How to age a wooden picture frame. Do-it-yourself decoupage of photo frames - master class for beginners

  1. We do not prime the frame with anything, or we apply one thin layer of primer, we don't sand it out. This picture will be slightly aged, and I need a surface with the texture of untreated wood so that the patination composition is retained in it.
  2. Paint the frame in the desired color (1-2 layers). I chose the color from the very motif - it’s milky white and here and there, although it’s not visible, there are light yellow stripes (about uneven painting of the surface, see here, how to evenly apply primer, paint, varnish - here).
  3. Diluted with water a mixture of brown paint and a drop of black(the shade can be changed, make it more brown or more black, or yellowish-brown; you can make it more or less dark; the saturation will depend on the amount of water). And we apply this dark water to the frame, Wash immediately with a dry or slightly damp cloth. If the surface of the wood is uneven, you will get this texture:

4. Cover with matte varnish in 2 layers.

We get a stylish picture, which I already showed in the previous master class:

Frame 2. Artificial abrasions plus dry brush aging.

Here I have chosen a marine motif, there are “antique nautical things” on the chest of drawers, so the frame should match the motif. Our motif determines the style of the frame, so decoupaging a painting always takes less time than decorating a frame for this painting. So, here is the picture itself (there was no frame yet):

There were two options - abrasions on a candle or “on a wash”, but I chose abrasions on a wash, because on our motif the abrasions are more reminiscent of “wash” rather than “candle”))))))

Let's try to repeat this aging on the frame.

  1. We paint the frame brown (you can prime it, you don’t have to prime it, that’s fine). Not even brown, but as brown-earthy as in the motif. Let it dry and you can varnish it (I didn’t cover it).
  2. Mix blue as in the motif (keep in mind that acrylic darkens slightly when drying), paint one layer on one side.

After a few minutes, when the paint has dried, With a slightly damp cloth we begin to wash in those places where there should be abrasions. If you erased more than necessary, no big deal, you can re-touch it. If you have not yet watched the video on the box with abrasions on the launder, watch it.

It turns out something like this:

  1. When all parties are ready, take art bristles with white paint and in dry brush technique we go over the entire surface, bleaching quite strongly her.

Working with a dry brush is as follows:

  • Take a small amount of paint on the brush;
  • Wipe off almost all the paint on a napkin so that the brush is almost dry;
  • We sweep over the surface - and the remaining paint clings to surface unevenness or simply leaves intermittent stripes, as if dusting the surface. We always work from the edge of the workpiece, without leaving clear brush marks.

Here on the frame I poked it further with a brush, leaving white spots. It turned out very picturesque :)

  1. Two layers of varnish - and sea ​​panel can be hung on the wall. It’s good if there’s a steering wheel hanging nearby, you can even do it without decoupage or a bell, and the walls are made of logs, there’s sand and seaweed on the floor, and instead of a bed there’s an old wooden boat (I was daydreaming about something)…

Frame 3. Antique baguette for a still life with flowers.

  1. I took as a basis plastic frame with a beautiful baroque relief(and she was originally white!!! Horror!!!) We prime the plastic 1 layer of aerosol varnish.
  2. Cover it with gold paint In a certain number of layers, depending on the hiding power of our paint, you can first coat it with ocher, then fewer layers will be needed.
  3. After the gold dries, we take bitumen varnish(for lovers of scented products) or any patination agent, or even black-brown paint diluted with varnish. I don’t like scented products, but I really like bitumen varnish, so I’ll show you based on that.

We put on gloves (otherwise you will walk around with black nails for 3 days, and then make excuses that you decoupaged picture frames), Using a sponge, apply bitumen varnish to the entire surface, especially in all the depressions of the relief. With a sponge - because you can simply throw it away later.

