What happened to the Winx muse's mother. Enchantix muses - fairies of music and harmony

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Muse is one of the Winx fairies, her specialty is harmony and music. He is distinguished by his cheerful character and perseverance. Most of all she loves to sing and play the musical instruments. One of the fairy of music and harmony's closest friends is Tecna, who is her roommate. One of Muse's transformations is Winx Enchantix.

Fairy personality

The muse has complex character: she is a rather secretive girl with a subtle and vulnerable nature. She takes everything to heart, is impulsive and emotional. But to those who do not communicate with her too closely, she seems arrogant and indifferent.

The muse is stubborn and energetic. Gradually she becomes more feminine and elegant, but at the same time more capricious. Perhaps this was the influence of her pixie Tune, who had impeccable manners. Of course, since the Muse is of music and harmony, she loves to sing and play musical instruments. She has a beautiful voice and enjoys composing and performing songs.

Muse also loves to attend concerts and music festivals. Most close friend From the Winx, Tecna can be considered, although they can be called opposites: the reasonable and logical Tecna and the emotional and vulnerable Muse. Also, the fairy of music and harmony loves to study and is an excellent student at Alfea.


Muse - beautiful girl with dark blue eyes and jet-black hair, which is short in the early seasons and she wears it in two high ponytails. But gradually they become longer, and she wears them loose or makes beautiful hairstyles.

In clothes, Muse prefers red. In the first seasons, her style is more boyish, but gradually it becomes more feminine. The fairy likes to dress in rock and roll style to look like a rock star.

Enchantix Muses

During her transformation, she spins on a CD, which is not surprising, since she is a fairy of music. All her abilities are related to musical rhythms and music. Muse received her Enchantix after she did not leave the princess of her planet in the burning library and helped her.

Her costume consisted of a fluffy raspberry skirt, a pink top decorated with orange ribbons, and on her feet were beautiful raspberry sandals with ribbons. The wings became golden yellow. During the transformation, the Muse swirled in a sea of ​​notes. She felt stronger, and the quality of altruism helped her get the Enchantix. The Fairy of Music and Harmony is a kind and sympathetic girl who is ready to help her loved ones.

The muse appears from the very beginning of the first season.

Her mother was a singer, but died very early. The father was a pianist, but stopped playing music and did not allow Muse to do so, which is why father and daughter quarreled.

The muse is the fairy responsible for harmony, and music is its essence.


Muse loves to play and sing; her favorite instruments are the guitar and saxophone. She can cheer anyone up, but she can also play a joke.

Before season 3, she had terrible manners until she met pixie Tune. It was she who forced Muse to behave more culturally, and in season 3 we see the heroine completely different. This is how she is shown in the pictures on the website.

In the 1st year, Muse fell in love with a guy named Riven. Their relationship cannot be called smooth. At first, Muse sought the attention of Riven, but then he fell under the spell of the witch Darcy from. After Riven was able to free himself from evil magic, he revealed his feelings to Muse.

Heroine transformations

They become a couple, but obstacles constantly arise on their way, which the heroes create for themselves. Riven is jealous of her lover, either to Nabu or to Jason Queen, but, in the end, everything works out. Pictures and photos of Musa and Riven are also on the portal.


Muse winx looks like an Asian girl. However, the creators of the cartoon gave her white skin and blue eyes.

Her hair color is black, and her hair is tied into two ponytails. Every day the fairy wears a scarlet top with straps, lilac ribbons on her arms, slightly shapeless jeans and sneakers. In the second season she looks more feminine.

The fairy wears trousers, a turquoise plaid top and a red belt. Season 4 showcases Muse, who has completely changed her style. She is wearing a checkered skirt with a pink sweater, light socks and shoes. The fairy wears her hair loose.

The appearance of the Muse in the fairy transformation is more feminine. She wears a scarlet skirt and a sequined top, boots of the same shade, and wears headphones on her head. Her wings are translucent, sky-colored, decorated with stripes. Pictures, cartoons and photos will help you evaluate what the Muse looks like.

