Garden dormouse pencil drawing. Huge selection; Drawing an owl

The owl is a nocturnal bird. She was lucky enough to gain popularity among people and become a household name. Usually “owls” are people who lead a predominantly nocturnal lifestyle and prefer to rest during the day. But the owl stands out not only for its night wakefulness, but also for its external appearance. It has large round eyes and a sharp small beak, and its entire body is covered with feathers. Our traditional question: how to draw an owl with a pencil? Very simple! After studying this step-by-step lesson for children, you will be able to draw a beautiful owl with just one pencil!

Tools and materials:

  1. White sheet of paper.
  2. A simple hard pencil.
  3. A simple soft pencil.
  4. Eraser.

Stages of work:

Photo 1. Draw an even circle in the middle of the sheet, which will serve as the basis for the owl’s body. We’ll also start drawing the head right away. Let's outline it like the base of the body - draw another circle. The circles will differ in size, but their edges will touch each other:

Photo 2. From the head we draw the line of the wing. The pointed part should fall to the right of the circle. The shape of the wing resembles a triangle that is divided into two parts. This happens because the wing consists of segments. Some feathers will be short, and some will be long:

Photo 3. From under the wing below we will draw another piece of the second wing that looks out from below:

Photo 4. Outline the facial features of the owl. Let's make notches to determine the location of the eyes and beak:

Photo 5. Now let’s draw the eyes and beak in more detail:

Photo 6. Let's apply the first strokes of feathers on the owl's head. Let's draw small feathers around the eyes, under the beak and on the top of the head:

Photo 7. Mark the location of the feathers on the body. We place the lines along:

Photo 8. Slowly add contrast to the owl's face. At the curve and eyes we add more strokes, making these areas dark and deep:

Photo 9. Let's draw feathers not only in the middle, but also along the edge of the head:

Photo 10. We set the general tone for all feathers. Apply light pressure on the pencil so as not to darken the drawing. Lightly highlight the texture of the bird’s feathers:

Photo 11. To make the picture more stable, add a thick tree branch under the owl, which it will hold on to with its sharp claws:

Photo 12. Let's return to the drawings of the owl's face and continue drawing them:

Photo 13. Using a soft, simple pencil, draw the feathers on the body, comparing them in tone with the head:

Good afternoon, we are back in touch and ready to draw again! We hope you are ready too. The last thing you and I drew was tulips, it was a couple of weeks ago, just on March 8th. Today we will show you how to draw an owl step by step with a pencil. Let's look ahead a little and warn you that the most difficult part of today's lesson will be working with color. To color the owl that you draw, you will need a lot of nerves and time!

Let's talk about owls! Are you a night owl or a lark? Do you know what we mean? When are you most comfortable working? Day or night? It's different here. The author of our drawing, Dasha, is also a morning person (although she loves to sleep), she works during the day, or in the evening. But many, on the contrary, cannot or do not like to work during the day. They prefer to work at night: there is no one to distract them, there are no temptations to scroll through the VKontakte news feed or watch funny videos on Youtube.

Here we are casually asking you about your bird affiliation! So, are you a night owl or a lark? If you are an owl, then you simply must complete our lesson today and draw this owl (fortunately, everything is laid out step by step). There can't even be any questions here. But if you are a morning person, then... let me think... you should also cope with the task and draw this owl. If you can handle it, we will definitely make a special step-by-step drawing lesson especially for you. Guess who we'll draw? That's right, lark!!! But that will come a little later.

By the way, if you are not yet our regular reader, then press CTRL+D on your keyboard now, this will allow you to add our site to your browser bookmarks. By adding a site, you definitely won’t miss our article with a lesson on how to draw a lark step by step.

Step 1:
First we need to draw two circles, this is the basis of our owl. Two circles in the shape of a figure eight, the upper part is slightly smaller for the head, the lower circle is for the owl’s body, slightly larger. From below we will immediately draw the paws, or rather the claws of an owl, because our owl is sitting on a tree branch.

Draw the base, outline, of our owl

Step 2:
At this stage of the lesson Let's draw the outline of the wing of our bird, as well as the branch of the tree on which it sits.

We draw a tree branch on which the owl sits and its wing

At this stage, draw two lines on the owl's face, one vertical, the other horizontal, at the intersection of the lines there will be a point where you need to draw the beak.

Drawing a beak

Step 4:
We begin to draw the eyes, they are large and bulging. You need to draw two circles, one is the outline of the eyes, the other is the pupils. lamps and chandeliers.

Drawing the eyes

Step 5:
We continue to draw the face of our owl, draw circles around the eyes.

We continue to draw the face

Step 6:
We draw the plumage of our owl, on the wings, on the head.

Drawing feathers on the wings

Step 7:
Our owl is looking at a round object that looks like a soap bubble. This object was invented by the artist to capture the gaze of an owl. This is an abstract object, you can draw it or not. The owl's gaze follows this bubble, its pupils are riveted to it.

Drawing the pupils of an owl

Step 8:
We begin to decorate the owl.

Let's start decorating our owl

Step 9:
We continue to decorate our owl.

Coloring the owl

Step 10:
We decorate the owl. The owl's chest is slightly darker.

Painting the owl's chest

Now paint the owl’s eyes and the branch of the tree on which the owl is sitting. Well, that's it! Happy drawing! Now you know, !

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On this page you will 100% learn how to draw an owl with a pencil step by step for beginners. For the lesson you will need:

  • paper
  • pencil or pen

How to draw an owl step by step for beginners

Video: how to draw an owl

How to draw a realistic owl (eagle owl) with a pencil step by step

  • Step 1

    We will not draw two circles. Instead, let's outline the shape of the future owl. Since you can’t draw an owl without a photo, choose a photo to suit your taste. The drawing principle will remain the same. So, we draw the outline of an owl (or an eagle owl, if you chose an eagle owl)

  • Step 2

    This is the most important stage: drawing the cross correctly. She will help us draw the eyes and mask of the owl correctly. The eyes should be at the same level. If you do not draw a cross, the drawing may not work out.

  • Step 3

    The cross determines the tilt of the head and the location of the eyes. Draw all the necessary auxiliary lines, otherwise one eye will be higher than the other. The cross is a simple and reliable way to draw heads (any head) correctly. We outline the location of the bird's eyes and beak.

  • Step 4

    We draw a sketch of an owl, specifying what the wings will look like and where the legs are. We draw the ears, since this is a long-eared owl. We outline the mask in accordance with the cross. Correctly outline the general proportions. This is not as simple as it seems - looking ahead, let's reveal a little secret - it seemed to us that the owl's body was short, and at much later stages we had to correct this. Look carefully at the proportions.
    Important: When drawing on the plane of the table (if the paper is on your table), you see the drawing from a perspective. It’s better to take a board and glue the paper with tape, and hold the board in front of your eyes at an angle of 45 degrees. It is precisely to avoid distortion that artists paint on easels.

  • Step 5

    We outline the shadows, this will make it easier for us to decide where the owl’s wings are and where the legs are.

  • Step 6

    You can carefully shade the shadows on our owl. Dark places will be where less light reaches. The bird's muzzle and head are the brightest and most contrasting. Important: the feathers on an owl grow in a certain direction, so you also need to draw them correctly. You can’t draw feathers that stick out at an angle to the owl’s body, it will look unnatural. So that you don't forget about feathers, we have drawn arrows showing that feathers grow from top to bottom.

  • Step 7

    Our owl drawing begins to be more detailed - we have drawn the owl's head and eyes. Of course, we will return to them later.

  • Step 8

    We continue to draw with a pencil. Here you can already highlight the eyes and the dark outline around the owl’s mask with a softer pencil.

  • Step 9

    Drawing owl feathers. Look carefully: on the owl’s belly the feathers are short, like down, and on the wings they are long and hard, they allow the bird to fly. And all the feathers are colorful. Drawing colorful feathers is not easy, but it is a calm and peaceful activity. Don't rush, otherwise it won't be pretty. And don't get hung up on one place - look at the picture as a whole. Otherwise, the owl will seem to be drawn in parts that are not connected to each other. Draw holistically, in different places of the picture, collecting everything into a single composition.

  • Step 10

    The most important thing is that the feathers lie according to the shape of the body. This means that even white feathers where there is shadow will be dark. Therefore, when drawing feathers, try not to make your owl flat.

  • Step 11

    We almost drew the owl with a pencil. Don't forget - this is a long-term job, and it won't happen quickly. But now it is nearing completion. All that remains is to remove the dirt from the pencil and finish drawing the owl’s ear.

The wisest bird in the world is the owl.

He hears everything

But she is very stingy with words.

The more he hears -

The less he talks.

Ah, this is what many of us miss.

Boris Zakhoder

This is the poem we’ll start with today in our drawing lesson. Today we will find out! – have already been. Now the bird is more serious! The peculiarities of the behavior and lifestyle of the owl have led to the fact that many different qualities are attributed to it. When they are true, and when they are not so true. But nevertheless, the owl is a symbolic bird. The image of this bird is characterized by a connection with mystery: intimate, frightening, gloomy and nocturnal. Perhaps because the owl is nocturnal, sees in the dark and flies silently. This bird can turn its head 180 degrees, has a very “penetrating” look, and is practically motionless during the day. The owl symbol means wisdom, erudition, thoughtfulness, prudence and is often the trademark of organizations associated with science and education. Let's start drawing.

Step one. Let's start with the head. Let's place it in the very center of the sheet. In the center of the head there are auxiliary lines in the form of a cross: the level of the eyes, mouth and nose. Draw a torso to the head. Swinging to the sides, we draw the lines of the wings. The wings must be symmetrical. Together they are somewhat similar to . We will draw short curved lines on the wings, then they will turn into feathers. Below the bird we draw a fairly large arc - the outline of the tail. At the bottom of the body we outline the paws with claws. Step two. Let's draw the owl's claws in detail. Inside the contour we will show the body, which converges to the legs. At a horizontal level we outline the eyes. And then we draw feathers all over the owl’s body: along the line of the wings, along the tail. At the same time, the feathers do not have to be the same and their size can also be different. For especially large feathers, draw a center line. Step three. On the main area of ​​the large open wings we draw small curved lines representing the plumage. In some places we will show them more densely, in others less often. Look carefully at the owl's belly and try to do the same. Let's put a mark in place of the beak. Step four. A very important detail - . We draw the pupils and circles around the eyes themselves. Let's show the pattern on the top of the head and along the body. Step five. An equally important stage of the lesson. In the drawing we got a lot of small details. Now you need to carefully erase all the auxiliary lines. Well, the owl is ready. Can be painted. Try drawing some more.

How to draw an owl with a pencil step by step for beginners and children?
How to draw a beautiful owl with a pencil?

How to draw an owl with a pencil step by step for beginners and children?

In this article we will try to help you master the basics of depicting one of the wisest representatives of the feathered kingdom - the owl. After reading the materials presented below, you will learn many interesting options for drawing an owl.

You can see the nocturnal feathered predator in person at the zoo. In nature, seeing an owl sitting on a branch is very rare. However, we will draw just such an owl - watching a small rodent from above or preparing to fly.

We will try to convey the depth and beauty of the round yellow eyes, as well as the unique shape of the beak, which are the main elements in the finished work.

We will draw an owl step by step, using only a simple pencil. But if the black and white drawing seems unfinished to you, then you can decorate the owl with felt-tip pens or paints, completing the forest night landscape and the stars sparkling in the sky.

  • We begin the drawing by marking the sheet and drawing the initial contours. Let's leave a little space from the bottom edge of the sheet for the branch on which the owl will sit, and draw a straight line at a slight angle, dividing the sheet into two halves.
  • Our owl sits with its head tilted slightly forward. Taking this into account, we will be able to draw symmetrical circles: the head and body of the bird. Using short lines we outline where the owl's legs and wings will be.
  • Let's draw the contours of the bird's wings: they are shaped like triangles. Let's begin to outline the contours of the bird's body, enclosing the two previously drawn circles into one figure. To avoid confusion about which line to draw, draw the left wing. After this step, move on to outlining the outline around the head. Draw the right wing last.
  • Let's get down to the most important part - drawing the head. The main thing is to be able to convey the structural features of the bird’s head. We outline the outline of the owl’s “face”, not forgetting the characteristic triangle above the eyes. We draw three short strokes where the owl's eyes and beak are. We return to the unfinished wing and draw a clarifying line.
  • We draw paws. The owl's claws are hidden under thick plumage, so only the bird's claws come into view. Let us denote the plumage on the paws with lines.
Draw the details and erase the auxiliary lines
  • We draw the bird’s eyes in more detail by drawing circles. Let's add curved lines on the beak. Let’s additionally draw the outline of the owl’s “face”. Let's draw the wings and paws in more detail. Using several lines we will show the soft plumage on the chest and belly of the bird. Let's draw a branch on which the owl is located.
  • We wipe away the excess pencil lines. We outline the outline of the bird and begin to draw the plumage along the entire breast. You can depict the feathers with short, curved lines that point downwards, drawing only some of the long feathers.
We draw feathers, pupils, beak and begin to decorate the owl
  • We draw the pupils and show the plumage around the eyes with curved lines. Let's draw claws on the paws and feathers on the tail.
  • After the sketch of the drawing is ready, we begin to apply pencil shading, paint over the pupils, claws, and highlight the plumage with wavy lines.
  • If desired, the owl can be decorated. For the eyes, it is better to use a yellow pencil or felt-tip pen. The plumage of owls can be brown or beige. The night landscape will turn your drawing into a real painting.

Let's draw polar owl:

  • Let's draw two ovals: one large one will be the body of the bird, and the other smaller one will be the head. Draw 2 intersecting lines on the head. They will help us draw the eyes and beak symmetrically.
Draw two circles. At the top we draw two lines
  • Draw the outline of the bird’s body with one line, add a tail and a line of paws.

  • We draw a beak and eyes. Add feathering to the head.

  • We draw clawed paws and clarify the shape of the wing.

  • Draw the feathers on the tail and wings.

  • Using pencil shading we show the pubescence of the bird's breast. Shade the area on the cheeks, under the wing. Let's go over some feathers with dashed lines.
  • All that remains is to add small ovals, half filled in, throughout the plumage. This will help make the bird's plumage look realistic.

Because of the large head of a forest bird of prey, the mesmerizing unblinking gaze of huge round eyes, and the secret way of life, the owl is considered a symbol of wisdom, knowledge and experience. We suggest drawing a wise bird in a cartoon style.

  • Let's start with two circles almost identical in size and 3 auxiliary lines in one of them. The first vertical line divides the circle into two equal halves. Divide the resulting line into three segments and draw lines through them again.
  • We clarify the contour of the bird's head: we outline the upper circle, slightly retreating from its boundaries where the owl has densely pubescent cheeks. Draw small triangular ears.
  • Let's move on to the body: we designate, retreating slightly from the previously drawn outline, the wing in a semicircle. We repeat the same on the other side. Please note: in the area of ​​the owl’s chest we immediately draw protruding feathers with rounded lines.
  • We mark a place for the muzzle, repeating the contour of the head and draw a small triangle in the forehead area.
  • We draw the legs hidden under the thick plumage and show the sharp claws of the bird. Go to the muzzle again and draw two ovals for the eyes. The owl's beak is drop-shaped.
  • Draw round pupils inside the ovals on the muzzle. On the chest we will show the thick plumage with several wavy lines.

How to draw a beautiful owl with a pencil?

Before you start drawing an owl, choose a photograph in which the forest bird of prey is presented in all its glory. If you don’t want to look for a suitable picture to draw, use this one. If you choose a picture to your taste, then draw according to the same principle.

  • Let's skip the step of drawing two circles. Let’s immediately draw the outline of the body of the future owl, or rather, an eagle owl, showing the wings and paws. Let's draw a cross inside the circle for the head, so that we can then symmetrically position the eyes and the “mask” of plumage characteristic of an owl.
Outline the owl's body
  • If you draw without a cross, then the proportions of the “face” may diverge. Using the crosspiece, we set the desired tilt of the head, draw all the additional lines to maintain the proportions of the owl’s “face”. We use semi-ovals to mark the lines on which the bird’s eyes and beak will be located.
  • We continue to add lines on the owl’s body: we outline the shape of the wings, and show the paws with a few strokes. At this stage we draw the bird's ears. Focusing on the crosspiece, we draw a “mask” of plumage.
Draw a crosspiece and a mask from plumage
  • If it seems to you that the proportions were initially chosen not entirely successfully, then you can correct everything at a much later stage. The main thing is not to press too hard on the pencil when creating a sketch, otherwise the work will look sloppy.
  • To avoid distortions that appear when drawing, it is better to secure the paper with tape to the board and place it in front of your eyes at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • Let's outline the shadows in the area of ​​​​the wings and paws, as well as in the most shaded places. To avoid a chaotically painted body of the bird, draw the feathers from top to bottom. How to correctly depict the plumage of an owl - see the picture below.

Draw all the auxiliary lines for the eyes and beak
  • We drew the owl's head and eyes, but we'll have to come back to them later. Look how the owl's drawing emerges!
  • We begin to clarify the shape of the eyes: we emphasize their contour with a softer pencil and expand the contour of the “mask”.

Draw eyes, beak, paws
  • Let's start with the plumage: we will show short feathers on the abdomen and long feathers on the wings. Let's give them a variegated color without focusing on each specific feather. We look at the drawing as a whole to get a single composition.
Let's outline the shadows
  • To prevent the owl from turning out flat, we shade even the white feathers that are in the shadow.
Add shadows on the wings and on the head We arm ourselves with a soft pencil and continue to apply pencil shading We go down to the neck When drawing feathers, do not rush, otherwise it will turn out ugly

We draw feathers according to the shape of the bird’s body

Erase extra lines and add missing details

The result should look like this:
  • When the work approaches completion, all that remains is to erase unnecessary lines and clarify some details.

Video: How to draw a funny owl with a simple pencil step by step?

Let's draw fashionable owl:

  • Let's start the drawing with a circle. One circle will be both the head and body of the bird (like Smeshariki).

  • We change the circle to the desired shape. To do this, let's sharpen the top and bottom of the figure a little. The initial outline of the owl's body is ready.

  • Let's draw two large eyes and pupils in the upper half of the circle. Draw a small beak between the eyes.

  • Draw a line between the breast and head of the bird. Simply put, we draw a line down from each eye, trying to draw them symmetrically. We draw wings. In the drawing they are small, like a penguin’s, but you can draw others: tightly pressed to the body, straightened or wide at the base.

  • Let's draw the legs with toes that the owl uses to hold onto the branch.

  • Let’s add a stylish hairstyle to the owl and “dress” our bird in a T-shirt.

  • We draw the contours with a darker color and erase the extra pencil lines.

  • Decorate using bright colors.

Video: How to draw an owl - drawing lesson for children 4-6 years old. Children draw an owl step by step

How to easily draw an owl in cells?

An owl can be drawn by cells in a notebook sheet. You need to start the drawing from the bottom, gradually “building up” the cells upward.

You can find diagrams for drawing an owl by cells in this section or come up with your own.

How to draw an owl by cells. Scheme 1

How to draw an owl by cells. Scheme 2 How to draw an owl by cells. Scheme 3 How to draw an owl by cells. Scheme 4

How to draw an owl by cells. Scheme 5

How to draw an owl by cells. Scheme 6

How to draw an owl by cells. Scheme 7 How to draw an owl by cells. Scheme 8

Video: Drawings by cells #5 - Owl [How to draw an owl]

How to draw a smart owl with glasses?

The drawings below will help you draw a wise owl with glasses.

How to draw a wise owl

How to draw an owl's head?

For drawing you will need the following set of tools:

  • a simple 5H pencil, which we will use to do light shading and draw the initial lines
  • We will draw the details with a simple pencil F
  • We will use a 2B pencil to draw dark lines
  • Using a 4B pencil we will do the darkest areas
  • eraser
  • blank sheet of paper

We will draw such a beautiful bird.

  • Let's create the simplest sketch. Let's start with a circle and two intersecting lines inside. Let's draw the eyes, beak and “mask” of the owl from the plumage. Look carefully at the picture so that all the initial contours are drawn correctly. Otherwise, the picture will “float” and the result will only upset you.

Draw a simple sketch of an owl's head
  • We begin to draw the area around the eyes. We follow the direction of the feathers.

  • Draw the feathers on the top of the head. Again, maintain the desired direction of the feathers.

  • Cover the lower part of the bird's head with pencil strokes. To shade the background, take a 4B pencil.

  • Using a simple 2B pencil, we refine the contour of the eyes and draw dark lines. Apply dark shading with a simple 4B pencil. Draw the eyes and feathers with a 5H pencil. General shading is done with an F pencil.

  • We move gradually to the top of the head. Draw the dark feathers with pencils 2B and F, draw the light feathers with 5H and F. Draw the shadows with a 4B pencil. Shade the background with the same pencil.

Move on to the area on the forehead Draw feathers around the beak

Owl drawings for copying

This section presents interesting diagrams for sketching. Schematic drawings make the task of drawing much easier. Especially if the child has a creative impulse, and it is difficult for parents to explain how to correctly draw the bird or animal they like. The result of drawing will please both children and adults equally.

Video: How to draw an Owl? Drawing lesson for children from 3 years old