Who is the fairy muse? Fairy Muse from Winx - pictures, songs and photos

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An explosive character and an incredible craving for art - all this perfectly characterizes the blue-haired fairy of music and harmony Muse.

She had the happiest early childhood, both of her parents famous musicians, whose concerts attracted listeners from all over the city. But one day a terrible thing happened... the girl’s mother died, and her father, unable to bear it, decided to give up creative work forever.

When the time came to enter the school of sorceresses, Muse did not hope for anything good. But a miracle happened, there she found new friends in the very first days and her adventures in the Winx Club began...


1) Before she met and other girls, she was very lonely. The muse never admits this to anyone, because she doesn’t want to seem weak.

2) Several times the heroine was close to finally breaking off relations with. But in the end she realized that she couldn’t imagine life without this guy.

3) The fairy has an amazing potential for creativity and can easily replace any of the participants music group"Winx".

4) She plays the piano and guitar best, and also sings incredibly beautifully.

5) The Muse easily gets angry and starts an argument with other people, and calms down even faster and offers peace.

6) Because of her unusual energy, the girl could have ended up in a witch school, but she chose Althea.

7) She likes simplicity and comfort in clothes; unlike other fairies, she prefers sneakers to high-heeled shoes.

Beautiful pictures with the Muse

All free time the girl practices playing the guitar, piano and other favorite instruments. No matter how well she does, she tries to do even better.

This looks great on her black dress while meeting with friends and their boyfriends.

Have you already guessed what Muse’s favorite time of year is? Winter! The fairy rejoices at the first snow as if Small child, happily makes snowmen and throws snowballs at everyone who didn’t have time to hide.

Emotions always flow over the edge; there has never been a day when the heroine looked indifferent.

Her wardrobe contains no fewer outfits than Stella’s, which means there is always plenty to choose from.

A funny picture with Bloom and Muse from the series where the friends got lost in the swamps and did not immediately find a way out. I wonder why the fairies made such funny faces?

After several years of trials, pain and misunderstandings, we can finally say with confidence that Muse and Riven are made for each other and will be together until the very end. The lovers now even perform together!

Guys absolutely love her style and arouses envy in passing girls. There's no denying that she was born an impeccable beauty.

Pink and red dominate the spells of this fairy of harmony, and any villain knows that she is a force to be reckoned with.

And finally...

The muse loves everyone who values ​​art. It doesn’t matter whether you paint pictures, write poetry, draw comics, dance ballet, or sing at concerts. The main thing is that you develop creativity in yourself and thereby decorate the world around you!

Musa is from the planet Harmonic Nebula. When Muse was very young, her mother died, and now she lives with her father. Although her mother had a fantastic voice and her father was a pianist, after the death of his wife he gave up music and demanded it from his daughter. Once he even threatened to take away the Muse from Alfea for appearing at a concert in the Red Fountain. At the beginning of the series, Muse is 16 years old, her birthday is May 30th, and her magic sign is Elf.

The muse loves music, dancing, singing, she loves to play all kinds of instruments, but her favorite is the flute. The muse always plays very well, but she does best when she plays for herself alone. The muse does not like simple songs, she loves songs that have deep meaning, and whose lyrics are written with soul.

Of all the girls in the Winx Club, Muse has the best grades in Alfea, with the exception of Tecna. Outwardly, Muse is very beautiful: she has bright skin, eastern type faces and Blue eyes. Her strength is music and she in turn draws her energy from music. Pixie Muse-Tune, a pixie of manners, and they quarrel very often, because they are almost complete opposites.

In terms of behavior, Muse is sometimes very similar to a tomboy, but at the same time she is the most vulnerable of all the girls in the Winx Club. And in life she is more of a loner, and her relationship with Raven was very problematic. In the third season, she even decided to break up with Raven, but they soon began dating again.

In the series:

In the first season, Muse is shown as a tomboy. She proves herself to be witty and cheerful girl. Despite this, she is very vulnerable and acutely perceives her failures and problems in her relationship with Riven. Like the other Winx in the first season, she learns to be part of the team and a friend.

In the second season, Muse becomes close to Leila because they both feel like outsiders in some ways and both love to dance. At the same time, Muse gradually becomes closer to Riven, and even earns her Charmix when she decides to trust him. At the end of the season, they finally start dating and show their feelings for each other for the first time.

In the third season, together with the other Winx Muse, she learns about the new transformation of fairies - Enchantix and earns it when she does not agree to leave her friend who could have died in the library fire. But perhaps the most important moment For Muse, the moment of choosing between the last Water Star and the opportunity to meet and live with her mother again is very difficult. And although it was one of her most cherished desires, The Muse could not sacrifice the peace and tranquility of the entire universe and refused in favor of last star. This act deserves respect.

In the fourth season, Muse and the other Winx went to Earth in search of the last fairy of the Earth. The muse showed her talent as a singer on Earth, so she was noticed important producer. And here again in Once again the Muse/Riven couple had to go through tests of doubt, trust and feelings. Perhaps this couple suffers more than others different problems and difficulties. Even more precisely, mutual misunderstanding.

In the fifth season, Muse will receive a new transformation, Sirenix, and will face a new enemy, Tritonus. The details of this adventure will be known later when Winx season 5 is released.


Muse's daily outfit consists of a red top, a lilac armband, which is placed on both hands, but more often on the right, baggy jeans and red sneakers. Her outfit from Season 2 looks different. It consists of a turquoise checkered top, a red belt worn over the top and trousers, and half gloves.

In the first two seasons, Muse appears with an unchanged hairstyle - two short ponytails, and in the third she grew them with the help of a spell and now wears long ponytails. This happened in the first episode of the third season, in which Muse agreed to changes in her appearance. Her Winx outfit consists of a red sparkly top and a matching miniskirt, connected by a sheer pink fabric. The Winx outfit also includes high red boots and lilac headphones. The wings of the Muse are transparent blue with lilac wings in the middle. Charmix Muses is a musical key and a hip bag in the form of a CD player. Muse earned her Charmix for telling Raven her feelings despite Darcy's presence.

In subsequent seasons, Muse repeatedly changed various outfits, dressing together with other Winx in sports, ballroom and casual outfits. But her color scheme always remained red and burgundy.

Magic abilities:

Since the Muse of the planet Melody, her abilities and attacks are somehow related to music and sound waves. The muse can create sound vibrations and impulses that lead to an explosion. Or surround the enemy with virtual speakers and deafen them with incredibly loudbass. She is able to hypnotize opponents and block line of sight and reach. The muse is capable of creating protectivewalls and barriers.

Interesting things:

Winx creator Inginio Straffi said in an interview that the image of the Muse was partially based on actress Lucy Liu.

The name of the Muse may be related to Greek goddesses arts -Muses, or by the word Music, which equally reflects her character.

In the original version of the series, Muse was supposed to have short green hair and carry a flute with her everywhere.

Many people believe that Muse is very similar to Kaoru from the anime “Young Revolutionary Girl Utena”.

Muse's basic hairstyle changed the most frequently throughout the series.

Muse, unlike most of the Winx girls, is not a princess of her home planet.

He first appears in the second episode of the first season, "Welcome to Magix". Muse was born on May 30 on the planet Melody. Her mother, great singer, died when Muse was not even six years old, and the baby’s father, a professional pianist, decided to give up music forever and forbade his daughter to develop musical talent. Because of this for a long time she was in a quarrel with dad. Muse is a fairy of harmony, the power was inherited from her mother. She can greatly amuse her friends and manages to make some sarcastic remarks at the arrogant Stella. The muse loves to play musical instruments, especially on guitar and saxophone. In her first year of study, she really liked a guy named Riven, and she tried to get his attention. Although she had a rival, one of the Trix witches - Darcy. The muse suffered greatly when Riven fell under Darcy's hypnosis and was completely in her hands. After this, the Muse began to hate all witches, and they answer her in kind. Subsequently, Riven was able to get rid of Darcy's influence, and he admitted to Muse that he liked her. But they became a couple only in the middle of season 2, and in the subsequent episodes they did not agree in character, it even got to the point that Muse wanted to break up with Riven, but everything worked out. Everyone tells Muse that she has musical voice, although you can only hear it when she sings. She loves to make fun of her friends and sometimes it is dark humor. In the second season, Muse sang at one of the concerts a song that her mother once sang. That day she had finally made peace with her dad, and he allowed Muse to continue musical career. Bonds of friendship connect Muse with the pixie of good manners - Tune, although they were complete opposites. The muse was full bad habits, because of which they often did not get along with each other, but Tune still managed to re-educate Muse, and already in the third season she changes her character and style, which is even more visible in the fourth season. They are also united by an understanding of music and harmony. Her roommate is Tecna, aka best friend Muses, but also a feminist, Leila became a close friend of Musa, sharing her problems and difficult moments. Muse acquired her Charmix third when she told Riven that she would not be afraid to leave him alone with Darcy and that she trusted him completely. She received her Enchantix third when she saved Melody Princess Galatea during the fire in Alfea's library.

The muse has an Asian appearance. She is white-skinned, with blue eyes. Her hairstyle is two black high ponytails with a bluish tint, short in the first and second seasons, and long in the third. Muse's daily outfit consists of a red top with one strap, a lilac armband that is placed on both arms, but more often on the right, baggy jeans with long patch pockets and youth-friendly sneakers. Her outfit from the second season looks more elegant and feminine. It consists of a turquoise plaid top, red leather belt, worn over a top and trousers, as well as long mittens. In season 4, Muse completely changes her style, wearing long flowing hair, a dark pink jumper, a plaid skirt, white knee socks and heels.

Muse's fairy outfit consists of a red sparkly top and skirt held together by a sheer red fabric. Her Winx outfit also includes tall red boots with a high platform and lilac headphones. The wings of the Muse are transparent blue with lilac stripes in the middle. Charmix Muse - musical treble clef and hip bag in the form of a CD player.

The Muse's costume in Enchantix is ​​a red and yellow top with yellow ribbons and a red skirt with a ribbon. Long gloves on hands Pink colour, yellow ribbons on legs, hair tied up in two big tail with pink elastic bands in the shape of rose petals, small on the head gold Crown, paired wings with purple rhinestones. The Muse's magic pollen is in a pink oval vessel.

The Muse costume in Believix is ​​a crimson top and light purple breeches with a belt. On her feet are red high-heeled boots and crimson leg warmers. The hair is loose, one strand is braided into a thin braid, there is a thin silver headband on the head, paired red wings with a curly flower.

Sofix: pink shift top; purple sleeves; raspberry pants with a green skirt, green sandals, a headband with a flower in her hair, yellow-pink wings.

Luboviks: light blue top, tight breeches with a belt, long gloves, boots with spats, a necklace on the neck, a headband with precious stones in the hair.

Name: Muse
Original name: Musa
Birthday: May 30
Zodiac sign: Elf
Planet: Melody
Guy: Riven
Pixie: Tune
Animal: Pepe the Bear
Silkies: Sonna
Forces: music and harmony
First appearance: Season 1 Episode 2 "Welcome to Magix"

Muse: Name

Muse Family

Muse's father was a musician, and her mother was young talented singer when they fell in love and fell in love with each other. However, the family was very poor, and soon after Muse was born, her mother fell ill and died. On that day, Muse’s dad gave up music forever, and Muse’s daughter became the meaning of his life. For a long time he considered music to be the cause of all troubles and therefore was against the Muse singing. However, after the 15th episode of the second season, he changed his mind.

Article published on -
The name of Muse's father is never mentioned in the series, but on the website it is designated as Ho-Boe.
Muse's mother's name different sources often spelled differently, but in the series it sounds like Va-Ning.
It's strange that with such double names Muse's parents' name is not Mu-Za. :)
Muse's father appears in the series only once, in the 15th episode of season 2. Mom is shown in the first three seasons (episode 7 of season 1, episode 15 of season 2, episode 22 of season 3). Pictures from are shown in episode 15 of season 2.
Muse's family tree:

Article published on - We were shown only a small piece of melodies from the home planet of the Muse. This piece looks like orange rocks suspended in the orange sky, on which large trees with red leaves grow, and these rocks are connected to each other by wooden bridges. It is not clear how these rocks stay in the air (artificial gravity?) and it is not clear whether the whole planet is like this, or whether this is just a place of remembrance.
In addition to Muse and her parents, another fairy from the same Melody appears in the series - this is Princess Melody Galatea. That is, despite eastern view orange rocks, they live on the planet different people, but they are all clearly partial to music.


Dark blue hair and narrower eyes compared to the rest of the Winx give Muse an Asian appearance. In the first two seasons, Muse wears two short ponytails; in the third, she uses magic to lengthen her hair and get two long ponytails. In the fourth, the hair remains long, the hairstyles are constantly changing. Muse has light skin and dark blue eyes.
According to the interview, Lucy Liu served as a distant prototype for her appearance. And according to the original plan, the Muse should have had green hair.
In the Muse's clothes, perhaps, the color red is most often seen.



Muse is an excellent student, as stated in episode 15 of the first season. In the first seasons, she is often shown studying textbooks, especially in contrast to the carefree Stella.
In the second season, when the Winx studied at the Cloud Tower for several days, she manages to do a good job with the task for the witches.


In the first season, Muse isn't really friends with anyone, but she shares a room with and, in my opinion, gets closer to her than the others. In the second season, she is given a partner during lessons and soon the girls become good friends. It is with Muse that she shares her worries about her dad in the second season and about Riven in the third. In the third season, they show Muse and the two chatting together before going to bed in the same bedroom, which makes it unclear with whom she now lives in the room. However, in the fourth season, there is not only fire, but even smoke left from this friendship. While the friendship between Riven and Nabu is growing stronger, Muse seems to be nothing more than just friends.
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Muse has the most strained relationship with - Muse constantly suffers from her tactlessness, but, however, she herself does not skimp on small teasing in return.


At the very beginning of the series, Muse fell in love with the ambitious Riven, and then in each season this couple appears big problems, which are resolved at the end of the season. Undoubtedly, this couple is the leader in difficulties. You can read more in the article:.


All transformations of Muse (regular, charmix, enchantix, pollen, bilivix, sofix, lavix-lubovix, as well as applications to bilivix) can be seen in this video clip:

Various differences

  • The muse was seen playing the flute, saxophone and guitar. Her favorite instrument seems to be the flute. And this is good, because a piano would be very inconvenient to carry around.
  • In the second season, Muse gains a fan named Jerad. It seems that this is the only time when one of the Winx is kissed by someone other than her official boyfriend.
  • Muse received her charmix when she began to trust Riven.
  • Muse received her enchantix when she refused to leave Princess Galatea in the burning library.
  • In Season 3, Muse was one of three fairies who visited the Crystal Maze and received water stars. Muse was offered to return her mother, whom she lost in early childhood, but the Muse chose a water star.
  • Muse has the most “fun” relationship with Trix. Darcy took Riven away from her, then Muse slapped Icy in the face, and in the second season she defeated Stormy one-on-one twice (Stormy even drew her on her mirror, hatching a plan for revenge).

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Collage with Muse from the official Winx website: