Why do I dream about a rat that bit me? Miller's dream book promises victory over enemies

If you dreamed that a rat bit you, then this is your conscience speaking to you. It’s probably not very clean, something is tormenting you, and that’s why you’re having nightmares like this. But it also happens that you don’t seem to feel any guilt, but such a dream visited you. To figure out why you dream about a nasty rodent, remember in as much detail as possible what you saw in your dream, dream books recommend. Very often it is the details that change the whole essence.

Brief interpretations

Do not despair if the dream dissipates as soon as you open your eyes. At least remember the essence. Dream books will help you “get to the bottom” of the truth of your dream. For example, here’s what to expect if you dream that a rat has bitten you:

  • Your favorite animal is angry - your conscience is tormenting you.
  • Being hurt by a huge black creature means problems.
  • An experimental rodent clawed it until it bled - pay attention to your enemies.
  • If you fed it and didn’t protect your finger, you will suffer from gossip.

Dream Book of G. Miller

According to Miller's dream book, if a rat bites, this is a bad sign. The dream predicts a difficult emotional state for the dreamer. It is very bad if in a dream an animal tries to grab a child’s hand. Such a vision warns of danger for the family, especially if the child whom the toothy creature is trying to bite is the child of a sleeping person.

Attack of a wild beast, or From riches to poverty...

If you dream that a big gray rat is biting your leg, then this means that you need to be more economical, the Lunar Dream Book suggests. And if a rat has bitten your friend’s leg, not you, beware of lending money to him. The only good thing is if an animal, biting your leg, hits your heel with its teeth - this promises relief from financial problems.

Did the beast grab your hand? Dream warning: you have envious people who want to bring you down to the “financial bottom”. Did they kill her after that? They won't succeed. But if in a dream she grabbed the palm of your enemy, this means one of two things: either your debt will be returned to you, or you will receive an unexpected profit.

Did a pet rat bite you? Expect pangs of conscience

The interpretation of a dream in which you are attacked by your own white rat is given by Pastor Loff’s dream book: you must repent to someone close to you for committing bad deeds.

Did the white rat bite because you teased it, being touched by how funny it was attacking? You unintentionally annoyed someone, and that someone held a grudge against you. And if you see that a tame white rat suddenly attacks one of the family members, it means that this person is angry with you and you know why.

From the pet store to the laboratory: you have envious people

Anyone who dreams that while choosing an animal in a pet store, he sees a little rat that wants to grab his finger, waiting for an opportunity, should be on alert not only in a dream, but also in reality. Such a dream indicates the presence of envious people who are still weak, but can still cause harm.

Another warning about enemies is a dream where you were bitten by a rat, which you keep in a scientific laboratory. According to the Eastern Dream Book, if an experimental animal wants to harm the one who experiments on it, and in this case it is you, then in reality there is an ardent competitor who dreams of taking your place.


In dreams, the rat symbolizes a person's conscience. A rat bite in a dream means a “bite” from your conscience. Figure out what is so tormenting your conscience and immediately begin to correct this situation.

Such a dream should be regarded as a clear warning to you about a critical situation that has reached a dead end through your fault. Such a dream is especially vivid in the memory if it is dreamed every night for several days.

The location of the bite is also important, so if the rat bite was on the arm, then most likely the dream is associated with money problems; if on the leg, then with problems in your family or with close friends.


Why do you dream of a biting rat?

The image of a rat in a dream is somewhat ambiguous. But if you dream of an aggressive, biting rat, such a dream does not promise anything good. At a minimum, this indicates a possible betrayal of someone close to you, secret envy or intrigue in the dreamer’s environment.

Many people have an extremely negative attitude towards rats. However, in the Eastern tradition, the rat symbolizes wealth, homeliness and good luck. One ancient Chinese dream book even says that a white rat in a dream can show the way to treasure or treasure.

But Europeans treat rats poorly, with rare exceptions. A few lovers of smart rodents are happy to keep them as pets. Of course, in the dreams of rat lovers, the symbolism of the image of a rat can be completely different.

This is what a biting rat means in a dream (according to the most popular dream books): a rat can symbolize the unpleasant character traits of the sleeper himself, which prevent him from interacting fruitfully and harmoniously with the outside world. It is also possible that a rat biting in a dream is a symbol of a secret ill-wisher, whose negative presence and influence the sleeper feels in reality.

If a rat bites your hands, it is difficult for the dreamer to interact with others due to his own shortcomings. If a rat tries to bite your face, such a dream foreshadows an unpleasant quarrel, a public scandal, or loss of reputation. A rat biting the legs - a secret ill-wisher is plotting intrigues for the sleeping person, but will not achieve success.

If you dreamed that you managed to catch or kill a biting rat, the dreamer will defeat enemies and failures and achieve success. Moreover, the success will be greater, the larger the rat killed. If a rat bites your clothes, such a dream promises a series of minor troubles, misunderstandings and minor conflicts with colleagues, family members and friends.

If a rat has chewed things or clothes, you should pay attention to self-organization, flaws in managing your own affairs, your own negligence and frivolity. If the dreamer is attacked by a whole flock of rats in a dream, this indicates that the person feels cornered, abandoned, betrayed, and lonely.

If you dreamed that the sleeping person himself became a rat, then he should seriously take care of himself, analyze his own actions and thoughts. Perhaps the dark side of your character is taking over. Another interpretation of such a dream is that a person really wants to run away from everyone, hide from problems and troubles, hide in a hole and be alone with himself.

A dream in which a rat bites may portend troubles, betrayal, quarrels, scandals, and damage. In the form of a rat, one may dream of a person whom the sleeper suspects of dishonest behavior, envy, or a desire to do something nasty.

If you dream that a rat not only tries to bite, but also squeaks loudly, the ill-wisher will certainly show himself in reality. A rat trying to get into a pocket - someone is trying to cause material damage to the sleeping person. If a rodent reaches into your bosom, you should be very careful with new acquaintances, avoid getting too close too quickly and not trust just anyone.

A rat warmed up on its chest can bite painfully at the most unexpected moment. If you dream that a rat bites a friend or relative, perhaps they are in danger or are in danger of illness. It is worth paying attention to which part of the body was bitten. Perhaps this is where the source of the disease nests.

It is important to remember that a rat in a dream does not always mean an ill-wisher, an envious person or a traitor from among the people around you. It often happens that under this unsympathetic image the dreamer’s own vices are hidden, which are indicated by his ever-watchful conscience and internal moral censor.

If you dream of a rat, especially an aggressive one, trying to bite, this is always a reason to think and do analysis. It may be worth limiting your social circle by excluding unreliable and untrustworthy people. Or perhaps it’s worth looking deep into yourself and answering honestly - were it not your own shortcomings that took on the image of a rat in a dream?


The rat bit my hand

Dream Interpretation Rat bit your hand dreamed of why in a dream a rat bit your hand? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a rat bite your hand in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Rats

Seeing rats in a dream means the appearance of secret enemies that are not so easy to get rid of. Huge, impudent rats running around the house in reality foreshadow family troubles and insincerity of friends, business discord and losses.

If in a dream you set a trap for rats, it means that in reality you will become aware of the intentions of your enemies. A rat caught in a trap foreshadows a robbery of an apartment or a scandal with neighbors. Kill a rat - get rid of slander and rivalry. A dead rat means a contagious disease.

To drive rats out of the room, wielding a poker or something of the like, is a struggle with varying success and disastrous results. If you are afraid of rats in a dream, in reality you will end up in an unpleasant situation and be falsely accused. To grab a rat with your hands - you will experience disgust for a low, vile person. Seeing a cat catching a rat means you will receive life-saving support in time. If a cat eats a rat before your eyes, you will witness an unpleasant family scene in the house of your friends.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

The rat is a symbol of pickiness, fastidiousness, fertility, death, and good luck.

Seeing a sea of ​​rats eating crops - this dream warns that if measures are not taken to preserve the land and intelligently exterminate agricultural pests, this could turn into an environmental disaster that will lead to famine.

Seeing an unusually beautiful white rat riding in a carriage means that negotiations with a northern power will not be as easy as it seems at first glance. The dream warns that appearances are deceptive and a penchant for luxury does not indicate a soft character and a willingness to compromise.

Seeing pairs of rats walking along the street like people is a harbinger of the fact that in 2020, conservationists will declare the year of the sanctity of living beings.

Seeing a ship driven by rats - this symbol means that before the era of general prosperity, you will have to go through a difficult period, which will begin with a flood in 2066.

Seeing people preparing a dish from rats means that 2008 will be marked by widespread worship of rats, experiments on which will make it possible to discover a medicine that is very necessary for humans.

Seeing people with rat tails is a sign that warns of illness and should make you think about health and concern for life safety.

Seeing rats preparing to attack is a harbinger of aggression from Great Britain.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Rats dream of quarrels, so try not to aggravate relations with anyone.

If in a dream you grabbed a rat, then you will be able to adequately defeat your enemies.

If you killed a rat in a dream, you will become a winner in any business and in any situation.

According to Nostradamus, the rat is a symbol of legibility, fastidiousness, fertility, luck and... death.

A dream in which a huge number of rats eat crops speaks of a crop failure.

If you saw an unusually beautiful white rat riding in a carriage, keep in mind that appearances are deceptive and a penchant for luxury does not indicate strength of character and a tendency to compromise.

If you dreamed about people with rat tails, take care of your health and safety.

D. Loff wrote: “In the modern world, rats are almost universally treated with contempt.

For most people, dreams about rats indicate their fears of becoming lonely scavenger eaters - losing friends and becoming outcasts.

According to another version, the sleeper feels that his public safety has begun to leak. Unlike theft, which occurs with lightning speed, rats destroy their environment gradually.”

Dream Interpretation - Rats

In the modern world, rats are almost universally treated with contempt. The reputation of garbage-eating carriers of infection always precedes them wherever they appear. However, some people keep rats as PETS, their attitude towards them is, of course, different.

For most people, dreams about rats indicate their fears of becoming lonely scavenger eaters - losing friends and becoming outcasts.

According to another version, the sleeper feels that his public safety has begun to leak. Unlike theft, which occurs with lightning speed, rats destroy their environment gradually.

In reality, do you perceive rats as pets or as dangerous predators?

In your dream, do rats pose a serious threat to your health and property, or are they simply a nuisance with their presence?

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Seeing rats means a lot of enemies.

A woman sees herself holding a rat - foretells the birth of a child.

Catching a rat means meeting an unreliable person or that people are preparing trouble for you.

Seeing a cat catch a rat is a sign of prosperity.

Seeing a rat in a hole means your home is being robbed.

If a man saw that he was bitten by a rat, there would be trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Rats

Why are there rats in a dream? You dreamed of rats... In general, rats, like other “carriers of infection” (!), dream exclusively of diseases.

Pay attention to the size of rats in your dreams! How they behave, their quantity, quality... If there are 2-3 rats in a dream, then the illness will not be long or severe; if there are a lot of rats, especially if they are large, and even worse, if the rats hiss, pounce, attack you, and even try to eat you (and there are such sizes, it’s a dream!), then the situation is bad: you will either have a sharp, either a protracted illness or its threshold... The beginning.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Rats in a dream are dangerous enemies. They can also mean our loved ones who cause us constant trouble and grief. Killing a rat in a dream is a symbol of victory over an enemy or troubles. Such a dream also means that you are intolerant of human weaknesses and will not put up with meanness, cowardice, and hypocrisy. Stroking a rat in a dream is a harbinger of trouble from a person whom you considered your friend and whom you trusted. A white rat in a dream is your hidden enemy. See interpretation: animals, beasts.

Skinning it in a dream means that you will be able to outwit an insidious enemy and profit at his expense. The main thing is that the skin does not tear during sleep, because this is the most valuable thing a rat has.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Dreaming of rats are secret or obvious enemies that are difficult to get rid of.

Such dreams are a sign of misfortune, failure, and illness.

Quarrels with neighbors, partners, colleagues are possible.

Fighting rats means suffering from deception, rudeness, arrogance, and betrayal.

Catching a rat means great luck.

Kill a rat - defeat your opponent.

A white rat is a hidden danger, someone’s location that you don’t need at all.

Dream Interpretation - Bite

An animal bite in a dream foreshadows a quarrel or resentment. Feeling a bite in a dream means losses and worries. Such a dream often predicts domestic troubles and scandals. If you dream that you were bitten by some person, then do not hope to win in some controversial matter.

A dream in which you bit someone foreshadows a serious illness or nervous shock. If you dream that you were bitten by a cat or dog, then be afraid of betrayal or quarrels with a loved one. If in a dream you are bitten by a person whom you knew before, then you will be haunted by difficult memories. See interpretation: animals, beasts, teeth.

The mark of teeth left behind after a bite means that the insult inflicted on you will be etched in your memory for a long time. If you see blood at the site of the bite, then you will be very worried about what happened. See interpretation: blood.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Seeing rats in a dream means that you will be deceived and beaten by your neighbors. Quarrels with your companions are also possible.

Grabbing a rat in a dream means that you will despise human baseness and will defeat your enemies with dignity.

Killing a rat in a dream is a sign of victory in any business and in any situation.


A rat bit my hand

Dream Interpretation - Bitten by a dog

Such a dream means a quarrel with someone from among your friends.

Dream Interpretation - Centipede and bat

Both dreams show that it is your nature to get involved and take risks in rather dubious matters, but you are able to avoid serious consequences. Scene 3 with the mouse suggests that past troubles can give you the confidence to act in a certain way in future difficult circumstances.

Dream Interpretation - Mice

All your dreams talk about an unpleasant situation that you have had or will have.

Dream Interpretation - One dream for two

A disagreement between you, a cooling of relations (ice water) and a mutual unwillingness to give in due to grievances, pride?... (predatory fish). Because of this, a violation of joint progress through life (legs, bite)

Dream Interpretation - Cockroaches

Unpleasant, “dirty” worries nesting in the subconscious (cockroach-nocturnal insect), which are related to intimate (thigh) life and will cause harm to it (bite). But you will be able to partially cope with your thoughts disturbing your soul (kill one), deprive them of vitality (blood). But I must say that this is your personal perception of your problem as deeply unpleasant (cockroaches).

Dream Interpretation - Snake in the house

Hello! Based on the dream, I can assume that you do not like your current environment - not entirely friendly people surround you. You wanted peace and solitude, but they still bother you, they even “bite” you, but you withstood it. You tried to take control of the situation (emotionally) (you are fighting the viper in order to pack it in a box), but you are choosing a slightly different path - the golden mean “so to speak” (golden lizard in a box), or in other words, of the two evil, choose the lesser. Prudence prevails in your dream - you are trying to use the current situation to your advantage. But wild laughter predicts that the situation has deeply affected you emotionally and made you worry. I’ll add a little more - you need a good emotional rest, accept yourself as you are - and everything in you will calm down!))))))))) All the best to you!

Dream Interpretation - Snake in the house

Hello! Snakes have many interpretations, but I dare to suggest that your snake still has a sexual meaning. There are too many sexual symbols in your dream, both hidden and direct. Coming out of this, you have worries and thoughts about your intimate life. Perhaps they are trying to persuade you to have a bed relationship, but you doubt it, fearing betrayal and that the relationship will not develop beyond bed. Most likely, you have already had a hostile relationship (a big lizard in a box) that you remember very well. Judging by the fact that the lizard still won a kind of victory over the snake, you will not be able to seduce you yet; unpleasant memories will prevail. Sorry, I was as tactful as I could and this is just my version of the explanation of the dream, I may be wrong. Good luck to you!

Dream Interpretation - Snake in the house

Good evening. Lizards, snakes, insects chasing dreamers symbolize some kind of repression in real life. The dreamer’s consciousness is desperately trying to push something out of reality, not to notice some problem that has been bothering her for quite some time. But this doesn’t work, because you can’t deny, repress part of yourself, part of your life. One thing is layered on top of another, some problems in the dreamer’s life, never resolved, are replaced by others. But their reason lies in the dreamer herself. And until she learns to accept herself for who she is, until she learns to solve her problems, and not put them aside and bury her head in the sand. These repressions do not allow the dreamer to calmly make decisions in real life. While she is struggling with herself, it is difficult for her to take a balanced approach to everyday problems. And this is the main problem - the dreamer is tired of fighting with herself. Is there any sexual innuendo? Well... Hardly. Because here the sex scene between a lizard and a snake is most likely a way to relieve the dreamer’s emotional tension in a dream. I assume that the golden color of a lizard may indirectly - as my assumption - indicate problems related to financial situation (credit, debts, little money or something like that)... I don’t know... Apart from the wild fatigue of the dreamer from the need to fight with oneself and making decisions - nothing is more clearly indicated in the dream. Perhaps other dreams can suggest more. And if I'm right, they won't hesitate to appear. Best regards, Desdichado

Dream Interpretation - Snake in the house

Some person, most likely a woman, will persistently and persistently pester you, pursue you, and condemn your choice (I won’t say more precisely). You will go into open confrontation, quarrel, battle of words and minds. Unexpectedly, you will find support from a man. I believe you will remain true to your choice. In what terms of choice, I can’t say. May relate to both the choice of activity and the choice of a companion.

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot on the grass

The dreamer in reality is worried about this: if she arranges her personal life, will this affect her harmonious relationship with the child. A cemetery in the distance, walking along the fence barefoot, a dog biting your hand until there are bloody scratches - in reality, all this suggests that the Dreamer is still suffering without a “heart friend,” be that as it may. This is what the DREAM is about, Sincerely, LIVIA.


A rat bit my hand

Dream Interpretation - Rat

To illness.

If you kill or expel a rat, then this sign indicates a successful completion of the disease.

A conversation with a cunning, but very smart person is a vile act.

If the rat is black, the meaning of the dream is enhanced.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Internal feelings of anger, shame, guilt.

A sign of violent influence or a harbinger of illness.

If a rat bites you, the dream foreshadows failure and illness.

If you killed a rat, you will overcome difficulties and avoid alien interference.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

If you dreamed that a rat was crawling on you, then in the near future you will experience success in love affairs. To avoid any problems, always carry some cheese with you.

If you dreamed of a dead rat, then someone is very jealous. To prevent this person from harming you, always wear a gold chain on your left leg.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Hunting a rat means anxiety, but at the same time the rat is a symbol of material well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Bite

A dream in which you bit your man means true love; if he did the same, there is complete reciprocity between you, based on common spiritual interests. If you are bitten by a rabid animal, this means illness and failure; if it is a lion, you will experience pressure from competitors.

A dream in which you received a fatal bite from a poisonous snake and are shuddering in death convulsions is a sign of impatience in anticipation of upcoming intimacy with a man. If you are bitten by a small but feisty dog ​​in a dream, in reality you will suffer minor losses, and if a huge dog bites you, your financial situation will sound an alarm. Being bitten by fleas, bedbugs or ticks will leave an unpleasant aftertaste on your soul from meeting a vile type who once dishonored you.

Dream Interpretation - Bite, bite

If in a dream you bit someone, this speaks of a dream living in the depths of your soul to subjugate some person.

The obsession with this idea is such that you can literally do anything to achieve it.

It is not yet known whether you will be able to achieve your goal or not, but now we can say that even for good purposes, enslaving the will of others is a bad step that will lead to suffering for both the enslaved and the enslaver.

You were bitten in a dream - in this case you risk finding yourself completely dependent on the will of another person.

The bites were not too painful and did not even attract much attention to themselves - such a dream suggests that forcing you to deviate from the right path is a rather difficult undertaking.

Most likely, you will remain in your positions.

If the bites greatly annoyed you and caused unbearable pain, all your attempts to weaken someone else’s influence will be useless.

So you will have to submit to this state of affairs for some time, waiting for a favorable moment for liberation from captivity (possibly love).

Some kind of passion may push you to recklessness and unnecessary sacrifices, but later, having assessed the object of your feelings impartially, you will be very disappointed in both him and your behavior.

Dream Interpretation - Bite

in a certain sense it means to offend, insult.

"bite" try, find out.

"deadly poisonous bite." “Inflict small bites” to be sarcastic, to behave unworthily towards an opponent, to an opponent, to cause minor harm.

Dream Interpretation - Bite (bee, wasp, snake, animal)

If you are bitten by an animal or insect in a dream, the dream foreshadows an illness, the danger and severity of which depends on who bit you. If the poisonous snake is a serious illness, it may even end in death.

Imagine that an ambulance arrives, the bite is treated, the sting is removed, an antidote is given, and an antibiotic is injected (depending on the situation). The danger is over, you are healthy again.

Dream Interpretation - Rats

Seeing rats in a dream is a warning about many enemies that will cause you worry and anxiety. For lovers, this dream means a rival who has enormous influence on your betrothed, who will do everything to oust you from her heart and take your place. The dream also warns that some imaginary friend is trying to disturb your happiness and peace of mind.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

The Rat is a sign that you need to be more careful in life, since you have enemies who wish you harm. Eating rat meat in a dream means victory over danger and evil.


A rat bit my hand

Dream Interpretation - Rats

Your dream means troubles at home or insincerity from friends. But know that these problems are so weak in front of you and they are so afraid of you that everything will be solved with very great ease. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Rat

There is a person in your environment whom you fear. The fear experienced when communicating with him, even when simply being near him, paralyzes you, and to a greater extent at the level of the subconscious than a conscious reaction. But the dream clearly shows that all this is empty...

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Rats and mice signify the irretrievable loss of some thing, an object that is dear to you as a memory of an event, or a person that is more than materially dear. And the bite indicates that you will be very upset, your soul will grieve, because this thing (object) was very dear to you.

Dream Interpretation - Rats

Despite your fears and difficulties, you very persistently (rats) try to fulfill your desire/achieve your goal (door). But it’s not yours (they won’t open it for you for a long time). Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Snake bite

You are surrounded by people who falsely sympathize with you! They are the ones who create problems for you! And at the same time they are trying to claim the title of comrade!

Dream Interpretation - Snake bite

A snake bite in the hand indicates the need to change your relationship with life. Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Bitten by a snake

Snakes almost always lead to family quarrels, separations, problems in the family because of women. There are a lot of snakes (yellow is the color of envy) - a female team, in which the main struggle is being waged against you / or you are often discussed, your relationships are criticized, they take it outside (gossip). The snake has bitten - one of the women is showing too much activity in your relationship with your husband, adding salt to everything connected with you. A snake bite (according to your description) is an event that will hurt you too much; a skirmish is possible where you will complain about the offender to your loved ones, but you will not receive proper understanding from anyone, because from the outside your problem is not has seriousness and interest. This is to your advantage: you must learn for yourself that if someone insults you or does any outrageous things that make you suffer or get nervous, you need to take everything into your own hands, because in fact, the poison that comes from you back or eyes, in fact just words and air. You can quite independently repel attacks on you: either remain silent and remain calm (if the offender is stronger than you in verbosity), or give a short but intelligible answer.

Dream Interpretation - Bitten by a snake

Your actions (hand) are restrained by ill-wishers. "Enemies" attack your family through you personally. In the near future, be guided by the proverb: “Measure twice, cut once”

Dream Interpretation - Bitten by a snake

There may be a quarrel with the mother after such a dream. The dispute is about life, but then you will make attempts at reconciliation, smooth out the consequences, although you will not remove them completely.

Dream Interpretation - Bite by a scary person

During this period, you feel the need to correct yourself and correct and “cure” your own life (the medical room is a symbol of treatment, correction of mistakes). Still, it scares you. Perhaps you saw in a dream a certain part of your own “I”, which is directly related to your sins and mistakes that you have made in life (your own remark about the fact that you are a sinner); shortcomings that you suddenly discover in yourself especially clearly (the appearance of a being is not external shortcomings, of course, but internal qualities). In the present period of life, you suddenly begin to remember, analyze and regret these sins and mistakes (his exclamation about why they woke him up?), as you begin to see and suffer from their deplorable results and reap their sad fruits (he bit you). ...


A rat bit my hand

Dream Interpretation - Attack of beetles, wasps

The dream may indicate that there is either a hidden allergy to flowers, wood, or some kind of mild, unconscious poisoning from flower or “wooden” products. An allergy can be airborne, or it can be food allergy. Beetles, wasps, insects on the skin are just hidden minor itching due to flowers. The itching is weak and does not reach consciousness, but in a dream the sensations intensify and create the illusion that something small is crawling on the skin and you need to get rid of it, squeeze it out. Skin, like a blanket, can only protect in certain situations. It is in a situation where the greenery is grass and not a tree that there is confidence, calmness, and there is no threat of allergies and poisoning. Then, in the form of a gypsy, the temptation comes to fall again to the flowers. And the question sounds: “Which color do you choose? " What to choose so that allergies, feelings of insecurity, hidden fear and unconscious flower poisoning do not arise? Perhaps in a state of allergy, the nails somehow change or become stronger or weaker. The key words of the dream “I know that I have some kind of disease”, “I know this because this has happened before” - mean painful experiences “trees in flowers”, “flower street”, “are you choosing a color? “- they indicate a possible cause of fears and painful conditions “grass”, “greenery” - they indicate that which does not cause fear, there is a sense of calm in this.

