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Tell me, which of your children doesn’t like Chupa Chups? We are sure there are no such people. And let’s be honest, even adults often like to indulge in this tasty “sucker.” However, the composition of the candies presented in shop windows today and hidden behind bright candy wrappers is frightening. We advise you not to poison your children with store-bought chemicals, even such tasty ones, because you can prepare lollipop at home. This is what we, dear visitors of our portal, will do right now.

To make Chupa Chups at home you will need:

Juice (to your taste, preferably homemade) – 2 tablespoons,

Sugar – 4.5 tablespoons,

Cake powder - optional.

1. Combine juice and sugar.

2. Place on the fire and wait for the sugar to dissolve. Then turn down the heat and simmer for another 7 minutes. Some say that the caramel will turn out transparent if you do not disturb it during cooking, but in this case it is possible that the sugar will burn to the bottom of the pan, which is not possible. in the best possible way will affect the taste of the candy. The lesser of two evils, as they say, is up to you to choose.

3. Pour the finished caramel into molds (classic silicone ones for cupcakes are suitable).

4. Insert sticks into the mixture that has not yet hardened (these can be toothpicks with blunt ends, sticks from already eaten lollipops or ice cream). If desired, you can sprinkle cake sprinkles on top.

5. Homemade lollipops are ready to eat after the caramel mass has completely hardened. Treat your children to them, you can, without a twinge of conscience, enjoy the delicious and, most importantly, absolutely safe caramel in terms of composition.

If you want to visually bring homemade lollipops as close as possible to those sold in stores, you can use the following method.

After that, how to cook caramel according to the recipe indicated above, pour it into tablespoons and let cool slightly. The caramel will begin to thicken in a few minutes, at which time begin forming balls from it. Insert toothpicks or plastic ear sticks cleaned of cotton into the balls that have not yet hardened. Leave the candies for a couple of hours to harden. Done, you can spoil your children, they are unlikely to distinguish what you have prepared from simple ingredients at home, store-bought lollipop.

4 thoughts on “How to make lollipop at home”

The recipe seems normal, but I think it won’t work.

I succeeded.


How to make Chupa Chups

Chupa Chups is a colorful, delicious caramel in the form of a ball on a stick. This is one of the favorite treats of kids, which they constantly beg from their parents. But these caramels often cause not only unnecessary waste of money, but also problems with children's health in the form of allergies and eating disorders. If this topic is close to you, and you doubt the quality of store-bought treats, make your own Chupa Chups!

On the eve of the season of fresh berries and fruits, this homemade lollipop recipe is worth taking note. So, the process of preparing this masterpiece is as follows:

  • Take 250 g of any berries of your choice (you can make a berry mix or use each type separately). These can be bananas, kiwi, pears, joshta, raspberries and other berries.
  • Beat the berries in a blender and for sweetness add 150 g of sugar and 5 tbsp. l. honey Depending on the type of berries, the amount may vary, so taste the puree to ensure it is sweet enough.
  • Now transfer the resulting mass into a saucepan and simmer over low heat for 40 minutes, stirring frequently.
  • After this, grease the round molds with oil and spread the caramel mass over them, insert toothpicks or plastic skewers.
  • Place the lollipops in the refrigerator to harden.

Bye fresh berries not ripe, you can use the whole variety of berry flavors in the form of juice and fruit drink. The recipe is very simple, so you can safely involve little helpers in the work.

  • Take 150 g of juice and 400 g of sugar, place these products in a saucepan and cook.
  • When the liquid begins to boil, reduce the gas and begin stirring it vigorously for 20 minutes.
  • Then remove the caramel from the stove and let it cool slightly.
  • Wet your hands with water, take a teaspoon of caramel mixture and roll into a ball in your palms.
  • Now insert a stick into it and place it on a plate.
  • Use all the caramel this way.
  • Now decorate all the lollipops with confectionery sprinkles or chocolate chips and put them in the refrigerator for an hour.

You can experiment a little and make a real chocolate lollipop.

  • Mix in a metal bowl 400 g sugar, 20 g cocoa, 25 g honey, 50 ml water and 50 ml vegetable oil(refined!).
  • Boil the chocolate mixture until it begins to thicken very much.
  • Then roll out round lollipops from the slightly cooled caramel and stick sticks into them.
  • If desired, you can sprinkle the lollipops with nut crumbs or coconut.

