Winner of the last star factory. Winners of “New Wave”: life after the competition

The singer was born in 1993 and spent her entire childhood in Ulyanovsk. Khasanova was interested in music at an early age: she went to music school and was a member of various groups.


The singer graduated from school with a gold medal. Her parents asked Khasanova to get a “human” profession, so she entered the Faculty of Law of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas. Gubkin, which she successfully graduated in 2014. “I always knew that I would connect my life with music and would make a living by singing. But getting a higher education was a must in my life,” she said in an interview with the student magazine Kerosene.

Khasanova’s great musical career began in 2014. The girl went to Ukraine and took part in the show “X-Factor 5”. She managed to achieve success at several stages, but she did not reach the final: Ivan Dorn kicked her out of the project.

After this, fame came to Khasanova: she began performing at concerts and even tried herself as a model. In addition, she became a triumphant of the first all-Russian competition "Tatar Kyzy", receiving the title of the most musical girl.

In 2015, the young performer was among those selected by composer Igor Krutoy for the semi-finals of the New Wave competition. Then Khasanova admitted that she had dreamed about this all her life.

The singer’s finest hour was her participation in the “New Star Factory” project, which ended in early December. She performed on stage with such famous artists as Dima Bilan and Natalya Podolskaya. Khasanova managed to become the winner of the competition.

Not much is known about the performer’s personal life. Apparently, she carefully hides this information from prying eyes.

At the moment, all over the world there are many music and creative competitions that are aimed at the talented young generation of music performers. Among such competitions we can name Eurovision, as well as its other analogues. For example, the “New Wave” competition, which was created on the initiative of the Russian Federation and Latvia. This competition features many young musical performers who come from different countries. The competition is held annually in the fall, or more precisely, from September 4 to 8.

History of the competition

It is worth recognizing that from the beginning of its foundation, the “New Wave” competition was held exclusively in Jurmala, on the territory of Latvia. As representatives of the Latvian government reported, this event was extremely important for the country not only because of its cultural significance, but also because of its financial component. After all, the annual competition brought the country tourism income of ten million euros.

However, today the competition is no longer held in Latvia. This is all due to the tense relationship between the Russian Federation and Latvia. Due to bad relations, the Russian side decided to raise the issue of changing the venue of the competition for discussion. Thus, since 2015, the New Wave competition has changed its venue from the city of Jurmala to Sochi.

Sochi was not chosen by chance. This city has significantly improved and expanded its infrastructure, which was formed for the 2014 Olympic Games. In addition, this city is considered a resort, which will allow foreign guests to both relax and bring money into the budget of the Russian Federation. It is worth recognizing that, like any other modern international competition, “New Wave” is highly politicized. This is a bit disappointing because politics should not interfere with art.

Winner of the 2018 competition

Nevertheless, periodic scandals and conflicts have virtually no effect on the conduct of the New Wave competition itself. In 2018, the festival was successfully held in Sochi, as reported by many journalists and media outlets. Everything here was at the highest level: both the organization of the event and the quality of the songs of all participants.

However, it was still necessary to choose one performer who would be the best of the best. Despite the fact that the choice became extremely difficult, the winner was still determined. He became a citizen of the Russian Federation Dan Rozin. After three stages of performance, it was decided that he was the best performer among all.

Second place, surprisingly, was taken by two people, among whom was also a Russian woman, namely Daria Antonyuk. Two prizes for the Russian Federation is a very good result. Especially considering the fact that the last time a Russian performer won was in 2012. Armenian musician Gevorg Harutyunyan shared second place with Antonyuk. The fourth place was taken by the Greeks, namely the singer with the stage name “Demy”.

Results for the winners

In addition to the award, the winners themselves will receive fame and fame, which can help them become very popular musicians all over the world in the future. This is exactly what happened to past winners of the New Wave.

This is not surprising, since the competition itself is aimed at discovering young talents, as well as helping them create their musical careers. All that remains to be expected is that the young musical talents of the Russian Federation will soon grow up, gain experience and take the places of the masters of the old guard, who, unfortunately, are already slowly leaving the Russian musical scene.

In 2016, the New Wave competition for young artists, just like in 2015, is planned to be held in Sochi. Before this, it became a tradition to hold it in Jurmala. “New Wave” became a kind of continuation of the “Jurmala” competition among young performers, held on the shore until 1990.

Start. "New Wave" in 2002-2006

For the first time, this music competition was held only 12 years after the closed “Jurmala”, namely in 2002, but, nevertheless, after the premiere it became clear that the “New Wave” would quickly gain popularity among viewers. The first time there were 15 participants. The winners of the “New Wave 2002” were the duet Smash, whose participants at that time were future celebrities and girls’ favorites - Vlad Topalov and Sergey Lazarev. The young performer, who could only take fourth place at that time, has now become a mega-famous and popular singer. Among the celebrity guests were Toto Cutugno, Philip Kirkorov, diva Alla Pugacheva and many other celebrities.

In 2003, the winner of the “New Wave” title was the red-haired beauty Anastasia Stotskaya; the guests then were Patricia Kaas, Ingrid, Sarah Conor and many Russian stars. In 2004, the title of winner of the “New Wave” went to the group “Cosmos”, and Irina Dubtsova took second place.

Alla Borisovna Pugacheva herself became the co-host of the concerts in 2005. Then Intars Busulis from Latvia won, Tina Karol rightfully took second place, and third place was awarded to Polina Gagarina. In 2006, the American performer La Rose won the New Wave competition, the Italian Gianni Fiorellino took second place, and Sofiko from Georgia took third place.

Competition "New Wave". Winners 2007-2009

In 2007, the first place winner was Moldovan Natalia Gordienko, Erglis from Latvia and the Barcelona duet from Ukraine shared second place, and Marina from Poland took an honorable third place.

The winners of the “New Wave” in 2008 are the duo Georgia. The judges gave second place to Russian Iris, and third place went to Italian Alessandro Ristori. Guests of the competition included not only Russian pop celebrities, but also world stars - Robin Gibb, Montserrat Caballe,

“New Wave” in 2009 was distinguished by the fact that the Ukrainian Jamala and the Indonesian Sondoro Sandhy shared first place. The award from the diva herself - Alla Pugacheva - was received by Ukrainian Mila Nytych. Second place was awarded to Antonello Carozza, third place went to Russian singer Yusim Mark.

Anniversary, tenth “New Wave”

In 2010, a performer from Armenia, Sona Shahgeldyan, won the competition, Ukrainian performer Tatyana Shirko won a well-deserved second place, and the judges decided to give third place to Uku Suviste from Estonia. In 2011, the tenth anniversary competition “New Wave” was held. An extensive festive program was organized in his honor. Many events took place both in Jurmala and Riga. 16 performers took part in the competition. The talented guy from America, Jayden Felder, won. The honorable second place rightfully belonged to the Ukrainian Masha Sobko, and the third place went to the group “N.A.O.M.I.” From Russia.

Winners 2012, 2013, 2014

In 2012, the winner of the first place in the “New Wave” was the Russian Nilufar Rasulmukhamedova, the second place went to Constanzo del Pinto from Italy, and the third place went to Maria Yaremchuk from Ukraine. Then this competition differed from previous ones in that in 2012 the voting of judges was open only on the first and second days of the competition; on the third day it was made closed to maintain intrigue.

In 2013, the judges gave the victory to Cuban performer Roberto Quel Torres. Georgian Salome Katamadze deservedly took second place, and Vietnamese Vinh Huat took third place. Lara Fabian, famous singer Alessandro Safina and popular Toto Cutugno performed as celebrity guests.

In 2014, the victory went to the performer from Georgia Nutsa Buzaladze, the well-deserved second place was won by the Ukrainian Victoria Petrik, and the third by Vyacheslav Rybikov. Celebrity guests included Ricky Martin, Alessandro Safina and the irreplaceable Lara Fabian.

