Theory 6 of 45. Gosloto gaming systems

In our country, as well as throughout the world, there are a considerable number of gambling enthusiasts. They sometimes look very tempting, attracting you with the opportunity to experience adrenaline, and with it luck and, of course, the possible winning of housing, a car or a large sum of money.

Although lottery participants understand that it is extremely difficult to win, they continue to believe in their lucky stars. Currently, there are a wide variety of lotteries, both domestic and foreign. For example, several types of games such as Gosloto are offered. We will tell you in more detail how to play it in this article. Note that all these types are based on the same principle.

Gosloto: how to play on the Internet?

First of all, let’s say that this type of game is a numerical lottery, and bets on them are accepted online. Such draws are held daily at a certain time on the website “”, where the draw is broadcast. It is the first online resource in Russia where you can purchase a ticket for any lottery.

In order to play, you need to register on the website where Gosloto is played. How to play on the Internet? You will need to choose a specific combination of numbers on the playing field yourself. The selected ticket must be added to the cart and paid for using one of the available methods. Those tickets that are in it will need to be paid before a certain time, otherwise they will be removed from the reserved ones. This can be done either using a bank card or through various electronic wallets. Money can also be debited from your mobile phone account. It’s better to create your own wallet on the site, which you can top up and make payments with it.

How to get your winnings?

When registering, a phone number is indicated, so if you win, a notification is automatically sent to it, and a code to receive it is indicated, which then must be entered on the site. Winnings can be withdrawn to various resources, such as a plastic card, electronic wallet, mobile phone.

Via SMS messages

If possible, you can place a bet online at Gosloto. How to play via SMS if you do not have access to a computer? In order to become a member, it is not necessary to access the site via a computer or from a mobile application, as well as at distribution points. This can be done by sending a message with a certain text to the short number 9999. In order to try your luck in “Gosloto “5 out of 36”, you need to dial a message with the text 536, “Gosloto “6 out of 45” - 645, “Gosloto “7 out of 49" - 749. The combination of numbers can be selected automatically, or you indicate the selected numbers yourself separated by a space.

After you send the text to the short number, you will receive a request to confirm payment of the rate. In the response message, indicate the code that was sent to your number. After an hour, the selected gaming combination will automatically appear in your personal account. The money will be debited from your phone account. In order to transfer funds from a wallet that is available on the site, you need to add the letter C with the text of the message separated by a space, and if you want to pay the bet from a QIWI Wallet account, add the letter K. In this case, the service is available for the numbers of most operators. Subscribers who use the communication services of the following operators can play via SMS and pay for bets by debiting funds from their account: Megafon, MTS, Beeline, Tele2. Most other operators have the ability to make payments using other methods.

Using a mobile phone

Some people who do not have access to a computer or simply want to use their cell phone when choosing a bet are asking a question related to the Gosloto lottery: how to play from a phone, and what is needed for this? There is a mobile version of the site, to which you will be automatically redirected via the link “”. This resource is fully optimized for phone screens. Once on the mobile version, you will see that you will be given the opportunity to use four functions: register, pay for the game combination, check the ticket and receive your winnings.

In the mobile application, you manually form the required combination on the field, and then the selected numbers will be automatically displayed in an SMS message.

“Gosloto “5 out of 36”

This game appeared in 2009 and gained great popularity among the population. It takes place daily in real time. If you decide to purchase a ticket at sales points, you will need to fill out the coupon yourself. It has 6 playing fields, each of which contains numbers from 1 to 36.

In order to place a minimum bet, you must tick any 5 numbers in one of these fields. You can make more bets, respectively, by filling out other fields available in the coupon. There is also this option: this ticket will participate not in one, but, for example, in several draws. Information about this must be indicated at the bottom of the coupon (maximum number of draws - 20).

If you mark more than 5 numbers, then in this case you make an expanded bet. In one coupon, the maximum number of selected numbers should not exceed 12. You can also use a function such as an automatic method of play, when the computer randomly selects a combination for you if you play on the site. So, the coupon is complete. If you purchase a paper ticket, it is scanned by the seller, and you are given a ticket with the selected combination of numbers. You must sign on it and pay the bet. Ticket sales stop 20 minutes before the start of the draw.

The game takes place daily, and the winning combination is determined randomly during the draw using equipment called a “Random Number Generator”. Of the bets made, only those in which at least 2 numbers match the ones drawn win. If there are 2 numbers, then the prize size will be 60 rubles, 3 - 600, and 4 - 6000 rubles. For 5 digits, an amount will be awarded depending on the redistribution of the cash prize for the correct 2, 3 and 4 digits. When expanded, the calculation of winnings looks much more complicated: it will depend on the number of possible combinations between the selected numbers.

“Gosloto “6 out of 45”

In general, they play here according to the same principle as described in the previous lottery, with one exception - the number of numbers on the playing field will now be 45, and you only need to choose six from them. In the Gosloto “6 out of 45” lottery, the rules of the game are such that you need to mark at least 6 numbers in the field. You can select up to 13 digits. In this case, it is possible to limit yourself to one bet or make two or more at once.

Also, a ticket can be played not in one draw, but in several, but its price will then be higher. In a paper ticket, the maximum number of selected numbers can be 19. This lottery is played daily, the combination of numbers is determined by the “Random Number Generator”.

“Gosloto “7 out of 49”

Just like the other two types of Gosloto, it will feature six playing fields that must be filled out. As you may have guessed, the number of numbers in this case is 49, and the minimum bet includes If you want to mark more than 7 numbers, then this will already be an expanded bet. In paper form, the maximum number of numbers you can choose is 16, and on the website - 15. The ticket has the ability to participate in several draws, with a maximum of nine. If necessary, mark the number of runs in the coupon.

The principles that guide the players

As before, Gosloto remains one of the popular lotteries in our country. How to play it and still win? If we have figured out the first part of the question, the second remains a mystery for now. In order to win, you need to have good intuition, although this cannot always help, His Majesty “chance” sometimes acts outside of any rules. Some persistently study statistics that show the numbers that appear most often and bring winnings to the owner, while other numbers, according to observations, on the contrary, fall into the category of “unlucky”: for some reason they are the least likely to appear during the lottery.

By the way, on the Internet resource, in the “Numbers” section, a kind of statistics is kept, thanks to which you can know which numbers most often brought big winnings recently, and which numbers, on the contrary, do not appear in most cases. In particular, the results of your games are calculated. You can also analyze the results of the draws yourself, tracking their results. Now we will talk in more detail about the principles that participants in the Gosloto lottery use; they tell you how to play it in such a way as to increase your chances of winning after their victories.

Rely on intuition or calculation? What do the winners say about it?

After big wins, the lucky ones are usually interviewed and asked about the secret of their success. They received prizes in various lotteries, in particular, in Gosloto. How to play in such a way as to achieve the same results as them? It’s difficult to answer this question, but here’s what they said about the principles that guided them when choosing a lottery. Some of them, when choosing a combination, relied on those numbers that most often brought them luck or were associated with something good, as well as with some important dates. Others did not calculate anything at all, trying to draw it out at random and hoping for the chance that someone was trying to listen to their inner voice. Some say that they bet on random numbers, hoping that the ticket would be a winner.

Others persistently applied one combination of numbers from game to game, which, finally, was able to ultimately bring them victory. Some of the lucky ones were engaged in an in-depth analysis of the numbers that dropped out over many runs. For example, the largest prize in the history of one of the lotteries was won by a person who approached the choice of a ticket from an analytical point of view. He relied on statistics, and when purchasing, he took into account the most popular numerical combinations, which in recent years have most often given a win.

But no matter what method you use, you need to remember that the chances of winning are extremely small, but if you look at it from the other side, they still exist if others win. This is the essence of the game: in the excitement, in the chance that everyone seems to be able to get, but in reality not everyone will get a big prize, obtained thanks to a lucky combination of numbers.