You can make caramel not just tasty, but also very healthy, by adding dairy products.

You can do it like this:

  • In a saucepan, mix 100 g of cream, 200 g of sugar and a bag of vanillin.
  • Cream can be replaced with milk, but then you need to add fat. This will require 40 g of oil.
  • Heat the milk mass until the sugar is completely dissolved and let it boil a little.
  • When the mixture acquires a caramel smell and color, remove the pan from the heat.
  • Pour the caramel into molds or form into balls, stick the sticks into the caramels and give it a little time to harden.

This is how easy it is to make homemade Chupa Chups without the hassle and complex ingredients. Now you can please your or your neighbor's kids with caramel candies.

Multi-colored, sweet lollipops with different flavors are the favorite sweet of kids and adults. Their selection in the store is so wide that sometimes you can get confused in front of the counter. But making candy is not just the province of large confectionery factories. You can create a real caramel miracle with your own hands in your kitchen. 1 How to make sugar candy Sugar candies are prepared […]

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Candy lovers don't always know what manufacturers use to make their favorite sweets. But if adults can eat their favorite delicacy without fear, then the child’s body may suffer a little from all sorts of synthetic components. If you have repeatedly wondered how to make candy with your own hands from healthy ingredients, then this collection delicious recipes just for you. 1 […]

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Chupa Chups at home - nothing could be easier

How to make Chupa Chups at home to please children? If your family loves this delicacy, then you can learn how to cook it at home, saving money. After all, kids adore colored lollipops; they are capable of causing delight, and their attractive appearance already teases the taste buds. By treating your child's guests, you will definitely surprise each of them. In addition, it is important that you will be confident in its quality. After all, when cooking at home, you will not use various harmful chemicals and preservatives.

How to make homemade lollipop for you step-by-step instruction cooking at home. For creativity in the culinary field, you should stock up on:

  • the most ordinary toothpicks, or better if you find plastic sticks.
  • molds; if you don’t have round ones, feel free to take freezing molds. Kinder containers will also work.
  • shiny candy wrappers, because the very process of unwrapping your favorite treat is a whole prelude for a child.

Let's get down to the process of making chupachups at home.

  1. Take 100 grams of your favorite fresh fruit, maybe bright, juicy berries. Bananas, strawberries, wild strawberries, and cherries may work well. To make it sweet, you need a handful of sugar and a few spoons of honey.
  2. Blend the fruits in a blender; you can turn them into puree in any other way.
  3. Sweeten the puree with honey and add a little sugar.
  4. Heat until the sugar turns into fragrant caramel.
  5. Distribute into any molds, wait for the resulting deliciousness to thicken.
  6. Place sticks into each candy.
  7. Quickly put them in the refrigerator before the children eat them at this stage.

As you can see, making homemade chupa chups with your own hands is very easy and interesting. Feel free to involve your kids in the cooking process, tell them the instructions, and let the child try to create on their own.

Homemade Chupa Chups can be as close as possible to their store-bought counterparts at home.

  1. Open a can of juice, a good housewife will always have homemade juice, if not, then you need store-bought juice, but as close to natural as possible. A couple of spoons will do. A few spoons of sugar, as well as sprinkles for Easter cakes or cakes. This will already be a multi-colored decor of the dish.
  2. Mix juice with sugar.
  3. Place on the stove and let the sugar melt into the juice. Afterwards, turn down the heat and simmer for a few minutes. Don’t blink, you can’t let the caramel burn, because homemade chupa chups with the taste of burnt sugar are definitely not included in your plans. Stir, because caramel is a capricious thing, you need an eye and an eye.
  4. When everything is ready, distribute it into beautiful molds. If you decide to do exact copy sweets from the store, then wait until the mixture begins to cool, then safely clean hands roll the coveted balls. The process of making them is entertaining, instruct your child to help you, let him make his own candy. Whether it comes out smooth or clumsy depends on your sleight of hand.
  5. Stick the sticks into the balls.
  6. Decorate with colorful sprinkles.
  7. Refrigerate until completely cooled.

Rest assured, even under a magnifying glass, such homemade lollipops cannot be distinguished from store-bought ones. And cooking will turn into an exciting game.

Do-it-yourself chocolate chupa chups “Shokobum”

The recipe for preparing Chupa Chups is ridiculously simple. Having prepared it for the first time according to these instructions, you will be surprised why until now you were throwing money away by buying thickly colored candies on supermarket shelves. Instructions for action:

  1. Take a couple of glasses granulated sugar, a couple of spoons of cocoa, a spoonful of honey, a quarter glass of water and the same amount of odorless vegetable oil.
  2. Mix all ingredients in a deep bowl, or in a saucepan. It must be metal.
  3. Place it on the stove and wait until all this brew, which smells very attractive, begins to thicken.
  4. Remove from heat, when it cools down, roll into balls, you can show remarkable imagination and sculpt an animal’s face from the mass - this is if you decide to conquer your household.
  5. Stick the sticks into the resulting candies and let them cool thoroughly. The aroma will spread even to your neighbors, so don’t forget to treat them too.

You can also make chupachups a work of art at home. It doesn't require you to be a design expert or have Michelin stars. You can take any recipe and add a little imagination. The tastes of Chupa Chups can be the most unimaginable.

Creamy apple chupa chups “Secret of Eden”

Very tasty dish! This is just right to serve even to the most important guests, and children will only get benefits and a lot of pleasure from devouring it. Let's experiment. To make homemade Chupa Chups, you must take small apples. Any variety of delicious apples small size it will come in handy. A glass of sugar, 5 tablespoons of medium-fat cream, a spoonful of butter, a whisper of vanilla, or a little more vanilla sugar, any nuts for decoration.

The recipe for preparing this culinary masterpiece is unexpectedly simple:

  1. Pour the sugar and cream into a bowl with a thick bottom so that you can safely heat it over the fire. Cook, you will see that you get a delicious creamy mass.
  2. Wash the apples and place them in suitable molds, be sure to immediately insert the chopsticks into them.
  3. Do you know how to check the readiness of caramel? If it freezes quickly cold water, then this is the very moment of readiness - just drop a drop of caramel into the water.
  4. When your caramel is ready, stir in butter and sprinkle with vanilla. Grind everything so that there are no lumps or pieces left.
  5. Slowly pour the caramel over the apples, holding them by the stick. Try to remove excess glass. To make the homemade chupachups look presentable.
  6. Chop the nuts to make small pieces.
  7. Dip the Chupa Chups in this mixture and put it in the refrigerator.

You can equally successfully use any round fruit to make homemade Chupa Chups, but they won’t work with seeds. For a variety of colors and tastes, you can mix any natural dyes into the caramel.

Homemade Chupa Chups will allow you to show your creativity and imagination. Create, create. Believe me, the child will appreciate your efforts. Involve children in the process collaboration will bring you closer to your baby, making him feel important and needed.

These round caramels on a stick are a favorite treat for several generations of children. Who in childhood did not hunt specifically for “chupik” with chewing gum or banana-chocolate flavor?

Today, caramel on a stick is produced not only under the Chupa Chups brand. Such candies are made by many factories around the world. With different tastes, different color and size - choose what you want! And if you are not satisfied with the assortment in the store, you can spend a little time and make such a candy right in your kitchen!

“Homemade” lollipops can be much more fun than store-bought ones!

Chupa chups based on juice or drink

To make lollipop you will need:

  • 1 glass of any fruit juice, Coca-Cola or Fanta,
  • 1.5 cups granulated sugar


  1. Pour the juice into a metal bowl or saucepan. Add all the sugar there. Stir.
  2. Place a bowl of juice and sugar on the fire. Stirring, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 40 minutes. The mixture should thicken. If you are making candy with juice, cook the caramel until it darkens. When making candies from Coca-Cola, be guided by the time.
  3. Pour the thick mixture into tablespoons and let it cool slightly.
  4. Meanwhile, prepare the chopsticks. For this purpose, you can use wooden toothpicks, decorative skewers of a suitable size, and even cotton buds, from which the cotton wool must first be removed.
  5. When the caramel has cooled to a temperature where the mixture does not burn your fingers but remains elastic, form into balls. Remove the caramel mixture from the spoons and roll it into a ball. Insert the prepared stick into the ball and leave the candy for several hours until it hardens completely.

