Parables Happy New Year. Toast-parable for the New Year, birthday

Happy New Year to all of us! May he bring peace and light to all of us, strength and inspiration, so that we can bring peace and light to other people. And to relax after a no doubt busy New Year's Eve, what could be better than leisurely reflection on ancient parables?

One day a man found the truth.
Seeing this, the forces of Chaos panicked.
The guard imp ran to the main demon and shouted:
- Guard! Our business is lost.
The chief calmly said:
- Something happened?
The impressionable young demon continued to shout:
- You are sitting here, and there one person found the truth. Our very existence is under threat!
The elder said:
- Sit down and don't worry so much. My specialists are already doing this.
The young man did not understand:
- I just came from there, and there are no demons there.
Then the old Devil explained:
- And we are not needed there. My people are there: scientists, philosophers, psychologists, priests. They will organize everything as it should, and as soon as they do this, the truth will be finished. We have absolutely nothing to worry about. They will surround this person, will not let anyone near him, will begin to interpret his words, and in this interpretation the truth will be lost. It has always been this way, it will always be so, and we have absolutely nothing to worry about.

Three moths, fluttering around a burning candle, discussed the nature of fire.
One of them said: “What are we all talking and saying? You need to learn about fire from your own experience.”
He flew up to the flame, returned to his friends and said: “The fire is shining.”
Another flew closer, scorched his wings and said: “The fire burns.”
The third flew very close to the fire and disappeared into it. He learned what he wanted to know, but could no longer tell about it.
The same thing happens with knowledge. Anyone who has acquired true knowledge is deprived of the opportunity to talk about it. That is why it is said: “He who knows does not speak. The speaker does not know."

In one village there lived a gloomy old man. Judging by his behavior, he was one of the most unfortunate people in the world. It was really difficult to bear with him: everything was wrong for him, he always complained about everything, and was always in a bad mood. And the longer he lived, the more bilious he became, the more poisonous his words were. People avoided him because his unhappiness was contagious. He was so unhappy that he created a feeling of unhappiness in others. But one day, when he was eighty years old, something happened to him. Instantly the news spread around everyone: “The old man is happy today, he doesn’t complain, he smiles, even his face has changed.”
The whole village gathered. The old man was asked:
- What happend to you? What's the matter?
“Nothing,” answered the old man. - For eighty years I tried my best to be happy, and nothing came of it. So I decided to do without happiness and became happy.

In the palace of one rich man there was a mirror room. All the walls, floor and ceiling were made of mirrors. One day a dog walked into this hall and froze to the spot. She was surrounded by dogs on all sides. She bared her teeth. The mirrors repeatedly reflected her grin, and the dogs around also showed their fangs. The dog barked in horror, and the echo again reflected its bark many times. All night the dog rushed around the hall, barking and lunging at imaginary mirror enemies. In the morning she was found dead of fear.
If she had been a little friendlier and extended her paw and wagged her tail welcomingly, things might have turned out differently.

One old Indian taught his grandson the basics of life:
- There is a struggle in every person, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf is evil: aggression, selfishness, envy, jealousy, regret, lies. The other wolf is good: peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, loyalty. The boy thought for a moment and asked:
- Which wolf wins?
The old man smiled and answered:
- The wolf you feed always wins.

One old woman was walking along the river bank. And I saw a scorpion floundering in the water. The old woman extended her hand to the drowning scorpion, but as soon as she touched it, it stung her on the hand. Then the woman pulled her hand back, regained her balance and tried again to save the scorpion. But every time she tried, the scorpion stung her.
A passerby walked by. Seeing the woman trying to pull out the scorpion, he shouted:
- What are you doing, crazy? Do you really want to kill yourself to save this creature?
The woman replied:
- Scorpio tends to sting, but I tend to save. Why should I reject mine because of his nature?

One teacher brought a student to a meadow and asked him to look around and remember all the red flowers.
The student began to diligently look around. Then the teacher asked:
- How many white flowers did you notice in the clearing?
- Don't know. I only looked for red ones. I'm not even sure there were white flowers at all.
“Here’s a lesson for you,” said the Teacher. -What you look for in life is what you find. Your life is always filled with this. And you simply don’t see anything else, even near your nose.

Good music and good parables have one thing in common - their very essence implies that there is true existence, which we usually cannot see because of the bustle of life, but it exists. And deep down, each of us knows this. And when we listen to good music or a good parable, recognition arises within us: “yes, yes, yes, this is exactly so, we know it! No one ever taught me this, but in my very being I know that it is so.”

Thank you for listening!
Happy New Year to you again! Happiness, light and love in the coming year.
Thank you!

Very soon the most magical night of the year will come - New Year's. Preparations for it are already in full swing. There is so much to do - decorate the Christmas tree, buy gifts, think over the menu for the holiday table, choose a beautiful outfit. Did you miss anything? We forgot one important point - how could we not toast to the chimes?

Of course, everyone should have a table speech prepared in advance to congratulate them on the magical upcoming holiday, and then on the coming holiday. Toasts for the New Year 2020 are a great way to tell your family and friends what is important, to wish the most important things and to amaze everyone with your oratory skills.

After all, pronouncing them in such a way that everyone around you listens to you, and then applauds you, is a great art. The very content of what is said plays a huge role in it. A congratulatory speech should be light, interesting, catchy, positive, and make you smile.

These are the New Year's toasts that are included in our holiday selection. Choose the one you like, surprise and delight those who will be around on this wonderful holiday night.

Cool toasts

They are always relevant. The most popular, loved and interesting. Why does everyone look for funny words for congratulations? The fact is that we are pleased to give people joy, to see how your funny wish lifts their spirits, to hear laughter after it. A sparkling speech can light up even a boring company.

Let's drink to live like this: roll around like cheese in butter and like a mouse in cheese!

Happy New Year of the Rat. I wish the mistress of the year to bring good luck. Rats are known to be carriers of infections. So let it infect you with happiness, infect you with love and transmit the virus of prosperity and well-being.

Santa Claus once made a snowman for himself and he was left with a small snowball. “What else do you need to make, my friend? – asked Santa Claus. The snowman thought: he has arms, he has legs, he has a head, he even has a nose made of carrots. Then he said: “Make me happy!”

But Santa Claus, who had seen a lot in his lifetime, knew that everyone has their own happiness and said: “There is snow on you, make your own happiness.” So, in the coming year, may we have the opportunity to mold our happiness the way each of us imagines it.”

The rat wagged its tail
She swept the glass off the table.
Shattered into fragments
What are these, Christmas tree sticks?

It's all for luck! Exactly!
Let's all drink to this immediately!

They say it's better to lose something than never have it.. I want to raise this glass so that in this coming New Year we will never lose happiness and never have worries! Let us have only happy moments of life this year!

Why was Solomon wise? Because he had many wives with whom he consulted. Why are we unhappy? Because we have one wife, with whom we never consult. Let's not forget the wisdom of our ancestors in the New Year!

Happy New Year of the White Rat. Let this nimble mischief share the white color with us: draw a white stripe in life, fill our consciousness with white thoughts, and make all problems raise a white flag!

What do you wish?
New Year - celebrate,
Friends - don't forget!
Joy - to be!
Sorrows - forget! Salaries - increase,
Love - bloom!
Dreams come true
And don’t relax yourself!

I don’t promise complete success,
I hope it's New Year
Will save us all from sorrows
And unforeseen worries. I also hope for something else,
And I believe it fervently,
That such happiness awaits us all,
Which has never happened before.

May this year be nothing but joy!
Happiness awaits, and good people!
So that the piglet on holiday
He generously brought a bag of money!
Health and peace to capture,
And he didn’t forget souvenirs for us!

The Year of Mouse is a great year! All good things will come!
Let him give you a lot of laughter, and success in all your endeavors!
I wish everyone to achieve great heights this year!
Wherever we end up, I want to be surprised!
And let every moment lift your spirits!

New Year's toasts 2020 with jokes and humor

They are appropriate everywhere, everyone likes them, and not a single New Year’s celebration is complete without them. You can send a cool toast via SMS to your friends and have no doubt that reading it brought a smile to your face.

I wish that Rat helped us find boundless happiness... Let's drink to the fact that this year there will be a lot of good things and we will squeal with delight and joy!

New Year is coming,
It has been raining for three days.
In the field the grass is green,
Santa Claus is sweating in a fur coat.
Water pours down your collar...
Happy New Year, gentlemen!

Let everything everyone dreams about come true:
Born to fly in the skies, let him fly,
Whoever thirsts for wealth, let him find the treasure,
Whoever wants honors will achieve awards!

Who wants to get married - let him have a wedding,
Let the vacationer sunbathe on the beach,
And if someone’s soul wants extreme sports,
Let him fly with a parachute and laugh!

So that the New Year brings only success, nothing less,
May we all become many times richer!

Let's drink to:
To have a super cool year,
So that everyone is healthy,
To live in goodness, in abundance
And so that you can pursue your dreams without looking back!

On New Year's Day I wish:
Friendships are like “super glue”
Strength - like a big elephant,
Those who need children need them.
For those who don't, take precautions.
Have Frost don't be shy
Ask for a car
Or from an arctic fox manto.
If a miracle doesn't happen -
Let the sponsor help!

Let Santa Claus have a crimson nose
He will make a contribution to the savings book for us,
Snow Maiden secretly all year
Gives him good cognac,
And Santa Claus is out of the bag
The currency snowball will shake!

Words with meaning

Toasts with meaning These are kind of wise parables. They are not devoid of philosophical meaning, but at the same time they are not boring and uninteresting. And even if sometimes they are not always short, do not be afraid, no one will fall asleep while you are giving your speech.

On the contrary, just such a congratulation can amaze guests. After all, wisdom is always held in high esteem. And if it is intertwined with jokes, then it is doubly worthy of the respect of the listeners.

Who said rats escape from a sinking ship? They simply understand that the ship is hopeless, and bravely throw themselves into the sea of ​​new opportunities! And let the old and rusty ships take their course to the bottom! Here's to a sea of ​​new opportunities and an ocean of original ideas!

Many people know that in Italy there is a tradition Before the New Year, throw out old and unnecessary things, tired of the year, out of the window.

We, of course, are not in Italy, but this custom is so good that I would like to invite you all to throw out of your memory old grievances, quarrels, bad deeds, envy, infidelity, ingratitude as unnecessary trash.

If we do all this, it will turn out that only warm and pleasant memories of the old year remain in our memory. Let's remember it this way, and then the new year will be no worse than the last!

His students once came to the sage and asked, looking at the horseshoe suspended above the entrance: “Teacher, do you really believe that some piece of hardware can bring good luck?”

To which the sage replied: “Personally, I don’t believe in it, but it brings good luck whether I believe in it or not.”

I suggest you drink to good luck. If we suddenly lose faith in her in the New Year, let her still believe that she must come to our house!

One day three wanderers were walking.
Night caught them on the way. They saw the house and knocked. The owner opened it for them and asked:
"Who you are?" - Health, Love and Wealth. Let us in for the night.

It's a pity, but we only have one free place. I’ll go and consult with my family about which of you to let in.

The sick mother said: “Let’s let Health in.” The daughter suggested letting Love in, and the wife - Wealth.

While they were arguing, the wanderers disappeared. So let's drink to the fact that in the new year there will always be a place in our home for Health, Love and Wealth!

As you celebrate the New Year, don’t regret the past that they didn’t have time to do something. Don’t worry about what’s coming - will everything work out, will you have enough strength and resources.

Live in harmony with yourself. With your heart and soul. Stay calm and confident. Then joy, happiness and success will always accompany you. Happy New Year 2020!

There is a good saying: “As long as you are facing your past, you stand with your back to your future.” Let's turn around and face our future with courage. Let us not be afraid or afraid of him. Let's meet this year and all subsequent ones with joy, with new bright dreams. Forward to the future, friends! Happy New Year!

For a noisy friendly company

What words would be appropriate in a company of friends, where it is always noisy, fun and funny? Of course they are funny! A toast with a touch of humor will always find a response here. After all, after it, a good mood will become simply magnificent, and smiles will turn into laughter.

It's always a pleasure to please your friends and make them have fun. Therefore, having cool toasts in your collection is a must! With them, you will always be the soul of the company, its unspoken leader. And perhaps you will even be able to win the heart of someone you have liked for a long time.

I hope this New Year will come with gifts for each of us.
Anyone who wanted to buy a new car will finally buy it. Anyone who wanted to make any discovery will make it. Those who wanted to find love will find it.
Let everyone get their happiness. So let's drink to the new, bright things in our lives!
For the New Year.

May we have next year
so many good and joyful events, so many good and wonderful deeds, so many lights burning in our New Year's garland!

Let's drink to Father Frost and Snow Maiden:
For as long as I can remember, people don’t get sick, don’t grow old, and there’s always money for gifts! For us to be like that too!

On New Year's Day, friends flocked like snowflakes,
We cannot be sad or bored on this holiday.
So let's celebrate our New Year without delay,
To remember him all year long.

May we have more strength in the coming year,
On the contrary, your health will not decrease one ounce.
Whatever is planned, let it undoubtedly come true.
And the most unpleasant thing is that it will be forgotten.

All the women at this table are beautiful, like the Snow Maidens.
But I would like to wish that, unlike them, the hearts of our women will be warmed with love for us men in the New Year.
For the beautiful and loving Snow Maidens!

First toast: Goodbye!
We won't see you sober today!

Let's drink to the New Year the tables were bursting with abundance, and the beds were bursting with love!

Husband and wife watching ice dancing on TV.
- I would love to perform a free program with this figure skater! - says the husband.
The wife flared up and decisively turned off the TV.
- First perform the compulsory program, and then think about the free one...
Let's drink, guys, to the excellent performance of the compulsory and free program in the New Year!

The shortest congratulations

Well, everyone knows that brevity is always welcome. And on a festive night this becomes especially relevant. After all, we can’t wait to raise our glasses, eat, and dance. And hardly anyone wants to listen to long speeches. That is why it is necessary to select congratulations so that they are at the same time small, but meaningful.

And it doesn’t matter whether they are funny or serious, sweet or funny, the main thing is to pronounce them clearly, quickly and from the heart. After all, it has long been proven that short toasts for the New Year 2020 can hook and amuse much more than a long, tedious wish.

May it be the best year of your life,
Always, everywhere, lucky in everything!

May the holiday be magical
It's going great!
Prosperity, successful,
Have a bright year!

Problems don't scare you
And the crisis will not beat you!
We're still beautiful
Let's celebrate the New Year!

May it last forever all bad things will go away
Happy last breath of December!
And everything beautiful and living will come to us on the morning of January.

Let everything in life go like clockwork,
Your plans will come true in their entirety,
I wish you a successful whole year,
My heart sang with joy and happiness!

Let's drink to the only day of the year,
when you can sit on the Christmas tree...
and not to visit the forest!
Here's to the New Year!

Toasts for a cozy family circle

New Year's lights, a cozy atmosphere and a warm home circle - everyone dreams of such a holiday. But at the same time, for some reason, many do not attach importance to what is said at the New Year's Eve feast in a narrow family circle. But these are the closest and dearest people in the world.

Therefore, it is imperative to choose suitable toasts for the New Year and congratulate parents, brothers, sisters and children with their help. After all, no matter how much they need our care and attention the most.

New Year's family toasts are always the kindest words, warm and sincere wishes. They are simple and understandable to anyone. Well, in order for laughter to be heard and smiles to be seen in the house, you should definitely add a drop of humor to them. Cool toasts will contribute to this, after which it always becomes fun. They will delight adults and children.

Dear family, I congratulate you on the New Year of the Rat. As children, we all read a fairy tale about a smart little mouse. He overcame all obstacles and deceived the most cunning enemies.

And so let's drink to the fact that in the year of the Mouse we will have enough intelligence to bypass all the mousetraps and not fall into the clutches of the Cat!

I read the recommendations of a famous astrologer here. He writes that those who celebrate the Year of the Rat in the family circle will be accompanied by success, luck and happiness throughout the New Year. I'm not an astrologer, but I also have something to say. Those who have the opportunity to celebrate the year of not only the Rat, but also the Rabbit, Ox, Dragon, etc. surrounded by loved ones and relatives - they are already the most successful, lucky and happy.
For our family!

May the new year not add wrinkles,
and the old ones will be smoothed out and erased!
It will improve your health and relieve you from sorrows.
and may this year be happy!
Happy Year of the Rat!

Happy New Year!
Let him come with a sandwich
With honey, sugar, jam
And in a good mood.
May we eat it for a long time
And we never got sick.

A loved one may forget what we told him. He may even forget what we did for him. But he can never forget how we made him feel. I want us to feel only love, care and attention from our family and friends in the new year 2020!

The past year was successful and not so successful. Material wealth increased and decreased. But life shows that this is not the main thing. The most important thing in the past year was those people who were there and supported us both in joy and in sorrow. So let's take all the most important things with us into the New Year - our friends. They all gathered at this table today. For you, my dears!

At the New Year's table one guest is asked:
– Why do you close your eyes when you drink?
– You see, I promised my wife that I wouldn’t look into the glass in the new year.
For faithful fulfillment of New Year's resolutions!

A catchphrase at a corporate event

Corporate and New Year are certainly inseparable concepts in any company that respects its employees. And the preparation for it is always very serious. After all, everyone wants to look their best in front of their colleagues. If in the company of friends you can fool around and say frivolous words at the table, then you need to be more careful.

You need to be very careful when choosing toasts at a corporate party. It should be a smart, interesting speech, not too long, but also not consisting of two words. Nobody will like a serious and boring toast, but a funny one can cause condemnation. So what should we do? We need a golden mean. This is exactly what you can find here.

We have presented the best toasts that can cause admiration and please even the bosses. Unusual, sometimes funny, beautiful words with an emphasis on the positive are exactly what is needed in this case.

The Great Buddha once called all animals to him. The first to appear before him was the cunning Rat, who had traveled most of the way on the back of the Bull. So let's drink to the fact that we will always be the first to distribute gifts and bonuses!

So, colleagues, the New Year is coming.. I wish you sparkling happiness, like a glass of champagne; bonuses - how many months in a year; plans like Napoleon's; success and achievements, like stars in the sky; lifestyle, like Santa Claus - always cheerful, has money for gifts, in a beautiful fur coat, on personal transport and with a wonderful companion.

Let the playful deer come running to our homes of the most generous Santa Claus! let his bag be full of HAPPINESS, success, health, wealth and LOVE!

Now, summing up the results,
Let's sigh sadly about the past:
Probably the gods helped
We have to cope with the enemy all year!

Today, celebrating the New Year,
Let's have fun!
We wish each other happiness,
Someone who doesn't love will fall in love.

Who is more happy about money than life?
Let him become rich this year!
Now it’s not a sin for us to drink,
For us, for everyone and for success!

We're gathered here together
Not just like that, out of boredom -
Celebrate at the banquet
Joint achievements! And corporate spirit
Unite stronger.
My positive toast
I'll ask everyone to pour some!

Many people wishing Happy New Year, they wish everyone a fresh start, but I want to wish you that in the New Year your life will continue in brighter colors, that you will overcome all failures and continue to build your life without repeating your mistakes.
Happy New Year and new successes!

Our team is small,
But with a huge soul,
Let's celebrate the New Year together,
What's knocking at the gate -

Let Santa Claus not be stingy
For gifts. And strives
Give everyone a bonus for the year,
So that the people are happy.

So that the team works
In summer and winter,
And so that everyone has enough strength
Be yourself!

Applause after your speech and surprised glances will help you understand how well your congratulations were chosen.

Don’t forget to congratulate your loved ones on New Year’s Eve, say joyful words to them, melt their hearts with a touch of humor and please them with cheerful toasts!

My dear girlfriends, friends, guests of my diary.
Just recently I finished publishing Oleg Gadetsky’s trainings in my diary. I'm still impressed by the material I received. You will still need time to repeat, rethink, and complete tasks that help you understand the material. As I wrote in the comments, Oleg Gadetsky is the Head of the “Psychology of the Third Millennium” project, psychologist, candidate of philosophical sciences, author of unique methods of personal growth. Author of the books "The best psychological techniques, or what to do if you have no luck?" and "The Laws of Fate, Or Three Steps to Success and Happiness." Based on the results of the VI International Festival of Psychology and Psychotherapy Stars (2005) and the III International Festival of Western and Eastern Psychology Stars (2008), he was recognized as the best psychological trainer.

New Year's greetings from Oleg Gadetsky.
Three mystical New Year's parables

Dear visitors of our site! I sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! I want to give you three wishes.


I wish you to always be yourself. Just don't think it's easy! Most people don't know how to do this and play different roles in life. Some people like to be a loser, some like to be a successful person, some like to be in the center of attention, and some like to be a little on the sidelines. People have come up with many different roles for themselves, but few are aware of their true needs and act based on them. But you can only become happy by being yourself! In general, as the saying goes: be yourself, because no one else can do it!

Faulty pot

One man carrying water had two large pots hanging on the end of a pole which he carried on his shoulders. One of the pots had a crack in it, while the other pot was spotless and always delivered a full serving of water at the end of the long walk from the source to the teacher's house. The cracked pot carried only half of it.

For two years this continued daily: the man carrying the water delivered only one and a half pots of water to his teacher's house. Of course, the immaculate pot was proud of his achievements. And the poor cracked pot was terribly ashamed of its imperfection and was very unhappy, since it was only able to do half of what it was intended for.

After two years of feeling bitter about his inadequacy, one day he spoke to the water bearer near the spring:

I'm ashamed of myself and want to apologize to you.

Why? What are you ashamed of?

During these two years I was only able to carry half of my load because this crack in my side causes water to leak all the way back to your teacher's house. “You did this work and because of my shortcomings you did not receive the full result of your efforts,” the pot said dejectedly.

The water carrier felt pity for the old cracked pot, and being compassionate, he said:

As we head back to the teacher's house, I want you to notice the beautiful flowers on the way there.
Indeed, when they climbed the hill, the cracked pot drew attention to the excellent flowers on one side of the path, and this calmed him a little. But at the end of the path he again felt bad because half of his water had leaked through him, and so he again apologized to the water carrier for his failure.

Then the water bearer said to the pea:

Did you notice that flowers only grew on your side of the path, but not on the side of the other pot? The point is that I was always aware of your flaw, and I used it to my advantage. I planted flower seeds on your side, and every day when we walked back from the source, you watered them. For two years I was able to take these beautiful flowers to decorate my teacher's desk. Without you, just as you are, there would not be this beauty in his house!


I also wish you deep relationships with other people! This second value has also been largely lost in the whirlpool of modern life. Basically, people have many contacts every day, but practically do not know deep trusting relationships. Even after living with each other for many years, people often grow further apart rather than closer. If there is something like this in your life, then let it remain in the old year!


Ah, Love! I so dream of being just like you! - Love repeated admiringly. You are much stronger than me.

Do you know what my strength is? - asked Lyubov, shaking her head thoughtfully.

Because you are more important to people.

No, my dear, that’s not why at all,” Love sighed and stroked Love’s head. - I know how to forgive, that’s what makes me like this.

Can you forgive Betrayal?

Yes, I can, because Betrayal often comes from ignorance, and not from malicious intent.

Can you forgive Treason?

Yes, and Treason too, because, having changed and returned, a person had the opportunity to compare, and chose the best.

Can you forgive a lie?

Lying is the lesser of evils, silly, because it often happens out of hopelessness, awareness of one’s own guilt, or out of unwillingness to hurt, and this is a positive indicator.

I don’t think so, there are just deceitful people!!!

Of course there are, but they have nothing to do with me because they don’t know how to love.

What else can you forgive?

I can forgive Anger because it is short-lived. I can forgive Harshness, since it is often a companion to Chagrin, and Chagrin cannot be predicted and controlled, since everyone is upset in their own way.

I can also forgive Resentment - the older sister of Chagrin, since they often flow from one another. I can forgive Disappointment because it is often followed by Suffering, and Suffering is purifying.

Ah, Love! You are truly amazing! You can forgive everything, everything, but at the first test I go out like a burnt out match! I'm so jealous of you!!!

And here you are wrong, baby. No one can forgive everything. Even Love.

But you just told me something completely different!!!

No, what I said, I actually can forgive, and I forgive endlessly. But there is something in the world that even Love cannot forgive. Because it kills feelings, corrodes the soul, leads to Melancholy and Destruction. It hurts so much that not even a great miracle can heal it. This poisons the lives of those around you and makes you withdraw into yourself. This hurts more than Betrayal and Betrayal and hurts worse than Lies and Resentment. You will understand this when you encounter him yourself. Remember, Falling in Love, the most terrible enemy is Indifference, since there is no cure for it.


And one more wish...

Who is your Master?

This happened to the famous Indian musician Tansen. He lived at the court of the great king Akbar. One day Akbar told him:

I can't imagine anyone could surpass you! It seems unthinkable. You are the last word, the pinnacle of creation. May the Creator be glorified forever! But whenever I think about it, I can’t help but think that you were a student of the Master, who taught you the skill. And who knows, maybe he is superior to you in skill? Who is this Master? Is he still alive? If so, can you invite him to the palace?"

Tansen said:

Yes, he's alive. But how can you invite him to the palace if he is like a wild animal - he walks around as he has to. He is not a man from society. He is like the wind or clouds driven by the wind. He has no strings connecting him to the world. This is a homeless wanderer. But more than that, you can’t ask him to sing or play, it’s completely impossible. He sings only when he feels. He dances only when he feels. You can only approach him unnoticed and wait.

Akbar was so intrigued that he was delighted with these words: “Ah! His Master is alive! It’s worth going for this.”

The master was a wandering fakir. His name was Haridas. Tansen sent messengers to find his location. After a long search, he was found in a hut on the banks of the Yamuna River. And Akbar and Hansen went to listen to him...

Residents of the local village said that at about three o'clock in the morning he sings and dances, but all day he sits quietly, like a mouse. And so, in the middle of the night, Akbar and Tansen, like thieves, lurked behind his hut.

Around three in the morning, Haridas began to sing and then began his dance. Akbar was as if hypnotized - he could not utter a single word, because no assessment could be given to what he heard and saw. Akbar just cried continuously. All the way back he remained deathly silent. Approaching the palace right on the steps, he turned to Tansen:

I thought that no one could surpass you. I thought you were something amazing and unique, but now - forgive me - I have to say that you can't hold a candle to your Master! But why?!"

Tansen silently looked at the emperor and after a pause said:

There is nothing simpler - I sing and dance for money, prestige, power, respect. My music is still a means to achieve a certain result. I sing to receive something, and my Master sings because he has already received something. And what he received, he simply gives. This is his gift. I am connected to this world and want to exchange my talent for something of value in this world, but he knows only God. And he expects nothing for his talent. He receives it from God and gives it to Him.

I wish you to reflect throughout your life on these three parables that we told each other.

With love,
on behalf of the entire Project team
"Psychology of the Third Millennium"

Preparation of moonshine and alcohol for personal use
absolutely legal!

After the collapse of the USSR, the new government stopped the fight against moonshine. Criminal liability and fines were abolished, and the article banning the production of alcohol-containing products at home was removed from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To this day, there is not a single law that prohibits you and me from engaging in our favorite hobby - preparing alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ “On the administrative liability of legal entities (organizations) and individual entrepreneurs for offenses in the field of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 28 , art. 3476).

Extract from the Federal Law of the Russian Federation:

“The effect of this Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals) producing products containing ethyl alcohol for purposes other than sale.”

Moonshining in other countries:

In Kazakhstan in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses dated January 30, 2001 N 155, the following liability is provided. Thus, according to Article 335 “Manufacture and sale of home-made alcoholic beverages”, illegal production of moonshine, chacha, mulberry vodka, mash and other alcoholic beverages for the purpose of sale, as well as the sale of these alcoholic beverages, entails a fine in the amount of thirty monthly calculation indices with confiscation of alcoholic beverages , apparatus, raw materials and equipment for their manufacture, as well as money and other valuables received from their sale. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal use.

In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses provide for the imposition of fines in the amount of three to ten tax-free minimum wages for the production and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale, for the storage of devices* for its production without the purpose of sale.

Article 12.43 repeats this information almost word for word. “Production or acquisition of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), storage of apparatus for their production” in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses. Clause No. 1 states: “The production by individuals of strong alcoholic drinks (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), as well as the storage of devices* used for their production, will entail a warning or a fine of up to five basic units with confiscation of the specified drinks, semi-finished products and devices."

*You can still purchase moonshine stills for home use, since their second purpose is to distill water and obtain components for natural cosmetics and perfumes.