Gosloto: how to play, reviews and opinions of participants

According to reviews from lottery winners, they were guided by different principles when purchasing a ticket. Some winners note that you don't have to bet big to win; some players have won large sums by betting minimally. There is simply no winning system; if it existed, it would be possible for many to win; however, as always, a small number of people are lucky. This is chance, fate, or perhaps it was foreseen in advance.

For example, when studying player reviews, some say that the game is not played fairly and that is why it is so difficult to win. No one can say with certainty whether this is true or not. Most players on the Internet report that they receive mostly small amounts, but, what happens much less frequently, sometimes there are messages from those who won more valuable prizes, for example, 50 thousand. If we analyze the results of this lottery in general, and as well as the rest, we can conclude that most participants win small amounts of up to 200 rubles: the higher the winnings, the far fewer lucky ones, but that’s what it’s a lottery for. Gosloto participants note that during the game they mainly guess two numbers. Guessing more numbers will be very problematic. There are also larger amounts, but they are won much less often, by beginners or by those who have managed to spend huge sums of money, constantly buying tickets.

Some players, as they later say, were lucky at first, and it seemed to them that fortune would continue to favor them in the future, at least they won back the money they spent, and then the tickets turned out to be losers. Thus, they became disappointed in the game and abandoned it altogether. So you need to remember that luck is a fickle thing, but on the other hand, in the same way, a lucky chance can wedge itself into a series of failures. Many note that there is such a negative point as the lack of a live broadcast, where the drawing of the circulation would clearly take place in real time. Previously, for example, it was broadcast on television, but now the results are displayed immediately on the website. Some people are confused by this fact, and they think about the transparency of the lottery.

In general, some continue to believe in luck and cherish the dream of suddenly appearing means, thanks to which they will make their dreams come true and help their loved ones, while others have completely lost faith in these gambling games, which could not bring them anything except the money spent . From time to time, those winners who were lucky enough to win a decent amount, and even a house, appear in print publications. They are interviewed, and they are happy to talk about their prize, but it is worth remembering that you may never be in their place, so it is worth approaching the games wisely, but sometimes it is still worth trying your luck.

– How to participate in the lottery, rules

The first game of the All-Russian State Lottery, Gosloto, which has gained enormous popularity over the year of its existence.

This is confirmed by the 12 millionaires who appeared thanks to Gosloto in the first year of operation, and two of them became absolute record holders in terms of winnings - Albert Begrakyan, who won 100 million rubles, and Evgeny Sidorov, who became the owner of 35 million rubles.

No one has won more than them in the history of modern Russian lotteries.

The game's super prize, Gosloto 6 out of 45, is constantly growing and reaches tens of millions of rubles.

How to play?

The lottery bet in the game, 6 out of 45, consists of 6 or more non-repeating numbers, from 1 to 45. By purchasing just one receipt, you can participate in several draws at once.

Bets for the current draw are accepted until 20:00 Moscow time.

After the sales are closed, the bets made are counted and the prize fund of the draw is calculated. Bets placed after 20:00 Moscow time are automatically transferred to the next draw.
The prize fund of the game is 50% of the proceeds from the number of lottery bets sold.

Draws, Gosloto 6 out of 45, are held three times a week: on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. After calculating the size of the prize fund, a drawing is held in which the lottery machine randomly produces a winning combination consisting of 6 balls.

Game editions carried out with the help Editec-WinTV equipment.

For the circulation, a Mercury model lottery machine and special balls are used, numbered from 1 to 45. The balls for the circulation are certified and meet all international requirements: made of special material, the weight of each ball is 3.8 grams, and the diameter is 44 millimeters.

In accordance with Article 18 of the Federal Law, On Lotteries,, for the drawing of the prize fund of each draw of the lottery, the lottery organizer creates a draw commission.

The functions of the circulation commission include:

  • – checking the readiness of the balls and lottery machine for operation;
  • – holding a draw for the prize pool of the lottery;
  • – confirmation of the results of the drawing by signing the corresponding act and the official table of the results of the drawing, that is, the drawing protocol.

How is the prize fund distributed in the game, Gosloto 6 out of 45?

After determining the winning combination, the results are calculated. Bets in which 6, 5, 4, 3 or 2 numbers match the winning numbers win.

Winnings in the game, Gosloto 6 out of 45, distributed as follows:
For 2 guessed numbers you will receive 50 rubles - the cost of the minimum lottery bet.

First of all, winnings for 2 guessed numbers are distributed, after which the prize fund is distributed in the following percentage:

5 numbers matched Prize fund distribution: 26,8%
4 numbers guessed Prize fund distribution: 14,4%
3 numbers guessed Prize fund distribution: 23,0%

Super prize for 6 guessed numbers, it accumulates and is a carryover, if in the current draw no one matches all 6 numbers.

The winning amount for the expanded bet is determined as follows: The number of combinations of 6 numbers that can be made from the bet is calculated, after which the winnings for each combination are calculated and the total winnings are summed up.

Tax on lottery winnings, Gosloto 6 out of 45?

The winnings tax is 13% and is charged on any winning amount. For non-residents of the Russian Federation, the tax rate is 30%.

How to win in Gosloto: 5 ways to buy a ticket + 3 options for checking the results + 3 methods of getting money + 5 reasons why you still haven’t been able to win anything.

Winning the lottery is a great chance to get money, so to speak, “on the ball.”

A big one is a chance to dramatically change your life for the better.

Of course, you will have to invest some money in lottery tickets.

Of course, there is no guarantee that luck will smile on you.

But why not try?

Demand, as they say, won't hit you in the nose. In addition, after analyzing the stories of the lucky ones and understanding the conditions of the game, it will be easier for you to understand how to win at Gosloto, and, accordingly, increase your chances of winning.

Fortune usually smiles on those who are willing to take risks.

What is Gosloto and how to win it?

State lotteries can be treated differently.

Those who are unlucky call them all kinds of names, and the most harmless of these names is a scam.

But the lucky ones who managed to win thank the Universe for this chance to change their lives.

Which camp will you join?

1. A lottery called Gosloto.

Behind the simple abbreviation Gosloto lies an equally simple decoding - the All-Russian State Lottery.

This is one of the largest all-Russian lotteries, which positions itself as a state lottery.

Actually, it is precisely the fact that it is state-owned that attracts the majority of those who want to try their fate.

This lottery gained nationwide popularity at the end of 2013, when the President, by decree, prohibited the distribution of any lottery tickets except state ones.

Since the initiator of the creation of Gosloto is the Ministry of Sports, this decree not only did not threaten it, but will also allow it to become even more popular among the people.

Today you can use four types of Gosloto lottery tickets to win good money:

NameMinimum bid (in rub.)Super prize (in rubles)
Winning time (Moscow time)
1 4 out of 20100 300 000 000 Three times a week: Mon., Wed., Fri.
2 5 out of 36
80 3 000 000 5 times a day: 12.00, 15.00, 18.00, 21.00, 23.59
3 6 out of 45
100 238 013 554 2 times a day: 11.00 and 23.00
4 7 of 49
50 100 000 000 6 times a day: 12.35, 15.05, 16.35, 18.35, 21.05 and 22.35

You can follow the draws on the website

2. Where to buy a ticket to win in Gosloto?

There are plenty of ways to buy a Gosloto lottery ticket - both traditionalists and fans of new technologies will find one suitable for themselves.

5 ways to buy a Gosloto ticket to win money:

3. Conditions for winning in Gosloto.

The lottery ticket for each type of Gosloto looks quite standard, the differences are small. But the rules of the game are slightly different.

Well, for example, this is what a “6 out of 45” lottery ticket looks like:

What to do to win in Gosloto:

    Mark the required number of numbers.

    How many numbers you need to mark depends on the name of the lottery.

    For example, “6 out of 46” – mark 6 numbers if we make the minimum bet, etc. If you play at higher stakes, then you can mark more numbers.

    Please provide your mobile phone number so that the organizers can contact you if you win.

    The presence of a mobile phone indicates that you may not follow the drawing itself if you do not have such an opportunity.

    But it’s still better to play it safe and see how your fate will be decided.

    Give the completed part of the ticket to the seller.

    If you bought a lottery ticket online, for example, on the website, then do not forget to indicate your phone number and carefully read the rules posted on the site.

The same lottery ticket can participate in several draws at once. To do this, you need to indicate at the bottom of the form how many draws you want to participate in.

Naturally, the more chances you are given, the higher the cash bet.

4. How do you know if you managed to win in Gosloto or not?

Of course, the easiest way to find out whether you managed to win or not is to follow the drawing on the website or on TV.

If for some reason you were unable to watch the broadcast of the drawing, then you can make sure that you won in Gosloto in the following ways:

5. How to get money if you managed to win in Gosloto?

If you were one of those lucky ones who managed to win, then we can only be happy for you.

Take your money, but spend it wisely so as not to regret later about the stupid things you have done.

Rules for receiving money that you managed to win in Gosloto:

    If luck is not all yours and the prize amount is small (up to 2,000 rubles), you can get it where you bought the ticket.

    Another official point of sale is also suitable for these purposes.

    If you are luckier and the winning amount is from 2,000 to 100,000 rubles, then you can receive it by transfer to your personal account.

    Send all your data to the address Volgogradsky Prospekt, 43, building 3, JSC TD Stoloto in Moscow and after a while you will receive your money.

  1. If you are super lucky and managed to win more than 1 million rubles, then you will have to come in person to the central Moscow office at the address indicated above to settle all the formalities.

Don't forget that winnings in Gosloto are subject to taxes. You will have to pay 13% of the amount to the state if you are a citizen of the Russian Federation, 30% - to foreigners.

All about how to win at Gosloto

I don’t think it will be a big surprise for you to learn that only lucky people can win in Gosloto. Those from whom luck is running away with great speed should look for other ways to improve their financial situation.

But there are still ways to increase your chances of winning, albeit not by much, but still.

a) What are the chances of winning in Gosloto?

First, let's look at the statistics to understand what the chances of winning in Gosloto are. Let’s skip the least promising option “4 out of 20” and turn to the other three.

Statistics say that the chances of winning look like this:

Based on the size of the draw, you can calculate which type of lottery will bring you the maximum winnings at the least expense.

We see that the most probable chances of winning are given to us by Gosloto “5 out of 36”. In addition, you will have to spend the least amount of money on its acquisition.

b) How to increase your chances of winning in Gosloto?

If you conduct a survey of people who buy lottery tickets in the hope of winning, you will find out the different methods they use to catch their luck by the tail.

Some people mark the numbers in a chaotic order on the form, some use important dates and lucky numbers in their lives, others are helped by a diagram they have developed.

There are several strategies for choosing numbers in order to win in Gosloto:

    Trust fate.

    When choosing numbers, don’t think at all, but note the first numbers that appear in your head.

    A couple of winners, who managed to enrich themselves by several tens of millions of rubles, acted exactly like this.

    Repeat the same combination.

    While preparing this material, I read on the Internet the story of one of the Gosloto winners, Vitaly, who won almost 2 million rubles in “5 out of 36”.

    He encoded the name of his eldest daughter (Nastya) with numbers, acting on the principle A - 1, B - 2, C - 3, etc. And every time I bought a ticket, I noted the same numbers.

    After a while, his strategy worked.

    We take into account the time period.

    Your task is to analyze the winning combinations over the past few months and mark on your ticket those numbers that have not appeared for a long time.

    We take into account frequency.

    The principle of analysis is the same - winning combinations for six months - a year. On your ticket, mark the numbers that appear least often.

    We focus on both the time principle and frequency at the same time.

    Experienced players claim that this helps double the chances.

You can use one of the ready-made strategies, or you can develop your own.

There is no magic recipe for becoming a millionaire thanks to Gosloto. Here, as in war, all means are good.

Why can't I win in Gosloto?

Can everyone win at Gosloto?

Of course, not all!

You can see for yourself that the statistics are merciless and over the entire existence of the lottery, a relatively small number of people managed to win large sums.

5 most common reasons why you can’t get rich through Gosloto:

    You are an unlucky person.

    You yourself know very well that you are not one of fortune’s favorites. Everything you have in life you earned through hard work and in spite of circumstances, not because of them.

    It is better for such people not to spend money on lottery tickets, but rather, which can really bring profit.

    You're not trying hard.

    Buy a couple of lottery tickets in the last two years and be angry that you can't win? Come on, you can’t be so impudent!

    Make it a rule to buy one Gosloto ticket once a week. This will significantly increase your chances of winning.

    You are using too banal strategies.

    All sorts of strategies, for example, taking into account time or frequency, are known not only to you. They are also known to the organizers of Gosloto.

    Of course, they are interested in ensuring that no one wins the super prize, so they minimize your chances.

    How to deceive these greedy people? Go against them, turning your strategy on its head.

    You gave up early.

    Let’s say you bought Gosloto tickets for a whole year, hoped and believed, and then despaired and didn’t want to play anymore.

    What if I needed to wait a little longer? What if fate was already preparing a gift for you in the form of several million?

    In general: don’t hang your nose and don’t give up under any circumstances.

    You don't believe that everything will work out for you.

    You need to take on any task with sincere confidence that you will succeed. In situations where fortune comes into play, skepticism and uncertainty are generally inappropriate.

    Only a sincere message from the Universe: “Today I will be able to win in Gosloto!” will bring good luck to your side.

Gosloto winners share their joy in this video!

Have you already bought your lucky ticket?

There is no clear answer to the question “ How to win at Gosloto?" None of the lucky ones knows exactly why luck smiled on him.

Try, believe, don’t give up, and sooner or later you will rejoice in your winnings.

This lottery system can be used for lotteries with numbers ranging from 1-99
and the number of balls in the draw is 6. Popular number lotteries are 6 out of 45 and 6 out of 50.
From the selected 18 numbers, 21 combinations are generated. All combinations must be used within one draw.

The formula for calculating the number of all combinations of lottery numbers is ↓

In the “6 out of 45” lottery the number of combinations is:
In the “7 out of 49” lottery the number of combinations is:

1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7

= 85,900,584 combinations
Probability of winning in a number lottery.
Number of balls guessed Probability of guessing the number of balls

If you fill out 100 combinations, then on average the guess will be 12 (11.9) “twos” and 1 (1.2) “threes” and most likely not a single “four” and not a single “five”. But, if you play 100 combinations over 100 draws (i.e. a total of 10,000 combinations), then the average statistical guess will be: 1192 “twos”, 123 “threes” and as many as 4 “fours”. It is also possible to guess “five” with a 2% probability (1 chance in 50).

The occurrence of four “fours” in a given 100 draws may be distributed evenly (one “four” for every 25 draws), it may be that all “fours” will appear in the first draws or vice versa in the last ones, it may turn out that not a single one will match “ four” and the probability of this event is not so small.

Let's add another column to the table, with the average number of combinations that need to be completed in order to guess the given number of balls once. If you play with one combination, then this number shows how many plays, on average, you can guess a given number of balls.

Example: to guess “four” you need to cross out 2432.2 combinations. If you play only one combination in each draw, then the “three” will be guessed on average after 81 draws.

Table for lottery 5 of 36

Number of balls guessed

Probability of guessing


Added 2 more rows to the table (0 and 1). They show that there is a 45% chance of not matching any balls and a 41.7% chance of matching exactly 1 ball.

Table for lottery 6 of 45

Number of balls guessed

Probability of guessing

Required number of combinations

Table for lottery 7 of 49

Number of balls guessed

Probability of guessing

Required number of combinations


More accurately obtained values ​​should be expected over a large number of draws or when playing a large number of combinations.

12 number system for 6 out of N lottery

Guarantees a winning “deuce” if 3 matching draw numbers out of 12 numbers of your choice.
In symbolic form, the system is denoted as: C(12,6,2,3,1,12)
Detailed description of lottery systems on the page - "FifteenEr"

Number generator. Range 1 to 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 9 8 99 Fill out the form with numbers


For a certain number of draws, the number of hits on each number should theoretically be the same, but this is not the case. This is influenced by many factors: the condition of the balls, the technical condition of the lottery machine and much more. Under ideal conditions, lottery participants would have the opportunity to predict the winning combination of the upcoming draw based on the results of previous ones.
Some of the players use a system game to get a winning combination.
System- these are combinations of numbers (more than the number of balls drawn in the draw), in which there is a guarantee of guessing that 3, 4, 5 or 6 numbers drawn match the ones you have chosen.
Playing in ten draws with one option is less effective than in one draw with ten options: in the first case, for example, in a 6 out of 45 lottery, the chance of winning in each draw is 1 in 8,145,000, in the second case it is already 10 out of 8,145. 000, which is ten times more.
There is another opportunity to increase the chances, for example: in the 6 out of 45 lottery, you can choose not 6, but 7 numbers, thereby increasing the probability of winning. but in the end it turns out to be very costly due to the increase in the number of options.
However, there is a way out - this is the compilation of INCOMPLETE SYSTEMS.
In such a system, a guarantee is given: if the combination of N numbers you choose contains all the winning numbers in the draw, then at least you are guaranteed a minimum winning combination. Playing with incomplete systems, thanks to a small number of options, allows you to use this strategy in an individual game.

Any selected group of numbers (combination) has the same probability of being a match.
There are 6 out of 45 total combinations in the lottery - 8,145,060
If the full array (8,145,060 combinations) is divided into 12 equal parts of 678,755 combinations, the chance of any sector to match the numbers in the combination will be equal to 8145060/678755 = 1/12
For 300 draws, any sector of the array can presumably be played 300/12 = 25 times or 5 times for 60 draws.
If all the numbers in the selected sector match, the chance of winning increases 12 times per combination of this sector, and will be equal to 1 in 678.755.
Combinations of numbers in a group have their own cycle or period of appearance during the drawing. For example:
A group of 12 numbers has a probability of matching 1 time in 8,815 draws. ↓

2 6 0,151474022 6,6
2 7 0,190313515 5,3
2 8 0,227040685 4,4
2 9 0,260351673 3,8
2 10 0,289279637 3,5
2 11 0,313156686 3,2
2 12 0,331577668 3,0
3 6 0,022440596 44,6
3 7 0,036250193 27,6
3 8 0,053421338 18,7
3 9 0,073634817 13,6
3 10 0,096426546 10,4
3 11 0,121221943 8,2
3 12 0,147367852 6,8
4 6 0,001364631 732,8
4 7 0,003020849 331,0
4 8 0,005723715 174,7
4 9 0,009745785 102,6
4 10 0,015340587 65,2
4 11 0,022729114 44,0
4 12 0,032088161 31,2
5 6 0,000028729 34807,9
5 7 0,000097973 10206,8
5 8 0,000254387 3931,0
5 9 0,000556902 1795,6
5 10 0,001082865 923,5
5 11 0,001928531 518,5
5 12 0,003208816 311,6
6 6 0,000000123 8145060,0
6 7 0,000000859 1163580,0
6 8 0,000003438 290895,0
6 9 0,000010313 96965,0
6 10 0,000025782 38786,0
6 11 0,000056721 17630,0
6 12 0,000113443 8815,0

A - number of matches, B - numbers in combination
C - probability of coincidence, D - probable number of combinations

If you guess 6 matching numbers in such a group, your chances of winning a super prize increase by 924 times!