4. Immediately wipe off all excess from the relief with a dry cloth, leaving the indentations patinated.

This aging happened on a flat surface:

5. We work especially carefully on small elements:

And erase here more carefully:

  1. Dry for 24 hours according to the instructions (if it is bitumen varnish or bitumen). The rest dries faster.
  2. Let's cover this dark matter non-aqueous varnish(according to the instructions, bitumen varnish is coated with shellac, but, as always, I prefer aerosol).
  3. Additionally, you can walk gold wax on the protruding parts of the relief for more shine.
  4. Everything can be hung in a baroque interior (meh... we need to change the furniture... and wallpaper... and at the same time paint the ceiling with frescoes... oh!)

The process of painting a picture frame is quite a creative and unusual activity. Using some techniques and secrets will help you update your baguette. You can decorate either a self-made frame or give a second life to an old product. In this article we will look at options on how to paint a picture frame with your own hands.

How to paint a photo frame for a picture?

If you purchased a new picture frame that is not painted, then you can transform it with your own hands. How to paint or restore a frame? To paint the product, use paint of a suitable shade, as well as bronze or silver.

Bronze powder

If bronze powder is used, then the following actions must be performed:

  1. The baguette is covered with alkyd varnish or paint of the desired tone.
  2. After this, bronze powder is applied to the sticky varnish.

Important! This procedure creates a spectacular appearance with a golden or bronze tint. But such a picture frame is not durable. Even the touch of your fingers causes the “goldenness” to fade. Therefore, it is necessary to apply an additional procedure in which the powder is covered with a layer of varnish. Repeated varnishing reduces the “golden effect”.

Bronze paint

To paint picture frames, use bronze paint, which can be purchased ready-made at hardware stores. In addition, you can prepare such paint yourself from bronze powder. To do this, mix bronze powder in alkyd varnish and drying oil. Even ordinary sunflower oil is suitable for this procedure.

Important! If you use varnish, it must be diluted with a solvent. The more diluted the varnish, the greater the “goldenness” of the paint. In this case, the coated surface of the frame is not strong enough.

Aged bronze

How to age a frame? A picture frame reminiscent of aged bronze looks very stylish and beautiful. This effect can be achieved by performing several sequential actions.

How to paint a DIY antiqued bronze picture frame:

  • First, the frame is given a dark shade, using a black-brown tint, brown-green tone and other color schemes.

Important! The paint used must have a matte base.

  • After this we spray bronze paint from a can over the surface of the frame using sliding movements.

Important! As a result of this procedure, all protruding parts on the surface of the frame will be golden, and the depressions will remain dark in color. In this way, the effect of an old product from which the gilding has peeled off is created.

Wood imitation

Modern technological processes make it possible to create an imitation of valuable wood texture on the surface of the frame. In this case, you need to do the following:

  1. The baguette is coated with a primer or treated with matte white paint.
  2. Then the coloring pigment is diluted in the varnish to the desired color range. Mostly dark brown color with some shade is used. The composition of the prepared paint should have a translucent consistency.
  3. Apply this paint to the surface of the frame with a brush with stiff bristles. Such a brush scratches the layer of applied paint and the white base is unevenly visible under it.

Important! To apply paint using this method, certain skills are required. The imitation of wood texture will depend on how the brush is positioned in the hand and what movements are used during application. A high level of skill allows you to independently come up with patterns of various wood textures.

Foil covering

There is another original painting method. To do this, the picture frame is covered with foil. How to decorate a picture frame with foil yourself:

  1. Before this, the baguette is treated with glue or varnish.
  2. While the coating dries, apply foil or gold leaf to it and press it with a sponge. The glued foil follows the relief of the frame and fits tightly to the baguette.
  3. The resulting metal surface must be tinted with translucent paint.

Important! When using white aluminum foil rather than gold foil, a warm bronze tone is created by using grated lead from colored pencils. The lead must be ground to a powder state. This composition is rubbed into the metal surface of the frame with a brush with a hard base or a rag.

To decorate a baguette yourself, you need a broad imagination, creative thinking and versatile creativity. By experimenting and improvising, you can come up with new techniques, methods, and achieve interesting compositions in such a creative process.

How to age a picture frame?

The appearance of the items in the living room depends on the style of the interior. Thus, an interior in the style of Provence, Vintage and Shabby Chic involves decorating existing pieces of furniture in an antique style. The antique look is created by the furniture set, complemented by aged chairs, tables and chests of drawers.

Flower pots, photo frames, all kinds of vases, wall clocks, and mirror frames are decorated in this style. It is not at all necessary to purchase such things at the markets, since the objects in the apartment can be transformed beyond recognition on your own.

Let's look at how to paint a wooden antique-style picture frame with acrylic paint yourself.

For this we need:

  • ordinary wooden frame;
  • brown acrylic paint, which we use as a base;
  • white acrylic paint;
  • acrylic craquelure varnish;
  • brush.

The first stage is painting the frame with paint, which serves as the base

Basic paint is used for pronounced cracks. Therefore, the base paint and the paint that imitates a cracked surface are selected in contrasting colors. If we use a brown tone for the main color, then it will appear in the place of the cracks.

Important! We stock up on old newspapers so as not to stain the surface on which we will work. We place a picture frame on the newspapers.

Let's start painting the frame with acrylic paint. Cover with brown color in one layer. A single layer coating is quite sufficient, since the paint has a dense composition. If somewhere the layer is not quite thick, then the second coating will be crater varnish and white paint, which will safely cover any defects of the main brown background. Our frame should dry for about two hours. Products treated with acrylic paint dry very quickly.

The second stage is processing the picture frame with crater varnish

We treat the picture frame with varnish. The thickness of the layer determines what kind of cracks there will be:

  • If the applied layer is thin, the cracks will look small.
  • With a thick layer of varnish, the cracks will have clearly defined outlines.

After painting, leave the frame to dry for at least 2 hours.

Important! Crater varnish is a coating that creates cracks. It is not the varnish that cracks, but the paint applied on top of it. The crater component resembles an ordinary varnish.

The third stage is painting the baguette with white acrylic paint

Quickly paint the frame with white acrylic paint. As a result, cracks appear literally before our eyes. The paint should dry for about 2 hours. When the product dries, the cracks become clearly defined and the desired texture of the product is visible.

Important! It is very important to paint the frame over the entire surface, without lifting your hand, in one stroke. You can first practice processing any other material. If you pass the brush twice over the same place, the pattern of the crack is disrupted.

With the first layer it has already appeared, and if you go through it a second time, the next layer of paint will not crack. In addition, the secondary passage literally blurs the drawing.

How to paint a frame to suit a specific interior style?

Stylishly designed frames can emphasize the interior design, so you need to choose the color scheme of the baguette, depending on the style of the room. How to paint a picture frame with your own hands, depending on the style of the interior:

  • Wall decorations made from carved frames in dark gold or dark bronze tones complement fashionable glamorous interiors and are suitable for a classic option.
  • Vintage style is characterized by a composition that may contain aged frames, a candlestick and various accessories such as a mirror on a stand, figurines, boxes, and antique perfume bottles.
  • Pretentious frames painted in white, black and silver highlight the modern interior in the Fusion style.
  • In a minimalist interior, standard square frames in white or any color that contrasts with the walls look great.

Frame style depending on the genre of the painting

The frame is the “clothing” for the painting. The design of the baguette should not cover the composition of the canvas. But there are exceptions, mainly for small-sized paintings. The ideal option is to match the texture of the baguette and the style of the painting:

  • The texture of the frame can even repeat the characteristic strokes of paint or ornament used in the painting.
  • If the subject of the painting is simple, the frame should be in a simple style. And vice versa - the deep storyline of the picture should be formalized by an interesting design solution of the baguette.
  • Modern abstraction will not look beautiful in a lush gilded frame design. Therefore, for the simple, the simple serves, and the complex corresponds to the complex.

Important! A strict aluminum picture frame cannot reveal the airiness of the watercolor painting. But it will perfectly highlight a contrasting black and white photograph. And elegant picture frames made of light-colored carved wood are ideally combined with a delicate watercolor pattern.