An example of the design of homemade lollipops

Chupa-chups based on jam

You will need:

  • fruit jam,
  • cloves (optional)
  • powdered sugar,
  • chocolate glaze.


  1. Place the jam in a saucepan, place over low heat and cook until it thickens. Add cloves if desired.
  2. Let the mixture cool. Form the jam into balls of the desired size. Stick the sticks into them.
  3. Dip the candies in powdered sugar and leave for several hours until cool. Cover with chocolate glaze.

If the shape of the candy is not important to you, you can experiment with it. It is very convenient to pour the caramel mixture into silicone baking or ice molds. They are small in size, so you can use them to make candies in the shape of hearts, bears, cubes and other figures.

Chupa Chups is a favorite treat for children. But store-bought lollipops are unreliable, because they are made mainly of chemical components. So, to avoid allergies or eating disorders, make lollipops at home. It's fast, simple and useful!

Classic recipe

Important! Don't use powdered sugar as it won't give you the desired effect. This and other recipes require granulated sugar!


  • molds for lollipops;
  • large saucepan;
  • toothpicks, wooden sticks or skewers;
  • heat-resistant glass container;
  • foil or transparent paper.

Please note that in addition to ingredients, you will definitely need wooden sticks and transparent paper or foil to make candy. Keep this in mind for subsequent recipes.

How to make lollipop at home:

  1. First, take the molds and moisten them. Insert the prepared sticks into the molds;
  2. Take a large iron container and mix the main ingredients: syrup, sugar and water;
  3. Place the mixture over medium heat and stir until the sugar dissolves;
  4. Bring the liquid to a boil without stirring;
  5. At 130 degrees Celsius, pour the coloring into the bowl and add the flavoring;
  6. Bring the mixture to 150 degrees Celsius and remove from heat.

Important! Keep an eye on the temperature as it rises very quickly from 120 degrees Celsius.

  1. Carefully pour the mixture into a glass container;
  2. Pour the resulting syrup into molds, and then place them in the refrigerator until hardened;
  3. After 2 hours, remove the resulting lollipops and wrap them in foil or candy wrappers. Chupa Chups are ready!

Fruity option

Required components:

  • sugar – 300 g;
  • freshly squeezed fruit/berry juice (we use cherry juice in the recipe) – 200 ml.

Tip: if you don’t have juice, you can make compote from any berries without sugar.

It takes about an hour to create lollipops.


Recipe for fruit lollipop at home step by step:

Chocolate treat

Required ingredients:

  • sugar – 400 g;
  • cocoa powder – 50 g;
  • honey (preferably homemade) – 25 g;
  • boiled water – 50 ml or 5 parts of a glass;
  • oil (refined vegetable) – 50 ml.

The lollipops take an average of about 75 minutes to create.

Calorie calculation:

How to make chocolate lollipop:

  1. Mix all available products in a metal bowl;
  2. Place the bowl on the stove and wait for the caramel mixture to thicken for about half an hour;
  3. Remove the syrup from the heat and wait until it cools enough to handle;
  4. Roll chocolate caramel into balls or, using your imagination, mold various animals. You can simply pour the chocolate mixture into molds;
  5. Insert sticks into the resulting caramel;
  6. Wrap the candies in foil or candy wrappers and leave them to cool for 2.5 hours.

Milk treat recipe

Required components:

  • butter– 50 ml;
  • vanillin – 1 p. or 2 g;
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • cream – 100 g.


  • wooden sticks;
  • foil or candy wrappers.

It takes about 40 minutes to prepare the sweets.

Calorie table:

Recipe for making milk Chupa Chups:

  1. Combine cream and sugar in a metal bowl or saucepan;
  2. The resulting liquid should be placed on medium heat and cooked until the sugar dissolves;
  3. When the mixture acquires the color and aroma of caramel, add a packet of vanillin and butter to it. Grind everything so that there are no lumps left;
  4. Remove the iron container from the heat and pour the caramel into molds or make balls;
  5. Insert the sticks into the caramel and let it cool for about 3 hours. The lollipops are ready!

Carbonated drink based candies

Required ingredients:

  • sugar – 300 g;
  • sweet soda – 1 glass or 250 ml.


  • foil or candy wrappers;
  • wooden stick.

Making the delicacy takes about 40 minutes.

Calorie calculation using Coca-Cola:

Calorie calculation using Fanta:

Calorie calculation using "Sprite":


  1. Mix all ingredients in a metal container and place over medium heat;
  2. After waiting for it to boil, cook the mixture over low heat (the average time is 30-40 minutes);
  3. The thickened caramel mass can be poured into prepared molds, or you can make candies from it yourself;
  4. Insert the sticks into the resulting lollipops and leave them to harden for 2.5 hours.

  • experiment with appearance lollipops: their color and shape! You can take not only different molds, but also turn caramel into beautiful creations with your own hands. And different colors can be achieved using different food colorings;
  • For a pleasant aroma, use various flavorings, which can be citrus fruits, for example, lemon zest or coffee. If the candy is intended for adults, try adding a little rum;
  • We recommend pouring caramel into small baking molds;
  • choose juice with those fruits or berries whose taste you want to be in future candies!
  • ready-made candies can be decorated with any topping: nuts or coconut flakes;
  • You can use small fruits as the basis for candies, for example, apples, which you simply dip into the resulting caramel! It will not only be sweet, but also healthy;
  • The question often arises about whether it is possible to make a large lollipop. Yes, it is possible to do this, the only question is finding a suitable mold. If you don’t have a large mold, you can take two bowls, fill them first, and after the caramel mixture has hardened, seal them together!

Chupa chups prepared at home according to any of the recipes listed above will be tasty and healthy. It will be impossible to distinguish them from store-bought ones! On average, you will spend 30-60 minutes preparing lollipops. Don't forget to involve your children in this exciting process!

Chupa Chups is one of children's favorite treats, a tasty and bright caramel on a stick. However, a store-bought product is definitely not something you can give to a small child.

Flavors, dyes, preservatives, various E-additives and other not the most attractive components, the safety of which is under huge question - all this forces parents to say a firm “no” to a child who asks for sweets. In order not to worry about the health of the baby, prepare lollipop with him at home.

In terms of its set of components, this delicacy differs little from those cockerels on a stick. To be honest, it is not different at all, since it is ordinary burnt sugar with fruit juice, syrup or clean water and certain flavoring additives. Of course, there is a whole list of chemical (artificial) elements in a store-bought product, but they are intended only to change color, taste or aroma. That is, they do not affect the quality components of the product in any way, and therefore do not make sense. How to make lollipop at home?


  • Granulated sugar - 300 g
  • Freshly squeezed berry juice - 200 ml


It is enough to wrap the prepared lollipops in colored candy wrappers or regular foil so that nothing sticks to the caramel and does not deform it, and then leave it to harden in a cool place. In 3-4 hours it will be ready to eat. This candy doesn’t last too long, but children often don’t give it a chance to survive even until the next day.

How to cook Chupa Chups with cream and berry center?

Quite an interesting variation that will appeal to lovers of a soft milky taste: the candy is more like toffee rather than caramel, but just as dense and hard. The fruit filling can be in the form of juice, or it can be in the form of a puree mixed with corn syrup or honey. If the shape is not important to you, you can play with special ice molds in the form of various figures.


  • Granulated sugar - 210 g
  • Fruit jam - 180 g
  • Cream 20% - 5 tbsp.
  • Fresh berries - 100 g
  • Brown sugar - 2 tbsp.


  • Pour granulated sugar into a bowl, add cream, heat in a water bath and wait until the sugar grains dissolve. After this, you need to remove the bowl from the large bowl and place it on the burner, as in the previous recipe.
  • Warm the creamy-sugar mixture again, and after boiling, simmer it for 8-10 minutes until it begins to thicken. Add jam. While stirring, continue to cook over low heat. It will take about 20-25 minutes for the mass to begin to darken and reach for a spoon.
  • Heat the berries and brown sugar in a frying pan, keep covered until the berries release their juice. Let it evaporate, constantly stirring the berries.
  • Cool the caramel to room temperature, scoop a little into your hand, stretch it, place the berries in the center, and roll the caramel into a ball. Place it on a stick and let it harden in the cold.