Master class for educators “Games with cereals - we draw on the cereals. Master class on the topic "non-traditional techniques of fine arts - drawing with cereals" presentation on drawing on the topic Drawing with millet in kindergarten

Master class on drawing (studying various drawing techniques with preschool children)

Master class: “Miracles from semolina”

Master class is designed for parents and educators, as well as children from 3 to 6 years old.

Purpose of the master class: Drawing with semolina is an interesting and exciting activity. You can do this fun activity not only in kindergarten, but also at home with the whole family. The created works can be given as a gift or left at home as an addition to the interior.

The motto of the master class: “With patience, skill will come!”

Target: introduce preschool children to an unconventional drawing technique using semolina.


Continue to teach children to work with paints,

Develop creative imagination, thinking, fantasy;

Cultivate an interest in creativity.

Cultivate an interest in fine arts and a desire to learn new things.

I became acquainted with an unconventional drawing technique, semolina, 16 years ago - at a pedagogical school. This type of drawing fascinates with its ease of execution and its uniqueness, but the most important thing is that classes with such materials are useful for kids - they develop children's motor skills and imagination.

Materials for work

Colored crayons;

Hair fixation spray;

Copy paper;

Cardboard or thick Whatman paper;

PVA glue;

Brushes of different sizes;

Simple pencil;

Gouache, paints;


Jar of water.

An amazing story will help me tell you about this type of drawing and show it.

“One day, seemingly unrelated objects gathered on the table: “The workers are friendly. These things are necessary!”

They all lay there, looking at each other with interest, but suddenly a thin rustling voice was heard, which was dissatisfied with something - it was Semolina. She began to grumble and be indignant more and more:

- Here you are, all such necessary and important things! You help people do serious work!

And I! I’m just cereal, I’m needed for porridge, I’ll be eaten and immediately forgotten! How insulting and annoying this is!

What do you think I could do? I, of course, intervened in this conversation and tried to explain to semolina how good and healthy it is not only in semolina porridge.

- You won’t believe it, Semolina, but with your help you can draw bright and unforgettable drawings! Look!

1 way. Drawing on a tray (for young children). Place a layer of semolina approximately 2-3 mm thick on the tray. Level it out. Then you can draw simple shapes by dragging your finger: circle, triangle, flower, sun, etc.

Method 2. The next method of drawing with semolina involves using PVA glue. First you need to draw a picture using a white pencil

Using PVA glue, draw the contours of the design.

Take semolina and scatter it over the pattern, with glue already applied.

The dried sheet should be shaken lightly so that the unadhered grains fall off. This is what happened!

3 way. Drawing with tinted semolina. You can color semolina with brilliant green and iodine, but without adding a lot of water, so as not to turn into porridge. You can also crumble the lead of a simple or colored pencil on a sheet of paper and grind the cereal in it until it is colored. Delicate shades are obtained by mixing cereals with crushed multi-colored crayons. You can also lightly fry the semolina in a frying pan.

So, the colored semolina is ready. The drawing was prepared using carbon paper.

Apply glue to individual parts of the design and sprinkle it with pre-tinted cereal. It’s better to start work with smaller details!

This is such a bright picture!

4 way. Painting on semolina. We choose the plot of the future drawing.

Apply a layer of glue to the cardboard with a brush.

While the glue is still wet, sprinkle a thick layer of semolina on top in an even layer. After this, you need to let the painting dry. The dried sheet should be shaken lightly so that the unadhered grains fall off. Now the sheet is ready for painting.

However, you need to remember that you will not be able to get a drawing with clear contours due to the uneven texture of the surface

(you get the effect of drawing on a wet sheet). You can make a light sketch with a brush (underpainting) or slightly lift the cardboard (if it is white) in order to see the sketch. After this, prepare your paints and you can start painting.

After completing the work, when it is completely dry, the picture needs to be varnished so that the grain sticks.