  • A very beautiful and modern technique for painting a baguette. In this case, the image of the painting is continued in a frame into which it smoothly “flows.”
  • Also very impressive is the way of decorating a picture using two or more composite profiles of different thicknesses. In this case, it is important that the composite profile consists of frames of different widths. The inner baguette, located near the painting, plays the role of a passe-partout, placing emphasis on the painting itself, but at the same time emphasizing the beautiful design of the “external” frame.

Baguette color

If you are planning to paint a picture frame with your own hands, the color scheme also plays a big role. The color of the picture frame should be complementary and, accordingly, set off the picture image. In addition, the color scheme of the baguette implies a tone difference from the main color, either darker or lighter.

Important! It is necessary to take into account such a nuance that for paintings in cold colors a frame of a cold color is used, and vice versa - for a warm image a light-colored frame is suitable. However, there is an exception in which natural wood is combined with any shades.

Baguette width:

  • The larger the picture, the wider the image baguette should be. This correspondence favorably emphasizes the significance of the picture. Such compositions are placed at the central point of the interior and become accent elements.
  • Small paintings are decorated with wide frames. At the same time, compliance is maintained when the total area of ​​the baguette is larger than the area of ​​the image. This option looks very impressive. But you need to take into account that such a design requires a stylistic approach for other images in the room.
  • When choosing frames for small images, thin baguettes are often used. This choice looks stylish and modern, especially suitable for a whole group of paintings.

How to decorate a frame?

When decorating paintings, anything can be used as a material: wine corks, various cereals, fabric, old files of glossy magazines, all kinds of shells. Let's consider the most interesting options for decorating a frame at home.

Wine corks

This method of decorating a baguette is a modern hand-made art. To design such a frame, you need to take care of the base for the baguette:

  1. Wine corks should be cut into thin slices.
  2. Using acrylic paints, add the appropriate color. The result is a kind of cork buttons.
  3. Now you need to turn on creativity and creative imagination to carry out the decoration. You need to glue cork buttons of various colors onto the main part of the picture frame.

Important! The frame can be designed in a multi-colored design, made in two colors or in a single color. In this case, taste, personal preferences and interior style play a role.


There is a very interesting option for decorating picture frames that are intended to be placed in the kitchen. How to decorate a picture frame with grains with your own hands:

  1. We treat the base of the frame with PVA glue.
  2. After this, generously sprinkle the surface of the baguette with the selected cereals. All kinds of cereals can be used. Barley, buckwheat, rice, and wheat are mainly used for decoration.

Important! The frame will look much neater if the base of the baguette is pre-treated with paint that matches the color of the selected grain.

Old magazines

Even from old glossy magazines you can design picture frames that create an amazingly beautiful interior:

  1. Cut old glossy magazines into thin strips of equal size.
  2. From the cut strips you need to wind tight tubes and fix them with glue.
  3. You need to paste these tubes over the base of the picture frame, and the unusual design is ready.

Natural materials

For the decoration process, you can use natural materials:

  • Small branches of shrubs can be used to decorate outdated picture frames.
  • Large branches are suitable for unusual and creative design of a baguette.

Decoupage technique

You can also paste over the base of the picture frame with interesting fragments from old magazines and comics. To decorate the frame with your own hands, you can use special paper, which is characterized by a variety of storylines.


For true needlewomen, framing a frame becomes a real art, so beautiful fabric is also used. How to decorate a picture frame with fabric yourself:

  1. We make the base of the baguette on a thick sheet of cardboard.
  2. Cut it out along the contour lines.
  3. Then you need to drape the surface of the frame with a beautiful fabric.

Important! There is an option for making a soft frame. To do this, use cotton wool or padding polyester, which is used to fill the baguette for the picture.

In this article, we offered you a lot of interesting ideas on how to paint a picture frame and then decorate the baguette. Choose those that appeal to you the most and which you have mastered in your practical decorating skills, then the result will certainly impress you!

I have long wanted to write a post about how to age a frame. There are a lot of ways to do this, but today we will talk about vinegar and metal. In the future I will write about other methods of tinting wood that I found in an old book.

We take a regular frame, the material is pine.

