Applications from geometric shapes 2 years. How to make compositions from geometric shapes

Photography is what painting, composition, plastic rhythm, geometry become, placed in a matter of seconds (Henri Cartier-Bresson).

When we think about compositions in photography, the first thing that comes to mind is the rule of thirds...

But there is another important element in the composition - geometry. Geometry in photography refers to simple shapes such as square, triangle, circle, straight and curved lines.

Geometric objects are usually auxiliary; they enhance perception and can combine individual elements of a photograph into a single whole. By choosing one or another geometric shape in a photograph, the author can in advance focus the attention of the future viewer on certain areas of it. It has been established, for example, that the corners of a square turn out to be very active zones, and for a circle or oval it is the center. It is no coincidence that since ancient times there has been a tradition of portraits in an oval. The angles did not distract attention from the main thing - the image of the face. The most common and most versatile geometric tool is lines. Read more about them in our separate section.

In fact, any environmental object can be compared to any geometric figure, but they all awaken different emotions and feelings in the viewer. Simple geometric shapes, such as a circle and a square, are recorded much faster by our eyes and perceived by the brain, and therefore are remembered better than complex and irregular ones. In general, there are three basic figures. This rectangle, triangle and circle. Everything else - oval, square, trapezoid, ellipse, rhombus - are just their variations. They are all different both graphically and (don't be surprised) emotionally.


The square is the most stable, complete form, ready to evoke affirming images. It is associated with concepts such as order, stability, reliability, strength. At the same time, the square is perceived as somewhat mundane and ponderous.

Photo: Robertino Nikolic. “Light plays with geometry or geometry with light?”Winner of the Black & White Spider Awards, 2007.

Photo: Alma (source -


A rectangle located with its larger side horizontally evokes a feeling of stability, peace, and solidity.

It looks especially harmonious if it is made in the proportions of the “golden section”. A rectangle, located with its larger side along the vertical, creates a feeling of lightness and airiness.


Triangle is the most common shape found in nature. The triangle is the most dynamic, unstable shape, which is associated with movement, development, and speed. In the “top up” position it evokes images of stability, stability (pyramid). Several triangles - positive dynamic movement. In the “top down” position - shaky balance, balancing. Unlike a rectangle, the sides do not oppose each other, but change the direction of development. This can be used to create specific images. The triangle naturally introduces a sense of spatial depth into the composition.


In the form of a circle, more than any other, the idea of ​​nature, earth, and the universe is expressed. Circles abound both in nature and in the world of man-made objects. Therefore, such concepts as “good”, “life”, “happiness”, “prosperity” are associated in humans with precisely this form. This shape directs the eye into the frame. The circle is associated with something light, airy and at the same time balanced. But, unlike a square, this equilibrium is closer to the physical concept of “unstable equilibrium.” Circles are the most pleasing shapes to the eye that can be safely used in the frame. They immediately attract the viewer's attention and, thanks to their perfect symmetry, bring harmony to the image. Since the circle has no corners, it contrasts nicely with the rectangular edge of the frame.

Like a triangle, a circle is a very effective geometric figure that can be usefully used in the composition of a shot, albeit with a different meaning. Unlike diagonals, which charge the frame with dynamics and tension, curved lines create harmony. Thus, you can create expressive and informative compositions based on simple geometric shapes.

Geometric objects can be divided into three groups according to their functions: guide lines, space dividers and framing. Space dividers divide the photo into separate zones that carry their own meaning, but work together to create a single composition. An example of the simplest space separator is the horizon line separating the sky from the surface of the sea. Triangles look very good as a space divider, but elements such as diagonals and open lines can also be confidently used.

Framing has the function of attracting the viewer's gaze and focusing it on the main object. Doorways, arches, and windows work well as framing elements. In addition, natural elements, such as tree branches, do an excellent job of this function. It is important that the frame is present on at least two sides of the photo and is done in a calm tone, preferably darker than the main subject, so as not to distract the viewer. The framing element should have an interesting color, shape, texture or other noteworthy characteristics, but it is worth remembering that framing elements should guide, not distract. Triangles or arches work especially well in this regard. The arch can create an interesting dynamic composition.

Try, experiment and don’t forget that in one shot you can use several geometric shapes at once to build a composition.

What thoughts, what concepts come to your mind first when you think about photographic composition? Many will say: balance in the frame, the rule of thirds, rhythm, leading lines... Yes, all this is true. All this affects the composition of the frame. It all works and works great. But not only that! There is also foreshortening, perspective, the relationship of tones, colors, contrasts... The photographer needs to know all this and be sure to study composition, the laws of constructing an image on a plane. Those who have recently decided to seriously engage in photography, who have just come to photography and are still discovering it for themselves, getting acquainted with the rules and laws of composition, sometimes cannot even imagine how many interesting things this most interesting art includes. The laws of composition are much deeper than it might seem at first glance. But when starting to study composition, there is no need to worry at all. It is not so difficult. Just gradually getting acquainted with its laws, mastering them, you need to train. How? As the famous movie character used to say, “Elementary. Watson! Take more photos! Fortunately, current technology allows you to take a lot of photographs. Today there is practically no need for photographic film and expensive consumables.

Today we decided to talk to you about geometry in composition. Yes Yes! Do not be surprised! Geometry is one of the most important aspects of composition. And in this article we will try to prove this to you.

The majority of people who have a camera, without thinking about it, unconsciously use their knowledge of geometry when taking photographs, introducing various geometric shapes into a given frame. Don't believe me? Read the article further - and you will see that we are right. I would like to think that the information presented just below will give you an impetus to further develop your mastery of composition, to further improve your skills in photography.


Using these, perhaps the most popular figures in geometry, in a photographic composition is akin to using the rule of thirds. But, unlike this well-known rule, the frame is divided not into three imaginary equal parts, but into imaginary rectangles of various sizes. Just look at this photo. The bottom of the photo, the bank and the grass, form a horizontal rectangle. And the left side of the photo, where the large blue spot of the water surface is, is a vertical rectangle. These two rectangles in the composition of the photo very well highlight the lantern standing on the shore. It looks like an isolated, independent object.


Circles have their own energy. They seem to concentrate a certain energy in themselves, and thereby direct the viewer’s gaze into the depths of the frame. In order to create an effective composition, experienced photographers and good artists often use not only circles, but also semicircles. This photo, which we gave as an example, shows this very well. The circles in her composition concentrate the attention of the viewer and gradually lead him to the main thing in the frame - to the consideration of the beautiful mountain peaks in the distance.


The triangle is perhaps the most frequently encountered geometric element in the composition of any image on a plane. Look carefully at least at your own photographs. Please note: triangles are everywhere! They are literally scattered throughout your photos! Here's an example for you - the most ordinary mountain landscape. The triangles in this photograph create an imaginary, but completely natural path that leads the viewer's eye from the hedge in the foreground towards the mountains themselves. And the mountains themselves, look closely, also have the shape of a triangle!


Looking through the camera viewfinder, most photographers, especially beginners, hardly think that right now, mentally working on the composition of the future frame, they will imagine some kind of polygons. But then, when they see their pictures on the monitor screen, they will be very, very surprised: there will be a huge number of polygons on them! They are what give photographs their visual meaning. Pay attention to these pictures. They clearly show that geometric polygons appear in the plane of the frame not only due to the shape of the subjects themselves. They are also clearly visible due to the contrast of individual areas, due to light spots and shadows.


The square is considered an ideal figure not only in geometry, but also in fine art in general. Remember, at least, the famous “Black Square” by Kazimir Malevich. And for photography, a square is the ideal shape. Look at this illustration. The main subject of the photo fits easily and naturally into the square. And this square, in turn, is in perfect harmony with other squares - squares formed from books and bookshelves in the background.


Arches, in their manifestation in the composition of constructing an image on a plane, in some way repeat the “work” of circles. But, unlike circles, arches are more of a background element than an independent geometric shape. In this photograph, for example, a woman’s hands holding a rose and folded in the shape of a heart form three arches! And these imaginary arches form, as it were, a frame framing a beautiful and delicate flower.

Converging and parallel lines

Any experienced photographer or artist will tell you that using various types of lines correctly in a composition can be very difficult. However, it is quite possible. Both converging and parallel lines can, and even moreover, should be effectively used in the composition of the frame! Such lines work especially effectively when composing a background. Look at this photo. It is easy to see both converging and parallel lines. They very well direct the viewer's gaze to the main subject of the photograph - to the person sitting on the grass. Plus, these lines visually seem to be reflected from each other.

Attitude and balance of space

If you want to add more meaning to your photographs, in some way increase their emotional impact on the viewer, then try to understand the understanding of space. In some cases, compositionally photographs may be quite simple at first glance. Like these, for example. What's most important here? Right. The viewer’s proximity to the bench shown by the author and the presence of space, or rather even emptiness, directly behind it. This kind of compositional construction of a frame allows the viewer to mentally, at the subconscious level, recreate in his mind the history of this plot, based on his experiences, on his personal experience, on his emotions.

Take your time to understand everything that we told you about today. Try to understand how geometric elements influence the composition of an image on a plane. This understanding may not come to you right away. But it's not scary at all. The main thing is that it seems to us that we, so to speak, have sown our seed. You just have to wait for the shoots first, and after a while the fruits.

If you want to know what appliqués from geometric shapes are and want to teach children this type of art, then this article is for you.

The appliqués that children make are sometimes very simple and naive, but they help children develop their cutting, design and imagination skills. Children also absolutely love gluing colored shapes onto the background.

First, children glue figures that adults cut out onto the background. But time does not stand still - children grow. And over time, children learn to cut, glue and create themselves. And then the child should be taught the most interesting types of applications.

By making geometric applications, the child develops his eye and spatial thinking, learns to combine colors and becomes familiar with geometric shapes.

The simplest applique of geometric shapes can be considered making patterns on a long strip of paper. Then you can move on to designing various objects, vehicles, animals, plants. Thanks to this, the child develops creative abilities.

For 1st grade students

Children already more or less own scissors when they enter 1st grade. In this case, templates will become indispensable assistants. With their help, children will be able to cut out the necessary parts from paper, and it will be easier for them to create and learn to make appliqués. Here are templates for several simple geometric applications:

Here are some examples of work for 1st grade children and their diagrams:

Application “House in the Village”:

It seems to be nothing complicated, no complicated details. It's simple. A house, sunshine, a tree, but there is something extraordinary in this picture. In addition, the child will make this picture even more unique, because it will be the embodiment of his imagination and thinking.

Application “Cat and kitten”:

To make an applique of this cat with a kitten, a child will need to cut out a wide variety of shapes and put them together to create a complete image to their liking.

Application “Funny Caterpillar”:

The funny caterpillar will amuse your kids. It is interesting not only to look at, but also to do. After all, these circles and other details can be arranged in different ways. And each child will get their own unique cheerful caterpillar.

To make the above house, cat and caterpillar appliqués, you can simply print out the diagrams, then children can cut out the figures and glue them onto paper. But this is too simple. So you can make your own templates. And then the children will cut out parts from them from different colors and glue them.

For children 3-5 years old

There are also applications intended for preschool children. They are quite simple. Children will learn a lot in the process. And most importantly, they will become familiar with geometric shapes and where they can be used.

Having printed templates, you need to make the application in the following sequence:

  1. Cut out templates from paper;
  2. Glue the parts to their corresponding places.

Here are some more similar works.

These applications are quite simple to make, so they are suitable for young children, so to speak, beginners in applications. You can choose from a wide range of designs and print the one that suits your child best.

The smaller part of the image will serve as templates, with the help of which you will need to cut out details of different colors and paste them onto the larger part, which will serve as the background for the applique.

The application is performed in the following order:

  1. Cut out the templates that are on the side of the page. Templates are obtained;
  2. Next, you need to use the prepared templates to cut out the parts from papers of the desired colors and stick them to their corresponding places.

For 4th grade children

While making appliqués from geometric shapes for children who are in 4th grade, children will learn to clearly mark out parts according to a template and assemble individual geometric shapes into a complete image.

First, the children should be shown what the work will look like upon completion. Children will need: colored paper, cardboard, glue, ruler, pencil, scissors and a brush.

First, children need to prepare a workspace and prepare everything they need to make an applique.

See if you have everything ready for the lesson? We will need: colored paper, cardboard, glue; ruler, pencil, scissors, eraser, brush; glue jar, napkin, oilcloth.

This is the order in which you need to proceed to make the application:

  1. Prepare the base;
  2. We translate and cut out the parts according to the template;
  3. Let's create an application.

Let’s get started with the application of geometric shapes “Cat and Mouse”:

These are the parts needed for mice and cheese. Templates for them are easy to make. Cut too. But it is very interesting to create such beauty from simple geometric shapes.

Next we move on to the cat. These are the parts needed to make a cat. As you can see, among the materials there is a felt-tip pen with which children can realize their imagination and draw a unique face for a cat.

Heuristic methods in technology lessons. Application of geometric shapes on a free theme. Master class with photos.

Ksenia Alekseevna Kruglova, technology teacher, Nizhnekuryatsk secondary school, Karatuz district, Krasnoyarsk region
Description of work: This work can be done with children 6-10 years old. The master class is designed for technology teachers, primary school teachers, children, educators, and adults.
Target: creating an application from geometric shapes on any theme.
- consolidate the concepts of “cut”, “cut”, “carve”.
- develop imagination, hand-eye coordination;
- cultivate diligence and accuracy in work.
Materials and tools:
- White paper;
- dark cardboard;
- PVA glue;
- scissors.

What methods can be used to develop children's abilities, their cognitive, creative and general educational skills? The teaching method is a more powerful means than the content of teaching. It is the methods of activity that are more universal in nature, since they can be transferred to various spheres of education.
In technology lessons in different grades, I try to use teaching methods called heuristics as often as possible. They received this name because the result of their use is always an educational product created by students: an idea, a hypothesis, a pattern, an experiment, a symbolic or textual work, a painting, a craft, a lesson plan, etc. The result obtained can be varied, depending on the imagination and fantasy of the student.
Using the example of the figurative vision method, I want to show you, dear colleagues, what kind of creative work we have achieved.
A few words about the method. The method of figurative vision is an emotional-imaginative study of an object. It is proposed, for example, when looking at a number, figure, word, sign or real object, to draw the images seen in them, to describe what they look like. The educational product, as a result of student observation, is expressed in verbal or graphic form, that is, students pronounce, write down or draw the results of their research.
So, using the method of figurative vision, we will “disenchant” geometric shapes.

Step by step execution of work.
We prepare the necessary materials.

We print any shapes of different sizes on a white sheet of paper.

The first task is to cut out all the figures. At this stage it is very good to reinforce the concept of “cut”


"cut out".

Now we take dark cardboard and begin to fold geometric figures into some already familiar shape. You can tell students a topic in advance, for example, animals. In this case, the topic was arbitrary. It is also important to emphasize that you need to use as many geometric shapes as possible in your work.

When the figures are assembled into some objects, glue them to dark cardboard.
This is the kind of work my students ended up with.
1. House in the forest.

2. Snowfall.

3. Forest in winter.

4. Forest.

Before I go out and use heuristics, I always practice at home. I’m most interested in: “What will I do?”, “How will my daughter cope with the task” (she is now 5 years and 9 months old), “What can my husband, an artist, depict with geometric figures.” So the whole family “puffs”, including their imagination, creating new geometric pictures.
So, let's start with the work of the smallest participant. The daughter managed to assemble a girl sitting on a chair from the figures

and “the boys who met. And one boy is also skiing.”

My imagination was enough for three works:
1. "Winter"

2. Illustration for the fairy tale “Kolobok”, (Kolobok and the Fox)

3. “Sea Regatta”

My husband spent a long time “disenchanting” the figures...

As you can see, the geometric shapes are the same for everyone, but the end result is different. This is the “highlight” of heuristic methods!

Application of geometric shapes is an incredibly exciting and useful activity with which every child can develop:

  1. associative thinking;
  2. creative imagination;
  3. artistic taste;
  4. eye gauge;
  5. color perception.

During the classes, the child will receive a lot of useful information about the variety of geometric shapes and will learn to isolate the basic shapes in objects of complex configuration. By working with small details, he will develop fine motor skills, and by completing the task of selecting elements of the desired color, he will learn to combine them successfully.

In addition to developing work skills that will be useful to him later, a child engaged in appliqué will receive a lot of pleasure from the very process of creating beautiful and bright pictures.

Application of geometric shapes in kindergarten

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Three-dimensional applique is very successful with them. Using this technique, children make original postcards and collective still lifes to decorate the interior of a group room.

Geometric applications for children - photo examples:

Application for the little ones

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  • In the younger group - at the first stage of training - children learn the skills of carefully gluing elements of a future composition: apply glue evenly, alternate parts of a certain color and shape, remove excess glue using a special napkin.
  • To ensure that kids don’t lose interest in the activity, geometric shapes must be played out: colored circles of different sizes can turn into balls, rosy apples or funny buns. They can make a long caterpillar. And if you give a child a large red oval, several small ones and one large black circle, you will get a real ladybug.
Geometric applique for kids “Kitten”:

During applique classes, teachers often use a surprise moment: after showing the kids a large sheet with a picture of some funny animal (it could be a bunny, a squirrel or a mouse), they ask the children to treat the character “who came to visit them” by gluing pre-cut carrots onto the sheet, nuts or slices of cheese.

Application for the second junior group

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  • In the second younger group, kids receive a more difficult task - to glue the finished parts, alternating them in shape and color. You can offer kids circles and squares or ovals and circles in two contrasting colors. Having received a long strip of paper with a “string” drawn on them, children will be happy to glue bright “beads” to it.
  • The technique of co-creation, also often used in kindergarten classes, can increase children’s interest in completing a task: for example, the teacher sticks a large steam locomotive on a long strip of paper, and instructs the kids to stick on the trailers. A large cart can be glued to a common sheet, and the children are invited to fill it with delicious apples for the forest animals.
  • When children pick up scissors and have mastered cutting a strip along the long side multiple times, the teacher can ask them to fill a large truck with the “firewood” obtained as a result of this task.
Application for children 2-3 years old “Rocket”:

Application for children of middle preschool age

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Application in the senior group

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Preschoolers can perform a collective composition over the course of two lessons: in this case, the first of them is devoted to depicting houses, and in the next one they perform the “Car” appliqué.

  • Older preschoolers are always interested in activities devoted to depicting their favorite fairy-tale characters, and they will certainly strive to convey characteristic details that make the image they depict recognizable. Robot, gnome, Cheburashka - these fairy-tale characters can be easily made from geometric shapes that children independently cut out from blanks proposed by the teacher.
  • The application “House of Geometric Shapes” can be combined with the “nature” theme. Depicting a simple landscape, making the work more expressive, will give the child the opportunity to write an interesting story about it.

Features of the application for older preschoolers

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  • Application of geometric shapes in the preparatory group becomes even more complex and interesting, since children of senior preschool age learn to make three-dimensional images using special templates. This technique can be used when doing work on the theme “Autumn in the Forest” or “Red Summer”.

Having cut out voluminous tree crowns, children complement them with images of trunks and glue on grass bushes, mushrooms and fallen leaves. To create additional volume, they can use different types of colored paper (newsprint, textured, crepe), cotton wool (for clouds) and colored cardboard.

Volumetric applique “Flower made of hearts”:

  • Children really like the plot applique of geometric shapes on the theme “Circus”. Despite the fact that the application representing the image of a person is the most difficult topic for children's creativity, it is quite accessible to them. Bright clothes, interesting costume details, specific makeup - and here we have a cheerful clown performing in the circus arena.

If you do the work collectively, children will enthusiastically get involved in the game of developing a script for a circus performance. In this case, trained animals may appear in the arena: a dog, a giraffe, a baby elephant, a monkey.

In the background of the collective composition, little men representing the audience can be placed: to complete them, preschoolers just need to cut out a large number of circles, stick them on the overall picture and complete the faces and hairstyles using a felt-tip pen.

  • Pets are equally favorite objects of children's creativity. Not only a puppy or a cat, but also a hamster, a sheep and even a horse may appear at the work of older preschoolers. However, even if a child performs the “Cat” applique, he will still try to make it original and unique by decorating the heroine of his masterpiece with a flirty bow or giving her an expressive pose.

Application of geometric shapes at school

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Primary school students in technology lessons consolidate the skills acquired in kindergarten, but at a slightly different level, taking into account the degree of development of small muscles and a more extensive knowledge of the environment.

Application in first grade

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In their works, primary schoolchildren reflect their own ideas not only about the appearance of wild animals, but also about their habitat, since in order to achieve a good result they are required to depict this or that animal against the background of the corresponding landscape.

A very good gift for dad would be a sailboat racing through the waves on swollen sails. First graders can easily cope with this task by gluing only the top and bottom edges of the paper blanks to the base.

In the background, children can depict snow-capped mountains with triangular glacier caps. They often either paint the sea with white gouache on a dark background, or draw “lambs” on a sheet of white paper with a simple pencil, then cut it out and paste it onto the finished postcard.

Application in second grade

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Using a small amount of glitter polish will create a stunning sparkling winter snow effect.

Children begin to carry out such work after watching the corresponding master class.

  • On the eve of International Women's Day, junior schoolchildren are sure to make original cards with beautiful flowers in the center. For the most part, these cards contain some kind of surprise that is revealed when the gift is opened. The bouquet of flowers can be semi-volume and protrude from the center of the card, resting on a step hidden behind it.
Volumetric application for March 8, master class in video:

  • Applique of geometric shapes gives children the opportunity to create exquisite patterns, decorating various objects with them: bookmarks, coasters, decorative napkins. Schoolchildren who have mastered the techniques of cutting out objects of complex shapes enjoy making appliqué from fabric.

Application for third graders

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Figures of athletes made by third-graders should not be static. When evaluating the work of his students, the teacher must note what means of expression the authors of the best works used.