The benefits of vegetable oils. How to choose sunflower oil

In times forgotten by our ancestors, the sunflower flower was considered an ornamental plant that was associated with the sun, it was worshiped, considered a sacred flower symbolizing wealth, health and fertility. In Russia, sunflowers were planted in parks, estates, fields, they decorated vegetable gardens, but were not used in cooking or medicine. And only in 1829, Russian peasant Daniil Bokarev, having planted several sunflowers in his garden, tried to be the first to beat oil from sunflowers, using a hand press.

After successful extraction of sunflower oil, the first oil factory was created in the village. At the end of the 19th century, sunflower seed oil began to be widely used not only in Russia, but in Europe and other Western countries. Today, sunflower oil production accounts for about 70% of all vegetable oils and is widely used in all countries of the world. There are about 50 types of sunflowers, but the oilseed sunflower, which is grown all over the world, is most often used to produce vegetable oil.

Nowadays, sunflower oil is considered an important vegetable product that is widely used in cooking. In addition, given its unique and healing composition, this product is used for the treatment and prevention of a number of diseases. In the process of producing vegetable oil, sunflower seeds undergo several stages of processing to obtain the desired type of oil, which has a pleasant aroma and specific taste.

Initially, the sunflower was considered a decorative flower.

Types of sunflower oil

Depending on the degree of purification, sunflower oil is divided into unrefined and refined.

    Unrefined oil During production, it undergoes only filtration, which eliminates mechanical impurities and preserves biologically valuable components. This type of oil is the most healthy; it has a dark color, rich color and tart taste. Unrefined sunflower oil has a short shelf life, so after a long period, sediment may appear in it.

    Refined oil (purified)– goes through several stages of processing: hydration, neutralization, deodorization, and freezing. After long-term processing, heavy metals, pesticides, free fatty acids and other substances are removed from it.

As a result of cleaning, not only harmful substances are eliminated, but also useful and valuable components. Therefore, refined oil is recommended for use only in cooking, but for treatment it is not effective, since during the processing a large amount of useful substances is removed from it. Refined oil has a long shelf life, is transparent in appearance, without a pronounced odor or taste.

Refined sunflower oil is ideal as a culinary product for making sauces, mayonnaise, baking, and frying, since it does not have a pungent odor or bitter taste. But for the treatment and prevention of diseases, it is better to use unrefined sunflower oil, as it contains many useful and healing substances.

In such oil you can often see a sediment, which does not at all signal a poor or low quality of the product, but, on the contrary, indicates that it contains a sufficient amount of phosphides, which are essential for the human body to form cell membranes. Therefore, you should choose only unrefined sunflower oil as a remedy.

Composition of sunflower oil

Sunflower oil contains a large number of useful and essential substances, without which the human body is not able to function properly. However, the composition of the oil depends on the place of germination of the plant, the type of sunflower and the method of processing the seeds, which may slightly affect the quality and composition of the product. Sunflower oil contains a sufficient amount of vegetable fats, which are not synthesized by the body and are absorbed better than animal fats. Sunflower oil contains the following beneficial components:

  1. Fatty acid- necessary for the body to form tissues and cells, as well as for the functioning of the nervous system. Sunflower oil contains:

    linoleic acid;

    oleic acid;



    linolenic acid;

    peanut acid.

    Vitamin (A)- ensures normal and full development of the body: improves skin condition, increases immunity, has a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs.

    Vitamin (D ) - indispensable during the period of growth and development, strengthens the skeletal system, prevents bone fragility. It has a positive effect on the cells of internal organs, increases immunity, and improves the functioning of the endocrine system.

    Vitamin (E)- improves blood circulation, normalizes the reproductive system, lowers blood pressure, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, and slows down the aging process.

In addition to all of the above, sunflower oil contains a large amount of protein, carbohydrates, lecithin, and phytin. Also, the composition of this unique product is rich in tannins, various minerals and other vitamins. In addition, this product contains no cholesterol, which is an ideal option for people diagnosed with atherosclerosis or other pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Sunflower oil contains many vital substances

Beneficial properties of sunflower oil

For medicinal purposes or for the prevention of a number of diseases, you should use only unrefined sunflower oil, which contains many useful and medicinal components. Sunflower oil has the following beneficial properties:

    Participates in the formation of cell membranes and nerve fibers;

    Positively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system;

    Reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, strengthens the walls of blood vessels;

    Acts as a prophylactic against atherosclerosis, heart attack and other pathologies of blood vessels and heart;

    Has a beneficial effect on brain function, improves memory and concentration;

    Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;

    Has a positive effect on the endocrine and genitourinary systems;

    Improves the condition of skin and hair;

    Prevents premature aging.

Despite the high calorie content of sunflower oil, it is recommended by nutritionists for people with excess body weight, and this product should also be included in a child’s diet.

Sunflower oil benefits the entire body

Contraindications to the use of vegetable oil

Unrefined sunflower oil should be included in the human diet, but not more than 20 grams per day. Excessive consumption of this product can lead to disruption of internal organs. Therefore, before using it for medicinal or prophylactic purposes, you should consult your doctor.

Sunflower oil in folk medicine

Sunflower oil is used in official and folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases. Such diseases include: thrombophlebitis of various etiologies, chronic gastrointestinal diseases, liver and lung pathologies. Also used for gynecological diseases, headaches and toothaches, heart disease and other diseases. Ointments and solutions for external use or oral administration are prepared based on sunflower oil.

Usually, other products of plant or animal origin are used to prepare a medicinal product from sunflower oil. Let's look at several recipes using sunflower oil.

    One of the common methods of treatment is the so-called “sucking” of sunflower oil. For the procedure, you will need 1 tablespoon of oil, which you need to put in your mouth and keep it in your mouth without swallowing (about 10 - 20 minutes). When the oil becomes liquid, float it out and rinse the mouth thoroughly. This recipe is effective for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. This recipe can be used for a long time, especially if there is a history of chronic diseases.

    Garlic oil. To prepare the recipe you will need 1 glass of unrefined sunflower oil, 1 head of garlic, which must first be peeled and chopped. The garlic mixture is added to the sunflower oil, mixed well and left in a cool place for 12 hours. Add lemon juice to the prepared oil and take it 30 minutes before meals, three times a day.

The course of treatment with this mixture is from 1 to 3 months, then it is recommended to take a break of 1 month and extend the course. Garlic oil is recommended for use for cerebral vascular spasms, headaches, heart pathologies and other diseases, as a preventative or therapeutic agent.

You will need 2 tbsp wild rosemary herb, which needs to be crushed and mixed with sunflower oil. Place on the stove and heat, then leave for 24 hours, strain and apply to the damaged area. This rubbing mixture is used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

A similar mixture for rubbing can be prepared from other herbs that have healing and medicinal properties: chamomile, celandine, calendula, oak bark.

Sunflower oil in cosmetology

Due to the healing properties of vegetable oil, it is widely used in cosmetology as a moisturizer and regenerating agent. This product is also used for hair and skin; it is used to make masks, hair conditioners, creams and other natural cosmetic products.

    Nourishing face mask. You will need 20 ml of unrefined sunflower oil, apply to a cotton swab and apply to the skin for 20 minutes. Then take a clean cloth soaked in warm water and remove the oil. Remaining oil can be removed with a damp towel.

    Sunflower oil for hair care. Sunflower oil has a positive effect on the hair structure, nourishes it with useful substances, makes it healthy and strong. Sunflower oil can be added a few drops to any hair mask.

Our attitude towards vegetable oils is extremely ambiguous, just as their properties are not always obvious. Some of them are extremely important in a healthy human diet, saturating the body with essential amino acids and fats. We have increased attention and a negative attitude towards others.

Sometimes, when we see the words “palm oil” on the packaging, we confidently refuse to purchase such a product. What is the true benefit of vegetable oils, and is their use as harmful to the body as we used to think?

Today, about four dozen types of vegetable oils are known that are used for cooking.

The most popular of them are:

  1. Sunflower.
  2. Olive.
  3. Coconut.
  4. Sesame.
  5. Nut.
  6. Hemp.
  7. Corn.
  8. Palm.

These oils are used to prepare 99% of all food and foodstuffs. And only 1% of all edible products use their more exotic species.

The usefulness of oils greatly depends on the technology and purification method used in their production. Depending on this, even potentially beneficial oils like olive oil can cause some harm to the body.

The main technologies for the production of vegetable oils are cold and hot pressing. The cleaning methods used are deodorization, refining, cleaning with chemical components, hydration, filtration.

Cold pressed oils are considered the most beneficial. Therefore, if you see the inscription “Extra virgin oil” on the label, you can be sure that most of the useful components in such a product are preserved, and the benefits from their use will be maximum.

Let's briefly look at the beneficial properties and potential harm to the body from consuming the most popular of these plant products.


It is the most universal and most widely used in our country. Used both for frying and raw.

The benefits of sunflower oil are greater, the less processing it has undergone. The most biologically valuable product is the raw, first-pressed product. Its shelf life is short, but there are many times more useful substances than with other processing methods.

One of the most valuable components of vegetable sunflower fat is lecithin - a substance that strengthens the nervous system, protects against stress and is involved in the process of hematopoiesis.

Sunflower oil also contains a lot of vitamins E, A and D, essential linoleic acid (the so-called vitamin F). These useful elements increase immunity, have a rejuvenating effect, and prevent many chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The sunflower processing product does not cause any harm to the body if it is not abused. But during frying, we turn it into pure poison. After all, when oil is heated, carcinogenic elements are formed that contribute to the development of cancer and the deterioration of immunity. Therefore, we can say that the harm of sunflower oil lies only in using it for frying. In general, it is quite useful.


This oil is the second most accessible and widespread after sunflower oil, but perhaps the first in terms of usefulness.

The benefit of olive oil is that it contains a large amount of monounsaturated fatty acids, the main of which is oleic. These acids are known for their ability to lower the level of “bad” cholesterol and cleanse the blood of plaques and blood clots. They have a beneficial effect on the entire cardiovascular system, improve digestion and the appearance of the skin, and help retain calcium in the body.

Vitamins, antioxidants and unsaturated acids promote tissue detoxification, which significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer. And this is perhaps the most important benefit for the body that this product has on it.

Consuming olive oil can only be harmful to humans in very large doses. Remember that you need to take it in total no more than 2 tablespoons per day. And for people suffering from cholecystitis, the dose should be even smaller.


This oil is widely distributed in Southeast Asian countries. It is widely used both in cosmetology and for salad dressing. The best masks and face creams in Asia are made specifically from fatty coconut extracts.

This vegetable oil contains mainly saturated fats, but they are very well absorbed by the body and are different in their chemical structure from similar animal fats.

One of the most valuable components of coconut extract is lauric acid. The main benefit it brings to the body is the destruction of harmful fungi, viruses and bacteria, both on the skin and inside the body.

Other healing properties of coconut oil include its ability to speed up metabolism, remove cholesterol, normalize body weight, improve skin condition and smooth out fine wrinkles, protect skin from ultraviolet radiation and moisturize it after sunbathing.

Harm from consuming this product can only occur in case of poisoning due to an overdose. No other side effects were identified.


This vegetable oil is a storehouse of useful vitamins, acids and microelements. It contains a large amount of calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, oleic, linoleic, arachidic acids, and phytoestrogens. Due to such a rich composition, nutritionists do not recommend consuming sesame fats daily. They are used in various diets as a medicinal component.

The benefit of consuming sesame oil is the rapid saturation of the body with necessary micro- and macroelements in case of their severe deficiency, their good absorption due to the presence of fatty acids, and the prevention of cancer. This product is also used in the treatment of gastritis, stomatitis, colds and coughs, anemia, insomnia and nervous disorders.

But at the same time, sesame oil has a number of pronounced contraindications for use. Among them are varicose veins and thrombosis. Also, its potential harm lies in the fact that it can provoke the development of urolithiasis.


Vegetable oil obtained from walnut kernels is considered one of the healthiest, and increasingly this product can be found on the shelves of our supermarkets.

Walnut oil contains a huge amount of healthy unsaturated acids, vitamins and minerals. But in addition, it is a leader in vitamin E content!

Thanks to this, this product effectively lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, has a rejuvenating effect on the body, removes radionuclides, and helps speed up metabolism.

The benefit of nut oil is that it is used in the treatment of many diseases: the cardiovascular system, atherosclerosis, metabolic disorders, disorders of the digestive system and problems with the gastrointestinal tract, for recovery after operations, for cuts and other skin problems.

This product also stimulates the nervous activity of brain cells and improves memory.

No harm has been identified from consuming oil from these nuts; the main thing is not to exceed the recommended daily intake.


For our ancestors, this vegetable oil was the main one in cooking. It was very popular until the cultivation of hemp was legally limited due to the narcotic drugs of this plant.

The oil itself does not contain any narcotic components. It is rich in unsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, antioxidants, and vitamins. It contains a lot of calcium, zinc, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, iron and other extremely important elements.

Thanks to this unique composition, the benefits for the body when taken correctly and in dosage of this product are enormous! Hemp oil removes toxins and radionuclides, has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, bone and muscle tissue. In addition, it helps in the treatment of skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis, treats runny nose, sore throat, bronchitis, tuberculosis, normalizes hormone levels, and has a general rejuvenating effect on the body.

The harm of hemp oil is that, when consumed in large doses, it can cause some side effects: exacerbation of pancreatitis, acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


This type of vegetable fat is used in cooking as a replacement for sunflower oil. After all, corn is an even more accessible and inexpensive product than sunflower seeds.

In terms of its biological composition and value, corn oil is identical to sunflower oil, but is inferior to olive oil in terms of the quality of the fats it contains. At the same time, the vitamin E content in it is several times higher than in other types of vegetable oils.

The effect of this product on the body is to reduce cholesterol levels, normalize the functioning of the endocrine system, have a calming effect on the nervous system, improve the condition of the skin and hair, and prevent thrombosis.

But due to the peculiarities of growing corn and its genetic modification, such oil may contain an increased amount of chemical impurities, and the harm from its use may exceed all beneficial properties. Therefore, corn oil is not often used in cosmetology and cooking.


This oil is most widely used in industrial cooking, but causes the most controversial comments from experts regarding its nutritional value. Many people tend to consider it the least healthy due to its high content of saturated fats and low content of nutrients.

The biggest benefit of palm oil is its ability to have an antioxidant effect due to its high content of carotenoids.

There is an opinion that the harm from consuming this product and its potential carcinogenicity outweigh all the beneficial properties. Therefore, nutritionists recommend, if possible, to refrain from consuming products containing palm oil.

Basic rules for using vegetable oils

With all their diversity, all vegetable fats are very similar in molecular and biological composition.

And to maximize the benefits of their use, you must remember the following:

  1. Vegetable oils must not be heated! When heated, they lose all their beneficial properties and turn into dangerous carcinogenic compounds.
  2. Only use minimally chemically processed and cold-pressed products.
  3. Vegetable oil is 99.99% fat, the calorie content of which is 900 kcal/100 grams. Therefore, the dose of their use should be limited to 1-2 tablespoons per day!

Vegetable oils are considered a source of valuable vitamins and essential acids. The composition of unrefined sunflower products makes it possible to obtain the substances necessary for a person for the balanced functioning of the body. It is worth understanding in more detail the benefits and harms of unrefined oil.


Refined oil is more convenient for preparing fried foods; it does not smell or smoke. But the refined product is inferior to the unrefined one due to the method of preparation - multi-stage purification. Due to its composition, the product has a whole range of useful properties. These include:

  • cleansing and removing toxins and various toxic substances from the body;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • natural laxative - has a mild effect in case of difficulties with stool;
  • increased immunity, increased protective function of the body;
  • optimization of the functioning of the endocrine glands, as well as the reproductive glands;
  • prevention of the development of atherosclerosis;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Doctors recommend using unrefined oil to prevent gastritis and ulcers. Useful product for baby food. It can be used for preventive measures to prevent the development of rickets in children. The sunflower product is used for toothache and for the treatment of thrombophlebitis. Another useful property is reducing the risk of developing skin diseases.

The product cannot be called low-calorie, but due to its valuable chemical composition it is worth using in dietary nutrition. The main rule is to use in small doses.

The useful product is used not only internally. When used externally, the effect of moisturizing the skin and healing cracks was noticed. Unrefined sunflower oil strengthens the nail plate, making nails less flaky. Using hair masks allows you to achieve softness and easy combing. Stimulating the roots with a small amount will provide strength to the curls and stimulate their growth.


Unrefined oil has not only beneficial properties. If used incorrectly, sunflower products can be harmful to health. What could be a danger?

  1. Use oil in the diet in large quantities. When consumed internally, it is important to observe moderation. A large dose of the product may cause diarrhea, nausea or severe heartburn. The optimal rate is 3 tablespoons per day.
  2. Unrefined oil is high in calories, so it is not recommended to include it often in the menu for obese people. When following a diet, the consumption rate is less, usually 1-2 spoons per day.
  3. The product must not be used for frying. Due to high temperatures, toxic substances appear in it. The longer the frying, the more toxins there are.

Important! Carcinogenic substances formed during frying pose a risk of developing cancer.


Like any product, unrefined oil has a number of contraindications. Caution should be used in the following cases:

  1. Chronic gastrointestinal diseases. An overdose may worsen colitis and cholecystitis.
  2. You should not get carried away with the product if you have diseases of the gallbladder and biliary system, or individual intolerance.
  3. If you are taking blood thinning medications, you should discuss taking the oil with your doctor. Consuming the product on an empty stomach may increase the risk of bleeding.
  4. In case of diabetes mellitus, unrefined oil is taken only with constant monitoring of sugar.

In general, the product has few restrictions on use.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating women

We examined the benefits and harms of unrefined sunflower oil. Can it be used during pregnancy?

The recommendations here are the same as in the normal state. It is worth observing the consumption rate, do not use for frying. It is optimal to season salads with it. Constipation is common during pregnancy, so using a herbal product will relieve this problem.

The unrefined product is also useful during breastfeeding. Pediatricians and feeding specialists officially allow the use of oil from the first week after birth. It is one of the essential foods in the diet due to its high fatty acid content.


Let's look at the composition in the table:

How to cook

Unrefined oil is best eaten raw. It's good to add to salads; it's a wonderful, flavorful dressing for cold appetizers.

Another option for use is to dissolve the required daily dose in the mouth.


When purchasing oil in a plastic bottle, you must immediately pour it into a glass container. In this way, contact with light and heat is limited; vitamins are destroyed under their influence.

The bottle is placed in a cool place, the best storage temperature is from 5 to 20 ºС. Avoid direct sunlight and keep the container tightly closed. If the contents become cloudy, the taste and color have changed, then you should stop using this product - the oil has deteriorated.

How to choose

Good and healthy unrefined oil is viscous. If it drains, it leaves greasy stains and streaks on the container, and there is also sediment at the bottom. Low quality is indicated by a faded color and lack of sediment.

Important! You should not buy cloudy oil, this is a sign of spoilage.

Experts advise buying the product in a store, this makes it easier to check the expiration date. On the market you can buy a product diluted with cheap soybean oil.

High-quality oil can be purchased in November-December, as it is made from fresh raw materials.

What goes with it?

Unrefined oil goes well with any cold appetizers, such as mushrooms or herring. It's good to add it to salads.

The unrefined product is very healthy, but you should choose a quality product and not use it for frying.

Unrefined sunflower seed oil is one of the most popular types of vegetable fats, distinguished by its aroma and amazing properties. To get the most out of it, it is important to know how to handle it in the kitchen and the details of its composition.

How the benefits of unrefined sunflower oil are revealed through production technology and composition

The sunny, luxurious sunflower, which arrived in the Old World from America, remained an ornamental plant for a long time, then its seeds were tasted.

But it was only in the first half of the 19th century in Russia that the plant was first appreciated as a source of oil, and after another half a century it thoroughly entered into world cuisine.

Unrefined sunflower oil has a characteristic taste, but most importantly - a bright, rich aroma that perfectly complements everything it is added to - warm and cold (including a lot of salads!) appetizers, sauces, pastas and cereals (as well as other main courses), some baked goods .

Like most other vegetable oils, it is produced using one of three technologies (however, the first two are usually combined into one):

· using the pressing method, in which oil is literally squeezed out of crushed raw materials at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees (cold method) or from raw materials heated to 100-120 degrees (hot method). According to scientists, in the first case it retains a maximum of useful substances, but it costs more and is stored less. But what is made according to the second option has a smell clearly reminiscent of roasted sunflower seeds;

· the extraction method consists of extracting fats from raw materials by exposing them to special chemicals, after which the liquid result is separated into waste solvents and, in fact, edible oil. This method increases the yield of finished products and reduces its cost, but significantly reduces the quality of the oil.

