof of their romance was the fact that during a search in Sobchak’s apartment, Yashin was found there; it was early in the morning, and the couple was clearly not expecting guests. However, soon after returning from a joint vacation to Morocco, discord arose in their relationship, and at the end of 2012 the young people separated. They chose not to talk about the reasons for the breakup.

Photo: spletnik.ru Ksenia Sobchak and Ilya Yashin

Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan

Ksenia also met her current legal husband, actor and director Maxim Vitorgan, at one of the opposition rallies. This event occurred at the beginning of 2013, less than six months after the girl broke up with Yashin. Their casual romance developed rapidly, so that just four months after their first meeting, the couple legalized their relationship by arranging a secret wedding ceremony. For the actor, this marriage was already the third, but Ksenia went to the altar for the first time. In November 2016, Sobchak, who had long positioned herself as a convinced childfree, became a mother for the first time. She gave her husband a son, whom they decided to name Plato.

Photo: spletnik.ru Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan

Last spring, when Ksenia took part in the presidential elections, nominating her candidacy for the post of head of state, there were rumors in the press about the politician’s possible second pregnancy. She herself and her family members did not comment on this information, however, as time passed, it became obvious that it was not true. And at the beginning of this year it became known that there was a breakdown in the relationship between the TV presenter and the actor and now their marriage is literally bursting at the seams. Allegedly, Ksenia has a new favorite, for whom she is ready to leave her husband. The spouses themselves have not yet commented on what is happening, although they do not deny that not everything is so smooth in their family. However, some suspect that all this hype is just a well-thought-out PR stunt in order to attract attention to the girl’s new project on her YouTube channel.

Photo: spletnik.ru Ksenia Sobchak with her husband and son 3 September 2017, 17:41

Once upon a time you too were trotters:
A pair of bay horses harnessed to the dawn...

Alexey Nikolaevich Apukhtin, poet

While Ksenia Sobchak's ex-lover is dealing with shots fired at the hotel...

At the moment, he cannot determine what kind of powder was found in the room - washing or soda, and whether the maid or cleaning lady served him lunch

Let's remember the most high-profile novels of the restless TV presenter.

Moreover, there is something to remember. Several high-profile romances were noticed in Ksenia’s life.

So what is the secret of the former wild popularity of Anatoly Sobchak’s daughter?

The girl, undoubtedly, was once quite pretty, but not to the same extent that the richest men in the country literally competed in showering the beauty with jewelry?

It turns out that some time ago there was a belief among St. Petersburg and Moscow businessmen that Ksyusha Sobchak brings lovers good luck... in business. If you make a rich offering to Ksenia, things go like clockwork. Judge for yourself. Umar Dzhabrailov once gave a necklace made of black pearls - and as if by magic, the only agency left on the Moscow outdoor advertising market that received the right to place posters advertising vodka and cigarettes around the city was Umar Dzhabrailov.

And after Slava Leibman gave Ksyusha a Mercedes, his company Eco Phoenix Holding, the only one in Russia, received a unique certificate from the International Standards Organization. A document that opens up unlimited prospects for the company.

But let's digress from business.

Let's talk about love.

Vyacheslav Leibman

The first notable character on the scene of Sobchak’s personal life was businessman Vyacheslav Leibman, owner of the Eco Phoenix Holding company.

Vyacheslav Leibman, born in 1970, vice-president of Eco Phoenix Holding. The company was founded in St. Petersburg in 1994. Engaged in the storage and sale of petroleum products, recycling, storage and movement of oil-containing waste, elimination of environmental consequences of petroleum spills, etc.

The Moscow branch opened in 1999, and was headed by Vyacheslav Leibman. The young man met Ksenia Sobchak in one of the nightclubs in St. Petersburg. Then Sobchak’s daughter decided to enter the Moscow Institute of International Relations, and they moved to the capital together. Is it possible to spend a million dollars in three or four months? Our simple Russian oligarchs say that if you push hard enough, you can cope. Slava Leibman was the classic youngest son of the three classic sons described in all Russian fairy tales. “The old lady has three sons: the eldest was a smart kid, the middle one was this and that, the youngest was a complete savant,” Ershov shares his observations in “The Little Humpbacked Horse.” While the older brothers, who were involved in the oil loading business in St. Petersburg, were pouring oil from empty to empty and making money from it, the younger one, Slavik, was running after the girls. His great love was Ksenia Sobchak, the daughter of Anatoly Sobchak, who left us untimely. I bought her jewelry so that she would have something to go out in and cover her nakedness. After a noisy theft, when the ex-fiancé was almost among the main suspects because the theft took place in his apartment, in which, despite the breakup, Ksyusha lived, Mr. Leibman was rightly upset, especially having suffered from the yellow press.

Everything was going smoothly for the couple until an even more impressive gentleman appeared on the horizon - a millionaire Umar Dzhabrailov.

