Anton Mamon battle of psychics. Biography of Elias Nikitis - a magician with artistic abilities

At every stage of interaction, we strive to get something from someone. If we don’t receive it, hostility, aggression, resentment, anger, and indignation arise. There is a way to mathematically accurately understand the difference between expectations and opportunities and determine their points of contact.

One overtook, another pushed, this one didn’t give enough change, the colleague looked at him wrong, the boss gave the order wrong, the husband chewed dinner wrong, the child folded the books wrong. Apparently they general desire- so that I would go crazy with anger and resentment. How can you not get angry?

How to stop getting irritated and angry when it seems like everyone around you is conspiring to bring you down? System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan will tell you how to cope with irritation for any reason, hatred of a neighbor in a traffic jam, aggression, the desire to call your husband names, yell at a child, be offended for life with your ex, get angry with your mother, slam the door and not talk for years. Do you want to communicate with people without the admixture of these nasty emotions that drain all your life energy?

Why do we get irritated and angry

Anger arises when someone does something differently than we imagined. System-vector psychology says that without understanding general principles structure of the human psyche, we are aware only of ourselves, we look at everyone through our own prism and expect people to realize their desires.

At every stage of interaction, we strive to get something from someone. If we don’t receive it, hostility, aggression, resentment, anger, and indignation arise. There is a way to mathematically accurately understand the difference between expectations and opportunities and determine their points of contact.

Something went wrong

If something goes against the natural properties of our psyche, we experience discomfort and blame other people for it. It seems that a modern metropolis is a bundle of tension; all human wiring in it can sparkle in an instant for any reason.

And if you look at it, we each get angry and irritated about our own things - which means that the wires in the bundle of nerves can be untangled and protected from fire.

Behind the screen of irritation, everyone has their own spectrum of emotions, determined by a set of vectors:

    skinners - really get irritated and angry;

    owners of the anal vector are offended, do not have time and fall into a stupor;

    urethrals - angry;

    muscular people - endure, but if the cup overflows, they can feel rage;

    spectators are ironic and look down upon in a snobbish manner;

    sound people - they feel like the smartest, and hide from the “bunch of idiots” in solitude; worsening of the condition can grow into hatred towards people.

At the root, it is hostility from the fact that someone thinks and does not do what we want.

Cheat sheet on how to stop being angry and angry

The scheme is simple:

  1. We know what is a factor of irritation for others → we don’t irritate them that way or at least minimize the stress factor.
  2. We know what makes us angry → we relieve tension by realizing natural properties.
Vector A reason to be angry and irritated, i.e. to express hostility How to reduce tension
Cutaneous Loss of time, material and property risks, slowness and tediousness of the owners of the anal vector. Fill your time with something useful, plan a source of new income, read the article How to stop being envious.
Anal Novelty, change of tasks, the need to act quickly, disorder, curvature of lines, roads, thoughts, unscrupulousness of leather workers, injustice. Give the right amount of time, apologize, thank.
Urethral Downgrading of status. You can admire only by looking from the bottom up. The king!
Muscular The need to accept independent decisions, separate from the general mass. Do not require initiative, give the opportunity for physical labor.
Visual Lack of emotion, lack of response to the expression of feelings, errors in speech, bad taste, silence. Give the emotional response you can! The viewer will catch the slightest drop of soulfulness. Read the article.
Sound Noise, shouting, talkativeness, material values, own body. Talk in a half whisper about the great unearthly. Be silent together.
Oral When they don't listen to him. Listen - only if it’s not in front of you. It’s better to send him to public speaking courses.
Olfactory When people do not fulfill their species roles. Fulfill.

We get mad not only from a lack of understanding of the manifestations in a person of a vector that we do not have. Sometimes properties that are in ourselves at a different level of development, in a different state, cause even greater irritation.

For example, a developed skin legislator cannot digest a skin thief, a visual hysteric gets irritated when looking at a realized vector friend - a “holy man” who helps everyone, and a muse who loves everyone.

How to stop getting angry while driving?

Let's watch life situations from different sides to understand how not to get angry and how to stop getting irritated for any reason.

Driver 1: Where are you going? Don't you see this is a dedicated line? I'm keeping my head down. The quieter you go, the further you'll get. And such upstarts only make you want to take out a baton and crack them hard so that you know your place.

Driver 2: Are you sorry to move a little so I can squeeze through? I hate traffic jams - I'm angry, I'm itching. Precious time is running out. The desire to get out of the car and run across the rooftops. It's time to buy a motorcycle, or better yet a helicopter!

System tip 1: Adherents of quality and order, owners of the anal vector do not like to do many things at once - and there is no need. Without being distracted from the road, just analyze the differences between your outlook on life and the attitude of that reckless driver. You can determine the psyche without even seeing the driver of the car. Accurate recognition relieves tension, eliminates aggression and the desire to break the nimble's body.

System tip 2: If you still can’t overtake anyone and have to stand still, just do something useful. You can, for example, pump the muscles of your back, legs and abs. When a traffic jam is also a workout, it’s not so excruciatingly painful to waste minutes waiting. The muscles are pumped up - you can also work with your head: think over a plan for tomorrow’s meeting or a shopping list. Stock news can help you stop being angry and irritated.

How to stop being annoyed with your husband and wife

Wife: He probably doesn't love me at all. He returns so late, but when he comes, you can’t get a word out of him. Even on weekends and holidays you can’t find him at home - mountains, running, skiing, always plans, projects, meetings. Family seems to mean nothing to him. There is no desire to even go out to meet him. It's a shame beyond belief.

Husband: How can you spend two hours getting ready? The boss is waiting for us for dinner, but she’s still fussing around, she can’t say goodbye to the children. It will also take forever to choose a dress! It's annoying.

System advice:

Opposites are naturally attracted to couples along lower vectors, says system-vector psychology Yuri Burlan. The only way stop being angry and irritated family relationships- this is to understand the difference in your deepest priorities and feel the beauty in the merging of opposites, united by common emotions and goals.

A skinny husband who works and supports a family does not mean he is an unloving husband. He is designed by nature in such a way that he runs through life in search of a mammoth (earning money). He is a hunter. And the hunter needs time to rest and recuperate. His family serves as his backbone. If all that awaits him at home is silent resentment and a cold dinner, he may not come running at all. What to do? .

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»

Every person who is engaged in one activity or another would like to know when something doesn’t work out and life is not the way you would like it to be. Anger is actually a human emotional disorder that arises due to external factors. You can stop being angry even in 1 minute, but if you want to learn more information and learn in the future to control yourself so as not to get angry, then this article is for you.

Psychologists have studied and found the most effective ways in order to stop being angry, and will provide them in this article. Put all the tips into practice, and you will notice the result soon.

Reason for anger

To realize how to stop being angry at people , it is enough to simply identify the cause. Anger can disappear on its own when the cause is already known. But if this does not happen, then you need to find a way to eliminate the cause of anger and start enjoying life. There are enough reasons for anger, and there is no point in listing them all. The main thing for you is to find time to find out what was causing the anger and solve the problem immediately. It's quite simple, all you need is desire. And if you don't have the time and desire, then you will just continue to be angry all the time, even when the reason for it is meaningless.

Start thinking logically

There are as many questions as there are answers on how to stop being angry. And to solve your problem, you first need to ask a question and find your own way to solve the problem. Since we are all different and everyone needs individual approach. It is known that anger is emotional thinking that has no meaning, but takes great place in our life. In order to stop being angry, just start thinking not emotionally, but logically. For example, you can start creating, play chess, solve your problems and help people. Logical thinking will never provoke anger, so try to reduce emotional thinking or start simply controlling your emotions.

Count slowly to 100 or to 1000 if you are very angry

There is one great method to stop being angry quickly and easily. You just need to start counting to 100 if you're a little angry, or to 1000 if you're really angry. To be more effective, you need to count slowly or out loud. This method has helped many people, so it will help you too. Try, experiment, if it doesn’t work, look for another method, we are all different. For example, you can just start counting the stars or anything to get your thoughts diverted to other things. Then you will cool down and continue working and enjoying life.

Get some exercise

We are all emotional people and cannot control our emotions for long, so if you want to know how to stop... get angry , then you just need to play sports. For guys, you can start doing push-ups until your brain starts thinking logically, and for girls, you can do squats. Choose for yourself the exercise that you will do when you feel angry. Each person has his own approach and his own exercise, the main thing is to look at the effectiveness, which is more helpful for those to use.

Also, sport is useful not only when you are angry and feel bad, but also when Everyday life. For example, in the morning, sports or simple exercises help you gain energy for the whole day, which cannot be compared with coffee and other harmful things for energy. Also, if you engage in active sports, it helps the heart and the whole body to be healthy, which prolongs life. Sport helps you tune in when you have lost the meaning of life or don’t know how to solve a particular problem.

Start smiling

To stop being angry you just need to start smiling. This is due to the fact that we are used to smiling when we feel good, we are happy and good mood. And if we start to forcefully smile when we feel bad, then this will simply change your evil consciousness into a good mood. Scientists have noticed that smiling and laughter not only prolongs life, but also makes a person more beautiful, more successful, helps to cope with problems much faster and solve big things and achieve huge goals. Give a smile to others, and they will give you a smile when you need it.

Play your favorite music

The easiest way to stop get angry at people, is to turn on your favorite music and listen until you feel good and the anger goes away. For example, you can try to first turn on and listen to the music that calms you down, if that doesn’t help, turn on cheerful music and you can even dance until all negative emotions come out. Or turn on sad music to go deeper into your problems in order to get rid of them forever. If you want to charge yourself in the morning with only positive thoughts, then start running every morning for 30 minutes or more. To prevent negative emotions from accumulating, they need to be expelled before they begin to manifest themselves. There are numerous ways to do this.

Find happiness at work

Every person strives for happiness and tranquility, but how stop being angry And not everyone knows how to start living with joy. You need to stop running in the wrong direction for happiness. Since happiness is your favorite job, health, family and yourself. Accordingly, if you run to wealth, losing your family, health and yourself, then you will also lose the happiness that everyone already has. , many people ask, the best answer is in yourself. Happiness is in us and we just need to accept it and start appreciating everything that we already have. And if you just want to prove by external factors that you are happy, you won’t succeed. Live and think that you are already happy and the world around you will be built accordingly and there will be no question of anger.

If you have questions, write them in the comments.

psycho- olog. ru

Sometimes the world seems a real fairy tale, full of bright prospects and inexhaustible possibilities. And sometimes events roll into a continuous tangle of nerves, the end of which is not in sight. It is at such moments that the “broken” button inside a person lights up, and discontent, anger, melancholy and irritation come to the fore.

The fun of others begins to infuriate, stupid advice causes rejection. It becomes more and more difficult to contain internal dissatisfaction, so instead of changing our attitude to the situation, relaxing and listening to ourselves, we suddenly explode, trying to change those around us. After all, it’s not our fault that everyone is annoying, people just stopped behaving adequately, the whole world is someone’s mistake! The main thing is not to get stuck in the “victim” position, so as not to do something stupid.

Our article will give simple tips, how to stop getting irritated when everyone around you is asking for a beating. Here are 5 rules for lucky people that will make life easier!

Rule 1. Find the true cause of irritation

It is very easy to pour out negativity on subordinates who will not be able to object to you under the threat of dismissal. Prescribing a belt to a child who is unable to defend himself, or pouring a carload of bile at the wife who loves, means she will endure everything. However, take the liberty to dig deeper: are your household and co-workers really to blame for what you are experiencing? Or the real reason irritation in something else? For example, you will have to work overtime, or your new shoes have been rubbing your feet all day, and then your restless little son comes across. Train yourself to vent your dissatisfaction directly, rather than exposing your anger to the first convenient target.

Rule 2. Understand that those around you do not owe you anything

It’s rush hour, you need to go to the accounting department on an urgent matter, and the transport is filled with the notorious old ladies with luggage. Damn them, where are they all going? Or these crazy mothers with strollers who shamelessly bypass the queue, and the little kids who cackle all over the street right under the window. The problem is not with those around you, the problem is with you: for some reason you decided that people should meet your requirements and expectations, while they owe nothing. The world lives by its own laws, people are imperfect, and they shouldn’t be comfortable. The world does not revolve around your desires, come to terms with it, let go of the situation, and everything will change!

Rule 3. Accept your weaknesses

They say other people serve us mirror image: what is difficult to accept in yourself can be wildly annoying in another person. How? Here sits a chubby woman in a dress that is tight-fitting to her fat folds and eats donuts. “And the man is not ashamed!” - you think. But in reality, you are simply compensating with your reaction for the hatred of your own imperfect body, which you have to control in your desires, which does not always work out. You can’t be angry with yourself, but you can be angry with donuts! What to do? Learn to love yourself with all your shortcomings, do not criticize others for weaknesses that you do not allow yourself, but work with self-acceptance.

Rule 4. Learn the qualities that the stimulus has

It’s impossible not to be irritated by people who managed to surpass us in some way, who brought our own dreams. For example, you have always dreamed of having a big and noisy family, but now you are already 40, and your personal life has not worked out. By a strange coincidence, there lives right above you a mother with many children who does everything wrong - she bears a child a year, does not know how to raise, sits on her husband’s neck and simply does not give life. Do you sense a catch? She has something that you don’t have, and it can’t help but outrage you. Or your company has been given a young and inexperienced boss who earns 10 times more than you and travels cool car. It’s clear that relations with him are also strained. All you need to do is stop being angry, but learn to be happy for the person. It’s even better to take an example: what qualities does he have that you lack, what can you learn now?

Rule 5. Don’t forget to take care of yourself and your body

Finally, the most common reason increased irritability that escapes our eyes - this is accumulated fatigue and bad feeling. Lack of sleep, vitamin deficiency, lack of proper rest, proper nutrition, unsportsmanlike lifestyle and constant stress - all this has a huge weight! You went to bed long after midnight, forgot to have breakfast, and then you wonder why you get so annoyed by the roar of the train or bright light light bulbs It is important to take care of your body, pamper it with active recreation, nourish it with vitamins, and treat illnesses in a timely manner. Any disruption in the functioning of the body can lead not only to increased irritability, but also to rapid fatigue, depressive thoughts and a whole “bouquet” of symptoms. Learn to respect your body. Take care of your health and don’t forget to clear your head of unnecessary information “garbage”. Good luck!

Probably every person knows how unpleasant it is when someone takes offense at you. It seems that no one is shouting or making trouble, but simply showing their resentment. Why does this become so painful and unpleasant? And, another question, why do we feel so good about being offended? After all, resentment is a negative feeling, but sometimes it brings pleasure. There is a saying: “They carry water for the offended.” It's strange somehow. It seems like you’ve already been wronged, and it’s bad enough, but here’s some kind of punishment. And the tone of this saying is definitely mocking, hinting that there is no need to be offended. But how to stop being angry and offended what if these feelings are stronger than us?

How to stop being offended over trifles and why is it harmful?

If you tell someone not to be offended, the person may become indignant: “I was insulted/deceived, etc., why should I not be offended?” First of all, you don’t need to keep it all to yourself. You can express your opinion to the person who insulted you, try to somehow change the situation, but do not be offended. Secondly, resentment will harm, first of all, yourself. So decide, do you want to make things worse for yourself?

How to stop being offended over trifles, and why it is harmful:

Children often get offended by their parents, throw tantrums, etc., if they, for example, did not buy them the toy they wanted or did not allow them to eat candy. Ever wondered why a child acts this way? It’s just that because of his age, it can be difficult for him to explain to his parents what he really wants. Therefore, it is easier for him to be offended and cry. But you and I are no longer children, and we are able to talk with other people, explain, etc., right? Then why not start using these communication skills and stop acting like children?

  1. By being offended, you waste your time and energy.

Imagine that your husband forgot about some anniversary of your acquaintance. Do you think sitting in the corner all evening with a sad expression on your face will help him remember this? It is very doubtful that such an approach will be effective. People are usually preoccupied exclusively with their thoughts and experiences, and men will definitely not be able to read your indignation from an offended look. Then who will benefit from this behavior of yours? Isn't it easier to tell your husband what exactly upset you? And, for example, put reminders on the refrigerator of all your dates? Save both time and energy. And there will be less negativity!

  1. Resentment will affect your relationship, and it will definitely not be a positive effect.

We are not talking about the fact that if you are often offended by loved one, then your attachment to him will disappear. No, it will just change its, so to speak, color. If you previously remembered this person with warmth and love, now you will feel cold. Our subconscious remembers emotions well. And if it understands that some person is constantly making you resent him, then he will stop perceiving him as someone close. This is the same as shocking a mouse every time it approaches the feeder. Over time, she will simply stop eating.

  1. Resentment will definitely not help you develop.

People who are prone to resentment can often suffer from another “disease” - an unwillingness to take responsibility. Didn't complete an important task at work? This is all because it was poorly explained to you. Didn't catch the train? Someone definitely set your alarm clock to make you late. Have you stopped going to the gym because it’s difficult to get up to train in the morning? Who even came up with the idea of ​​working out in the morning? And in the evening there is no time, because there is work. In general, everything seems bad, but you have nothing to do with it. Sometimes it may even feel like the entire universe is united against you. By the way, women are more prone to this lifestyle. They are the ones who like to shift responsibility for their lives onto someone else, without self-improvement.

  1. Resentment harms not only psychological but also physical health.

American scientists decided to conduct an interesting experiment to understand how bad resentment affects a person. They attached special devices to people and told them that they needed to remember the biggest offense in their lives. The effect was incredible! All participants in the experiment had increased blood pressure and increased heart rate. Moreover, it has been proven that if you carry some kind of resentment and negative emotions within yourself for a long time, this can negatively affect not only the functioning of the heart, but also the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, constant negativity inside can ruin your sleep. So, knowing all this, what kind of person would continue to be offended? Realizing that he is doing this to his own detriment? In general, the next time someone offends you, think about it - who will be worse off because you are angry with him?

How to stop being offended by little things

People often like to get offended by little things. Why is this happening? We live in a time when tension is in the air. Everyone is busy, everyone has a lot to do and a lot of problems. Naturally, you need to somehow get rid of the negativity. How do we do this? Taking offense. True, not everyone understands that this method not very effective. In fact, with its help we not only do not get rid of negative emotions, and also increase their number within ourselves. So how to stop being offended by little things? First of all, you need to understand that this will not help resolve the conflict. If you don’t want to solve it, but just want to “sulk”, that’s your choice. But, again, don't forget how bad this will affect your mental and physical health. Next you need to understand how to get rid of negative energy another way. This can be either playing sports or playing games. musical instruments, walking, chatting with friends, etc... In general, something that will occupy your thoughts and use your physical strength. This will be doubly useful - you will get rid of negativity, and at the same time you will improve yourself. So stop being offended and start living for your own pleasure!