Dream interpretation golden crown. Dream Interpretation Crown, why do you dream about the Crown in a dream

Probability of dreams coming true

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 23rd day of the month. The dreams you had last night will soon come true.

Today is the 17th lunar day. Dreams that occurred on the night of today come true on the 19th day.

Today is Saturday. Saturday is strictly a day of Saturn, the planet of fate, rock, and trials. Saturn dictates laws, limits us, so dreams for Saturday will tell us about the rules that we must obey, show what we will have to limit ourselves to, what to give up in the near future. Often these dreams contain information about the prospects for the implementation of plans, about the sequence and connection of upcoming events.

If Saturday's dream is colorful and pleasant, it means that no serious restrictions are foreseen, and much of what was planned can be easily implemented. But if the dream is gloomy, black and white, with pictures of high walls, various obstacles or crosses, then plans will come to life only as a result of hard work, that is, nothing will come easy in the near future. On Saturday night you can learn about your fate or the fate of other people.

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CROWN – Miller's Dream Book

Corona portends drastic changes in your lifestyle. Perhaps you have a long journey ahead of you in the near future. Along the way you will make new friends and change your outlook on life. However, such a dream can also promise illness.

If you see in a dream that you yourself are wearing a crown, it means that you are in danger of losing your property.

Seeing a person with a crown on his head in a dream promises you the approach of a time when both you yourself and others around you will be able to appreciate you.

If you see yourself in a dream during a conversation with the president, such a dream means that you will be extremely interested in government affairs and will show a great desire to become a politician.

Seeing a man with a crown on his head in a dream promises you the coming of a time when you and others will be convinced of your importance.

CROWN – Modern Dream Interpretation

If you see a crown in a dream, then in reality some event will make you worry; this will lead to a change in your attitude towards some life values. By getting stronger on your feet, you will tap into new opportunities and greatly strengthen your financial situation. Another interpretation of the dream: You will make a long journey.

For the rich, a dream about a crown predicts honors and wealth associated with their rise in society. For the poor, such a dream only predicts an additional burden of worries. For criminals, a dream about a crown predicts that their atrocities will be revealed and they will suffer a well-deserved punishment.

Wishing for a crown in a dream is a sign of temptation or burden, the hardships of life.

A dream in which you put a crown on yourself foreshadows the loss of part of your property. Another interpretation of the dream: You will take responsibility for the actions of other people, for the fate of these people.

A dream in which you put a crown on someone speaks of your lack of faith in your own strength; You prefer to always rely on someone's help, but this way you will never get out of need.

A dream in which you see a crown falling from someone’s head foretells that one of your relatives will be struck down by a serious illness.

If in a dream you hold in your hands a crown decorated with diamonds, your high feelings will keep your soul pure, but your hopes will remain just hopes.

A dream in which a young woman dreams of a crown in diamonds suggests that this woman, as usual, has her soul wide open and her heart wide open; You shouldn't be so gullible.

Crowning a wife in a dream is a sign of her illness.

Crowning a sick person means death.

CROWN – Slavic Dream Book

To be wearing a crown is stupidity; to see on others is a minor success.

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Have a crown on your head- you will lead someone.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Crown in a dream- a symbol of significant thoughts, plans, plans.

Seeing a crown on someone's head- means that you are close to finding a solution to a complex issue or finding a valuable idea. Perhaps someone's good advice will help you achieve success.

See the crown on yourself and be pleasantly surprised by it- a good omen that promises unexpected success to your plans.

But if the fact of wearing a crown makes you extremely proud- be careful that in reality the crown does not turn into a jester's cap.

Putting a crown on someone's head with your own hands- a sign of practical, very valuable advice that you can receive from the outside.

Jewish dream book

Becoming a member of the royal family in a dream- means to see in terms of wealth a dream of will fulfillment. However, if the dream contains an element of your movement during the time of the monarchy, the dream may indicate a desire to more thoroughly establish yourself in a certain area of ​​​​life, be it finances or emotions. It is worth paying attention to your courtiers.

Being surrounded by crowned heads- could be another version of the dream with a mirror image. However, such a dream can also be a dream of justice, provided that in real life you have some secret that does not allow you to act openly. The upper class in many countries often served as a court of last resort. How do you perceive the hierarchical scheme of the state in the light of your own views on social order: do you accept it or not? In real life, do you often have conversations about who is better or worse than others?

Modern combined dream book

Seeing the Crown- will soon go on a long journey, where he will find many new friends. This dream also has a sad sign, namely an incurable disease.

Seeing a crown on your head in a dream- loss of personal property.

To dream about how you crown someone- means that your environment knows your worth.

Seeing a crown fall from someone's head- to a serious illness or death of a relative.

See yourself wearing a crown- means that a heavy burden of responsibility for other people will fall on your shoulders.

If in a dream you held in your hands or tried on a crown decorated with precious stones- your expectations will be deceived. To the girl who had such a dream- You shouldn’t believe what you hear.

Eastern women's dream book

If you are attending the coronation- it means you are not satisfied with your social circle. You are much more interested in the lives of the rich and famous, and you would give a lot to become one of them.

I dreamed that you had a crown on your head- the burden of responsibility for the well-being of your loved ones will fall on you.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

The crown may also- testify to inner royalty.

English dream book

Dream about the crown- promises the favor of the powers that be and noticeable elevation in the eyes of the world.

If in a dream you see yourself wearing a crown- No matter how strange it may seem, do not expect honors. Everything will be the other way around: your unworthy behavior will lead to you losing your former authority.

If in a dream you give your crown to someone with your own hands- this means you will achieve a very high and independent position in society.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

If in a dream you have a crown decorated with pearls on your head- then you will soon achieve considerable honor and respect, your position in society will noticeably strengthen, but it is possible that you will be suspected of insufficient respect for religion.

Crown dreamed by a woman- promises a quick marriage. Her

I dream about a crown, how to understand such a dream?

What does a crown on your head mean according to dream books?

According to the star dream book

If you dream of a crown placed on your head, then you will soon be noticed in the service and you will have a high position. When a crown sparkles on a stranger, it indicates your pride.

Home dream book

Seeing a crown in this dream book means trying to achieve success in real life, striving for positive changes.

Jewish dream book

The interpretation of the dream in which you are trying on the crown sounds like this: you are in constant daydreaming, but it does not bear any fruit. You need to start making decisions and taking action. If in a dream you put a crown on a cow from your own farm, then in reality someone is laying claim to your fortune and property, and you are trying to prevent this.

Magic dream book

When a person dreams of a crown, this can indicate his nobility and exorbitant pride. If he accidentally dropped the crown in dreams, then dignity will be lost, and the dreamer will compromise himself in real life. In this dream book, seeing a crown on someone else’s head means wishing for a better fate. Buying a crown talks about the possibility of resolving the problem, finding a way out of the situation. It is worth noting that the metal from which the crown is made also matters. If it is gold or silver, then this is good; the sleeping person in reality will receive a gift, a pleasant surprise.

In the eyes of the world.

If in a dream you see yourself wearing a crown- No matter how strange it may seem, do not expect honors. Everything will be the other way around: your unworthy behavior will lead to you losing your former authority.

If in a dream you give your crown to someone with your own hands- this means you will achieve a very high and independent position in society.

Eastern dream book

Why do you dream about Crown in a dream according to the dream book?

If you are attending the coronation- it means you are not satisfied with your social circle. You are much more interested in the lives of the rich and famous, and you would give a lot to become one of them.

I dreamed that you had a crown on your head- the burden of responsibility for the well-being of your loved ones will fall on you.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

If in a dream you have a crown decorated with pearls on your head- then you will soon achieve considerable honor and respect, your position in society will noticeably strengthen, but it is possible that you will be suspected of insufficient respect for religion.

Crown dreamed by a woman- promises a quick marriage. Her husband will hold a high position and have wealth.

Newest dream book

What does the Crown mean in a dream?

The crown may also- testify to inner royalty.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A crown in a dream is a symbol of significant thoughts, plans, plans.

Seeing a crown on someone's head- means that you are close to finding a solution to a complex issue or finding a valuable idea. Perhaps someone's good advice will help you achieve success.

See the crown on yourself and be pleasantly surprised by it- a good omen that promises unexpected success to your plans.

But if the fact of wearing a crown makes you extremely proud- be careful that in reality the crown does not turn into a jester's cap.

Putting a crown on someone's head with your own hands- a sign of practical, very valuable advice that you can receive from the outside.

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Crown - protection, reliability.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream about Crown in a dream?

Seeing the crown means you will have a great temptation; wear - wealth; a crown with flowers - joy; made of gold or silver- present.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Corona in a dream?

Seeing a crown in a dream- in reality you will have a great temptation. If the crown you see is gold or silver- expect a pleasant surprise from your loved one, if covered with flowers- spend joyful hours alone with him.

Wear a crown on your head- to wealth, honor, glory. Seeing someone else with a crown on their head- you are in danger of losing property in real life.

A dream in which you put a crown on someone's head- this is a sign of upcoming changes in your life.

If you are just watching the coronation ceremony from the sidelines- then such a dream promises you a close acquaintance with quite famous people.

If in a dream you are awarded some kind of honorary crown- this is a sign of prudence and moderate happiness for you. If the event is not solemn enough, crumpled and chaotic- this means that upcoming or planned entertainment may turn into trouble.

I dreamed about the Crown (interpretation according to the Ancient Russian Dream Book)

Crown - Gold on the head means the favor of the sovereign or the patronage of a strong nobleman, also the respect of fellow citizens, gifts, litigation and a profitable enterprise.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What does Crown mean in a dream?

Crown - To be wearing a crown is stupidity; to see on another is a minor success.

The meaning of the dream about the Coronation (from the Kopalinsky encyclopedia)

Crown – Protection, reliability.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about Crown in a dream?

Crown - Seeing in a dream means joy, wearing it means fame and wealth (sometimes illness).

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about Corona, what does it mean?

Why did you dream about the Crown according to spiritual sources (Biblical dream book of Azar)

Corona – Life is full of fear.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Crown as an image in a dream

Crown - Seeing it in a dream means you will have a great temptation; to wear - wealth; a crown with flowers - joy; made of gold or silver - a gift, this is how the dream book interprets your dream.

Crown - If in a dream you have a crown decorated with pearls on your head, then you will soon achieve considerable honor and respect, your position in society will noticeably strengthen, but it is possible that you will be suspected of insufficient respect for religion. A woman's dream of a crown predicts a quick marriage. Her husband will hold a high position and have wealth.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

What does a crown mean in a dream?

Crown - Seeing it in a dream - you will have a great temptation - wear it - wealth - with flowers - joy - made of gold or silver - a gift

To see or wear a Crown - A life full of fear

Coronation - Seeing in a dream means prudence and happiness.

See Corona

Coronation - Prudence and happiness.

What does it mean to see Corona

Crown in a dream - Be careful, think about your decisions. If the crown is fake, then expect failure. Corona is a warning. Be very careful when making decisions, especially in business. If it's a paper crown at a party, you'll fail. Coronation in a dream - you will earn a lot of money, but your increased fortune will impose even greater responsibility on you. Corona also portends drastic changes in your lifestyle. Perhaps you have a long journey ahead of you in the near future. Along the way you will make new friends and change your outlook on life. However, sleep can also predict illness. If you see yourself wearing a crown, then you are in danger of losing your property. Seeing a man with a crown on his head in a dream predicts that the time is approaching when both you and others around you will be able to appreciate you.

The meaning of the dream about the Coronation (interpretation by Georgy Ivanov)

Crown - Putting on and wearing a crown is a sign of love, which one sought to try on. Seeing a crown in a dream means your heart is open to great and true love.

Slavic dream book

What does a crown mean in a dream?

Wearing a crown in a dream means you are noted and have a high position. To see it on someone - his pride is exorbitant.

Dream book for the whole family / E. Danilova

Why do you dream about Crown?

The crown is the desire for success.

The meaning of the dream about the King (Jewish dream book)

I dreamed of a Crown - Trying on a crown - indulging in fruitless dreams. Putting a crown on a cow means trying to preserve your property, which someone else is claiming.

Erickson's Dream Book

If you see the Crown, what is it for?

Crown - dignity, pride, nobility. Dropping the crown means compromising yourself, losing your dignity. Seeing a crown on others is a desire for a better life. Buy or somehow find a crown - there will be a person who will help resolve the problem related to work. A crown made of gold or silver is a gift.

I dreamed about Corona - a life full of dignity. Seeing the crown on yourself is an honor and gratitude.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Meet the Crown in a dream

Crown - For a girl - imminent marriage to a very high-ranking person. For a woman - an influential admirer. For men - promotion. Imagine being crowned by a bishop and a bishop (see Bishop, Bishop).

English dream book

Why see the Crown in a dream

Dreamed of a Crown – Crowns and tiaras have been symbols of royal power and nobility for thousands of years. Wearing a crown can indicate a desire to be treated as a noble and worthy person, as a leader.

Great modern dream book / Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Interpretation of 7777 dreams: Crown

Crown - You saw a crown in a dream - some event will make you worry; this will lead to a change in your attitude towards some life values; By getting stronger on your feet, you will use new opportunities and greatly strengthen your financial situation; another interpretation of the dream: you will make a journey. It’s as if you are putting a crown on yourself - the dream foretells you the loss of part of your property; another interpretation of the dream: you will take responsibility for the actions of other people, for the fate of these people. You dream that a crown is being put on someone - the dream speaks of your lack of faith in your own strength; you prefer to always rely on someone's help; but this way you will never get out of need. You dream that a crown falls from someone’s head - the dream foreshadows: one of your relatives will be struck down by a serious illness; it is possible that it will lead to death. You are holding a crown decorated with diamonds in your hands - your high feelings will keep your soul pure, but your hopes will remain just hopes. A young woman dreams of a crown in diamonds - the dream suggests that this woman, as usual, has her soul wide open and her heart wide open; You shouldn't be so gullible.

I dreamed of a Coronation - In a dream you are crowned - a favorable dream; In reality, a promotion awaits you. You see the coronation as if from the outside - you are completely satisfied with your life; if something doesn’t work out as planned, it’s only in the little things. You are participating in a coronation ceremony - you will actually meet one of the famous people; you will be able to turn this acquaintance to your advantage. You are present at the coronation ceremony as an invitee, as a spectator - you will enjoy communicating with interesting influential people. A young woman dreams that she is taking part in a coronation ceremony - very influential people will favor this woman; she is at peace with her reputation. A young woman sees that there was some kind of confusion at the coronation ceremony - an unfavorable dream; This woman's entertainment could turn into disaster.