Business plan for the production of modular paintings. Business - store of modular paintings at home

Decorating your home yourself is a matter of honor for craftsmen and craftswomen who prefer an original and unique interior. Modern tendencies room decoration dictates the use of relatively modest and laconic objects.

Do-it-yourself modular paintings are just such minimalist types of decorations. Their simple geometric shape, the absence of frames, glass and other unnecessary parts allows you to create them yourself.

What are modular paintings?

As the name suggests, these decorative elements consist of several individual parts(modules) that are united by a common artistic idea and are placed on the wall in a certain order.

As a rule, do-it-yourself modular paintings made from photo wallpaper or other materials, just like factory-made products, have a certain thickness. That is, they form a three-dimensional composition. The depth of individual modules can be the same (most often) or different. In the second case, the difference in volume allows you to create the effect of a three-dimensional image.

DIY modular paintings: types

The main material for creating such decor can be used:

  • wallpaper (regular or photo wallpaper);
  • photos;
  • colored paper;
  • textile;
  • canvas.

Products drawn by hand on paper or canvas become truly original. However, ease of manufacture modular paintings opens up wide opportunities even for those who are far from the world of creativity. When using ready-made painted materials, the main skill required is the accuracy of a home craftsman.

The arrangement of elements can be linear, diagonal or abstract. The modules are given completely different shapes: square, round, arbitrary. True, the simplest one for making a house is still rectangular.

How to place finished products

When thinking about how to make a modular picture with your own hands, you should think about its placement in advance. As a rule, empty areas of walls above sofas, along stairs or between doorways need to be decorated and filled.

The diagram below offers various options for the arrangement of elements of modular paintings, which will also be useful to those who are planning the placement large quantity photographs or panels.

Paintings on canvas

Do-it-yourself modular paintings, created as an alternative to original canvases, imply the use of high-quality materials and specific technology. The basis for applying the decorative layer is canvas.

Available in art stores wide choose various blanks, including a durable wooden subframe with a canvas stretched over it. The assortment of such stores often depends on the demand for similar products, so find materials in provincial cities may be problematic. The solution is to search and buy everything you need in online stores.

The selected pattern is applied to the finished base using any available technique (oil, pastel). Such modular paintings, made with your own hands, are a real work of art.

In cases where the image cannot be drawn, it can be applied to the canvas using a special printer. A ready-made base with a subframe will not be suitable for this task. You will need to purchase the canvas and mounting for it separately. Canvas printing is a fairly common service offered by many printing houses.

An important point: before you make a modular picture with your own hands, you should carefully plan the location and boundaries of each of its elements. The canvas with the printed design must be stretched on a stretcher, which means that each element of the composition must be printed separately with a sufficient supply of clean canvas around the edges.

Using scrap materials

Unlike the previous method, it is much easier to make modular paintings from wallpaper with your own hands. As decorative material You can use any wallpaper you like, a drawing printed in a printing house, family photographs, portraits of your favorite film artists, or decoupage cards.

For such paintings you will also need a stretcher with chipboard or plywood. You can buy it or make it yourself. The color image is drawn, cut out and attached to the flat base of the stretcher. For fixation, use special glue, double-sided tape or a construction stapler. The disadvantage of using liquid glue is that the paper softens and deforms, so you should experiment in advance on an unnecessary fragment and select a suitable material.

Before you make a modular picture with your own hands from photo wallpaper, you need to make sure that the finished elements are correctly matched on the wall and create a single plot. Therefore, wallpaper cutting should be carried out taking into account hem allowances. An alternative would be to cover the end of the subframe with another material. In this case, the area of ​​the picture coincides with the surface area of ​​the subframe.

DIY modular painting: master class

Fabric is a fairly popular material for making modular paintings. Its color can be any, at the discretion of the owner of the house. For work you will need the following tools and materials:

  • stretcher;
  • decorative fabric;
  • scissors;
  • meter or tape measure;
  • glue or construction stapler;
  • additional elements (fasteners for hanging, tape for finishing the end, decor).

To cut fabric, it is better to make a pattern according to the size of each fragment. Parts with hem allowances should be cut out carefully, especially if we're talking about about the material with geometric pattern. If you allow a distortion, it will be very noticeable and will have to be redone.

The beauty of using fabric is that you don't have to try to match the edges of the future modular picture. This greatly simplifies the work.

The subframe can be wooden or foam. When choosing the second option, you should refuse to use glue, since it will be almost impossible to achieve uniform sizing of the fabric.

Sequence of work

The cut out fragments are placed on the surface of the subframe and fixed with temporary fasteners at several points (pins or thin nails). Then the workpiece should be turned over, allowances should be placed on the wrong side and sequentially attached to the stretcher. You should start with the long sides, then move to the short ones. Lastly, fold and secure the corners.

It is necessary to avoid excessive tension of the canvas, as this will lead to deformation of the pattern. If desired, the ends can be treated with tape, and decorative elements can be attached to the front surface of the painting.

Lastly, the hinges are nailed from the inside out and then the pictures are hung on the wall.

The latest trend in interior design is modular paintings. Printing of modular paintings takes place on natural canvas, and the painting itself consists of several parts (modules) that are combined into one general plot. The number of these modules depends only on your imagination.




The subject of a modular painting can be completely different: from your favorite landscape to family photography, which will be assembled from several parts and personify family unity. You can order a modular painting on canvas with any image that your image is capable of, and we, in turn, will help you realize any whim.

Our prices for the production of custom modular paintings:

Seal on natural matte canvas 1330 rub./sq.m.
Stretch on the subframe 100 rub. per meter of perimeter.

Printing modular paintings using safe and environmentally friendly technology

We take a responsible approach to printing modular paintings on canvas, so we work on the latest generation equipment. ONPRINT has its own manufacturing base with latex printers providing safe and environmentally friendly printing. Latex printing guarantees bright colors, accurate shading and impeccable quality for many years.

Catalog of images for printing modular paintings on canvas

To create a unique modular painting that will fit perfectly into the interior, take a look at the catalog of images on our website. Here you can find an image for creating a picture consisting of any number of modules.

Order a modular painting based on your image.

To create a collage, upload all the photos you would like to place on the canvas. You can put together a photo collage yourself, or entrust the creation to our designer.

How to order a modular painting

Choose an image from our gallery or upload your own

Specify the material and other order parameters, receive a cost estimate

The manager will contact you in a convenient way and clarify the details

Pay online with any card

Receive your order, delivery by courier service to your door

Compiling and paying for an order:

You can order your modular painting online inexpensively and 24/7. You can find out all the answers to your questions and get advice from a designer on drawing up paintings at weekdays from 10.00 to 19.00. You can pay for the ordered modular painting using the online service. We work with both individuals and legal entities.

Delivery of modular paintings throughout Russia!

For your convenience, we deliver modular paintings anywhere in Russia using the CourierServiceExpress courier service, Russian Post, or any other transport company.

You can find out more about the tariffs in the "Delivery" section.

Form feedback

If you still have questions about the preparation of modular paintings, payment and delivery in Moscow or Russia, use any method of communication. We also have a 24-hour feedback form on the website, online consultant assistance and a toll-free number open on weekdays from 10.00 to 19.00.

A modular picture is considered modern subject interior, although it first saw the light during Ancient Greece. Main feature Such paintings is the fact that they are divided into several parts, but at the same time they are not separate images, but fragments of one composition. Such products can be purchased in regular stores and through web resources, but to create a truly original interior, it is better to make modular paintings with your own hands.

The living room is considered an excellent place for experimenting and combining different light and sunny colors. If there are no specific rules regarding the combination of shades, then the size of the painting should correspond to the size of the room. Oversized modular canvases will look bulky and awkward in a small living room, and small images will simply get lost in a large room.

A modular painting in the living room can be the central element of the room

When making a painting for the bedroom, it is important to remember that this is a place of rest and relaxation, so the image should not have sharp and aggressive lines and colors. For this room, a calm landscape or an abstract image is best suited. It is also very important to choose the shade of the product so that it is in harmony with the decoration of the bedroom, since a sharp resonance will draw too much attention to one detail of the interior.

Paintings in the bedroom should be in calm tones that promote relaxation and rest.

They are often used to decorate children's rooms. bright colors, and their number can be very large for one room. Therefore, it is better not to do a modular painting in such colors. Also, a child is unlikely to appreciate abstraction; it is better to choose images of animals, fairy tale or cartoon characters. If a teenager lives in the room, then it is better to give him the choice, and find out in advance whether he even wants to see such a decoration in his room. You can offer several photos with friends (just print them so that one fragment contains parts of two or more photos); images with your favorite actor or musician are also suitable.

A modular painting in a children's room in the style of a child's favorite cartoon will be an excellent decorative solution.

Best suited for hallway interior simple pictures. This is due to the fact that residents and guests rarely stay in this room for a long time, so it is not worth spending significant physical and financial resources. But at the same time, it should be remembered that the hallway is the beginning of the home, so the modular picture must correspond general style decoration of an apartment or house.

Before you make a modular painting with your own hands for the kitchen, you need to think about whether there is a place for it where the piece of furniture will not get dirty. If the wall area allows for the placement of canvas, then it is better to choose still lifes, since they are best suited for the given room.

Video: DIY modular painting (master class)

Required materials and tools

The main part can be made from a variety of materials. These could be images on paper that were printed in fragments on a regular home printer, paper with pictures from a printing house, wallpaper with a design you liked, fabric with a print, and so on. The material from which the frame will be made depends on the selected front part. Ideal for fabric wooden frame, it is better to glue photo wallpaper onto sheets of foam plastic, and paper attaches well to boards made of wood-based particle boards.

So, to make from wallpaper or other material you will need the following:

  • Printed images.
  • Thin wooden slats, polystyrene foam, chipboard and so on.
  • PVA glue.
  • Tape measure or meter.
  • Construction stapler.
  • Pencil, marker, chalk, soap.
  • Scissors.

Making a modular painting from fabric

The main part for such a product can be designed and printed yourself, ordered from a designer, or purchased already ready product. The first option requires talent and inspiration, the second is suitable for those who are willing to spend a significant amount to purchase exclusive material, and the third for those who just want to freshen up the interior a little.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions:

  1. The first step is to make wooden slats suitable length. To do this, mark the workpiece and cut off the excess length.
  2. Then you need to saw off the ends of the wooden products at an angle of 45 degrees. In this case, it is better to first fold the frame on the floor to understand which way to cut.
  3. After this, glue the cut fragments with glue and press them, hold them there for a few seconds and leave them alone for 1-2 hours. You can also use a construction stapler to secure wooden elements.

When all the frames are ready, you can start preparing the image. To do this, mark the canvas, leaving about 2 cm on each edge to leave some material for overlap. After this, simply stretch the fabric on the prepared frame and secure it with reverse side stapler.

Video: master class on making a modular painting on canvas

Modular paintings from photo wallpapers

  1. Several slabs of foam plastic should be prepared.
  2. Then you need to apply markings on them that correspond to the sizes of future fragments of the composition and cut the material according to it. It is best to use a special thermal cutting machine, but this tool is quite expensive, so it is not advisable to buy it to make one painting. You can take a utility knife and carefully trim the foam.
  3. Then you need to cut the photo wallpaper, leaving 1-2 cm for overlap.
  4. At the end, the wallpaper is simply glued onto the prepared base and ironed thoroughly.

Creating your own masterpiece is quite simple. Even a novice master can cope with this task; it is only important to follow the above recommendations and act as carefully as possible.

We are opening a store of modular paintings at home.

The modular painting store is printing house with an opportunity print arbitrary image on canvas with further pulling the latter onto the subframe. And themselves Modular pictures is a set of paintings various shapes and size, each of which represents a part of one image. It’s worth saying right away that this type of painting is very popular nowadays, and the demand for them is only growing. To open a modular paintings store at home, you need to purchase special set equipment, which I will talk about a little later. Also, you or your employee need at least basic knowledge of using computer graphics editors type Adobe Photoshop. It is not difficult. And finally, you need to learn correctly stretch canvases onto a stretcher so that the images are aligned and complement each other.

Online store of modular paintings.

Modular paintings store does not require large areas, since it does not necessarily require the presence exhibition hall. Exhibition hall for this business will serve online store with various options images adjusted to the format of the paintings.

You can find these images on the Internet in unlimited quantities and then, using graphic editor, arrange in the form of a modular picture. One more important service that you can provide to your clients is production of modular paintings to order according to the image (photograph) sent to you from the client. brief information O self-creation You can read the online store in my article ““. Step by step instructions I plan to publish a tutorial on creating a full-fledged online store within a month.

Types of modular paintings.

Equipment for the production of modular paintings at home.

  1. Plotter for printing on canvas— printer for printing on large formats with the ability to print on canvas. Here are a few examples of suitable plotters:
    • Epson Stylus Pro 7890— Maximum format A1. The price for “INKSYSTEM” including cartridges and ink is ~ 286000* rubles;
    • Epson Stylus Pro 9890— Maximum format A0+/B0+. The price for “INKSYSTEM” including cartridges and ink is ~ 361000* rubles;
  2. Professional monitor with IPS matrix— in order for the colors shown on the monitor and printed on the plotter to match, you must have a professional monitor and preferably a calibration device. Examples of monitors:
    • ASUS PA328Q- 32″ monster) with a pixel response of 6 (GTG) ms and a resolution of 3840×2160 pixels. MVideo has this one ~ 96000* rubles;
    • HP 27xw J7Y63AA— 27″ monitor with a pixel response of 8 (GTG) ms and a resolution of 1920×1080 pixels. Mvideo has this one ~ 25000* rubles;
    • ASUS MX259H— 25″ monitor with a pixel response of 5 (GTG) ms and a resolution of 1920×1080 pixels. Mvideo has this one ~ 22000* rubles;
  3. Monitor calibration device or a spectrophotometer like the X-Rite i1 Photo Pro 2, which costs ~ 160000 rubles
  4. Computer (system unit) with a good video adapter (video card), RAM at least 4Gb and a multitasking processor. The cost of such a system unit in Mvideo will be about 50000* rubles For example, you can take the system unit Dell Vostro 3900 (3900-8703) .

* Prices are current at the time of publication of the article - 03/09/2016.

In total, it turns out that the store of modular paintings requires us to invest in equipment in the amount of 350000-550000 rubles

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Making modular paintings can be quite good family business. Short admission ticket into business (no more than 150 thousand rubles) - this is the main advantage of this activity. The simplicity of the technological process allows you to organize your own business even at home. To succeed in business, you need nothing at all - the desire of an organizer and a little bit of a creative component...

About modular paintings

Modular pictures - new trend in decorating and individualizing the interior. Such paintings are a composition of two or more parts, related to each other by the same theme. This format makes it easy to decorate the walls of any room, be it a cafe, restaurant, cinema, office or home. With the help of modular paintings, a unique interior is created in styles such as high-tech, modern, art deco and other trends. This is absolutely new trend, gaining enormous popularity in Europe and Asia.

If you want to give the room an original design and uniqueness, modular paintings are one of the best solutions:

Building a business using paintings

There are several options for building a business using modular paintings:

Production of paintings to order.

Implementation of finished works

Sales of finished works through specialized stores or through wholesale resellers.

Opening your own retail outlet.

You can rent a point in mall with high traffic or summer time stand on busy central streets. The first option will require high rental costs. The second option is less expensive, but it is necessary to resolve the issue of regular transportation of paintings (bring, unload, load, take away...).

The ideal option is to combine all three methods. Although this requires great time and financial losses.

How much can you earn by making modular paintings?

The retail price of modular paintings starts from 4,000 rubles/m2. In one working day, two craftsmen can produce up to 10-15 m2. In fact, if you fully sell the entire volume of produced paintings, the revenue per day will be: 40 - 65 thousand rubles, per month - about 880 - 1430 thousand rubles. Less taxes, wages and expenses for raw materials and materials, the profit will be exactly half of this amount. That is, 450 - 700 thousand rubles per month. Of course, in practice it is extremely difficult to achieve such results (you still need to find someone to sell 250 m2 per month), but a rough calculation shows that it is possible and necessary to make money on modular paintings.

What equipment to choose for making modular paintings

What is first necessary to organize a business? The first is a computer with software for working with graphics. Second, a good color printer for printing on textiles, or better yet, a plotter. Using a plotter you can print large image formats, but such a miracle costs more than 150 thousand rubles. Next are consumables. You will need fabric onto which images are printed using a printer and stretchers onto which the printed fabric is stretched. You will have to buy stretchers in specialized stores or order them from private woodworkers. Of course, you can use sheets of chipboard and plywood instead of stretchers, but such paintings will not look solid.

If you learn how to make stretchers yourself, you can increase your income from selling paintings. In the manufacture of subframes, ordinary slats with a cross section of 50×20, 40×20, 50×25 mm are used.

Production technology

The technology for making modular paintings is quite simple, and anyone can master this process. Perhaps the only difficulty is creating a future image, if this is done not according to a template, but according to an individual order. This is where skill and professionalism are needed. Otherwise, the process of making paintings is as follows:

  1. Preparing an image on a computer;
  2. Printing an image on fabric using a printer. It is better to print not on one common canvas, but on several canvases that overlap each other in pattern (this is the meaning of modular paintings);
  3. Cutting out printed fabric;
  4. Fastening fabric with images to a stretcher using a furniture stapler.
  5. The picture is ready!

If we talk about a serious approach to the matter, then to organize the production process you will need a separate room of 50 - 80 m2 and an investment of at least 500 thousand rubles (mainly for the purchase of printing equipment). In this room you should place equipment for printing images, a table for making paintings and a warehouse for materials and finished products. Among the workers, it is necessary to employ an artist-designer, a couple of craftsmen and a sales manager. Remuneration of employees is a percentage of work performed.

This is what the process of producing modular paintings on an industrial scale looks like: