At what height are paintings hung? Attaching paintings using classic methods

What to do before purchasing a work of art:

  • assess the size of the room, its emptiness or, conversely, its fullness with furniture and accessories;
  • imagine where the canvas will be located;
  • visually estimate how impressive in size it should be so as not to get lost, but also not to be “crowded” by you;
  • images: do you need contrasts, or would a neutral palette fit perfectly;
  • The style in which the work is done is also important, because .

Principles of Canvas Placement

It is also important to understand them in advance so as not to make mistakes. Moreover, knowing how to hang pictures on the wall correctly , you can do it more than once without resorting to repairs.

Compatibility with the decor

Niches, and any ledges, and doors, and windows, and even more so furniture, are important. Experts do not advise hanging frames near tall cabinets: it is better when there are no vertical lines close to the ceiling.

A fireplace, a long sofa, a bed, a table, a low chest of drawers - above them or such decor will look perfect.

However, there are exceptions to this rule.

It is best to hang them in one place, next to each other, otherwise it will look like a home museum. But if , then the works of art in each of them will not create overload. Just remember that they must be in the same style.


Above the furniture, the width should be at least half the length of the back of the sofa, bedside table or table. If two or more objects are in a row (for example, a sofa and two bedside tables at the edges), then the length of the entire horizontal line they form is taken into account.

In the modern world, decorating walls with various posters, paintings and photos has become fashionable. Works of great artists or photographs of real people not only look beautiful in the interior, but also emphasize the positive features of the interior, carefully hiding its disadvantages.

Often, for decoration, people buy expensive ones that show the status of their owner. Interior designers are leaning more towards contemporary pieces and more fashionable options. In this, a person’s imagination is not limited in any way, and the combination of images of different price categories looks great in modern times.

How to hang pictures in an apartment: basic rules

To ensure the correct placement of paintings and photos around the apartment, you must adhere to certain rules. They will help not only in creating a beautiful interior, but also give rise to new ideas.

Mutual Harmony

In the interior it is allowed to combine paintings and photos with furniture. According to the principle of mutual harmony, you can beautifully distribute images, thereby obtaining a gorgeous result.

It is customary to decorate rooms with a high ceiling with paintings that form a rectangle - this will emphasize the height and elegance of the style of the room. For a brighter effect, it is better to place them as close to each other as possible. This way they will look more holistic, and thin frames combined with a light image will help create a window effect.


The second rule is a combination of different shapes and sizes. They can be mixed either symmetrically or asymmetrically. Thanks to this method of changing the design of the room, the surrounding environment will become original and unforgettable. But still, even with this arrangement, one should not forget about the general content and style. Some room styles will work well with contrasting images.

A symmetrical arrangement implies images of the same size and subject line. This option creates balance in the overall interior, adding rigor and conciseness.

Frames and mats

In order for the paintings to be visually aligned, it is necessary to take into account the frames and mats that are used in the formation of the overall composition. It is best to position the images so that the top of the mat is slightly smaller than the bottom. This option is ideal for posting paintings and photos in a vertical format. This style will increase your level of performance and improve your mood.

Correction of deficiencies

With the help of proper placement, you can easily select a recreation area in the area.

To visually increase the height of the ceiling, it is best to place photos and paintings vertically. But horizontal placement gives the opposite effect - it increases the length of the wall.

Volumetric furniture will not be interfered with by large-sized images that have wider and denser frames. Small paintings will simply get lost in the interior and will not give a positive effect.

The office will be ideally decorated with paintings and photos in black and white effect. They must be placed in a chaotic order, but maintaining almost the same distance. By hanging the canvases above the table, you can enjoy their view while doing boring paperwork.

Enjoying the result

When hanging paintings and photos according to a certain principle, you should pay attention to the most important thing - it should be convenient to look at them. Here you should turn to the museum version - the distance from the floor to the very point of the center of the image should be about 1.5 meters.

How to hang pictures in an apartment: diagrams

Many people prefer to decorate the rooms of their homes in a certain style. For this purpose, furniture and various decorative elements are purchased. Paintings and photos can also be a good decoration. But in order for them to look good visually, they should be made a little similar. For example, identical frames and one effect for a photo will be quite enough. Thanks to this, the images will look perfect and delight the eyes of guests. As you know, you can hang them in absolutely any order - chaos has always been in fashion, and a clearer distribution of images can even reflect the character of their owner.

Here are a few schemes that will fit perfectly into any interior:

How to choose paintings to match the interior style of your apartment?

When decorating a room, people encounter a problem when a painting or photo does not quite fit the style and also does not fit into the color scheme. Finding the perfect image size, quality and style takes a lot of time.

To decorate a room, modern magazines will be good helpers, and a visit to a museum or art gallery will also not be superfluous. Thanks to this, it will be possible to more accurately determine the design technique.

It will be much more difficult for amateurs to decide, because there are many directions now. They are intertwined and have similar elements. Judging by the extraordinary styles that combine elements of several directions, you can simply choose paintings to your liking. Modern works should attract a person at first sight, otherwise the canvas will not fit into your interior.

Paintings and photos in the interior of the apartment: photos

Hanging pictures on the wall of an apartment is a very original way to diversify the interior. Not everyone decides to take up this business, since it will take a lot of time. But still the result will be wonderful.

Below are several original options for placing paintings and photos on the walls of your own apartment.

Every creative person will be able to independently come up with an arrangement of paintings that will delight everyone who passes by them.

Since ancient times, people have sought to decorate their home with a variety of decorative things: panels, photographs, masks, decorative hanging figurines, amulets, paintings.

Pictures have always been hung on walls, and sometimes situations arise when it is not possible to drive a nail or screw into a wall or there is no one to do it.

We will talk further about paintings, or more precisely, about their mounting on walls. Shall we look at ten options? how to hang a picture correctly using different fastenings.

As a rule, nails and screws leave behind quite large holes and even chips, which look unsightly and the holes from them must subsequently be repaired and painted over.

And that’s when simple but effective ways to attach pictures come to the rescue. There are several of them, and you will definitely find a suitable option for yourself.

No. 1. Paperclip or hook

This method is suitable for walls covered with wallpaper. On the wall, in the place where you want to hang the picture, make a horizontal cut. Fill the incision with superglue and insert a paperclip there, having first bent it into a hook. You can also use a coat hook as a fastening. Cover the place where we glued the paperclip or hook with wallpaper. This type of mount is suitable for paintings that are not very heavy.

No. 2. Button

Fastening using a button is done like this: make a cut in the wallpaper, pour glue into it, stick the button there and hide the base of the button under the wallpaper. All fasteners are ready! This type of mount can support a light painting.

No. 3. Spider hook

Such fastenings are sold in construction stores; they are called “spider hooks”. The mount has four sharp ends that are easily attached to the wall with a hammer. The hook will support a painting weighing about two kilograms and is securely attached to any wall.

No. 4. Needle

What kind of interior item is this fastener designed for?

This type of fastener can support a light painting or drawing.

To do this, take a sewing needle and stick it into the wall. You can also carefully drive a tailor’s pin into the wallpaper. The eye of the needle is also broken off and the sharp end is carefully driven into the wall. The hole from the needle is small and invisible, unlike screws and nails. Since the needle is made of steel, it has good strength and will reliably hold the picture.

No. 5. Double-sided tape

This fastener is suitable for walls covered with thin paper wallpaper and for partitions made of. You just need to stick the tape on the edges of the frame and press it against the wall so that the picture sticks well to the wall surface. But this method has a disadvantage: the double-sided tape used after removing the painting leaves sticky marks. To avoid this, you need to hold the tape at an angle of 90 degrees with respect to the wall when you remove the picture.

No. 6. Velcro Command

This mount can be glued to any surface; it can support paintings up to two kilograms.

Command Velcro is very easy to remove from any surface. Velcro is sold in sets of several pieces. The principle of operation of Command Velcro is this: one Velcro is glued to the picture frame, the other to the wall surface. The weight of the painting depends on the number of strips, that is, the more Velcro, the greater the weight of the painting.

No. 7. Wine cork

An ordinary wine cork is cut into 1 cm thick washers and glued to the wall with glue that dries quickly. After the cork washer is glued, a small nail is driven into it, it will serve as a fastener for the picture.

No. 8. Ceiling plinth

This method is suitable for those who want to hang a lot of pictures without damaging the walls. Moldings () are sold in construction stores or markets. They are usually simply glued to the wall or ceiling, and then a strong fishing line is attached to it and only the pictures are hung on the fishing line.

How to hang a picture without drilling. Chemical methods

No. 9. Liquid nails

This is a special glue that glues surfaces together. Liquid nails are applied to the surface of the frame pointwise (if the weight of the painting is large, then the entire frame is coated). Then the picture is pressed against the wall and held for several seconds. If necessary, place a support so that the painting sticks well to the wall surface.

No. 10. Polymer glue

This glue leaves no traces behind. Works the same as liquid nails. To ensure that the painting sticks well, we prop the painting up for a day, for example with a board.

If the painting is heavy, glue is applied over the entire surface, and if the painting is light, then only along the edges of the frame.

Here we have described several ways to attach pictures without drilling. These are quite simple methods that are accessible to everyone. Of course, you will choose the ideal fastening method for yourself. Decorate your homes, admire the beauty of the paintings. We hope that you will gain useful information from this article and that you enjoyed reading our article. We wish you good luck and inspiration!

The use of paintings as a fashionable element of modern design is becoming increasingly widespread. Modern and classic, romantic and melancholic - the images create a special mood, enliven the interior and give it individuality and aesthetics.

Basic rules for placing paintings

In order for the paintings to look appropriate, fit harmoniously into the design and deliver aesthetic pleasure, you need to follow several general rules for their placement.
  • A wall in a bright room is ideal for a painting, but direct sunlight is undesirable. Under the influence of such rays, paint images quickly fade, and the picture itself begins to glare, which interferes with its correct perception.
  • If the painting is placed in a dark room, it is recommended to illuminate it with a halogen lamp. should be as uniform as possible, so you should not place the light source very close to the canvas.
  • The height of the paintings is chosen individually, but their location at eye level or slightly higher is considered traditional. Most of the image should be above the person's direct gaze.
  • At home, paintings are usually hung without a slope - close to the wall. To do this, the fastening elements to which the holding ropes (chains, cords, etc.) will be attached are located at the top of the picture or baguette. If you want to hang an image at an angle, the mounts are installed lower (the greater the distance from the top, the greater the angle of inclination).

Attaching paintings using classic methods

Most often, paintings are hung simply and unpretentiously - on a nail or screw mounted into the wall. However, the walls are different, and the traditional method has to be slightly modified.

Wooden walls- the most convenient material that allows you to hang a picture without hassle. Take a hammer and an ordinary nail, which is driven in at the desired height. A picture or twine is hung directly on it, with which it is attached.

Concrete walls– to secure the painting on this durable surface, it is necessary to use an impact drill or hammer drill. Using one of the tools, a hole of the required diameter (usually 6 mm) is drilled in the intended location, into which a dowel of the appropriate size made of plastic is inserted. A screw or a special hook is screwed into the dowel, and the canvas is hung on it.

Brick walls– durable but fragile brick requires a special approach. You can also drill holes in brick and fasten screws, nails or hooks of the required size into them, with or without a dowel, but with additional precautions. It is necessary to pour a cement mortar into the drilled hole, which will prevent the formation of cracks in the brick, and only then insert a dowel or hook. It is also possible to use special brick brackets, fastened at a distance necessary to place the picture.

Plasterboard walls– are not resistant to loads, so they are suitable for placing only light paintings. In order for the picture to be held firmly, a special “butterfly” dowel is inserted into the hole on such a wall, the special spacers of which prevent the mount from slipping out.

Mounting pictures without drilling walls

In cases where the household does not have a hammer drill or a hammer drill (and this happens), or you simply don’t want to make holes in the walls, you can use one of the alternative methods:
  • A light and small picture is attached to the wall using double-sided acrylic foam tape. One side of this miracle tape is glued to the painting, the other to the prepared surface - the painting is successfully hung. Manufacturers guarantee retention of 4 kg. weight of one square centimeter of tape, but maximum load is best avoided. This method of fastening is not very durable, and the tape leaves noticeable marks.
  • Clothes hooks and special fastenings for pictures on a sticky basis. The principle of attaching to the wall is the same as in the previous method, only the picture is hung on a hook.
  • You can hang a picture on a plasterboard wall using a pin or paperclip placed under the wallpaper and secured there with Moment or PVA glue. In principle, a similar method is suitable for a concrete wall, but the picture should not be very heavy.
  • Objects also hold well “”, which can be used both for attaching the picture itself and for gluing the hook on which it will be hung. With the help of “liquid nails” the painting is attached for a long time, because tearing off such a work can only ruin the appearance of both the wall and the painting itself (if it is glued directly to the wall). Using this method, you can hang heavy pictures, as well as decorate the interior in the bathroom and kitchen, without fear of changes in humidity and temperature.
  • “Liquid nails”, “Hot nails” and “Superglue” are also suitable for the next method. A small piece of wine cork, cork material or just wood 0.5-0.8 cm thick is glued to the cleaned surface of the wall, and a nail or screw is fixed in it, on which the picture is hung.
  • There are special hooks with nails made of extra-strong refractory metal for sale, designed for different types of walls. These nails can be easily inserted into any wall without leaving any marks, and are capable of holding a fairly heavy load. A picture on such a hook can be placed in any room of the house.
Video example of attaching a picture without nails (with special Velcro):

Mounting pictures on a bracket

A separate method that does not spoil the walls with holes, but requires the use of an impact drill or hammer drill, is ceiling mounting. A curtain rod (or other durable rail) is attached near the wall to the ceiling using special brackets. Pictures are hung on it, the height and location of which are regulated by fastening ropes.

You can come up with many more original options for hanging a picture on the wall - your imagination is not limited in this regard. If you don’t want to rack your brains and have no desire to invent your own “bicycle,” use one of the proven and reliable methods.

When purchasing a painting you like with an intricate plot or a luxurious canvas, you need to carefully select the right height to place it in the interior. And if you miss some nuances, you can greatly harm the visual perception of the picture, as well as easily distort the image.

  • Pictures and photographs of small size or with small figures should be hung too high. After all, the point of correct placement is to easily contemplate the plot of a work of painting or print.
  • Awkward placement. Very often you can observe the following situation: without particularly caring about some of the rules, we hang canvases and photos in the wrong places at the wrong height. For example, a spectacular colorful picture hangs below eye level, and even in a dark part of the room, and an inconspicuous small picture is in the most visible place.

Below we will give good examples of the correct height for placing paintings of different sizes, shapes and contents.

Aligning to the top edge of a door or window

An interesting and quite effective way of placing paintings in the interior is to hang them at the same level with the upper edge of the doorway or its frame, as well as at the level of the upper horizontal line of the window frame. This technique allows you to balance the lower and upper parts of the room, especially if the furniture in it is bright or large.

  • Should be used:

In this case, the height of the location is important, so we advise you to hang large pictures so that the bottom edge touches the midline of the wall. Choose canvases with a clear plot or, conversely, abstract forms that are clearly perceived only from a distance.

  • Not recommended:

It is better not to place small paintings with small, unclear designs at such a significant height, as this will doubly complicate visual perception and add tension to the neck muscles.

Alignment to the top edge of cabinets

This method can simplify the task of arranging paintings in the interior, since the top horizontal line of a cabinet or shelving can serve as a height reference here. Place the picture on the wall so that its top edge is flush with the top edge of the cabinet.

  • Should be used:

If the cabinet or rack in the interior is large, or it occupies the entire wall from ceiling to floor, then it is better to use vertical, bright and massive paintings along the entire wall. This will help maintain the dimensions of the storage furniture.

When cabinets form horizontal lines, such as the kitchen furniture in the photo below, it is better to hang a picture of the same horizontal shape, making sure that its top edge coincides with the top of the hanging cabinets.

Horizon alignment

The most common and common height in placing paintings is the so-called horizon line, which is always at eye level. It is most favorable for the visual perception of paintings, photographs and other decorative objects, arranged in such a way as not to cause difficulties while contemplating the objects.

  • Should be used:

The height at eye level is equally good for placing independent canvases and for forming compositions from photographs and paintings. It also creates a certain harmony and completeness in the interior.

When placing paintings along the horizon line on two or three opposite or adjacent walls at the same time, make sure that the horizontal line of the bottom edge of all paintings is located at the same height from the floor. Otherwise, an imbalance may occur in the interior.

By choosing the right height for placing pictures on the wall, you can improve the overall appearance of the interior, bringing harmony to the decor of the room.

A wall of paintings or photographs is an easy-to-implement way to constantly keep the best moments of your life before your eyes.

In order for the images to look good on the wall and please the eye, they need to be placed correctly. To do this, we recommend following a few simple but important rules.

Choosing the right place

The main goal is to make your wall stand out, no matter what you decide to hang on it.

Choosing the right location is the first and foremost step.

It's very simple if you want to hang one painting or photograph. In this case, you just need to place it against the wall at an intuitively selected height and make notes with a simple pencil. This way you will immediately see whether you need to lower it or, conversely, raise it.

If you want to hang several pieces of art, then the best method is to cut out paper layouts that are proportional to your images and hang them on the wall using adhesive tape.

The advantage of this approach is obvious - you can clearly see how your wall will look. Edit as necessary until you are completely happy.

Important: Images of the same size will look best when positioned horizontally, side by side.

There is no clear answer to the question “how to hang a picture on the wall correctly.” But there are some basic rules that should be followed.

The photo below shows some of the most important heights and are worth taking note of.

The numbers in the photo are in inches

When you hang a picture so that it can be seen from a standing position, usually in hallways or foyers, the height of its location on the wall varies from 150 to 170 centimeters from the floor to the center of the image.

You've probably heard that a painting should hang at eye level. But people’s heights are different, so you have to find a balance.

How to hang a picture in different places in the apartment:

Above the sofa

The frame framing the picture should be at a height of 20-25 centimeters above the sofa. If you are going to post several photos, you will have to ignore this rule and rely on your personal feelings.

Try the paper layout method outlined above.

It’s best if the total width of your photos is ⅔ the width of the sofa, then it will look harmonious.

If you want to place one large picture, hang it exactly in the center above the sofa.

Above the bed

When it comes to paintings above the bed, the most common mistake is hanging the item too high, meaning it appears to float in the air.

Note: The above ⅔ width rule applies here too.

Regardless of whether it is one image or several, its lower part should be at a height of 20-25 centimeters above the head of the bed.

Above the fireplace

The fireplace is the focal point in almost any room where it is located. Therefore, the space on the wall above it is the best place to place art objects - there they will not go unnoticed.

How high should I place the painting above the fireplace? 10 - 15 centimeters is the optimal height.

On the staircase wall

This is perhaps one of the most difficult questions, since stairs vary in style, shape and design. These came to mind as an example.

You can hang pictures in different ways, but stick to the basic rule - from 150 to 170 centimeters from the floor to the center of the picture.

Many people ask the question: At what height should I hang pictures on the wall, above the sofa, above the bed, table, on the staircase wall?

The painting on the wall is important in interior design, it is our memories, our most precious moments captured with family and friends.

At what height should paintings/photos be hung - to choose the right place for them

When it comes to the question of how high to hang pictures, your main concern is to display photographs, watercolors or oil paintings. Finding a suitable location for your images is the first step. It's easy to decide if you want to hang only one copy. You can lean the painting against the wall at the desired height and mark the spot with a pencil. It is better if you mark the top mark, then you will see at what height it will be and whether it is too high.

It's a completely different matter when you want to hang more than one picture. The best method to determine their height on the wall is this way: cut out paper models the size of your photos and place them on the wall using adhesive tape. This will give you a pretty good idea of ​​the final look, if anything doesn't fit you can re-glue the paper models until you achieve your goal and are satisfied and happy with the result. Remember that equally sized images usually work best when laid out horizontally, side by side, as in landscape or portrait format. There are many ways to organize your photos and even if you break the rules, in the end what matters is that you enjoy them.

Simple rules and useful tips

There is more than one answer to the question at what height to hang pictures. But there are still some basic rules that you should keep in mind, depending on where you want to place your photo or photos. Here are some of the most important heights that you must maintain:

When you hang pictures with the intention that they will be viewed from a standing position, usually in hallways and hallways, the height should be between 150 cm and 170 cm from the floor to the center of the picture. You can place them so that they are at eye level, and since people also come in different heights, you need to try to find a balance.

Paintings over the sofa

The general rule is that the bottom frame should be 20 - 25 cm higher than the sofa. When posting a group of images, you may have to bend the rules to ensure your photos appear in a balanced and harmonious order. It's best if you hang your photos 2/3 of the way up the sofa. If you have one large image, place it in the center above the sofa.

Pictures above the bed

When placing pictures above the bed, the most common mistake people make is that they hang them too high and the picture(s) then appear to be floating in the air. When hanging one or a group of pictures, it is advisable that the lower part of the frame is 20 to 25 cm above the headboard.

Above the mantel

In almost every home, the fireplace is the focal point, and when you want your paintings or photographs to be noticed, then fireplace walls. To hang pictures above the mantel, you need to maintain a height of 10 - 15 cm above the fireplace, it is optimal. When you plan to organize other accessories - figurines, vases, candles, sconces, etc. - the height may vary, but the main goal is to achieve balance and avoid the appearance that your picture is floating, in other words, so that it is not too high.

On the staircase wall

This is one of the more complex issues and staircases vary in style, shape and design. You can organize your photos in different ways, but keep in mind the general rule of 150cm to 170cm from the floor to the center of the image.

Well-chosen paintings and photographs will make any home harmonious and expressive. In order for them to fit organically into the interior and not look like random objects on the walls, you need to know some placement secrets.

Before buying a painting for your home, you need to answer a few questions. In what room will it hang? Do the dimensions of the painting correspond to the parameters of the room? How will the picture be lit? We should not forget that, first of all, it must match the color scheme of the room. It is important for what room the painting is intended for - a living room, a nursery or an office. The style of the painting should be combined with the style of the interior.

Room parameters and painting sizes

The rules for matching the size of paintings with the parameters of the premises are simple: for small and narrow rooms, small-sized paintings in narrow frames are suitable, in large rooms - large or medium-sized paintings with wide and massive frames will look ideal.

The shape of the paintings also matters: vertical paintings visually enlarge the ceilings and look great on a narrow wall, horizontal paintings expand the wall and fit well above a sofa, chest of drawers or fireplace.

The distance from which they will look at the picture is also important. Large paintings are viewed from afar, miniatures – up close. For paintings painted in the impressionist style (with large strokes), there is a rule: you need to take the size of its long side and multiply by 3, this will be the minimum distance to view the painting.

The surface of the wall can be patterned or have a pronounced texture - wood or brickwork, for example. In this case, it is recommended to place the paintings in a mat with wide margins so that the artistic details of the painting are not lost against the background of the wall.

At what height should I hang a picture?

You should not place paintings and photographs too high, somewhere near the ceiling. They are intended to be looked at and admired, so they hang pictures at approximately eye level. For an ordinary person, this is about one and a half meters from the floor or a little more. It is believed that for horizontally elongated paintings, the eye level line should be somewhere 3-4 cm above the bottom edge of the painting. For vertical paintings – 6-7cm from the bottom edge. At the same time, we must not forget that the line of sight of a short woman differs from the eye level of a tall man, so all these centimeters do not matter much; they are hung in a way that seems beautiful and comfortable.

Small in size with fine details, group photographs are always positioned so that they can be easily viewed at close range.

Grouping of paintings

One small painting on a large wall usually looks lonely and abandoned. An exception may be an old-style painting in a wide, massive frame - such works are often “not tolerated” by neighbors.

Small paintings on a large wall are best placed in groups. Usually they are grouped around the one that is most liked or seems most important. A group is made up of paintings that are similar in style, theme or color scheme. For example, it could be a series of pencil drawings or a combination of watercolors and oils related to a common theme.

  1. Paintings or photographs of the same size can be placed in one row or, what is much more interesting, on different levels at the same distance from each other.
  2. Small paintings often fill the space between larger ones.
  3. You should not place a group of paintings on the wall “by height” in order of increasing or decreasing size.
  4. The frames do not have to be the same; they are selected to match the painting, not the interior. But frames in different styles do not combine well in one group.
  5. To avoid mistakes, many experts advise creating a composition from a group of paintings on the floor, and then transferring it to the wall.

Lighting a painting in the interior

Sunlight should not fall directly on the painting. This causes the colors to fade and the painting to be destroyed. Good diffused lighting throughout the room is the best option. Some paintings may require additional lighting. The lamp is positioned so that the light falls evenly on the picture without creating glare or shadows. The light should be white so as not to distort colors.

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Paintings on the wall make the room more beautiful and cozy; they are the main element of interior design. Read about how to safely hang frames with anchor screws, and learn useful tips for hanging your collage.


Assessment and preparation

    Think about what you would like to hang. Different parts require different approaches for proper installation. For example, if you want to hang a poster on the wall, you only need a few thumbtacks, but other home decorations, such as large framed pictures and photographs, require more secure mounting methods. Generally speaking, the most secure way to hang a picture on a wall is to attach it with an anchor screw to a wall frame stud, which is what this guide describes. If you don’t know how to hang a photo, then choose this method and you won’t go wrong.

    Locate the wall frame stud. This is the reinforced part of the wall under the plaster and drywall that bears the main load. These racks can hold any items except photographs and frames that are too heavy, the weight of which can tear through the drywall. Electronic wood beam detectors are available at any hardware store. To detect a wooden beam, place the detector against the wall and move it until it beeps or lights up.

    • Please read the Wood Beam Detector instruction manual carefully. Many detectors have two modes: one for finding wood beams and one for finding wires. Before using the device, find out which indicator gives a signal when wood beams are detected.
    • If you don't want to buy an electronic detector, you can detect wood beams manually. Tap your hand on the wall in different places until you hear a dull, superficial sound. This is the place behind which the wall frame post is hidden. To make sure you've found the right one, knock on the wall around the area to find nearby posts. Usually they are located at a distance of 40-60 cm from each other. If you find such an arrangement, then most likely these are the racks of the wall frame.
  1. Select a mount. If you'll be hanging a picture on a wall frame stud, you'll need a round-head screw called an anchor screw. A small finishing nail, 3.5 to 5 cm long, that can support a few kilograms of weight even without a wooden beam, is perfect for light paintings, but an anchor screw is the safest option. There are many other options for mounting small photos available at any hardware store. Among them: various hooks, double-sided tape and more complex devices, such as a system for fixing pictures.

    Prepare the painting for installation. If your picture doesn't have a bracket, wire hanger, or other fasteners, you'll need to install them. It is better to use brackets, as they will hold the picture more securely than wire and rope, and will prevent it from falling in case of an accidental collision. Attach the bracket above the center of the frame on the back side so that the picture hangs level.

Placement and Centering

How to hang a picture

    Make a pilot hole. Find the point you marked on the wall and make a small hole in it for the anchor screw. If you have a drill, use a small drill bit and drill until you feel or hear the drill bit reach the wall frame stud. If you don't have a drill, use a nail and hammer to make the hole.

    Installation of anchor screw. Of course, it is best to use a screwdriver for this, but a regular screwdriver will also work for this purpose. Place the anchor screw in the location marked on the wall and tighten it. It will fit into the rack, creating a secure mount for the picture. After installing the bolt, adjust its length.

    Hang the picture on the anchor bolt. If the picture falls off the bolt, unscrew it and try to hang the picture again. If there is a large gap between the wall and the top of the picture, tighten the bolt more and try to hang the picture again. If the picture hangs securely on the wall and there is no gap at the top, no further action is required.

    Align the picture. Place a level on the top of the frame and carefully adjust the painting until the level is centered. Step back and admire the work you've done - the way your new painting hangs on the wall. After work, accordingly, do not forget to remove all tools and debris.