Dream interpretation of buying granulated sugar. The meaning of sleep by day of the week

Sugar dreams of complications in home life. You will be consumed by envy and anxiety, although there is no reason for this.

If you ate sugar in a dream, you will have to confront troubles. But know that everything will end better than you expected.

If you were interested in the price of sugar - beware of enemies.

If you see sugar in large quantities, it will be difficult to avoid large losses.

Scattered sugar promises minor damage in business.

If in a dream you dreamed of granulated sugar poured on a hill, you need to balance your diet.

Refined sugar always dreams of losses.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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Seeing Sugar in a dream

Seeing sugar in a dream means that complications will appear in your home life. You will experience feelings of envy until you realize that there is no reason for this. After this dream you will experience a feeling of restlessness and fatigue.

If you eat sugar in a dream, it means that troubles await you soon, which you will resist. Everything will end better than you expected.

If in a dream you are interested in the price of sugar, it means that you are threatened by enemies.

Dealing with sugar in a dream or receiving it in large quantities means that you will have difficulty avoiding large losses.

Seeing scattered sugar promises you little damage in business.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What does the dream Sugar mean?

Eating - you are surrounded by flatterers; buy - a pleasant life; receive as a gift - they seek your love

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

What do Sugar dreams mean?

Represents a nourishing positive element and sometimes signifies a positive need for emotional-sensual relationships.

Interpretation of dreams from the Free Dream Book

Dream about Sugar

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

Dream meaning Sugar

Sugar - Heap, bag, vessel with sugar - sweet life; everything will work out very successfully and without much effort. Eat, cook with sugar - the more good you wish for others, the better off you will be. By dissolving, scattering, selling, you are giving up prosperity and peace. You are looking for difficulties and you will get them in full.

Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

What does Sugar mean in a dream?

Sugar is a nuisance. Sugar is profit, something may soon be good. If you dream of sugar, bread or mushrooms, then there will be profit.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

Meaning of sleep Sugar

If in a dream you saw granulated sugar poured in a heap, you urgently need to balance your diet. Refined sugar always dreams of losses.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation "Food"

Interpretation of sleep Sugar

Seeing sugar in a dream means that an unexpected pleasant gift awaits you. Eating sugar in a dream is a warning that some people want to use you for their own purposes and therefore lie to you. If you dream that you were given sugar, then expect declarations of love. A sugar loaf in a dream foretells great success in business. If a sugar loaf is broken in a dream, then your pride will be wounded, and your desire will not come true the way you want.

Spilling sugar in a dream is a sign of wastefulness or losses that you could have avoided.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does Sugar predict in a dream?

If you dream that you are putting sugar in a cup, this indicates that in real life you are independently trying to make changes, update, make your intimate relationship with a loved one much better and more interesting.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate Dream Book

The meaning of the dream Sugar

Buying sugar in large quantities in a dream means you are in danger of ruin. Carrying a bag of sugar - expect complications in your intimate life.

Cover the berries with sugar - your suspicions are unfounded. If you pour too much sugar into a cup, you will be overcome by selfish interest. Drink tea, etc., without sugar or unsweetened compote, etc. - your calculations will not come true and your hopes will not come true. Lump sugar foreshadows a break in relationships with friends in reality. If you spill sugar by dropping and breaking the sugar bowl, it will be difficult to avoid significant losses. Making moonshine from sugar means having fun.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

See Sugar in a dream

Sweet dreams often bring feelings of anxiety and fatigue. Seeing sugar in a dream means complications in family life; you will experience feelings of envy until you realize that there is no reason for this.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Seeing Sugar in a dream

Seeing sugar in a dream portends joy, fun, deliverance from worries, problems and misfortunes. Sharing sugar in a dream is a sign of uncertainty in your words. Eating sugar in a dream means excessive chatter, gossip and rumors.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

What does the dream Sugar mean?

Buying sugar in a dream means enjoying wealth. Adding sugar to a drink or dish means your troubles will pale in comparison to many happy events.

Imagine putting sugar in tea and drinking it.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Seeing Sugar in a dream

A sign of some upsetting events that you will want to somehow “sweeten.”

At the same time, if the sugar is pure and white: the dream suggests that you can be comforted by simple human joys.

Scatter sugar: portends not very serious, but unpleasant losses.

Sticky Sugar: This is a warning that the pursuit of the “sweet life” can lead to some trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

What do Sugar dreams mean?

A harbinger of family complications, all sorts of troubles, which, however, will not entail terrible, irreversible consequences.

Eating or buying sugar is lucky in love.

Interpretation of dreams from

The Sugar dream is an ambiguous dream that is interpreted differently based on what you did in the dream and what the sugar was like in your dream. A lot depends on what emotions you experienced when you saw sugar in a dream: positive or negative, admiration or contempt. All this and much more will help you find the correct interpretation of your dream. All known dream books are collected here and answers are given to the most common questions that may arise after the dream “Sugar”.

Dream Interpretation by A. Meneghetti

Why do you dream about sugar? This dream is very positive. It may mean that in real life you lack positive emotions.

Summer dream book

  • If you dreamed about sugar or saccharin, in reality you will try to replace one familiar person with another.
  • Sugar in a dream suggests that you or someone else will engage in fawning.
  • Why do you dream of refined sugar and you eat it - the dream foreshadows great joy.

Women's dream book

  • Seeing sugar in a dream is also called a “sweet” dream and can often bring a feeling of anxiety. If you dreamed about sugar in a dream, then in reality you will have to experience a feeling of envy until you yourself understand that you will begin to actively resist it.
  • Eating sugar before bed in a dream means trouble awaits you, and you will actively resist it. But don't worry everything will end well.
  • Why do you dream about a lot of sugar? You may experience losses, but you will have great difficulty avoiding this.
  • Dream Interpretation: Scatter sugar - a slight disruption is expected in your affairs.

Ancient Russian dream book

There is sugar in a dream - this dream suggests that you will receive good news.

Erotic dream book

What does sugar mean in a dream when you put it in a cup - this dream means that in reality you yourself want to make changes or update something in your intimate relationship with your partner or loved one.

Ukrainian dream book

  • Interpretation of the dream: sugar - this dream symbolizes troubles.
  • Why dream of a bag of sugar - this dream suggests that you should expect big profits.

Dream book of the 21st century

  • Interpretation of sleep: sugar - this dream is a harbinger of complications in your family. You will have various troubles that can result in dire consequences.
  • Buying sugar in a dream means great happiness in love awaits you.

Spring dream book

Dream Interpretation: sugar - a dream foretells that only the best awaits you ahead.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Sugar in a dream - the dream book says thatthis dream is a symbol of flattery.

Big dream book

  • Why dream of a bag of sugar - this dream speaks only of good things.
  • Why dream of refined sugar - some difficulties await you.

Dream Book of G. Miller

  • If you dreamed about sugar, Miller’s dream book says that complications will arise in your family relationships. You will have to experience a feeling of envy until you yourself understand that you don’t need to do this without reason. After this dream, you will be overcome by a feeling of anxiety.
  • Seeing sugar in a dream and eating it - soon expect troubles and you will begin to resist them.
  • Dream interpretation: buying sugar or asking the price - in the reality of life you may feel threatened by enemies.
  • If you dreamed of a bag of sugar or you received it, you will have big losses.
  • Scattering sugar in a dream means there will be some damage to your affairs.

Culinary dream book

Dream Interpretation: seeing sugar piled high - this dream gives you a signal that you need to balance your diet.
Dream Interpretation: refined sugar - this dream usually means losses.

Jewish dream book of Azar

Seeing sugar in a dream means that in reality you will have to listen to sweet speeches.

Esoteric dream book

  • If you dreamed of a bag of sugar, a sweet life awaits you. Everything will work out great for you and you don’t need to put in a lot of effort.
  • Why dream of eating sugar or cooking something from it - you need to wish good things to other people more, then you too will feel good.
  • Why dream of scattering sugar - in real life you yourself will give up wealth. You always find difficulties, so you will have plenty of them.

