Download software for playing chess. Chess for computer download

First chess program appeared in 1974 in the USSR. It was the well-known “Kaissa”. The machine was huge and took up almost the entire room. “Kaissa” played at the level of the second category of the USSR. Of course, after so many years, progress has not stood still, and at the moment there are programs that play to the strength of the international grandmaster. The world champion among cars is now the “Rondo” program, created in Japan.
Over 37 years, countless numbers have been made, both for beginners and grandmasters. Whether you are an amateur or a professional player, you will always find the optimal program that suits you. There are programs that teach combinational and positional thinking; game in the opening, endgame and middlegame. Chess programs have become so universal that even a good chess player can hardly beat them, so they began to create a level of difficulty for the game. The program's maximum game difficulty level reaches 3200, while the current world chess champion, Viswanathan Anand, has a rating of 2817.
We offer you download chess programs different manufacturers, and different types. To do well, you don’t have to hire a coach; sometimes it will be better to just download chess program, and practice with its help, especially since on our website you can do it for free. By playing every day with an opponent who is stronger, your level of play will certainly improve a lot, and, in the end, you will play on an equal footing with him.

Chess Assistant is a chess program that will help improve a chess player's level of play. I think this is the best program among its kind. The program provides the opportunity to play chess with a computer. The computer's rating is at the MG level. The program can also analyze batches.

We present to the attention of visitors to our website Deep Fritz version 14.

This program has remained the most popular all over the world for many years. Whether you're a beginner or a professional, Deep Fritz 14 has everything a chess player could dream of: automatic play strength adjustment, handicap and coaching functions, position explanations, color-coded threat alerts, statistics, automatic game analysis, various tactics training, endgames and a database 1.5 million chess games.

Fritz continues to fascinate the chess world. In this version, he can even entertain you with fresh and humorous verbal comments.

We present to your attention the best chess for PSP, which will not let you get bored, but, on the contrary, will make you think and reflect. This program is called Chessmaster 2. It is completely Russified, the interface is quite easy and understandable. One of the distinctive features of these chess is that you can choose the style of the board, as well as the style of the chess pieces, which cannot but please the players. Chess may not be as popular as other games on the PSP, but fans of this game will truly appreciate it.

Many people are wondering where to download chess for a sony ericsson phone.. In the full news, you can download these chess via a direct link. Of course, sometimes you want to have fun when you don’t have a computer at hand. Chess on your phone will save you from boredom. This game has a lot of useful features, which can be found below.

We present to your attention a series of chess programs for iPad, which you can download for free via a direct link from our server.

First, let's look at the Shredder Chess program for iPad. The program is paid. So when downloading it from our server, be careful, do not post it on third-party resources and do not sell it. In my opinion, the program is the best of its kind. Its biggest advantage is that after several games played, Shredder Chess automatically adjusts to your level of play. With each game it becomes more and more difficult to play. Shredder Chess is suitable not only for beginners, but also for more experienced chess players.

In addition to playing chess, Shredder Chess for iPad offers you various tasks and studies, the solution of which increases the level of play of any chess player. But that's not all! This chess program, which is perfect for your iPad, provides the ability to analyze a position. That is, at any time during the game you can stop the game so that the computer can analyze the situation. Size: 11 mb.

Other programs will be discussed in the full news.

Great chess for your phone. Java chess has always attracted fans of this game. Many avid chess players play chess for hours, and even on the way home from work or school, they want to continue playing. Many people play right at their place of work, or under their desks at the university. I even know a couple of people like this

The development of scientific and technological progress does not bypass chess. Today we present a 3D chess program - Chess3D. The development of three-dimensional space is possible not only in cinema and other fields, but as you can see in chess. The program is the best of all similar 3D chess, because it was developed by such a well-known company as sw-winsoft. After downloading any of the products from this company, you will understand why these 3D chess are the best.

