DIY modular paintings. How to use leftover wallpaper in the interior: a selection of ideas

Modular paintings are not a new phenomenon in the art of design. Artists were engaged in similar experiments back in the 60s of the last century, when the aesthetics of minimalism in interior design came into fashion. Modern interiors with a minimal amount of furniture and large empty spaces on the walls that need to be “filled” with color or original, unusual avant-garde decorative elements have revived this method of decoration. modular or segmented paintings? This is a pictorial canvas or photo panel, divided into several separate modules, which are arranged on the wall so that a single work is created as a whole. The picture is divided into segments in different ways: into longitudinal, transverse or diagonal parts, or into both. Each individual piece is then placed on the wall, leaving small spaces between them, either parallel or offset. Segmented creations can also consist of a large number of abstract pieces that together resemble a “patchwork quilt.” More often they make modular paintings on canvas, stretching each fragment onto a separate stretcher, without using a baguette. Moreover, the modules can be either the same size and shape, or different. Collected on the wall, they create an additional decorative effect.

Making modular paintings with your own hands is not difficult. To do this, they most often use ready-made photo wallpapers or large-sized reproductions of paintings printed on cardboard. You can take any photo you like, enlarge it and print it at a specialized company. How to make your own modular painting?

Depending on what is the basis for the segmented creation - photo printing on paper or drawing on canvas - its base is chosen. The canvas is stretched onto a special stretcher - this is a frame made of wooden slats (often used by artists) - using Photo printing on thick paper or cardboard, it is glued onto a base made, for example, of foam plastic or other lightweight synthetic materials that are easy to pick up at a hardware store. It is important that they have a flat, smooth surface, light weight, are easily mounted on the wall and are voluminous (at least 1.5 cm thick). Then modular paintings made by yourself will look more impressive.

After the base has been prepared, the stretchers of the required size have been knocked together, foam sheets have been purchased, and proceed to the next stage. The picture is first visually, and then using a pencil, divided into separate segments-modules. Dividing lines are drawn in different ways, the main thing is that after assembly on the wall you get an “impressive” piece. Then, along the drawn lines, the picture is cut and pasted onto the prepared base. In this way, modular ones are made well from photo wallpapers or reproductions printed on paper. The edges of each fragment coincide with the edge of the base, so there is no distortion of the entire work.

Modular paintings made on canvas have certain specifics. The canvas must be stretched and secured on the back side of the stretcher. To do this, each fragment must have a certain margin that overlaps the drawing. Therefore, for a modular work it is necessary to have not one solid canvas, which is divided into parts, but separate segments printed on the canvas with a “reserve”, from which the whole work is then composed. It is much easier to make modular paintings with your own hands from ready-made fabric with a bright abstract pattern that does not require precise alignment of the picture. We cut out pieces of fabric of such a size that they can easily be stretched onto a stretcher and secured on the back side. When choosing a pattern, you should take into account that after stretching it onto the frame, the pattern is slightly deformed, changing its outline. Then we place the finished modules on the wall in the required sequence. The modular picture is ready.

Modular paintings provide unlimited scope for creativity. It will take very little time to create such a non-standard interior element with your own hands. Let's consider the simplest option - making a picture from photo wallpaper.

Choosing a form and plot

Before you start working, you need to decide on the theme of the image. What do designers advise?

Universal solutions for the living room - landscapes, abstractions or views. For those who love calm tones, photo wallpapers depicting an old city or a cozy fireplace will be an excellent choice. Those who prefer dynamics should pay attention to scenes with cities at night, roads and skyscrapers of megacities or cars. As for the color palette, the main thing is that it fits harmoniously into the overall concept of the interior.

Floral motifs, sea waves or birds would be appropriate in the bedroom.

If you want to make a modular picture for a children’s room with your own hands, then choose images in soft warm tones. This could be a plot with your child’s favorite cartoon or fairy-tale character, butterflies or cute animals (for example, a friendly little kitten).

When deciding on the shape of the segments of the future painting (rectangular, triangular, square, wave-shaped fragments), keep in mind that it is rectangles that will most advantageously emphasize the vertical space and improve the perception of the finished work.

Making blanks

Depending on the artistic intent of the author, a modular painting can be made up of two, three or more blocks. It’s not difficult to prepare the fragments yourself. It is enough just to carefully cut the entire canvas of photo wallpaper into pieces that exactly correspond to the dimensions of the base of each module.

Making the basics

To independently create a modular picture from photo wallpaper, blocks cut from foam plastic are perfect as bases. Ceiling tiles would also be a good solution. Both options allow you to obtain a fairly lightweight design and eliminate installation difficulties.

In this case, you do not need any special tools or cutting devices. An ordinary wallpaper knife is enough (necessarily with a new sharp blade!). It is possible, but not advisable, to use a jigsaw. Using this tool, you will not get a perfectly even cut.

To ensure that the photo wallpaper adheres well to the foam, apply a primer to the surface of the finished base. After this, feel free to glue the cut-out blanks and proceed to the final stage - installation of the picture.

How to arrange modules

The blocks of the painting may vary in size, and different options for their location on the wall allow you not only to add new bright notes to the interior, but also to obtain an additional visual effect. For example, when arranging elements in order of decreasing intensity of their color and thickness, you will get the effect of a three-dimensional image.

The only limitation for a person who decides to make a modular painting with his own hands is his imagination. You can give the image any geometric shape. Place elements diagonally, in the form of a smooth curve or broken line, arrange them in the form of steps or a curved arc.

How to hang a modular picture

Due to the light weight of the modules, made of photo wallpaper on foam plastic, they are very easy to mount on the wall. You can use special polymer-based glue or double-sided tape. Liquid nails are suitable for uneven wall surfaces.

It is best to start installing a modular picture after precise preliminary markings. The central block is placed first (the ideal height is one and a half meters from the floor level), and then all subsequent elements are placed at a distance of 2-4 cm horizontally from each other.

We hope that our tips will be useful to you. You can choose a suitable subject in our catalog and order photo wallpapers right now. We will deliver your order anywhere in Russia.

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Modular paintings for your home - we make them ourselves. Since time immemorial, the ancient Greeks decorated their homes with modular paintings, which differed from standard paintings in that they were divided into parts, thus creating a unique and original look for the room. Despite the fact that such paintings look quite voluminous and weighty, you can create them yourself without much difficulty or difficulty - the main thing is the idea, the material, a little time and patience.

What are modular paintings?

Modular paintings are currently particularly popular today, as they were many centuries ago - the themes of such works can be different, as well as the technique of their execution. This could be a landscape or a photo of a city at night, a portrait made with embroidery, in the format of an engraving or appliqué, watercolor and so on.

Especially in recent years, paintings made on linen canvas by digitizing and printing on a special printer have become popular. After the canvas is ready, it is divided into parts that differ in shape, format, size and then attached to the frame - it is the transition from one field to another that creates an incredible 3D effect.

Speaking about what types of such paintings there are, depending on the number of elements in the entire composition there can be several types:

  • if there are 2 parts, the composition is called a diptych;
  • if there are 3 paintings in the entire composition, we are talking about a triptych;
  • 4 paintings in a module are a penaptych, and if there are 5 or more, a polynaptych.

Making a modular composition with your own hands - getting started

Before starting work, you should decide for yourself the type of painting itself, its image - in this case, it is enough to take into account in which room such a painting will be hung on the wall and what the interior of the room is. When choosing an image for a painting, it is worth saying that choosing a portrait - a divided face does not look very aesthetically pleasing when divided into parts, it can, merging into one whole spot, rather create an abstraction in the style of Picasso.

The next step of your work is direct implementation - here you can use a photograph, your own drawing as a basis, and even if you don’t know how to draw, modern technologies will do everything for you. In this case, you can place an order with a master to make your own drawings for modular paintings, or choose from an existing catalog.

The design can be printed on plain or special paper or fabric, and before this step it is enough to determine the future dimensions of the modular panels. In order for the painting to fit harmoniously into your interior, choose the place where it will be located and based on this, calculate its size. If you create paintings yourself, buy a canvas in advance and create your masterpiece on it, but when the painting is printed on paper, just load the selected drawing onto the printer, first run it through a graphic editor, break it down into smaller parts and print it out and start making the decorations .

Forming decoration

When the location of the modular picture has been chosen, we proceed to the formation of its base. For the base, various materials and decorative elements with obligatory visible volume can be used - such a base can be a wooden frame or polystyrene foam, and so on. As for the wooden base, the plates are knocked down into a frame of the required size, and if foam plastic is taken as the base, it is enough to independently cut out the format you need to fit the size of the painting.

Then we model the picture itself - we attach the canvas itself to the assembled frame with glue, and this will not be difficult to do. As a result of such work, you will receive exquisite, very original and beautiful decorations for decorating your own premises, be it an apartment, a house, a country house. When you set the goal in itself to create decor, when the painting is not assigned the role of a modular element, but rather a photo wallpaper, there is no need to create a large volume for the structures. If you search on the Internet, you can find step-by-step instructions that show that in this case all kinds of sheet materials can be used as a basis - from a processed piece of plywood, fiberboard, cardboard to old and unnecessary wallpaper, pre-glued several times.

It is worth gluing the image onto them very carefully and carefully - if it goes beyond the folded modular base, it will lead to damage to the entire canvas of the picture and you will have to start all over again. If everything was done correctly and carefully, the result will delight you with its beauty and sophistication.
Arrangement of modular paintings on the wall.

As noted earlier, all the constituent elements of a modular picture can vary in size, and their separate and different placement on the wall will create one or another effect throughout the interior. Place the modular canvas on the wall, taking into account such aspects as depth and height. If you initially chose a painting canvas with depth, it can be applied to a base of different heights and thicknesses, and if the protruding segment of the image is placed correctly, the lightest point will be exactly on the thickest base and then in descending order, thereby achieving the visual effect of 3D volume .

If the elements of the modules are arranged in height, this will allow you to place the entire composition of the paintings in any geometric shape chosen at your discretion. It can be pulled up or placed in the form of an arc, placed diagonally, or laid out on the wall in the form of steps - do it as it is convenient for you and as you like.

Modular paintings in the interior of your room

When buying or creating modular paintings yourself, it is worth considering in which room it will serve as an object and a fairly bright decorative element. This point is very important, since placement in the living room or children's room, in the kitchen or in the library involves the choice of a drawing that is different in its theme and its general focus.

Modular paintings and their place in the living room interior

When choosing a modular picture for a living room, it is enough to select several, so to speak, win-win, universal landscapes and views that can be used for decoration.

The city landscape will fit perfectly into the interior of the living room, and in this case you can choose what its character and direction will be, taking into account the overall style of the room. If by nature you are a calm person and even somewhat phlegmatic, the interior of the room is also made in calm colors and stylistic solutions, then you will be perfectly impressed by paintings depicting the quiet streets of ancient cities. It is precisely such pictures that will immerse everyone in a quiet, calm atmosphere of a leisurely and measured life. But for young people who prefer dynamics and active movement, canvases depicting skyscrapers and roads of megacities will be perfectly appealing, but the ancient architecture of ancient castles and fortresses will suit romantic natures, immersing them in the times of chivalry and romanticism.

Floral motifs in the living room are also popular in decorating a room using modular paintings - united in their common theme, such paintings can vary in style and color design. Modern decorators advise choosing a flower to decorate a room, which carries a certain meaning and subtext. Thus, among the Chinese, the lotus serves as a symbol of health and happiness, and the orchid - harmony within the family hearth. Flowers in modular paintings in the living room are a classic of the genre that will succinctly fit into any style and interior, and therefore you can never go wrong by choosing it.

Modular canvases that display pictures of nature and landscape forms are conducive to relaxation and tranquility. If you are a resident of a noisy and transient metropolis, then paintings depicting inaccessible peaks or a sunset or a sea wave will help you relax and think a little about eternity. Fantasize about going out into nature, plunging into nature and unity with harmony.

Abstraction and geometric shapes are an element of a modern interior, which also needs modern finishing and decoration. Such paintings and motifs are not as good as natural themes, but this does not lose their attractiveness - here you can spend hours peering at the ornaments and patterns, thinking about what the author wanted to say. Such modular paintings will fit perfectly into an interior furnished in a minimalist style - stylish, fashionable and somewhat technologically advanced.

Choosing a painting for the bedroom

Agree - when we choose a picture, its storyline, we start from the character, interior and purpose of a particular living room. Accordingly, the main purpose of the bedroom is relaxation, and therefore the paintings and their image should encourage relaxation, but in no way push them to exploits and campaigns.

When choosing a modular picture for the bedroom, opt for muted tones, but not bright and flashy colors. Regarding the location of the painting on the wall, everything is at your discretion. For example, if the bed is along the wall and the area on the wall above it is free, then the painting will fill it. As an option, you can place the picture opposite the bed, and its advantage will be that early in the morning, when you open your eyes, you will see your own creation of art, the result of your efforts, receiving a charge of positivity and good mood.

A beautiful, warm order of sun will bring calm into the room, bringing comfort and giving a feeling of relaxation and tranquility. Another great option for a bedroom would be an image of a couple of lovers, a man and a woman, for example, against the backdrop of a sea sunset, which will symbolize a strong and happy family and the reliability of the relationship between husband and wife. By the way, this particular plot is considered the most appropriate in this particular place, when lovers symbolize devotion, love and many years of life together.

Decorating a children's room

How children differ from adults is that they are full of energy, mobile and do not sit still, sometimes resembling not a child, but a small top that spins without stopping. At the same time, they always believe in a miracle, even a small one, and therefore, taking all this into account, it is worth choosing an appropriate picture, bright and interesting specifically for the child, but not for you. Many leading child psychologists and psychiatrists note that it is the positive, bright interior of a child’s room that directly affects its development and condition. Due to such an important step, it is worth choosing a painting for the children's room very carefully.

Each child is unique - one child is naughty and restless, another is quiet and calm, the third is an incorrigible dreamer, and all this should be taken into account when choosing a modular painting and its color scheme. So, for fidgets, you should give preference to pastel colors, somewhat muted in their brightness - this will set the baby up for a calm rhythm. It is best for a young visionary and dreamer to choose a bright canvas - this will stimulate his imagination and develop it, encouraging him to take active action and new exploits.

When placing a picture in a child’s room, it is worth choosing the right place for its location - it should be hung in such a way that it does not interfere with his daily games, entertainment and activities. An excellent solution for a child's room would be scenes from Disney cartoons and fairy tales, as well as images of cute little animals - kittens or puppies that will decorate the room and will not go out of fashion in a year or two.
Choosing a modular picture for the kitchen.

The kitchen is always in full swing, one might even say boiling, frying and steaming in the literal sense of the word. Due to such activity, you should also take care of its safety - the painting should not be exposed to moisture or splashes of grease, since all this will simply ruin it in a couple of months. At the same time, it should be placed in a visible place, but also not exposed to such negative factors as temperature from the stove, grease and splashes from the frying pan, and so on.

An excellent plot motif for a modular picture for the kitchen is, of course, food - coffee beans or fruits, sweets and so on. You should place a painting in the kitchen at your own discretion, taking into account its size and number of modules, acting rather intuitively and ultimately getting an excellent result.

Even a well-renovated and properly furnished apartment says little about the owner. A banal, albeit expensive environment does not characterize you at all. A correctly formed modular picture can shock your guests and reveal your essence in a new light.
To make a modular painting, you need to prepare or purchase a base, several frames, according to your taste and in proportion to the future painting.
The drawing and plot depend on your creativity and the size of the room for the painting. Alternatively, you can use:

  1. Photo wallpaper (the most democratic option)
  2. Several posters or posters united by style or geometry
  3. Fabric with a large pattern
  4. Your own painting
  5. You can order a print of a drawing, for example your own photo

Start making the base of the modular painting. From wooden blocks with a cross-section of approximately 2x2 cm, build as many frames as the number of parts the product is designed from, or cut out canvases from foam plastic. The dimensions of any of the bases should be slightly smaller than the dimensions of the printed modules, because the design should also appear on the side.

  1. Cut out the modular images, but do not forget to leave allowances for the folds on the wrong side.
  2. Place the cut out elements face down and place matching wooden frames or pieces of foam on top.
  3. Secure the photo wallpaper by folding the edges to the wrong side and fixing them with glue or a furniture stapler.

layout diagram

A good material for creating modular paintings with your own hands is fabric.

For this option, you can use any bright scraps that you find at home. The advantage of this method is that there is no need to try to join the edges of the modules. The work will go faster and easier. The manufacturing sequence is as follows:

  • Decide on the number and size of modules; for fabric, it is better to make bases in the form of wooden frames.
  • Cut the fabric into modules. Don't forget about allowances for subsequent bending.
  • Place frames on the wrong side of the cut out pieces.
  • Use pins or thin nails to temporarily secure the fabric.
  • Turn the workpieces over and sequentially secure the allowances on the stretchers using a construction stapler. Start with the long sides, then move to the short ones, and finally fix the corners.

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Wallpaper picture: 3 ways to create

Modern apartment design requires unusual solutions. And this solution could be the non-standard use of wallpaper. Today I want to talk about options for decorating walls with leftover wallpaper, how to make paintings from photographs and liquid wallpaper, and where to place them.

How to use leftover wallpaper

Everyone ends up with pieces of wallpaper after renovation. This is an ideal material for creating original compositions.

There are many ways to use them:

  • panel,
  • modular variations,
  • paintings,
  • landscapes,
  • ornaments.

Collections are made from large canvases, several fragments, with or without frames. It all depends on your taste, the size of the wall, the style of the interior and the material used.

Experiments with wallpaper design are always effective. They enliven life, bring originality, and create comfort. Compositions must be made in harmony with the interior. Take into account the color scheme and maintain the style of the room.

Why is it fashionable to make paintings out of wallpaper? For many, economical design is in the foreground. Designers name other reasons and advantages of using wallpaper:

  1. Diluting the monotony of the interior.
  2. Selecting the main wall.
  3. Elimination of design flaws.
  4. The finishing touch in the interpretation of the room.
  5. Hide wall defects.
  6. Dividing space into zones.
  7. Individuality of each room.
  8. Relevance in studio apartments.

How to choose material

The design dictates the choice of a specific color and texture, as well as a combination of factors:

  • complexity of the idea
  • composition size,
  • interior features.

Usually, you can’t get by with just leftovers from renovations - you buy more wallpaper or borrow it from friends.

The material sometimes dominates the idea. Based on what is available, we select the theme of the painting. For an ornament or geometric print, floral pattern combinations are suitable. The size of the plant elements is selected small, not contrasting with the general background.

Wallpaper with a geometric theme is ideal. Different images are allowed: ovals, rhombuses, squares, polygons, circles. The constant requirement is a small drawing. A large one will distract attention, distort the silhouette, and prevent you from focusing on the main thing.

The components of the picture must have the same texture. For large elements, plain, smooth options are not suitable - voids will appear. Choose contrasting patterns and ornaments.

Paintings in the interior

Regardless of the material (liquid wallpaper, leftover paper), the painting will be universal. She will decorate any room. Wallpaper pictures in the interior set a certain mood. Skillfully selected themes expand the room and open up perspective.

If the choice is made in favor of small paintings, then the grouping technique is observed. They are harmoniously distributed on the wall.

The composition requires a competent arrangement of each piece. In large spaces, it is better to make paintings with large elements/patterns. In small rooms, small ornaments are ideal.

Learning to make paintings

Depending on the design, different materials and techniques are used.

Method 1. Wallpaper

The procedure for creating a picture is simple, partly reminiscent of appliqué. To obtain even joints, the thickness of the wallpaper should be the same and the quality should be similar. Chipboard, art cardboard, and polystyrene are used as a basis. For modular, three-dimensional paintings - thick foam sheets.

Let's make a painting with our own hands:

Photo Instructions

Step 1

Prepare the base (cardboard). Size - according to plan.

Step 2

Decorate the cardboard with wallpaper (plain, patterned, textured).

Step 3

Elements are cut out from the selected pieces: floral patterns, silhouettes, flowers, geometric shapes, parts of the ornament.

Step 4

Glue each part onto plain paper. Leave to dry.

Step 5

After complete drying, the composition is inserted into a frame or used without it.

Framing it in a frame helps extend its service life, adds decorativeness, and hides the cut of cardboard.

Method 2. Liquid wallpaper

Paintings from liquid wallpaper are made on an open wall. Before work, decide what accent your interior needs. Your painting should be in harmony with the walls and furniture. Let several shades of the palette match the color of the floor or walls.

Advantages of liquid wallpaper:

  • Versatility. Ideal for the kitchen, nursery, hallway, living room.
  • They have no seams or joints.
  • Eco-friendly.
  • They provide good heat and sound insulation.
  • They have high wear resistance.
  • They hide flaws and straighten the vertical wall.

How to work with liquid wallpaper:

The material allows you to make panels, paint the entire wall, create finishing bas-reliefs, and small paintings. However, a thick layer on the wall hardens for two days.

The painting is not difficult to make. A sketch is drawn on the prepared wall with a pencil. The desired color is added to the diluted wallpaper. Selected segments of the pattern are covered with the mixture.

Method 3. Photo wallpaper

According to statistics, photo wallpapers are among the top most popular finishing materials. They are able to expand the space, decorate the room, and hide layout flaws. They are a complete picture or serve as a background, a bright accent.

The advantages are ease of maintenance, durability of paints, resistance to UV rays. The disadvantage is the high price of quality material.

Modular pictures

The absence of frames and simple geometry of shapes make modular paintings a popular decoration. They consist of parts-modules. The quantity used varies: 2, 3...5 or more. When placed on the wall, a distance of at least 2 cm is left between each fragment.

All modules are united by a single idea and represent parts of one picture. How to create modular paintings from wallpaper with your own hands:

Photo Purpose of the room

Living room

Here is an opportunity to experiment with bright colors. Segments are tied to the area of ​​the room.

Small elements are not allowed on a large wall. It is recommended to place paintings above the sofa.


Abstract patterns and overload of bright colors are excluded.

The baby is interested in stories from fairy tales, cartoons, animals, and favorite toys.


Landscapes and abstraction are appropriate here. The topic should help you relax, take your mind off worries, and relieve stress.

The main palette of paintings should intersect with the range of decoration of the bedroom.


The purpose of the painting is to maintain a uniform tone of the interior.


The focus of the triptych is a combination of style and brightness.

Don't be afraid to combine rich tones in your palette. The main condition is harmony with the interior of the apartment.

However, it is more convenient to make modular paintings from photo wallpaper.

Wallpaper panel

A fashion trend is a panel made from leftover wallpaper. This design idea originates from patchwork/patchwork techniques. Any available in the house can be used: vinyl, paper, flaseline, silk-screen printing.

A correctly placed panel adjusts the room, expands the room, and creates comfort. There are two manufacturing methods:

  1. Modular look. Wallpaper is glued to plywood or thick cardboard. Thick wallpaper, for example, non-woven wallpaper, can be attached directly to stretchers.
  2. Panel without base. Contrasting canvases are “inserted” onto a wall covered with a single-color material. As a result, the room takes on an original look. The edging for the inserts is made from paper borders, moldings, and any finishing materials (PVC, chipboard).


Paintings and wallpaper panels are relevant in any room. Now you know how to make such a masterpiece yourself.

December 26, 2017

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