Diet for gaining muscle mass for girls. Diet for weight gain: menu and recommendations

Low body weight greatly affects a person’s mental state. This is the first significant signal that warns of the presence of hidden dangerous diseases of the body. In case of sudden weight loss, immediate action must be taken as these changes can lead to a catastrophic or fatal outcome. Gaining weight is possible through a special diet, which allows you not only to increase weight, but also to control the condition of the entire body as a whole. To avoid any problems with weight, the diet should be constant or periodic, depending on the characteristics of the body.

A weight gain diet for men is a special diet that helps support the body. This diet consumes foods that are high in calories. It is first necessary to undergo a medical examination to reveal the causes of weight loss. Only then can appropriate treatment begin. The correct approach to an advanced disease will give significant weight gain and improve overall dynamics. This increase can reach up to 2 kg in 1 month.

An effective method for gaining weight

When pathological changes begin to occur in a man’s body, problems with weight appear, it is necessary to apply the right, thoughtful decisions and try to avoid further mistakes. Gaining weight is not always easy for men. The first mistake is to try to do this by sharply increasing the amount of product consumed.

This decision is not correct enough, because it threatens to disrupt digestive function. This method will not help you gain weight, but will lead to significant disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, including aversion to certain foods.

To gain the missing body weight, it is necessary to increase the caloric content of the product, and not the volume of its consumption. Gradually adding 200 calories per day will make a huge difference in your weight gain. High-calorie foods introduced into the diet gradually will help you gain weight. Small high-calorie portions of fractional nutrition are better accepted by the exhausted human body.

Eating for weight gain involves starting the morning habit by drinking a glass of water about 30 minutes before meals. Water can be replaced with fresh juice or candied dried fruit compote. It is not recommended to consume foods with a glass of juice. Initially, fluid must enter the body. For proper weight gain, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of a nutritionist, since the male body requires special attention. It is easier and faster for a woman to gain weight.

You should not exercise after eating. Food products should be healthy and necessary, enriched with proteins and carbohydrates. The diet should include various cereals prepared with milk, flour or pasta, beans, honey or sugar essences, and fruit juices.

A weight gain diet for men requires more vitamins, which should come along with eating your favorite foods.

For example, to mashed potatoes with a cutlet, you can add a salad well seasoned with rich sour cream. There is practically no difference in men's and women's diets. You can sprinkle pasta with healthy cheese and add dietary pork sausage.

Sample menu

Consider the menu for weight gain.

Diet No. 1

In the morning - oatmeal with boiled milk. This is the most useful and dietary product. You can add honey instead of sugar to the porridge and season it with a handful of raisins or nuts. For weight, a man needs white bread, buttered. You need to put a piece of cheese on top. Wash it down with a glass of hot milk or coffee with milk. This is quite enough for gradual weight gain.

Weight gain is possible with a rich and high-calorie lunch. These are fresh cabbage soup in meat broth, mashed potatoes, seasoned with butter. Vegetable salad with rich sour cream. Freshly squeezed fruit juice.
An afternoon snack will help a man gain weight. Here it is recommended to drink a glass of milk with waffles or cookies.
Dinner - buckwheat with boiled milk and candied fruit, hot sweet tea with white bread spread with butter.

Diet No. 2

The first breakfast is millet milk porridge, vegetable caviar, white bread spread with butter, and cocoa boiled with milk.

Second breakfast - a sandwich, white bread, buttered, with boiled sausage. In addition to the second breakfast, fresh juice is used.

For lunch, to gain weight, you can eat borscht cooked with meat broth. For the second course - meatballs or cutlets with pasta, seasoned with cheese. After eating the main meal, a sweet compote of dried fruits is recommended.

For an afternoon snack to gain weight, you can make a vegetable salad with grated cheese and olive oil.

Consulting an experienced nutritionist will help you gain weight correctly. You can gain weight not only from fatty meats or dairy products with a high fat content. If you increase the amount of food consumed gradually, you can see positive dynamics in weight gain.

But for such a diet it is necessary to undergo an examination to exclude diseases of the pancreas, esophagus and liver. Some men gain weight by using appetite stimulant medications.

This should only be used with appropriate permission and supervision from a physician. You need to gain weight slowly, following the necessary recommendations.

Is there an effective diet for weight gain? Did you know that only 10% of the female population are satisfied with their weight and figure, 80% suffer from excess weight, and another 10% are unable to gain weight. But, as practice shows, nothing is impossible in these cases. Diet for weight gain for a girl: eat 5-6 times a day, at the same time, choose high-calorie foods. You need to focus on your BMI (body mass index); if your BMI is below 18, you should change your diet and combine it with training. There are different diets for weight gain, but their principles are similar. That is, proper nutrition is fundamental.