Tools: hammer, nail to imitate bark beetle, pliers, sandpaper, brush, Gedeo Ageing Patina, vinegar tincture on rusty metal. You can also use a metal brush or a mini-drill with different attachments, but I’ll write about that next time.

I made a tincture from apple cider vinegar and a bunch of rusty keys. You can take nails, screws, etc. But you need to experiment with color first; different metals and wood to which the patina will be applied give different shades. You also need to take into account the exposure time; if you do not hold it for long, it will turn out to be a light shade; if you hold it too long, it may go rotten and you will end up with dirt. I stood it for about a day.

The first stage is simply applying the patina; as it dries, the wood will darken.

Then we make an imitation of the bark beetle and apply the patina in several layers to the desired shade.

I used Gedeo Ageing Patina to blacken the veins and corners, then sand it and finish the frame to the desired look. Actually pAtina Gedeo Ageing is very similar to bitumen varnish, I think it’s not worth paying 300-400 rubles (I don’t remember exactly how much I bought it for) for such cases, if you can replace it with bitumen varnish for 50 rubles.

Every happy moment or significant event in our lives deserves to be captured in a photo. We store most photos as files on a computer or phone, but we want to see special moments as often as possible, and guests also want to show off their own photo portrait or a successfully captured happy moment. A well-chosen frame can highlight the beauty of a photograph, but most of the same types of frames are available on sale. In this case, a good solution would be to create a photo frame with your own hands, which will make your pictures memorable due to its originality.

Vintage frame

Vintage photo frames look very impressive, especially in combination with the classic interior of a house or room. This master class with step-by-step photos will help you transform an ordinary wooden frame into an antique one.

We will need a regular untreated wooden frame, preferably so that the natural wood pattern is clearly visible on the surface.

Next you need to fire the frame using a gas burner. It is advisable to do this outdoors and away from children and flammable substances and materials for safety reasons. You can also burn it over the gas burner of your home stove, but this must be done with great care.

We continue firing until the entire surface of the frame is evenly blackened.

Then carefully clean off the top burnt fibers with a wire brush.

Movements should be directed along the wood fibers. To avoid scratches on the corners, you can use a softer synthetic brush.

We cover the frame with white patina, wait for it to dry, and use a damp cloth to wipe the surface along the grain. This will leave the patina in the shallow grooves, highlighting the dark veins created after firing.

After this, the frame must be coated with wax and polished with a soft cloth. Instead of wax, you can simply cover it with one or more layers of acrylic varnish.

The antique frame is ready!

Gift for the main man in the family

Not only an adult, but also any child can make such a car-shaped frame. And in addition to the original design of the photo, such a souvenir can be an excellent gift for dad on his birthday or on February 23rd.

To make it you will need:

  • thick cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • black paint;
  • pencil or felt-tip pen;
  • scissors;
  • family photo.

First, on a piece of paper you need to draw the outlines of the car you like. If drawing is difficult, you can print an image from the Internet or copy a picture from a book or coloring book. Next, we cut out the car along the contour and cut a hole in place of the windshield.

After this, you need to outline the template with a felt-tip pen and cut it out from cardboard along the contour, paint over it with black paint.

The next step is to cut out the contours of the machine according to a template from paper with a small rectangle at the top for attaching to cardboard.

We cut out two strips two centimeters wide and about ten to fifteen centimeters long. These will be wheels - stands. They need to be bent into triangles, fastened with glue and painted black.

We add expressive details to the car.

We connect the top of the paper car with the cardboard base, glue the stands on the back, place the photo in the windshield window and glue the lower parts of the car with glue.

And this video presents the idea of ​​decorating a photo frame using the Japanese “kanzashi” technique:

An original decor for a photo frame can be egg shells, as in these photos:

To create such a decor, you need to carefully break the shells of boiled eggs, first removing the transparent film from the inside. Then I cover the base of the photo frame with glue and fill the surface with pieces of eggshell in random order. At the end, you need to secure all this beauty with transparent varnish.

There are a lot of decor options; for example, for a marine-style interior, a photo frame with twine trim is suitable.

An original gift for a child’s birthday – a photo frame made of balloons.

For a gentle and romantic girl, you can decorate the frame with these floral arrangements made from foamiran:

Soft and cozy frame

You can make such a wonderful frame with your own hands from felt.

For this we need:

  • colored felt;
  • satin ribbon;
  • several buttons;
  • medium density transparent film;
  • scissors, pencil, ruler, glue gun.

From felt we will cut out three rectangles measuring 16 by 21 centimeters, as well as various decorative details.

On one rectangle we retreat 3.5 centimeters from the outer edge and cut out a window.

The film needs to be cut a little larger than the window and secured with decorative stitching around the perimeter of the window.

Then we sew the two lower rectangles together, along the edge of the upper one we lay a connecting stitch on one side, and then we sew all three rectangles on three sides to form a pocket.

On the long side, between the layers of felt, we insert the ends of the tape to fix them at the same time as connecting the parts of the frame.

We sew wheels from buttons onto the locomotive and glue all the decorative elements together to the frame using a glue gun.

If you wish, you can try other ideas for decorating fabric frames, such as in these photos:

You can also decorate photo frames with elements molded from polymer clay.

And this video shows how you can make a photo frame from a plastic bottle.

Painting a picture frame is a rather unusual, but interesting process. In this article I will share some tricks and secrets. We will talk about finishing a self-made baguette or finishing an old one (read about how to make a baguette for a frame with your own hands).

Decorative finishing of the baguette can be done by painting or covering the profile with foil.

To paint the baguette, you can use bronze or silver paint. If you treat it not with ready-made paint, but with bronze powder, then you can do this: first paint the baguette with alkyd varnish or paint of the desired color, and then (while the layer is sticky) spray bronze powder. The bronze particles will evenly settle on the baguette and “stick” to the sticky layer of varnish. This method will give the baguette a spectacular golden look. However, such a paint layer is short-lived. Even when touched with your fingers, the “goldenness” fades. Therefore, it would be safer to additionally coat the dried layer of bronze paint with varnish. But in this case, the varnish will reduce the “golden effect”.

In addition to applying bronze powder, the baguette can be painted directly with ready-made bronze paint. You can make this paint yourself from bronze powder. To do this, you can mix bronze powder either in alkyd varnish, or drying oil, or even in ordinary sunflower oil. If it is varnish, then it needs to be slightly diluted with a solvent. The thinner the varnish, the greater the “goldenness” of the paint, but in this case its strength will be less.

In addition to regular painting, you can create the effect of old bronze. To do this, the baguette is first painted in a dark color: black-brown, brown-green, etc. The paint should be matte. Next, bronze paint is sprayed from a spray can as if “gliding” over the surface. All the “tubercles” of the protruding elements of the relief ornament will be golden, and the indentations will be dark. As a result, we get the effect of old, polished metal.

To imitate valuable types of wood, the baguette is first primed or painted with white, matte paint. Then, the coloring pigment of the desired color is diluted in the varnish (the paint should be translucent). As a rule, it is dark brown with some tint. Next, this paint is applied with a hard bristle brush (even an old and poorly washed one). Coarse hair seems to “scratch” the dark, translucent layer of paint, through which the white base of the baguette will unevenly shine through. The pattern of the wood texture will depend on how you hold and direct the brush. In this way, a wide variety of designs can be conveyed.

When covering a baguette with foil, it is first treated with glue or varnish. While the varnish is sticky, apply the foil to the baguette and press it with a sponge so that it follows the surface relief and fits tightly to the baguette. After gluing the foil, the metal surface can be tinted with translucent paint. If the foil is not golden, but white (aluminum), then it can be given a warm shade of bronze by tinting it with grated lead of colored pencils. The lead is ground to a powder and then rubbed in with a hard brush or rag.

In addition to the methods described above for decorating a baguette yourself, you can come up with a lot of others. By experimenting and improvising, each artist can come up with his own techniques and achieve interesting results in this creative process.