Draw a hippopotamus with a pencil step by step for children. How to draw a hippopotamus with a pencil step by step

Drawing a funny hippopotamus

Master class on drawing a funny hippopotamus with step-by-step drawings

Vladislav Pron 7 years old, studying at MKOU Secondary School No. 8 in the village of Takhta, Ipatovsky district, Stavropol Territory.
Teacher: Oksana Sergeevna Pron, primary school teacher at MKOU Secondary School No. 8 in the village of Takhta, Ipatovsky district, Stavropol Territory.
Description: The work can be done with children 6-10 years old. The material may be useful to educators,
teachers, parents, and everyone who is interested in drawing.
Purpose: interior design for any holiday.
Target: creating a holiday drawing.
-continue to introduce children to animals of hot countries;
- teach children to draw a hippopotamus;
-develop eye, attention, fine motor skills;
- to cultivate neatness and aesthetic feelings.

Hello, dear friends! Every holiday involves fun, gifts, treats, entertainment, and pictures as a keepsake. In preparation for my birthday, I wanted to decorate my room with helium balloons and beautiful framed pictures. Moreover, the greatest interest is always what is made with your own hands. Since childhood, I have loved the cartoon about the pig Funtik. Therefore, I began to draw the characters of my cartoon with pleasure. One of the drawings is “Funny hippopotamus with an accordion.” It’s as if he’s singing to me the song “Let them run clumsily...”. Today we will draw a kind, cheerful, beloved hippopotamus from the cartoon “Funtik”. I invite everyone to our art studio!

Materials and tools:
- sheet of A4 paper
- simple pencil, eraser
- watercolor or gouache
- brushes
- water jar

Progress of the master class:
We start work with markings. Place the sheet vertically. Let's outline the strokes at the top and bottom - this is how tall our hippopotamus will be. On the right and left there are strokes - the thickness of the hero.

Next we outline the head and ears.

Now let’s outline where the hippopotamus’s hind limbs are.

Let’s add some more touches to the drawing: we’ll show the upper limbs and feet in the drawing, and we’ll draw an accordion.

The next step is to draw the muzzle and fingers holding the accordion.

It's time to draw the shirt, tie and front paws.

Now let's finish the shirt and draw the shorts.

And draw the hind legs. At this stage, it is necessary to remove all auxiliary lines and strokes. It's time to prepare the drawing for color transformation.

Now everyone can use their imagination and color the hippopotamus to their own taste. Some will prefer paints, some will prefer gouache, and others will prefer colored pencils. This is where all the interest lies. I painted with gouache. This is what I ended up with!

And you? I hope that such a cute hippo will not leave you indifferent and you will want to draw it yourself. I wish you a good mood, more bright and successful drawings! Let these drawings bring a lot of joy and warmth to your interior and soul!
Thank you for your attention!

We continue to publish drawing lessons for the little ones. They can also be used in working with children with disabilities (preschoolers and primary schoolchildren).

Hippopotamus drawing for children

The drawing of the hippopotamus is done according to the same pattern as the previously drawn cow and pig. But don't let this bother you. In this way, an elementary skill is developed. Having it, our little artist can change it as he wants.

Little kids can’t sit still for long, but with older kids, especially those with disabilities, learn poems and look at pictures. Find a live hippopotamus on the Internet, preferably a baby one. Watch his habits. And then secure everything in the drawing.

In preschool age, all children love to draw, but the result may not always satisfy them. Everyone wants to draw a beautiful picture, but at 3.5-4 years old, this clearly lacks the ability, skills, and simply knowledge about the environment.

The task of parents is to help their child in this matter. What do children draw most often? Of course, all kinds of animals. Parents can show the “budding artist” how easy it is to draw.

Below are instructions on how to draw a hippopotamus. So, let's arm ourselves with the necessary supplies, make the child comfortable and get started.

How to draw a hippopotamus step by step

This is how you can easily draw a hippopotamus with a child. Then the baby can color his hippopotamus according to his taste and desire. And the result will definitely please him.