Semolina was satisfied and she began to smile! She realized her importance and necessity, and promised never to grumble or complain again! This is the kind of good note I would like to end my amazing story on!

Many children love to draw. They surprise adults with their masterpieces. You can draw not only with paints and pencils, but also with cereals. Children enjoy it because it is an interesting and exciting activity.

I would like to mention semolina drawing. For children, this technique is an innovation that fascinates every child. With its help, creative thinking, fantasy, imagination, and much more develops. In this article we will look at unconventional drawing with semolina in different directions.

The benefits of drawing with semolina and the teacher’s tasks

Some parents don't understand the benefits of painting with semolina. After all, it’s easier to give your child brushes, paints, pencils or markers. However, we must not forget that unconventional drawing helps the child to open up and develop even more. He shows imagination, his creative thinking opens up.

First of all, drawing with semolina helps a child train fine motor skills of his fingers, which has a beneficial effect on future development (writing becomes easier). The baby also exhibits imagination, rich imagination, and speech. With the help of this activity, children become more diligent.

The teacher’s task is to arouse the child’s interest in teaching him how to work with the material correctly and accurately, continue to develop the child’s creative abilities, develop thinking and self-confidence, teach him to finish his work to the end, and overcome difficult moments.

Preparation for class

First, prepare suitable utensils. As a rule, it is better to draw with semolina on a black background. Therefore, you can take a baking sheet or dark-colored tray.

The dishes can be not only black, but also dark blue. If the child is small, then make sure that the tray has high sides. If you want to make a color drawing, then paper of any color will do, but you will need green paint, iodine, gouache, etc.

You may also need cardboard, gouache, brushes, and hairspray. However, try to start with the simplest thing, because the baby must understand the basics of the work, and only then can you complicate the task. The main thing is that he enjoys studying and becomes interested.

Before you start drawing, explain to your child that semolina is not only eaten. It is also used instead of sand for drawing, as it is completely safe.

It is necessary to tell the child how to behave correctly during class. The child must know that work must be done carefully and not waste cereals on the floor.

Drawing on a tray

Pour a thin layer into a dish and show how you can leave fingerprints and palm prints. This is the simplest thing a child needs to know and be able to do. Then take a small figurine or object. You can also leave prints with them and you get drawings. A small massage ball leaves very beautiful marks. The child will enjoy this activity and will be captivated for a long time.

Remove the semolina from the tray and pour it into a plate. Give your baby a small spoon. Let him pour the cereal onto the dish himself. Explain that you need to try not to spill the semolina and bring it completely to the tray.

Now add more cereal than you did the first time. Find small toys, perhaps from Kinder Surprise. Bury them in the cereal and let the children look for them on their own. This activity will not leave kids indifferent.

Take a fork with your children and draw paths together. Use your finger to draw horizontal or vertical lines. You can depict the sun, a house, a cloud, a flower, a butterfly and much more. It all depends on the age and imagination of the baby.

Drawing semolina on paper

Take A4 cardboard and a sheet of paper of the same size. This is necessary in order to get a real picture. Glue the sheet to the cardboard. If you use white semolina, then you need dark-colored paper. Burgundy, dark blue, black, green, etc. will do.

Draw the outline of the picture on a piece of paper. Then take a little semolina in your palm, clasp it in your fist, move your little finger a little and the cereal will gradually pour out, as if from a funnel. Sprinkle semolina along the contour to create a beautiful pattern. However, it will not last long; you just need to blow and the grain will fly apart. To prevent this from happening, there is another, more modern technique.

We use glue

Drawing with semolina on paper is a fun activity. To ensure that the semolina remains on the sheet and does not crumble, you need to follow the contour. As in the previous method, scatter the cereal onto the contour. The semolina will remain on the glue, and you can shake off the excess. Then you get a picture.