10 tips from nutritionists:

  1. 1. Bring your caloric intake to 3.5 thousand calories daily.
  2. 2. The next point about the number of meals is 3 main meals and 3 snacks - second breakfast, afternoon snack and before bed, the difference in time of intake is no more than 3 hours, and at the same time.
  3. 3. Food should be high in calories, varied, and easily digestible.
  4. 4. Completely exclude fast foods and store-bought convenience foods, sweet soda and alcohol.
  5. 5. Menu with a calorie surplus, i.e. eat more than you expend (by 15%), i.e. increase the diet by 300 kcal per day with the BJU ratio as follows: proteins 1.5-2 g / kg of weight, carbohydrates - 4-6 g/kg weight, fats - 1-1.3 g/kg weight.
  6. 6. Keep a diary, write down your daily diet and calorie intake.
  7. 7. Increase the amount of food you eat gradually.
  8. 8. Drink a protein shake.
  9. 9. Drink up to 2 liters of water daily.
  10. 10. Sleep - 7-8 hours.

Don’t try to gain more than a kilogram in a month; increase your diet daily by 100-300 calories, no more, so that you don’t feel reluctant to eat.

Proper nutrition

What is a high-calorie diet? It involves the consumption of sauces, oil dressings, the use of butter and high-fat cheeses. This does not mean that we are talking about fatty foods, the emphasis is still on proteins, but they are served with juicy meat sauces, porridges, and casseroles are widely used. They add sour cream, cream, grated cheese, which sharply increases calories, nuts, honey, muesli with fruits and raisins, white bread in the form of ham sandwiches, drinks: coffee, cocoa with milk, scrambled eggs with bacon, mashed potatoes, mayonnaise, sour cream , bananas, fermented baked milk, butter, pasta with sauces. Butter dough, baked goods and jams, cookies, chocolate, sweets are not prohibited, but only 2 times a week. If you can’t eat anymore, slightly reduce calories for a while, then gradually “close” the gap. If 100 g of a product contains more than 100 kcal, it is considered high-calorie.

The most high-calorie foods:

  1. 1. Salmon, tuna = 200 kcal, vegetable and animal fats (butter - 876 kcal, lard and fish oil - 900 kcal).
  2. 2. Soybean oil - 999 kcal, peanut oil - 895 kcal, sunflower oil - 900 kcal, other vegetable oil - 894 kcal.
  3. 3. Eggs - 157 kcal, oat bars (nuts and oatmeal), 1 bar = 500 kcal, white bread - 250 kcal, cheese - 328 kcal, pasta, shrimp, fruit juices, dried fruits (figs, dried apricots, raisins, dates) , oatmeal with milk - 360 kcal, yogurt, brown rice, nuts and seeds - 700 kcal, legumes, meat - beef 200 kcal, chicken - 113 kcal, pork - 470 kcal, potatoes, soy, sausages - 360 kcal, cereals, dark chocolate - 501 kcal.

Products for weight gain for women should contain: meat/seafood, cereals, cheese, milk, legumes, nuts - all these are proteins, burning 1 g of which consumes 4 kcal, fruits, cereals, cereals, pasta, jams, juices, dried fruits, baked goods are carbohydrates, 1 g = 4 kcal, vegetable oils, seeds, eggs, fatty fish/meat, ham, animal fats are limited, making up only 1/3 of vegetable fats, 1 g = 9 kcal. The protein diet was developed by Atkins, supplemented by Pierre Dukan, created first for weight loss, and contained an increased daily protein intake, which is dangerous for the kidneys.

A supplemented protein diet has also been created for weight gain, but it is more expanded in composition and provides excellent weight gain. Protein predominates in all dishes.

Possible weekly diet

An approximate weekly weight gain diet for a protein diet is:

  1. 1. Monday - for breakfast: chicken with a side dish of rice, dressing with tofu cheese, fruit for dessert. For second breakfast: cashews, citrus fruits. For lunch: wings with fresh vegetables, red lobby beans with garlic and carrots. For an afternoon snack - fermented milk and fruit. For dinner - salmon, tomato salad with cream.
  2. 2. Tuesday - for breakfast: any cereal with milk, omelet, kefir, compote. For second breakfast: figs, dates, protein shake. For lunch: any porridge, tuna, tea. For afternoon snack: protein, jelly. For dinner: meat/shrimp, fruit, mayonnaise dressing.
  3. 3. Wednesday - for breakfast: chicken croquettes, citrus grapefruit, coffee with milk. For second breakfast: protein cottage cheese, pear. For lunch: boiled pork, buckwheat, vegetables, fermented baked milk. For an afternoon snack: pure protein, persimmon. For dinner: Parmesan, stewed vegetables.
  4. 4. Thursday - for breakfast: barley, bun with cream, tomatoes, cucumbers in sour cream. For second breakfast: nuts and dried apricots. For lunch: lamb with cauliflower, white bread, jelly/compote. For afternoon snack: kiwi and cottage cheese. For dinner: tuna, stewed vegetables.
  5. 5. Friday - for breakfast: protein omelet, tea, sandwich with butter. For second breakfast: smoothie, pineapple juice, cashews. For lunch: turkey, goulash, sauce, compote. Afternoon snack: grapefruit, protein. For dinner: chicken, pasta with tomatoes.
  6. 6. Saturday - for breakfast: barley and cutlets, tea with milk. For second breakfast: cookies, apples, juice. For lunch: side dish of buckwheat, ham, stewed vegetables, juice. Afternoon snack: fruit, fermented baked milk. For dinner: breast and pasta, cucumber, cheesecakes.
  7. 7. Sunday - for breakfast: pearl barley porridge, tomatoes. For second breakfast: nuts, banana. For lunch: beef, stewed vegetables with sour cream, sweet mousse. For afternoon snack: fermented baked milk, pear. For dinner: breast and pasta, celery, bun with jam.

The chemical composition of the menu among nutritionists varies according to fats, but in general it looks like this: 40% is proteins, carbohydrates - 50% or 40%, fats - 10-20%. The diet for a girl to gain weight is maximally aimed at a high level of protein, a building material for muscle growth, carbohydrates provide energy, fats are also a source of energy, they are also used by the body to create the female hormone estrogen. Learn to eat carbohydrates when your body is active before 4 pm.

Daily menu

Now look at the menu for every day for weight gain:

  1. 1. For breakfast - buckwheat casserole, breast meat, sandwich with ham/sausage, rosehip drink.
  2. 2. For second breakfast: gainer, candied fruits, pistachios, whole grain bread, breast, chocolate.
  3. 3. For lunch: pasta with mayonnaise, shrimp, rice, topped with meat sauce, candied fruits.
  4. 4. For an afternoon snack: smoothies, fruits, baked goods.
  5. 5. For dinner: tuna, Greek salad, potatoes, jelly.
  6. 6. Before bed: fermented baked milk.

Menu for weight gain for a girl for a week:

  1. 1. Monday - breakfast: eggs, ham, bran bread, cucumber, green tea. Second breakfast: cutlets, mashed potatoes, orange juice. Lunch: noodle soup, grilled chicken, green beans, bread and butter, cocoa, mashed cauliflower, salmon in sour cream. Afternoon snack: sweet yogurt, banana, tomatoes, cucumbers with grated cheese and sour cream. Dinner: meatballs, vegetable juice, pizza, milkshake with honey.
  2. 2. Tuesday - breakfast: millet milk, peanuts, sweet tea. Lunch: chicken noodles, broccoli puree, mayonnaise with cheese, jelly/compote. Afternoon snack: pure protein, tomatoes, pineapple. Dinner: vermicelli in tomato sauce, Fetax cheese, cookies or cake, tea.
  3. 3. Wednesday - breakfast: omelet with cheese, cheesecakes with raisins, tea/cocoa. Lunch: meat, goulash, bread and butter, juice. Afternoon snack: smoothie, cashews. Dinner: bran bread with salad, chicken with ketchup, sweets, tea.
  4. 4. Thursday - breakfast: oatmeal bar, bread and butter, tea. Lunch: borscht, beef, meatballs with horns, Greek salad, coffee. Afternoon snack: soft-boiled eggs, pistachios, apple juice. Dinner: cauliflower, cheese, salmon, cocoa.
  5. 5. Friday - breakfast: vegetable stew, bran, sweet tea. Lunch: cabbage soup with fresh cabbage, pea puree with meat, white bread, jelly. Afternoon snack: bun with cottage cheese, nuts, cocoa. Dinner: fish in sour cream, tomato salad, vegetable juice, cream, pie.
  6. 6. Saturday - breakfast: boiled pork with bread, stewed horns, compote. Lunch: croutons, chicken noodles, feta cheese, cucumber, compote. Afternoon snack: smoothie, berries. Dinner: Navy pasta, whole grain bread, tomato juice.
  7. 7. Sunday - breakfast: cheesecakes with sour cream sauce, raisins, cocoa/tea. Lunch: assorted fish, ginger and cauliflower salad, bread, coffee, cookies. Afternoon snack: apple fritters, peanuts, coffee with cream, cookies. Dinner: baked turkey, lobby salad, white bread, kefir, tea.

Workouts and exercises

Work out first twice a week for 40 minutes, then 3 times for an hour a day, preferably under the supervision of a qualified trainer. For the first 10-14 days, work out on cardio equipment (exercise bike, treadmill, orbit track). Don't forget that heavy weights will help build muscle, keep it challenging. The number of approaches should first be 5-6, then 10-12 with repetitions 8-16 times. Among the exercises, squats with a barbell are effective, first with a weight of 10 kg, then increase the weight. Use the exercise machine for your abs, back, chest, and also for your lower body. At home, you can successfully use dumbbells, abdominal crunches, squats with weights or dumbbells, and side lunges.

Do your friends envy you that you can eat everything and not gain weight? Then you probably know that painful thinness looks just as unattractive as extra pounds. Girls who dream of gaining at least a little weight should create their own menu for weight gain.

Why is weight loss?

If your weight is rapidly decreasing, this may be the cause of hidden diseases. Therefore, you should definitely consult a specialist and undergo the necessary tests to determine the correct diagnosis. Even if they are completely fine, being underweight may not have the best effect on your health.

To gain weight for a guy or girl, you need to change your diet and give preference to high-calorie foods.

Many people make one common mistake - they start eating more, making portions unimaginably large. This will not only not help you get better, but will also lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

If a girl is petite and has never weighed more than 50 kg, most likely she just has a fast metabolism. To verify this, you can do an analytical test.

Experts measure the amount of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the air a person exhales. Their ratio makes it possible to evaluate metabolic processes in the body.

To understand whether you need to gain the missing kilograms, you need to calculate your body mass index. If it is insufficient, then the ribs, spine and other bones are clearly visible. To confirm the “diagnosis” that you have set for yourself, you need to consult with a trainer at a fitness center or a nutritionist.

How to be?

It is necessary to increase the calorie content of the diet gradually, adding 250-300 calories daily. You need to eat 4-5 times a day, without skipping meals. Let it be better that the portions are small, but very high in calories.

People can gain weight if they follow the rule: half an hour before meals you need to drink a glass of vegetable or fruit juice, but not drink during meals.

It is worth focusing on the following products:

  • porridge with milk;
  • legumes;
  • pasta;
  • white bread;
  • sugar and honey;
  • fruits and juices.

When compiling a proper nutrition menu in order to achieve noticeable weight gain, you should remember that the basis should be proteins and carbohydrates.

You can increase the calorie content of your usual dishes, for example, sprinkling macaroni cheese or seasoning vegetable salads with rich sour cream. These products should definitely be included in the menu for quick weight gain for a girl or guy.

You should eat your last meal an hour and a half before bedtime. It is better to choose a liquid or puree dish to reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract: smoothies, curd mass, puree soup.

It's easy to gain weight from eating fast food, but it's a very dangerous path that can lead to serious health problems. It is better to include fatty fish, nuts, natural butter, dairy products, poultry with skin, and meat in your daily menu.

The alkaline separate nutrition menu for weight gain implies that you cannot mix certain foods, but you can eat any bread without limiting yourself in quantities. For a side dish, prepare pasta, baked or fried potatoes, and cereals. You are allowed to eat any sweets: chocolate, cookies, halva, cakes. They are ideally absorbed with fermented milk products and milk.

In order for the diet to produce results, you need to carefully consider the menu for weight gain.

A girl or guy, regardless of gender, needs to ensure that she consumes proteins and carbohydrates at one meal. For example, for breakfast you can eat scrambled eggs with cheese and buttered bread, or porridge with butter and a glass of whole milk.

For lunch, eat a nice piece of roast pork, spaghetti or rice. For dinner, treat yourself to salmon and pasta. To keep your diet healthy, remember to eat vegetables and fruits daily. Season salads generously with sour cream or olive oil. Nuts and dried fruits are perfect as a snack.

You cannot sharply increase your caloric intake. If yesterday you ate vegetables and yogurt, and today you only eat chops, steaks and chocolate, then these foods will not be digested. It is advisable to consult with a gastroenterologist; he will prescribe you special enzymes to support the pancreas.

It is very important to drink a lot of water, because all processes in the body occur with its participation. Make sure that you get 40 ml per 1 kg of body weight.

Sports nutrition

Protein shakes are very high in calories and are perfectly digestible. In addition, they are rich in vitamins and microelements. It is better to drink them before and after training so that the body does not waste its resources. Instead of an evening snack, you can drink this cocktail.

It is not necessary to buy ready-made drinks; they can be easily prepared at home, for example, whip up full-fat cottage cheese, milk and banana.

How can a teenager get better?

Often, the problem of weight gain worries a teenager after puberty. Lack of weight provokes the development of complexes that lead to low self-esteem and uncertainty. First of all, a teenager needs to remember that extreme thinness may indicate a disease, so you should consult a doctor.

Typically, young people burn far more calories than they consume. To get better, they need to increase the energy value of their diet. It should be remembered that it will be more difficult for boys to gain weight - this is due to their hormonal characteristics.

When creating a menu for weight gain, a teenager should know that he needs to eat 6 times a day, in fractions. A fully balanced diet will help the body develop properly. Proteins and carbohydrates should predominate, but vegetables should not be abandoned.

Regular sports are very useful: rollerblading, swimming, running, gymnastics. During adolescence, strength training equipment is not recommended. A teenager can regulate the frequency of exercise on his own, but it is important to know the main rule: more calories should enter the body than are consumed.

Sample menu

When creating a menu for weight gain and thinking through a diet for women and men who want to gain weight, you need to remember that food should not only be high in calories, but also combine all the beneficial substances and elements. The ratio should be approximately this: proteins – 25%, carbohydrates – 45%, fats – 30%.

Sample menu for 5 days:

  • 1 day. For breakfast you can eat a three-egg omelette, a sandwich with cucumber, ham or bacon, and a walnut. Drink tea or compote. For lunch, eat noodle soup, baked chicken, two slices of bread, tea. After an hour you can eat the pear. Snack – dried fruits and half a glass of yogurt. For dinner, prepare mashed potatoes with a cutlet, a cheese sandwich and vegetable juice;
  • Day 2. Breakfast – millet porridge with milk, yogurt, several hazelnuts. For lunch, eat chicken soup, ravioli, some vegetable, drink tea or jelly. Snack – yogurt, berries, glass of fruit juice. For dinner, prepare an omelet with tomatoes, cheese, ham, snack on cookies and drink milk with honey;
  • Day 3. For breakfast, eat a boiled egg (3 pieces), vegetable salad, raisins and drink tea. Lunch – noodle soup, beef, beans, tea. After half an hour you can eat an orange. Snack on a glass of kefir and a handful of raisins. For dinner, make a sandwich with tomato, chicken, cheese, cucumber, and ketchup. Snack on chocolate and drink a glass of fruit juice;
  • Day 4 For breakfast, prepare pearl barley porridge, pre-soaked overnight in milk. You can add honey, nuts, apple to it. Have tea and a sandwich. For lunch, prepare cabbage soup in meat broth, pasta with meatballs and cheese, and salad. A boiled egg, a sandwich, a handful of pine nuts, and a glass of fruit juice are suitable as a snack. Dinner – sea fish and mashed potatoes, Greek salad, tea with milk;
  • Day 5 For breakfast, eat ravioli, vegetable salad, plums, compote. For lunch, prepare pea soup with ribs, boil pork, and make a tomato salad. Drink some jelly. Have a snack with cheesecake with cottage cheese, banana, cookies and drink yogurt. For dinner you can eat tuna fillet with cauliflower, a sandwich with butter, and drink tomato juice.

And remember that regardless of the number on the scale, you should treat your body with love and respect.

All girls want to look beautiful, well-groomed, have a slim figure with outstanding charms. Unfortunately, an unbalanced diet, quick snacks and daily stress cause our body to experience regular weight changes. Some girls then go on diets to get rid of the consequences of chaotic eating junk food. However, an unhealthy diet and a crazy lifestyle do not always lead to weight gain.

You may not believe it, but diets for gaining pounds are no less popular than programs for losing weight. Some people have a fast metabolism, a lean constitution, a genetic tendency to unnatural thinness, while others are exhausted due to poor nutrition, unhealthy sleep, and excessive physical activity.

In any case, there are a lot of effective techniques that allow you to adjust your weight, gain weight and add piquant shapes to your elegant waist, which will make your figure feminine and sexy.

First of all, you should know that weight gain diets are no less precise, specially calculated and balanced methods, from which you should not deviate. In order to gain a few kilograms and distribute them evenly over your figure, you should adhere to the right diet and exercise. If you just start eating fatty and high-calorie foods at night, the excess weight will simply be deposited in the most familiar places (stomach, legs), which will lead to a disproportionate formation of your figure.

  • we establish a diet - no hunger strikes, overeating, late-night snacks or holiday parties;
  • every day you should take at least 4-5 small snacks at equal intervals, but 3 hours before bedtime we do not eat anything heavy;
  • be sure to drink enough liquid to maintain metabolism (1.5 liters per day is enough);
  • the main part of the diet should be slow carbohydrates and proteins for the formation of muscle mass;
  • if you want not only to gain weight, but to look attractive and seductive, then be sure to include about 3 sports workouts with added weight per week;
  • don’t forget about going to the sauna and taking contrast baths;
  • It is recommended to perform an independent massage in the areas where you store fat most - this will make your figure smooth and symmetrical;
  • the diet should be high in calories, especially if you play sports (for girls 2000-2100, for men 2500 or more kcal per day), but only the calorie content of the diet should be increased gradually;
  • To avoid cellulite and stretch marks caused by rapid growth in body weight, you should gradually increase the volume of portions, and also use special creams and preparations that prevent changes in the skin.

All the advantages of specialized diets for weight gain:

  • efficiency and safety, which allows you to smoothly gain a few kilograms and control their distribution over your figure;
  • increasing body weight allows you to increase your athletic performance and has a positive effect on the growth of muscle mass;
  • a healthy, balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals will have a positive effect on your overall health, strengthen the body’s immunity and defenses, improve the appearance and condition of the skin, nail plate, and hair;
  • diets for weight gain are easy to tolerate, they are very filling and tasty, and there is no likelihood of a “failure” during the course;
  • there are no restrictions on the duration of diets - you can sit on them exactly as long as you need to achieve the desired effect, and after a while the program can be repeated as many times as you like;
  • a diet for weight gain instills healthy eating habits, teaches you to eat in a timely manner, control portion sizes, consume enough liquid, and get absolutely all the necessary components;
  • diets for weight gain are universal, suitable for people of different ages, gender and lifestyle, and are also prescribed to patients after an injury, surgery or illness;
  • a properly composed menu will allow you to gain weight on familiar foods without overloading your stomach with cholesterol, fatty and heavy foods;
  • The effect of such a diet is long-term, that is, after leaving it you will not suddenly lose weight to your usual volumes.

The effectiveness of these diets is undeniable - weight gain is about 1-2 per week, which allows the kilograms to be evenly distributed without stretching the skin in specific places.