Dream Interpretation - Cats and snakes like vipers

I think that your doing nothing in some situation will lead to bad consequences. There will be noise and trouble, maybe gossip about you, but you will not react. Having lost food and the opportunity to make things worse for you, the situation will turn into self-digestion - who will eat whom...

Dream Interpretation - Little Rats

Good afternoon, Yana! Good dream. The collective mind of rattus (rats) provides you with support. And this is strong support. Rodents are generally not the most advanced species among mammals. Individuals possess a soul only in its infancy. Their main mind is the collective mind, which (like an egregor) manages the species at the subtle energy field level. Individuals have only an instinctive mind. Rats went further in their evolution than other rodents - they developed individual souls for each individual individual. But this made collective intelligence even more popular and effective. We can say that all rats make up one single being, and individual individuals are like individual members of a single body (like fingers on a hand). This is what allowed rats to become the true masters of the earth, for their biomass is one and a half times greater than the biomass of all mammals living on our Terra. Yes, happy are rat lovers and especially gene breeders, for they are on the path of the genetic birth of a new elite of life on earth. It has already been previously reported that all rats have a single common field mind. At critical moments that threaten the existence of a clan of rats in a certain area, this mind gives a command to give birth to the most prepared line for this - a biocomputer, which facilitates faster implementation of the commands of the general mind in a particular clan. For direct commands of the general mind are usually inhibited by the presence of a large number of species of rats, each of which, accordingly, lobbies its interests and promotes its energy-information space. This explains the legend that in the Middle Ages the Rat King was considered a harbinger of the plague. And so it was. It is a fact that rats always suffer the most from the plague. During medieval plague pandemics, they died in the millions. Accordingly, when a carrier of a disease appeared in the clan, which has an incubation period, the common mind gave a command to conceive the Rat King. In a clan there are always several females capable of this, and usually one male, capable of passing on to the offspring a special structure of short-lived fast neurons for organizing a bioserver. In Rus' (in particular in the Principality of Novgorod) it was believed that the Rainbow Rats, which were called Seli, lived in those places where the ancient magic of pagan rituals was still preserved. They were more often talked about than seen. Thousands of legends were told about their wisdom and humility, their ability to determine people's thoughts and dreams, and their ability to purify water. But over time, the Seli disappeared. Those who managed to escape from the hunters went to their Rainbow World, where people cannot yet reach. Humanity is left with only memories and ancient relics: dried beards, gnawed sticks (which always tell the traveler the way), as well as images carved on stones and cross-stitched towels that capture the beauty of Selei - the wisest and brightest animals that lived at the dawn of the world. From the Bible we know that rats once saved Jerusalem from a siege, so one of the city’s gates was called the Rat Gate. Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation - Courses

What a wonderful dream God sent you :) As I understand it, I had a dream on Tuesday? The implementation period is 2016, but the events that you need to attract to yourself in order to avoid bad consequences from missed opportunities will happen in the first 3 months. So before March/April you need to pay attention to the following: The issue of work and the attitude of others towards you and you towards them. Now you are either satisfied with your job and status, or you are not working, but you don’t really worry about it, relying on fate. In any case, you will have the opportunity to get 1 of 3 jobs, which are fundamentally different from each other, so you can’t go wrong. 1. Complete crap that will cause feelings of “What am I even doing here, this is not mine.” 2. 20% is working with antique things, 80% is working with the newest goods that have just entered the market and cause a WOW effect. 3. A company in which projects are carried out in pairs with close people, a certain profession, and who are a fairly well-knit team. It’s the third one you need to get into! Moreover, you don’t even know that your friend is engaged in such a profession. I’ll roughly tell you how it will happen; in quotes there may be other events similar in concept. You will learn about the job, which consists of selling “catering goods”, where each person works for a region in Russia and there are several free regions, one of which can be provided to you. In order to work successfully, each person in the office has OWN person in the SANPIN of the particular region where he works, with the help of whom all documents for implementation are prepared. So, of the proposed “areas”, you also have such an old friend in one of them, but with whom you have lost contact for now and you don’t even know that he works there. You will need to find out :) If this scheme is not implemented this year, you will feel sorry for yourself, blame others and stuff like that. There will be income generation, but it will be small and not interesting. So seize the moment! Remember me from your first salary :) All the best :) Alexander.

Dream Interpretation - Courses

The dreamer saw in this dream her Essence, on which her real life is based. Noble red Labradors in the first bright Corridor and beautiful, well-dressed People - this is the Dreamer’s involvement in “high society” thanks to cooperation, where everyone has their own personal interests and no common ones (not all dogs are Labradors, but Red, which means hidden deception, substitution, false). The second Corridor-queue is not illuminated (shown) in any way in a dream - in reality it only means that in the Dreamer’s life there is no “golden mean”, from one extreme to another, and here’s why (answer below). The third Dark and shabby Corridor of People who will be forced to deal with Antiques after paid courses is also part of the Dreamer, if something in her life goes wrong (The queue is here as an opportunity to achieve your Goal and you can always stand in another queue, but this threatens Loss of Time - large Watches, Antiques - lost opportunities that will have to be restored in price - paid courses). The dreamer found herself in a dirty and dark Toilet, where no one can get money - of course, it is impossible to get (or make, from the word “deed”) Money where there are no necessary (elementary) material foundations of life (dirty street children, a woman with an outstretched hand ). The dreamer does not know whether she has found a way out of a dubious place, which means only one thing - she does not yet have a real way out of this situation, but it may appear if she comes second or middle and combines her current well-being and her own development (investments into yourself). This is what the Dream is about. Best regards, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Dream

You have a kind heart, or a trusting soul! You don’t see that there are imaginary friends around you who are not kind to you. They moved from gloating contemplation to action. Your husband is not trying to restrain their not noble impulses, but his position in the circle of friends or in society makes them tuck their tails between their legs! But this phenomenon does not deter them, they will begin to poison his mind with false or exaggerated gossip and thereby weaken your defense! You need to go on the offensive. Stop being silent to the pricks and smirks from the side! If you don’t know how to be a bitch, then at least learn to pretend to be one! You have a kind heart, or a trusting soul! You don’t see that there are imaginary friends around you who are not kind to you. They moved from gloating contemplation to action. Your husband is not trying to restrain their not noble impulses, but his position in the circle of friends or in society makes them tuck their tails between their legs! But this phenomenon does not deter them, they will begin to poison his mind with false or exaggerated gossip and thereby weaken your defense! You need to go on the offensive. Stop being silent to the pricks and smirks from the side! If you don’t know how to be a bitch, then at least learn to pretend to be one! Good luck! They are lurking to put the evil eye on them, to cast a curse! Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Girl

To make your relationship with life easier (fingers, bite) - change your attitude towards yourself (all other images), your opinion, your idea of ​​yourself. The number 2 in your dream is a sign of fate. Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Crazy Squirrels

The dream may mean that a trial is coming in your family. Some guests (squirrels) will come with whom you will quarrel, sort things out (the squirrel bites) and who will make bad jokes and mock you. But you will make a fair decision and change the situation.

Dream Interpretation - Dog Attack

Dogs in dreams are our friends in real life. And when a dog is angry or rushes, it means a quarrel or a showdown with someone from among your friends.

Dream Interpretation - Snake

They say you dream of a snake out of anger... For a quarrel... Once a snake gets into the apartment, it means most likely a quarrel with someone at home or relatives...


A rat bit my hand

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Catching a rat is dangerous.

Eating it is a nuisance.

Ugh! What a dream! You probably came across the dream of a rat-catcher dog by mistake.

Dream Interpretation - Rat

Seeing a rat in your own home means wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Bite

Bite by a dog - you will suffer losses - being bitten by someone unknown - sadness and anxiety.

Dream Interpretation - Bite

To bite someone is a disease.

Dream Interpretation - Bite

Cats are treason; dogs - quarrel; men - memory; women - love; to bite someone is a disease; woman - fidelity.

Dream Interpretation - Bite

If someone bit you in a dream, in reality you should be more careful with your opponents, otherwise they will cause you immeasurable suffering. Also, such a dream can portend illness and failure, but do not rush to destroy what you have invested all your strength into.

Dream Interpretation - Bite

Someone's bite in a dream foreshadows illness and failure. He also warns: don't quit your job because you've put so much effort into it.

And be careful with your opponents, otherwise they will cause you trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Dog Bite

A strong insult from a close friend (girlfriend).

A different bite: it makes sense to pay attention to your oral cavity.

Caution: this month, after sunset, do not pick up sharp, cutting or piercing objects, and do not go near boiling water.

Dream Interpretation - Bite

If a horse bites you, there will be advancement up the career ladder.

Dream Interpretation - Bite

If a dream predicts that a person will be bitten by a snake, then the next day he should be very careful, trying not to leave the house.

Which one bites? A rat in a dream in itself is a negative sign, and if a rodent behaves aggressively and bites the dreamer, then this becomes an even more unfavorable sign. In particular, this indicates the illness of a relative, the breakdown of a family, or the betrayal of a friend.

Meaning of sleep

The meaning of a dream largely depends not only on its plot, but also on the dream book interpreting it.

    Miller's Dream Book

    A biting rat in a dream is a sign of the emergence of a new enemy, rival. Meeting an aggressive rodent outside the house means disrupting someone's plans, getting in someone's way. This action may put the person in serious danger.

    A rat bites a person in any dwelling, which means in this house lives a traitor who weaves intrigues and. Seeing a rat on the street means not keeping a secret, your own or someone else's, from others.

    Freud's Dream Book

    A rat biting a finger indicates that the dreamer has some kind of limitation, psychological or physical, when communicating with the opposite sex. Little aggressive little rats speak of psychoblocks, the roots of which are in childhood or adolescence, as well as of childhood fears that still haunt us.

    Killing an attacking rat means attract the attention of a member of the opposite sex, start a romantic relationship.

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

    A biting animal speaks of a cunning person, even a swindler, with whom the dreamer has to communicate due to duty or other circumstances. To repel a rat's attack means to emerge victorious from any situation. Kill a rat - make a profit from some business.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    When you dream of a rat bite - this means any disease or infection, as well as an exacerbation of an existing disease. To dream of a rat biting a child speaks of deprivation of certain pleasures and punishment for one’s misdeeds.

    Chinese dream book

    White rat bite speaks of the search for some treasure or treasure, as well as smiling luck. A black rat bite portends the death or serious illness of a loved one.

    Dream Interpretation of Felomena

    Rat bite indicates troubles, deteriorating health and discord in family relationships. A rat bites until it bleeds - this is a sign of a powerful enemy, which will be very difficult for a person to defeat.

    Old Russian dream book

    Rat biting the dreamer portends grief, misfortune, shed bitter tears. A bite on the leg indicates enemies from the dreamer’s closest circle, and a bite on the hand says that a person cannot forgive himself for something and is destroying his own life.

    Big rat bite talks about troubles at work or a small conflict with neighbors.

    Loff's Dream Book

    Rat bites portend various types of diseases. Seeing blood from a bite in a dream means blood poisoning or receiving some kind of physical injury. A rat biting a leg indicates an inability to move freely both on a physical level (for example, a broken leg) and on a social level (for example, a written undertaking not to leave).

    Flee from the attacks of a rat - means in reality experiencing financial difficulties. Killing an aggressive rat means trying to deal with enemies, avoiding human meanness and deceit.

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    Seeing a black rat bite - this indicates serious material loss, bankruptcy. The process of property loss can continue for many years. Also indicates criminal actions directed against the dreamer.

    Many rat bites they talk about the destruction of the dreamer as a person, the weakness of his character. A rat with a long tail bites a person - this is a sign that he will become seriously ill. If a rat bites the dreamer not on the skin, but on the clothes, this also portends favorable changes in life.

    Kill an aggressive rodent in a dream means to identify the traitor. If a person is sick at this time, this portends his speedy recovery.

    Dream Interpretation of Hasse

    Big rat bite speaks not so much about illness as about loss of strength, bad mood, chronic fatigue. If the rat left a scratch or bite wound, then this means that the person will get sick a few days after the dream.

    I dreamed that a white rat bit my leg - this is a sign that some woman is interfering with the dreamer in personal relationships, at work or in the family. The bite of a black rat indicates conflict situations, as if someone is trying to provoke the dreamer into some action.

    Esoteric dream book

    Rat bite speaks of severe stress, accident, failure. If a rat bites a child in a dream, then in reality he will get sick. If a married woman dreamed that she was bitten by a large white rat, this indicates a strong rival, her husband’s mistress.

    Longo's Dream Interpretation

    Rat bite - this is a sign of some disease. Avoiding a black rat bite means avoiding a real threat, a danger to reality. The black rat also speaks of secret enemies.

    A rat that bites a pet (dog, cat, etc.) is portends the help of a friend or the transformation of a spiteful critic into a good friend.

    English dream book

    Rat biting your hand in a dream indicates betrayal or lies of a close friend. If a rat bites your finger, this foreshadows the collapse of plans and hopes. Resisting an attacking rat means a major quarrel with your neighbors.

If she attacks

A rat attack in a dream means betrayal by a loved one. If the attack occurred on the street, this is a sign that the dreamer does not always follow the accepted rules, thereby causing discontent among others. If the attack occurred in a home, this indicates a person’s internal, psychological problems - his fears, insecurities, complexes, and more.

Rat attacking from behind. A large, fat rat attacks a person from the front - this means that the dreamer will soon meet a high-ranking person. If a rat sniffs a person but does not harm him, then this indicates a new place of residence, a new job, and joy.

The white rat that attacked the unmarried girl speaks of the emergence of a passionate admirer. The stronger the bite, the more passionate the young man’s feelings. The bite of a thin white rat warns that you should not reveal secrets and tell someone about your life.

Black rat attack talks about betraying a friend, dismissal from work or temporary suspension. A rat attack in the house speaks of adultery, an attack on the street - of a hypocritical friend, a flatterer.

An attack by a large number of rats indicates slander, deception directed against the dreamer and which many believed. This lie will negatively affect the person's reputation and credibility. A lot of rats running around the city and attacking people speaks of an oppressive fear of circumstances.

A horde of rats attacking a child means the manifestation of any feelings that is condemned by society. It could be forbidden fruit, an unconventional relationship, unusual hobbies, and so on.

A decorative rat that behaves aggressively in a dream is a harbinger of bright changes. A white rat indicates a pleasant acquaintance, a black rat indicates enrichment and promotion. The riot of a little rat speaks of a varied intimate life, as well as a new level in romantic relationships.

Preventing a Bite

Avoiding a rat bite or attack is a good sign in most cases. Preventing a bite means avoiding trouble or danger, defeating enemies. If the dreamer managed to kill a rat, this means a speedy recovery from a serious illness.

To catch a rat that wants to bite, hold it in your hands and not allow yourself to be bitten - means avoiding the set trap, winning despite the intrigues of enemies. Hanging a rat by the tail indicates public recognition of the dreamer, public humiliation of the enemy.

If a person was attacked by many rats in a dream, but managed to avoid harming himself, it means that soon the dreamer will have to demonstrate all the strength of his character and endurance. prepares for him tests that he will cope with, and this will make him even stronger.

Many people associate the rat with uncleanliness, dirt and disease. Her appearance in a dream has many different meanings. Most dream books negatively interpret visions involving this animal. In a rat - what does such a dream mean? The interpretation of such dreams is presented below.

Esoteric dream book

Seeing a rat in a dream is a bad sign. The dreamer will face problems at work and in the family. If a rat attacked a sleeping person, and he fought back, then a difficult period in his life awaits him. A dark streak will come, but thanks to the help of his relatives he will overcome adversity.

A rat bit you in a dream - what does this vision portend? Such a dream warns of a quarrel with friends or a lover. If after a bite blood comes out of the wound, then the sleeper is in danger of a serious conflict with close relatives. The more the dreamer feels the pain from the bite, the more irreconcilable the conflict will be.

From a pack of rats - to a manifestation of cowardice in reality. The sleeper will give up in the face of danger and will not fight. You should not retreat; now is the time to repel your enemies and protect your own dignity.

Choking huge rats with your bare hands means overcoming difficulties and making a profit. The dreamer will get out of the “debt hole” and improve his financial condition.

Women's dream book

If a rat bit your hand in a dream, it means your lover will betray you. A woman should be careful and take a closer look at her immediate surroundings. One of the sleeping woman’s imaginary friends “had his eye on” her chosen one.

Being frightened in a dream at the sight of a giant rat means fear of real problems. The dreamer should stop exaggerating minor troubles that come her way.

A vision in which the sleeping woman crushes rats with her feet warns of a rapid career rise. Soon the set goal will be achieved, and the dreamer will find peace of mind.

If a woman in a dream saw a rat “baring its teeth” while looking at her, then the machinations of her rivals await her. A man for whom the sleeping woman has feelings may pay attention to another woman. The dreamer should spend more time communicating with him.

Miller's Dream Book

The rat symbolizes deception and betrayal, people who want to hurt a loved one. In dreams, a rat is a reflection of problems that have accumulated over a long period of time. A person forgets about them, but the subconscious mind remembers this and reminds the sleeper that it is time to sort out the rubble of unresolved issues.

A rat bit you in a dream - what does the dream book say about this? The size of the animal is of great importance here. If a sleeping person is bitten by a large rat, then he will face financial difficulties associated with excessive wastefulness. If the animal was small, then the dreamer should be prepared for minor troubles at work and in the family.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

The rat bit the leg - how does the dream book interpret this? Bitten by a rat in a dream - to painful experiences associated with a lack of love and intimate life. For a woman, such a dream promises separation from her lover, with whom she had only an intimate relationship. For a man, the dream foreshadows the cooling of his beloved towards him.

A dream about fighting a rat suggests that the sleeper needs to stop wasting himself on casual relationships. If he was able to defeat the rat, then he will meet his future life partner. However, if the animal was able to escape, then the dreamer will experience long-term mental loneliness, brightened up by random connections.

Gypsy dream book

In a dream, a rat bit me in the chest - why such a vision? The dream book interprets it this way: a rat biting the chest in a dream foreshadows pain and suffering from unrequited love. Another meaning is that the dream warns the sleeper against rash actions. They can derail his life.

A dirty black rat seen in a dream signifies a dangerous disease hanging over the sleeper. He should take his health seriously.

If a rat attacked and bit you in a dream, then the sleeping person is in wait for enemies who pretend to be friends and use friendship for their own purposes. At one point, they can seriously set up the dreamer, taking advantage of his trust.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

How is the vision of a rat biting in the neck interpreted? A dream about a rat attack foreshadows depression and a protracted, intractable illness. The dreamer needs not to overexert himself and pay more attention to his family, since only they will help him get out of his depressive state.

A dream about a rat biting your hand foreshadows poverty and great financial losses. If an animal clings to clothing with its teeth, then the dream predicts changes in life for the sleeper. Negativity will be replaced by positivity, and soon the dreamer will have success in business.