"New Wave 2015" in Russian Sochi

In 2015, 15 performers were involved in the competition. Who are they, the winners of the “New Wave” in Sochi? The title was deservedly won by Damir Kedzo from Croatia, who was in the lead from the first day. Second place was shared by Indonesian Millane Fernandez and Ademi from Kazakhstan, and third place was given to the Ukrainian group The Pringlez. The performance of the winners of the “New Wave” in 2015 amazed all the guests and spectators of the competition. Unlike previous years, the competition program lasted 10 days. World and Russian celebrities were invited to the “New Wave” in Sochi, including E. Ramazzotti, A. Pugacheva, F. Kirkorov, Valeria, S. Shnurov and gr. “Leningrad”, D. Bilan, P. Gagarina, N. Baskov, L. Vaikule, A. Varum, L. Agutin, O. Gazmanov, V. Presnyakov, S. Lazarev, A. Lorak, I. Dubtsova and others.

For the first time, people heard that “New Wave 2015” will be held not in Jurmala, but in Russian Sochi, from the lips of the governor of the Krasnodar Territory. Later the information was confirmed by Igor Krutoy. This happened due to a ban on entry into Latvia for Russian stars: Valeria, Oleg Gazmanov and Joseph Kobzon. Crimea, as well as the Russian cities of Kaliningrad, Kazan and others, were ready to host the competition.

Guzel Khasanova is a singer who became famous on the “New Star Factory” project, which started on September 2, 2018. And on December 9, at the final concert, the results of the project were summed up and, according to the results of the audience vote, Guzel Hassan became the winner of the “New Star Factory” ova!

Due to the growing wave of popularity of Guzeli Khasanova, the biography of the singer has also become interesting to society. Below is information about her early biography and development on her creative path, information about her family and personal life.

Early biography of Guzel

The singer was born on January 28, 1993 in the city of Ulyanovsk. Her native language is Tatar, and she has paid a lot of attention to it since childhood. Guzel shows his love for his native nation by singing songs in his native language.

The Khasanova family is creative in its own way. Her brother, born three years earlier (in 1990), became a music producer. He writes songs, some of which are performed by his sister. During her performances, the girl also performed works written by her uncle, now deceased. She performed one of these songs in 2016.

The future singer showed a passion for music at the age of 4. She entered a music school to study piano, and at the age of 13 she began performing in a pop group. There were a lot of performances - 3-4 every week. Despite such a busy schedule, Guzel studied well and graduated from school at the age of 16 with an excellent certificate.

Guzel Khasanova

Khasanova did not doubt for a second that she wanted to devote her life to music, but at the family council it was decided that the girl should first receive a professional education - a safety net in case a musical career was not built right away. Started training to become a lawyer. After two years of studying, Guzel definitely decided for herself that she would not devote her life to law, and in parallel with her studies, she again began to study singing.

Competitive activity

Guzeli Khasanova’s biography is filled with performances and competitions. The girl proved herself to be an excellent singer and model. During her studies, she reached the finals of a student beauty contest and won. The reward is a trip to Paris. The first victories had a beneficial effect on her determination to build a creative career. The girl sometimes does modeling work in her free time.

But since graduating from the university’s Faculty of Law (in 2014), the future singer has devoted her main attention to music. Her first attempt to gain fame was her participation in the Ukrainian project “X-Factor 5”. The girl’s mentors were Georgian, Russian and Ukrainian singers, including Ivan Dorn. Guzel’s opening song was a complex composition by Western singer Sia “Titanium”. All four jury members liked the performance.

However, later the girl could not withstand the competition and was eliminated during one of the next stages of the show.

Failure did not break Khasanova. She continued to take part in creative competitions, and at the same time pursued a solo career - she performed on stage outside of any projects. Since 2014, she could be found performing both solo and accompanied by the CoolTimeBand group.

Career advancement: results of 2018, “New Star Factory”

A sharp rise in Guzeli Khasanova occurred recently - in 2018. The singer started it by collaborating with the music company Anagramma, with which she released a joint video. That same year, in the summer, the girl went to Crimea for the casting of the “New Wave”. The casting was successful for her.

PHOTO: Guzel Khasanova, winner of the “New Star Factory”

And a couple of months later, in September, Guzel saw an advertisement for recruiting participants to work in the new Russian project “New Star Factory”. Khasanova did not hesitate to submit her application. Despite the very strict selection that all participants went through, the girl managed to get on the list of manufacturers.

During the project, the performer sang duets many times with already popular faces of the Russian stage. She also had duets with project participants. According to the girl’s own statements, she was unable to feel affection for most of the other young singers of the “New Factory,” but she became friends with one participant. Anya Moon became her new friend. Guzel was very upset about Moon’s departure from the project, but despite this, she managed to become the winner.

Performance by Guzel with Sergei Lazerev

After Guzeli Khasanova’s victory, her biography received a new round of development: now the girl has earned the status of a star, which means she will devote herself entirely to her musical career and performances.

Personal life of Guzel Khasanova

The girl does not disclose her personal life, although she maintains public pages on social networks. In the singer’s notes you can find messages about visiting Russian concerts, playing sports and music. Even with a busy work schedule, she finds time for active recreation.

The singer has a good attitude towards the Russian stage. As a child, she dreamed of marrying Philip Kirkorov. Khasanova also has a good attitude towards Western pop music: in 2018, she attended a concert by Western performer LP, who writes lyrics for famous American singers.

The singer has a warm relationship with her family. After winning the “New Star Factory”, she thanked her mother and brother Ilyas for the contribution they made to the development of her creative career.

Future plans

Further information about Guzeli Khasanova can be obtained in 2018. She has many events planned for this year. MUZ TV, as a reward for winning the “New Star Factory,” will give Khasanova two tickets to the prestigious Brit Awards music award. The awards will take place in the UK on February 28th. Perhaps the New Factory participant will find foreign partners and gain positive experience from the festival.

The MUZ TV channel promised Khasanova the recording and distribution of her own video. It should be expected that next year Guzel will become a real media personality.

Guzel is making big bets on the “New Wave 2018” project, a music competition with international status, in which she advanced to the next stage among 4 semi-finalists. The singer dreamed of participating in it from an early age, which means she will make every effort to reach the finals in it too.

The show was broadcast on the MUZ TV channel for more than three months, and 16 candidates competed for the title of best artist, of which only 6 reached the finals of the project. On Saturday, after the final reporting concert, the winners of the music competition were determined and announced.

Third place was awarded to Dana Danilevsky, as well as the group “North 17”. The artists appreciated the love of TV viewers and promised to continue in the same spirit, assuring that they would not let their fans down. The second according to the voting results was rapper Nikita Kuznetsov. And the title of winner of the project was awarded to singer Guzel Khasanova.

The artist burst into tears on stage, touchingly thanking everyone who showed support along her journey. Now Guzel will collaborate with Viktor Drobysh, and her videos will be broadcast on MUZ TV throughout the year. Fans will also be able to see the singer perform at the channel's annual awards next year.

However, viewers reacted differently to the finalist. They expressed distrust regarding the fairness of the vote, noting that throughout the entire project, Guzel never received the sympathy of television viewers.

“It’s surprising to me that a person who was almost never supported by the audience either in the nominations or in the choice of sympathy became the winner of the audience vote, HOW? The answer suggests itself, everything was decided in advance!”

“It’s really not clear how someone who has never won the People’s Choice Award won.”

After such comments, many spoke out in defense of the singer, noting her amazing voice and reminding everyone who was dissatisfied that only one can win, and Guzel deserves it.

“Her voice seemed very powerful and better to me... Especially when she performed with Christina C. I don’t know, everyone has their own views, in my opinion, she was the best and almost the whole country voted for her.”

“There is no doubt and it shouldn’t be any other way. Even if they write that this was decided in advance, it’s fair.”

“The most worthy of the finalists! Although I was rooting for Zhenya, objectively, first place was not for “North 17”. Congratulations!"

The discussion around the winner’s person was noticed by the producer of “New Star Factory” Viktor Drobysh. After the final, he made a publication on his online page, in which he noted that you cannot please everyone and reminded that the victory was awarded based on the results of audience voting.

“It was your choice, some are probably disappointed, but the majority are for Guzel,”
– Victor commented on the results of the final. – “Personally, I would be satisfied with the victory of any finalist. Thank you for your experiences!”

Drobysh faced criticism from TV viewers throughout the entire show, because after each contestant left there were those who expressed indignation at this decision. However, to such attacks.