The resulting oil is purified, that is, mechanically filtered to remove impurities, and if kept as unchanged as possible, it is called unrefined.

It is the fact that the product (unlike the refined one) is not subjected to a multi-stage purification system that allows it to preserve the taste and aroma, as well as all the benefits of unrefined sunflower oil.

But for a number of reasons, it is not intended for cooking food with it through exposure to high temperatures:

· when frying, it smokes and foams heavily;

· the specific taste is enhanced and, like the smell, is transferred to the prepared dishes;

· heat treatment can release carcinogenic substances from oil;

· it also destroys beneficial components, including vitamins and amino acids.

The energy value of sunflower oil is amazingly high - about 900 kcal per 100 g, that is, 1 tablespoon, containing about 15 ml, contains about 130 kcal.

The daily norm is considered to be 2-4 tablespoons of vegetable oils, and it doesn’t matter whether the salad is seasoned or the cutlets are fried, the only important thing is how much oil gets into the body.

When following a diet to lose weight, it is usually not necessary to exclude vegetable oil - the main thing is to be content with a reduced portion of 1-2 tablespoons.

Almost 100% of sunflower oil is fat, but it contains neither proteins nor carbohydrates.

It is also important to note that although sunflower oil can affect cholesterol already in the body, there is actually no cholesterol in the body itself.

Unrefined oil has a high content of essential vitamins:

· A often enters the body with vegetables and fruits, but sometimes it is initially only a provitamin - it is the reaction with sunflower oil that helps it become vitamin A. This vitamin is necessary for good vision, cell division and blood cell production;

· Sunflower oil contains no less E than olive oil. It is necessary for the synthesis of hormones and metabolism, and without it vitamin A cannot be fully absorbed;

· Required for the creation of cell membranes, and at higher levels of exposure - reduces cholesterol levels, resists the course of inflammatory processes and is important for the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system;

· D is important for the prevention of vitamin deficiency - if at least there is no deficiency in it, the deficiency of other vitamins is not so critical. It is responsible for the accumulation of calcium in the bones and mineral metabolism in general, and has a positive effect on kidney function.

Note that sunflower oil practically does not contain such an element as Omega-3, so you need to take olive or linseed oil.

In what cases will unrefined sunflower oil be beneficial?

Regular consumption of unrefined sunflower oil contributes to the overall strengthening of the body and an influx of vitality, strengthening the immune system and increasing endurance to both physical and psycho-emotional stress.

The oil delicately solves digestive problems such as constipation and supports the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers.

It, as already mentioned, does not contain cholesterol, but as if that were not enough, it somewhat reduces its level in the human body.

It is fair to recommend unrefined sunflower oil for the following purposes:

· optimization and acceleration of metabolic processes;

· prevention of cardiovascular diseases;

· establishing the functioning of the genitourinary system;

· cleansing the body of toxic substances and toxins;

· prevention of demi-season colds and relief of ARVI symptoms such as a painful reaction to bright light and sore throat.

It is well known how valued this oil is in skin care, for example, in hair masks. But a similar effect will soon be observed when it is included in the diet.

This is explained, to a large extent, by the high content of “beauty” vitamin E, which rejuvenates and cleanses the skin, makes hair thick and silky, and nails strong and shiny.

Unrefined oil in vegetable salads is very useful for expectant and nursing mothers - it promotes the formation of a healthy fetus, strengthens the baby’s immunity and supports the metabolism in his body.

Rules for selection and storage while preserving the benefits of unrefined sunflower oil

Unrefined sunflower oil should be neither too pale nor too dark, good oil is almost transparent, but there may be sediment at the bottom of the container - this is a normal indicator of the organic phospholipids it contains.

You should not buy oil from untrusted hands on the market - there is a chance of trying a fake, diluted with a cheap surrogate, for example, soybean oil.

As for the oil with official labels, the most delicious and healthy is the one made from October to December, that is, from fresh, not last year’s seeds.

Compared to refined oil, unrefined oil has a shorter shelf life and requires special storage conditions:

· at a temperature of 5 to 20 degrees, but optimally on the refrigerator shelf;

· away from direct sunlight;

· under a tightly closed lid;

· if it is in plastic, it is better to pour it into a glass container.

Oil that is not entirely fresh, or if it is stored in unsuitable conditions, quickly deteriorates, which can be determined by the shades of taste and smell that have changed in an unpleasant direction with a hint of rancidity and cloudiness of the oil.

Can unrefined sunflower oil cause harm?

The harm of unrefined sunflower oil with an overdose of 80 ml per day is manifested by unpleasant impressions - nausea, heartburn, diarrhea, but after a day or two the condition returns to normal. If there are no alarming symptoms, and oil in the diet is almost pouring like a river, you can expect more impressive harm from unrefined sunflower oil, including weight gain, the development of obesity and disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

You should use unrefined sunflower oil with caution to avoid harm (or, on the recommendation of a doctor, avoid it altogether) under the following conditions:

· diseases of the biliary tract;

· serious disorders in the functioning of the pancreas;

· weakened or diseased liver, since all fats are a big burden for it;

· taking medications that reduce blood clotting;

· disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, requiring a special diet and/or periodic medical supervision.

Sunflower oil has remained the most popular and in demand among the population for many years. Up to 70% of vegetable oil produced in our country comes from sunflower oil. The oil is produced from sunflower seeds, which are grown in large quantities in many countries. Thanks to the cheapness of raw materials and the low cost of production, this vegetable oil is one of the most affordable.

Refined sunflower oil contains few nutrients and is used for frying.

Unrefined oil

Unrefined oil is considered the most useful, since it retains all the beneficial substances of sunflower seeds. Unrefined sunflower oil is produced using cold and hot methods.

In the first method, sunflower seeds are cold pressed, the oil is filtered and is not subjected to any further processing. This product is considered the most useful, but its shelf life is very short. The oil has a dark, rich color, a characteristic aroma, and sediment is allowed.

The second method of producing unrefined sunflower oil is hot pressing. Before pressing, sunflower seeds are heated; after pressing, physical methods of oil purification (filtration, centrifugation, “freezing”) can be used, but no chemicals are used. The oil becomes more transparent, but this has practically no effect on its taste and beneficial properties.

Under no circumstances should unrefined sunflower oil be used for frying; during heat treatment, it loses all its beneficial properties and becomes very harmful to the body.

Refined oil

Refined oil is obtained by extraction; sunflower seeds are filled with an organic solvent, which is removed after the oil is separated. After this process, sunflower oil becomes transparent, light yellow in color, it has practically no smell, but there is no taste, and there is very little benefit left in it. This product can be used for frying food, but you should not abuse it.

The benefits of sunflower oil

The amount of beneficial substances contained in sunflower oil may vary depending on the location and growing conditions of sunflowers and the processing method. But in any case, this product is rich in vitamins E (this oil contains the most), A, D, group B, microelements, inulin, tannins, as well as fatty acids, the main part of which are unsaturated fatty acids. This vegetable oil cannot be distinguished by anything in terms of the amount of useful substances, although it also contains quite a few of these substances. But its low price makes it one of the most affordable lean products, which undoubtedly have a positive effect on human health.

Sunflower oil has a complex beneficial effect on the entire body (remember that we are talking about unrefined oil).

A complex of unsaturated fatty acids, united by one term - vitamin F (by the way, it is not synthesized in the human body), is necessary for the body for normal fat metabolism. When a sufficient amount of this vitamin is supplied, lipid metabolism is improved, the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood is reduced, and fat metabolism is improved, thanks to which sunflower oil helps in the fight against excess weight.

Sunflower oil has a mild laxative effect, helps improve digestion and the biliary system, i.e. it helps to establish the process of natural cleansing of the body. Good functioning of the digestive system has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body and is reflected in its appearance.

Vitamin-mineral complex and inulin help strengthen the immune system. Vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant, protects body cells from premature aging, has an antitumor effect, and helps improve the condition of skin and hair. The use of unrefined sunflower oil has a positive effect on the nervous system.

You rarely find sunflower oil in industrially produced cosmetics, but there are many folk recipes for facial and body skin care. It is used as a base for nourishing and moisturizing face masks, scrubs and body wraps.