Production of paintings based on chipboard. How to make a modular composition yourself

Most often, the remnants of wallpaper after renovation are left just in case, in case something needs to be glued over time. But usually these leftovers lie idle. But you can use wallpaper with your own hands to decorate and make our interior original and new. To bring your idea to life, you can also look for leftover designer wallpaper on sale at a discount. This wallpaper decor will be especially relevant in the country.

1. We update the furniture.

Every home craftsman can update furniture in this way. The main thing is patience and accuracy. We decorate any surface of the cabinet - walls, doors, shelves, drawers.

If you cover the inside of the side and back walls of a cabinet, rack or shelf, the furniture will sparkle in a completely new way.

For a longer service life of such decor, it is first necessary to clean off the old coating: peeling paint or varnish. This can be done using sandpaper. Irregularities or deep scratches, chips must be repaired with wood putty, then sanded well with sandpaper so that the glue adheres better. In conclusion preparatory work Apply a primer and dry the surface thoroughly.

If any part of the furniture needs painting, then do it before working with the wallpaper.

We measure the surface and cut out pieces of the required size from the wallpaper. We glue them to the surface of the cabinet with PVA glue or wallpaper glue, carefully smoothing them out and expelling the air. It is better to use wallpaper glue, because... it allows more time for corrections and processing of bends.

Paper wallpaper must be varnished to protect it from dirt and damage. You must first apply a protective film to the pasted wallpaper, otherwise the varnish may corrode the paper. For protection, use a regular PVA-based primer or remaining wallpaper glue.

The protection is applied to the dried wallpaper in a thin layer. When the protective film has dried, you can coat the surface of the wallpaper with water-based varnish. To make sure that nothing will happen to the wallpaper after varnishing, first try the process on a small piece, and then, after making sure that everything is fine, proceed to the rest of the wallpaper. When choosing wallpaper for decoration, it is worth considering that varnishing makes the wallpaper several tones darker.

If you work with vinyl wallpaper on a dense base, you don’t have to worry about contamination: such wallpaper can be easily wet cleaned. Alternatively, you can use self-adhesive wallpaper. You can decorate not only the exterior, but also internal surfaces. This technique enlivens the space, and gives you the joy of a new thing made with your own hands.

Such furniture will look advantageous if the color of the wallpaper matches the shade of the curtains or decor in the room. Or, on the contrary, among objects of restrained colors there will be bright accent. If you want to add brightness, you should cover sections of a cabinet or shelving unit with pieces of different wallpaper.

Modern fittings and other details will emphasize the stylishness of the updated furniture. This decor from leftover wallpaper is an opportunity to include an additional pattern, color, or ornament into the design of the room.

Furniture covered with wallpaper remnants will become a new style– Provence, country, vintage or any other. If the top is scratched and worn, losing its former luster, you can stick suitable wallpaper on it. This method is used to update various items furniture: chest of drawers, cabinets, dressing table. And to decorate the top of a coffee table, just cover the top of the wallpaper with thick glass. This way you can remove or change the wallpaper at any time. Remnants of wallpaper can also be used to cover any furniture, such as cupboards, drawers, screens, stairs, racks and shelves.

The interior staircase looks stylish with the risers covered with the remains of wallpaper. Remnants of moisture-resistant wallpaper, harmonizing in color with the surrounding interior, are ideal here. A contrasting geometric pattern or traditional ornament will look great.

2. We make blinds for windows.

Paper blinds – creative idea for decorating the windows of the veranda, cottage, as well as any window on hot days for protection from the sun. And they look more stylish than foil protection. Paper blinds are the lightest, do not require cleaning, and are perfect for the kitchen, which cannot be said about a fabric product.

You can make these blinds in just a couple of hours. It is better to choose wallpaper that is quite dense. Non-woven ones are best, light colors, reflecting light, without large patterns and not too colorful. We cut the canvas to a size equal in width to the width of the glass, and in length - 25% greater than the length of the glass. We fold the wallpaper canvas like an accordion; folds should be 2.5 - 5 centimeters in size.

In this case, the end of the lower one should be directed downwards, being a complete “step”, and the upper one should look up, opening outwards. Using a hole punch, an awl or a thin drill, we make a hole in the middle part of the folded fabric into which we insert the cord. We straighten the blinds and secure the cord at the top with a knot. On the top fold of the blinds we glue double-sided tape, which we use to secure it to the window. We glue the bottom five folds in the middle and secure them with tape. The result is a semicircle "peacock tail".

We put a clamp on the cord, with the help of which the blinds are raised up and lowered. The end of the cord or rope can be decorated with a decorative large bead. You can also make them on two parallel cords, just like real blinds. The procedure for their manufacture is similar. Only in this case will you need a clamp for two holes, which are made at a distance of 10-14 cm from the edge on each side.

3. We decorate objects.

LAMPS. In this way, you will not only update the lamp, but it will also fit perfectly into your interior.

We take the frame from the lampshade. We cut out the paper so that there is a margin of about 2 cm at the top and bottom. We grease the paper with wallpaper glue and stick it on the lampshade. We cut the “reserve” in several places (so that there are no crumpled areas) and carefully glue it inside the floor lamp. The result is an almost new floor lamp. Now, based on our taste and interior, we decorate the lampshade with ribbons, braid and whatever else we want. The leg of the floor lamp can also be wrapped with some kind of ribbons or a beautiful cord.

BOXES. Many people use all sorts of boxes to store seasonal shoes and clothes. These boxes can also be covered with wallpaper. In order for them to fit well into the shape of the box, the wallpaper must be heavily moistened with glue, this makes it easier to bend, drape, and give it the desired shape.

It is very convenient to store all sorts of necessary and unnecessary little things in such boxes. From leftover wallpaper you can make cards, gift wrappings and bags, and much more.

FLOWER POTS, VASES, TIN CANS. Typically flower pots are made of plastic or clay and are painted a dull brown or white colors. And beautiful products cost a lot of money. You can make a bright and colorful flower pot yourself, and it can also be a good gift with a unique design for a colleague, friend or neighbors.

For decoration flower pots It’s better to take small pieces of thin wallpaper, then they will lie more easily on the surface and not create wrinkles. For better fixation, apply glue on top again. When the glue dries, apply a layer of varnish. The top side of the pot does not need to be covered with wallpaper; I painted it with acrylic paint. Textured wallpaper is suitable for flower pots or vases of simple shape. And vinyl wallpaper on a dense base does not need to be opened with varnish.

Use the same method to decorate smooth cans, in which various little things are stored. Wallpaper remnants can also be used to decorate various parts: doors, book covers wall clocks, and that's not all.

FRAMEWORK. When decorating walls with wallpaper, you can move away from conventions and hang them instead of pasting them. For example, in photo frames - it can make a good collage and an excellent alternative accent wall. Buy several photo frames of different sizes, but identical in design, and insert into them fragments of wallpaper left after the renovation. Stylish interior decor is ready.

You can use a hoop as a frame. This unusual approach will add zest to the interior, and round shapes will add softness. A plain wall surface can be decorated with entire wallpaper paintings. Pieces of wallpaper are glued onto cardboard and inserted into the frame. Or, on the contrary, you can cut out frames from cardboard and cover them with wallpaper.

Create a composition from frames different sizes, also experiment with colors or wallpaper patterns. The same wallpaper in the same frames, located at a short distance from each other, will look stylish.

PANNO. You can make a panel from leftover wallpaper. For a volumetric panel, you must have some kind of panel or slab made of chipboard, thin plywood or cardboard. The panel must be primed and covered with wallpaper on the front side, turning the edges of the paper to the back side. Install the suspension from the inside out.

Paintings with large patterns on wallpaper look especially beautiful. You can hang one panel on the wall, or several, or make a modular panel. Simply sheets of wallpaper were used as panels. In the upper and lower parts, the sheet of wallpaper is fixed to the crossbar. Monochrome wallpaper designs look impressive.

4. Wall decor.

PATCHWORK. If you have many small pieces of different types of wallpaper, you can use them to cover one wall or opening. This technique will focus on a certain part of the room or allow you to divide the space into zones. This design will be a cute decoration for a child's room. A patchwork wall will support the vintage idea of ​​any room decorated in a country or retro style. But don't forget about color combinations, choose no more than three basic shades.

FIGURES FROM WALLPAPER. You can move away from clear geometric shapes and decorate a plain wall with figures from wallpaper. This idea is especially relevant for children. Patterned patterns may appear in it Balloons, cars, planes, letters, numbers; from the bright remnants of wallpaper - animals and plants of all varieties - everything will look organic in the nursery. By the way, such an application can be an excellent way out of a situation with unexpectedly painted walls. The figures on the walls will allow the child to touch the fairy tale, and the images fairy-tale heroes will lift your spirits.

FALSE PANELS. Using false panels, you can quickly and inexpensively update the design of walls if you want to change something in the old finish. Framing walls in this way allows you to make the room look more elegant in a matter of hours. False panels can be glued on top of plain, smooth wallpaper or on a wall painted with water-dispersion paint. Fragments of wallpaper of the required size and shape are glued on top of the main finish.

It is preferable to choose thick, textured wallpaper that will imitate panels. Wallpaper with silk-screen printing looks elegant. After drying, the “panel” is framed. For this, moldings, wooden slats, and plastic strips are used. The frames can be painted to match the wallpaper inserts or left contrasting. Mirrors, sconce lamps, small framed paintings are hung inside the wallpaper panels, Wall Clock and another wall decor. This design of walls with panel filling is typical for interiors in classic style. For interior in modern style You can choose a different frame material: use metal or plastic strips.

HEADBOARD. A bed with a high headboard is an integral element of a bedroom in classic and english style. If your bed does not have a headboard, you can simply cover part of the wall with wallpaper of a different color and texture, thereby imitating a headboard and creating a special cozy atmosphere. Patterned wallpaper against a plain wall is a simple and inexpensive accent that looks very stylish, especially when paired with a similar pattern on bedding or a bedspread.

You can paste over an existing headboard, or you can create an intricate design from a sheet of plywood and wallpaper. Give a headboard interesting shape, and your sleeping place will become a unique accent of the bedroom.

Turn on your imagination, and then with the help of leftover wallpaper and minimal costs you can transform your interior and make it more comfortable and original! Don't be afraid to take the initiative, be unconventional and free!

Alexander Dmitriev turns chipboard scraps and pictures from the Internet into memorable products that are popular among tourists.

IT tools used by Alexander Dmitriev

  • Adobe package
  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • 1c accounting

To launch his business producing original souvenirs, Alexander Dmitriev from the Kaliningrad region only had to agree to pick up chipboard cuttings from the carpentry workshop for free, and buy a color printer, photo paper, sandpaper and glue. The entrepreneur told Biz360 about how to establish the production of unusual memorable souvenirs in a tourist region with low cost and high margins.

Alexander Dmitriev, 33 years old, born and lives in Svetlogorsk (Kaliningrad region). Graduated from Kaliningrad high school management majoring in management. In 2009, after several years of working for hire, he founded own company– “Studio Positiff”. He is engaged in the production of souvenirs from furniture production waste. Now they are sold in 16 points in Kaliningrad and Svetlogorsk.

Dismissal as a starting point

Alexander Dmitriev from Svetlogorsk wanted to open his own business even at the time when he worked at a television production enterprise as a personnel manager. The work was quite interesting, but the young man dreamed of his own business.

The events of 2009 were a powerful impetus for Alexander to start working for himself. Then, due to the financial crisis, the enterprise where he worked was closed and the entire staff was fired. Alexander began to think about what to do.

Svetlogorsk, where he lives, is a resort town. Many tourists come there not only in summer, but practically all year round. It was a logical idea to connect your business with “resort guests”. But what could they be offered that no one else had offered?

While searching for a business idea, Alexander Dmitriev found himself visiting a friend at a furniture production site. He was then very surprised by how much leftover lumber was thrown away. Among the waste were chipboard, plywood, and MDF panels. Alexander asked his friend to give him some of the leftovers, which would have gone into the trash anyway. He came up with the idea of ​​making souvenirs for tourists from waste.

There, in his friend’s workshop, he cut rectangles of different sizes from furniture production waste. At home, using a printer, Alexander applied an image to photo paper and then glued the picture onto the blanks. “I wanted the image to be inside the base, and the frame and painting to feel like one. In the end, it turned out exactly what I wanted - something special. My souvenir paintings turned out to be very unusual and interesting, they caught the eye,” says the master.

Alexander experimented with manufacturing techniques, processing materials in different ways. As a result of these searches, souvenirs were stylized in stone, gold, vintage style, etc. They compared favorably with standard souvenir products traditionally sold in the Kaliningrad region. It is almost all made of amber and is quite the same type. And souvenirs from Dmitriev resemble framed paintings measuring 16x21 or 26x34 centimeters. They are attached to a wall or other surface using a string loop.

Having sold the first 120 souvenirs in three weeks, Alexander earned more than his monthly salary at the enterprise.

Economics of the project

Alexander Dmitriev honestly admits that he is not an artist. Therefore, he cannot make drawings for his souvenirs with his own hands. To do this, he uses a printer and illustrations from the Internet. This also significantly reduces the cost of products.

The entrepreneur notes that he needed little expenses to get started. For production souvenir paintings he used and continues to use waste from furniture production, which is given to him free of charge. To produce illustrations, he needed a computer, which he had, and a printer, the purchase of which cost 1.5 thousand rubles. The place for processing souvenirs was our own garage. “In principle, any room with an area of ​​about 3 square meters can serve as a workplace,” says Alexander. He also buys PVA glue, which he uses to glue photo paper with an image to a base of plywood, wood or chipboard.

In 2009, when Alexander Dmitriev registered as individual entrepreneur, he bought the simplest Epson TX110 printer and refillable cartridges for it. The equipment lasted a full two years. Then Alexander purchased an Epson L800 printer with a continuous ink supply system. It has already cost eight thousand rubles. “Printing on such devices translates ink consumption into money as mere pennies,” says Alexander. Print an image for one small painting costs about a ruble.

In the process of creating souvenirs, he discovered that photo paper could be replaced with business card paper. It is, in essence, an imitation of canvas. If you put an image on it, you get the full impression that it is real picture. Alexander Dmitriev buys business card paper in Whatman paper from a store that services a printing house. Cuts 10 A4 sheets from one Whatman paper. Each sheet costs 10 rubles with this approach.

The cost of a souvenir painting made of chipboard measuring 16x21 centimeters is almost 25 rubles. It consists of the following components:

    Cut chipboard – 10 rubles (but it’s more profitable to negotiate with furniture makers and take production waste from them for free);

    Photo paper or business card paper – 5 rubles;

    Photo printing of a picture – about 1 ruble;

    Water-based wood treatment compositions – 4.5 rubles;

    PVA glue (on the basis that one container is enough for 50 paintings) – 1.5 rubles;

    Sandpaper– 2 rubles.

If you stylize the painting as gold or stone, then the costs will increase by 2-5 rubles. Alexander sells such a souvenir for 220 rubles. After deducting the costs of delivering products to the point of sale and deducting taxes, the net profit is approximately 180 rubles. That is, the profit is seven times the production costs! An entrepreneur produces on average 20-25 souvenirs per day. And in a month he sells about 300 pieces.

Points of attraction for tourists and locals

After launch own business Alexander Dmitriev began looking for points of sale. Firstly, he agreed with several entrepreneurs selling to tourists that he would sell souvenirs through them. Entrepreneurs buy paintings from Alexander for 200 rubles, and make their own markup of 100 rubles.

“I have a principled position on sales through entrepreneurs. They are used to charging 100% of the cost, but I set the condition that the picture should cost no more than 300 rubles. This has proven to be effective. It's better to earn money high turnover than to wait for a buyer who will buy a painting at an expensive price. I had such a case when an entrepreneur from a store at the airport set a price of 770 rubles for a product. And then he complained that my pictures weren’t selling well. While he was selling them there, I managed to turn around three times with other outlets,” recalls Dmitriev.

Then Alexander opened his own store in Svetlogorsk - a pavilion with an area of ​​15 square meters in a shopping center on the shores of the Baltic Sea.

The stable demand for souvenirs prompted Dmitriev to search for additional points of sale. The new sales points were aimed not so much at tourists, but at the local population. “To my surprise, the turnover from them was at the level of “tourist” sales points.”

Local photo studios and flower salons began ordering souvenir paintings from points of sale aimed at locals. For some reason, in flower shops, buyers prefer to buy souvenir paintings along with bouquets.

Theme of souvenirs for different points– different. Where tourists visit, images of the sights of the Kaliningrad region are widely distributed. Locals More often they buy stylish pictures, postcards, and vintage images. Most often, Alexander puts on his paintings the works of famous artists, views of the sea, photographs of area attractions, original pictures in Japanese style.

For his souvenirs, the entrepreneur uses pictures that he downloads from the Internet. To avoid copyright infringement, images are taken from the public domain. If he finds paintings contemporary artists, then it is written off with them. As a rule, they all allow the use of their works for free, but with the obligatory indication of authorship and title of the work. Alexander puts this information on the back of the souvenirs.

To expand the souvenir sales network, Alexander personally meets with entrepreneurs who have their own stores and demonstrates their products. “Many are immediately ready to cooperate and take products for sale. My souvenirs excite buyers big interest. Because you will never guess that the picture is made not of stone or clay, but of chipboard or plywood,” he says.

Now products from Dmitriev can be bought in his personal souvenir pavilion in Svetlogorsk and fifteen souvenir shops in Kaliningrad and the region.

By the way, Alexander’s business is a family one. His wife helps deliver goods to locations when Alexander is busy making souvenirs. Of the hired workers, two of them are salespeople in stores. They get piecework wages: 200 rubles for each trip to work and 10% of sales.

Sometimes people order portraits and paintings from Alexander as gifts. Their cost is already much higher - 1000 rubles. The entrepreneur has experience working with local restaurant Japanese cuisine: its owner ordered 20 paintings for interior decoration. Dmitriev also regularly collaborates with photographers who ask to make different paintings with your photos.

Alexander was thinking about taking his souvenirs outside the Kaliningrad region. But it is surrounded on all sides by EU countries. It is impossible to sell your products there without registering special permitting documents. Therefore, the entrepreneur focused on expanding the network of sales points in the region. “Thankfully, our region is becoming more and more interesting to tourists every year. For example, we recently hosted the Voting KiViN festival. At this time, I had a surge in sales of souvenirs,” says Alexander Dmitriev.

I worked in 2009 at a television production plant as a personnel manager, but the crisis destroyed the plant, and it was time to make decisions about further earnings. We are in the Kaliningrad region with a tourism bias and I decided to engage in the souvenir business. All the souvenirs are basically the same from the manufacturers and I wanted to make something of my own. I have a friend who makes furniture, and I was always surprised by how much waste he throws away. I especially felt sorry for the waste of chipboard, plywood, and MDF. I decided to experiment. I cut the remaining chipboard from him to specific sizes and tried it out various options processing. As a result, I developed my own technology for souvenir paintings made from chipboard, plywood, and MDF. The picture represents a monolithic product. The image smoothly transitions into the frame. Design options depend on your imagination: imitation stone, ivory, vintage, gold, etc. I print the image on a simple Epson inkjet printer, I installed a continuous ink supply system, printing images costs pennies. I use my garage as a production base.

I opened my own stall, where I started selling my products, started handing over my pictures to entrepreneurs for sale, and opened several rotating display cases in supermarkets. To my surprise, my products began to be bought not only by tourists, but also by our local residents, spoiled by various souvenirs.

A little about the product
The product “souvenir painting” is a monolithic painting, with an image embedded deep into the base, with chopped edges, stylized as vintage, or gold, ivory, or stone. Most popular size finished product 16x21cm and 26x34cm.
Product cost

— Chipboard (chipboard) — 10-15 rubles. board (this is if you buy a sheet and cut it), if there is any small furniture production, then they will gladly give away waste chipboard, MDF, plywood for many months to produce pictures, for example, for a bottle of cognac.

— Photo paper — 3 rub. sheet A4

— “Sandpaper” — 5 rubles. for one picture.

— PVA glue and various tinting compounds 10-rub. to the picture.

As a result, the cost of one 16×21 picture comes out to me no more than 30 rubles.

It’s possible for one person to make 15 pictures in a day without overexerting himself.

I sell pictures for 150-200 rubles. wholesale entrepreneurs.

I sell 450-500 images per month (during the season and holiday months).

The profitability of my individual entrepreneur only from the sale of paintings from furniture production waste is about 60,000 rubles. per month.

Now this is a family business for me. Together we can master such production and distribution point by point. Plus, we have developed several more unique technologies, and we successfully sell products from them.

In general, the theme and idea of ​​my article is that how many interesting and surprising things can be made from what sometimes seems unnecessary to us. You just need to come up with a final form for this waste, and then it will start bringing in money.

Anyone who is interested in communication on the topic of souvenir production and exchange of experience, write to my email [email protected](with a note that you are writing from the website KHOBIZ.RU).

Dmitriev Alexander

Please leave questions, errors or typos in this article at

Decorating your home yourself is a matter of honor for craftsmen and craftswomen who prefer an original and unique interior. Modern tendencies room decoration dictates the use of relatively modest and laconic objects.

Do-it-yourself modular paintings are just such minimalist types of decorations. Their simple geometric shape, the absence of frames, glass and other unnecessary parts allows you to create them yourself.

What are modular paintings?

As the name suggests, these decorative elements consist of several individual parts(modules) that are united by a common artistic idea and are placed on the wall in a certain order.

As a rule, do-it-yourself modular paintings made from photo wallpaper or other materials, just like factory-made products, have a certain thickness. That is, they form a three-dimensional composition. The depth of individual modules can be the same (most often) or different. In the second case, the difference in volume allows you to create the effect of a three-dimensional image.

DIY modular paintings: types

The main material for creating such decor can be used:

  • wallpaper (regular or photo wallpaper);
  • photos;
  • colored paper;
  • textile;
  • canvas.

Products drawn by hand on paper or canvas become truly original. However, the ease of making modular paintings opens up wide opportunities even for those who are far from the world of creativity. When using ready-made painted materials, the main skill required is the accuracy of a home craftsman.

The arrangement of elements can be linear, diagonal or abstract. The modules are given completely different shapes: square, round, arbitrary. True, the simplest one for making a house is still rectangular.

How to place finished products

When thinking about how to make a modular picture with your own hands, you should think about its placement in advance. As a rule, empty areas of walls above sofas, along stairs or between doorways need to be decorated and filled.

The diagram below offers various options for the arrangement of elements of modular paintings, which will also be useful to those who are planning the placement large quantity photographs or panels.

Paintings on canvas

Do-it-yourself modular paintings, created as an alternative to original canvases, imply the use of high-quality materials and specific technology. The basis for applying the decorative layer is canvas.

Available in art stores wide choose various blanks, including a durable wooden subframe with a canvas stretched over it. The assortment of such stores often depends on the demand for such products, so finding materials in provincial cities can be problematic. The solution is to search and buy everything you need in online stores.

The selected pattern is applied to the finished base using any available technique (oil, pastel). Such modular paintings, made with your own hands, are a real work of art.

In cases where the image cannot be drawn, it can be applied to the canvas using a special printer. A ready-made base with a subframe will not be suitable for this task. You will need to purchase the canvas and mounting for it separately. Canvas printing is a fairly common service offered by many printing houses.

An important point: before you make a modular picture with your own hands, you should carefully plan the location and boundaries of each of its elements. The canvas with the printed design must be stretched on a stretcher, which means that each element of the composition must be printed separately with a sufficient supply of clean canvas around the edges.

Using scrap materials

Unlike the previous method, it is much easier to make modular paintings from wallpaper with your own hands. As decorative material you can use any wallpaper you like, a drawing printed in a printing house, family photos, portraits of your favorite film artists or decoupage cards.

For such paintings you will also need a stretcher with chipboard or plywood. You can buy it or make it yourself. The color image is drawn, cut out and attached to the flat base of the stretcher. For fixation, use special glue, double-sided tape or a construction stapler. The disadvantage of using liquid glue is that the paper softens and deforms, so you should experiment in advance on an unnecessary fragment and select a suitable material.

Before you make a modular picture with your own hands from photo wallpaper, you need to make sure that the finished elements are correctly matched on the wall and create a single plot. Therefore, wallpaper cutting should be carried out taking into account hem allowances. An alternative would be to cover the end of the subframe with another material. In this case, the area of ​​the picture coincides with the surface area of ​​the subframe.

DIY modular painting: master class

Fabric is a fairly popular material for making modular paintings. Its color can be any, at the discretion of the owner of the house. For work you will need the following tools and materials:

  • stretcher;
  • decorative fabric;
  • scissors;
  • meter or tape measure;
  • glue or construction stapler;
  • additional elements (fasteners for hanging, tape for finishing the end, decor).

To cut fabric, it is better to make a pattern according to the size of each fragment. Parts with hem allowances should be cut out carefully, especially if we're talking about about the material with geometric pattern. If you allow a distortion, it will be very noticeable and will have to be redone.

The beauty of using fabric is that you don't have to try to match the edges of the future modular picture. This greatly simplifies the work.

The subframe can be wooden or foam. When choosing the second option, you should refuse to use glue, since it will be almost impossible to achieve uniform sizing of the fabric.

Sequence of work

The cut out fragments are placed on the surface of the subframe and fixed with temporary fasteners at several points (pins or thin nails). Then the workpiece should be turned over, allowances should be placed on the wrong side and sequentially attached to the stretcher. You should start with the long sides, then move to the short ones. Lastly, fold and secure the corners.

It is necessary to avoid excessive tension of the canvas, as this will lead to deformation of the pattern. If desired, the ends can be treated with tape, and decorative elements can be attached to the front surface of the painting.

Lastly, the hinges are nailed from the inside out and then the pictures are hung on the wall.

A simple “lip print” is a creative interior decoration

A child’s bright drawing, framed, will decorate his room.

This handmade masterpiece will be a lovely decoration for your home.

Having decided on the style, you can begin to select materials for the future work:

  1. Paint and canvas.
  2. Cardboard, designer paper, magazine clippings, old photos.
  3. Textiles, leather, ribbons, braid.
  4. Glass or crystals.
  5. Buttons.
  6. Dried flowers, shells.

Advice! Don't throw away old children's drawings, scraps of fabric, magazines, decorations– all this can become part of the picture. Store them in a separate box, periodically reviewing and arranging them together.

Painting with paints

The easiest way to create for the interior original painting with your own hands - write it. The subject is limited only by the imagination of the creator. Even in the absence artistic skills You may end up with a masterpiece: use abstract techniques, study master classes and photos of finished works.

Oil, watercolor, acrylic paints will become faithful assistants in creating paintings for the interior. As a base, you can use either professional canvas or regular thick paper or a primed board.

Advice! You can draw inspiration from nature if there are picturesque places near your home. If you are unlucky with either the location or the weather, feel free to draw your household, pets, fruit compositions - whatever. The accuracy of the reproduction of reality does not play any role, the main thing is to approach the process with soul.

Modular paintings are suitable for almost any room: from kitchens before living room, but it is important to select appropriate images. If you don’t have the time to create a masterpiece with your own hands, then we have good news for you - today you can buy them in any specialized store!

Photo printing

The technical side of the issue is taken care of by a photo workshop, which can print a suitable image on almost any basis: canvas, paper, ceramics, etc. These can be ordinary posters with image interesting places, people, ornaments.

Advice! A poster is not just a picture, it must convey a certain idea, correspond to the interior, the theme of the room and the character of the owners of the house. IN Lately posters gained particular popularity in pin-up style and retro.

If the poster is large-format, you can divide the image into several segments and, when combined into a single canvas, play with the joints, making it look like a modular picture.

If there is a child in the house, then you can scan his drawings and select the ones that match the color, shape, etc. Such a poster can be complemented by a photo of the artist himself. All that remains is to print the poster and place it in a frame that matches the color and style.

Collage of old and new family photos You can hang it as a picture in the bedroom or living room, and posters depicting the corresponding paraphernalia and fruits are suitable for the kitchen. Finally, it is worth noting that it is recommended to choose posters and panels for the kitchen in rich and bright colors. color ranges however, no one forbids you to go against the rules and create stylish ones.


From all kinds of scraps, fabric with beautiful patterns, ribbons, braid or lace, you can create real masterpieces in patchwork style with your own hands. Fabric paintings are most often made using the appliqué technique. The basis is taken of dense textiles with discreet and inconspicuous patterns (stripes, polka dots, etc.), and the main elements are cut out from bright shreds.

Most often, kitchens and children's rooms are decorated with textile works, since these rooms are characterized by a certain simplicity present in the appliqué.

Advice! From felt, flannel and other fabrics that hold their shape well, you can cut out fruits, animals, cars, and houses. You can safely combine different textures and patterns on fabrics, use braid, decorative cord, and buttons for decoration. For the living room, you can make a textile picture from crinkled silk with abstract patterns.

From buttons

With their help, you can create original things by sewing or appliqué. Often this type of fittings is used to depict leaves on trees. Buttons can be glued in an original way inside any contour, for example, a silhouette butterflies or cats. In sewing stores you can pick up details various forms, colors and materials and lay them out like a mosaic according to a pre-prepared pattern. Such button creations will fit perfectly into the kitchen, however, they can also be used for the living room and bedroom.

Advice! Buttons can be glued around the perimeter picture frame, giving it individuality.

Wallpaper and panels

Often, after renovation, large pieces of beautiful wallpaper remain, which are useful for making unusual interior paintings.

  1. Wallpaper in a frame is the easiest option to create something like this panel. A piece is cut from the roll the desired shape and is placed in the frame. Moreover, the ornament may coincide with the pattern on the walls or differ from it. Such elements can come in a row of 2-3 pieces.
  2. Golden paint and a stencil or small black and white photos, stylized in an antique style, will help to revive a boring canvas in a frame. Similar paintings wallpaper will fit perfectly into