How to paint a picture for your home with your own hands using available materials. How to draw beautifully with gouache if you are a beginner artist How to draw a real picture

Most likely, many of you are familiar with the all-consuming feeling that leads to the desire to create and create amazing things with your own hands.

At such moments, you try to express yourself, demonstrate your individuality and uniqueness through creativity. However, very often all creative impulses are stopped and extinguished by the realization that skills and abilities are missing.

In this article we want to introduce you to simple master classes for drawing unusual paintings that even a novice artist can handle.

So, we encourage you to be creative and express yourself! Create! Surprise your loved ones with your creative works! And perhaps, after a very short period of time, one of you will become an outstanding artist.

How to paint with masking tape?

At first glance, you see a painting by a professional abstract artist. In fact, you can make a picture like this with your own hands!

First of all, you will need to cover the canvas with multi-colored paints. You can do this chaotically or follow some pattern. In any case, it's only up to your imagination.

When the canvas is completely painted. Give it time to dry thoroughly.

Now use masking tape to create a pattern on the canvas. Paint the voids not covered with tape with paint of a contrasting color. Carefully remove the tape.

We congratulate you on becoming an abstract artist!

How to draw a picture using openwork napkins?

Do you like soft and romantic shapes? Then use the most ordinary openwork napkins in your work.

Apply napkins to the canvas and draw patterns on the napkin with a brush. The napkins will act as an unusual stencil.

Finished paintings will make a great gift!

How to draw a picture with a sheet of cardboard?

Surely you have an unnecessary empty cardboard box, for example, from shoes. Cut out a small sheet of cardboard and get to work.

Squeeze paints of different colors onto the canvas (make a kind of color paths), and then use a sheet of cardboard to smear the paints on the canvas. You will definitely end up with an unusual pattern that will be very difficult for anyone to repeat.

You can use some scraps of foil as decoration. Apply liquid glue to the canvas with a brush and sprinkle it with finely chopped foil.

How to draw a picture with soap bubbles?

Remember your childhood? What is your favorite childhood pastime: blowing soap bubbles? Did you know that by blowing soap bubbles you can draw amazing pictures?

Dilute gouache, dishwashing detergent and water in separate containers.

In order to get magical drawings, you will need to use straws to blow bubbles in containers with colorful liquids, and then apply a snow-white canvas to the bubbles. Bursting bubbles will leave amazingly beautiful patterns on the canvas.

How to paint a picture with drops of paint?

This option for creating an artistic painting is the simplest. You simply dip your brush into the paint you want, and then with sharp movements you need to blurt it onto the canvas, where a drop forms.

The drops must be dried with a hairdryer so that unsightly drips do not remain.

How to draw a picture with wax pencils?

Glue wax pencils to the canvas in the desired order. Then, using a regular hair dryer, start heating the wax crayons. Under the influence of temperature, they will melt and spread across the canvas, creating unusual patterns.

One of the simple ways to create a beautiful and exclusive thing is to paint on transparent glass. It is simply due to the fact that any design can be placed under the glass and transferred to the surface of the glass. The finished picture will please you with its result. And you don’t need any special artistic skills to complete it.
This master class will discuss how to decorate a jewelry box with a built-in photo frame.
To paint glass you will need:
1.Acrylic paints of any favorite colors. You can use 2-3 shades of the same color scheme, or you can decorate the drawing with more colors, at the discretion of the needlewoman.

2.Degreaser (alcohol or nail polish remover).
3.Transparent acrylic varnish for creativity.

4.3 brushes: thin - for applying contour, medium - for applying color, flat wide brush for coating the finished work with varnish.

5.Glass from a photo frame.
6. Favorite drawing.

Before starting work, the surface of the glass on which the design will be applied must be degreased using a special degreaser, alcohol, or simply a nail polish remover so that the design adheres better and lasts longer.
Then prepare a drawing that will be transferred to the glass. In this master class, a drawing from the actress coloring book series was selected. The glass must be applied to the surface of the drawing. You don’t have to secure it with anything, you just need to make sure that it doesn’t move on the paper. Using a thin brush and black acrylic paint, an outline is applied; as a result, the drawing on the glass and on the paper should be as identical as possible.

When the entire pattern is transferred to the glass, it must be allowed to dry in accordance with the instructions for the paints. Because different brands of paint may dry differently. When the circuit is completely dry. You can start decorating using your favorite colors. Since the drawing on the base is black and white, only the artist’s imagination serves as a template for determining the color of each element.

When the pattern is painted, it is necessary to dry it as much as possible, it is better to leave it for several hours. To see the result of the work, you need to turn the glass over and the colored paint will remain under the outline. Once the drawing has dried, you need to cover it with acrylic varnish in 2 layers, allowing each layer to dry. The instructions for the varnish indicate that it is completely dry after 8 hours, so the glass can be left to dry overnight at room temperature.
All that remains is to return the glass to its place - in the frame under the photo on the box and the work is completed.

This individually painted box will make a great addition to your interior or a unique gift, and the process of creating it with such a design will help cope with stress.
Success in creative work!

After reading the article, you will learn how to quickly draw art paintings and make panels; Learn how children's paintings are created using paints, glue, salt and potatoes.

Art paintings

Art - translated from English as “art”. In our country, this word is usually used to describe original paintings created without any frills. Even a novice artist can draw this.

To create it use:
  • plain paper, but thick or canvas;
  • acrylic paint in white and other colors;
  • construction tape;
  • brush;
  • scissors.
To make such a painting with acrylic paints, you need to draw strokes in one direction. Use bright colors for it to make the canvas positive and joyful.

You can use the paints given in the example. If you wish, take your other favorite shades to enjoy your work.

The paint should cover the entire canvas so that there are no white gaps between strokes. Let it dry well, and at this time cut the wide construction double-sided tape into equal rectangular pieces. It is better to use it, since the regular one has great adhesiveness; when tearing it off the canvas, you can remove some of the paint.

When the canvas dries, attach strips of tape to it, placing them diagonally.

After the entire painting is decorated in this way, dip the brush into white acrylic paint and cover the canvas with this layer directly over the tape. Let the work dry thoroughly. Then simply remove the strips of duct tape.

As a result, you will get a picture that the art style helped create.

If you want to paint a more subdued canvas, use only 2 colors of paint. This picture can be hung in the office or given to your boss or employee at work.

To make this art painting you will also need a minimum of time, and here’s what else:

  • canvas or thick paper;
  • red and gray acrylic paint;
  • thin rope or thread.
Wind the thread onto the fabric in different directions. Paint it red, leaving light areas between several fragments. Cover them with gray paint. When the art is dry, remove the rope by rolling it into a ball.

Such art paintings look great both in the meeting room and in the dining room. The canvas fits into the surrounding environment, skillfully complementing it.

Quick drawing

If you only have 5 minutes of time, but you need to quickly make a gift with your own hands or draw a picture that will refresh your home environment, then use the following idea.

To implement it you will need:

  • dye;
  • plastic bottle;
  • soup plate;
  • paper.
Draw a tree blank on the canvas, consisting of a trunk and branches. Pay attention to what the bottom of the bottle should be. It will help create flowers on the tree. Let it be cherry blossoms.

Dip the bottom of the container into pink paint and make prints on and around the branches. When the paper is dry, you can frame it and hang the picture on the wall.

Here's how to quickly draw pictures like this.

You can create any of the presented ones in no more than 5 minutes, not counting the time for the paint to dry. Before you start creating, you should have at hand:
  • canvas;
  • leaf from a tree;
  • blue paint;
  • brush;
  • gold paint in a spray bottle.
Cover the canvas with blue paint, make strokes so as not to leave white gaps. Let this background dry thoroughly.

Then place the sheet in the center of the composition, cover the canvas with spray from a spray bottle.

When performing this stage of work, make sure that the sheet does not move under the pressure of the jet, otherwise the contours will be blurred. You can first stick it on double-sided paper tape, and peel it off at the end of the work.

When the spray paint dries, remove the sheet and rejoice at how quickly you have created such a picturesque drawing.

You can create original paintings without even using paints. For this you will only need old magazines. The design of the paintings will help make the room modern and stylish.

Cut photographs and glossy magazine posters into strips of equal thickness. Then combine them several at a time, trim them so that they are the same length.

Grease a rectangle of thick cardboard with glue and attach strips to it.

Now take a sheet of black cardboard and draw a design on it. Cut along the contours with a stationery knife.

Glue a sheet of cardboard with a cut-out design onto a paper panel.

Magazines can be replaced with fabric by cutting strips from it. Take canvases of bright colors; when gluing the strips, turn the edges inward so that they do not fray and look good.

All that remains is to frame the canvas and you can make a few more to hone your skills and give your friends and acquaintances a hand-made painting for the holiday.

The next decorative panel will become a vivid memory of your trip to the sea. Even if you were not able to get to the southern regions, if you wish, you will still be the owner of such a three-dimensional picture. After all, you can buy shells and find the rest at home.

Marine panel

Here is a list of what you should have on hand to make a panel:
  • cardboard box;
  • cardboard to make partitions;
  • brush;
  • acrylic paints;
  • beads;
  • shells;
  • glue;
  • pearl bead;
  • small sea pebbles;
  • sand;
  • threads
Take a box if you have a container that has partitions, then the time to complete the job will be reduced. If not, in which case read on how to make them.

Cut the strips so wide that they are 2 cm wider than the sides of the box. Make even cuts in two places on each one. Connect them crosswise. Bend the long side of the strips 2 cm, apply glue, and attach the dividers to the bottom of the container.

Paint the box blue. Let it dry, put the shells in the resulting pockets to figure out how best to place them.

Lubricate one cell with glue, sprinkle with sand, and glue a small shell here. Glue a pearl bead into the open shell and place it in another pocket. In the third, glue a small skein of yellow thread, and a shell on it.

The next cell will be filled with sea pebbles, also place them on glue. Using the same material, fill in the gaps between them, placing small beads here.

Coat shells and stones with varnish to give them a wet look. If desired, highlight the upper edges of the partitions with white paint to give the product contrast.

The work is complete, now you can hang the panel on the wall.

Watercolor art painting - an easy way

The following will help you create such original paintings:
  • canvas;
  • watercolor paints;
  • glue;
  • rock salt.
Cover the canvas with watercolors as your soul requires. You can use 2 or more colors, make strokes in any order. While the design is still wet, drip clear glue onto it and sprinkle with salt.

When dry, it absorbs the pigment from the paint and thereby creates a very interesting effect. These are the beautiful paintings that come out as a result. Children will feel like real creators when they work with this technique.

Let them make a frame for their creation. Help them with this.

How to make a picture frame?

For this you need to prepare:

  • thick cardboard;
  • stationery knife;
  • salty dough;
  • toothpick;
  • plastic knife for plasticine.
Cut out the cardboard frame yourself, since the stationery knife is very sharp and small children should not be given such a tool. But they can easily make the dough themselves. If you don't remember his recipe, you can use one of the following:

First salt dough recipe:

  • wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • water – 1 glass;
  • fine salt - 2 cups;
  • dry wallpaper glue - 1 tbsp. l.
Second recipe:
  • wheat flour - 2 cups;
  • water -3/4 cup;
  • fine salt - 1 cup.
According to any of the recipes presented, you first need to mix the dry bulk ingredients, then add water and knead a thick dough. It is better to first pour out not all the liquid, but more than half. Then add more as needed.

The dough needs to be kneaded very well, then it will become elastic, will not stick to your hands and tear during work. Do not store salted dough for a long time, otherwise it will acquire a grayish tint.

Roll it into a rectangle 5–7 mm thick, attach it to the frame, cut off the excess with a knife. From the rest, let the child form a “sausage”, giving it an oval shape, then cut 8 mm thick blanks from it, giving them the shape of leaves. Then, using a plastic knife or toothpick, draw veins on them.

You need to cover the picture with a frame made of salt dough, and then moisten the contact points with water and stick the prepared leaves here, and on top - flowers made from the same material.

All that remains is to dry the frame elements and you can put the drawing into it.

Children's painting

Talent can and should be developed in children from an early age. This is the picture drawn by a girl who is only 2 years and 7 months old.

And children 3-4 years old will be able to create something like this on this topic.

The technology for making detailed paintings is very interesting. First, prepare the following materials with your child:
  • A3 sheet of paper;
  • palette;
  • gouache;
  • a jar of water;
  • saucer;
  • foam rubber poker;
  • brushes No. 5–8;
  • potatoes;
  • paint brush;
  • a cloth;
  • glass of such a size that it is larger than a sheet of paper.

Let's get started with the interesting action. Here's how to paint a picture in an original way. Moisten the glass with water, let the child cover it with a brush with strokes of white and blue gouache, while mixing the paints a little. While they are still wet, cover the glass with a sheet of paper, press it over the entire surface, and then separate it and place it with gouache facing up.

Now you need to draw the black branches on which the bullfinches will sit. You can make this activity even more interesting. Kids will enjoy drawing such children's pictures if at this stage they play catch-up with their mother.

Let one of the elders paint one branch, and the child, as if catching up with the adults’ brush, begins to follow the same path and learns to paint a tree and branches.

The next step on the path to drawing a children's picture will be no less interesting. Take a small and a large potato and cut each in half. Pour red gouache into a saucer. Let the child dip the root vegetable into it, cut side down, and make prints on the sheet. In this case, a large potato will help create the body of the bird, and a small one will help create its head.

Do not remove the root vegetables from the sheet; now let the child paint the backs and tails of the bullfinches with blue paint. The child will not go beyond the internal boundaries, since the lying potatoes block this path, so the head and chest of the birds will remain red.

Now you need to draw black paws for the bullfinches, and depict the snow using a poke. Dipping it into white paint, you need to leave light imprints on the sheet with point movements.

Here's how to quickly and interestingly draw such children's paintings, which you can then frame with a salt dough frame and hang in a prominent place in the house.

If you put your palm in paint and then make an imprint on the paper, you will get a tree trunk. Let an adult do this using brown. Then the children will be able to turn their palms into leaves, forming a crown out of them. Such children's paintings will unite people of different generations if they create together. The frame can be made of any material, including puff pastry.

If you want to clearly see how to make them, watch the video:

The second one will tell you how to draw a picture in just 1 minute!

It is believed that painting a picture with your own hands means not just getting a stylish addition in the form of an unusual decorative element, but also thus reflecting the individuality of the interior and your own vision of the space. If you have always had an excellent score in drawing or even have an art school background, creating a canvas will not be difficult. It won't take long to get there, you just need to grab inspiration by the tail. But if you are a beginner in the fine arts, then our advice will come in handy. This publication will talk about how to draw a picture without having professional skills.

Creating a landscape

The painting style that we propose at the very beginning is more suitable for expressive people. Arm yourself with canvas, paints and buckets. You don't need brushes. It is better if you create your masterpiece in an open space so as not to stain the walls and floor with paint.

Spit out your emotions and desires onto the canvas, take as many shades as you see fit, and give preference to bright tones. You can even layer applications on top of each other. As you can see, there are not only paintings drawn in pencil and watercolor. In our case, this is pure expressionism, which can give the amateur artist both a unique experience and a stunning canvas of its kind.


Since the 20th century, among the recognized masters of painting, abstractionists have always been in the forefront. Looking at their masterpieces, which are now valued at fabulous sums, an ordinary person can exclaim: “My little daughter draws just as well!” And all because there are no principles. Therefore, if you do not know how to draw a picture, use a genre called abstract art to create a canvas. What should you focus on when creating a masterpiece?

First of all, stock up on acrylic paints in your favorite colors. If there is a color in nature that you can admire endlessly, be sure to take it into your arsenal. Then complement the color spectrum with softer and darker shades. Now all that remains is to stock up on canvas, brushes of different thicknesses, a watercolor palette and water. Let us take into account that water will play an important role in our process.

brush stroke technique

To begin, mentally break the canvas into several parts. Start applying strokes from left to right, using the darkest shade in the palette first. The result is a color stretch of amazing beauty. Remember that acrylic paints are the most fertile material for an inexperienced painter.

You always have the opportunity to correct not-so-successful pieces of a painting on canvas by using a higher paint consistency or diluting it with water. Plus, acrylic paint dries easily, so you don't need to rush. On average, it can take no more than an hour to create a masterpiece. Now you know what picture to draw, all that remains is to complete the design of the canvas with a beautiful frame.

Frames for canvases

By the way, if you see that your canvas is self-sufficient, you can place it in a place of honor on the wall, even without a frame. Nowadays, any manifestations of non-standard approaches to design are relevant. Let's give one such example. What if you place the frame on the wall separately without the picture? It turns out that you will decorate the interior with a painting that does not exist!

Decorate the frame with flowers, bows, and any available materials. The decoration of the frame, the more impressive it will look on the wall. Don't know how to draw a picture? You won't need it. Using this technique, you can decorate an entire wall; you just need to select a dozen frames of different sizes and shapes.

Geometric patterns

For this technique, in addition to paints and canvas, you will need regular masking tape, a pencil and a foam sponge. To begin, create in your imagination some kind of geometric composition, for example, a herringbone pattern adopted from a parquet board. Now arm yourself with a pencil and sketch out the areas on the canvas that should remain white when finished. Cover these areas with masking tape. This way, you will get perfectly smooth edges of the patterns, and you will not need to waste time on outlining with a ruler. Apply a base tone to the unpainted areas.

Now your task is to complement your masterpiece with spectacular stains. Take a sponge and dip it into any paint you want to see on the canvas. Work with the base still wet on the canvas so that the streaks look as natural as possible. Once completely dry, remove the masking tape. That's all, now you know what picture to draw, even if you are not good at painting.

Photo printing

If you want laconic, strict and correct silhouettes in your own painting, you can turn to professionals for help. Printing workshops provide their services to the public and produce high-quality prints on any surface. Photo retouching technology will create the illusion of a drawing made using black paint. Choose any image you like and transfer it to your wall as an original painting.

Just don’t get carried away by the images of strangers staring at you from the canvas, otherwise it will turn out like in the famous story “Bill painted this picture.” According to rumors, the boy depicted in the painting forced all owners of the canvas to experience many terrible moments, so much so that they had to get rid of the mysterious canvas. So the painting constantly wandered from owner to owner. More than one horror film has been created based on this legend.

Therefore, the best images for canvas with photo printing can be animals, plants, natural phenomena, as well as the most famous world attractions.


If you have a desire to create a unique and stylish decor in your interior with the help of exclusive paintings, draw them yourself. This way you will more fully reflect your own idea of ​​the world, acquire a new hobby, show your imagination and gain invaluable experience. Rest assured that you will never find such masterpieces in any other home, because you created them with your own hands.

Today, more and more people are wondering how to transform their own home, making it more comfortable and at the same time elegant. You can buy some particularly impressive interior detail. But why spend your hard-earned money if almost each of us can create a masterpiece on our own?


You don't even need to take painting lessons to decorate your home with a beautiful painting. will tell you how easy and fast learn to draw! And for this, in addition to paints, you will need...

Masking tape

Using a wide brush, paint the canvas as you please. When the acrylic paint dries, place equal pieces of masking tape on the picture - checkerboard diagonally. Apply two layers of white paint to the canvas alternately. After the second layer has dried, remove the tape. The picture is ready!


Openwork napkin

No we won't draw a picture on a napkin - we just use it as a stencil. Place the napkin on a white cardboard sheet. Mix watercolor paint with a small amount of water and paint over the design on a napkin. Remove the cardboard from the dried stencil. It turned out to be a wonderful picture, didn’t it?!


Sheet of cardboard

And this one drawing lesson quite simple. We take acrylic paint, create “waves” on the canvas, to which we apply cardboard and draw along the colorful lines several times. Voila! A simple but very effective “marina” is ready to decorate your home!


Artistic spatula

The spatula is for artistic purposes, to help beginners in the fine arts. “Scatter” balls of acrylic paint on the canvas, blend them with a spatula, creating blots and washes. A little imagination and sleight of hand - and who said that creating masterpieces of abstraction yourself is impossible?

This is interesting: If desired, in some places you can add foil, along the edges of which the paint should also be shaded.


Foil and cardboard

These two things will help add shine and color to your work. Simply coat the canvas with glue and sprinkle crumbs of foil on it. Then apply a second layer of glue. To paint a picture, take a piece of cardboard, apply acrylic paint to it and blend it onto the canvas. Crack-pack-fax - and a truly brilliant picture is ready!



How to draw a picture soap bubbles? - you ask. Very simple: 2 tablespoons of gouache + 2 tablespoons of soap + half a cup of water. Mix in a shallow bowl, insert a straw and blow into it to create bubbles. If you lean white paper against them, fancy and, most importantly, unique patterns will appear on the sheet, which will definitely become a worthy decoration for your interior!