Each transformation of the Muse is also accompanied by a new outfit. Winx muse Enchantix wears a bodice and skirt in scarlet and yellow tones. On the hands of the Muse Enchantix are gloves of a pinkish tint, on her feet - yellow color ribbons. Fairy Enchantix's hair is tied into two ponytails with elastic bands made in the shape of pink petals. On the head of the Muse Enchantix there is a small crown. The wings are paired, decorated with purple stones.

Winx muse Sirenix is ​​wearing a red sequined top. She is wearing a red tights with burgundy stripes and a light green skirt. On right hand The Sirenix muses wear a red ribbon bandage and hair ponytails on her head. The Sirenix fairy has red ankle boots on her feet, her wings are also red, single, carved.

Coloring pages

On our website you can find pictures and coloring pages of Winx Muse. They illustrate the various transformations of the Muse, her outfits and behavior in different life situations. You can download pictures and coloring pages or print them to create your own fairy clothing workshop.


Also on the site there is “Winx song of the Muse”. Each season has its own version of the song. So, most of them are energetic, cheerful, like the fairy herself. And in season 6, a slightly sad, thoughtful melody emerges. To listen to the “Winx song of the Muse” whenever you want, download it from our website.

How to draw a fairy?

Draw winx muse not difficult. To do this, you need to know how to draw it step by step.

  1. First you need to draw a circle and indicate the directions of the face. Step by step we draw the head, then the ear and bangs.
  2. At the second stage, the eyes, mouth and nose should be outlined step by step.
  3. Let's start drawing the tails.
  4. Then we try to draw the body of the Winx Muse using schematic lines.
  5. Then we try to draw a blouse.
  6. Let's finish drawing the second hand and some details.
  7. It remains to draw some details step by step, and the picture is ready.

This is how easy it is to draw the Muse step by step.


The Muse doll completely copies the cartoon heroine. Not only outfits and facial features, but even makeup, facial expressions and others small parts completely coincide. The Muse doll is made of high quality plastic. You can wash it, and you can safely wash your clothes. When dropped, the doll does not break. The doll's wings are removable and are sold as a set.



Belevix Deluxe.

If you like the cartoon character Muse, please visit our website. Here you will find a lot interesting materials dedicated to your favorite fairy.

They don’t divorce muses; they can’t live without them. :)

Qualities: Inspiration, creativity, miracles everywhere, magic.

Goddess Terpisichore, Euterpe

Inspiring woman.

She knows, knows how to bring passion, does not hold back. The Muse, like no one else, knows how to feel and be in the flow of Living Creativity. She has extraordinary views and deep-rooted wisdom. The Muse woman easily sees circumstances as if from above, because she is connected to the Divine within herself. She understands her place well, she is one with space and knows how to manifest her Divinity outside.

The Muse woman has much in common with the Lover archetype, but the Muse, unlike the Lover, does not completely surrender to sensual pleasures, but strives upward and carefully studies her internal relationship with the Divine part of her soul. If you see a woman who seems to be exuding light light, flexible-minded and at the same time capable of enjoying everything that happens around her - this is a woman manifested in the Muse archetype.

When a man looks at the Muse no sexual desire arises, lust does not appear in the body, although we objectively understand her extreme attractiveness, somewhere inside we feel the impossibility of possessing this woman completely. There is a certain elusiveness about her, it’s as if she leaves space between herself and her partner and says: “Create! Be inspired by me and implement, we came into this world to manifest the Divine, and not to argue about trifles.” It is in this space that a partner, and indeed any person communicating with the muse, can transform their energy into Living Creativity.

Muse promotes . It does not waste energy on resistance, but pushes you towards realization. As Mother Teresa said, “I will not go to the rally “Against War,” but call me to the rally “For Peace.” In the same way, the energy of the Muse does not enter into confrontation with space, but creates the Stream of Creation together with it. The energy of inspiration is very light, of divine quality, it is born in a space of relaxation and connection with oneself, in a moment of silence. Nevertheless, this subtle energy can give rise to a strong impulse. The Woman Muse transforms with her appearance, she can, in a short period, with a few words, bring you out of a state of inertia, passivity and remind you of the passage of time, that here it is - Life! And I would like to bathe forever in this source of inspiration, but the Muse leaves, each time subtly feeling that she has done everything she should. Maybe you will suffer for a day or two, and then you will begin to change, blessed by her image in your head. You will quit smoking, start painting a picture, finish a project that has been dragging on for so long at work, go on a trip. And when the picture with her dissipates in memories, the job is done, the stage has been passed and the air around is so fresh and discharged... she appears again)

The muse draws the energy of inspiration from everything that surrounds her; this Divine Joy can be given to her by sudden rain or swimming in the river, a cup of morning coffee or an autumn wind plucking leaves, exciting game, sleeping on pleasant bedding, an accidental touch, a soft song...

The Muse archetype manifests itself in a woman when she has already passed certain stages and initiations. When she honestly sees all the processes taking place in herself and those around her. A woman knows her Muse only after being rooted in her wisdom, in her womb. When you feel well the space and what is happening in it, when you are connected with the Divine part of your soul. The energy of inspiration is given open mind, this feeling is the very middle connecting the Earthly and Divine. The fruits of inspiration and Living Creativity are everything beautiful on Earth and in human life. Inspiration is the very breath of life. And the Woman Muse will always remind you of this.

Woman Muse (Fairy).

She is very easy to talk to, and at the same time very wise; she is kind, and at the same time she does a lot; she is caring and active, creative and very open-minded... As soon as she appears somewhere, for some reason everyone becomes happier, more interesting, brighter, cleaner, simpler. She always brings the best with her. human qualities, an atmosphere of happiness and joy. This woman inspires everyone who comes into contact with her, she heals, supports, helps, gifts... It seems that she is a Fairy from fairy tale. And her guiding star is life for others!

The Muse Woman (Fairy) is beautiful, gentle, you can only admire her, you want to learn from her, feed from her magical powers and opportunities.

Her only difficulty is to maintain a balance of helping others and taking care of herself - otherwise she may overspend her internal reserves and be left without strength, having used up her reserves vital energy. In this case, she can literally lie down and for a long time to recover, ceasing to realize its magical mission for some time. True, at this time those around him have the opportunity to thank their Fairy by helping her heal.

This heroine first appeared, like the others, in the first season of the series in the second episode. Muse's birthday is May 30th. And she was born on the planet Melody. The girl's mother - great singer, who died when her daughter was still a baby. The father is a professional pianist, after the stress of the afternoon from the death of his wife, he himself abandoned music lessons and forbade his daughter to study it. This ban led to a quarrel between the daughter and her father.


There's quite a lot in the girl bad habits, one might even say that she has them in abundance. This agile and always cheerful fairy loves to play pranks on her friends, but unfortunately, all her jokes can often offend a person and they border on black humor.


A fairy named Muse has a rather unusual and at the same time interesting appearance, we can say that she has an Asian appearance. Her skin is white, and she looks very good against the background of long black hair and almond eyes. A girl with such an appearance is hard not to notice. The wings of this fairy are transparent and have a blue tint, with lilac stripes in the middle of the wings. The girl's charmix is ​​a treble clef, as well as a bag that is placed on her hips in the form of a CD player.


Fairy Muse has the same abilities that her mother had, they were passed on to her from her mother. And the fairy’s mother was the fairy of rhythms and music.

Interests and hobbies

Muse devotes all the time she can to playing the guitar and saxophone, and she also loves to be in the company of her friends. It is worth saying that the girl absolute pitch and her voice is her huge plus.

At the beginning of her training, Muse liked a guy named Riven, but it so happened that this young man was under the influence of the witch’s spell. Muse's heart seemed broken, and this incredible pain made the sweet but mischievous girl's hatred of witches even stronger.

Pictures Winx Musa