Drawing of the profession of a scientist. Artistic professions where drawing skills are useful

School graduates with good creative abilities, are often interested in professions related to drawing. Many applicants search for a list of such professions on the Internet when choosing where to enroll. We will talk about artistic professions, give a list of them and a description of each of the specialties. This information may be of interest not only to yesterday’s schoolchildren, but also to all those who have decided to change their field of activity to a more creative one.

When asked what professions are related to drawing, most people will first of all think of artists. Artists create paintings and graphic drawings, performing work in a variety of manners and techniques. From street portrait painters to those who paint for galleries, the artist's specialty is multifaceted, but all its representatives are united by creativity.

The peculiarity of the profession is that you can become an artist without studying at all - many famous geniuses were bright nuggets. However, neglect art education not worth it. After graduating from art school, you can go to to strengthen the skills of realistic drawing, which is the basis for all other forms of creative expression.

Useful video: how much does an artist earn?

An artist who draws illustrations for books is called an illustrator. He is distinguished by his knowledge of the specifics of book publishing and printing. Without meeting the specified requirements, it is impossible to create a commercial illustration that would not only reflect the content of the book, but would also be attractive to the buyer.

In some cases, the skill of the artist is no less important than the quality of the text, for example, when printing children's books. And in such an area as creating comics, the illustrator is a full-fledged co-author.

Art teacher

Among professions related to the fine arts, a teacher occupies a special place. Without teachers teaching drawing in general education and art schools, colleges and higher education educational institutions, there wouldn't be wonderful artists and Nowadays there is a demand for specialists who teach children how to draw from preschool age.

Often teachers become professional artists, but you can work in this area without independent practice.

The task of a restorer is to restore works damaged by time and people. visual arts. The owner of this profession requires not only talent, but also thorough scientific training, since ancient masterpieces cannot even be touched without observing many technical nuances.

When listing professions where you need to draw, one cannot fail to mention the craft of icon painter. Not everyone is allowed by the church to paint churches and create icons. The icon painter must thoroughly know the features of the technique and the canon of sacred images that have evolved over centuries.

Important! Often he creates icon-painting workshops at monasteries, but lay believers can also work in them.

The craft of icon painting is becoming increasingly relevant today in connection with the revival of religious consciousness in Russia.

IN in a broad sense design is the creation appearance a variety of objects surrounding a person, from the interior to cars, mobile phones and household appliances.

A graphic designer draws:

  • advertising banners and brochures;
  • trademarks;
  • website pages;
  • food packaging.

Currently, this profession is one of the most common and popular. To become a designer, it is not enough to be able to draw well; you also need to master modern computer programs used in a particular industry.

3D modelers are involved in modeling three-dimensional objects on a computer. They create not only three-dimensional “drawings” of future real objects in landscape design and in the production of things, but also draw appearance movie characters and computer games.

Common 3D modeling programs:

  1. AutoCAD.
  2. Google SketchUp.
  3. Autodesk 3ds Max.
  4. Blender.
  5. Maya.

Listing professions related to artistic activity, one cannot fail to mention the work of the decorative artist. These specialists design interiors, for example, for shows and theatrical productions or when launching new business centers. To demonstrate to the customer what the transformed space will look like, the decorator can draw it from different angles and options, and then bring the idea to life.

A tattoo artist applies an image to the human body by injecting pigments under the skin using special devices. Great importance This profession involves the creation of a sketch - a drawing that will subsequently be transferred to the skin. The tattoo artist must fulfill the client's order 100%. If the customer comes with his own image, the tattoo artist’s task is to transfer it onto the skin as accurately as possible, which is impossible without artistic abilities.

Animators are artists who create animated films and videos. In the traditional method of producing cartoons, specialists are divided into directors, who determine the appearance of the characters and the main frames of the scenes, as well as animators, who animate the image on the screen. Animation is painstaking work; to some it may seem monotonous due to the drawing of thousands of frames. Currently, when creating cartoons, they are actively using Computer techologies, mastering which requires considerable time and experience.

Fashion designer

A fashion designer or fashion designer is a person who designs clothing items. The connection between this profession and fine arts is obvious. Being able to draw a character's clothing is the first step to creating your own fashion collections.

The development of new styles of coats, dresses, sweaters and other items of clothing is carried out by fashion designers, and fashion designers are responsible for the technical part.

