Toasts for a woman's anniversary. Happy birthday greetings to a woman, funny toasts Interesting birthday toasts to a woman

Choose toasts for a woman's birthday that can penetrate her heart and touch her soul. On this significant day, she will want to hear special words and experience memorable emotions. No gifts can replace the gratitude, admiration and attention that is reflected in the speeches of loved ones. Even a drop of flattery will be very helpful on a day when emotions are bursting out, and the soul demands fun and celebration.

Every lady, regardless of age, has a mischievous spirit in her who can appreciate a joke and an original appeal. A bright holiday is a reason to cheer up yourself and those around you. I would like to be a little less serious and a little more relaxed.

Funny toasts for a woman’s birthday will lift her spirits.

  1. It would be better to celebrate a birthday not once a year, but every day, so that during this long time you have time to list all the advantages of the birthday girl! So let's drink to at least two of her main virtues - for the fact that she exists, and for the fact that she is with us!
  2. So let's drink to the birthday girl, thanks to whom such wonderful people like us have gathered!!! Funny birthday toasts relieve the tension and foreshadow the continuation of the fun. They do not need to be loaded with deep meaning and moral teachings.
  3. Since the last time I saw the birthday girl, she has become a whole year older, but note that she has not changed at all. For the secret of eternal youth that she possesses!
  4. Our birthday girl has one serious drawback - every year she becomes cuter and more attractive. But we will forgive her for this shortcoming. Let's wish her to continue to be as young and energetic! The best congratulations in a humorous form can be original phrases on abstract topics. Funny toasts easily start the feast and set the tone for the holiday.
  5. I propose a toast to the seven “Ns” of our heroine of the occasion. For our extraordinary, unique, incomparable, irresistible, necessary, beloved!
  6. Let those who didn’t get you cry, let the one who didn’t want you die!

Short congratulatory toasts

Dear ladies attach great importance to words. What can we say about the congratulations expressed to them. Capacious short toasts are imprinted in memory for many years. Such phrases are passed from mouth to mouth.

Brevity is the soul of wit.
  1. Let's drink to joy! Let this be the only thing that comes into the birthday girl’s life without an invitation!
  2. I would like to wish you that if there are bumps on your life’s path, then only those that will throw you up!
  3. Dear birthday girl! I raise my glass to you always having a light heart and heavy pockets!
  4. Let your whole life be a holiday! Dream, smile and enjoy every moment!

Say a small, meaningful congratulation that expresses deep feelings and sympathy. Your words will definitely find a response and will be received with gratitude.

Original congratulations

Original toasts always emphasize the special relationship of the guest to the birthday girl. They express personal wishes and sincere interest.

Original congratulations will be remembered for a long time.
  1. I want to raise a glass so that there are no bitter moments in your life, but only hours of wild happiness! My toast to your sweet moments
  2. Every coin has two sides, and I want to wish you in the next year of your life to learn to combine opposites. Fly on the wings of dreams and stand firmly on your feet, have a hundred friends and many more rubles, laugh in the face of adversity and cry with happiness, conquer the world and submit to love. It’s the easiest way to surprise a loved one, because who, if not you, knows about all his aspirations and experiences. Focus on what is more important and make a toast with strong hope for a brighter future.
  3. Shakespeare said that if every unjust word left a mark, we would all be dirty from head to toe. Let's drink to the radiant purity of our birthday girl!
  4. Peruvian Indians believe that God made all people from corn dough. Let's drink so that our birthday girl never becomes limp!
  5. The gingerbread man rolled away from his grandfather and grandmother, the Snow Maiden melted away in the spring, and her mother lost Thumbelina... Let's drink to the fact that our friend will always have everything tasty, beautiful and expensive!

But do not forget that people who barely know each other can gather at a common table. Therefore, in pursuit of originality, one should observe ethical boundaries and not reveal all personal secrets.

Wise toasts-parables for a woman’s birthday

Parable toasts are relevant in the middle of a feast. By then, the guests will be relaxed and ready to listen to long instructions.
  1. A bee flew over the city, saw a wonderful flower and sat on it. But the flower did not allow itself to be pollinated. Then she flew up to another, less beautiful flower and it allowed itself to be pollinated. Huge clouds appeared and a strong wind blew. The kind flower that gave pollen endured and did not break, but the one that did not give, broke. So on your birthday, let's drink to the bottom so that people will always make concessions to you and not break.
  2. There is such a strange parable. A snake crawled to God and asked him to turn her into a beautiful woman. God turned her and said: “Go and feel sorry for people.” Then a dove flew to God and also asked him to turn her into a beautiful woman. God transformed her too and ordered: “Go and bring good to people.” Since then, two types of women can be found on earth - with a black and a white soul. Without a doubt, our (name of the birthday girl) is that same kind dove. Let's drink to her beauty and charm!!!
  3. Once, one old man, dying, gathered his daughters and told them: “Be smart if you can, be kind if you want, but always be beautiful!” So I, like that old man, looking at the beautiful hero of the occasion, want to wish the same thing. I also want to suggest living your life in such a way as to earn a priceless gift - not letting go of beauty!

A birthday is an occasion to express your sincere wishes to a close friend, relative, mother, wife or colleague. She will be especially pleased to receive them in such an extraordinary form. The parable toast emphasizes the guest’s responsible attitude towards the event, showing that he is here for a reason, but at the behest of his heart. It becomes clear to everyone that the speaker prepared diligently and searched for the most correct words.

The most beautiful toasts

The soul of a woman is poetic. On their personal holiday, dear ladies want to hear as many wonderful speeches as possible, praising their qualities and talents. Delight the birthday girl's ears with a beautiful toast.

A birthday is the best occasion to once again remind a woman how beautiful she is.
  1. The French say: “If in youth we have the face that nature gave us, then in maturity we have the one we deserve.” I absolutely agree with them, dear. You are always in a good mood, your charming smile delights us. And that’s why the years have no power over you. You radiate feminine beauty and kindness. On your birthday, I wish you to remain as cheerful and generous as you are. I kneel before you and raise this glass in your honor!
  2. For most women, a birthday not only leaves a smile on the face, but also brings sadness, because the woman becomes a year older. But let’s still remember how nature methodically creates pearls. Which cognac is most valued? So let's drink to you shining like the most beautiful pearl, overwhelming everyone like aged cognac, and at the same time remaining as unsurpassed as you are now.
  3. A wise man once said: “In life, you really don’t need anything more, you just need a little kindness.” I want to raise this glass to our birthday girl. Let her life have everything she needs and let the people around her give her the kindness and care that she so deserves!
  4. Expensive, __________! On this day, we all see you so smiling, unusually attractive and sophisticated, like a fresh April rose. So let's drink so that the years will be reflected not on your face, but in your soul - with wisdom, experience and spiritual happiness! For you!
  5. Let's remember spring, when many flowers bloom. This is the time of blossoming, femininity and a surge of strength, and every flower is pleasantly fragrant and pleasing to the eye. So let’s wish our birthday girl to be the same as spring - feminine, always rested and blooming, and like a flower - always beautiful!

If you can’t come up with phrases yourself, there’s nothing to worry about. Take the finished text and say it sincerely, from the heart. Sweet toasts bring a smile and lift your spirits.

Toasts for the anniversary

An anniversary is a significant event, a certain line under which intermediate results can be summed up. On this day, it is right to remind the hero of the day how much she has achieved and emphasize that she should not stop there.

An anniversary is a special holiday in a woman’s life.
  1. You're celebrating your anniversary, and you look eighteen! I can't help but admire your blooming beauty. Fate brings you the most beautiful nectar to meet the Gods - A drink of eternal youth, a precious gift of Immortality. And I’m warmed by hope - Adversity will rush by, And again I’ll be over eighteen I’ll be drinking in twenty years!
  2. Let's raise a toast to our beautiful birthday girl! For her wonderful age and anniversary! I want to wish her an endless stream of love, an eternal supply of good luck and health! And most importantly - beauty, both mental and external!
  3. Many years ago, in a distant mountainous country there lived a dragon and an eagle. They fought a long war over a magical pearl necklace. One day, during a battle, the necklace broke and pearls scattered all over the earth. And then they turned into wonderful women.
    Let's drink to the beautiful pearl - our dear hero of the day! Women take their years very seriously. When making a toast, shift your focus from age to wisdom and maturity. Focus not on problems, but on resources. An adult woman, as a rule, has something to brag about. Be sure to pay attention to her personal successes and achievements
  4. An anniversary is a small milestone beyond which new steps lead to new opportunities. I would like to wish you strength, patience and inspiration to see and not miss any opportunities on the path to a happy and calm life. And if you want madness, then let it be.
  5. We all gathered at this table today to congratulate our birthday girl on her birthday. On this solemn day for you, I don’t want to wish you money and wealth - this is the lot of men. I want to wish you just simple female happiness. Let men carry you in their arms!
  6. It is not customary to lie among friends. That is why I wish our hero of the day what she never achieved: the ability to accept compliments without embarrassment, awareness of her own wisdom and the ability to drink with everyone who wants to congratulate her, without a break. Let's drink to that.