There is another, more universal, method. When you have applied glue to it, dip this piece of paper into the semolina. This is a kind of lightweight task. There is no need to sprinkle the cereal on the paper and try to get onto the outline itself. However, this task is given to children aged 3-4 years, and for older children the lesson can be made more difficult.

Color drawing

To do this, you need to color the semolina in different colors. Take the lead from the colored pencils, crumble it, rub it on paper, and then pour semolina into it and stir until it becomes a different color. You can also crumble crayons and mix them with semolina to create delicate shades. You can also fry the semolina a little in a frying pan until it changes color.

You can print the drawing or draw something simple yourself. First, pay attention to the small details of the picture. These are the best places to start. Coat the contours with glue, and then sprinkle them with colored cereal. Then move on to larger details.

Many children really like drawing with semolina. The master class is intended primarily for adults (parents and educators), who will be able to learn everything themselves and then show their skills to kids. These skills will also come in handy during the holidays. For example, for the New Year you can draw a Christmas tree, a snowflake, Santa Claus or the Snow Maiden.

Drawing snowflakes with semolina is a simple and fun activity. Every child will want to please their teachers, parents or grandmothers with a craft made using non-traditional fine art techniques. on paper, apply glue along the contour and sprinkle with semolina. When the painting is dry, remove the excess grain. A snowflake can be drawn with either white or blue semolina.

Drawing with semolina in kindergarten can be done without problems. However, it is worth remembering that children are big fidgets, so try to pay attention to each child. It is not advisable to use dangerous items such as hairspray in kindergarten. If the teacher fails to control the child, irreparable things can happen.

Color the drawing with gouache

First, choose the subject of your drawing. Then draw it on paper and cover the contours with a thick layer of glue. Everything must be done quickly enough, because the glue can dry out. Pour white semolina and wait for the drawing to dry thoroughly.

When the sheet is dry, shake out any excess semolina that did not stick. Now the masterpiece is ready for coloring. However, remember that the texture in front of you is uneven, so don’t expect any special miracles. You will succeed. If everything is done carefully, then the painting will even be ready for exhibition.

Gouache is ideal for paints, not watercolor. Color each detail with your own color.

When the drawing is ready, let it dry well. To make the painting last as long as possible, spray it with hairspray.


Some children don't like to draw, but this unconventional technique captivates kids. You can use semolina to depict not only pictures, but also letters, numbers, and geometric shapes.

Then you will teach your child not only to draw with semolina, but also reinforce the basic knowledge that will be needed at school.

Drawing with semolina in kindergarten teaches children to work in a group, share both material and ideas. When kids work in a team, they become more organized. One child looks at the other and tries to do even better.

Engage in unconventional drawing with your children. Then children will become even better at working on paper, begin to fantasize more, and become diligent and attentive. Such skills will be useful to them in the future.

At first glance, it is difficult to imagine that it is possible to make applications from buckwheat, such a small grain. However, this is true: buckwheat is an excellent material for crafts.

Buckwheat applications can be made in a wide variety of ways: thematic (fish, chicken, bear cub, Cheburashka, owlet, woodpecker, sunflower), the alphabet from cereals and even entire compositions. If desired, the craft can be easily painted. Then the work will become brighter, richer and more attractive. This activity is very interesting and exciting. The applications turn out amazingly beautiful. They can decorate the kitchen, children's room.

Application from cereals in general, and from buckwheat in particular, This is an opportunity to reveal children's abilities, as well as promote the development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

Making crafts from cereals is not difficult. You will need: cereal, PVA glue, a sheet of thick cardboard, markers or felt-tip pens, pencils, gouache for coloring.

How to make buckwheat applications

  1. Prepare a sheet of cardboard, preferably colored.
  2. Print out the drawing you like or draw it yourself using a pencil.
  3. Carefully apply glue along the contour of the image or lubricate all the details of the future application.
  4. Sprinkle buckwheat onto greased areas.
  5. Let dry (this will take about two hours).
  6. Gently shake off any excess grain that has not stuck to it.
  7. Move to the next section of the picture and glue the buckwheat again.
  8. If desired, paint the craft with gouache.
  9. To keep your craft for a long time, spray it with hairspray from a can (hairspray is quite suitable).

How to color buckwheat applications

Buckwheat crafts look much more attractive when the grain is colored. How to do this without ruining the work? It is best to color the core before gluing it. For this:

Pack the resulting colored cereal into different jars. The lid should not be closed. When you decide to do a craft, you have everything prepared in advance.

In applications, buckwheat can be combined with other types of cereals: millet, rice, semolina, as well as peas, pasta, seeds, pistachio shells, eggshells.

Original crafts made from cereals with your own hands will bring joy not only to kids and their parents. They will give a sunny mood to everyone who can admire such beauty.

For children from 1 year to 3 years.

Playing with cereals and drawing on cereals are some of the most interesting activities that perfectly develop a child’s fingers and fine motor skills, and also promote passive finger massage. In this article we will talk about drawing on semolina. At the same time, you can draw on any cereal in general, and the larger its grains, the better the child’s fingers are massaged while drawing.

The examples of educational games given in the article will be interesting for children from one to three years old.

Educational games with cereals and drawing on cereals - let's play, develop and learn to draw!

Let's get acquainted with drawing on croup.

To draw on cereals, we need a tray or any other flat surface. Pour the cereal onto a tray and distribute it in an even layer over the entire surface. Then we attract the child’s attention to the cereal - we draw simple drawings that may interest the baby (duckling, cat, etc.) and invite him to join you. For the first acquaintance with cereals, it will be quite enough if the child simply experiments with cereals; it is better not to ask him to draw anything specific - we reinforce the child’s positive drawing experience by praising him for the usual squiggles and lines that he draws.

After a few days, when the child gets used to the new activity, you can take on more complex tasks.

Scene pictures.

This game is for very young children. Invite your child: “Let’s draw a path!” Take his finger in your hand and run it along the rump, drawing a horizontal line: “Look what a path you got. How does a bunny jump on it? Jump-jump!!!" We spread our fingers and leave marks on the table with our fingertips: “These are the marks the bunny left! Come on and your fingers will jump like a bunny!” We invite the baby to “jump” with his fingers on the rump like a bunny.

Game "Find picture".

Place on the surface that you are going to fill with cereal a sheet of paper with bright pictures that may interest your baby. As pictures you can use children's stickers, pictures cut out from magazines, books, baby food boxes (something attractive and childish is often drawn there). You can draw the simplest pictures (apple, tree, house) yourself, or glue them together from colored paper.

This is roughly what it looks like.

The child is shown that pictures can be hidden under the cereal and asked to find them.

Get ready for the fact that when searching for hidden pictures, the croup may fly in all directions.


Mom draws a cloud and a flower. We turn to the baby: “The little flower is feeling really bad without some water. He’s thirsty. Let’s pour some rain on him from the cloud.” We show the child how to draw rain.

Feeding the chicken

Mom draws a chicken. "How does the chicken scream? Pee-pee-pee! He wants to eat! Let's feed him! Let's give him grains!" We show how you can draw grains with your finger, “feeding the chicken.”

Everything is simple here. Mom draws a Christmas tree, then together with the baby you can decorate it - draw balls and garlands. Or you can decorate the Christmas tree in another way - place shaped pasta and beans on the image of the Christmas tree as New Year's toys. Laying out small objects is also great for developing fine motor skills in children aged 1 to 3 years.

Let's draw tracks

Mom draws houses for animals. In each house we put its inhabitant - some kind of animal (kinder surprise figurines, images from lotto, just small toys or pictures can serve as animals).

The mother explains to the child: “This duckling and mouse are friends, they love to play together. But now they can’t come to visit each other, because all the paths in the forest are covered with snow. Let’s help them! Let’s draw paths for them and they can play together again !" Then we draw paths between the animals’ houses and send them on a journey along the paths.

After some time, a strong wind blows in and sweeps away all the paths again (we erase the drawn paths). We invite the child to draw paths between the houses again.

Simple drawings

You can draw any designs on the cereal. Older children can draw what they want to draw, or what their mother suggests.

Kids can draw together with their mothers.

For example, you can draw a sun: the mother draws a circle, and the baby draws rays.

For example, for us it looked like this. Almost a masterpiece.

Mom draws a balloon, and the baby draws a thread.

Mom draws a flower, and the baby draws a stem.

Mom draws an umbrella, and the baby draws an umbrella handle.

Mom draws a spatula, and the baby draws a handle from a spatula.

Decorate the hedgehog with needles. You can add apples (circles) to him so he doesn’t go hungry.

Giving advice on the development of children - we have already written several times - how useful it is to pour any cereal onto a tray and give the child the opportunity to draw on it with his fingers, lay out a mosaic of beans or beans.

Drawing with cereals is not only fun and exciting for a child, but also very useful for the development of his fine motor skills, and therefore speech and thought processes. This also has a beneficial effect on the baby’s psyche - just like any playful interaction with natural material.

Today we want to draw your attention to a more complex, but also interesting way of drawing with cereals - using glue. Such a drawing will last for a long time, and drawing with grains will give wide and varied opportunities for self-expression of the creative self not only to a preschool child, but also to schoolchildren and even adults! After all, the created paintings and panels turn out to be voluminous, textured, both in natural tones and tinted with paint. You will see examples of “cereal” masterpieces at the end of the article.

You can draw with any cereal you like - buckwheat, rice, millet, chaff and even multi-colored dry jelly - and that’s great! But the most convenient thing to start with is to learn how to draw with ordinary semolina. We will focus on this drawing option in our today's master class.

Drawing with semolina - Tabby cat

Why Kotik? Semolina painting is great for depicting furry animals!

Materials: colored cardboard (or paper), PVA glue, semolina, gouache, brushes .


All work is carried out in five steps, but after the first four the picture will need to be dried. Therefore, there are two stages: creating a semolina figurine, and the second - decorating a dry figurine.

Step 1.

On the cardboard base we draw the outline of the Cat.

Step 2.

Lubricate the drawn cat with PVA glue using a brush. We try not to go beyond the contours of the figure.

Step 3.

Sprinkle the sticky figure with semolina. To make the layer more uniform, you can gently shake it in a horizontal plane.

Step 4.

Turn it over vertically and shake off any remaining semolina that has not stuck to the glue. The more uniform the glue layer is, the smoother the surface of the semolina application will be.

Step 5.

Dry the picture and paint it with gouache.

And here is a drawing of my daughter (3.5 years old): it's really not a cat.

More options for drawing with cereals:

Drawing with semolina without coloring:

On a colored background, you can paint with a brush with PVA glue, and then sprinkle with semolina - you will get a monochrome drawing - the same as on a colored one. This is how winter is usually painted (there is such an example in the examples of work below).

Semolina over the picture:

Makes the contrasting pattern more matte and textured. Semolina on glue looks like a translucent layer.

How to draw: a contrasting pattern is drawn, covered with a thin, even layer of glue and carefully sprinkled with semolina.

Drawing with unpainted cereals:

Cereals can provide a fairly rich range of natural colors:

Yellow- corn, millet, peas;

Green- green peas, lentils;

Red- Red beans;

Dark brown - buckwheat;

Light brown, gray : chaff, flakes;

White- rice, semolina.

How to draw with cereals:

They can be glued to PVA, or (large ones, such as beans) - to a layer of plasticine.

An example of such a very original cereal panel was sent to us by the guys from the arts and crafts studio "Sunny Circle", Magnitogorsk.

As promised above, I provide illustrations - examples amazing "cereal masterpieces" selected: