Musical garden musical classes in the senior group. Summary of a music lesson for the senior preparatory group of preschool students using ICT

Birthday script “Looking for a gift for the birthday boy”

The group includes clown Caramel with balls.

Hello guys! My name is Caramel. The birds told me that today is someone’s birthday in this group. So I flew to you balloons to congratulate the birthday boy on this wonderful holiday. So, who's birthday is it today? (Invites the birthday boy to his place). How old are you? Wow, he's gotten really big.

It is customary to give gifts on birthdays. I also prepared a gift for you. Oh, where is he (searches in his pockets, around himself). Oh, it was probably my dog ​​Tatoshka who stole the gift while I was getting ready for the holiday and ran off somewhere with it. What to do? Let's all go looking for a gift together. We'll eat by train. Everybody line up like a train, our train is leaving.

To a cheerful melody, children follow each other, pretending to train. At this time, a cheerful kolobok toy appears on the carpet.

Hello, ruddy side bun. Didn’t you see where my Tatoshka ran and took the gift away?

Kolobok: I'll tell you where to look for the gift, but first play with me.

Game "Merry Bun"

To the soundtrack “Cheerful Laughter,” children pass the kolobok around in a circle.

Kolobok: Oh, you made me laugh. Ask the bunny where Tatoshka ran, he lives over there, over the hill.

Caramel: Let's go to the bunny, he will tell us where to look for Tatoshka with the gift. Take your seats, the train is leaving.

Children move like a train to the music, and a toy hare appears on the carpet.

Karam: Hello, bunny. Didn’t you see where my Tatoshka ran and took the gift away?

Hare: I’ll tell you where to look for a gift, but first do some exercises with me, otherwise I’m bored alone.

Game "Animal Charge"

Hare: Thank you guys, we had a great time. And where to look for Tatoshka with the gift, ask the wolf, he lives over there, in the thicket of the forest.

Caramel: Well, let's go to the wolf. Take your seats, our train is leaving.

(Under cheerful music children move like a train. A toy wolf appears on the carpet.)

Hello gray flank top. Didn’t you see where Tatoshka ran and Romin took the gift?

Wolf: - First, you help me cross the river, then I’ll tell you where to go next.

Game "Rapid River"(Phonogram “Holly-Dolly Sheep”)

(Requires cloth to play blue color. (1m*6-7 m). Adults hold the ends of the fabric, raising and lowering it. When the fabric is lifted up, the children run to the other side of the group. The game is repeated several times and is accompanied by cheerful music.)

Wolf: Thank you guys for helping me cross the river, I couldn’t have done it without you. So be it, I’ll tell you where to go next. Go to the clubfoot bear, he will tell you where to go next.

Caramel: Let's go to the bear, maybe he will help us.

(Children move like a train to the music. A bear appears on the carpet)

Hello, Mishenka, do you know where Tatoshka ran off with the gift?

Bear: I’ll tell you where to go, but first help me collect the harvest from the garden, otherwise I can’t do it alone.

Game "Harvest"

(Children, to the music, collect vegetables and fruits scattered on the floor into one basket)

Bear: Thank you guys for your help. Go to the little fox-sister, she will tell you where Tatoshka is hiding.

(Children move like a train to the music. A toy fox appears on the carpet)

Caramel: Hello little fox. Didn’t you see where Tatoshka ran and Romin took the gift?

Fox: I saw this nimble little dog. But first, dance with me, make me laugh, then I’ll tell you where to look for Tatoshka.

Dance game “Forward 4 steps”

Oh, you guys are great, you dance so well. So be it, I’ll tell you where to look for Tatoshka. Cross the river on pebbles and on a long bridge, there Tatoshka hid behind the river.

Game "Cross the River"

(Children jump from hoop to hoop, walk along a bridge (a bench or two ropes laid out on a path, a dog (toy) meets them at the end of the path).

Caramel: Tatoshka, we finally found you! Why did you run away and Romin took the gift away?

Toto: Forgive me, I won't do this again.

Caramel: Well, give me a gift, we’ll congratulate the birthday boy.

Toto: And you feed me first, otherwise I’m hungry.

Caramel: Guys, what do dogs like to eat? Let's give her some sausages.

Fun game “Feed the dog”

(Caramel inflates a long ball with a pump and invites the birthday boy to feed the dog. Gives the child the ball so that he cannot hold it. The untied ball rises sharply, deflates, and falls down. The game is repeated several times. In last time Caramel ties a ball and gives it to the child to treat Tatoshka)

Caramel: Well, Tatoshka, now you’re full, show me where you hid the gift.

Toto: Wait, don’t rush, bake the loaf first.

Round dance game "Loaf"

Toto: Well done guys, now follow me. This tubercle is not simple, but magical. Need to say magic words: “woof, woof, meow, meow,” and now clap, blow. The tubercle opens, and there... .