A set of products for weight gain, diet options and menu examples

In order to gain weight without harm to your health, you should increase the content of slow carbohydrates and proteins in your diet. The following products are very useful for gaining kilograms:

  • fatty versions of dairy and lactic acid products (cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, cheese);
  • any meat and fish of medium fat content, chicken eggs, offal, minced meat;
  • nuts and seeds as essential ingredients for healthy weight gain;
  • natural sweets (honey, marmalade, marshmallows, fructose, dried fruits, chocolate, whole grain cookies);
  • whole grain bread and rolls without sugar or fillers;
  • wholemeal pasta (second grade);
  • any vegetables and garden herbs;
  • sweet fruits and berries;
  • natural drinks (water, tea, coffee, compote, herbal infusions, jelly, fruit juice, smoothies, protein shakes, fruit and vegetable juices)

It is a myth that a diet for weight gain should include fatty, fried, smoked, sweet, butter and confectionery foods. All this, as well as gravy, canned food, fast food, chips, snacks, processed foods, pure sugar and salt, mayonnaise, butter should be kept to a minimum or completely abandoned. Drinks should be limited to strong alcohol, coffee drinks, and also avoid sweet soda and stick drinks.

Now let's get acquainted with diet options for weight gain.

    Diet for weight gain for men. Getting better is necessary for those men who want to start actively engaging in powerlifting or bodybuilding, since muscle growth is impossible without appropriate nutrition to increase weight.

    Example of a menu for a day:
    Breakfast consists of oatmeal with nuts, dried fruits and seeds, boiled in milk. Also included is one whole grain sandwich with a thin layer of butter and hard cheese. We wash down breakfast with sweet tea.
    Lunch consists of meat soup with vegetables. As a side dish we prepare mashed potatoes with meatballs, a salad of vegetables and feta with sour cream sauce. We wash down lunch with citrus juice.
    Snack: Banana protein shake and a few oatmeal cookies.
    Dinner consists of boiled buckwheat, a morning sandwich and sweet tea.

    Diet for weight gain for women. A high-calorie and nutritious diet, specially selected for the female body, will allow you to get rid of muscle dystrophy and painful thinness. The diet consists of 4 meals and plenty of drink. After the first week, a noticeable weight gain of 1.5 kg was observed.

    Example of a daily menu:
    We have breakfast with an omelet of 2 chicken eggs, a whole grain sandwich with chilled pork, a handful of nuts and sweet tea.
    Lunch consists of noodle soup in chicken broth with pieces of fillet. It also includes stewed lentils, fried chicken tenders and whole grain bread (a couple of slices).
    Snack - full-fat yogurt with berries and fruits (cottage cheese is possible).
    For dinner we prepare mashed potatoes and a fish cutlet. You should also eat 2 whole grain sandwiches with cheese and a thin layer of butter.

    Diet for weight gain for girls. It is more difficult for young girls 18-22 years old to gain weight, as the body is rebuilt, as is the hormonal balance. If you don't try hard enough, the young body's metabolism will quickly burn out excess fat through intense living, dancing and sports. And if you are overzealous, hormonal changes can play a cruel joke, and the girl will gain much more weight than she would like. Moreover, this problem will be difficult to correct even with the help of weight loss diets. Balance, healthy foods and moderate calories are important in the diet for young girls.

    Example of a daily diet:
    Breakfast includes fruit salad with raisins and yogurt dressing, 2 boiled eggs and sweet tea.
    We have lunch with vegetable soup with beans and peas, a piece of boiled beef and grapefruit.
    The snack consists of a medium-fat fermented milk drink and a handful of dried fruits.
    For dinner we prepare a sandwich of chilled pork, bran bun, tomato and hard cheese. Also included is some milk chocolate and berry juice.

    Diet for weight gain is carbohydrate. This option is suitable for weight gain for an ordinary person and an athlete, regardless of gender. The diet mainly consists of slow carbohydrates, which provide the body with a huge supply of energy. During training, it will be actively spent on the development of muscle mass, and during downtime it will be deposited as extra pounds in the body.

    Example of a carbohydrate menu:
    In the morning we eat a couple of boiled chicken eggs and a portion of oatmeal cooked in water.
    After a couple of hours, you should drink a glass of milk and eat a couple of oatmeal cookies.
    Lunch consists of boiled buckwheat with mushrooms. We wash everything down with fresh carrot and apple juice.
    After a couple of hours we eat 2 bananas.
    Dinner includes a salad of kelp, seafood and vegetables. Also included are 2 veal meatballs.
    Before going to bed, you should eat a small portion of cottage cheese with dried fruits.

    Protein weight gain diet. Another universal option that is perfect for athletes to increase muscle area, as well as for teenagers and children.

    Breakfast consists of boiled brown rice and a glass of fruit yogurt.
    Snack - fresh pineapple, 1 citrus, a glass of nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts).
    For lunch we prepare stewed lentils with beans and carrots. Also included is a portion of boiled chicken fillet and a couple of fresh tomatoes.
    Snack - 1 large apple, a glass of fruit yogurt.
    Dinner includes Greek salad and steamed fish balls.

    Or another menu option:
    Breakfast includes milk buckwheat porridge with raisins, 1 boiled egg, sweet tea.
    The snack consists of a vegetable salad, 2 whole grain toasts.
    For lunch we prepare a large portion of boiled lean pork and steamed vegetables (beans, asparagus, beans). Also included is 100 g of cottage cheese with berries and tea.
    Snack - a drink based on fermented milk drink, kiwi, nuts and banana.
    Dinner consists of 100 g of cottage cheese with berries, a portion of milk semolina porridge and sweet tea.

    Carbohydrate-protein diet to gain weight. A very tasty and healthy option that combines the consumption of plant fiber, dairy and fermented milk products and lean meat. Such nutrition is more balanced and healthy than protein or carbohydrate nutrition of the same name.

    Example of a healthy menu:
    Breakfast consists of a package of store-bought cottage cheese, 2 boiled eggs, a sandwich with a thin layer of butter and green tea.
    Snack - vegetable salad with olive or flaxseed oil.
    Lunch consists of lentil soup with chicken broth and vinaigrette. We wash everything down with fresh fruit or vegetable juice.
    Snack - a glass of berries.
    Dinner consists of cottage cheese and fruit casserole and spring salad.

    Diet for weight gain milk. This menu is perfect for a growing body, as well as for lovers of dairy drinks. After the diet, not only will your weight increase moderately, but your muscles will also strengthen.

    Example of a dairy menu:
    Breakfast consists of 1 banana, a glass of homemade yoghurt and tea.
    For lunch we prepare a vegetable salad dressed with yogurt. Also included is 1 chicken egg and a glass of bifidoc.
    Snack - a portion of cottage cheese with berries or fruits. We also eat oatmeal cooked with milk and drink tea.
    Dinner consists of a glass of bifidoc and one pear.

    Diet to get better as a vegetarian. It is much more difficult for a person who mostly consumes vegetables and fruits to gain weight. Such food mainly contains slow carbohydrates and water, has minimal calorie content, so it is difficult to gain kilograms on it alone. How can a vegetarian get better without including meat, fish and offal in the menu, see below.

    Breakfast should include a sandwich made from whole grain bread, spread with nut butter or maple syrup. You should wash everything down with apple juice. A serving of oatmeal with dried fruits is also included.
    The snack consists of a tofu sandwich, avocado salad and asparagus. You should wash everything down with a protein shake or gainer.
    Lunch includes a glass of soy milk, a vegetarian salad with boiled beans, and 2 slices of whole grain bread.
    Dinner includes rice and carrot cutlets, vinaigrette and a glass of soy milk.

    Nut diet to gain weight. Nuts are plant-based beneficial lipids that improve the appearance and condition of skin and hair. They are also high-calorie foods, which allows you to quickly gain weight without stretching your stomach with large portions. Walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts and cashews are especially suitable in this regard.

    Example of a nut menu:
    Breakfast consists of any boiled porridge with the addition of a handful of nuts. Also includes a whole grain sandwich with nut butter and tea.
    Snack - 2/3 cup of dried fruits with nuts.
    For lunch, we stew any vegetables and prepare steamed meatballs.
    Snack - handfuls of nuts and seeds.
    Dinner consists of a Greek salad, 2 pieces of rye bread and a glass of fermented milk drink.

How to get out of weight gain diets

Getting out of such diets is very simple and easy. It is enough to smoothly return to your usual diet and, if necessary, periodically increase your daily caloric intake by 200-300 kcal. With a sharp reduction in caloric intake, it will be more difficult for the body to adapt; you may feel weakness, nausea, loss of strength, dizziness, hunger, and stomach pain. Therefore, portions should be reduced in volume gradually, day by day.

If you decide to stick to a high-calorie diet for a long time, do not forget about sports activities, otherwise the weight may increase far beyond your expectations, and it will be very difficult to lose it and rebuild your metabolism. If you stop playing sports, you should limit the calorie content of your meals, fill your diet with vegetables, fruits and lean meats, but pasta, nuts, whole grain bread and full-fat milk should be limited.

Disadvantages of diets for gaining kilograms, contraindications

Such programs cannot have any disadvantages, since you choose the volumes of recommended portions yourself, and you can approximately, rather than strictly, adhere to the menu. You also regulate the duration of the diet and its effectiveness, as well as the saturation of the diet with vitamins and minerals.

  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • slow metabolism and metabolic disorders;
  • serious cardiovascular diseases;
  • presence of diabetes mellitus;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • elderly age;
  • allergies to recommended products;
  • obesity;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, liver, kidneys.

Nowadays, a strong, healthy body with developed muscles and a moderate percentage of fat is in fashion, so more and more people are showing a desire to gain weight. Weight gain can be a problem for ectomorphs who find it difficult to gain weight. But it's quite possible. However, to achieve the goal, you will need to radically change your usual diet, using a special diet based on high-calorie carbohydrates and proteins.

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Why gain weight?

Being underweight comes naturally to some people. This is due to body features determined genetically. People who are naturally too thin are called asthenics or ectomorphs. They have thin bones, long limbs and have great difficulty gaining weight.

For such people, it is normal to have a reduced body fat percentage. However, they do not have any health problems. But sometimes asthenics want to gain weight in order to gain more expressive shapes and not just a thin, but also a toned body. This can be achieved by building muscle at home with the help of a special sports diet and strength training with weights.

Sometimes you need to gain weight without gaining muscle. This is associated with underweight in a child or adolescent, as well as pregnant women, which leads to health problems in the former and a risk of prematurity in the latter. With this option, strength training is contraindicated, but you can increase weight by adhering to the nutritional system described below.

Sometimes a person needs to recover for medical reasons. This applies to cases where underweight has a negative impact on health (the digestive system, heart or other organs are not functioning properly).

Diet rules for weight gain

To increase lean body mass, proper nutrition plays a crucial role. This is not a diet in the standard sense, but a balanced diet without serious restrictions.

You still have to count calories to achieve results. But the daily calorie intake should not be cut, but increased.

Calories for weight gain = 1.3 x weight (kg) x 30

That is, the basic caloric intake required to maintain weight increases by 30%. If there are no results from such a surplus, you can add another 20–30%.

Some people think that eating a lot is very easy. But not everyone can immediately follow the new diet, which involves eating 6 times a day in an increased volume. Therefore, at first you will have to eat literally through force.

In addition, we must not forget that there is no point in eating everything to gain weight. In this case, only the fat layer will increase, and the muscles will not receive enough nutrients. For this reason, it is necessary to adhere to this BJU ratio.

Both men and women need to eat this way. Most girls are afraid to increase their caloric intake for fear of gaining excess fat. But without a calorie surplus, you won’t be able to increase your muscles and get beautiful, seductive shapes. Therefore, the main thing is to maintain a balance of BZHU. Then the weight will increase mainly due to muscles.

Top 10 foods for weight gain

Your diet for weight gain should include foods that promote muscle growth and increase your daily calorie intake. But it is worth considering that such dishes should be consumed in combination with strength training. Only then will you be able to quickly gain quality mass.

The table shows a list of the best 10 foods on a diet for weight gain, indicating the energy value and composition of the BJU.

Products Brief description of properties Calories (100 g) Composition (proteins/fats/carbohydrates), grams per 100 g
Chicken breastContains a large amount of protein necessary for muscle building113 kcal23,6/1,9/0,4
Red meat (beef)Rich in lean protein, valuable amino acids and creatine, which helps increase strength levels187 kcal18,9/12,4/0
SalmonFatty fish (salmon, tuna, trout, cod, carp) are a source of healthy unsaturated fatty acids, which are essential on a weight gain diet.142 kcal19,8/6,3/0
EggsThey contain easily digestible protein and a complete set of amino acids, thereby helping to speed up the process of muscle recovery and growth.157 kcal12,7/10,9/0,7
Cottage cheese 9%An affordable analogue of casein protein, the nutrients and protein from which are slowly released and absorbed over time, providing long-lasting fuel to the body.159 kcal16,7/9/2
Oatmeal with milkA source of carbohydrates and energy, which a person urgently needs during the period of weight gain95 kcal3,7/2,9/14,2
RiceContains complex carbohydrates and protein, making it an excellent side dish for meat or fish.344 kcal6,7/0,7/78,9
Nuts (walnuts)High-calorie foods containing large amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids654 kcal15,2/65,2/7
Cheese (Russian)A processed dairy product that includes calcium and saturated fats, which you don’t need to worry about when gaining weight.363 kcal24,1/29,5/0,3
White breadThe most high-calorie type of bread containing fast carbohydrates257 kcal8/2,3/48,9

Any nuts are good to eat:

  • almond;
  • hazelnut;
  • cashew nuts;
  • peanut;
  • walnuts;
  • Brazilian nut.

All types of nuts are high in calories and contain polyunsaturated fats, as well as valuable microelements.

A diet for weight gain can be called a protein diet. It is this nutrient that is necessary for building a beautiful, sculpted body. In addition, carbohydrates and fats must be present in the diet. Without this, it will not be possible to increase body weight.

Menu for the week

Taking into account all the above rules for creating a diet for weight gain, you can create such a menu for a week with a scheduled diet for every day.

Eating Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
BreakfastFried egg of 6 whites and 3 yolks, orange juiceTea, sandwiches with cheese and butter, dark chocolateCottage cheese, milk, bananaOatmeal with milk, orangeSix boiled eggs, grapefruit juice
SnackMuesli with milk, bananaProtein barThree boiled eggs, yogurtProtein barMuesli with milk, bananaThree bananas, walnuts, kefir
DinnerBuckwheat, chicken fillet in mushroom marinadeRice, fish filletBarley, fish cutletsBuckwheat, chicken breastRice, beef stew
Second snackProtein barCereals with milkCottage cheese, milk, bananaProtein barAlmonds, candied fruits, kefirCottage cheese, milk, bananaProtein bar
DinnerBaked potato wedges with porkBuckwheat, beef stewRice, chicken breastFish baked in the oven with vegetablesBarley, beef stewBuckwheat, tongueRice, pork
Snack before bedCottage cheese 9%Casein proteinGainerCottage cheese 9%Casein proteinGainerCottage cheese 9%

The period of weight gain should last a certain time. Usually it ranges from 1 to 3 months. When the muscles increase sufficiently in size, it is worth changing the nutrition system, reducing the calorie surplus. Usually, in thin people, muscle relief is clearly visible due to the low percentage of fat, so there is no point in doing strict cutting.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina:

I was especially distressed by my eyes, which were surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and puffiness. How to completely remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person more than his eyes.

But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelifting? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when will you find time for all this? And it's still expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...