Killing a white rat with red eyes in a dream means disappointment in loved ones. At the moment of danger, when the sleeper needs help, they will turn away from him.

What does it mean if a rat bites you in a dream?

Interpreters are unanimous in the opinion that a rat bite in a dream does not bode well. Such a dream can be a good sign in the only case - if she bit you on the heel. This means that soon you will significantly improve your financial situation.

One of the interpretations of what a biting rat dreams about is the following: a constantly recurring dream indicates that the dreamer is haunted by his own conscience. Perhaps he committed an unworthy act, which led to his acquaintances getting into an unpleasant situation. As soon as he manages to solve the problem in real life, making amends, the nightmare will stop tormenting him.

If a rat bites your hand, be prepared for financial troubles - beware of investments that seem profitable at first glance.

The bite of this rodent on the leg foreshadows discord within the family due to the rash act of the sleeping person or, as an option, a quarrel with friends. Try to avoid conflict situations, and even more so, initiate them.

It is also considered an unfavorable sign if the wound is bleeding - this is an indicator that in the near future one of your relatives may become seriously ill. A possible interpretation of such a dream is that you should prepare for depression, from which it will be very difficult to get out.

If a rat bites your clothes in a dream, then this is a good sign - soon you will be able to realize a dream or goal that you have been working towards for a very long time.

And although the main interpretations are not favorable, you should not be upset. By correctly analyzing your dream, you can not only clearly imagine future events, but also take effective measures to prepare for troubles in advance or even prevent them.

Dream interpretation of a rat that bites

A dream about a rat in a night dream has an ambiguous interpretation. Seeing an aggressive rat that bites is a rather bad sign, foreshadowing the betrayal of a loved one; also, envious people and intriguers will appear in the dreamer’s life.

Basic interpretation

In real life, rats evoke negative feelings in most people. Many people try to avoid contact with this unpleasant rodent, and only a few decide to keep one as a pet. But in Eastern culture, the rat symbolizes prosperity, fertility and good luck. Why do you dream about a rat, what does the plot you see foreshadow? It is worth recalling the dream in detail, because any detail seen can change the interpretation of the night dream.

Rodent attack

If you dreamed of a rat

Did you dream that you were attacked by a big rat? An important event will happen in your life soon. If you experienced a feeling of fear in a dream, this means you dream of making a profit in real life. Feel fear - you will experience the betrayal of friends.

Why dream of fighting off rodent attacks? The dream is a bad sign, foreshadowing conflicts with neighbors. The vision should be taken as a signal that it is necessary to take control of the situation.

In a night dream, a lot of rats raided - a conflict at work.


Why do you dream about an aggressive animal? If a rodent tried to bite the dreamer, then the vision may indicate complex and unpleasant traits present in the person’s character. You should try to change, otherwise it will be difficult to interact with the world around you.

Also, the subconscious may hint at the presence of an unpleasant person in your life, communication with whom you should avoid.

A pest bite also portends betrayal and trouble in reality.

Why did you bite

If a rat bites

It’s worth noting where exactly the bite landed. Why do you dream about a plot in which she bit your hand? Your shortcomings make it difficult for you to communicate with people.

  • In a dream, they saw her biting her face - a quarrel is coming, which will entail a loss of reputation.
  • A rat biting your back means betrayal of a loved one.
  • You dream of a plot in which a rat attacks and tries to bite your leg - your enemy is trying to harm you, but all his efforts will not be crowned with success.
  • Bitten on the hand - beware of envious people. If a sick person had a dream in which he saw a finger injured by a rodent bite, his condition would improve and the disease would recede.

It is also worth noting that it is important to remember which finger was bitten.

  1. Index - to a meeting with an influential person.
  2. Average - you will experience doubt in real life.
  3. Thumb – real estate is about to be purchased or sold.
  4. Ring finger - you will definitely find a way out of this situation.

Was the bite on your clothes? To minor conflicts with family or colleagues. Rodents have ruined your clothes - try to become more organized.

A woman dreams of a plot that a rat bites her in the back - this means that in real life she will become the cause of gossip, and in reality you should beware of the appearance of a rival.

A biting rat was caught and killed in a dream - in real life you will defeat your enemies. Seeing a big rat portends great success.

Was the dreamer attacked by a whole flock of rodents in a night dream? Perhaps you will soon suffer from feelings of loneliness and misunderstanding of others.

If you had a dream that your friend or relative received a rat bite, this person should be more careful, as an unexpected illness may overtake them. In this vision, it is worth remembering where the bite occurred - this place can become a source of disease.

The bite was prevented

A rat tried to bite you in a dream, but you were able to prevent the attack - you will be given the opportunity to prevent the problems that are approaching you.

Other interpretations

If you dreamed of a pet rat

Why dream of becoming an unpleasant rodent in a dream? Analyze your behavior and character.

What does it mean to see a white pet rat? If an unmarried girl dreams of leading, it means a romantic proposal.

Did the rodent try to get into your pocket? Be careful with new acquaintances, try not to quickly get close to strangers.

Why do you dream of warming a pest on your chest? To trouble at the most unexpected moment.

Miller's Dream Book

According to G. Miller’s dream book, seeing an unpleasant rodent in a dream foreshadows the appearance of an enemy in the dreamer’s life.

It is worth noting where the rat was seen.

The rodent was in the barn

If you dreamed that a rodent pest was in a barn or barn, the vision suggests that you have violated the plans of another person. Your subconscious mind tells you that you shouldn’t interfere in someone else’s life, even if they are your family.

On the street or in the house

If you happen to see a rat in these places, for a sleeping person the dream indicates that you should not share your plans with others as there is a traitor among your surroundings who is only waiting for the right moment to harm you.

Freud's Dream Book

Why do you dream of catching an attacking rodent that was trying to bite you? The interpretation of the plot according to Freud's dream book indicates that you attract the opposite sex. This night vision also portends improvement in intimate life.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

To defeat an attacking animal - you will definitely identify a cunning and deceitful partner in business.

Vanga's Dream Book

A rat bite symbolizes an exacerbation of an infectious disease. Vanga’s dream book indicates that if you saw a night story: a rat wants to bite your child, the interpretation suggests that the baby should pay more attention.

Chinese dream book

According to the interpretation of the dream book, a white animal in a dream indicates a search for treasure. A bite from a black rodent means a serious and fatal illness for a close friend.

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