Hippopotamus in the story picture

Having learned to depict an animal in isolation, try inviting your child to include it in some simple plot. Draw the path, flowers and grass along which the hippo walks. There is sun and clouds in the sky. At the same time, strengthen the “up-down” relationship. Maybe your animal met someone on a walk, for example, a girl. It's also very easy to draw. They became friends and went to pick flowers (or something else).

Be sure to frame the resulting picture and decorate your baby’s corner with it. If you are against a picture on the wall, glue it into an album (just take a thick one for drawing). Glue all the pictures there and put a number. It is useful to record the child’s story based on the picture. Even when they get older, the kids love to look at their creativity. They often ask: “Tell me how I was little.”

“Oh, it’s not an easy job / To drag a hippopotamus out of the swamp!” — in Russian-speaking countries everyone knows this well. It’s hard to argue, because a hippopotamus weighs from 1.5 to 4.5 tons. But we will not pull him out of trouble, but draw him, which is much simpler. If you think this is too prosaic an animal to bother with its portrait, you probably haven't heard much about it. Read on and you will learn not only how to draw a hippopotamus, but also a lot of interesting things about it. Indeed, despite the outward good nature, in his homeland the attacks of this animal are feared no less than a lion.

Simple and realistic

Now we'll show you how to draw a hippopotamus using a few geometric shapes, without too much detail, making it a good example for beginners.

In 5 minutes

With just a few lines you can draw a hippopotamus with a pencil.

Our hippo turned out to be quite funny, but in fact it is one of the most ferocious animals in Africa. He often does not like the company of even his relatives, much less people. Which, however, is not surprising, because they hunt this animal for its tusks, which are more expensive than ivory, and meat. Therefore, their population is rapidly decreasing.

How to draw a hippopotamus for children?

For the little ones, you can deviate from the real proportions of the animal and make it in a cartoon style.

In fact, this hippopotamus consists of three ovals and a circle. See for yourself:

Like from a cartoon

If you're wondering how to draw a hippopotamus that looks like the cheerful Gloria from Madagascar, here's an example for you. He has the same lush eyelashes and cheerful appearance, and even a preschooler can handle his drawing.

Making the task more difficult

This lesson will be more challenging because we will be moving away from simple geometric shapes and starting to work with pencils of different hardnesses.

So, how to draw a hippopotamus step by step in its “classic” pose for wildlife magazines - with its mouth wide open? It may seem that the artist has gone too far with her image, but in fact this is not the limit. The width of the beast's jaws is 60-70 cm, and the mouth can open at an angle of up to 150 degrees.

So, let's get started:

Now you not only know how to draw a hippopotamus, but also many interesting facts about it. Draw with pleasure.

Hello again everyone!
Call your children to the monitors, because today we will learn how to easily draw a minion step by step. For those who don’t know, minions are such cute and funny characters from the animated trilogy “Despicable Me”. They are all yellow, look like the packaging of a chocolate egg toy, speak their own language and all the time find themselves in interesting situations under the leadership of their owner, a gangly man with a big nose named Gru. Although I think that every adult, and even more so a child, can imagine what these restless pets look like.
I will draw with a felt-tip pen, you can follow my example or use a simple pencil to correct the drawing if necessary. Take a sheet of paper, preferably a landscape one.
If you want to draw a large minion, then it is better to place the sheet vertically; if you plan to draw several pieces next to each other, then you can horizontally. All minions are very similar to each other, but there is one significant difference - some are luckier and have two eyes, while others are content with only one. I will draw a more developed yellow belly, which sees twice as well.

I'll start drawing from the eyes. First, we draw two identical circles, around which we make an edging. The edging will serve as glasses in the future. The result is an eight.

To make the eyes real, add pupils to them. I draw two pieces, whoever decides to draw a one-eyed Cyclops can do it twice as fast!

At the next stage, we will draw a body for our minion. Here you can dream up. Depending on the size of the body, it will be tall, short or normal, like mine.

Are there bald minions? Certainly! But I decided to make mine handsome and gave him these rare curls. You can depict the hair on your head in a different way, for example, draw a thick bunch from one point, similar to how a palm tree grows. And at this stage, don’t forget to draw the glasses strap. It turned out like this.

The yellow men are mostly dressed in the same denim overalls, in other words just pants with straps. My friend is no exception. Now I’ll draw the very straps that hold the pants on. The dots on the straps are buttons or buttons.

Almost left our yellow hero without the opportunity to discuss the latest news with his brothers. Let's go back and draw his mouth. I love to smile, so of course I decorated my face with a smiling grin.

What's next, you ask? Next we will draw the hands, one raised up, the other down. Yours may be different, both up, both down, you can even portray a one-armed bandit. In fact, these are just blanks; a little later we will turn them into real hands.

Let's return to the torso and clothes, let's complete the overalls with the obligatory pocket in the middle.

In the next step, let's finish the arms and draw the hands, in my drawing it turned out like this.

There is a head, there are hands. What's missing? Correctly draw the minion's legs. This is also easy and simple to do. That's it, the drawing is ready!

Of course, children love colorful and bright drawings more. Therefore, to ensure that the impressions from today’s lesson remain in your memory for a long time, take pencils or markers and color the picture, as I did. Our minion itself is yellow, the clothes are blue, the eyes are brown, and the glasses can be shaded with a silver felt-tip pen or a simple pencil. I think it turned out great, write your opinion in the comments.

The hippopotamus is a huge animal from the phylum chordata, a class of mammals. Hippopotamuses belong to the order Artiodactyls. They kind of look like a big pig. The hippopotamus has a wide head, a large thick body that looks like a barrel, short legs and a short triangular tail. He is not tall, but the weight of a hippopotamus can exceed 3-4 tons. But unlike the pig, the hippopotamus leads a semi-aquatic lifestyle. It sits in the water for hours and only comes to land to find food. Hippos are vegetarians. They feed on terrestrial and semi-aquatic grass. Their teeth are large, with wide surfaces, with which, when chewing, the hippopotamus grinds the vegetation on which it feeds. Very often, various birds sit on the back of a hippopotamus, which do not bother him at all and he does not pay any attention to them. Let's draw step by step with a pencil one of the most interesting animals on the planet.

Stage 1. First, we outline the contours of the hippopotamus (hippopotamus) body. Oval head, slightly turned obliquely. The lines of a wide body and below the lines of four limbs extend from it.

Stage 2. Now we will outline the assistant lines with a smooth outline and give the hippopotamus figure clear outlines. We smoothly outline the back, back, ear, eyebrow, front of the muzzle, forelimbs, hind limbs.

Stage 3. Outline the figure of the hippopotamus with precise lines. Let's erase unnecessary helper lines.

Stage 4. Now at the border where the head connects to the body, namely, at the top of the head, we draw its small ears. One is turned to the side, slightly pointed. The other is oval, but compressed in the middle, rounded at the top.

Stage 5. Now we will draw lines, or rather a fold at the back of the head on the body and below we will show by shading the irregularities on the thick skin of the hippopotamus covering its short legs. We will also separate his muzzle from his body with a smooth line and show the so-called neck line, although the hippopotamus has almost no neck.

Stage 6. Let's draw the face of a huge beast. See what it looks like enlarged in a circle. On the muzzle we draw a small eye. He has two plump, leathery eyelids, upper and lower. Between them is a small eye with a pupil. On the front of the muzzle we will show two large nostrils and use dots to mark the places on the muzzle where whiskers usually grow. Yes Yes! Hippos have them too. And they are called vibrissae.

Stage 7. Now you will erase all the original basting lines, leaving only the lines of the figure of the hippopotamus itself. Make them clear and sharp. The result is such a giant hippopotamus beast!

Stage 8. Let's decorate our beast. We make his body gray with small tint spots. We will do this on the ears, neck, stomach, slightly behind and on the legs. Highlight the folds on the body and legs. The claws on the fingers will show blue. Our hippopotamus came out as if alive!