Under the fabric is present for the birthday boy and treats for all the children.

"Pirate Party".

Ved:(says hello, talks about the holiday)

Tell us... do you like to travel? Do you like adventures? What about you guys? Then I suggest you do an amusing trip to Treasure Island, where we will probably find treasure. This will be a gift for our birthday boy. Do you agree? Then get into the boats, we're setting sail!

Dance "Islands"

Music. Pirate comes out.

Pirate: Hello, my dear children! It's been a long time since we've seen each other, it's been a long time since we had fun together! Tell me, pirates, why are you all gathered here?

Ved: For a birthday …! We sailed here to find a treasure with a gift for the birthday boy.

Pirate: Ah, that's it! Then let's congratulate our birthday boy in our own way, in a pirate way.

Hat in a circle - dance with the birthday boy

Pirate: Yes, I see that you guys are funny and friendly. OK. I will take you to my team and tell you where the treasure map is, but first you must pass several tests. Ready?

Children: Ready!

Pirate: Let's start with CHARGERS

What do we need to charge?

Toes apart and heels together.

Let's start with a trifle:

We reach up to the ceiling.

It doesn’t matter that they didn’t get it -

Straightened up. Higher than steel!

And we don’t stand “with our hands in our trousers” -

Place your hands in front of your chest.

So that we are not scolded for laziness -

Let's repeat the hand jerks.

Hey, don't slouch, guys!

Retract your shoulder blades all the way.

Stop! Is there any support for your feet?

Hand up, the other hand to the side.

Are you familiar with the exercise?

It's called "tilts".

We repeat left and right,

We bend ourselves and straighten ourselves.

Now lean forward.

Hands to the side. And so…

We caught our breath and all together

We'll jump on the spot.

The body was charged with force,

Don't forget about the smile

Pirate: Well, that's a good start! Now divide into two teams. I have prepared magic balls for you. The key to the treasure chest is hidden in one of them. Whose team will find him in the ball faster?


(For this competition you will need a basket with 2 small balls for each team. Children take the balls and begin to unwind them)

Pirate: Well, the key is in your hands.

Now guess mine RIDDLES (about African animals)

Pirate: The next task is to catch fish


Pirate: And now we will throw cannonballs! Whose team hits the most wins. Cannonball Throwing

(You need to place a wide bucket in the middle of the room and prepare several medium-sized balls)

Pirate: Well done! Sharp guys! But do you run fast? After all, we pirates sometimes have to run away! We are now organizing a speed walking competition. I'll give you special pirate sneakers, let's see how you handle them.


Pirate: Well done, you got it done! Yes, I see you guys are great - real ones sea ​​wolves! But real pirates know how to give pre-arranged signals. To do this you have to use animal voices. Now let's see if you can speak animal language.


(For this game you need pictures with different animals and the melody of some children's song. ( Crocodile Gena's song about her birthday.) Instead of words, you need to sing in the voice of the animal shown in the picture. Each group sings a few lines in turn. (meow-meow-meow, mu-mu-mu, co-co-co, me-me-me)

Pirate: They sang well and made me happy. But here is the main thing for you, the last task. In order to find the treasure, we need a map, but the trouble is, it’s torn due to age. We need to restore it, glue it back together and then we can find the treasure.


Pirate: Well, we have the map assembled. Let's see... Everything is clear. Follow me.

To the music, children walk along with Barmaley, following his commands (“pit!”, “liana!”, “bridge,” “ beast of prey") and find a chest with a gift and treat.

Children's game program"Birthday with Snow White"

Cheerful music is playing. Children enter the hall.

Presenter: Why are we having fun? What is the holiday here now?

Birthday! Birthday! It's our birthday!

What is a birthday? This is joy and fun!

These are songs, jokes, laughter, the Day that is the best!

Who's birthday is it today?

All: At Alina's! (The presenter puts the crown and ribbon of the birthday girl on the birthday girl and leads her by the hand to the center of the hall)

Presenter: Now show yourself to everyone

And walk with me...

Bow to all the guys,

Smile widely for everyone!

How old are you?

It's not a secret at all

And, of course, it's no secret

What's going on for girl Alina today?

Turns six years old!

We will clap our hands six times,

We stamp our feet six times.

Let's shout loudly: “Hurray!

We congratulate you! »

All the guests shout: “Congratulations! »

Presenter: A holiday without guests is boring,

Without girlfriends and friends.

We haven't forgotten about this

Guests have been invited to the party!

And now it’s time to get to know each other better... I want to know who you are and what you like. If you love what I say, shout “ME!” “If you don’t love, then be silent, don’t say anything...

Who loves tangerines? - Who likes oranges?

Who loves pears? - Who doesn't wash their ears?

Who loves bananas? - Who is always stubborn?

Who loves bagels with poppy seeds? - Who is the capricious one?

Who loves yogurt and cottage cheese? - Who eats the snowball?

Who loves a holiday? -Who is the mischievous one, the prankster?

Presenter: Now I know everything about you.

Shall we congratulate Alina?

Then let's get started! DANCE “Smile and Freeze”

Presenter: You are wonderful and funny guys! And to make our holiday fun and joyful, I want to invite guests from magical land.

I’ll ring the magic bell now...

I will invite guests from a magical land!

Music is playing. Snow White enters and dances to the music.

Snow White:

Hello my friends!

I'm glad to see you all!

I am Snow White, do you recognize me?

I'm glad you invited me to visit.

Who is accepting congratulations today?

Who's birthday is it today?

The children answer in unison. Snow White congratulates the birthday girl.

Snow White: Guys, I really love holidays and fun, and I especially came to you to celebrate Alina’s birthday together. I’m just in a wonderful mood today and I was in a hurry to come to you for the holiday. And on the way I met my friends, and they conveyed congratulations to us for our birthday girl. But, unfortunately, they forgot to subscribe, and you yourself will have to guess who these congratulations are from.


At the Kid's birthday,

I overate myself on jam...

I can’t fly to you,

I'm lying sick right now.

I sleep and see wonderful dream,

Happy Birthday! Children: Carlson.

I'm wearing a wide-brimmed hat

Lost on the Moon.

Shorty I'm funny

All the kids are happy to see me!

I tell everyone stories...

Happy birthday! Children: Dunno

I’m in a hurry to see you on your birthday,

But I drag my house on my back.

Under it I know no fear.

Greetings! Your... Children: Turtle

I'm a wooden boy

I am trusting and simple.

I forgot, oddly enough,

Where is my golden key...

Long, sharp, thin nose

I pierced one painting.

Nose stuck! Help needed!

Happy Birthday! Children: Pinocchio.

Dwarfs, kings, courtiers,

And so do all my friends

They rush to congratulate you on your birthday

And together ask for forgiveness,

That they won’t be able to attend the holiday -

A road washed out in England.

Kind, warm-hearted and moderately sweet tooth,

Yours is very cheerful... Children: Snow White.

Snow White: Yes, it’s me – your Snow White!

I never get bored

I love to sing and dance!

And now I propose

You guys should play!

GAME "HAT" (transmitted magic wand, put on caps)

(Snow White sighs)

Presenter: Snow White, why are you sad?

Snow White: You are such funny guys, like my gnome friends. How are they doing without me? I feel very sad without them...

Presenter: Don't be sad, Snow White, we'll figure something out now. Let's dance Dance of the Dwarves

Snow White: Oh, it’s true, they are so similar to my gnome friends, just as cheerful and mischievous!

Presenter: Snow White, please tell us about them, what they are like and what they love.

Snow White: With pleasure!

Our gnome is a singer without a song

Can't live in the world.

Let everyone sing songs

Both adults and children!

Presenter: Let’s sing Alina a real birthday song together with the gnome. SONG “LET THEM RUN CLUSHLY”

Snow White: And this gnome is very smart,

He likes to think in silence...

Guess what, guys?

His tricky riddles

Game “Guess which fairy tale” - bag (shoe, feather, little red riding hood, turban, boot, key, pot, egg)

Snow White: And this gnome is a merry fellow,

He wears a funny cap

He will teach everyone not to be bored,

Have fun and play!

A GAME– candy relay race

Snow White: This gnome is a musician,

Him great talent!

If you take the tools,

Let's play together...

The gnome will be the conductor.

Who are you? Answer in unison!

Children: Orchestra!

ORCHESTRA and conductor

Snow White: This gnome is a dreamer.

A separate conversation about him...

Canvas and paints, brush, easel –

Here is the gnome's portrait!


Snow White: Polka, waltz and krakowiak

This dwarf is a master at dancing!

Dances at night, dances during the day!

That's what cheerful gnome!

DANCE “4 steps”

Snow White: Chocolate and marmalade

He's happy to eat all day long!

Chocolate cookies

And strawberry jam

Gingerbread and waffles

The gnome loves - he's a gourmand! GAME “FEED THE GNOME”

Snow White: Sweets are his whim

It's a surprise for you all!

Gift and treat for all children.

Snow White: We all congratulate Alina

Happy wonderful holiday!

Let's sing for her now

A holiday song!


The children go to have tea.

Entertainment script “Birthday Day”

Follows the Russian plot folk tale"Kolobok"", told on new way.

Ved: Hello, dear guests! We have gathered here today to congratulate our birthday boy........

Grandma comes out into the hall. She has an invitation card in her hands.

Grandmother: Well, I received an invitation to the children’s birthday party in kindergarten, but I don’t know what to do.

Tell me what to do

What to give the guys?