For three years, Dzhabrailov and Leibman waged a serious struggle for the blonde’s affections. The men spared no expense. The first “account” was opened by 30-year-old Leibman. He bought a Moscow apartment for the student on Frunzenskaya Embankment and literally showered her with diamonds. But after two years of living together with Slava, Ksyusha met Umar Dzhabrailov. Leibman was forgotten, and Umar gave Ksenia the aforementioned black pearl necklace and a BMW car. But the oil tycoon did not give up. A year later, Leibman's response was the big-eyed Mercedes. But the luxurious gift reconciled Slava and Ksyusha only for a short time.

Umar Dzhabrailov

For some time, men competed for Ksenia's favor, showering her with gifts, and in the end she chose Umar, who was 23 years older than her.

Alas, another love story between Ksenia and Dzhabrailov developed rapidly, with a lot of scandals, but did not last too long. Although Umar and Ksenia still maintain friendly relations.

When Victor Shenderovich spoke in the press with an accusatory article addressed to Sobchak and recalled her affair with the “oligarch”, Ksenia responded in her LiveJournal: “Umar was a handsome man who broke hearts; a well-read, educated man, also rich and famous. Why are you denying me the right in my 20s, to fall in love with someone like that? Is he a fat, bald asshole with a wart, why do you suspect me of commercialism? I lived my life. Not a shadow of someone else’s brilliant life, but an absurd, grotesque one, but my own. And I don’t regret it one bit ".

Alexander Shusterovich

According to data from open sources, Alexander Evgenievich Shustorovich, also known as Alex Shustorovich, was born in 1966 in the USSR in the family of a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1977 he left with his parents for the USA. Graduated from Harvard University. In 1988, thanks to his father’s connections, he created the American-Russian joint venture International Academic Publishing Co, which received the rights to publish and distribute the works of the Russian Academy of Sciences abroad.

Soon, with the assistance of the then Minister of Atomic Energy Viktor Mikhailov and Minister of Foreign Affairs Andrei Kozyrev, Shustorovich created the Pleiades Group, which for some time was engaged in intermediary activities in the sale of enriched uranium from Russia to the United States.

This romance of Ksenia - with a lover of science and uranium Alexander Shustorovich - almost culminated in a wedding in 2005.

Ksenia has been dating Alexander for three years before he formally proposes to her.

The wedding was thought out to the smallest detail: the script was written by Ksenia herself, and the whole of St. Petersburg was supposed to be involved in the celebration.

but it was possible like this...

An entire palace was rented for the ceremony; a boat trip on a yacht with scarlet sails to the Konstantinovsky Palace was planned.

Narusova undertook to negotiate with the authorities so that on this day the bridges would be allowed to be opened in a special way. Valentin Yudashkin made a wonderful dress for the wedding; the happy bride was talking about the preparations in the media with all her might, when suddenly, a week before the wedding, she told her mother: “There will be no wedding.”

Various sources name the most unexpected reasons for what happened. Ksenia herself stated that she was not ready to become a family man; someone said that Shusterovich cheated on her on the eve of the wedding.

Tina Kandelaki in her blog once explained the breakup by the fact that relatives forbade Shusterovich to marry the eccentric Sobchak...

According to rumors, Jewish relatives strictly forbade the businessman to marry such a flighty and frivolous girl like Ksenia.

In some places there is even a mention that, on the contrary, it was Sobchak who apologized to the groom for the upset wedding and expressed the hope that at least now he could forgive her. In any case, we will never know the truth about that separation, but we can only imagine how difficult it was for Ksenia to make this decision on the eve of her wedding.

Shortly before breaking up with Shustorovich, she was increasingly accompanied by a diplomat on social occasions Vagip Yengibaryan, and not at all the future spouse.

Vagip Yengibaryan

There was no official confirmation of their romance, but Ksenia still speaks warmly of Vagip.

“Vagesha is a very bright page of my life. And bright pages, as you know, do not fade over the years. He is a devoted person who knows how to sincerely sacrifice himself for the sake of his friends,” Ksenia shared with Tatler magazine.

Dmitry Savitsky

After a painful breakup with Shusterovich, Ksenia began an affair with her employer, the general director of the Silver Rain radio station, Dmitry Savitsky.

The so-called “bespectacled” period begins in Sobchak’s life - she abandons the image of a glamorous brat and begins to position herself as an intellectual journalist. All this - under the influence of another lover - Dmitry Savitsky - general director of the radio station "Silver Rain"

With Dmitry, she dramatically changed her lifestyle: instead of gold Cavalli pants and dancing on tables at her own birthday to Lyuba Uspenskaya, she took a car trip along Route 69 in America with stops at one-star roadside motels.

quite a strange photo shoot

As they say, feel the difference.

Sobchak spoke openly and proudly about her relationship with Savitsky, intimidating her competitors: “I want all the girls to know that Dima Savitsky is my young man. And if God forbid I see someone with him, then - I’m an expressive person - the reprisal will be cruel!" “, she confessed then in the press.

