The most famous actresses in the world of the 20th century. The most beautiful actresses in the world of all time

The Golden Age of Hollywood, which took place in the 30s and 40s of the last century, is still considered the standard of glamor. To always be elegantly dressed and with impeccable hair was the main commandment of any actress of that time.

Despite the fact that explicit scenes and even kisses on screen were prohibited by the Hays Code, sexual attractiveness became the main key to success for the film and, accordingly, the actors. Great efforts were made by both studios and actresses for this, and the result is simply divine.

The actress who introduced long hair covering one eye into fashion. She was the idol of many women, and her hairstyle with flowing shoulder-length blond hair, called “hide and seek”, was one of the most popular in those years. Movies: " Sullivan's Travels", "Weapons for Hire", "Glass Key".

Veronica Lake

Winner of the Oscar for Best Actress. In the 1930s and 1940s, she was considered the embodiment of the elegance and splendor of a film star; over a quarter of a century, she starred in about a hundred films and played with the most famous geniuses of cinema. Films: “The Farmer’s Daughter”, “The Bishop’s Wife”, “Come to the Stable”.

Loretta Young

Lauren Bacall

Winner of an honorary Oscar, winner of two Golden Globes and two Tony Awards. She was recognized as one of the first beauties of Hollywood. Films: “How to Marry a Millionaire”, “To Have and Have Not”, “Murder on the Orient Express”, “The Most Accurate”.

Lauren Bacall

Joan Fontaine

Anglo-American actress, best known for her roles in Alfred Hitchcock's classic films. She was awarded the prestigious Oscar for her role in the film Suspicion. Movies: " Rebecca", "Suspicion", "Above All", "Jane Eyre", "Ivy", " Letter from a stranger».

Joan Fontaine

Swedish and American actress. In the American Film Institute's "100 Greatest Movie Stars of 100 Years According to AFI" ranking, he ranks 4th. Three-time Oscar winner, four-time Golden Globe Award winner, two-time Emmy Award winner, first Tony Award winner. Movies: " Casablanca", "For whom the Bell Tolls", " Bad reputation", "Arc de Triomphe", "Joan of Arc".

Ingrid Bergman

American actress, Oscar nominee. She is best known for her comedic roles in classic Hollywood films of the 1930s. The American Film Institute included her in the list of “100 Greatest Movie Stars” at number 23. Films: “ My servant Godfrey», « Mr. and Mrs. Smith», « To be or not to be».

Carole Lombard

Ginger Rogers

American actress and dancer, winner of the Oscar in 1941. She became best known for her joint performances with Fred Astaire. Ranks 14th on the list of the 100 greatest movie stars. Movies: " 42nd street», « Flight to Rio", "The Cheerful Divorcee", "Carefree", "The Barkley Couple from Broadway", "Storm Warning".

Ginger Rogers

American actress. Movies: " Angels with dirty faces», « Dodge City", "The Man Who Came to Dinner", "Edge of Darkness", "Silver River", "Soldier in a Skirt".

Anne Sheridan

Italian actress and singer. Winner of honorary awards at all major film festivals. Winner of five Golden Globe awards (in the special category “favorite of the world public”). The first winner of the Oscar for Best Actress in a Foreign Language Film. Winner of an honorary Oscar with the wording “for a career rich in memorable roles that gave an unfading shine to cinema.” Her films in Hollywood: “Pride and Passion”, “A Countess from Hong Kong”, “Love Under the Elms”, “ Black Orchid", "It Started in Naples", "Millionaires", "El Cid", "The Fall of the Roman Empire", "Lady L.", "Arabesque", "The Verdict".

Sophia Loren

American actress, one of the brightest stars of Hollywood of the 1940s and 1950s. Oscar nominee. She was included in the list of the greatest movie stars in Hollywood history. The owner of the “face of an angel and the body of a goddess” is often called one of the most beautiful actresses of the 20th century. Movies: " Snow Kilimanjaro", "On the Shore", "The Sun Also Rises", "Mogambo", "Knights of the Round Table", "Barefoot Countess", "Night of the Iguana", "Blue Bird".

Ava Gardner

One of the most glamorous and sensual stars of classic Hollywood. For the filming of one of her first films, she plucked her eyebrows, but they never grew back, for which she received the nickname “the girl with painted on eyebrows.” It is believed that during World War II, American soldiers preferred to hang her photographs and posters on the walls of their barracks. After the war, she starred mainly in musicals. Her films: “The Postman Always Rings Twice”, “The Three Musketeers”, “ Merry Widow", "The Evil and the Beautiful", "Peyton Place", " Imitation of life».

Lana Turner

American film actress and dancer, one of the most famous Hollywood stars of the 1940s, who became a legend and sex symbol of her era. Included in the American Film Institute's list of the 100 greatest movie stars. Films with her participation: “Strawberry Blonde”, “ Blood and Sand", "Cover Girl", " You'll never be richer», « You've never been more amazing", "Gilda", "Lady from Shanghai".

Rita Hayworth

Anglo-American actress, one of the most popular and sought-after Hollywood actresses of the 1930s and 1940s, winner of two Oscars for Best Actress. Her films: " gone With the Wind», « Captain Blood's Odyssey», « Light Horse Charge", "The Adventures of Robin Hood", " To each his own», « Heiress", "My Cousin Rachel", "That Lady", "Proud Rebel", "Light in the Piazza", "Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte", "Airport 77", "The Fifth Musketeer".

Olivia de Havilland

English actress, winner of two Oscar awards. Gaining a reputation as an actress who was difficult to work with, her career often experienced periods of decline. Movies: " gone With the Wind», « A Streetcar Named Desire, « Storm in a teacup», « Yankees in Oxford", "Twenty-one Days", "London Sidewalks", " Lady Hamilton", "Caesar and Cleopatra", "Anna Karenina", "The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone", "Ship of Fools".

Vivien Leigh

Austrian and then American film actress, popular in the 1930s and 1940s, as well as. After an unsuccessful marriage, Hedy went to Hollywood, where her career developed rapidly. She starred in films such as: " Algeria", "Lady in the Tropics", "Tortilla Flat", "Dangerous Experiment", "Samson and Delilah".

Hedy Lamarr

"Queen of Hollywood", twice awarded the Oscar for Best Actress. The first actress whose fee for filming a film was a million dollars. In 1999, the American Film Institute ranked Elizabeth Taylor as the 7th greatest film star. Her films: “National Velvet”, “Giant”, “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof”, “Elephant Trail”, “Smell of Secret”, “Suddenly, Last Summer”, “ Cleopatra", "Blue Bird".

Elizabeth Taylor

Italian actress whose career reached the peak of popularity in the 1950s and 1960s. Her films in Hollywood: “Shame the Devil”, “Trapeze”, “ Notre Dame Cathedral", "Fanfan-tulip", "Provincial", "Come in September", "Never so few", "Solomon and the Queen of Sheba".

Gina Lollobrigida

British and American actress, model and humanitarian. She won an Oscar for Best Actress in the 1953 film Roman holiday", in addition, she was nominated four times. She became one of the highest paid film actresses of her time. Placed by the American Film Institute in third place on the list of the greatest actresses of American cinema. Films with her participation: “ Sabrina", "The Story of a Nun", " Breakfast at Tiffany's", "Wait Until Dark", "Charade", "Robin and Marian", "Always".

Audrey Hepburn

Grace Kelly

American actress, since 1956 - wife of Prince Rainier III of Monaco, 10th Princess of Monaco, mother of the now reigning Prince Albert II. The American Film Institute ranked her 12th on its list of the 100 Greatest Film Stars. Films with her participation: “”, “ Gentlemen prefer blondes", "How to Marry a Millionaire", "Love Nest", "Niagara".

Marilyn Monroe

His filmography includes such films as “The Godfather”, “Last Tango in Paris”, “Superman” and many, many others. Marlon Brando, one of the greatest actors of the 20th century, became famous almost immediately, without much preamble. There was a devilish mixture of a divine gift, rare male beauty, the grace of a predatory beast and... a disgusting character. Possessing incredible talent, which, by and large, did not require polishing (Brando studied acting in private courses), Brando could infuriate anyone. His whole life was like an endless rebellion, although it was almost impossible to determine who or what the Hollywood star was rebelling against. Brando hated the “Dream Factory”, refused to act in films without any compelling reasons and... still remained everyone’s favorite. Yes, they were terribly afraid of him and endlessly adored him.

He ended his life completely alone, a terminally ill, ugly old man. And yet, until his last breath, having lost all his attractiveness, he continued to hate the world around him, and the main thing was to tell him about it.

Cary Grant

Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn

Cary Grant and Sophia Loren

“Grant doesn’t need to be told how to play, he just needs to be put in front of the camera. He is so natural that you simply don’t notice the actor’s deception,” Hitchcock liked to repeat, who called Cary Grant his best actor. Grant spent his childhood in the dirty neighborhoods of Bristol, traveling with a traveling theater as a mime actor, but always dreamed of more. In the 1930s, Hollywood was in dire need of new actors, since many stars of the 1920s were unable to adapt to sound films. This state of affairs in cinema became a real lucky chance for Carey - in 1931 he made his screen debut. Then, in just a year and a half, eight more films happened, he was noticed and loved. Grant's phenomenon was his irresistible sexual appeal. In the comedies of the 1930s, he created the image of the playboy long before the word itself came into use. His hero is the female ideal. He starred in such films as “The Philadelphia Story”, “Only the Lonely Heart”, “Suspicion”, “Notorious”, “To Catch a Thief”. Grant's last significant film was 1963's Charade. An excellent detective story, diluted with a fair amount of humor. Audrey Hepburn played alongside Grant.

Laurence Olivier

Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh

Despite the fact that Olivier was not born in America, but in Great Britain, Hollywood still lured the greatest actor of the 20th century into its arms. The full list of his screen works can be the envy of even any modern actor, including the films “Wuthering Heights”, “21 Days”, “Rebecca”, “Pride and Prejudice”, “Lady Hamilton”. By the way, it was on the set of “Wuthering Heights” that Lawrence met his future wife, the very muse that all artists are waiting for and looking for. She became the then little-known artist Vivien Leigh. They lived together for 20 years, during which Vivien transformed from an aspiring actress into a movie star suffering from a serious illness and depression. Lawrence could not come to terms with Vivien's success, nor could he help cope with her mental disorder. Until the end of his life, Olivier was unable to forgive himself for Vivien’s betrayal. Olivier’s son said in an interview: “He watched the film “The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone” (a 1961 film starring Vivien Leigh), cried and endlessly repeated: “What went wrong?”

Clark Gable

Despite the fact that the first handsome man of Hollywood has about seventy films in his track record, for many of us he remained an actor of one role, because it was he who played Rhett Butler in the cult film “Gone with the Wind.” The actor’s life also sometimes resembled an exciting romantic melodrama - a sea of ​​fans, several marriages, tragic love. Clark was married five times, twice to women almost twice his age—it was necessary to make a career, and the provincial boy saw no other way. After his second marriage, which ended in a huge scandal, Clark fell in love with actress Carole Lombard, immediately proposed to her and would have been absolutely happy for the rest of his days if his beloved had not died in a plane crash. After the death of his wife, Gable led a reclusive life, unexpectedly went to the front, and after returning he married again. The fourth and fifth wives were exactly like Carol. Gable was never able to forget his beloved for the rest of his life. He is buried in the tomb of his third wife.

Montgomery Clift

Montgomery Clift and Joanna Drew

Montgomery Clift and Elizabeth Taylor

Oh, these men! Montgomery Clift is one of the first sex symbols of Hollywood and, by the way, an adherent of the Stanislavsky system, an extraordinary handsome man, handsome according to all the classical canons, such men can only be put on a shelf and admired, or, in extreme cases, watched films again and again with their participation. He was born in 1920, he has a huge number of films to his credit, including Raintree County, The Lonely Hearts Club, The Young Lions, four Oscar nominations and a tragic fate that is much more like an exciting film.

Since the 50s, Montgomery Clift has been considered the most sought-after actor in Hollywood. At that time, only the brilliant Marlon Brando could compete with him. Elizabeth Taylor once noted: “Monty might have become the biggest movie star in the world if he had acted more.” Indeed, the actor was very picky in his roles - he refused many projects for personal reasons. At the height of his career, Montgomery was involved in a terrible accident that ruined his entire life. Until the end of his days, Clift drank constantly, skipped filming, which became less and less, and died at the age of 45. Robert Lewis called his post-traumatic career "the longest suicide in the history of Hollywood."

Tony Curtis

To some extent, Tony Curtis is a clear example of the fact that everyone can be lucky. The son of a Jewish tailor who emigrated to America from Austria, a boy from the Bronx who started out as a small robber in a gang of street punks, he - then still Bernard Schwartz - could consider his handsome face and innate charm to be the only capital given to him by nature. Tony Curtis, born in 1925, always knew he wanted to be an actor. Girls loved him passionately, and Elvis Presley himself imitated his hairstyle. Yes, that same legendary haircut is the innovation of the inimitable Tony. Curtis starred in such films as “Some Like It Hot”, “Pride and Prejudice”, “Lady Hamilton”, “49th Parallel” and many others designed not only for an adult viewer, but also for enthusiastic teenage girls, because they were the main audience for the charming Tony.

Paul Newman

His fame in America began in the 50s in the theater and on television. Paul Newman's famous film works included roles in the films “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof,” “Exodus,” “Wrath,” “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.” Paul Newman was nominated for an Oscar ten times and won it in 1987 for The Color of Money. In addition to acting, Newman mastered another profession almost until the end of his life - the star of American westerns passionately dreamed of being a racing driver. He was literally sick of cars, competitions, and in 1982 Newman became a co-owner of the Newman-Haas Racing team. At the same time, he founded a food line, Newman's Own, specializing in salads and sauces; this business brought him more than $100 million.

In addition, Nman often acted as a director, producer and co-producer of films, remaining an enterprising, active and, of course, incredibly handsome man until the end of his life.

Gregory Peck

Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn - this couple is familiar to every film fan. "Roman Holiday" is the most romantic love story. Eldred Gregory Peck was born on April 5, 1916 in the small town of La Jolla, was brought up in strictness, and therefore Gregory’s decision to become an actor literally plunged the family into despair. But he was firm. On Broadway, Mr. Peck was not too happy either, but the future idol of millions was not going to deviate from his intended goal! During his fifty years in filmmaking, Peck appeared in more than fifty films. He was nominated for an Oscar several times, but only once did he manage to receive the coveted statuette. In 1999, the actor took twelfth place on the list of the 100 greatest movie stars according to the American Film Institute. In addition to “Roman Holiday,” his filmography includes such film works as “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” and “To Kill a Mockingbird,” for his role in the latter Gregory was awarded the most important cinematic award.

Peter O'Toole

Peter O'Toole was born a little later than his legendary colleagues, but, nevertheless, it is impossible not to say about him! Chiseled facial features, an ideal nose shape, a soulful, seemingly enveloping gaze. World fame came to him in 1962, when director David Lean invited him to play the leading role in the film “Lawrence of Arabia,” dedicated to the life of a British officer who played a significant role in organizing the Arab uprising against the Ottoman Empire. After another 4 years - new success - the main role in the comedy “How to Steal a Million”, paired with Audrey Hepburn. O’Toole acted a lot and, in general, was more successful than many of his predecessors - he was in demand until the very end (the actor died in December 2013, at 81, when two new films with his participation were still being edited). He managed to accomplish the almost impossible: recover from stomach cancer, get rid of alcohol addiction on his own and continue to live despite any obstacles. In his family life, Peter can also hardly be called unhappy - he lived in marriage for twenty years, did not deny himself anything and, it seems, was a completely happy person.

Despite the fact that explicit scenes and even kisses on screen were prohibited by the Hays Code, it was then that sexual attractiveness became the main key to success for the film and, accordingly, the actors. Great efforts were made by both studios and actresses for this, and the result is simply divine.

Faktrum shows the most beautiful actresses of old Hollywood.

Veronica Lake

The actress who introduced long hair covering one eye into fashion. She was the idol of many women, and her hairstyle with flowing shoulder-length blond hair, called “hide and seek”, was one of the most popular in those years. Films: "Sullivan's Travels", "Gun for Hire", "The Glass Key".

Loretta Young

Winner of the Oscar for Best Actress. In the 1930s and 1940s, she was considered the embodiment of the elegance and splendor of a film star; over a quarter of a century, she starred in about a hundred films and played with the most famous geniuses of cinema. Films: “The Farmer’s Daughter”, “The Bishop’s Wife”, “Come to the Stable”.

Lauren Bacall

Winner of an honorary Oscar, winner of two Golden Globes and two Tony Awards. She was recognized as one of the first beauties of Hollywood. Films: “How to Marry a Millionaire”, “To Have and Have Not”, “Murder on the Orient Express”, “The Most Accurate”.

Joan Fontaine

Anglo-American actress, best known for her roles in Alfred Hitchcock's classic films. She was awarded the prestigious Oscar for her role in the film Suspicion. Films: “Rebecca,” “Suspicion,” “Above All,” “Jane Eyre,” “Ivy,” “Letter from a Stranger.”

Ingrid Bergman

Swedish and American actress. In the American Film Institute's "100 Greatest Movie Stars of 100 Years According to AFI" ranking, he ranks 4th. Three-time Oscar winner, four-time Golden Globe Award winner, two-time Emmy Award winner, first Tony Award winner. Films: “Casablanca”, “For Whom the Bell Tolls”, “Notorious”, “Arc de Triomphe”, “Joan of Arc”.

Carol Lombard

American actress, Oscar nominee. She is best known for her comedic roles in classic Hollywood films of the 1930s. The American Film Institute included her in the list of “100 Greatest Film Stars” at number 23. Films: “My Man Godfrey,” “Mr. and Mrs. Smith,” “To Be or Not to Be.”

Ginger Rogers

American actress and dancer, winner of the Oscar in 1941. She became best known for her joint performances with Fred Astaire. Ranks 14th on the list of the 100 greatest movie stars. Films: “42nd Street”, “Flying to Rio”, “The Cheerful Divorcee”, “Carefree”, “The Barclays of Broadway”, “Storm Warning”.

Ann Sheridan

American actress. Films: “Angels with Dirty Faces,” “Dodge City,” “The Man Who Came to Dinner,” “Edge of Darkness,” “Silver River,” “Soldier in a Skirt.”

Sophia Loren

Italian actress and singer. Winner of honorary awards at all major film festivals. Winner of five Golden Globe awards in the special category “favorite of the world audience”). The first winner of the Oscar for Best Actress in a Foreign Language Film. Winner of an honorary Oscar with the wording “for a career rich in memorable roles that gave an unfading shine to cinema.” Her films in Hollywood: “The Pride and the Passion”, “A Countess from Hong Kong”, “Love Under the Elms”, “Black Orchid”, “It Started in Naples”, “Millionaires”, “El Cid”, “The Fall of the Roman Empire”, “Lady L.”, “Arabesque”, “The Verdict”.

Ava Gardner

American actress, one of the brightest stars of Hollywood of the 1940s and 1950s. Oscar nominee. She was included in the list of the greatest movie stars in Hollywood history. The owner of the “face of an angel and the body of a goddess” is often called one of the most beautiful actresses of the 20th century. Films: “The Snows of Kilimanjaro”, “On the Shore”, “The Sun Also Rises”, “Mogambo”, “Knights of the Round Table”, “Barefoot Countess”, “Night of the Iguana”, “Blue Bird”.

Lana Turner

One of the most glamorous and sensual stars of classic Hollywood. For the filming of one of her first films, she plucked her eyebrows, but they never grew back, for which she received the nickname “the girl with painted on eyebrows.” It is believed that during World War II, American soldiers preferred to hang her photographs and posters on the walls of their barracks. After the war, she starred mainly in musicals. Her films: “The Postman Always Rings Twice”, “The Three Musketeers”, “The Merry Widow”, “The Wicked and the Beautiful”, “Peyton Place”, “Imitation of Life”.

Rita Hayworth

American film actress and dancer, one of the most famous Hollywood stars of the 1940s, who became a legend and sex symbol of her era. Included in the American Film Institute's list of the 100 greatest movie stars. Films with her participation: “Strawberry Blonde”, “Blood and Sand”, “Cover Girl”, “You’ll Never Be Richer”, “You’ve Never Been More Delightful”, “Gilda”, “The Lady from Shanghai”.

Olivia de Havilland

Anglo-American actress, one of the most popular and sought-after Hollywood actresses of the 1930s and 1940s, winner of two Oscars for Best Actress. Her films: Gone with the Wind, Captain Blood's Odyssey, The Charge of the Light Horse, The Adventures of Robin Hood, To Each His Own, The Heiress, My Cousin Rachel, That Lady, The Proud Rebel , "Light in the Piazza", "Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte", "Airport '77", "The Fifth Musketeer".

Vivien Leigh

English actress, winner of two Oscar awards. Gaining a reputation as an actress who was difficult to work with, her career often experienced periods of decline. Films: Gone with the Wind, A Streetcar Named Desire, Storm in a Teacup, A Yankee at Oxford, Twenty-One Days, Sidewalks of London, Lady Hamilton, Caesar and Cleopatra, Anna Karenina", "The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone", "Ship of Fools".

Hedy Lamarr

Popular in the 1930s and 1940s, she was an Austrian and then American film actress, as well as an inventor. After an unsuccessful marriage, Hedy went to Hollywood, where her career developed rapidly. She starred in such films as: “Algiers”, “Lady in the Tropics”, “Tortilla Flat”, “Dangerous Experiment”, “Samson and Delilah”.

Elizabeth Taylor

"Queen of Hollywood", twice awarded the Oscar for Best Actress. The first actress whose fee for filming a film was a million dollars. In 1999, the American Film Institute ranked Elizabeth Taylor as the 7th greatest film star. Her films: “National Velvet”, “Giant”, “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof”, “Elephant Trail”, “Scent of Secret”, “Suddenly Last Summer”, “Cleopatra”, “Blue Bird”.

Gina Lollobrigida

Italian actress whose career reached the peak of popularity in the 1950s and 1960s. Her films in Hollywood: “Shame the Devil”, “Trapezoid”, “Notre Dame Cathedral”, “Tulip Fanfan”, “Provincial Girl”, “Come in September”, “Never So Few”, “Solomon and the Queen of Sheba”.

Audrey Hepburn

British and American actress, model and humanitarian. She received an Oscar for Best Actress in the 1953 film Roman Holiday and was nominated four times. She became one of the highest paid film actresses of her time. Placed by the American Film Institute in third place on the list of the greatest actresses of American cinema. Films with her participation: “Sabrina”, “The Nun’s Story”, “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”, “Wait Until Dark”, “Charade”, “Robin and Marian”, “Always”.

Grace Kelly

American actress, since 1956 - wife of Prince Rainier III of Monaco, 10th Princess of Monaco, mother of the now reigning Prince Albert II. The American Film Institute ranked her 12th on its list of the 100 Greatest Film Stars. Films with her participation: “High Noon”, “Mogambo”, “Country Girl”, “Green Fire”, “Bridges at Toko-Ri”, “Dial M for Murder”, “Rear Window”.

Marilyn Monroe

American film actress and singer. Films with her participation: “Choir Girls”, “The Asphalt Jungle”, “Some Like It Hot”, “All About Eve”, “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes”, “How to Marry a Millionaire”, “Love Nest”, “Niagara”.

In the 1930s, Hollywood became a virtual dream factory for millions of people. After all, during the difficult period of the Great Depression, cinema was the only entertainment they could afford. Spectators took seats in beautiful and spacious cinema halls and, from the first frame of the film, were immersed in a wonderful world, forgetting about their problems.

Hollywood stars instantly became role models. Women wanted to style their hair or sew a dress like their favorite actress. And men bought spectacular postcards that depicted popular film stars. Of course, behind the perfect images from the screens there is a whole film crew. But without talent and personal charm it is impossible to captivate the hearts of millions.

We offer you 20 photographs of magnificent artists of those years.

(Total 20 photos)

1. Judith Barrett (1909-2000)

A screen star who starred in leading female roles from the late 20s to the early 40s. Another creative pseudonym for Judith is Nancy Dover.

2. Priscilla Lane (1915-1995)

The youngest of the Lane sisters, popular American film actresses in the 1930s, Priscilla had a good career in film. But in 1942 she got married, after which her acting career came to an end.

3. Alice White (1904-1983)

The debut of this actress with French and Italian roots took place in 1927. Over the next two decades, the actress starred in several dozen films, but gradually her career faded away and she returned to work as a secretary.

4. Ida Lupino (1918-1995)

British and American actress. Ayda became one of the first female directors in the history of cinema.

5. Francis Drake (1912-2000)

Having started her career as a dancer, Frances quickly moved to cinema, where she continued to successfully act in the period from 1933 to 1942. In February 1939, Drake married Lieutenant Cecil John Arthur Howard and soon retired from the screen.

6. Edna Callahan (1912-2007)

Popular Hollywood film actress of the 1930s.

7. Thelma Todd (1906-1935)

The winner of beauty contests, Thelma ended up in a big movie. She played mostly supporting roles, appearing in more than a hundred films. Thelma successfully made the transition from silent films to talkies, achieving great popularity in the early 1930s with a series of comedy films.

On the morning of December 16, 1935, Thelma Todd's body was found in her own car. Death was caused by carbon monoxide poisoning. There were rumors that the actress was killed by New York gangster Lucky Luciano because she refused to meet with him. There was also a rumor that her ex-husband Pat DiCicco was involved in her death.

8. Victoria Winton (1912-1980)

Film actress who became widely famous in the period 1932-1940.

9. Gail Patrick (1911-1980)

While studying at the university, she took part in a national selection at the Paramount Pictures studio, which ultimately led her to cinema. Her debut took place in 1933, and she achieved real success by the end of the decade, thanks to the roles of femme fatales, intriguers and villains in opposition to the main characters.

In 1948, after her third marriage, Patrick left filming. In 1957, together with her husband Cornwell Jackson, she became a producer of the popular TV series Perry Mason, which aired until 1966.

10. Alice Fay (1915-1998)

An actress and singer, Alice Fay made her Broadway debut in 1931 and three years later made her way to the movies when her musical was adapted into a film. This was followed by new successful film roles, where Faye performed not only as an actress, but also as a singer. Her career continued to develop successfully until 1944, when, after a conflict with management, she left the Fox studio. After 1945, Fay did not act in films for 17 years, appearing on screen only in 1962 in a small role in the film State Fair.

11. Rochelle Hudson (1916-1972)

Famous American actress who actively acted in films from the 1930s to the 1960s. The peak of his career came at the height of the Great Depression. She was married three times.

12. Sari Maritsa (1910-1987)

British actress who starred in popular films in the early 30s. She tried to make a career in Hollywood, but the public did not accept her warmly enough. The artist's career ended after her marriage in 1934.

13. Fay Wray (1907-2004)

She began acting in films in 1919. The peak of her career was marked by her performance as Ann Darrow in the film King Kong (1933), which made her one of the iconic characters in the history of popular cinema, “Kong Girl”. She stopped acting in films in 1942, after marrying screenwriter Robert Riskin. After Riskin's death in 1955, she returned to cinema for a while, but finally gave up her film career in 1958.

14. Karen Morley (1909-2003)

She began her acting career in a theater in Pasadena and immediately achieved serious success, playing roles in the films “Mata Hari” (1931), “Scarface” (1932) and other MGM films. In 1934, she left the studio and began acting less in leading roles. Her career finally collapsed in the late 1940s, when her involvement in the US Communist Party landed her on the Hollywood Blacklist. Subsequently, Karen Morley returned to filming only in the mid-1970s, playing several small roles on television.

15. Juliet Compton (1899-1989)

She began her career during the silent film era. She danced in the Ziegfield Follies show. She filmed first in Britain and then in the USA. The most famous sound film with her participation was the film “Lady Hamilton” (1941).

16. Bess Erhardt (1916-1975)

Bess starred in musicals and dramas and was famous for her ability to skate, including roller skating. The most famous film with her participation was “Ice Madness” (1939) about the life of figure skaters.

17. Amo Ingram (1909-1983)

A talented actress and dancer, Amo acted in films from the late 20s to the early 40s, but mostly she played small roles as chorus girls. She never married and lived out her remaining days in Santa Monica, California.

18. Pat Royal

Having started her career in the 20s, Patricia Royal acted until the late 30s.

19. Muriel Angelus (1909-2004)

Scottish-born Muriel Angelus began her stage career in London, where she became famous for her strong and beautiful voice. Having moved to the USA, the actress continued her journey into cinema and starred in a lot of films, the most significant of which were “The Lights Out” (1939) and “The Great McGinty” (1940). She left the world of cinema in the late 40s after marriage.

20. Joan Blondell (1906-1979)

During the Great Depression, Joan was one of the highest paid actresses in the United States. Starting from the 40s, she began to act less often and mostly in minor roles. But at the same time she was nominated for an Oscar in 1951 and continued her career as an actress until the end of her life.

July 4, 2015 would have been the 105th birthday of legendary Hollywood actress Gloria Stewart.

She passed away 5 years ago, but with her roles (albeit small ones), Gloria delighted audiences until she was very old, not counting the thirty-year break in her film career. Many directors admired Stewart’s beauty, and men were ready to lay the whole world at her feet. In honor of the actress's birthday, we decided to remember other beautiful Hollywood actresses of the past.

Let's continue a short story about the birthday girl. She was born in Santa Monica and has appeared in more than 80 films over her 70-year career. At the beginning of her acting career, Gloria worked at the Pasadena Theater, and at the age of 22 she signed a contract with Universal Studios. Directors dreamed of getting this bright blonde in their films, but Gloria was selective. True, her career at Universal Studios progressed at a slow pace and the actress moved to 20th Century Fox. The most successful films with Stewart’s participation are considered to be “Roman Scandals”, “The Invisible Man”, “Prisoner of Shark Island”, “Poor Little Rich Girl”, “The Three Musketeers”, “The Waltons”, “Wild Cats”, “Touched by an Angel” " etc.

Despite active work in her youth, recognition, peak popularity, Oscar and Golden Globe nominations came to the actress at the age of 86, when Gloria starred in the legendary Titanic, where she played the aged Rose. Interestingly, during a break from acting, Stewart took up painting seriously. Her work was even shown in a prestigious New York gallery at the Hammer.

This spectacular blonde is still adored by all of Hollywood, songs are sung about her, books are written, films are made, and actresses do their best to copy her image. Norma Jean Dougherty (the real name of the Hollywood diva) was born in Los Angeles to an ordinary film editor. Marilyn's career began at the film studio "20th Century Fox", where she was hired as an extra (she was immediately advised to change her name), with a small role in the film "The Terrible Miss Pilgrim" and grew every year. Surely, many have watched such films with Monroe as “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes”, “We Are Not Married!”, “Monkey’s Labor”, “The Seven Year Itch”, “Bus Stop”, “Some Like It Hot” and “The Misfits” .

It was thanks to her charm, charm and ability to make the right acquaintances that Marilyn Monroe became a true legend and still remains an immortal sex symbol of Hollywood.

Despite her influential patrons, the actress died at the age of 36 (but she could have delighted viewers with her first-class roles for a long time).

The two-time Oscar winner and performer of the role of Scarlett O'Hara in the film adaptation of Gone with the Wind was famous for her difficult temper. It was all about her manic depression.

At the same time, many directors dreamed of working with her. Vivien’s film debut was the film “Look and Smile,” and in total the actress starred in 21 films, the most memorable of which were “Gloomy Journey,” “St. Martin’s Lane,” “Twenty-One Days,” “Lady Hamilton,” “Anna.” Karenina", "A Streetcar Named Desire", "Ship of Fools". Men went crazy from her beauty, but she gave her heart to Laurence Olivier (with whom, however, she divorced, but maintained friendly relations until the end of her days).

Vivienne died at the age of 53 from another attack of tuberculosis. No wonder, because the actress was a heavy smoker and could smoke several packs of cigarettes a day.

Rita was one of the most famous Hollywood stars of the 40s of the last century. She was born into the family of a flamenco dancer and a chorus girl, so it is not surprising that the girl decided to connect her life with art (albeit cinematic). Rita's first roles were almost unnoticeable, but the film “Only Angels Have Wings” did its job. The actress was noticed.

Her filmography includes more than 50 diverse roles, and in her personal life she has changed many men (you don’t need to go far, Rita suffered 5 divorces). The most famous films with Hayworth’s participation were “Music in My Heart”, “Blonde on a Budget”, “Strawberry Blonde”, “My Girl Sal”, “Cover Girl”, “Gilda”, “Carmen”, “Miss Sadie Thompson” , “Circus World”, “Naked Zoo”, etc. She played her characters in such a way that the audience believed in her experiences on screen.

Rita's efforts were not in vain - she was included in the list of the 100 greatest movie stars according to the American Film Institute.

A native Parisian who was lucky enough to be born into the family of a major entrepreneur. Since childhood, Brigitte has been dancing and even studied at the National Academy of Dance.

The girl began her journey into show business with a modeling career, but after meeting Roger Vadim, who approved her for a role in his new film, she seriously thought about acting. It is known that Brigitte was the standard of beauty for young John Lennon, who dedicated several songs to her.

Bardot's film debut was the film "The Normandy Hole", and in total the actress starred in 40 films. I would especially like to note her performance in “An Act of Love”, “Street Light”, “Oh That Girl!”, “...And God Created Woman”, “A Woman of Paris”, “Babette Goes to War”, “Famous Love Stories” , “Viva, Maria!”, “Shalako”, “Rum Boulevard”, etc.

In 1973, Brigitte announced her retirement from cinema to devote herself to politics and animal welfare. The actress is currently married to Bernard d'Ormal, continues to protect animals and has no regrets.

The charming princess of Monaco, who ended her acting career for Rainier III.

Her filmography includes only 11 roles, but she can rightfully be called one of the most beautiful actresses of old Hollywood. At first, Grace worked as a model and simultaneously studied acting at the New York Academy of Dramatic Arts. The first castings were not successful, but in 1951 the girl managed to get herself a cameo role in the thriller “Fourteen Hours.” In total, Grace Kelly played in 11 films, including “High Noon”, “Dial M for Murder”, “The Country Girl”, “Rear Window”, “To Catch a Thief”, etc.

Audrey's pretty face and talent made her one of the most sought-after, highly paid, desirable and successful actresses of the 50s of the last century. After the end of the war, the actress and her mother worked as a nurse at a veterans hospital. At the same time, she took ballet lessons.

Audrey's film debut was the educational film "Dutch in Seven Lessons", where she played the cameo role of a flight attendant. During her acting career, Hepburn played in 32 films, among which I especially want to mention “Roman Holiday”, “Sabrina”, “War and Peace”, “Funny Face”, “Unforgiven”, “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”, “My Fair Lady” , How to Steal a Million, Charade, Robin and Marian, They All Laughed.

Audrey Hepburn captivated many men with her beauty and was married three times. The actress died in 1993 from colon cancer surrounded by close people.

Svetlana Misnik(born December 16, 1992) - life-style journalist, a philosopher by primary education, and a lawyer by secondary education. Since the age of 15, he has been writing for,,, about psychology, celebrities and beauty.. He values ​​honesty in people, his favorite pastime is watching a good movie, and his personal recipe for a good mood is a beach holiday .