The smallest child size for newborns. Cap for a newborn. Sizes of hats for newborns

In preparation for the birth of a baby, parents try to purchase all the things required for him. Our ancestors believed bad omen buy things for the baby before he is born, but this is just superstition. You should prepare a dowry for the child in advance: a stroller, a crib, baby care products, diapers and clothes.

The baby will also need a hat from the first minutes of his life. It is still difficult for the baby’s body to cope with thermoregulation, and most of the heat comes out through the head. In almost all maternity hospitals, a newborn is given a hat immediately after birth. It is for this reason that it should be purchased even before the baby is born.

Which hat to buy depending on the season?

When choosing a hat for a baby, you should take into account the period of the year in which he was born. For summer, cotton caps are suitable, and for evening coolness, soft fleece caps will be comfortable, which can later be worn under a warm hat or hood.

For demi-season headwear, you will need knitted or terry hats. For the off-season it is difficult to choose the shape of a headdress: on windy days a hat with ears will come in handy, and for warm weather a coarse woolen one is suitable.

Winter hats should be made of thick, warm material so that they protect the baby well from the cold and wind. Such a hat should cover half of the forehead, completely cover the ears, a little of the cheeks and the entire neck or at least part of it. If you are using knitted hat, you should put a hood over it.

Many hats have a fleece lining inside. Such a hat will protect the newborn from cold and wind, but it should be remembered that fleece is a synthetic fabric, so it is not advisable for it to come into contact with the baby’s skin too often.

Best suited for winter fur hats. However, it costs a lot of money, and not everyone can afford to buy such a thing, especially since the baby will only need it for one season.

Sizes of hats for babies

Often, children's clothing manufacturers indicate the baby's age instead of size. To choose a size, you will have to take your child’s measurements before going to the store. But you can resort to a table with which you can choose a hat for your baby.

The choice of hat should be made based on the circumference of the baby’s head.

Head circumference that corresponds to the child’s age:

  • newborns - 35 cm;
  • three months - 40 cm;
  • six months - 44 cm;
  • nine months - 46 cm;
  • twelve months - 47 cm;
  • eighteen months - 48 cm.

The circumference of the head will indicate the size of the headdress for the baby.

How to choose the right hat for a baby?

Things for a newborn, including a hat, must be purchased before he is born. To choose the right size, you should use these tips:

  • The size of a hat for a newborn corresponds to the circumference of his head.
  • The approximate height and parameters of the baby can be found out from the results of the latest ultrasound.
  • Most children are born with a height of 49 to 55 cm. For this height, sizes 50 - 54 of children's clothing and a hat of size 35 are suitable.
  • Often, the baby's height at birth corresponds to the height of his parents. Because if parents tall, then you should choose clothes size 62, and if parents vertically challenged– from 44 to 50 sizes.
  • Newborns are generally born with a head of 35 cm (circumference) and 13 cm (height or so-called length). You should take these parameters into account when choosing things for your baby or if you suddenly decide to sew or knit something for your baby yourself.

In addition to determining the size, there are clear rules that should be followed when choosing a headdress for a child:

  1. The hat must be made of natural, high-quality and soft fabric. Synthetic fabrics will not provide the newborn with proper comfort.
  2. There should be no seams inside the hat, especially on the back of the head. Such a headdress will put pressure on the skin and rub it.
  3. It is not recommended to purchase too bright hats. The dye they contain can have a harmful effect on the child's skin and cause allergies. If you do buy such a hat, you should check how durable its coloring is. Just wet it, place a white cloth on it and iron it. If paint from a headdress appears on white fabric, you should not put it on your baby.
  4. All parents want to dress their child as beautifully as possible. However, it is not recommended that the baby’s clothes, including the headdress, have too many different ties, bows, buttons, etc. It is necessary to choose a simpler style of hats and other clothing. Due to the large number of details on the clothes, it will be difficult for the baby to move.
  5. If you need a hat for a newborn baby, you should measure the circumference of his head so that it fits him perfectly.

When buying things for a baby, you should choose clothes made from natural materials that do not have internal seams, since the baby’s skin is very delicate and easily vulnerable. Clothes for newborns should be practical and comfortable for the baby!

In view of modern trends, when mothers refuse diapers and onesies, the question arises whether a newborn needs a cap.

A headdress is very important for a baby, because he is still so sensitive and unadapted to this world! The newborn's head has big size relative to the body and loses heat very easily.

Therefore, an uncovered head can cause hypothermia. In addition, the baby’s delicate skin and uncovered fontanelles require protection. Caps are bought in advance, because they are put on immediately after childbirth.

We will help you choose comfortable models and sizes of hats and bonnets for newborns.

The hats do not have ties, so they will not cause unnecessary discomfort to the baby. And two are needed in case one is put on at once, and it naturally gets dirty, and then the newborn is treated and it will be possible to put on a clean hat again. In this case, the size of hats or caps for newborns is 36.

The caps are sewn with ties, which has its advantages - firstly, the ears close better this way, and secondly, the cap does not slide to the side. On the other hand, ties can be unpleasant for the baby; under no circumstances should they be tied tightly. Yes, and when dressing you will have to do more movements, unpleasant for the child, because most children do not like to dress.

Bonnet with ties

Thin bonnets and hats made of cotton or knitwear are worn indoors, for a walk, or in cool weather, under a warm cap. That's why it's good to have several of them.

Pay attention to the quality and naturalness of the materials. The fabric should not be brightly colored. The seams on the products should be made outward so as not to cause discomfort to the child.

In cool weather, in autumn or winter, children wear terry, velor, or knitted hats under their hoods. Models with ties or with ears are preferable in cold and windy weather. Winter hats are made from wool, fleece, and fur. Whether to wear a warm hat under the hood is up to you, depending on the temperature conditions. Do not overheat the child and wrap him up excessively.

Modern mothers have a huge selection of different hats; you can buy them in stores, knit or sew them yourself, or order an exclusive model. Often the hats amaze the imagination with their originality, they can be very cute and touching or funny - in the form of animals or with inscriptions.

Does a newborn need a hat indoors?

Whether to wear a hat to a newborn baby at home is a controversial issue. Under comfortable conditions it is not necessary. But it’s difficult to fight the mother’s desire to protect her fragile head in this way. Rather, protection from prying eyes and accidental touches in public spaces and in the clinic is necessary. Then you should put on a cap when going out.

A small child is very prone to both hypothermia and overheating, so there is no need to excessively insulate the head, as well as create greenhouse conditions in all respects.

Sizes of caps for newborns and children up to six months

The size of hats for newborns is determined by the size of the head circumference in centimeters. It is impossible to predict what size the baby will be born, so you have to buy at random in advance. Although every mother knows approximately whether her child is large or not. After birth, choosing the size of the caps is much easier, since the circumference of the newborn’s head is measured immediately after birth and regularly later.

0 months – 36-38

0-1.5 months – 40-42

1-2 months – 44

3-4 months – 48

5-6 months – 52

Preparing clothes for the future baby - important stage. Even during pregnancy, a woman must take care of the wardrobe of a new family member. Particular attention should be paid to hats. The problem is that newborn babies have poorly established heat exchange processes. It is necessary to cover the baby's head even when it is warm enough outside. How to choose the size of a hat for newborns? Let's try to figure it out.

What hats should a baby buy?

The choice should be made based on the time of year. A mandatory component of a baby’s wardrobe should be a simple knitted hat made of lightweight material. This type of headdress is worn by the baby in the maternity hospital after birth. Therefore, despite superstitions, such a hat must be purchased before the baby is born. It is important that the headdress is made from natural material. Particular attention should be paid to the seams. For a newborn, hats with facings facing outwards are perfect.

It is worth remembering that the baby’s heat exchange processes have not yet been regulated. Therefore, even in relatively warm weather, your baby should wear a knitted hat before going outside. The size of a hat for newborns must strictly correspond to the circumference of the head. Otherwise, cold air will enter the holes.

by season

IN summer period Cotton caps with ties should become a mandatory element of a child’s wardrobe. It is better to purchase up to five of them. You should not wear the same headdress to a newborn for several days in a row. For cool evenings, it’s worth getting a few. They reliably retain heat and do not absorb moisture. It will be much easier to determine the size of a hat for a newborn. The fact is that fleece is an elastic material. One headdress will last a baby for several months.

For spring and autumn, soft terry or knitted hats are suitable. It is better not to buy wool products. This material may irritate baby's delicate skin. Knitted caps made from cotton thread will become excellent option for the demi-season period.

IN winter period A hat for a newborn should protect from wind, moisture and cold. What size should I choose? The choice should be made based on the baby’s head circumference. Under no circumstances should you buy such a wardrobe item for growth. Those who want to save money should pay attention to knitted hats insulated with fleece. They have excellent stretch and can fit equally well on a six-month-old baby or a one-year-old.

Deciding on the size

Some wardrobe items, including hats, have to be purchased before the baby is born. How to be in this case? After all, it is physically impossible to measure the circumference of a baby’s head. The results of ultrasound, which are obtained during the last examination, will come to the rescue. A normal full-term baby usually has a height of 48-56 cm. For such a newborn, 35 is suitable (average head circumference). It is worth purchasing slightly larger hats in advance.

How to determine the size of a hat for newborns? If the baby has already been born, things are much simpler. During an examination with a doctor, which is carried out monthly, parents find out the head circumference and height of the baby. According to average statistics, height 56-62 corresponds to hat size 40. This option is perfect for a three month old baby. When the child reaches six months, you will have to purchase a headdress in size 44. At nine and twelve months, sizes 46 and 48 are suitable, respectively.

How to choose the right hat for your baby?

Particular attention should be paid to the material of the future headdress. Preference must be given natural fabrics and threads. Synthetics can only be present in a product if it does not touch exposed areas of the baby’s skin. For example, a hat can be used, the top layer of which is synthetic and the lining is natural.

For a baby who does not yet know how to sit or sleeps outside a lot, you should choose a headdress without internal seams. Such elements, especially on the back of the head, will cause severe discomfort. Many mothers wonder why their child does not sleep well during a walk. But the whole point is in the wrong headdress.

Particular attention should be paid to the size of the hat for a newborn. Never buy a headdress for a child to grow into. This wardrobe element must strictly correspond to the circumference of the head. A small hat won't work either. As your baby grows, it is necessary to update his wardrobe.

Beauty or convenience?

Nowadays, stores offer a huge range of clothes for newborns and children up to one year old. Parents strive to purchase only the most beautiful and colorful things. However, it is worth remembering that a bright headdress is not the most suitable option. Dyes have chemical composition. Even a simple bright hat can cause a serious allergic reaction.

You also need to be careful with decorative elements. A large number of bows, ruffles and frills will hinder the baby’s movements. It is better to give preference to simple styles with minimal decorative content. Those who want to highlight their baby can create their own hat for a newborn. Dimensions, pattern - all this can be easily found based on the baby’s head circumference in a sewing magazine.

How to save money on children's things?

Babies grow quite quickly. If an adult buys a hat for himself for several years, then the baby has to change up to five hats a year. Not all parents can afford this kind of expense. There are several saving options. First of all, you should ask about the possibility of using things from friends who have older children. Surely there are people who have things lying in their closets without use. You just have to explain what size hat for newborns is needed.

Today, many practically new things for kids can be found on special bulletin boards. Some even sell things with a label two or three times cheaper. Many parents prefer to get rid of children's things for nominal fee. Sometimes you can exchange a whole set of hats for a package of diapers. You can search for advertisements not only on the Internet, but also in the local newspaper.

Should you buy things for your baby in second-hand stores?

IN thrift stores or second-hand stores often offer a huge range of goods for children. Some parents avoid such establishments, while others use such places to purchase stylish things for pennies. There is nothing wrong with visiting second-hand stores. The main thing is that things purchased there are properly processed before use.

After purchasing a headdress that has been used, it must be washed at least three times at a temperature above sixty degrees. You shouldn't buy woolen items. The size of a hat for newborns can be significantly reduced after such heat treatment. After drying, the item is ironed at maximum temperature. So as not to spoil appearance products, you should use a gauze pad.

Making a hat with your own hands

Those who want to dress their baby in exclusive clothes should learn how to make things themselves. Sewing a summer knitted hat is not difficult at all. It is worth choosing natural knitwear with increased elasticity. Microribana or footer are perfect. The headdress is made of two pieces measuring 20 by 20 centimeters. It is not necessary to grind the bottom of the cap. High-quality knitwear should not fray.

For knitting, it is also worth determining the size in advance; you can make an original headdress for girls. It is not necessary to invent intricate patterns. A simple hat, knitted with a column, will look original if you decorate it with several flowers.

Based on the circumference of the head, you can easily determine the size of a hat for newborns. For knitting, it is better to choose natural threads. A summer headdress can be made of cotton. Winter hat knitted from mixed threads (50% acrylic, 50% wool).

Original headband for a little girl

Many mothers of girls in the summer prefer to put a beautiful headband on the baby’s head. This headdress is often used for aesthetic purposes. But you also need to choose the bandage correctly, based on the dimensional characteristics. The bandage should lie neatly on the head, without creating folds or causing discomfort. It is better to wear a sling for a baby who can already sit well. It is advisable to remove your headdress while sleeping.

Let's sum it up

When choosing a headdress for a baby, Special attention It is worth paying attention to the quality of the seams, as well as the material of manufacture. What size is right? If the baby has just been born, it is worth purchasing a size thirty-five cap. In the future, the choice will have to be made based on the circumference of the baby’s head.

The cap should primarily perform the function of thermoregulation. The child must be dressed according to the weather. In the summer, the baby should not be overheated, and in the winter, the baby should not be overcooled. It is advisable to choose a headdress with a minimum of decorative elements. A few bows or decorative stitching will be enough.