Maybe some sweet jam

Or different pickles,

Or honey tuesok,

Or Apple pie?

Ved: Give them a bun.

Grandmother: But where can I get it?

Ved: Bake.

Grandmother: And that’s true! I'll scrape the droppings on the bottom of the tree and scrape the barn.

Ved: And we guys will help grandma. We'll invite a whole team of cooks.

DANCE(the movements of which imitate the preparation of dough).

Grandmother: Now I’ll roll a bun, put it on a shovel, and put it in the oven. Let my sides blush, I’ll go and rest for now.

Ved: There is no more wonderful holiday.

We greet him with song!

Let run clumsily

But there is time for business, and time for fun.

We still have a lot of important things to do:

Sweep the floor and make it clean.

Game "Sweep the floor"

Grandmother: The aroma of baking wafted from the oven. I'll take a look there. The bun almost burned, I got it out just in time. I'll put it on a plate and let it cool.

Kolobok: Oh oh!

Ved: Who's that there?

Kolobok: It's me, Kolobok!

Ved: Guys, the bun turns out to be alive.

Kolobok: I, little bun, swept the barn, scraped the bottom of the barrel, mixed it with sour cream, planted it in the stove.

I’ll swing along the path and return to you with a gift!

(the wolf comes out)

Wolf: Hello, hello bun!

Where are you going, my friend?

Kolobok: I'm running for a gift,

I'm in a hurry for my birthday.

The birthday boy is waiting for guests,

Will you come with me quickly?

Wolf: I don’t have a gift.

Pass a bouquet of flowers!

Ved: Guys, let's help the wolf pick flowers

Competition "Narvi flowers"

Ved: What a bouquet! Let's put them in a vase.

(the bear comes out)

Bear: Hello, hello bun

Where are you going, my friend?

Kolobok: I'm running for a gift,

I'm in a hurry for my birthday.

There the guys are waiting for guests,

Will you come with me quickly?

Bear: I don’t have a gift.

Kolobok: And you give cheerful dance



Where are you going, my friend?

Kolobok: I'm running for a gift,

I'm in a hurry for my birthday.

There the guys are waiting for guests,

Will you come with me quickly?

Hare: I'll definitely go,

I'll take the tambourine with me.

I'll play the tambourine

The children will dance

Game with a tambourine

(fox comes out)

Ved: And Kolobok rolled along the path again. And Lisa meets him

Fox: Hello, hello, bun!

Where are you going, my friend?

Kolobo K: I'm running for a gift,

I'm in a hurry for my birthday.

There the guys are waiting for guests,

Will you come with me quickly?


I'll dance with you,

Guest, where can I find one like this?


Kolobok: I've walked all the paths

But I didn’t find a gift.

Ved: Don't worry, dear Kolobok! Thanks to you, so many guests attended our holiday and made us happy. Now it's time for a treat!

Kolobok: And you won’t eat me?

Ved: No, we won’t eat the bun, because you are a welcome guest for the guys.

Kolobok: But what about the treats?

Grandmother: (comes out) Don't worry, friends! I’m about to bake a new pie for the birthday boy, and it’s called Loaf

Song "Loaf"

Grandma brings out the pie. Everyone goes to have tea.

"Child's birthday in kindergarten»

Children enter the hall to cheerful music.

Ved: Guys, we have gathered today in this wonderful hall for a reason, because...

Today! For little ones and adults,

Thin and fat

Obedient and disobedient,

Happy and sad

Our coolest

The most beautiful thing

The show, called...

Children: Birthday!

Ved: And he invited us all today to his birthday...He turns _________ today. Let's greet him and invite him to the center of the hall. Draws attention to how smart he is, etc. And you know, guys, that at birthdays there are all sorts of chants, congratulations, noise makers and games... And today, Artem, we will congratulate only you, because today you have the most note holiday YOUR BIRTHDAY.

Ved: And our congratulations will not be ordinary. Now I will read wishes to Artem, and you will help me. Answer yes-yes-yes to those wishes that you like, and No-No-No, which Artem doesn’t want to wish for at all.. You just have to shout loudly. And at the end you need to shout HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Agreed? Ready?


Happy birthday!

Children: Yes, yes, yes!

And, of course, we wish you!

Children: Yes, yes, yes

Artemka will grow up more.

Children: Yes, yes, yes!

Definitely get fatter!

Children: No, no, no!

Be beautiful, kind, sweet!

Children: Yes, yes, yes!

Both loud and pugnacious.

Children: No, no, no!

So that mommy loves!

Children: Yes, yes, yes!

With a strap to hit me more often.

Children: No, no, no!

OK OK. To feed you lollipops!

Children: Yes, yes, yes!

Ved: And all together Happy birthday!

(all this time the birthday boy stands in the center of the hall).

Ved:(praises the children). Guys, what would a BIRTHDAY be without a birthday cake, right? So we'll bake it now. And guess who will help us with this? (the intro to Gena the Crocodile's song sounds), Gena and Cheburashka enter the hall. They specially came to you today, Artem, to congratulate you on your BIRTHDAY!

Gena: Cheburashka: Hello guys. (greet the birthday boy, give him compliments).

Ved: Dear Gena and Cheburashka, help us bake a cake for the birthday boy.

G.Ch.: With joy. Guys, get up in a circle quickly!


All children join hands and line up in one long chain. Gena is in front of everyone, Cheburashka is behind. On command, the children begin to “bake a cake”: Gena turns around herself, winding the entire chain. The Cheburashka spins until a large “Cake” is formed. The condition is not to release your hands. As soon as the whole chain wraps around Cheburashka, you should stop.

Cheburashka: This is how the cake turned out! (asks the children) What is our cake with today?

Children's answers: With pineapple, jam, cream, berries and bananas...

Gena: What's missing from a birthday cake? Of course, candles. All hands raised up. That's a lot of candles! And now let everyone take a piece of our delicious cake.

The children run away in different directions.

Ved: This is the kind of cake we made: delicious, sweet, with pineapples, ice cream, jam and candles!

Bye Ved. Cheburashka talks to the children and tries to call Gen, but he doesn’t hear him.

Cheburashka: Gena! How long can I call you? Do you have bananas in your ears?

Gena: Bananas? Where are the bananas? Who has bananas? (looks in children's hands, under chairs)

Cheburashka takes out a fake banana.

Cheburashka: And here he is! Guys, quickly stand in a circle. Let's play the game Catch the Banana!


Children stand in a circle. Cheburashka throws a banana in a circle. Gena is trying to catch up with the banana. You can cheat, throw it, throw the banana in the opposite direction. At the end of the game, the banana ends up in Gena's hands.

Gena: Ooh! This is not a real banana. I do not play like that.

Cheburashka: Don't be upset, Genochka. We also have real bananas. It's time for our guys to get some food. And at the same time, we’ll check whether the guys gathered here are friendly.


Cheburashka: And I also know a game about kids. Let's play?

Ved: Guys, you probably remember what kind of babies you were before and your mothers swaddled you all the time. And you so wanted to play pranks and you kept breaking out of your diapers. Remember? Now we are going to play the game...


The presenter calls three teams of 2 people each. One player from the team is given a roll of toilet paper. At the signal, players begin to wrap their friend. The other child’s task is to stand still. The one who swaddles his friend faster wins. Gena and Cheb help the children.

Ved: Well, are you comfortable in diapers? Oh no? Then, at my command, quickly take off your swaddling clothes.

On command, babies tear the “diapers”, freeing themselves from them. The winner was the baby who got out of the diapers the fastest.

Ved: Now who will collect the trash faster?!

As a rule, children are happy to clean up scraps of paper after themselves, quickly clearing the area for the next games.

After collecting the trash, seat the children.

Gena: Cheburashka, how much fun we have! Let's keep playing!

Cheburashka: Who should I play with? Look. The boys' tongues stuck to the roof of their mouth.

Gena: Is it true? Horrible! Urgently need charging for reeds!

Now we will ask riddles, and you quickly guess them.


On the lakes, in the swamp

Of course you will find them

Veselushki, laughter,


Children: Frogs!

Floats easily in the skies

Swift-winged...(show if they don’t guess).

Children: Airplane.

I come with gifts, shining with bright lights.

Elegant, funny, on New Year I'm in charge. (Christmas tree).

If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have said anything (language).

Cheburashk A

The guys' tongues have come off! So it's time to sing. What do they sing at birthday parties?

Children: "Let run clumsily”!

Ved: Guys, what about a holiday without a loaf? Hurry up and stand in a circle!


Ved: Guys, which of you is the biggest greedy person, raise your hand?

Probably none of you like to be greedy, right, guys? But today we have a fun holiday - BIRTHDAY, and at a birthday everything is permitted. So let's have a little fun now, shall we? Do you agree? Then I announce a competition for the best greedy. And our guests will help me with this.


(For the game, prepare more inflated balloons. Two participants are selected. On command, you need to collect and hold as many balls as possible in a certain time. Whoever has more balls wins. You can play several times. For the last time Gena plays with the birthday boy.)

Cheburashka: Look at you, Gena. Are not you ashamed? Took all the balls from the children. Just a real greedy person.

Gena: Oh, really, it’s kind of embarrassing. But now I’ll give all the kids a balloon, and we’ll arrange a real fireworks display in honor of the birthday boy (hands out balloons).


On command, children throw the balls up and shout: “Hurray!”

Gena: You see, Cheburashka, how great everything turned out.

Cheburashka: I see. I like it too. And now, since you are no longer the greedy Gena, bring our gift to the birthday boy.

Gena: So be it. For such friendly guys and such a wonderful birthday boy, I don’t feel sorry for anything. Only our gift turned out to be very heavy. So let us now all go together to the group and congratulate our birthday boy. (Children go to the group, blow out the candles, make a wish, and once again congratulate the birthday boy).

We have also prepared riddles for you guys.


1. Whines tirelessly over every little thing.

Maybe the girl is sick?

No, quite healthy!

Guess who she is?

Well, of course…. (roar).

Boys, is it true, are your girls roaring?

2. In the morning near the hill I met Egorka

Dirty, angry, shaggy, unwashed.

I almost died of fear. Here I came across.... (slob) .

Girls, are your boys slobs?

3. I asked Nadya: “Give me a doll to play with.”

She didn’t allow it: “The doll really wants to sleep.”

You guys all understand Nadina's excuse.

It’s not the doll’s fault, it’s just Nadya….(greedy).

Children answer together

Tosha. Absolutely right. Wow, how unanimously they answered, right away

one can guess that you are all greedy.

Gosha. You are mistaken, Tosha, there are no roaring, greedy and

sluts. They always play together.

But we don’t need unfriendly people.

We don't need brawlers, we don't need crybabies either.

Tosha. Okay, okay, I see that you are friendly.

Gosha and I are kind and have prepared gifts.

Here is a magic chest. (Opens, there are no gifts)

Oh. I completely forgot. Let's do magic together and give gifts

get out.

They give gifts to birthday people.


A magical flower bloomed in our meadow...

Seven flowers, seven petals,

Rainbow colors,

And find such a flower

Only possible in a fairy tale...

Snow White:

Whose birthday is it today?

Who is the pie baked for?

For whom did it bloom today?

This fabulous flower?

You tear off the petals

Read congratulations!

Be healthy!

Be happy!

Be as beautiful as the sun!

Be playful like a butterfly!

Always be hardworking!

Never quarrel with your mother

Dad, grandma, friends!

Grow big, big!

The best! Here it is!

Nina Vasilievna Sutormina

Final complex lesson in the second junior group

"Kolobok's birthday"

Target: summarize, consolidate and systematize children’s knowledge acquired during the year.


Reinforce the general concepts of fruits, insects, pets;

Strengthen children's ability to recognize objects using various analyzers;

Clarify children’s ideas about young domestic animals;

Continue to teach how to use the names of the babies in units. number;

Continue teaching how to solve riddles;

Develop fine motor skills hands;

Form emotional responsiveness to music;

Strengthen children's ability to form nouns using diminutive suffixes;

Promote emotional bonding between children.

Material: pictures depicting insects, pets and their young, dummies of fruits, Kolobok - a fairy tale made of paper, music of the spring forest, colored vases and flowers.

1. Org. moment.

Let's say hello to you.

Hello, palms. Clap - clap - clap.

Hello legs. Top - top - top.

Hello cheeks. Plop - plop - plop.

Chubby cheeks. Plop - plop - plop.

Hello sponges. Smack - smack - smack.

Hello, teeth. Click - click - click.

Hello, my little nose. Beep - beep - beep.

Hello, guests.

2. Main part.

My dear children, you love to listen to fairy tales. I also really love fairy tales. 1,2,3,4,5, we will play a fairy tale.

Guess what fairy tale we will play.

It was baked from flour, mixed with sour cream,

He chilled at the window, rolled along the path,

Was he cheerful, was he brave, and did he sing a song on the way?

Who is this? (bun)

He asks us for help. U Kolobok's birthday and he wants to invite the forest animals to visit. Well, what can we help? Shall we go to the forest? But first, let's remember how to behave in the forest.

*Let's hold hands and go into the forest to invite guests to Birthday bun.

We will go along the path, We will go along the narrow one,

(children walk on a board placed on the floor)

And they came to the spring forest. There are so many miracles around here!

(recording of sounds of the forest plays)

The foliage is waking up. And the spider woke up.

The ants and grasshoppers woke up, a fly flew in,

beautiful butterfly, bee.

(as insects are named, pictures with their images are displayed)

Who woke up in the spring? What do we call them, in one word?

There's an animal under the bush.

Long-Eared: hop and hop.

Who can invite the bunny to birthday? (if children find it difficult, then follow the example of the teacher).

The bunny loves carrots, cabbage, and caring for flowers. He wants to give vases of flowers Kolobok. Can we help the bunny collect flowers in vases?

Tired? Let's relax together with the bunny.

*The gray bunny is sitting

And he wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this

And he wiggles his ears.

(Sit down, move your raised hands).

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws.

Like this, like this

I need to warm my paws

(Stand up and clap their hands).

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump.

Like this, like this

The bunny needs to jump.

(Children jump in place on both legs.)

*Our legs walked together, exactly along the path.

We'll go on our toes, and then on our heels

Look at us all, how the guys are walking.

About whom in the fairy tale they say the gray robber, clicks his teeth.

Hello, Wolf. Kolobok invites you to his birthday.

I was with my grandmother in the village. Something will fall from a tree on me. I put everything in a bag, but what is it I don’t know? (we look at the fruits from the wonderful bag) How can you call it, in one word.

Didactic game: “Guess by touch?”

* We walk along the path.

We don't break the silence.

A pebble fell from behind,

It scared us a little.

Show how scared you are.

And woke someone up.

He sleeps in a den in winter.

Under a huge pine tree.

And when spring comes.

Wakes up from sleep.

Mishka is a bear, Kolobok invites you to visit birthday.

The bear saw animals and their cubs scattering through the forest. Animals lost in the forest.

Mothers came out onto the path, looking for their babies. But I can’t help them, I don’t know their voices. Help the animals find themselves? (there are pets on the magnetic board, and the cubs are on the side)

Igo-go - the child neighed,

So this is (foal)

Someone's little son

Suddenly he barked

I...woof-woof (puppy)

Oink oink oink-

Suddenly the child grunted,

So this is (pig)

Meow - meow - a child meows

It's small (kitty)

(shown on slide)


the child suddenly bleated

it's small (kid)

Mu-Mu-Mu - the child moos,

It's small (calf)

Educator: Well done! We helped all the mothers find their cubs. And the bear was taught to distinguish the voices of animals.

*We are walking little by little,

We have trodden the path.

We walked, we walked

We entered a dense forest.

And in the dense forest someone is waiting for us.

Red-haired cheat. Lives in the forest

He steals chickens from the village. who is this?

Little fox, Kolobok invites you to visit birthday.

Fox: I'll eat it,

Children: Don't eat the fox kolobok. We'll sing you a song. What song did you sing? bun.

Finger game « Kolobok»

I, bun, bun

(rolling an imaginary bun)

Scratching the bottom of the barrel

(right palm scraped on left palm)

Around the barn

(imitate sweeping the floor)

Mixed with sour cream

(make circular movements with the right hand)

Sat in the stove

(show both arms extended forward)

It's cold at the window

(draw a window with your hands)

I left my grandmother

I left my grandfather.

(touch with index and middle finger)

Fox: I’ll eat anyway, but if you call me affectionately then I won’t eat

Didactic game "Call me kindly".

Well done, everyone was invited. Kolobok thanks you and treats you to sweets.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution“Kindergarten No. 16 “Little Red Riding Hood”

Lesson notes

By musical activity

educational field

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

Lesson topic:


Senior group

Simukovskaya Anna Gennadievna,

music director



Duration: 25 minutes

Technologies: ICT (Multimedia equipment, screen, laptop, stereo system)

Abstract: A lesson on musical activities was compiled for older children preschool age for the purpose of development musical abilities in the process of musical and rhythmic activity. Can be carried out within the framework of the thematic block “Seasons. Spring”, and is also used fragmentarily by other preschool specialists.

GOAL: development of children's musical and creative abilities in the process of musical and rhythmic activity.


  • expand children's knowledge about the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky;
  • develop children’s emotional responsiveness to music, its beauty and imagery;
  • improve the ability to perform dance moves clearly, coordinating them with the nature of the music;
  • develop in children creative imagination, desire to improvise;
  • strengthen children’s ability to sing with a light sound, conveying the cheerful nature of the song;
  • practice pure intonation of melody jumps down and up a fourth, accurately conveying the rhythmic pattern of individual phrases and the entire melody;
  • to develop the ability to speak out about the character and means of expressiveness of a musical work;
  • cultivate communication skills, create an atmosphere of joy in collaboration with adults.

Progress of educational activities

To the music, children enter the music room.

Musical director (M.R.)Hello guys. Let us say hello in verse, I will speak, and you repeat the movements after me:

"I say hello (cross arms in front of chest)

everywhere, (spread arms to the sides)

At home and on the street, (spring rotates left and right)

I even say hello

I'm the neighbor's chicken.(children wave their arms)

Hello golden sun,(raise one hand up)

Hello blue sky,(raise your other hand up)

Hello free breeze,(wave arms above)

Hello little oak tree,(squats)

Hello morning, hello day,(spread arms alternately to the sides)

We are not too lazy to say hello!”(bow)

Well done, sit down on the chairs.

Now let’s say hello with a song: I’ll sing it, and you’ll repeat it.

“Good afternoon (1-2-3 steps),

Good afternoon (2-3-4 steps),

Good afternoon (3-2-1 steps).

Now let's connect everything musical phrases into one song.

(The children, together with the teacher, repeat the greeting, then sit down on the chairs.)

M.R. Guys, what do you think, when I said hello to you, what was my mood?(Children answer: the mood is cheerful, joyful.)Right! I’m in a very good, cheerful mood, because I’m very glad to see you at this music lesson. What if I suddenly said hello like this?(Repeats the greeting in a minor key. Children answer: sad, sad.)

That's right, guys. After all, you and I already know that music has magical property- it can convey a person’s mood, express different feelings and experiences: tenderness, excitement, sadness, pity.

Guys, pay attention to this spring clearing. The snow outside is just beginning to melt, but the first flowers have already bloomed in our clearing. Let's remember what they are called (snowdrops, tulips, dandelions).

Now we will all join hands and start a smooth dance around our flower meadow. But first I will show you the dance movements that will accompany our round dance.

Musical-rhythmic exercise

"Three Floods", music. An.Alexandrova.

Then the children sit down.

M.R. I didn’t come to you empty-handed today. I brought with me an unusual music box. Let's see what she tells us.(Slide 2.3).

The box showed us pictures of nature. Guys, look at these illustrations. What time of year are they depicted?(Children answer: Spring). Right. How did you guess?(Children answer: the snow is melting, streams are running, the sun is shining brightly...)What other seasons do you know?(Children answer: winter, summer, autumn).Why are there only illustrations of spring in the music box?(Children answer: because spring has come).Right. What other way besides drawing can you convey your mood?(Children answer: in poetry, with the help of music).

Today I want to show you a portrait of the famous Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Pyotr Ilyich wrote several musical works about each of the 12 months and combined these works into one general cycle- "Seasons"(Slide 4).

Who can tell me what month of spring it is now?(Children answer: March)

M.R. Right. March is early spring, but nature is already preparing to awaken! Listen to how Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky conveyed his spring mood in music.

Listening to a piece of music

P.I. Tchaikovsky "March - the song of the lark."

M.R. So you listened to this wonderful work. What can you say about this music?(Children speak about dynamics, mood, changes in sound - loud-quiet, happy-sad, slow-fast, etc...)

M.R. To help you express your impressions of the piece you listened to, I suggest playing the game “Choose the right word! I will say words about the mood and character of the work, and you choose the appropriate one.

Game "Choose the right word."

M.R. Well done! This is how the composer conveyed his spring mood on the piano.

And now I propose to look into the music box again and see what else it has in store for us(Slide 5) . There's a riddle here, let's try to solve it:

The bird wears a red hat.

And he finds beetles in the bark.

This is an old friend of mine.

And the bird's name is... (Woodpecker)

J. Zudrags
Of course it's a woodpecker(Slide 6) . And I know an interesting poem about a woodpecker. These wooden cubes will help me voice it. Listen!(children listen, then repeat the poem with the teacher.)

Game to develop a sense of rhythm

“The woodpecker sat on a branch,” lyrics. A. Fatkina.

M.R.: We heard a knock in the forest:

Children: Knock, knock, knock, knock!

M.R.: This woodpecker sat on a branch:

Children: Knock, knock, knock, knock!



Children: Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock,


Now let's get up and warm up a little.

Physical education lesson “Everyone clapped their hands”

(Children repeat the movements according to the text together with the teacher):

Everyone clapped their hands together more cheerfully.

Feet, feet pounded louder and faster.

Let's hit the knees quieter, quieter, quieter.

We raise our arms, we raise our arms, we reach higher.

They spun, spun, and bowed low.

M.R. This poem can not only be spoken and tapped, but also sung cheerfully. Listen here.

Song-exercise for ear and voice development

"Woodpecker", music. N. Levi, lyrics. A.Fatkina..

M.R. Let's take another look at our music box.(Slide 7).

What a beautiful spring bouquet, isn't it, guys?(Children's answers.) This bouquet appeared here for a reason. He invites us to play an interesting game musical game"Gather a spring bouquet."

Let's each take one flower and choose three leaders.(M.R. randomly selects three presenters and puts hats with corresponding colors on their heads.)You will dance with spring flowers to smooth waltz music. When will you hear other music?(shows on the instrument what a “tremolo” sounds like),squat down and close your eyes. At this time, the presenters will run to different corners and raise their flowers up. With the final chord, everyone runs to their leader and collects bouquets of flowers. Whoever collects the bouquet first wins.

Musical outdoor game

"Gather a spring bouquet."

M.R. The game is over, sit down on the chairs.(Children sit down.)

Guys, I really enjoyed visiting you today. You dance so beautifully, listen attentively, and give interesting answers. What do you remember most?(Children express their opinions.)

M.R.: What time of year were we talking about today?(Children answer: about spring.)

M.R.: What is it called? musical composition, which we listened to today?(Children answer: “March is the song of the lark.”)

M.R .: What is the name of the composer? (Children answer: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.). M.R.: What ways can you convey your mood?(Children answer: in words, poetry, with the help of music and gestures.)

M.R.: Right! Well done! Thank you all for your active participation.