An anniversary is a beautiful occasion to gather around the table in a wide circle. Give the birthday girl care and attention, emphasizing her importance among the people around her.

Caucasian toasts for women

People in the Caucasus have always been able to choose the right expressions. A toast for a person of hot blood is a whole ritual. The Georgians excelled most in the ability to deliver fiery speeches. Each of them always has a suitable toast for any occasion and occasion.

Caucasian toasts will create a unique holiday atmosphere.

We can only draw inspiration and learn from the inhabitants of the mountainous region to perform small verbal plays. To congratulate a woman, a Caucasian man can compose an entire ode. He will not forget to mention any of her virtues.

  1. One Georgian woman comes home and indignantly says to her husband: “Valiko, can you imagine, our neighbor exchanged his wife for a thoroughbred horse!” Surely you would never do that, dear? “Well,” Valiko answers, “at the very least, a foreign car and a bottle of old Georgian wine.” So let's drink to our beloved birthday girl, who is more valuable than any thoroughbred horse, more beautiful than any foreign car and sweeter than any old wine!
  2. A real man is one who remembers exactly a woman’s birthday and never knows how old she is. So let's drink to the fact that only real men will meet on our birthday girl's life path!
  3. For you to be like an orange! Let me explain. Orange is orange in color and is a symbol of attracting attention. It is divinely delicious. He is the subject of dreams, aspirations and great demand. So, so that you attract attention, are divine, evoke dreams, and the demand for you exceeds the supply! Hooray!

Characteristic toasts are replete with epithets and allegories. You can listen to them like a song. Every woman will be pleased to receive such a congratulation.

Congratulations in verse

To come up with a toast in verse you need a special poetic talent. But, even if you don’t have it, you can always congratulate your beloved birthday girl on her special day with rhymed phrases by choosing one of the published beautiful poems.

Poetic toasts can be addressed to both close and unfamiliar people.
  1. Be your husband desired and loved by everyone, always charming, unique! Let your eyes shine with happiness forever! Our toast to you! Let them pour some more!
  2. Be healthy, be beautiful, be rich, be happy. Be sensitive and unyielding. Tender, affectionate, in love. Be strict, funny, amusing. Subordinate or main. Be a guiding star - Bright, kind, golden. Be the light at the end of the tunnel. The first green of April. A family hearth, a fairy tale - Unforgettable and beautiful. A magical dream, a menacing cloud. Be the ocean mighty. Be the arrow that hits the heart. Sweet honey, hot pepper. A petal in a blooming garden. All around, running on the water. Be luxurious and innocent. A trembling rose, an avalanche.
  3. Your holiday has arrived. And I want to wish you many happy, different days, so that you can live without being discouraged. So that the house is a full cup, Everyone who is dear to you is nearby, So that friends call more often, And all enemies are forgotten.
  4. Let your health not fail you, And let spring sing in your soul! Happy birthday, I drink to the bottom for you!
  5. I propose this toast on your birthday! It will be short, it will be simple - catch your luck by the tail!
  6. I wish to remain a superwoman: Desirable, charming, stylish, And what was bequeathed by nature from a young age, Preserve and make it my main strength. Let the family hearth be unquenchable, Giving warmth to you, your spouse, and your children. Let the flowers you love get rid of the stormy days in the world. Let the house breathe with comfort and prosperity, Remaining reliable day and night, Let love for life still bubble in the irrepressible, young heart.
  7. Happy birthday. From the bottom of our hearts we wish you Happiness, vigor, attention, Joy and charm. May love and respect improve your mood and may your star never fade in the sky!

Toasts in verse are very euphonious. They attract the attention of listeners. As a rule, the phrases of poems are built on some general expressions and wishes.

If you are tormented by doubts and you don’t know what exactly to talk about at the table, save your congratulations in verse and say it when it’s your turn. By this act you will express respect to the birthday girl and save yourself from awkward silence.

A woman's character is multifaceted. With age, his features open up like a rose, increasingly revealing his features and charms. It is sometimes very difficult to please a beautiful lady. Even when making a toast in her honor, you can “run into” misunderstandings. This collection of toasts will help you find the key to the birthday girl’s mood and will bring a smile on this significant day.

We sit at a table side by side, have a drink, and wish you happiness. Please accept our congratulations on your wonderful birthday!

Dear birthday boy, I wish you health and intelligence on your birthday. No wonder they say: “If there was intelligence, there would be a ruble.” If there is no intelligence, there will be no ruble.” And also happiness to you, joy and fulfillment of your dreams!

I wish your life to be luxurious - it would contain luxurious well-being, luxurious mood and luxurious prospects. Happy birthday!

Today we will be in the clouds: And may not only today, but always the sky above you be cloudless and clear! Happy holiday to you!

So let's drink so that the hero of our occasion will not be afraid to enter his gates and never miss his chance!

In the East they say: a girl’s name should be like the radiance of a Star or the tenderness of a flower. And only at the age of 2 I recognized the name in which I saw the radiance of a star and felt the aroma of a delicate flower. This name.

Mountain peoples have one good proverb: “A camel gave birth to a baby camel, and neither did the neighbor hear.” The chicken laid an egg and cackled to the whole world.” Let's raise a glass to our humble birthday boy, who knows his business very well, but doesn't talk about it to the whole world!

May the stars always shine on you - the star of luck, the star of love, the star of friendship and the star of cognac. For you!

In every person, nature grows either as grains or as weeds. So let's drink to timely watering the first and destroying the second! For the beautiful garden that the birthday boy has grown in himself!

The child's name is given by the parents. God assigns a guardian angel to everyone. From this moment on, a person’s name largely determines his fate.
It is important to keep your name in spiritual purity. And then the guardian angel will favor and support the person.
Happiness to you, our dear birthday boy!

One foreigner, studying Russian, asked what the difference was between name days, christenings, wakes and trouser legs. He was told that the first three required drinking, and the last three required repairs. So let's start drinking and drink with great feeling to the birthday boy and his prosperity!

It’s better to be well-fed than to be hungry, it’s better to live in peace than in anger, it’s better to be needed than to be free - that’s why we’ll drink!

For you, my star, my tender, affectionate and at times prickly flower!

So let's drink to the birthday boy, thanks to whom such wonderful people like us have gathered!

Let's drink to the hero of our feast! He is a wonderful husband, a wonderful father, a wonderful specialist and a wonderful person.

I want to wish my friend on his birthday the health of a marathon runner, the intelligence of an academic and the wealth of Bill Gates. (name) has everything else: wonderful parents and reliable friends. For you, (name)! For our friendship!

Young is the one who still knows how to be surprised and carried away. Our dear birthday boy is young, despite his years. Look how much youthful enthusiasm he has, how much sparkle there is in his eyes. I wish you health for many years and inexhaustible optimism! Happy birthday!

What to congratulate you on. Congratulations on having someone to congratulate you on! This, you agree, is important. And this is your merit. Because I have never met such a smart, cheerful, sociable person. Stay the same always! Congratulations!

Today only one toast is sacred - To a woman!
After all, this is a lot.
So that they can stand at their full height
And keep your head high!
Glory to our girls
Tender and lovely!
Glory to our women
Sweet and kind!

The perfect woman is the one who is difficult
reproach for wanting to look better,
than she really is.
For an impeccable woman!

I will begin my toast to the health of our hero of the day with the words of the Roman poet Publius Ovid Naso:
There is no need to count years: people live longer.
The point is not in years, but in deeds - they must be counted.

Today we celebrate the anniversary of (name), a sweet and charming woman, one of those on whose shoulders our lives rest. There is no price for such modest and hardworking women. Therefore, let us pay tribute to her and drain our glasses for her health, for her well-being, for her work and kindness!

Our birthday girl has one serious drawback: every year she becomes cuter and more attractive. But we will forgive her for this shortcoming. Let's wish her to continue to be so young and energetic!

I wish you great health!
So that your chest does not hang like a rag,
For pleasure once a week
Someone should do it for you!
And at dawn in the early morning, when there is no strength to wake up,
So that there is no alarm clock - damn it,
And wild sex woke you up!

I wish you to always be happy,
Kind, sweet, patient.
Always be a little new
Cheerful, healthy.
Stay young longer
And don’t grow old at heart!

Let me wish you
Happiness, peace and warmth.
May good luck accompany you
Always have a sense of humor.
And no matter what happens in life,
You will remember the words:
"While a woman laughs,
So the woman is alive!”

Give a smile to everyone
Friendship for some
Love - alone
A secret to no one!

Clink glasses together on your birthday,
Let us all congratulate our woman,
Let the hangover grandfather knock on the window,
We need alcohol for the holiday.
Let's drink to happiness and shout a toast,
Let's drink to the lady, wishing her health,
Let's drink, eat and refresh again,
Level in the blood of alcoholic love.

My toast will show how attached I am to you,
How I respect you immensely with all my soul,
He will destroy all remnants of former wounds,
I wish you success and health.
I will raise my toast to good luck and warmth,
For the joy and your bottomless eyes,
Let him drive away all hatred, evil,
And heal mental damage.

To the sound of a crystal glass,
The fizz of sweet wine
We congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish you happiness and goodness.
We wish you personal happiness,
Excellent mood
So that you are healthy,
She lived to see her grandchildren’s wedding.

(name), accept these congratulations,
And our hearts are in this modest bouquet.
Spread your wings, let's fly
Let's chat with you about the delights of life!
And it will squeeze your soul, look inside yourself,
Give yourself a playful wink from there!

Beautiful, rare, tender,
We would like to congratulate you at this hour.
(Name, patronymic), dear,
Take our bows!
May all your expectations come true,
And the past seems like a dream.
Please accept our wish:
Let the house be filled with happiness!

Beautiful, gentle and cheerful,
Charming, crazy,
Always loved and in love,
Forever young at heart,
With fire in my chest, with a dream in my heart,
Unattainable like a star
And an unsolved mystery
You stay forever!

I dreamed of expressing more than once
All that you mean to me
I was looking for unique phrases,
I was looking for words that are so rich,
But speech is not subject to feelings,
And I accepted it as inevitable,
What I can’t put into words
Inexhaustible tenderness.

We are talking about everything good, clean, bright. I propose a toast to all things black. Let's drink to the birthday girl having a husband in a black suit with a black diplomat, to driving a black Mercedes on vacation to the Black Sea, and to eating only black caviar and drinking black coffee!

One man admonishes his girlfriend: I explain to you that you are unreasonable. On the nose
Let me tell you: a smart person reaches out to a smart person, and I, as you see, reach out to you! (O. Butaev)
If the birthday girl asks why we are drawn to her, we will answer: you are smart and beautiful and that is why we are drawn to tabe! Long live our birthday girl!

My dear! I have always admired your masterly performance of the roles of wife, mother, grandmother, mother-in-law and wonderful person. Looking at you, I am once again convinced that gold is not the true wealth on earth - but people. Happy birthday to you and I drink to you and your friendly family!

I would like to wish the hero of today’s celebration to always be as charming, as attractive and as seductive and appetizing as the pie baked by her hands and as this festive table.

Don't be upset that you're one year older. If you look from the other side, you have become one year more beautiful, more attractive and smarter! And you can’t stop on this path. Congratulations!

Dear N.! I raise my glass to your charm, to your health and well-being. Let me also wish happiness and success to your lovely friends gathered around this table!

The morning will come, and your
In a moment the rose will open its petals.
Let your tender eyes
They don't know what tears are.

Let there be fewer bitter moments, salty jokes and sour smiles in our lives! Let's drink to sweet moments - beautiful and melting in your mouth, like these wonderful cakes prepared by our wonderful birthday girl!

Hurry into glasses of foam
Pour some champagne!
I have a heartfelt speech
I’ll say on your anniversary:

Such a miracle woman
Worthy of the best blessings.
Be bright, successful,
Have your blat everywhere!

We are for your anniversary
We'll have toasts.
Hurry up and pour us some
Let's drink everything that burns!

“Hold your tail with a gun”
In any situation
And don't complain about life
Always be yourself.

Let cool words
Have a lot of fun
And my head is spinning
Only from your happiness!

I drink to you in winter
Warmed up in a fur coat
And let there be five of them,
To change every day!

Let your personal driver drive you
He carries packages for you.
Well, a sponsor to match
I wanted to wish!

A toast to your anniversary
I wanted to say
Don't you dare be sad, don't you dare get sick
And sigh with melancholy!

Always be bright and feminine
Let the soul sing!
Don't give a damn about age, don't care about years -
You're always good!

Dresses, handbags, earrings,
Cosmetic bag and shoes
In general, women's “troubles”!
Be happy on your anniversary!

I'm going to say a toast
I’m already standing with a glass:
For your great happiness
I will dance and sing!

My glass will ring with a toast:
Tender, loving and faithful
I wish the hero of the day
Be both brave and exemplary.

You are a model for all of us
Wisdom and feminine strength.
Inspiration, good luck
And universal love to you!

Beauty, wealth,
Women's cute things
In business - success,
Lots and lots of money!

Riches for the soul
For a wallet - banknotes,
To be a beautiful star
It's like haute couture.

And in the ocean of life
You can spin skillfully,
And in an imported car
Looks tempting!

Happy Birthday, FRIEND!
Let the state of fullness
Satisfaction with life
Doesn't leave you:
So that the glass is full,
And you haven’t seen the edges -
After all, the contents are the finest wine!

I wish you love and affection, So that your dreams come true, like in a fairy tale, So that there is no bad weather in your life, I wish you great, great happiness! Be brave, cheerful, healthy, beautiful, Be the happiest in difficult life!

We wish you to smile more often, not to be upset over trifles, not to grow old and not to get sick, to be healthy, to live in abundance!

We wish you health, vigor, success,
More joy and laughter
As much happiness as you need
So that the soul would be happy,
So that your heart sings,
To make things happy,
So as not to grow old over the years,
And bloom and grow younger!

May it be on your birthday
The warmth of your family will warm you.
And with him there’s nothing scary,
Even though it snows, even if it rains.

You always expect a miracle from life
And you believe that around the corner
Starry rain will shower you,
Something happy will happen!
Today is your birthday,
Today is a new crossroads,
And believe me, it’s easy and simple -
That turn is in front of you!

I give it as a gift
A bouquet of beautiful roses, dear!
I confess on this good holiday:
I love you with all my heart, congratulations!

May happiness be endless
And it warms our feelings,
Fire of love and torch of passion
They illuminate your whole life like the sun!

Let it be fun and noisy
It's going to be a great party
And the joy will be shared equally
Your soulmate!

May the sun, happiness and luck
How the stars shine in your life,
And around the next turn
A dream with a bouquet of lilies will meet you!

I wish you many Caucasian years,
So as not to count your years!
To be able to make eyes
Never lost!
May it be a long Indian summer,
So that the victory has an easy score,
That everything flowed easily, like this
The drink will flow down your throat!
(The main thing here is not to choke).

When the sun shines brightly, the woman undresses to her swimsuit. So let's drink to make the eyes of men shine brighter than the sun!

I'm such a Sweetheart!
I'm so Tsatsa!
On me, Beauty,
Can't stop looking at it!
I'm so smart!
I'm such a Kralya!
You are so beautiful
Haven't seen it in ages!

I love myself,
I love and cherish!
Oh, what hangers!
Oh, what a neck!
Wasp waist,
Velvet skin
More beautiful every day
Younger every day!

Teeth like pearls
Stronger every day!
Legs - a sight for sore eyes -
Slimmer every day!
Gorgeous hair -
You never dreamed of it!
Cooked for three -
I got one!
I don't listen to anyone
If they shame and criticize!

You are as beautiful as a seagull
As big as a gazelle
Appetizing like a cod
Smells like Chanel
You're drunk like ammoretto
Like Napoleon cognac
Like a burning summer
Like cool rock 'n' roll
You're like wine
All men are mad!
My woman for you!

For you my friend!
Dancing, music and laughter!
Today you are just a darling!
You are always the most beautiful of all!
Dress fashionably too.
Never be sad
Stay the best
Without much difficulty!

When you have minor troubles, smile.
When there are big problems, laugh.
When asked about your age. lie!
Happy birthday!

Four women are sitting in the compartment. It turned out that everyone was returning from the resort. One says; - I’ll come and tell my husband everything! - “What a fool!” thought the second. “What a brave one!” thought the third. “What a memory!” thought the fourth. So let’s drink to smart women, although this is not the most important thing about them.

If a woman walks with her head raised, she has a lover! If a woman walks with her head down, she has a lover! If a woman walks with her head held high, she has a lover!
And in general, if a woman has a head on her shoulders, she has a lover!

So that we don't get jinxed,
So that they don’t get off us,
To have something to wear,
And, most importantly, in front of whom he will undress!

Witty toasts to women

And we will fulfill our primary duty
And we'll drink while standing tall
For our ladies! For our women
We make this toast!


A young woman on the outskirts of a small village asks to stay with an old woman for the night. The old woman refuses her, but nods towards the construction trailer, in which a team from the south lives.
A young woman knocks on a trailer, asks to spend the night with ten strong men and hears the condition:
- If you guess the riddle, we’ll let you sleep and won’t touch you.
If you don't guess, you'll have to sleep with everyone in turn.
The riddle is this: small, red, growing on a tree.
The next morning the old woman decides to check how the woman is settled. He opens the trailer door and sees:
nine men lie exhausted, the tenth kneels before the woman and begs her:
- Girl, I ask you to God, just say “cherry”!
- Don't mess around here! - says the woman, - it’s still a cucumber!
So let's drink to women for whom there are no unsolvable mysteries!

It's night in the country. The country is busy.
In the doctor's bedroom you can hear: - Next.
In the athlete's bedroom: - Once again. Another try.
In the collective farmer's bedroom: - Don't rush, dear, the students will come and finish it.
At night, women rule the country.
So let's drink to the women - night commanders.


The very first woman was Eve.
The most beautiful was Cleopatra.
The smartest is George Sand.
Did you know this? Very good.
Now forget it!
Because the very first woman -
This is the one nearby.
The most beautiful is the one next to you.
And the smartest one is the one who is silent.


They say that a couple of centuries ago, the hussars buzzing in a tavern from time to time began to shout at the top of their lungs: “Champagne and change the women!”
We have a worthy answer to these revelers: “We will not exchange the women present here for anything and will not give them to anyone!” Moreover, we will also drink to them!


Eastern wisdom says:
“If you want to know the strength of steel, rub it on a whetstone;
if you want to know the horse’s strength, load it;
if you want to know a man’s mind, listen to his speeches;
want to understand the heart of a woman -
you will never comprehend!
This toast is to beautiful but incomprehensible women!


As they say at the festive table,
Let's drink to our wonderful companions.
And flattery has nothing to do with it today,
She just ruins the whole endeavor.
But our women deserve loud words,
They undoubtedly brighten up the holiday.
And that’s why we boldly drink to them.
Let your companions know about the power of their spells!


A reckless woman abandons her rich husband in the name of an ardent lover.
The prudent woman chooses a rich husband, refusing an ardent lover.
A wise woman refuses neither one nor the other.
For wise women!


What should a good wife be like?
A good wife must be a good B.,
have a big J. and hold X tightly.
B - grandmother;
F - living space;
X - farm.
And if she also has that
What were you thinking - she’s the perfect wife!
Here's to ideal wives!


Throughout our lives, women give us men their beauty, their strength, care, and energy.
First we get all this from our mother, then from a friend, then from our wife, daughter...
Let's drink to our beloved mothers, spouses, grandmothers, aunts, sisters and friends to give us their warmth and tenderness for as long as possible!


So - for women!
To languish in them
And tenderness
And a reserve of courage.
So that without resistance
At their mercy
The tigers surrendered
Dormant within us!


An impeccable woman is one who can hardly be blamed for wanting to look better than she really is.
For impeccable women!


Carry women in your arms
Catch their smile on your lips,
You will see so much joy in the eyes,
And so much happiness in loving hearts!
After all, the main thing in life is to find love,
And carry the tenderness of feelings through the years
Let's drink to the dream
Find the one and only one!
Let's drink to the charm of women, to their captivating smiles! The eyes sparkle, but the joy never leaves the beautiful faces!


The outstanding Polish satirist Stanislaw Jerzy Lec said: an eternal riddle is not one that has no solution, but one that has a new solution every day. Let's drink to our mysterious women who never stop surprising us with new clues every day!


Oh woman! The soul languishes
And the thirst torments me more and more!
Let us get drunk today!
Pour some wine into our glasses!


An angelic woman is one who will make an angel out of any devil.
Here's to angelic women!


For the sun to shine, the sky to turn blue, the roses to bloom, and the women to be beautiful!


I will quote the words of Valery Bryusov:
You are a woman, you are a book between books,
You are a rolled up, sealed scroll;
There is an abundance of thoughts and words in his lines,
Every moment in his pages is insane.
Some will call the last line a poetic exaggeration or say that it is very controversial. But there is no doubt: if there were no women, we men would definitely go crazy!
So let's drink to our beautiful women!


The beauty of a woman does not depend on the sparkle of her diamonds, but on the sparkle in her eyes. Let's drink to the women and wish that the sparkle of your eyes will light up the hearts of men.

Preparation of moonshine and alcohol for personal use
absolutely legal!

After the collapse of the USSR, the new government stopped the fight against moonshine. Criminal liability and fines were abolished, and the article banning the production of alcohol-containing products at home was removed from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To this day, there is not a single law that prohibits you and me from engaging in our favorite hobby - preparing alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ “On the administrative liability of legal entities (organizations) and individual entrepreneurs for offenses in the field of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 28 , art. 3476).

Extract from the Federal Law of the Russian Federation:

“The effect of this Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals) producing products containing ethyl alcohol for purposes other than sale.”

Moonshining in other countries:

In Kazakhstan in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses dated January 30, 2001 N 155, the following liability is provided. Thus, according to Article 335 “Manufacture and sale of home-made alcoholic beverages”, illegal production of moonshine, chacha, mulberry vodka, mash and other alcoholic beverages for the purpose of sale, as well as the sale of these alcoholic beverages, entails a fine in the amount of thirty monthly calculation indices with confiscation of alcoholic beverages , apparatus, raw materials and equipment for their manufacture, as well as money and other valuables received from their sale. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal use.

In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses provide for the imposition of fines in the amount of three to ten tax-free minimum wages for the production and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale, for the storage of devices* for its production without the purpose of sale.

Article 12.43 repeats this information almost word for word. “Production or acquisition of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), storage of apparatus for their production” in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses. Clause No. 1 states: “The production by individuals of strong alcoholic drinks (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), as well as the storage of devices* used for their production, will entail a warning or a fine of up to five basic units with confiscation of the specified drinks, semi-finished products and devices."

*You can still purchase moonshine stills for home use, since their second purpose is to distill water and obtain components for natural cosmetics and perfumes.

Let's drink to the fact that today the sun, illuminating the world, remembers the birthday girl and let her send her a ray of light that can fulfill any of her wishes!

They say women are like chocolates: you never know what kind of filling you'll get. I want to raise this glass to our birthday girl and drink to her unique filling! She will be a surprise for everyone, and for her only one - the sweetest and most desirable!

Dear (Name)! I have always admired your masterly performance of the roles of wife, mother, grandmother, mother-in-law and wonderful person. Looking at you, I am once again convinced that gold is not the true wealth on earth - but people. Happy birthday to you and I drink to you and your friendly family!

Beautiful, tender and cheerful, charming, crazy, always loved and in love, forever young at heart, with fire in your chest, with a dream in your heart, unattainable like a star, and an unsolved mystery, you will remain forever! For you!

A stream that has reached the sea, seeing the boundless blue expanses in front of it and mingling with this great blueness, must not forget that spring high in the mountains from which its path across the earth began and all that rocky, narrow, rapids, winding path that it had to overcome.
So let's drink so that we never forget our origins!

They say that women have no rules, only moods. What a mood - such are the rules! I want to raise this glass to our birthday girl, so that her rule is to always be in a good mood!

Somehow the glass is sad,
He asks for a hearty toast,
For whom will we drink?
We offer it to him.
We drink to Valya, a charming, charming woman, whose name day we are celebrating today! I wish her health, happiness, a bright life!

Don't worry - live happily
So that everyone always says:
How beautiful this woman is
How endlessly young!

I would like to wish a lot to this beautiful woman on her birthday. But I will drink to the correct behavior of the letter “D” in her life: so that money is abundant, fools are far away, friends are wonderfully sincere, deeds are brought to achievements, longevity, kindness and a lot of love.

I propose a toast to six N!
For our beloved, unique, extraordinary, irresistible, incomparable, necessary N! All the best to her in life! Happy birthday!

For women, a birthday leaves double emotions, bringing along with joy a little sadness about the fact that a year has been added to their age. But it’s worth thinking about the fact that elite alcohol and antiques only increase in price with age and become more desirable and

One wise man said: “Happiness is when you don’t have to convince yourself that it doesn’t come from money.” I want to drink so that from now on happiness will accompany you even in this understanding.

I want everything in your life to depend on your decision and desire. Let your smile illuminate the road of life brighter than the headlights of a Mercedes, and let driving along it be exciting and safe!

Woman...So much affection, understanding, kindness in this word! Each of you is unique, inimitable and mysterious. Congratulating you (name) today, I want to wish you to always be desired, loved, tender, to enjoy success and attention. And I also wish you to always remain beautiful, kind and endlessly happy! Always be a woman!

If a woman is a book,
Which is difficult to understand.
May there be such a man
Who can read you?
Who won't tear the pages
And wrinkle the expensive binding.
Who won't put you on the shelf,
And he will always take it with him!

Glasses up and let's drink together!
May life be your reward,
Live in love, live in fun,
And don’t let the hangover worry you!

For always having a fresh manicure,
And so that there is enough money for a couture dress.
So that Louboutin would sew shoes for you,
And you didn’t faint from his prices.
So that lobster for lunch, foie gras for dinner,
And so that you are slim at the same time! For you!

Let your eyes glow with happiness,
And we will glorify you in a toast!
Let fate change for the better,
Good luck in life and career growth!

They say that a woman is a complex mystery.
The main thing is that having solved it, we wouldn’t feel disgusted.
But you, beauty, I have known for 100 years.
And there is no more beautiful woman in the whole world! For you!

I want to raise a glass for you!
So that the fire of goodness in your chest does not go out,
So that you glow with health,
And we walked through life only with love!