Souvenir paintings made of chipboard. Panel of products

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Sometimes, in order to take your place in the market, you need to come up with something special, unique, unlike others, something that arouses the interest and surprise of the buyer.
I for a long time worked as the head of the personnel development department at a large manufacturing enterprise. The work was interesting and highly paid. But in my soul I always had the desire to do something of my own. The crisis struck and in 2009 the plant was closed and all the staff were fired. The question arose of what to do next. Our Kaliningrad region is tourist-oriented and many entrepreneurs are engaged in souvenirs (mainly made of amber). I decided that I would work in this direction. I purchased a batch of souvenirs and opened a sales point in one of the resort towns. But since all entrepreneurs purchase products from the same manufacturers, everyone’s products are the same. And my business stalled because everyone was selling the same thing. I decided that I needed to come up with something of my own, and that it should be something special.

I myself am not an artist at all (a purebred entrepreneur). Therefore, production in my case had to become simple, the technology and all materials were accessible and low-cost. It was decided to make souvenir pictures. I wanted the image to be inside the base, and the frame and the painting to be one whole. Having tried a lot of materials and processing options, I eventually came up with something special. The products turned out to be very interesting. Using one technique, I first began to make 3 types of products (stone style, vintage style, gold style), now by the season there will be 5 of them.

To work, I needed a computer, an inkjet printer (I have the simplest 4-color one), a room for processing the product (I use my garage), and PVA glue itself (great glue! We do all our work on its basis).

I use pictures from popular artists, stylish pictures in Japanese style(one of the recent orders was the production of 30 pictures in this style for a Japanese restaurant), views of the sea and sights of our region (fortunately they great amount), individual orders for portraits are also in good demand (here I work in collaboration with many photographers who work at events and offer my services (of course, taking into account their interest).

I have organized several sales points: 2 of my own in resort towns, 2 points in supermarkets in the gift department, we also sell in 6 more souvenir shops in Kaliningrad. In February, it is planned to open my own branded souvenir store under the Positiff brand in the railway station in Kaliningrad, where my works, as well as the works of my two companions, also designed individually, will be sold.

A little about the product. The product is a monolithic picture, embedded deep into the base, with chopped edges, stylized as vintage, gold, or stone. Most popular size finished product 16X21cm, 26X34 cm.

Cost price

    1. Chipboard cut 16X21 (I order from furniture makers) - 10 rubles. PC.
    1. Photo paper or business card paper (business paper is cheaper and more interesting) - 8 rubles. A4 (1/2 sheet - 4 rub.)
    1. Photo printing pictures (ink consumption) - 1 rub.
    1. PVA glue (1 bucket - 50 pictures) - 1.6 rubles. PC.
    1. Sandpaper - 2 rubles. (for 1 picture)
  1. Wood treatment compositions (water-based) - 4.6 rubles. PC.

TOTAL: 23.2 rub. PC. 16X21 format in vintage style.
If it is gold or stone-like, the cost increases by another 2-5 rubles. PC.
All materials are available in any specialized store.


We sell pictures for 200-220 rubles. ( average price in the store 300 rub.)
On average, about 300 pictures are sold per month.
Net yield from one sold image 180 rub. (this includes production costs, transportation costs and taxes).
It's not difficult to calculate my profit. If we take several months as an average, then the net income is from 55,000 rubles. ($2,000).

To my surprise, the main buyers were not tourists, but our local residents.
Now the production of paintings based on chipboard is my business. I am very interested in working with and developing it.

Create something unique, different and you will enjoy success!

Business idea sent by our reader.
Very often, to start a business, you need to come up with something that will distinguish you from other market players, that will set you apart from the rest.

I worked for quite a long time as a manager of the advanced training department at one of the Kaliningrad manufacturing enterprises. Despite the fact that the work was quite interesting and well paid, I wanted to start my own business. In 2009, I was presented with just such an opportunity - due to the crisis, our enterprise was closed and the entire staff was fired. This was a strong impetus for starting my own business.

As I already mentioned, I live in the Kaliningrad region, which is a tourist region, so I began to look towards business with a tourist bias. In our area a large number of entrepreneurs are engaged in amber souvenir products. I decided to try myself in this direction too. A batch of souvenirs was purchased and a sales point was opened in one of the resort towns. But this business was doomed to be unsuccessful, since everyone is purchased from the same suppliers, and the products do not shine with variety. The business came to a standstill very quickly. It was decided that we needed to come up with something of our own that would be radically different from banal magnets and key rings.

I am a purebred entrepreneur and I have absolutely no artistic skills, so I tried to find a production that would be, first of all, simple and low-cost. The choice fell on souvenir paintings. I wanted the image to be inside the base and for the frame and painting to be one piece. A lot of materials and processing options were tried, but in the end it was exactly what I wanted - something special. The products were very unusual and interesting, which caught the eye. I decided on the manufacturing technique and product options - stylized in stone, vintage and gold (on this moment already 5 types of products).

What is needed to make paintings?

I needed very little to get started:

  1. Computer.
  2. Simple 4-color inkjet printer.
  3. A place for processing (a garage is quite suitable).
  4. PVA glue (thanks to those who invented it!).

For my work, I use paintings by popular artists and stylish pictures in the Japanese style (by the way, not so long ago I sold 30 of these paintings to a Japanese restaurant), sea views, photographs of area attractions. Regarding photography, I work with local photographers who work at events and offer my services (of course, not for free).

You also need to establish sales. I organized it at several points:

  • 2 of our points in resort towns.
  • 2 points in gift departments in supermarkets
  • In 15 souvenir shops in Kaliningrad.

What are paintings based on chipboard?

This is a monolithic picture, which is embedded deep into the base with chopped edges, stylized in different style(gold, stone, vintage, ivory). The most popular product sizes are 16x21cm and 26x34cm.

Profitability of painting production

Manufacturing costs

  • Chipboard cut 16X21 (I order from furniture makers) – 10 rubles. PC.
  • Photo paper or business card paper (business paper is cheaper and more interesting) – 8 rubles. A4 (1/2 sheet - 4 rub.)
  • Photo printing of a picture (ink consumption) – 1 rub.
  • PVA glue (1 bucket is enough for 50 paintings) – 1.6 rubles. PC.
  • Sandpaper – 2 rubles. (for 1 picture)
  • Wood treatment compositions (water-based) – 4.6 rubles. PC.
  • TOTAL: 23.2 RUR/pcs. 16X21 format in vintage style

If you style it with gold or stone coating, the cost increases by another 2-5 rubles. PC.
Moreover, all materials are available at any hardware store, so it will not be difficult to set up production.

Profit from sale

  • We sell pictures for 200-220 rubles. (average price in the store is 300 rubles)
  • On average, about 300 pictures are sold per month.
  • Net income from one sold picture is 180 rubles. (including production costs, transport costs and taxes).

The color scheme and ornament of the painting should be combined with the decor

Modern apartment design requires unusual solutions. And this solution could be the non-standard use of wallpaper. Today I want to talk about options for decorating walls with leftover wallpaper, how to make paintings from photographs and liquid wallpaper, and where to place them.

How to use leftover wallpaper

Everyone ends up with pieces of wallpaper after renovations. This is an ideal material for creating original compositions.

There are many ways to use them:

  • panel,
  • modular variations,
  • paintings,
  • landscapes,
  • ornaments.

Collections are made from large canvases, several fragments, with or without frames. It all depends on your taste, the size of the wall, the style of the interior and the material used.

Experiments with wallpaper design are always effective. They enliven life, bring originality, and create comfort. Compositions must be made in harmony with the interior. Take into account the color scheme and maintain the style of the room.

Why is it fashionable to make paintings out of wallpaper? For many, economical design is in the foreground. Designers name other reasons and advantages of using wallpaper:

  1. Diluting the monotony of the interior.
  2. Selecting the main wall.
  3. Elimination of design flaws.
  4. The finishing touch in the interpretation of the room.
  5. Hide wall defects.
  6. Dividing space into zones.
  7. Individuality of each room.
  8. Relevance in studio apartments.

How to choose material

The design dictates the choice of a specific color and texture, as well as a combination of factors:

  • complexity of the idea
  • composition size,
  • interior features.

Usually, you can’t get by with just leftovers from renovations - you buy more wallpaper or borrow it from friends.

The material sometimes dominates the idea. Based on what is available, we select the theme of the painting. For an ornament or geometric print, floral pattern combinations are suitable. The size of the plant elements is selected small, not contrasting with the general background.

Wallpaper with a geometric theme is ideal. Different images are allowed: ovals, rhombuses, squares, polygons, circles. The constant requirement is a small drawing. A large one will distract attention, distort the silhouette, and prevent you from focusing on the main thing.

The components of the picture must have the same texture. For large elements monochromatic ones don’t look like smooth options- voids will appear. Choose contrasting patterns and ornaments.

Paintings in the interior

Regardless of the material (liquid wallpaper, leftover paper), the painting will be universal. She will decorate any room. Wallpaper pictures in the interior set a certain mood. Skillfully selected themes expand the room and open up perspective.

If the choice is made in favor of small paintings, then the grouping technique is observed. They are harmoniously distributed on the wall.

The composition requires a competent arrangement of each piece. In large spaces, it is better to make paintings with large elements/patterns. In small rooms, small ornaments are ideal.

Learning to make paintings

Depending on the design they are used different materials and technology.

Method 1. Wallpaper

The procedure for creating a picture is simple, partly reminiscent of appliqué. To obtain even joints, the thickness of the wallpaper should be the same and the quality should be similar. Chipboard, art cardboard, and polystyrene are used as a basis. For modular, volumetric paintings– thick foam sheets.

Let's make a painting with our own hands:

Photo Instructions

Step 1

Prepare the base (cardboard). Size - according to plan.

Step 2

Decorate the cardboard with wallpaper (plain, patterned, textured).

Step 3

Elements are cut out from selected pieces: floral patterns, silhouettes, flowers, geometric figures, parts of the ornament.

Step 4

Glue each part onto plain paper. Leave to dry.

Step 5

After complete drying, the composition is inserted into a frame or used without it.

Framing it in a frame helps extend its service life, adds decorativeness, and hides the cut of cardboard.

Method 2. Liquid wallpaper

Paintings from liquid wallpaper are made on an open wall. Before work, decide what accent your interior needs. Your painting should be in harmony with the walls and furniture. Let several shades of the palette match the color of the floor or walls.

Advantages of liquid wallpaper:

  • Versatility. Ideal for the kitchen, nursery, hallway, living room.
  • They have no seams or joints.
  • Eco-friendly.
  • They provide good heat and sound insulation.
  • They have high wear resistance.
  • They hide flaws and straighten the vertical wall.

How to work with liquid wallpaper:

The material allows you to make panels, paint the entire wall, create finishing bas-reliefs, small paintings. However, a thick layer on the wall hardens for two days.

The painting is not difficult to make. A sketch is drawn on the prepared wall with a pencil. The desired color is added to the diluted wallpaper. Selected segments of the pattern are covered with the mixture.

Method 3. Photo wallpaper

According to statistics, photo wallpapers are among the top most popular finishing materials. They are able to expand the space, decorate the room, and hide layout flaws. They are a complete picture or serve as a background, a bright accent.

The advantages are ease of maintenance, durability of paints, resistance to UV rays. The disadvantage is the high price of quality material.

Modular pictures

The absence of frames, simple geometry of forms make Modular pictures popular decoration. They consist of parts-modules. The quantity used varies: 2, 3...5 or more. When placed on the wall, a distance of at least 2 cm is left between each fragment.

All modules are united by a single idea and represent parts of one picture. How to create modular paintings from wallpaper with your own hands:

Photo Purpose of the room

Living room

Here is an opportunity to experiment with bright colors. Segments are tied to the area of ​​the room.

Not allowed on a large wall small elements. It is recommended to place paintings above the sofa.


Abstract patterns and overload of bright colors are excluded.

A simple “lip print” is a creative interior decoration

A child’s bright drawing, framed, will decorate his room.

This handmade masterpiece will be a lovely decoration for your home.

Having decided on the style, you can begin to select materials for the future work:

  1. Paint and canvas.
  2. Cardboard, designer paper, magazine clippings, old photos.
  3. Textiles, leather, ribbons, braid.
  4. Glass or crystals.
  5. Buttons.
  6. Dried flowers, shells.

Advice! Don't throw away old children's drawings, scraps of fabric, magazines, decorations– all this can become part of the picture. Store them in a separate box, periodically reviewing and arranging them together.

Painting with paints

The easiest way to create for the interior original painting with your own hands - write it. The subject is limited only by the imagination of the creator. Even if you have no artistic skills, you can create a masterpiece: use abstract techniques, study master classes and photos of finished works.

Oil, watercolor, acrylic paints will become faithful assistants in creating paintings for the interior. As a base, you can use either professional canvas or regular thick paper or a primed board.

Advice! You can draw inspiration from nature if there are picturesque places near your home. If you are unlucky with either the location or the weather, feel free to draw your household, pets, fruit compositions - whatever. The accuracy of the reproduction of reality does not play any role, the main thing is to approach the process with soul.

Modular paintings are suitable for almost any room: from kitchens before living room, but it is important to select appropriate images. If you don’t have the time to create a masterpiece with your own hands, then we have good news for you - today you can buy them in any specialized store!

Photo printing

The technical side of the issue is taken care of by a photo workshop, which can print a suitable image on almost any basis: canvas, paper, ceramics, etc. These can be ordinary posters with image interesting places, people, ornaments.

Advice! A poster is not just a picture, it must convey a certain idea, correspond to the interior, the theme of the room and the character of the owners of the house. IN Lately posters gained particular popularity in pin-up style and retro.

If the poster is large-format, you can divide the image into several segments and, when combined into a single canvas, play with the joints, making it look like a modular picture.

If there is a child in the house, then you can scan his drawings and select the ones that match the color, shape, etc. Such a poster can be complemented by a photo of the artist himself. All that remains is to print the poster and place it in a frame that matches the color and style.

Collage of old and new family photos You can hang it as a picture in the bedroom or living room, and posters depicting the corresponding paraphernalia and fruits are suitable for the kitchen. Finally, it is worth noting that it is recommended to choose posters and panels for the kitchen in rich and bright colors. color ranges however, no one forbids you to go against the rules and create stylish ones.


From all kinds of scraps, fabric with beautiful patterns, ribbons, braid or lace, you can create real masterpieces in patchwork style with your own hands. Fabric paintings are most often made using the appliqué technique. The basis is taken of dense textiles with discreet and inconspicuous patterns (stripes, polka dots, etc.), and the main elements are cut out from bright shreds.

Most often, kitchens and children's rooms are decorated with textile works, since these rooms are characterized by a certain simplicity present in the appliqué.

Advice! From felt, flannel and other fabrics that hold their shape well, you can cut out fruits, animals, cars, and houses. You can safely combine different textures and patterns on fabrics, use braid, decorative cord, and buttons for decoration. For the living room, you can make a textile picture from crinkled silk with abstract patterns.

From buttons

With their help, you can create original things by sewing or appliqué. Often this type of fittings is used to depict leaves on trees. Buttons can be glued in an original way inside any contour, for example, a silhouette butterflies or cats. In sewing stores you can select parts of various shapes, colors and materials and lay them out, like a mosaic, according to a pre-prepared pattern. Such button creations will fit perfectly into the kitchen, however, they can also be used for the living room and bedroom.

Advice! Buttons can be glued around the perimeter picture frame, giving it individuality.

Wallpaper and panels

Often, after renovation, large pieces of beautiful wallpaper remain, which are useful for making unusual interior paintings.

  1. Wallpaper in a frame is the easiest option to create something like this panel. A piece is cut from the roll the desired shape and is placed in the frame. Moreover, the ornament may coincide with the pattern on the walls or differ from it. Such elements can come in a row of 2-3 pieces.
  2. Golden paint and a stencil or small black and white photos, stylized in an antique style, will help to revive a boring canvas in a frame. Similar paintings wallpaper will fit perfectly into

Most of us go to work and most of of us force ourselves to do it. Very few people get a kick out of doing what they do for most of their lives. I also worked as a manager at a company for a long time, and this was not what I wanted to do all my life. I always have my hands " were itching» do something of your own.

One day I visited a friend of mine at a furniture factory, and I was very surprised at how much leftover material they throw into a landfill. These are the remains of chipboard, plywood, MDF. I have always had a desire to start producing souvenirs, because... in our area all year round so many. I took a large amount of leftover chipboard from him and began experimenting with them. I wanted to create something unique, unlike other souvenirs sold by our entrepreneurs. And I succeeded. I did souvenir paintings, where the image goes into a frame, stylized as different types: stone, vintage, gold, etc. The imagination here can be limitless. I myself am not an artist at all, so I print all the images on a printer.

The crisis struck and the company where I worked was closed, and I had to turn my hobby into income. I found several points of sale through entrepreneurs, and opened my point in resort town. Things went slowly, but there was stable demand, because... the products were truly unique. To expand turnover, I found more sales points not only aimed at tourists, but also at local buyers. To my surprise, the turnover from such points was on par with tourist ones. They started ordering pictures from me in the form of postcards to flower salons, because... They go very well with flowers. I also made 20 custom paintings for a Japanese restaurant and began collaborating with photographers who now constantly place orders. By the end of the season, I calculated the average profit, it was about 50,000 rubles. per month.

A little about the product.

The painting is a monolithic product with chopped edges, chipboard base, Plywood, MDF, board. I print the images on a printer and process them so that they fit into a frame. I choose the style relative to the image. The most popular– vintage, stone, ivory. All tools and materials for processing are available at any hardware store; I do not use anything specific or expensive. The main goal is simplicity and low cost of production and aesthetic appeal of the products.

The cost of the product does not exceed 25 rubles. Moreover, I take furniture production waste for free and give it life. I sell them for no less than 250 rubles. I make about 15-18 pictures a day. During the season, sales are about 15 paintings per day from all points. This is about 2200 rubles. per day net, taking into account overhead costs. In the off-season I sell about 8 pieces. in a day. This is about 1200 rubles. in a day.

Today I have my own souvenir pavilion where 80% of the products are produced using my technologies and about 15 points of sale through other entrepreneurs.

What I want to say with this article. A crisis– this is still the engine of progress and a reason to move in every sense of the word. The main thing is to correctly come up with what you will do and how to sell it.

For those who are interested in my products and want to communicate directly, please write to me by email with any questions [email protected]

Examples of my paintings: