Fun rhythms for the middle group. “Visiting Vitaminka” musical entertainment for middle school children

Nadezhda Repnitskaya
Summary of musical entertainment in middle group“Visiting the Riddle Grandmother”

Target: creating conditions for development children have an interest in various types musical activity.


Develop pitch hearing;

Develop singing skills children: sing at the same time, with a light sound, clearly pronouncing the words;

To develop the ability to convey game images in movements;

Enrich the emotional sphere of children.

Leading: Today you guys and I will go to guests to the Riddle Grandma. Let's go to her by train.

Children stand one after another, placing their hands on the shoulders of the child standing in front.

Leading: Is everyone ready? Go!

Children move under music"Train". "March training". T. Suvorova

Leading: Look, guys, the house is standing, maybe he lives in it? Grandma Riddle? Let's knock and find out.

The children knock and come out of the house Grandma Riddle.

Grandmother: Hello children! There are so many of you! Let's meet: I Grandma Riddle, What is your name? Tell me everything at once.

Children say their names.

Grandmother: Do you know why they call me that? That's right, because I really like asking riddles. That's why they called me Grandma-Riddle. Do you know how to solve riddles? I have toys in my basket, but to find out what they are, I need to solve all the riddles. Here first:

Who's jumping along the path? Clack-clack-clack.

Who has such frisky legs? Clack-clack-clack.

Her mane is silky,

She is cheerful and playful.

Her fur is so smooth

What is her name?

Children: Horse!

Grandmother: That's right, horse (takes out a horse from the basket). Let's shout like horses: "Igo-go". Well done! Do you know a song about a horse? Then let's sing it.

Song "The Horse Zorka". T. Lomovoy

Grandmother: Oh yes, well done, what a wonderful song. And I have another riddle for you, listen:

Scarlet comb,

The pockmarked caftan,

Double beard

Important gait

Children: Cockerel.

Grandmother takes a cockerel out of the basket.

Song "Who woke up early?". G. Grinevich

Grandmother: Good song. Yes, it’s true, my cockerel is like an alarm clock, always waking me up in the morning. And to find out who else is in my basket, you need next riddle unravel:

Who is the mouse afraid of?

Who is running after her?

Who has scratchy claws on each paw?

Children: Kitty.

Grandmother: Do you know a song about a cat? Will you sing for me?

Song "Kitty". I. Kishko.

Educator: Grandmother the Riddle, and our guys can not only sing songs, but also show how a cat catches a mouse. Really, guys? Let's show grandma.

Grandmother: That will be great! There are mice in my hut divorced...

A game "Sly cat".

Grandmother: Well done, they sang a song and saved me from mice. Listen to another riddle.

I have a hat in my basket

Good singer, well done singer

He gets up at dawn and sings in the yard!

Children guess. Grandmother takes out the cockerel's cap. A cockerel is selected according to a counting rhyme. The game is played 2-3 times.

A game "Cockerel". R.n. P.

Children sit on chairs.


Well done guys, you guessed all my riddles.

And I also have a package in my basket,

There are a lot of delicious sweets in it!

Leading: Guys, did you like it? visiting Grandmother-Riddler?

Children: Yes!

Grandmother: And I had fun with you! Come see me again.

Grandmother treats children with sweets.


- expand your horizons and imagination;

- develop aesthetic perception.

Preliminary work:

— reading the work of J. Rodari;

- learning passages.






Dear Guys!

I'll tell you a secret how it happens:

A fairy tale suddenly invites us into its world,

To surprise with miracles,

And teach something.

So, once upon a time there lived the cruel Prince Lemon and the terror of all the poor, Signor Tomato. It was on their property that Pumpkin built himself a house. For so long he dreamed of having his own, albeit small, house.


I built a house with my friends

It's good to live there.

It's cozy and warm here,

Both spacious and bright.

Now the cold is no longer scary.

Autumn rain and wind.

His friends approach Pumpkin: Cipollino, Cherries, Pear, Radish, Grapes. "Dance of Friends" is performed. Drums and ringing are heard. Pumpkin's friends run away.

Educator. Can you hear the beat of the drum and the ringing of bells? This is Prince Lemon with his lemons and Signor Tomato approaching.

Lemon soldiers enter. One in front with a drum, the rest with bells. Closing the procession are Prince Lemon and Signor Tomato. The Procession of “Rosimund” (music by F. Schubert) sounds.


I'm Prince Lemon.

Here in the country is my law:

You can't sing or have fun,

You can't live where you want to live.


And I am the formidable Tomato,

Lord and Signor.

In the fields and beds

I'm putting things in order.

Who doesn't obey me?

I'll put you in prison.


What kind of house is this on the way?

I can't get through!


I built a house for myself,

I spent a lot of effort with my friends.


How dare you?

Or did you want to go to prison?

Or have you forgotten my law?

Get out of here!

Lemon soldiers take Pumpkin out of the house.

Laws must be observed!

I will order this house to be demolished.


Stop, prince!

Why break it?

Here is the dog Mastino

Will sleep.

Mastino runs out.

Mastino. Bow-wow! (Addresses Lemon and Tomato.)

I will live in this house

I will serve you faithfully.

To the march “Love for Three Oranges” (music by S. Prokofiev) Lemon, Tomato and lemons leave.

Educator. Our Pumpkin is sitting sad, sad. And here are the Radishes.

The radishes, dancing the “Charleston,” approach the Pumpkin.

1st Radish

Hello, Pumpkin, my friend!

Why are you crying suddenly?


The Terrible Tomato and Prince Lemon

They kicked me out of the house.

2nd Radish. Come with us to the musician Grusha. What if he helps us?

Educator. And they went to the musician Grusha. And at this time Grusha was having fun with his friends.

A general dance is performed.

Pumpkin. Hello, Grusha! I have a problem - the formidable Tomato and Prince Lemon kicked me out of the house.


Don't be sad! There are so many vegetables around.

So you have a lot of friends.


Oh, friends, I danced so much,

That the soles were torn off.


Let the shoemaker Vinograd come,

He will always be happy to help us.

Grapes and Grapes come out with hammers and metallophones.


I didn’t come to you alone,

And he brought assistants.


Let's take out our hammers,

We will fix everyone's shoes.

Cipollino runs in.

1st Radish. Cipollino, Pumpkin needs help.

Cipollino. And what happened?

2nd Radish

The Terrible Tomato and Prince Lemon

They kicked him out of the house.


We'll all go to Lemon now

And we will quickly restore order.

Enter Lemon, Tomato and lemons.

Why are you threatening vegetables?

Are you being kicked out of your homes?

We're tired of being afraid of you!

Let's not let Pumpkin remain without a home!

Tomato. How dare you shout at me? I am Signor Tomato! We'll put you in prison. Guards! Grab him!

Lemons surround Cipollino.

Cipollino. Ah well! Well, you'll get it! (Takes off his cap from his head.)

Now I'm going to undress

You will wash your face with tears.

Tomato, Lemon and lemons begin to cry.

Lemon. We won't do it again, forgive us.

Cipollino. Shall we forgive them?

The children answer.


We are friendly guys!

We don't quarrel at all!

We are friendly guys

And let's say this to everyone.

Educator. Dear Pumpkin! Your friends have prepared housewarming gifts for you. We will decorate your house with them.

Children give their gifts to Pumpkin.

There are beyond the mountains, beyond the valleys

Little country.

Little fruity ones live there

And vegetable men

And friendship is very important to them.

The song “Little Country” plays (lyrics by I. Reznik, music by I. Nikolaev). Fairy-tale heroes say goodbye to the audience.

Dear guests! If you liked our magical kingdom, come back often, and we are always happy to meet you. Don't forget us. Goodbye!

Spring fun for the middle group.

Music is playing. Children enter the hall one after another and sit on chairs.

Ved. The stream gurgled in the ravine,

Birds have flown from the south,

The sun is warming in the morning -

Came to visit us...

Children (CHORUS) - Spring!

Ved. Guys, today we have gathered in the hall to sing,
dance, have fun. It's spring outside now! The birds are flying in,
the first flowers appear. Guys, let's invite Spring to our

We will sing a song in the spring and invite you to visit us.

They stand in a circle. " Come, red spring"

Spring (appears on the screen) - I hear, I hear you, guys. To the clearing for you

I'm in a hurry. And I’ll give you a bouquet of beautiful flowers as a gift

I carry it.

"Dance with Flowers" (waltz – V.A. Mozart)

Spring Guys, today I suggest you go visit the sun. We'll go with you by train.

Children stand one after another and listen to music"Locomotive" move around the hall behind the leader.

Educator : Guys, look, what kind of house is this? Whose is it? Who, who lives in the house? No one is visible. I'll ring the bell- I’ll invite someone to visit.

The presenter rings the bell to the words “one-two-three”.

One - two - three, close your eyes and don’t look. (children cover their eyes with their palms)
One - two - three, the sun comes to visit us!

Open your eyes and be surprised.

The sun appears on the screen near the house.

Sun : Hello guys!

Spring sent me to you,

She punished me very strictly:

Warm everyone with your warmth,

And fields, and forest, and house.

Educator : The sun rose early,

Sends smiles to all children.

Let's play instruments

And let's sing a song to the sun.

"The sunny bunny is knocking."(Playing music. Triangle and bell)

Spring Now guys, guess my spring riddles:

  1. Let's make a house for the birds

With a small round window.

Here is a starling sitting on a hazel tree,

We are building him... (birdhouse)

  1. Look at this, guys.

Cotton wool hung in the sky -

They are sailing to us from afar

IN blue sky... (clouds)

  1. On a warm day from under the ice

Melt water rushes.

And the noise of all the ringing birds

This mischievous... (stream)

  1. Nice days are not rare

Branches bask in the sun.

And, like little dots,

The branches are swollen... (buds)

  1. Snow and ice melt in the sun,

Birds fly from the south,

And the bear has no time to sleep.

This means that... (spring) has come to us

Bear (on the screen) Who is it that bothers me to sleep?

I'm angry with you! Yes! Yes!

Run away in all directions!

Spring That's enough bear, don't be angry

Rather, smile.

Start doing exercises.

Bear Exercise? I can't!

Educator : That's what friends are for.

Look how you guys are

They do exercises together.

Musical physical education.

bear : Thank you guys for waking me up, otherwise I would have overslept warm spring and hot sunny summer. I kneaded the bones with you, it’s time to eat, otherwise my stomach is rumbling after winter hibernation. I'll go and eat some honey.

Bear Goodbye friends!

Spring Yes, friends, I’ll tell you honestly.

It's very interesting to be with you

And play and dance.

But our holiday has come to an end

It's time for us to say goodbye, friends.

I will give everyone a gift,

I won't deprive anyone!

(Gives treats to children)

I loved you very much

We will meet again more than once.


Music - powerful tool impact on the emotional sphere of the child, making him more sensitive and receptive to the beauty in life and art. It is especially necessary in preschool age. According to scientific research, the lack of musical impressions in childhood is not in the best possible way affects the human psyche. In addition, it is important that there is an adult next to the baby who will fully reveal the beauty of music for him and help him feel it.

Music classes in the middle group of preschool educational institutions: structure and features

Children 4–5 years old perceive new knowledge well and absorb impressions; they are actively developing creative thinking. Compared to more younger age their attention becomes much more stable. Therefore, music classes in the secondary preschool level acquire special significance. Like any educational activity, they include different groups tasks.

Educational objectives

  1. Hearing. The children develop a culture of carefully listening to a musical composition, they learn to understand its character, recognize familiar piece, express impressions about him. Children also master the concepts of “quiet” and “loud”, “slow” and “fast”, “high” and “low” sound.
  2. Singing. Preschoolers learn to perform songs expressively, clearly, drawn-out or movingly, clearly pronouncing words, conveying a certain character of the music; sing along instrumental accompaniment and without it. Children also develop the ability to improvise, to compose a melody on the go, based on the proposed text (for example, answering the questions “what is your name?”, “where are you?”, etc.)
  3. Musical and rhythmic movements. The development of choreographic skills continues - children learn to perform rhythmic movements in accordance with the nature of the musical composition. Kids learn to quickly change them as the music progresses. Work in pairs is improved (circling, springing, galloping, moving in a round dance). The children practice clapping their hands rhythmically, performing basic changes of formation, jumping, moving their feet from toe to heel, and distinguishing the nature of walking (calm, swift, solemn).
  4. Dance and gaming creativity. Children master musical game exercises(for example, they flutter like butterflies, spin like leaves), use facial expressions and pantomime (depict an angry wolf, sly fox, a frightened bunny), stage musical mini-performances together with teachers.
  5. Game on musical instruments. Pupils of the middle group learn to play simple melodies on a metallophone and wooden spoons, rattles and drums, etc.

Photo gallery: musical skills that are formed in children of the fifth year of life

Children master dance and play creativity Students in the middle group improve their choreographic skills In the middle group, the development of vocal abilities continues One of the tasks of music classes in the middle group is to teach children to play the simplest melodies on musical instruments

Developmental and educational tasks

Music lessons develop the imagination of children of the fifth year of life, teach them independence and initiative. Carrying out dance moves, children become more mobile, dexterous, and learn to control their body. Children develop a positive attitude towards the world around them and develop aesthetic feelings. Depending on the topic of the lesson, children are also instilled with a love of nature, family, and their country.

Suitable techniques for working in a middle group

In order for a music lesson in the middle group to be exciting, the teacher must introduce as many game events as possible:

  1. Musical games, including finger games, are carried out between the main educational blocks.
  2. When teaching dance it is good to use various auxiliary items(toys, flowers, ribbons, umbrellas, hoops), put various attributes on children (wreaths, scarves, caps, caps, etc.). The kids really like all this, it spurs their enthusiasm and imagination.
  3. In a lesson with 4-5 year old children, formal memorization of song material and repeated monotonous repetition are unacceptable. On the contrary, changing the activity, introducing game characters(if the teacher himself dresses up, for example, as a fairy or a matryoshka doll, then a completely new magical atmosphere will immediately appear that will captivate the children).

Photo gallery: examples of techniques for working in a music lesson in a middle group

The use of costumes and attributes will undoubtedly arouse increased interest among children. A musical game will lift the children’s spirits. A simple “reincarnation” of the music director will allow children to perceive the activity in a completely different way.

Video: musical game “Merry Aunt” Video can’t be loaded: Dance with mothers “Aunt Veselchak!” Middle group. (

Video: musical game “Christmas trees and stumps”

Lesson structure

A traditional music lesson in the middle group has a certain structure.

  1. It usually starts with a warm-up rhythmic exercise. It may include dance step(gallop, jumps), individual dance elements, formations from a learned round dance, etc. This allows you to create a cheerful mood in children and prepare them for activities that require increased attention.
  2. The next stage is listening musical compositions, performance of songs. This also includes exercises to develop hearing and vocal abilities.
  3. The third stage is musical and rhythmic activity. It could be a game, a dance, a round dance. At the same time, calm tasks must be alternated with more dynamic ones.
  4. The fourth stage is playing musical instruments.
  5. The best way to end the lesson is to play music.

Organizational nuances

The task of the music director is to create a certain environment during the lesson. As a rule, children study in the gym. Extraneous noise should not penetrate there, as it will interfere with perception and execution. creative tasks. But closer to summer, you can move the process outside. In the fresh air, children sing and dance; for musical accompaniment, you can use an accordion or button accordion, or audio equipment.

While singing indoors, preschoolers sit on chairs near the teacher. Moreover, in the first row it is advisable to seat children who have problems with discipline, who have recently entered kindergarten (some children begin to go there only from four years) or having difficulty singing. Children's clothing should be as comfortable as possible, not restrict movement; it is advisable to wear slippers on their feet.

It is advisable for children to wear slippers on their feet, and clothing should not restrict movement.

Music classes are held in the middle group twice a week. The duration of each is 20 minutes.

Individual approach to music lessons in the middle group

Certainly, musical abilities Children are not equally developed. And in the middle group this is already clearly evident. In addition, there are guys who are capable, but shy and inactive, who need help to open up. If a child has not gone to kindergarten for some time due to illness, then he may also be lost, not understanding how to behave in a particular situation. That's why on music lesson An individual approach to each student is necessary, even in group activities.

A modest child needs help to open up during a music lesson

Each child (or group of children) is assigned a task according to their abilities. It is also useful to use mutual learning in the lesson (for example, preschoolers can help each other learn new movements or play a musical instrument). This is very important for the successful socialization of children and their communicative development; they become more friendly and attentive to each other.

The music director can provide additional lessons for lagging children (by agreement with the parents), for example, in the evening. As practice shows, after such individual work(2-3 times) the baby is pulled up to the average level. And if children need, for example, to prepare a number to perform at a matinee “in secret” from the rest of the students, you can organize a separate lesson for a subgroup.

It is completely unacceptable for a teacher to single out any children and treat them only as future dancers or singers. This contributes to the disunity of children, causing arrogance and high self-esteem in some, and feelings of envy and resentment in others. Guys should sincerely worry about each other’s successes and failures and be confident in their abilities, without putting themselves above others.

Types of music classes in the middle group

The following types of music classes are conducted in the middle group:

  1. Traditional. The lesson combines all types of activities provided for in the program for the middle group and has a standard structure (a series of successive stages).
  2. Dominant. The lesson is dominated by a specific type of activity (for example, choreography or playing musical instruments). Such activities are often used to overcome the lag of a group in a certain direction.
  3. Thematic. Educational activities are built around a specific topic (for example, winter in the forest or a trip to some kind of fairy tale). Variety of this type are complex and integrated classes. In the first case, the selected topic is revealed using various types art (and not just musical means) – music, choreography, theater, poetry, painting. In the second - musical activity combined with cognition environment, mathematics, speech development, physical culture. They are united in this common theme or in a single artistic way.

An example of an integrated lesson is the theme “Journey to the Forest,” where music is closely intertwined with knowledge of the environment. The children sing songs about animals, perform dances with appropriate content, and at the same time consolidate their knowledge about the inhabitants of the forest.

Another option is a lesson dedicated to an ancient musical instrument, for example, a barrel organ. Children get acquainted with P. Tchaikovsky’s composition “The Organ Grinder”. In this regard, the fairy tale about Pinocchio is recalled and a mini-conversation is held about the profession of an organ grinder at a level accessible to children. You can also show the children paintings by artists depicting poor musicians with their instruments.

Integrated classes are always interesting and patriotic theme. For example, an activity could be dedicated to a matryoshka doll, a traditional Russian souvenir. Preschoolers perform suitable dance, guess riddles, consolidate mathematical concepts(one and many, big and small), learn something interesting about this toy.

How to motivate children: starting the lesson

Although music educational activities in kindergarten is fascinating in itself, it is important to arouse additional interest in it among students. To do this, the teacher thinks through a motivating start to the lesson. Of course, the gaming component will play a major role. For example, the music director can tell the children that nesting dolls have come to visit them and really want to play with them. Or toys appear in the room, they live in the house and will come out if the children complete the task correctly - they will determine the nature of the musical composition being performed.

Toys can be used at the beginning of the lesson

A musical lesson dedicated to spring can begin with the appearance of a doll in the appropriate outfit (in a green dress and with a wreath on her head), which will tell the kids about herself. Another option is the travel motif. The teacher invites the children to go to fairyland, where toys can come to life. A magic chest will help you to be transported there (to the composition “Music Box” by S. Maikapar). From the chest, the music director takes out Petrushka, who “comes to life.”

Parsley appears from a magic chest

You can take preschoolers on a trip to the forest, where cute animals await them. To ensure that no one gets lost, you need to hold hands tightly and move like a snake to the music. Along the way, the guys squat on imaginary stumps and breathe fresh air(perform breathing exercise).

Another interesting solution- a shop “opens” in the hall musical toys, where the teacher works as a salesperson. And preschoolers must help the toys choose a musical instrument. Children's correct answers to the seller's questions can be used as payment for musical instruments.

The teacher can invite the kids to visit a musical instrument store.

Theme options

Of course, traditional musical activity is not tied to a specific topic . If the lesson is thematic, then in the middle group you can offer the following interesting options:

  1. Seasons: for example, “Gifts of Autumn”, “Spring Has Come”, “Sorceress Winter”, “Red Summer”.
  2. “Visiting the forest inhabitants”, “Birds”, “Bread”, “Visiting the toys”, “Matryoshka”.
  3. Activities where listening to compositions and playing musical instruments predominate: “In the world musical sounds», « Bright world sounds”, “Musical chest” (teremok, casket, etc.), “Hurdy organ”, “Russian accordion”, “Balalaika”.

Table: fragments of music lesson notes

Author and title of the lesson Progress of the lesson
Alla Kozlova “Adventures in the forest” The teacher invites preschoolers to go to magical forest where they are expected amazing Adventures. You need to walk like a snake along a winding path, holding hands. The sounds of the forest are heard. Children are invited to sit on imaginary stumps and breathe clean air (they perform the “Nose-Pipe” breathing exercise: alternately close the nostrils and take deep breaths).
The music director performs M. Krasev’s song “Cuckoo” and asks the children to determine the mood of this music. Then the children are offered musical instruments, they must choose which one can convey the ringing singing of a cuckoo (metallophone), and which one can convey the quiet sound (triangle), which one can convey the murmur of a forest river (bells), and the jumping of frogs (wooden spoons). Children perform a song together with playing instruments.
An audio recording of mosquitoes buzzing sounds. A physical education session is held:
  • Teacher (with a twig in his hands):
    Shoo, shoo, mosquitoes.
    Fly away, mosquitoes.
    Don't bite me
    So many times in broad daylight.
    Musical director: The mosquitoes answer...
    Children: We are already kind to you (palm tremors).
    After all, we bite you (claps)
    Even to the point of bleeding, but lovingly. (Clapping).

Preschoolers perform the song “Mosquito” by M. Lazarev.

Meeting with a hedgehog - he sleeps under the tree.
Dramatization of the song “Hedgehog”:
  • The animal is covered in needles (children sing, passing the toy around),
    From head to toe.
    Where are you going, prickly hedgehog?
    Where are you going?
    I’m rummaging, rummaging through the bushes (sings a child who has a toy hedgehog in his hands).
    I get my own food.
    I'm looking for mice in the grass
    And I drag it into my nest.
    A hedgehog is looking for a worm (children sing)
    And a frog and a beetle.
    Fumbling, fumbling through the bushes,
    Gets food himself. (The toy is returned to the teacher).

Reading the rhythmic nursery rhyme “Hedgehog”:

  • Hedgehog, prickly hedgehog,
    Give me your needles -
    Repair your pants
    Fighting bunny.
    Hedgehog, prickly hedgehog -
    Lend me some needles.
Meeting with the trampling bear. Children perform F. Gershova’s song “Bear”. The teacher puts on a bear mask and plays hide and seek with the children - the song “Jolly Little Bears” is played:
  • Little bear cubs in the clearing
    Played hide and seek with my mother.
    They ran away in all directions.
    Never find them. (Teacher sings).
    Children squat down. Loss: children rise.
    But the bear cheated (children sing, performing movements according to the text: index finger to lips),
    I cooked some delicious porridge (they stroke their bellies),
    Places the cup on the stump (spreads arms to the sides),
    Nearby is a linden honey. (Clap their hands. Loss: children pick up wooden spoons).
    The children came running themselves
    Cups and spoons clattered.
    Knock, knock, knock! (Children sing and play on spoons).
    Knock, knock, knock!
    He ate a cup for nothing.
    Knock, knock, knock. (3 times) (Short blow to the spoons, arms extended forward, spoons away from you).
Preschoolers say goodbye to the forest and leave the hall.
S.K. Danielyan "Magic Chest" Children enter the hall to the music. The teacher draws their attention to a beautiful chest and informs them that they are in a country where toys come to life. The music director performs the composition “Music Box” by S. Maikapara. Petrushka appears from the chest, which, in turn, takes out Cheburashka. Kids perform the “Cheburashka” dance.
Parsley takes out a tumbler doll from the chest. The dance “Tumbler Dolls” is performed.
The next item is the drum. Preschoolers perform the song “Drum”.
Song-dance “Colorful game”.
The teacher suggests having a little rest under beautiful music– “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by G. Sviridov. After listening to the composition, the guys share their impressions.
Game “Who gets the rattle”: There are 6 rattles inside the hoop. To the music, 7 children run around a hoop. When she stops, everyone must take a toy for themselves. Thus, each time a child is eliminated, and in the end there remains one winner.
Parsley says goodbye to the guys. They leave the hall to the music.
“Matryoshkas came to visit us”
The music director tells the children that nesting dolls have come to visit them. In order for the big nesting doll to come out of the house, you need to determine the nature of the music and say what you can do to it, sounds the Russian. adv. melody "Oh, you birch."
A game is being played to develop timbre perception “Recognize by voice” (you need to sing the child’s name).
Preschoolers perform M. Partskhaladze’s song “Rain.”
In the next house there live little nesting dolls. Children each take one and are divided into two groups (boys and girls). The teacher wants to see whose nesting dolls dance better (children dance to music).
In the third house there live matryoshka mittens. Children put them on their hands and stand in a circle. “Dance with Matryoshka Dolls” is performed to the music of N. Karavaeva.
The teacher offers to take the nesting dolls to the group, to the music corner.

Musical entertainment and leisure

One of the children's favorite species educational activities in preschool educational institutions - so-called musical leisure or entertainment. In the middle group they are very appropriate. Musical leisure has a positive effect on the mental, emotional and physical development children, since they include not only singing and listening to music, but also sport games, recitation of poetry, small theatrical performances.

Musical leisure in the middle group is always a fun spectacle that develops children’s motor activity

The main advantage of such events is the atmosphere of relaxed fun and celebration. You can invite parents and students from other groups. The music director and teachers dress up in costumes fairy tale characters, animals. And the kids themselves will be happy to transform into magical heroes(even if it's just a mask).

When the children themselves are involved in the preparation, this instills in them independence and responsibility. The event becomes not just fun, but an important matter, a way of self-realization. This is especially true for shy guys: they, for example, happily participate in puppet shows- in this case, a screen helps to overcome shyness.

The theme for a musical event can be, for example, a certain composition, the upcoming time of year (“Harvest”), or a holiday (“Victory Day”). The content of the event should include appropriate songs, poems, and games.

Fragments of a script for musical leisure based on plays from the “Children's Album” by P.I. Tchaikovsky by L.V. Gorobtsova

  1. The music director dressed as a fairy invites the children to go to a magical forest. To the play of P. Tchaikovsky, children take autumn leaves and spin around.
  2. The teacher informs the preschoolers that they are in magical land, and draws attention to the doll sitting on the bench. Sounds musical piece"Doll Disease"
  3. The guys make assumptions about why the doll is sad. It turns out that she got sick, and Baba Yaga is to blame. Ominous disturbing music sounds (the play “Baba Yaga”).
  4. The teacher reads a poem:
    Baba Yaga, bone leg!
    I flew past the doll,
    She took all her friends.
    She hid it and flew away,
    So the doll got sick!
  5. The guys must help the doll find its friends. They walk through the hall to the play “March of the Wooden Soldiers” and find toy soldiers near the drums. Children take them to the doll.
  6. The play by P. Tchaikovsky “Playing Horses” is playing. The guys gallop, imitating the sound of hooves.
  7. Near the wooden spoons they find another friend of the dolls - horses.
  8. Joyful music sounds - the guys guess that the doll has recovered. The teacher offers to give her a musical gift - to play a musical instrument. Improvised orchestra - "Kamarinskaya".
  9. The Fairy teacher thanks the children for their help and gives them coloring books as souvenirs.

Long-term planning of music lessons in the middle group

Before the beginning school year The music director draws up a long-term plan for direct educational activities, in which he outlines the tasks of each lesson and its content (repertoire). The plan can also indicate the types of activities used.

Table: fragment of a long-term music lesson plan by E. V. Titova

Kind of activity Program tasks Repertoire
  • exercises,
  • dancing,
  • games.
  • To develop the skill of rhythmic movement in children.
  • Teach children to move in accordance with the nature of the music.
  • Improve the movement of a calm step and develop small movements of the hand.
  • Improve dance movements: light running, rhythmic steps, squats; change them in accordance with changes in character.
  • Develop attention, a sense of rhythm, change movements in accordance with the nature of the music.
1. “Springs” in Russian. adv. melody;
2. Walking to “March”, music. I. Berkovich;
3. “Funny balls” (bouncing and running), music. M. Satulina;
4. “Dancing in couples”, Latvian. adv. melody
5. “The Hen and the Cockerel”, music. G. Frida (game)
6. “Horse”, music. N. Potolovsky (game)
Hearing To develop the skills of a culture of listening to music (not to be distracted and not to distract others), to listen to the piece to the end. 1. “Lullaby”, music. A. Grechaninova
2. “March”, music. L. Shulgina
  • Teach children expressive singing.
  • Start singing after the introduction with or without a teacher.
1. “Two Grouse”, music. M. Shcheglova, lyrics. folk;
2. “Autumn”, music. Yu. Chichkova, lyrics. I. Maznina
  • Encourage children to actively participate in entertainment.
"Visiting a fairy tale"
Musical and rhythmic movements:
  • exercises,
  • dancing,
  • games.
Musical and rhythmic skills:
  • strengthen the ability to distinguish the character of music,
  • transmit it in motion,
  • walk calmly, without waving your arms,
  • independently perform movements in accordance with the nature of the music.

Expressive Movement Skills:

  • continue to improve the skills of basic movements: light running, fast running, walking;
  • teach children to freely navigate the space of the hall and improvise in dance.
1. “Swinging hands with leaves”, Polish. adv. melody, arrangement L. Vishkareva;
2. Jumping in English. adv. the melody "Polly";
3. “Drummer”, music. M. Kraseva;
4. “On the pavement street”, Russian. adv. melody, arrangement T. Lomovoy
5. “Blind Man’s Bluff”, music. F. Flotova;
6. “The Bear and the Hare”, music. V. Rebikova;
Hearing Teach children to feel the character of music, recognize familiar works, express their impressions of the music they listened to. 1. “Oh, you birch”, Russian. adv. song;
2. “Autumn Breeze”, music. A. Grechaninova;
  • Develop children's ability to take breath between short musical phrases.
  • Promote the desire to sing the melody clearly, softening the ends of phrases.
1. “Simple song”, music. etc. Shalamonova;
2. “Bai-bai”, music. M. Krasin, lyrics. M. Chernoy;
3. “Garden round dance”, music. Mozhzhevelova, lyrics. A. Passova;
  • Create a relaxed, joyful atmosphere.
  • Encourage children to actively participate in the holiday.
Autumn fairy tale "Turnip"

Video: Music lesson using ICT Video can’t be loaded: Musical lesson in the middle group (

Video: music lesson in a middle group with games included

Video: comprehensive music lesson “Autumn wanders along the paths” Video can’t be loaded: Complex musical lesson for the middle group of preschool educational institution No. 291, autumn wanders along the paths, musical hand (

Musical classes are very important in the middle group. In addition to his educational value, they cultivate positive qualities in children, form the foundations of taste, and promote unity children's group and improving physical fitness.

Scenario for children 4-5 years old “Goat’s Birthday”

Summary of a music lesson in secondary school preschool educational institution group.

Description: this summary is intended for conducting GCD on musical education with middle school children preschool age at the preschool educational institution, it will be interesting music directors, studying under the program "Musical Masterpieces" O.P. Radynova.

Target: Form an emotional perception of music through
different types musical activity.

1. Expand children’s understanding of visual possibilities music: tell that music conveys not only the mood, but also the character of a person.
2. Develop children's musical abilities: musical - rhythmic - the ability to move in accordance with the music, perform movements to a poem, navigate the space of the hall; singing - the ability to sing on one sound, correctly lead a melodic line, sing harmoniously, conveying the mood of the song.
3. Contribute to the formation of expressive skills in movement, facial expressions, and singing.
4. Cultivate emotional responsiveness to music through the ability to listen to the intonation of a melody and determine the general mood.

Equipment: Checkbox; illustrations for the plays “Crybaby”, “Crybaby”; metallophone; costume for the Goat; wooden jug; wooden spoons according to the number of children; illustration for the song “I’m walking with flowers” ​​with a musical line; treat for children.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher meets the children. They greet using “sounding gestures”, singing the word “Hello!” different intonations.

Music supervisor. Guys, guess the riddle who it is.
(Riddle about the goat) She comes horned, she comes butted, with hooves
knocks, “Me-e-e!” - speaks.
That's right, this is our beautiful goat, she doesn't butt at all.
The goat invites us to visit us for his birthday. Let's go to? (Answer
Along the path you walk
Yes, take the flag with you.
And I’ll play you a merry march.

March with a change of leader, music. "Learning to March"
music M. Rauchwerger, E. Tilicheeva

(Children begin and end the movement exactly to the music. At the end of the music, the leader passes the flag to the person behind him, and he runs to the end)

Music supervisor. That's fairy forest, there are trees up to the sky. "Snake"
We'll run around all the trees, let's see who is attentive. Listen
listen carefully to the music, if the music stops, it means there is something ahead
obstacle, you must stop too.

"Running with stops", music. V. Semenova
(Children run easily to the music, stop when the music ends. The teacher names an imaginary obstacle, the children overcome it)

Music supervisor. Here we are. But there is no goat yet. You know guys
The goat has horns
Wonderful little goats.
Let's draw them.

Poem with movements.
Here are the little goats - sharp horns - jumping on two legs
Here are the little goats - fast legs
Let's go for a walk, the little goats are "walking"
Stretch your legs - “springs”
The kids are knocking their feet - “stomp”
The kids cheerfully shout: “Me-e-e!” - I show my horns, they “butt”.

Music supervisor. In what mood can a goat say “meh”? (Children's answers)
(The poem is repeated again, the last line changes (“screams affectionately,” “sadly screams,” etc.)

Music supervisor. Would you like me to tell you what kind of goats ours has?
One kid
I was a crybaby from the cradle.
Listen to how the music portrayed him.

Listening to the play “Crybaby” by D. Kabalevsky

Music supervisor. Sobs are heard in the music, the melody sounds
plaintively, quietly, slowly. Let's try to portray a crybaby under
music. (Children pretend to “sob”)

Music supervisor. And the other kid was a beech, he was angry all the time, he was
little feisty one. Here it is, listen.

Listening to “The Evil One” by D. Kabalevsky

Music supervisor. The music is loud, harsh, harsh, angry, as if
The kid talks rudely, harshly, harshly, angrily. How are you
Do you think what moves you can make to show the evil one? (Answers
Music the leader plays music, and the children portray a musical image.

Music supervisor. One kid is a crybaby, the other is a mean one, but they are still
they love to play, run, and they all love their mother very much,
especially today, because it’s her birthday. Prepared
goats for mom - goats as a gift. Listen to the song and find out

Singing “I’m coming with flowers”, music. etc. E. Tilicheeva.

Music supervisor. Let's all sing this song together.
A) Everyone sings together, clapping the rhythm.
B) The teacher calls one child to the metallophone. He sings
a song and plays the metallophone.

Musical director. Oh, guys, what are we going to give to Koza?
Let's sing what we can give her.

Song creativity “Gift”
Music the leader sings the first words, the child finishes the sentence.

Music supervisor. But what should we do? We didn't take anything with us, did we?
Maybe we can give her a song? Which one?

Song “I Love Mommy Very Much” Lyrics. and music L. A. Starchenko
A) Sing separately the words in the chorus - a triad with the words “very me”, “mommy”, draw out the first syllables, intone clearly.
B) Sing the song tenderly, drawn out from beginning to end.

Music supervisor. This song is tender, affectionate, drawn-out. And cheerful
Can you give a song to a goat? Which one?

Song "Blue Sled", music. M. Jordansky, lyrics. M. Klokova
(Expressive performance of a previously learned song. Singing together; one at a time, at the request of the children)

Music supervisor. How well you sang. Hear someone coming.

The teacher comes out in the role of Goat.
Goat. Hello guys!
(Children and music director greet the goat.)
I'm a goat Me-ke-ke
I was walking in the meadow
I have sharp horns, thin legs,
On the very top of the head there are velvet ears,
The tongue is linen, the tail is hemp.
I, the goat, came to you and brought milk. (Drops the jug) Oh,
the milk spilled, only spoons remained. The goat is crying.
Music supervisor. Don’t cry, Goat is a dereza, don’t worry (Goat doesn’t stop
cry). Guys, let's cheer up the goat. The goat is a beauty, for
we will dance and play you now. Oh, what are we going to play on?
no tools? (Children: “On spoons!”)

Dance with spoons. to the melody of Russian Nar. songs "Oh, birch"

Goat. Thank you guys, you made me laugh. And I'm with you for this
I'll play now.

Game "Traps"
Children stand in a circle. The goat sings to some child:
Come out, my little goat,
Let's fight with you.
The children answer: “Me-me-me”! - sounds in response. -
And we don’t even have horns!
The goat sings: Come out, my little goat,
Let's play with you.
Children: “Me-me-me! I love to play!
Goat. I'll catch up with you, kids! (Children run away)

Goat. How fast and clever your guys are, I haven’t caught anyone.
Music supervisor. Look, guys, our Goat is happy,
How beautiful she is!
Goat. It's just pleasure -
Be with friends on your birthday!

Children sing “Loaf” to the Goat

Goat. I love everyone, of course
Well, most of all children.
I'll invite them to tea
I'll treat you to some pies.

The goat invites everyone to visit - to a group where children will have a tea party.