They lived in a civil marriage for two years, and in 2009 they separated. It was rumored that Savitsky turned out to be a rather tight-fisted gentleman and, unlike others, did not shower Ksyusha with gifts. In addition, there were rumors that he began a whirlwind romance with model Elena Lyandres.

However, this promising romance faded away after just a few months. They say the model was the homewrecker Elena Lyandres- who, by the way, at that time was in a civil marriage with the vice president of a telecommunications company "Altima" by Oleg Malis and raised two children from him. Ksenia's promised "retribution" turned out to be quite piquant - she simply stole Elena's husband.

Oleg Malis

With the dark-haired brunette, vice-president of Alfa Telecom, co-owner of Euroset Oleg Malis, Sobchak first appeared in Jurmala in 2009 at Igor Krutoy’s birthday.

Malis turned out to be a friend of Savitsky and the former common-law husband of that same model Elena Lyandris. Together with Sobchak, they rocked the Côte d'Azur in France, and their summer romance became the main topic of discussion in the social circle. Gossips said that by meeting with Malis, Sobchak was taking revenge on Dmitry Savitsky

Whether it was in revenge or out of love is difficult to judge, only Sobchak’s romance with Malis also lasted less than a year.

Evgeniy Papunaishvili

The next favorite for several months was Evgeniy Papunaishvili, with whom she danced together in the project "Dancing with the Stars".

The couple even moved in together - but not for long.

After the breakup, Ksenia seemed to have finally sworn off marriage: " Now I don’t even want to get married. Zhenya saved me from this complex,”- she stated in the press.

Sergey Kapkov

Ksenia and I broke up on March 6, and I was the initiator of our breakup. We don’t maintain a relationship, I haven’t even seen her since then

After the dancer, big politics returned to Ksenia’s life - her next romance was with State Duma deputy Sergei Kapkov, a party member "United Russia" and former “right hand” Roman Abramovich. As in the case of Dzhabrailov, the novel resembled a boiling cauldron.

Later in his interview, Sobchak will say that a relationship in which a married man wants to be with you, but does not leave the family, is dishonest. Having gained an experience that turned out to be quite bitter, Ksenia will notice that a married man must make a fatal decision on the first or second date: either he is ready to change his life and build a new family, or not.

Starting to communicate with Kapkov, she did not yet know how to be so categorical, so she allowed a situation in which she actually lived with a married man.

She was extremely upset to understand that she would again have to go out alone for the next social outing because Sergei simply could not keep her company

A little later, she finally pulled the blanket over herself: Kapkov left his wife for Sobchak and even began to appear often with his girlfriend, but now - was Sobchak really necessary?

They did not part on good terms: sometimes they complained to each other in the press. Either Kapkov called Sobchak an offended woman, or she said that she would not say hello to her former lover because of his grievances and inability to take a blow.

In the summer of 2011, she and Sobchak separated miserably - and Ksenia sought solace in the arms of a theater director Eduard Boyakov.

But by the fall the couple reunites again, and in November Sergei throws grand celebrations in honor of his beloved’s 30th birthday - first an intimate dinner party in Florence, where the birthday girl’s best friends flew in Nika Belotserkovskaya And Ulyana Sergeenko, and then a loud party in Moscow, where the whole world walked and danced.

- Nikusya brought this T-shirt from Cannes! Today is my happiest holiday. “I’m just crying from the happiness and love of the people dear to me,” wrote Ksenia

But literally a couple of weeks after Ksenia’s thirtieth birthday, a street protest movement began in Russia, and, after briefly hesitating between life with a member of the United Russia party and the trendy opposition spirit, the daughter of the cult politician Sobchak chose the latter.

Ilya Yashin

On the other side of the barricades from Kapkov, Ksenia was not bored for long - even at street rallies a gentleman was found for her.

The affair with the opposition leader Ilya Yashin caused a lot of ridicule and gossip in the world, but Ksenia could not be stopped: at street marches and Occupy Bay rallies, in a striped vest, hand in hand with her new gentleman, she publicly disowned her status as a “socialite” and tried to win the sympathy of intellectual youth , who previously considered the host of Dom-2 a symbol of pop bad taste.

The official proof of the affair between the former TV personality and the young oppositionist was a search during which Yashin was overtaken and photographed in Ksenia’s apartment at 8 am.

However, after celebrating Ksenia’s birthday together in Morocco, there was a chill in the couple’s relationship. The reason for the breakup remained a secret, but Sobchak and Yashin celebrated the New Year separately.

And for a winter holiday in Courchevel, to visit his musician friend Alexey Kortnev, Ksenia flew already in company Maxim Vitorgan.

Maxim Vitorgan

It was with the son of a Soviet actor Emmanuel Vitorgan the daughter of post-Soviet politician Anatoly Sobchak decided to build family happiness. The marriage with Ksenia Sobchak became the third for 40-year-old Maxim - and, we hope, finally successful for both spouses.