Take note! These professions are suitable for girls whose drawings from childhood were dedicated to the outfits of their favorite dolls.

Without buildings, they would be faceless structures, and city streets would be piles of concrete boxes. An architect is a cross between an artist and an engineer, because along with developing the concept of the appearance of a building, he is engaged in creating drawings and project documentation, and also inspects construction sites.

The main quality of an architect is a developed spatial imagination. Often work begins with a sketch - a landscape drawing into which a new building is inscribed.

The jeweler is engaged in the production of products from gold, silver and precious stones. Required condition Creating a new line of jewelry involves developing a full-fledged project for each product. Artistic aspects in this profession, associated with the presence of taste and the ability to imagine in advance the appearance of the finished item, play a significant role.

Master jewelers are able to apply designs to the surface of metal, working in the techniques of stamping, engraving, filigree and others.

A cartographer is someone who draws maps. This specialization is applied nature, to master it you need a lot of knowledge in geography, mathematics, . A cartographer works primarily on a computer, processing data obtained from field or satellite surveys. However, it cannot be considered this profession purely technical, since design skills are required to present information on a map most effectively.


When they list professions related to drawing, they often forget about the work of a pastry chef. Meanwhile, decorating baked goods requires considerable artistic ability, since buyers are currently in demand for beautiful cakes with designs and complex patterns. A talented specialist capable of creating images and even sculptural compositions on sweets - the dream of any confectionery shop. His wage significantly higher than that of colleagues involved in the purely production process.

Useful video: professions related to drawing


Thus, if you draw well, you can choose any of the extensive list of professions that require the ability to draw. In some areas, drawing is the main product, in others it is an auxiliary product, but professionals in these areas cannot do without good image transfer skills.

Hey, hello everyone! Roman is in touch again and today I would like to talk about what exist professions in which drawing skills will be useful to you in order to plunge headlong into this world of creativity.

This post prompted me to write the fact that I myself came to the idea, like: “I can draw and be creative person", through the "back door", i.e. without drawing.

Here is how it was...

At the beginning of 2014, I had just returned from the army and decided that I wanted to make my own website with blackjack and... well, in general, I wanted to learn how to draw through the lessons that I translated and published on it.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, my idea was not successful and I Once again I gave up on my dream of becoming a cool artist and drawing popular art. And then, firstly, I wanted to prove to myself that I could earn and exist by doing creative activity, secondly, I thought that I could still enter the “drawing” industry, but not from the front door, but from the back door.

And my decision was to get a job somewhere as a designer, fortunately I knew Photoshop well, and with Corel Draw learned to work in the army. And settled in book publishing house, a place where there was “its own atmosphere” and... I liked it.

Thus, I “designed” until I again felt the urge to draw and began to engage in this business with new strength.

What do I want to say with this story? If you want to learn how to draw, become a comic artist, paint pictures, or much more, but trying to get through it head-on doesn’t work, then try to work in this field in the position you can. Immerse yourself in the atmosphere, get to know creative people, cultivate new skills, and do what you love.

There are assistants, editors, layout designers, gallery owners, animators and many other specialties that will help you: firstly, gain experience, secondly, immerse yourself in the “world” of your goal, thirdly, meet new people who will always help you if you have similar goals.

Hmm, and now directly to the professions themselves.

Skill level - beginner

Skill level - intermediate

Skill level - high

Skill level - beginner

Let's start with those in which, in my opinion, drawing is not particularly necessary, but if you have basic skills and are drawn to creativity and creativity, then there you can grab your share of the glory.

Gallery owner- is an expert in the field of fine arts, a profession for those who may not particularly like to draw, but really love art. He knows a lot about styles, authors, eras, knows how to distinguish an original from a copy, a masterpiece from a shoddy work. The gallery owner can easily organize an exhibition of any level, invite celebrities there and knows how to convince people to buy the works put up for sale. First of all, this is a person who appreciates art, and not who produces it.

You can study for this specialty in almost every university where there is a department of cultural studies or art history. But the most prestigious and respected are:

  • Russian Academy painting, sculpture and architecture (RAZHVIZ).
  • Moscow State University (MSU).
  • Institute of Cultural History (former UNIK).
  • MGUKI.

Designer (graphic)- V modern society a person who is fluent in graphic packages, capable of making high-quality advertising material, assembling a collage, preparing printed products for printing, and knowing the laws of color, composition and behavioral factors. Someone might say: “How is it that a designer is not obliged to draw? I have to!”, no, my dears, I myself worked as a designer and... there is no smell of drawing there. The skill of high-quality collage is highly valued; everything is taken from Google or stocks, then arranged into several layouts, from which the customer approves something and it is further refined.

You can study this specialty in many universities, but in fact, most designers do not have the appropriate education. They collected their portfolio using lessons on the Internet, applied for a job, and there they are already gaining real skills. However, I’m talking about the majority, top designers are people high class with specialist diplomas.

In addition to a graphic designer, in nature there are also landscape designers and interior designers, who also do not particularly need drawing skills for their work, but rather the skills of working with 3D graphics editors.

3D Modeler is a sought-after and rapidly growing specialty in a modern society. The modeler creates three-dimensional models of almost everything you can imagine in your head: from buildings, equipment and people, to magical and fairy-tale animals, phenomena and measurements. In the majority modern games, 3D graphics are used, modelers create entire worlds in which we love to immerse ourselves. Also 3D graphics used in most modern films.

This common name profession since it contains many specialties separated by goals: landscape modeler, character modeler, equipment modeler, etc.

Officially, these professions are taught:

  1. Good material on this topic: link

Skill level - intermediate

Calligrapher- a person who has the skill of beautiful writing. It may seem that this is not such a “prestigious” profession, but people who can, with virtually no tools, beautifully depict words are highly valued. And besides, calligraphy skills can be used in combination with computer programs and... well, that's how much they pay popular brands for the fact that their name was written not in Arial, but in a beautiful and unique font. And who makes fonts in the 21st century - calligraphers... modern calligraphers.

Calligraphy is taught as a specialty in universities graphic design, however, at the first request, the search engine gives many options where you can study online, both paid and free.

Design engineer- a specialty aimed at creating drawings of objects. When designing, their drawing skill is needed like nowhere else, but there is no need to learn all possible drawing laws. A specialist of this profile must have a good imagination, create not “dry” drawings, but translate his ideas into clear, practical diagrams that will please the eye.

You can study here:

  • Moscow State Engineering University (MAMI)Power engineering
  • Faculty of Power Engineering
  • Zhukovsky branch "Strela" of the Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university) (MAI) Control systems aircraft
  • MATI – Russian State Technological University named after K.E. TsiolkovskyInstitute of Aerospace Designs, Technologies and Control Systems
  • Moscow State Technical University them. N.E. BaumanFaculty of Rocket and Space Technology
  • Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university) (MAI)Aerospace Faculty

Cartoonist is an artist specializing in drawing funny and parody portraits, ironically or sarcasticly depicting various events that have caused resonance in society. Yes, you yourself have probably seen more than once how artists sit in squares and parks and draw funny cartoons for little money. There are many cartoonists, but in order to make enough money from this you need to become popular and famous, so that your fame would thunder in all sources, etc.

Universities do not teach this as a specialty, but online you can find quite a few lessons and courses on mastering this skill, but still, the main thing here is your desire and perseverance.

Fashion designer- on the one hand, this is a person involved in creating sketches new clothes, he comes up with new outfits and even entire collections of clothes, but the range of activities of the fashion designer also includes creating a new clothing concept in the form of sketches, searching for a design solution for the conceived model, developing samples of new models and preparing them for industrial production, organizing fashion shows . In general, a lot of things. The profession is very exciting and creative.

  1. Actually a very good article on this topic. Here.

Contourer (aka Inker)- one of two artist professions required to create comics. The contour designer processes the images transmitted to him by drawing lines, outlining pencil drawing, corrects minor flaws using either mascara or (if working on a computer) dark colors brushes The outliner processes all the lines of the drawing except the text. The profession is not considered entirely creative, but rather technological.

Unfortunately, I did not find a place where they taught, or in any case, this would be a discipline of one of the specialties.

  1. Useful Wikipedia article

Skill level is high.

Here you will draw every single day... unfortunately, or fortunately;)

Illustrator is a specialist who creates paintings that convey the meaning of the text. Illustrators can work on books, newspapers, magazines, leaflets and anywhere else where a “message” needs to be conveyed. You can hear from many already established illustrators that this profession is difficult, competitive and not very well paid (maybe they are lying, who knows...). But the majority choose this profession because they like to draw, and not for the thirst for profit.

I don’t even know what to say on the topic of what needs to be done “to become good illustrator"...probably work like hell :)

They teach how to become an illustrator both in many universities and on the Internet. great amount courses and training materials. Google to the rescue!

Graphic artist- a specialist working in only one contrasting color and, as a rule, this color is black. The graphic artist uses mostly ink or pencil for his work. Just like an illustrator, a graphic artist is a professional for illustrating books; he can work with fonts and text of a book. Working in a publishing house, a graphic designer usually deals with everything related to graphics, he is a designer, a layout designer, and an illustrator... the main thing is that it all pays well :)

Where can you study for the specialty “Graphics”:

  • Moscow State University prints named after Ivan Fedorov
  • Russian State Specialized Academy of Arts

Artist-painter- a specialist who creates paintings from life. A painter can paint portraits, buildings, nature, and in general, whatever he sees, he will paint. In my opinion (and this is pure IMHO), all artists owe it to painters for the glory of eternally hungry, but creative individuals. In modern society, painting is valued only by, excuse the pun, connoisseurs. People who can afford it tend to buy paintings, rather than those who would like to. beautiful picture cheerful in the hallway... there are printers for that :) Painting is not a profession, not a job, it is a calling.

You can study here:

  • Moscow State Art and Industry Academy named after. S. G. Stroganova
  • Moscow State Academic art institute them. IN AND. Surikov
  • Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture by Ilya Glazunov
  • All-Russian State University of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov
  • State Academy Slavic culture

Copy artist- a specialist who creates copies of paintings. Copyists in Lately are in great demand, because many people want to see Da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” on their wall, but not everyone is able to pay for it, and the work of a copyist may not be the cheapest, but it is certainly cheaper than buying the original. There is very little information about this profession on the Internet, but we can say that this is one of the varieties of artist-painter.

Restoration artist- a specialist who restores damaged paintings. Restorers can work in various techniques and with various materials, from paintings to icons. Since works of art are not eternal, and sometimes are stored in not the most appropriate conditions, the specialty of a restorer is in quite high demand, however, even from such a specialist high demand.

The responsibilities of the restorer include not only “drawing”, but also a thorough and comprehensive study of the restoration object, development of restoration techniques, selection of materials, and documentation during the restoration. restoration work.

Portrait artist- a specialist who creates paintings with portraits of people. I already mentioned earlier that a painter can draw portraits, but he, as they say, “does little of everything and nothing properly,” while a portrait painter devotes himself entirely to drawing portraits and achieves in this high skill.

One does not train to become a portrait painter, but learns; everyone learns this art themselves by trial and error.

Cartoonist, animator- specialist responsible for creating animated films and cartoons. Animator is a general name for the activity of a specialist in creating cartoons; animators themselves are divided into:

  • Phase artist (storyboard artist) - draws phases between various states of scenes and cartoon characters.
  • Character Artist - creates unique image cartoon character and accompanies the further development and use of this character in animation.
  • Production designer - main artist in production animated film, determines general style future work and exercises control over its production.
  • Graphic artist - creates clean frames for final use in the film based on existing developments.

There is also another: contour artist, background artist.

  1. Again, useful and detailed material

Colorist- one of two artist professions required to create comics. The colorist is responsible for adding color to black and white picture. Before the advent of software graphics packages, colorists painted comics, cartoons, films, and advertisements by hand using traditional means of fine art. With the advent of powerful computers and programs, this profession gradually began to be associated with computer image processing.

There is no separate training to become a colorist; this knowledge is either taught as a standard discipline in most specialties or is studied independently in the process of using various tools, of which there are now a great many.

  1. Useful Wikipedia article

Comic artist- a specialist who creates comics. I have already mentioned two professions that are aimed at creating comics; a “comics artist” combines not only an inker and a colorist, but also a screenwriter, director, director and many other specialties that may be useful to him when creating a comic.

As such, the profession of comics artist has not yet been formed in Russia, and there are people who draw comics, make money from it, and it becomes their life’s work, but no one has a special education as a “Comics Artist.” To be honest, I don’t know if there are such certified specialists in the West, but the fact that anyone can become a comics artist is an unambiguous fact. The main thing here is not to learn how to draw, but to learn how to present your story in a way that readers would like.

Well, in general, this entire blog is built around mastering - this is a profession, so don’t forget to subscribe to updates and learn with me :)

Game artist- This general concept uniting a large number of specialties related to the creation digital graphics and its use in game production. Gaming industry in last years is rapidly gaining momentum in terms of the number of games produced per year, this includes all mobile games and games in social networks.

Specialty "game artist" (character artists, concept artists, game designers, artists environment, visual effects artists, etc.) are in great demand among younger generation worldwide.

You can train to become a “game artist” at:

  • Center computer graphics Render.ru
  • Center distance learning Render.ru
  • Moscow State University of Design and Technology
  • Computer graphics school Scream school
  • Game design course RealTime /school/

Phew! That's probably all I would like to cover in this article. Of course, behind the scenes (in drafts) there are still about a dozen professions and specialties that are somehow related to drawing and graphics production, but... not this time, and it turned out to be a bit long.

By the way, if thanks to this list you have decided on your future profession and decided where you will enroll, then there is a service especially for students that does their work for students. Check it out and use it for your health, “get an education” XD

Listen, if you think that I forgot something, maybe some cool specialty or profession, write about it in the comments so that I can add it to the article... let's make a HUGE directory of professions together :)

That's all for today, creative mood to all, friends!

Do you love and know how to draw? Do you want to do this in adult life and make money with your talent? There are many professions related to the fine arts. I selected 7 popular creative specialties.

Painting pictures, creating sculptures and objects of decorative and applied art is a noble, but difficult task. One of the most difficult professions in terms of career growth. To achieve recognition in it, it will take time to hone your skills, develop your own style and advance in the art world. A freelance artist creates art objects and sells them. Professional education can be obtained in the specialty “Painting”, “Sculpture”, “Decorative and Applied Arts” at one of the universities (, , , , ) or .


Popular destinations among applicants c artistic taste, developed perception and desire to receive creative work- graphic, landscape, communicative, subject-spatial, industrial, . must own on high level graphic Photoshop programs, Illustrator, InDesign, 3DMax. You can learn everything on your own or .


Are you equally interested in the technical and creative fields? - just such a profession on the border of technology and art. For this professional, it is important to draw well and be creative. To create building projects, you must have spatial imagination, mathematical knowledge, logical thinking. You can learn to become such a specialist in , , , , .

Game artist

If you want to get involved in the games industry, this profession is just for you. To task game artists includes development and drawing game characters, locations, objects, creation visual effects. A person with excellent drawing skills, mastery of professional programs graphics processing and good imagination. IN and prepare these.

3D artist

Instead of brushes and pencils, these artists masterfully use a stylus. Instead of canvas they have Graphics tablet. They create three-dimensional computer models for various needs: industry, gaming and film industries, landscape design and interior design. will not do without knowledge of 3DMax and Zbrush.

Fashion designer

Artists with a passion for creating clothing and accessories pursue a career in fashion design. Along with drawing, this specialist needs to be able to make patterns and sew, understand fashion and possess out-of-the-box thinking. Fashion designers study in And .


If you also feel you have teaching talent, become a fine arts teacher. Kindergartens, schools, educational and creative centers, universities need such specialists. Suitable for working as a teacher-artist .

Also consider rare, but also interesting professions production artist, restorer, graphic designer, animator, illustrator, tattoo artist, calligrapher.

You can also just draw and shoot videos. YouTube is an ideal platform for promoting artists

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Nadezhda Kravchenko

During the theme week" Professions"The children and I had conversations about parents' professions, about how important and useful their work is for society. Played role-playing games based on the knowledge gained from studying professions, had fun. Colored coloring pages on the theme " Professions"and, of course, they drew. It was very interesting to talk with the children about who they see themselves in future, which they will choose a profession and how they will draw it. The children's works pleased both us and their parents. For parents we organized exhibition of drawings.

Here are some drawings and children's statements

D. Karina "I" will work on an ambulance and treat all people. "

P. Ilya "I want to become an astronaut."

V. Dasha "I will fly an airplane and transport passengers to different cities. "

P. Ira "I I will be a doctor and treat children. "

G. Andrey "I want to become a policeman and protect everyone."

K. Nastya "I want to be a hairdresser to blow-dry and cut hair."

T. Sonya "And I I'll be a cook and I'll cook food for children kindergarten. "

This is how children relate their hobbies and talents to the work of adults.

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