Pictures drawn with cotton swabs. Salute using the technique of drawing with wax crayons and watercolors

Simonova Tatyana

Drawing- one of the most popular types creative activity in the lives of many children. And that's great! After all, in artistic activity There is enormous potential that attentive and loving parents can successfully realize in activities with their child.

So what is it pointillism? Pointillism is a unique movement in painting, which, translated from French means "write with dots". Many artists painted paintings of this kind. For example, paintings by Georges are recognized as masterpieces

Sulfur. He is considered the founder of this technology.

Pointillism based on a strict scientific physical and mathematical basis. The colors on the palette do not mix, they are bright, contrasting colors are applied in dots, and it is understood that the mixing of colors occurs due to an optical effect directly on the retina of the eye. And if the viewer looks at the picture from a close distance, then the drawing is poorly visible, but if you look from afar, the whole picture is visible.

In genre pointillism drawing with a cotton swab or with the thin end of a brush, marker, gel pens, felt-tip pens, fingers.

Why is it useful? drawing for a child?


– develops fine motor skills and tactile perception;

– trains memory;

– teaches perseverance and concentration;

– helps strengthen the hand for learning to write;

– enriches inner world;

– helps to express feelings; promotes emotional liberation;

– develops imagination;

– develops creative abilities;

– forms creativity to life;

– develops individuality;

- introduces you to art.

Necessary materials: paper for drawing, paints, cotton buds, brush, water glass, napkins.

Step-by-step job description:

1. Using a brush, draw a trunk on paper wood brown paint;

2. Next we will need gouache in red, yellow, orange and green. We will draw using cotton swabs. Let's dip cotton swab in gouache and method"poke" begin draw leaves;

3. Draw the grass in the same way;

4. We move on to coloring the puddle and sky;

So bright and unusual we got trees!

Thank you for your attention.

Publications on the topic:

Unconventional drawing “Mimosa Branch”. Secondary speech therapy group No. 2 Educator Natalya Nikolaevna Solomatina Implemented educational.

Drawing a bullfinch with cotton swabs. Objectives: - teach children to color the chest of a bullfinch without going beyond the outline; - develop children's drawing skills.

Summary of GCD “Beautiful flower for mom.” Drawing with cotton swabs (senior group) Progress OD: Educator: Guys, today a very unusual guest came to us. And who is it, let's try to guess: Fly, fly, petal.

Abstract of the educational activity “Rowan berries for a bird” (drawing with cotton swabs) Summary of the teacher’s direct educational activities with children of the second group early age Topic: “Rowan berries for the bird” (Integration.

Summary of GCD in senior group on the topic "Goldfish".

From a very early age, children are drawn to scribble something on paper; all children love to draw. Children especially enjoy drawing.

An unconventional drawing technique - drawing with a cotton swab.


Educational field: “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “ Cognitive development", "Physical development".

Goal: Create conditions for development creativity. To form the cognitive activity of children.


1. Continue introducing children to unconventional technology drawing (drawing with a cotton swab). Cultivate an interest in drawing.

2. Teach children to apply rhythmic strokes using a cotton swab.

3. Learn to convey in a drawing the impression of surrounding life. Strengthen children's knowledge about characteristic features autumn weather.

4. Show techniques for obtaining points, using the point as a means of expression.

5. Learn to recognize and correctly name the color blue, develop a sense of color and rhythm, aesthetic perception and the desire to draw.

6. Cultivate neatness.

7. Give children a basic understanding of the purpose of an umbrella.

Material: Gouache ( of blue color, cotton swabs, a napkin, a sheet of paper on which an umbrella is depicted, an umbrella for playing, an easel.

Preliminary work: Conversation about seasonal natural phenomena, examination story pictures with the rain, game “Rain and Sunshine”.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher enters the group with an umbrella in his hand and reads a poem:

It's raining, it's raining, it's pouring down,

Get the little kids wet.

Let's quickly open the umbrella,

Let's protect ourselves from the rain.

The teacher addresses the children: - Guys! Did you like the poem? What is it about?

Children's answers: - About the rain.

Educator: - A gloomy, rainy autumn has arrived. It rains more and more often. The yard is damp and cold, there are puddles all around. What things will be useful to us so that we don’t get wet?

The teacher invites the children to select the necessary pictures located on the table and place them on the easel.

Children show: Jacket, rubber boots, umbrella.

Educator: - Guys, what will help us hide from the rain?

Children's answers: - Umbrella.

Educator: - That's right, an umbrella!

Educator: - There are umbrellas different sizes and different colors. They are made of a special material that does not allow water to pass through. So that water does not collect on it, but rolls off, top part The umbrella has a streamlined, rounded shape, and we hold it with a handle.

The teacher addresses the children: “We already have an umbrella, so I suggest you play the game “Sun and Rain.”

Outdoor game "Sun and Rain".

Rules of the game. At a signal from an adult to the words “sun,” the children “walk” (accompanied by a tambourine, jump, run. As soon as the teacher says the words “rain,” they gather under an open umbrella next to the adult (the game is played 2-3 times).

Educator: - Guys, did you like the game?

After the game, the teacher invites the children to sit down.

Next, the teacher addresses the children: - Today I will teach you how to draw rain using a cotton swab. The teacher explains in detail the drawing sequence gouache paints. Children watch the actions of the teacher.

Educator: - First you should dip a cotton swab in blue paint and attach it to the paper, hold the sheet of paper with your helping hand and draw raindrops. The teacher accompanies the rhythm of drawing droplets with the rhythm of words: “drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip.” Then the teacher invites the children to draw rain “like mine.” Children do it on their own. The teacher individually helps those children who have difficulties. Encourages children to match the rhythm of the prints with the rhythm of the words: “drip-drip, drip-drip, drip-drip.” During the entire lesson, the teacher monitors the children’s posture and the correctness of drawing techniques. If necessary, the teacher takes the child’s hand in his own and draws several dots together.

Children look at their drawings, the teacher praises the children for their work and reads a poem to the children by G. Verd

There were clouds in the sky,

But we took an umbrella with us.

The drops hit the ground loudly,

We are not afraid one bit.

At the end of drawing, the teacher places the children’s work in the creativity corner.

Educator: - Guys, look what we drew? What color?

Children's answers.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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SELF-EDUCATION ON THE TOPIC: “The use of non-traditional techniques in drawing of younger preschoolers.”...

Direct educational activities for children in the preparatory speech therapy group. The use of non-traditional techniques in drawing. "Winter forest"

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My children and I love to draw autumn. In my opinion, this is the most beautiful time of the year.

© Galina Shefer, site “Grafomanim for two”, 2014. Copying of the text is possible only with the written permission of the author. All rights reserved.

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Today we offer you huge selection pictures and templates for finger painting with children. 100 colorful templates that both you and your child will love!

What a wonderful invention this is - finger paints! You don’t have to be afraid to taste real finger paints, because they are made from natural and safe materials. These finger paints are easy to make yourself. Therefore, they can be used to draw from the moment the child learns to sit.

Finger painting is very useful for a child's development in the early stages of life. The most important advantage of finger paints is the opportunity to develop fine motor skills of the hand, and at the same time the child’s speech. Learning to paint with your fingers and palm is the first step to painting with brushes. By touching such paints, the baby also develops the sensitivity of the palm and small fingers, and this in turn helps them begin to obey their owner faster. Such activities help develop not only motor skills, but also perseverance, attention, concentration, teach how to handle paints and paper, learn colors, increase intelligence early stage development. In addition, finger painting promotes the development of a child’s imagination and creative thinking.

Below you will find all 100 finger painting templates. Download, print and create with your kids!

It turns out that cotton swabs can be used not only for their intended purpose. With their help, you can also draw, and in the process of creativity, develop children, remember colors, introduce kids to nature, develop fine motor skills, enrich lexicon child and many more useful functions performs this simple hygiene item. But first things first.

Unconventional drawing

In order to arouse interest in drawing in children, it is necessary to turn this process into a game or fairy tale. At first, the child is happy to use pencils and brushes later. Time passes, and interest in drawing is lost.

To support the desire to create in children, you can offer them non-traditional drawing techniques. In such cases, you are allowed to draw what you want and how you want.

But adults always guide the child in some direction, so they can offer him certain types of drawing. For example, blotography, the basis of which is a sheet of paper folded in half and a few drops of paint. Or drawing with a candle, when an invisible pattern is first applied to the paper, and then the child covers the sheet with paint. The contours of the pattern remain colorless. Or drawing with cotton swabs.


Drawing with cotton swabs can be called a type of pointillism.

Pointillism is a unique movement in painting, which translated from French means “painting with dots.” Many artists painted paintings of this kind. For example, paintings by Georges Seurat are recognized as masterpieces. He is considered the founder of this technique.

Drawing with cotton swabs is not only younger schoolchildren, but also for kids who are just getting acquainted with various painting tools.

Pointillism for children

Children usually happily welcome the technique of drawing with cotton swabs, since they can create the same picture in completely different ways.

  1. When working, you can take a template as a basis and fill all the details of the picture with dots of a certain color.
  2. You don’t have to fill the entire drawing, but just make the outline of the details with multi-colored dots.
  3. It’s fun to add dots to ready-made drawings and templates. This option is especially convenient for very young artists: when mom offers to draw eyes on some animal or people, and it’s also interesting to create snow or rain with cotton swabs.
  4. For children school age it is possible to propose the creation of more complex work, for example, reproduce a mosaic picture.

Drawing with cotton swabs for beginners

Children aged 1 to 3 years old can draw with sticks much easier than with a brush. In order to interest the baby, you must first show him how to carry out beautiful line or put a dot, then another, and then a different color.

For the first lesson you will need the following equipment:

  • paints for painting, such as finger paints or regular gouache, if there is no fear that the child will put paint in his mouth;
  • paper;
  • templates with black and white drawings or themed pictures, on which something needs to be completed;
  • a large number of cotton swabs;
  • palette.

A plastic palette is useful in order not to give the child a whole jar of paint at his disposal. Very often children have a desire to use such an abundance of material for other purposes. On a palette, it is convenient to dilute paints of several colors with water and place a stick next to each one. After everything is ready, you can start drawing pictures on some interesting topic with cotton swabs.

It is better to think through the topic of the upcoming lesson in advance, choose suitable rhymes or riddles. Don't neglect it in the middle of drawing, because kids 1 to 3 often get distracted. And they need permanent shift activities.

Pointillism for preschoolers

When working with preschoolers, it is worth paying attention to a story about the pointillism technique itself. It is necessary to give minimal information that the drawing is created using individual strokes or dots of different colors.

It is advisable to prepare several paintings created using the pointillism technique and show them to the child in order to arouse deeper interest.

It is important that paints should not be mixed with each other. In this case, the distance from one point to another can be large, or, on the contrary, you can place the points close to each other.

If you wish in the future, it is not necessary to use paints to draw pictures using the pointillism technique; you can replace cotton swabs with markers, pens or felt-tip pens.

Age nuances

Each drawing technique has various secrets and nuances. Pointillism is no exception. There are some points that you should focus on in order to get the most satisfactory result.

  1. For kids, in the first lessons it is better to offer only one color of paint. Pictures should be selected as simple as possible: sun, apple or snow, rain.
  2. Older children are given more difficult tasks. The number of flowers increases. This will allow young artists show imagination.
  3. And older students can try themselves as artists, creating entire paintings using the pointillism technique.

An example of one of the activities - “Rowan Twig”

Drawing rowan trees with cotton swabs is an activity that can be done in groups kindergarten, and with children at home. It aims to introduce children to a new drawing technique, as well as arouse their interest in nature.

During the lesson, the child will learn to depict a bunch of rowan berries using the pointillism technique.

For this lesson you will need the following equipment:

  • bunch of rowan (picture or real);
  • red paint (gouache or finger paint);
  • templates with the image of a twig;
  • silhouettes of bullfinches.

Progress of the lesson.