Let's start looking at the highest quality mobile chess called Mobi Chess. This game began to be developed back in 2008, and immediately gained recognition among telephone game lovers. This is understandable, because we all have free time when it’s really inconvenient, or we just don’t want to do our pressing matters. That's when we get our own phone. It is possible that you played chess as a child; you may even have some kind of rank. Well, then these mobile chess are for you - remember your “youth”.

I present to your attention the game Totally Spies. This is an unusual chess played by a team of boys and a team of girls. You play as a female team and must defeat the boys from the neighboring town who are bullying and harassing the girls from your town. After clicking on the “figure”, you can see how it walks. The peculiarity of this game is that each figure moves in its own way. There are a total of 3 pieces on the board that you control.

Shredder 12 is a legendary chess program that has repeatedly won world championships among chess programs. We can say that she is one of the first, so she deserves respect. The program plays according to the grandmaster's strength, the rating is about 3000. This version is the latest, which was released in 2010. The program will not cause any problems during installation, crack is present.

No matter who you are, amateur or professional player, you always want to improve the level of your game. There are many different methods to help improve a chess player's performance. One of them is training with a chess program, which is “head and shoulders” stronger than the student. Now there are a lot of such programs in the public domain. That's why we created this page so you can download chess for free that are right for you.
We update the list of programs whenever possible, with 5 new posts every week, so there is always something to choose from. You can download all programs using links from Yanarod and Letitbit. The advantage of these services is that downloading occurs in a free format. There is no registration required and the speed is acceptable. By the way, if you decide to download any program that is not on our website, you can write to us and it will appear. Today, almost everything is available on the Internet, which means you can download anything.
If we talk specifically about chess, it is perfectly clear that the game is not easy, but interesting. Learning to play it is difficult, although at first glance it may seem the opposite. There are chess programs that teach you how to play. You can also download them without difficulty. We do our best for the visitors of our chess portal, and we hope you will pay us the same. Leave reviews, download for free, write.

Among all existing board games, chess is rightfully considered the most popular. In addition to the fact that this application belongs to the category of entertainment, it is also considered a full-fledged sport, for which world and European championships are held, and their winners become real stars.

In addition, few people know that chess is one of the oldest and most ancient games, which first appeared in India more than one and a half thousand years ago. Since then, there has not been a single nation in the world whose representatives have not played it. Also, according to legends, many commanders and rulers, before embarking on the warpath with other powers, carefully worked out their strategy on the chessboard. Thus, we can safely say that the chessboard is a full-fledged battlefield in which only the most intelligent, prudent and experienced commander can win.

If you are an ardent fan of this game and try to fight any opponent at every opportunity, then downloading chess for Android is the right decision for you.

The Chess application for smartphones and tablets with the Android operating system will give you the chance to play your favorite game anywhere and anytime. Just think, you can fight a worthy opponent on the chessboard during your lunch break, on the way to work or on a sleepless night.

By launching chess for Android on your device, you will be convinced that everything here is the same as in a real board game. A chessboard of 64 cells, two teams - black and white, which consist of classical pieces, each of which moves around the field according to classical rules.

Chess for Android includes several difficulty levels. This will allow inexperienced players to quickly gain traction and move on to battle with more serious opponents. If you consider yourself a “guru” in chess, then you can safely start winning at the most difficult level.

Also, it should be noted that chess for Android, which you can download for free from our website, is created with realistic graphics that give a sense of reality. You may feel like you are sitting opposite your opponent at the table in real life.

In addition to the ability to play against the computer, you can also play against your friends and colleagues, for this you need to select the “one-on-one” mode.

Chess for Android is a great opportunity to do what you love at any time that suits you. You will not distinguish a real game from a virtual one and will get a lot of positive emotions from the process.


With the advent of innovation, the process of playing chess also changes. If previously rivals could only play while in close proximity to each other or, at most, by correspondence, now you can play with a person from the other side of the globe or even with a robot. All this is possible thanks to chess programs, which anyone can download to their computer completely free of charge.


Chess for computer will help you improve your chess skills in Russian. You can compete with friends and family, or try your hand at single player mode against the computer. Listen to your own music while playing! The incredible level of detail and realistic chess pieces add a special twist to the gaming experience. A complex system of hints will show you several possible moves at once, which is undoubtedly important for honing your skills. The Chess game for Windows 7, 10 is an enjoyable experience for any chess player. Download the full version of the game and enjoy a real game of chess!

Why should you install Chess?

Playing chess with a computer for free is interesting for many: beginners will learn to play, and masters will deepen their professional knowledge by evaluating the moves that the computer offers. To switch to a game with a real person, you need to disable the choice of the right to make the first move with white or black pieces, after which the computer will stop interfering in the game of your opponents. You can also play the computer against itself, evaluating the moves that the program chooses in a particular situation.

Chess is an ancient game that combines elements of art and sports. The playing field is divided into 64 cells – 8x8. The verticals are designated from left to right in Latin letters, starting with a and ending with h, and the horizontals are designated from bottom to top with numbers from 1 to 8 (from the side of the white pieces). Each move moves one piece, white always goes first, then moves are made alternately. If a piece is placed on a square occupied by an opponent's piece, it is removed from the board. The pawn is the weakest piece, but, having reached the last rank, it can be turned into any piece except the king, even into the almighty queen. Downloading chess means spending your leisure time with great benefit

Game Features

  • There are three possible difficulty levels from simple to complex
  • It is possible to play with white pieces (by default) and black ones;
  • You can organize a game both with a computer and with a real partner.
  • The computer plays against you at a level corresponding to the first category of chess player;
  • Winning against the computer is not easy, but it is quite possible for an experienced player.


  • Size: 16 MB
  • Windows 98/XP/Vista/7/8/10


Chess Free- this is the best and most realistic chess that a player can play right now directly from his mobile device. Millions have chosen this gaming app because it is the best.

The best chess game in the world. Here players can show all their logical abilities and skills in this form. Afterwards, you can start enjoying a quality game with your opponents. Thanks to the original and classic functions of Chess (Chess Free), users will try themselves as real masters. With this game you can have a lot of fun in your free time and at the same time improve your personal qualities and professionalism. Never before, thanks to a simple mobile phone, have you had such a huge number of possibilities as now. Try to go through 12 difficulty levels in Chess Free at once, and if you manage to reach the last one, then you have practically no equal. Beginners can start with the lower difficulty level and go through it until they can move on to the next one. Thus, a simple game can teach you a lot and it will do this at any time of the day.

Classic Chess (Chess Free) for mobile

In addition, you can choose from two different game modes. This way, players can decide for themselves how many hints will be available to them and how much time is allotted for each game. The innovative engine in Chess Free will help you quickly move to the next level and pass it. First, go through the tutorial path and find out what special techniques there are for passing chess levels. The personal computer has a very unique and advanced intelligence, which will help you move to the next levels as quickly as possible. Freely access statistics and even use tips. Unlock even more achievements every day.

Good day, dear friend!

Computers have been playing stronger than humans for a long time. The best chess programs, and even more so, it is impossible even for the strongest chess players to directly compete with them on equal terms.

However, the “iron monster” is not as big and powerful as you might think. Him there are weaknesses and shortcomings . Which a chess player of any level simply must take into account.

More on this at the end of the article, but for now let’s look inside the computer for a second and review the best engines and user interfaces.

What's inside?

A computer program (engine) is a counting unit. He counts, operates with numbers and does not understand at all what chess is .

The program translates the chess language into mathematical operations. Adds, subtracts and compares numbers. At the end of each option he gives a numerical rating.

This is how chess engines work.


There are also competitions between engines, consisting of a large number of games, much larger than between humans. Based on the results, rating lists are compiled.

Engine rating 2016


Komodo ranks first in most rankings. The interesting thing is that the Komodo differs in its brains from most of its brothers.