Persian dream book Taflisi

Interpretation of the dream: sugar, candies and everything like that - in reality, pleasant and sweet speeches await you. This dream also foretells small children or even greater benefits.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • Dream book: Eating sugar means there are only flatterers around you.
  • Buying sugar in a dream - this dream is a symbol of a pleasant life.
  • Why do you dream of granulated sugar that is presented to you as a gift - one of the people around you will begin to seek your love.
  • I dreamed about a sugar factory - the dream symbolizes melancholy.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

  • Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about sugar - this dream speaks of a trouble that will happen in your life.
  • Why dream of buying sugar - a pleasant life awaits you in reality. (cm. )
  • Seeing a sugar factory in a dream means that in reality you will go to an unpleasant meeting.

Autumn dream book

Meaning of the dream: sugar - this dream portends an improvement in your life.
If you dreamed about saccharin, you will be too dissatisfied with the events taking place.

Eastern dream book

  • Why do you dream of sugar in a dream? This dream usually means troubles or quarrels in the family. You need to try not to be jealous of your partner without reason, so as not to spoil the relationship.
  • Dream: there is sugar - even if difficulties come in your life, you do not need to pay attention to them, because everything will get better soon.
  • Why dream of selling sugar - you will need to work hard to avoid losses.
  • You dreamed of sugar, and you evaluate it - a threat from enemies awaits you.
  • Dream interpretation: scatter sugar from a bag - your losses in real life will not become too global.

Italian dream book

Seeing sugar in a dream - this dream is positive. In real life, only positive emotions await you.

Family dream book

  • Why do you dream of sugar - difficulties await you in relationships with your family.
  • Eating sugar in a dream means big troubles. But despite all this, everything will work out.
  • Dream Interpretation: a bag of sugar - you can avoid losses in reality.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

  • Seeing sugar in a dream - this dream is a sign that some bad events await you and you will want to “sweeten” them a little.
  • Why do you dream of pure and white sugar sand - you have to be consoled by ordinary human joys.
  • Why do you dream of scattering sugar - in reality, small losses await you.
  • I dreamed about sticky sugar - this dream is a warning. If you are chasing the sweet life, then this can turn into big troubles for you.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

  • Why dream of buying sugar - in reality you may be in danger of ruin.
  • Dream Interpretation: a bag of sugar - you will have complications in your intimate life.
  • Seeing sugar in a dream and pouring it on berries - if you have any suspicions, then the dream suggests that they are in vain.
  • Why do you dream about a lot of sugar - you will have a selfish interest.
  • without sugar - all your hopes in real life will not come true.
  • Dream: refined sugar - in reality you may experience a break in relations with your friends.
  • Dream interpretation: spill sugar or drop a sugar bowl - you will have great difficulty avoiding losses.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

  • Seeing sugar in a dream - this dream means trouble and need.
  • Why dream of eating sugar - some troubles await you in your family life.
  • Why dream of scattering sugar - in reality you will soon have to spend money.
  • Why dream of buying sugar or asking its price - soon you will receive a threat from your enemies.
  • You dreamed of sugar that you dissolve in liquid or tea - this dream suggests that troubles in reality will have a short period of time.


To summarize all of the above, I would like to say once again that Sakha in a dream is mostly a good thing, but, like any rule, there is an exception here too. Therefore, before looking for an interpretation of your dream, pay attention to the details of the dream.

Did you dream about sugar? Most often, the image is a shapeshifter and does not promise anything good in real life, but it warns against mistakes and blunders. Dream books will explain in detail what a sweet product means in a dream.

Why do you dream of sugar according to Miller's dream book?

Sugar as the central image of a dream speaks of difficulties along the path of life; you envy people without any particular reason. After waking up, a person feels anxious and tired, like after a hard day, remembering this dream.

Watching a picture in a dream of how you consume sugar means troubles are possible, but they will be resolved without any special consequences for the dreamer.

You were interested in the cost of granulated sugar - perhaps there are already ill-wishers on the horizon who could harm you. There is a lot of sugar - very complex tricks lie in wait for the sleeper. Avoiding them will require a lot of ingenuity.

Why do you dream about sugar according to Freud's dream book?

Freud interpreted the image of scattered sugar in the form of a small slide as the need to balance the diet in order to avoid unnecessary health problems.

If you see pieces of refined sugar, losses are possible.

What does it mean to dream about sugar according to Vanga’s dream book

A bag of sugar portends that the opportunity to earn additional income opens up before you. You can easily cope with difficult tasks and achieve success.

Sugar should not be given to anyone in a dream, otherwise failure will occur. Make jam from sugar - in reality you live calmly, close people are drawn to you and often want to see you.

Being at a sugar factory means you have big plans in your mind that cannot be realized so easily.

Why do you dream of sugar according to the modern dream book?

Dreaming of granulated sugar foreshadows family problems or some unpleasant events.

If you buy sugar, it foretells happiness in the family.

Why else do you dream about sugar?

  • Rafinated sugar

Such a dream means unpleasant losses. Scattering sugar in a dream means you will lose money due to negligence.

If you chew refined sugar, you will cope with problems in family life without any problems. The main thing is to believe in your victory.

See lump sugar - you will quarrel with your friends.

  • Scatter sugar

The dream may warn you of unexpected losses.

Spilling sugar means that with great difficulty you will be able to avoid losses.

To see it scattered by someone else, you will return what you lost, partially. A large sum of money will be required from you.

  • Granulated sugar

Seeing yourself buying granulated sugar means success awaits the dreamer in the business sphere.

If you consume granulated sugar by the spoonful, problems in real life will be solved very simply and easily.

  • Buy sugar

If you had to drag a bag of purchased sugar, there are possible difficulties in the intimate sphere.

This image also suggests that the time has come to change something in your life: go on a trip, throw away old things, decorate your house in a new way, repair something in your home.

  • Drink unsweetened tea without sugar

You have selfish plans, your dreams may not come true, and your desires may not come true.

  • Making moonshine from sugar

In real life, you will have fun with friends.

  • Dissolved sugar

Presages refusal of wealth. Difficulties may catch you up, and they will hit you hard. When the dreamer puts sugar in his cup, this indicates that you lack intimate relationships.

  • Cooking something from sugar in a dream

In real life, you will get away from unnecessary problems.

Use sugar when cooking

You are suspicious, inventing problems for yourself that do not exist.

  • Looking for sugar in the kitchen

If the dreamer is looking for sugar and does not find it, then the enemies are trying to undermine trust in your person.

  • Sugar bowl full of sugar or sugar lumps

this dream promises a rise up the career ladder.

  • A woman in a dream puts sugar in her cup

Seeing such a picture for a woman means that she doubts the fidelity of her lover.

Sugar is a product whose sweet taste has been loved by most of us since childhood. And even as adults, many cannot deny themselves the pleasure of putting an extra spoonful of sugar in their tea or coffee. As a rule, this product does not cause any negative associations. But is everything so clear if we consider its symbolism in dreams? Why do you dream about sugar? What can the appearance of this product warn the dreamer about?

What does the vision predict?

Different dream books agree that in dreams sugar is not the only positive sign. In many ways, the interpretation of this image depends on the circumstances, in which the sleeper saw it in a dream, from the actions, sensations and even gender of the person who dreamed about this product.

Different culture and philosophy, views on allow you to look at this symbol in a dream from different points of view.

What kind of sugar was it?

Refined sugar in a dream speaks of upcoming romantic events in your life. This can be a pleasant acquaintance if you dreamed of small pieces, and a declaration of love if they were large. Eating sugar cubes in a dream - perhaps your significant other will delight you with a gift.

Scattered sugar by many dream books portends loss. Moreover, its quantity indicates their severity. These could be financial losses, unjustified investments - try to save what you have.

If you dreamed of sugar in bags, in a bag or other container - perhaps in a clean warehouse, where everything is neatly put away and neatly folded - this speaks of upcoming success in your financial affairs. The greater the amount of sugar, the more impressive your success will be.

Powdered sugar in a dream promises success. Making powdered sugar yourself - in reality you will soon get rid of the anxious state that oppresses you.

Sugar bowl in a dream

The sugar bowl, the place where sugar is stored, has an interpretation close to half empty or half full glass in the well-known test for determining an optimist and a pessimist. If a man saw a full sugar bowl in a dream, this indicates probable positive emotions, but an empty sugar bowl, where there should be sugar, portends detachment from friends and a feeling of loneliness.

The interpretation of a dream about a full sugar bowl for a woman is of a different nature - this is a warning that she is overly trusting, which can lead to unnecessary revelations that can be misinterpreted and misunderstood by others.


The correct interpretation of dreamed sugar depends on your actions with it in a dream.

  • Scatter sugar in a dream means facing troubles or losses.
  • Giving someone sugar in a dream - some difficulties may happen to you, but they are completely solvable.
  • Melt or dissolve sugar- means that the sleeper has opportunities to cope with life’s failures.
  • Cooking jam in a dream with sugar - this speaks of home comfort and agreement with your significant other.
  • Searching for sugar in a dream, which were not successful, mean that the sleeper has ill-wishers who seek to cause mischief and tarnish his reputation. If sugar was still found, a positive outcome of this situation is possible.

In drinks and dishes

If you drink tea with sugar, and it seems sweet and pleasant to you, this portends a date or meeting with your significant other, which will leave a good impression.

The sugar from which you make moonshine in a dream indicates that you will soon have a pleasant walk.

If you cook pancakes with sugar in a dream - Career growth is likely awaiting you, success in professional activities.

Whisk sugar and egg whites in a dream means you will buy things you don't need.

Cotton candy

Cotton candy in a dream foretells you a pleasant meeting with a loved one from the past. Perhaps you will meet a childhood friend, classmate or classmate, and this meeting will leave you with a pleasant impression.

If he eats cotton candy in a dream - this means a quick romantic date with a young man, for a married woman - that feelings in their family circle will flare up with renewed vigor.

Of course, it is nice to see joyful events and friendly people in a dream. If in a dream there are pictures of an alarming future, this can cause panic and fear. But often dreams are benevolent and foreshadow changes for the better.

Why do you dream about sugar? Does such a dream foreshadow a sweet life? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream about sugar - basic interpretation

Many people have loved sugar since childhood, because it really makes life sweet. If you dream of a lot of sugar and it is hiding in your hands, do not delude yourself; all seemingly favorable events and great prospects will simply slip out of your hands. They will melt in the literal sense of the word.

If you dream of sugar as black and not white– it’s time for you to pay attention to your health, since you have been too careless with it lately and it has failed. But don’t panic – these are temporary problems that can be resolved quickly. Wanting to eat sugar in a dream means that in reality you lack positive emotions and joyful events, it’s time to decorate your life with positivity, you deserve happiness, so create a holiday and joy for yourself.

If in your dream you dream not of sugar, but of its substitute– you should be attentive to the people around you, some of them are not a friend, but an enemy, they are lurking and planning revenge. His negative character traits will suddenly reveal themselves, and you will be very surprised, since you expected that this particular person would never betray you.

You should also stop any attempts to please you; in fact, this is not a sincere desire, but rather the pursuit of your own goals that you don’t need at all. You should also pay close attention to how you feel after sleep, if you experience weakness and fatigue - such a dream foretells scandals and quarrels in the house, you may lose the trust of your lover and will never regain it.

Why do you dream about spilled sugar? They will try to win you over to their side in a not entirely honest way, which is why you should think first before accepting other people’s invitations and offers of cooperation. The prospects may indeed seem very rosy, but in reality you will be recovering from losses and disappointments for a long time.

If in a dream you look at sugar, but you have no opportunity to eat it– you yourself will begin to envy other people, while you will not feel hostility towards them, you would just like to have what they have, but have not yet been given to you. The dream book warns you not to do this, because you yourself will stop seeing the prospects that life opens up before you. Focus on your result and learn from the experience of those who have already achieved it.

If you get a huge amount of sugar from another person- you will have to suffer losses that cannot be avoided. You should also be on guard if you dream of sugar spilled at your front door. Someone is trying to take your guard off and gain your favor. Also, sugar in a dream can portend receiving good news in reality.

Why do you dream of sugar according to Miller's dream book?

Miller's dream book says that dreams of sugar foretell troubles within the family. They will be long lasting if there is a lot of sugar in your sleep. Eating sugar in a dream means troubles will simply attack you, and you will courageously resist them. But after this confrontation you will feel tired and empty. In order to prepare in advance for all difficulties, it is worth calculating the effectiveness of all your actions in advance.

If you are interested in the cost of sugar in a dream, your enemies are already actively preparing to strike you. If the sugar is completely scattered, changes for the worse are coming in your affairs, you will experience a loss of mutual understanding with your soulmate and a period of disappointment in your own abilities.

If a young girl dreams that she spilled the sugar herself, she will refuse the attention of a particular young man who will seek her. And quite in vain. Because this is a really good partner for her.

If a man dreams of adding sugar to food, such a dream indicates that he himself brings peace and goodness to the house. Thanks to his efforts, love and prosperity reign in the house, but you should be careful not to over-sweeten relationships, as they can become cloyingly sweet and cease to please as before.

If a man dreams of his beloved eating sugar from a spoon, she lacks attention and affection. It’s worth giving them to her, otherwise someone else will do it. The dream book does not say that a woman is striving for betrayal, it simply indicates that the relationship needs to be built together, otherwise they will not be able to bring joy to both.

Why do you dream about sugar according to Freud's dream book?

Freud's dream book says that if you dream about pouring sugar into a drink, you want to improve your relationship, bring something new and so desired into it. It could be some kind of intrigue, some kind of intimacy, passion. But you shouldn’t focus on falling in love, most likely it is present in your relationship, it’s better to bring something unusual into it. What you yourself have long dreamed of.

If a young girl dreams of sugar squeaking on her lips- in reality she will encounter gossip and gossip about her, she shouldn’t get upset and sound the alarm, she just flaunted her personal relationships and now she can’t figure them out herself.

She received a lot of practical advice, but at the same time revealed the secret of her love. From now on, she should be more careful and carefully consider everything that is said to her. It is also important to remember those people who accompanied the dream. If this is her loved one, and he eats sugar with her in a dream, a long quarrel will await them, because they have not talked for a long time about topics that concern both of them and a conflict has arisen.

If a man dreams of sugar and his beloved is sitting on it– he pays too much attention to her pleasures in the relationship and does not remember his needs at all, it is worth reconsidering your attitude with your beloved and trying to ask her to also take into account all his preferences.

If a lonely girl dreams of a mountain of sugar- she will soon receive a lot of offers that will not lead to a long-term relationship, but will only give her hope. You should be careful, because after such a relationship she may become completely disappointed in men and never want to get close to them again.

Why do you dream of sugar according to other dream books?

In the spring dream book It is said that one dreams of sugar:

Seeing a lot of sugar in a dream means the loss of a loved one;

Seeing saccharin in a dream means loss of feelings and desires;

Making sugar yourself means hoping for the best, for a successful resolution of the situation;

In a dream, there is glucose - a relationship will quickly arise and quickly end.

In the esoteric dream book it is said that sugar dreams of a joyful and fulfilling life, but if you scatter sugar, carry it, move it, pour it over it - in reality you will never make the right decision and, most likely, will give up the prospects for the development of events. Why do you dream about spilled sugar? This dream promises losses and gossip. Perhaps someone was deeply jealous of you and now all the sweetness of your life is leaving it.

If you see a sea of ​​sugar around you, there will be global changes for the better in your life, but you should thank all those who will participate in these changes, you should remember their good deeds, otherwise you will no longer have to count on their support. If you dream about how someone treated you to sugar in a dream, you should not delude yourself and hope that the person will treat you very well; most likely this is a temporary phenomenon, and soon you will again lose common interests with this person. Don’t worry or be nervous about this, life will bring you together with the right people and open the right doors for you.

Of course, it’s nice to see benevolent and positive events in a dream, but sometimes they can be different. For example, if sugar seems bitter to you, the truth will be revealed to you in reality, which will make you regret that you were looking for it. If you dream that one type of sugar makes you sick, you are oversaturated with emotions and relationships and need rest. But rest alone, because excessive fussiness will only harm you.

Trust yourself and listen to the clues of your dreams, then good luck will accompany you everywhere.