PROBABLE NUMBER OF WINNINGS each class, from all possible combinations, is determined taking into account the probability coefficient of each win:

  • Winnings for 6 matched numbers:
    (6x5x4x3x2x1) / (1x2x3x4x5x6) = 1 win
  • Winnings for 5 matched numbers:
    [(6x5x4x3x2) / (1x2x3x4x5)] x (39/1) = 234 wins
  • Winnings for 4 matched numbers:
    [(6x5x4x3) / (1x2x3x4)] x [(39x38)/(1x2)] = 11,115 wins
  • Winnings for 3 matched numbers:
    [(6x5x4) / (1x2x3)] x [(39x38x37)/(1x2x3)] = 182,780 wins
  • Winnings for 2 matched numbers:
    [(6x5) / (1x2) x [(39x38x37x36)/(1x2x3x4)] = 1,233,765 winnings

PROBABILITY OF WINNING is determined by the ratio of the probable number of wins to the total number of combinations:

  • 6 number matches:
    8,145,060 / 1 = 1 Winning for 8,145,060 combinations
  • 5 number matches:
    8,145,060 / 234 = 1 Winning on 34,808 combinations
  • 4 number matches:
    8,145,060 / 11,115 = 1 Winning for 733 combinations
  • 3 number matches:
    8,145,060 / 182,780 = 1 Winning for 44 combinations
  • 2 number matches:
    8,145,060 / 1,233,765 = 1 Win for 6 combinations

In the “6 out of 45” lottery, there are approximately 1,427,895 wins, or 1 win per 6 combinations.

From these calculations it follows:
It is very possible to get a win by filling out 6 combinations (one lottery coupon).
Don't forget: Two tickets increase your chances by 2 times!


The problem of players choosing numbers based on the results of statistical data analysis lies in the lack of understanding of the uneven distribution in the time context, the probability of coincidences per number of combinations.
The sum of the probabilities of the event options is equal to one (100%), but the distribution of probabilities among the options is not uniform over time.
The sides of the coin do not alternate in order: heads, tails, heads, tails. The calculated probability distribution will completely coincide with the actual one only over a long period of time, because within such a time period, the number of different sides of the coin falling out will be approximately the same.
But within individual periods, the probability of each event option varies from 0 to 100%.
This is, for example, when out of ten times, heads come up all ten times, although from the calculation of the probability of the sum of all possible options, this is generally impossible.
Players call such hits in a row as streaks. The duration of a series of occurrences of one variant of an event (in a row or within a period) may fluctuate. Theoretically, the amplitude of such oscillations is not limited, but practically unlimited series do not exist. There is a certain limit to which the duration of a series increases.
The balance of probability of event options is limited:
1. variability of event options within an arbitrary period of time
(changing the duration of the series from 1 to several repetitions in a row)
2. duration and frequency of series within an arbitrary period of time.
This achieves a variety of event options.

Lottery paradox The probability of winning each specific ticket individually is negligible and tends to zero, but the probability of winning any one specific ticket is one hundred percent.

Check out the results of past lottery draws - online

Many gambling fans often wonder how to win the lottery. Here are some tricks for the 6 out of 45 lottery. How to win it by matching the maximum number of numbers? The probability of simply guessing all 6 numbers is 1 in 8145060. As you can see, this is almost impossible. But there are several simple ways to choose the necessary numbers and get, although not the maximum, a win.

Tricks of playing the lottery 6 of 45

  • Write down all the drawn numbers from the last 8 - 10 draws and find those that come up the maximum number of times. By choosing the same numbers, you will increase the probability of your winnings.
  • Write down in advance on a blank sheet of paper the numbers that you want to cross out and only after that pick up the ticket to fill out. By choosing combinations right on the ticket itself, you will be guided by a visual picture, and not by your sixth sense and intuition.
  • As statistics show, you can win both using your personal “system” and “at random”. But in any case, it is worth considering this feature that combinations of numbers, as a rule, are not repeated, especially for the last 2 - 3 games. Also, you almost never get 2 or 3 numbers in a row; more often you end up with a discrepancy.
  • All 45 numbers can be divided into 3 groups: from 1 to 15, from 15 to 30 and from 30 to 45. And select the maximum number or most of the numbers from one group. Some circulations fit exactly this way. Alternatively, you can select most of the numbers in one of these groups, and scatter the rest among the remaining numbers.

It is important before starting the game to decide on the amount that you are willing to spend without compromising the family budget. You need to be prepared to lose it, so as not to worry in the future if you fail. Only in this case will you be able to relax and enjoy the game.