He has learned to better evaluate a position and places more emphasis on evaluation and less on depth of calculation.

Perhaps this is the secret. The engine combines the best qualities of man and machine. However, these are my suggestions, which, of course, are not the ultimate truth

The latest commercial version of the engine is 11.2 . Komodo 9 and older versions are offered for free distribution.

You can download it at publisher's main portal


This is the logo. Stockfish literally means dried fish. Where does this allegory come from - I don’t presume to judge

Stokish has been competing lately with Komodo And Houdini and is ahead of its rivals in a number of indicators

Stockfish's success owes much to its distribution policy. Having created a boost, the developers release the version for testing to all users. Perhaps for this reason there are almost no serious bugs left.

The program is free. The latest version is eight. You can download it here:

But that is not all. It is difficult to use an engine without an interface for practical purposes .

Shells and client programs

In order to use the capabilities of the engine and see its work, you need a shell, an interface. A custom chess program (shell) plus an engine (or several) is a ready-made product suitable for human use.

I will give examples of the best, in my opinion, shells and client programs:


One of the most famous and powerful programs. Can be used as a user interface, wrapper for almost all the best engines

You can download/install it on the official Arena website.


Perhaps the most advanced analytical program known to the author.

ChessBase provides all the necessary analytical tools and can:

  • Work with game databases - watch played games and analyze
  • Conduct a search according to certain parameters: openings, positions, material ratio, endgames and more.
  • Upload your games, with comments and cards
  • Analyze by selecting different engines
  • Create player dossiers based on databases
  • Print batches and charts in various configurations

And also much more.

Latest version of the program – ChessBase-13

Shredder Classic 3

One of the best chess engines Shredder complete with interface.

  • Possibility of playing both with the engine at different levels, and online with real opponents
  • Choice of time controls, ability to create your own control.
  • Analysis of both parties and positions
  • Interface setup: design of the board and pieces, etc. figures, etc. further.

The full version is not free. To get started, you can download the shareware version.

Chess planet

A specialized program associated with the portal, where you can play online, in tournaments, by correspondence, play by correspondence. There are competitions and a lot of interesting things.

The client program is installed on the user’s computer and provides the opportunity to play, chat on the forum, view and analyze games, watch lessons, and more.

There is also a simplified version where you can play in a browser without installing a client program on your computer.

You can install the client and get acquainted with the portal in more detail.


Multilingual interface (though I couldn’t find Russian) for playing via the Internet.

Combines ease of use and a fairly wide range of functions. This is what captivates.

Runs on Windows. Can also work on Linux

For training

For beginner chess players and for training, in my opinion, it is better to use multidisciplinary chess portals or an online school.

However, there are also stand-alone programs. For example, on a smartphone you can install:

Chess training - from simple to complex

Something like a navigator in the world of chess. The application will show you the basic rules and give tips on how to improve the game.

The training course contains more hundreds topics Including basic techniques and typical combinations. More 1000 various examples.

You can find out more and install Here

Don't believe your eyes

The best chess engines are already partly “humanized” and are similar to people in terms of evaluating positions. However, they are also wrong. And rudely.

Just one example, the simplest one:

Position “on the board” is drawn and this is known to most chess players, not just masters. And it’s not difficult to guess - the black king sits in the corner and it’s impossible to smoke him out of there. Neither checkmate nor advance a pawn. And pressed in the corner - stalemate.

So, most engines, even the most modern ones, evaluate this position as won for White. Stockfish gives +7 . If you don't believe me, you can check it yourself.

In fact, I could give about a dozen such examples when the machine makes a gross mistake in assessing a position. I don’t know why this happens, but a fact is a fact.

Hence the conclusion: When deifying the computer, it would not be amiss to remember that “even an old woman can get screwed” . It turns out that we are not the only ones who check our calculations using a computer. Sometimes the reverse process is required. That's it.

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