Who will remain single with Sparrow. How the personal lives of the finalists of the show “The Bachelor” have changed over the five years of the project’s existence

    If you carefully watch the first episode of the show Bachelor 4, then in the first 5 minutes there will be a short video clip of what awaits us ahead, of what the show will consist of. The last frames of this cut were a second fragment where Alexey and Natalia Gorozhanova are holding hands, with Natalia in a wedding dress.

    At the beginning of the fourth season, where Alexey Vorobyov became the main character, for some reason in the first episode they showed that Alexey and Natalya Gorozhanova would supposedly be together.

    He liked her at first sight. But the creators of the show could not make such a mistake as to immediately reveal the intrigue.

    There are many worthy candidates for the project.

    We will find out who the eligible bachelor will choose only at the end of the program.

    Before the start of the fourth season of the show Bachelor with Alexey Vorobev as the main character of the show, there was information that even during the first meeting he decided on the winner, whom he liked at first sight, and then only charmed him even more with her erudition.

    In the first episode of the program there was some hint at Natalia Gorozhanova. It was to her that Vorobiev gave the first impression rose.

    But I don’t think that everything is so simple and already at the very beginning of the project all its secrets were revealed. I am sure that there are more surprises ahead of us, very unexpected ones, which will help maintain interest in the program.

    Here you can look at 16 girls who continue to fight for the heart of the main character.

    At the moment, information has already leaked to the network about which girl Vorobyov will choose in the finale of the show and this girl is Natalya Gorozhanova.

    It was her that Alexey saw for the first time on the show, immediately fell in love with and remained faithful to her to the end. And recently he gave an interview and in it he said that his intuition and first impression never deceive him, and that’s what happened this time.

    He saw and singled out the girl immediately and only imagined her in the bride’s dress at the finale of the show.

    He talks about her in such a way that she did not conflict with anyone, did not quarrel with anyone, although it was very difficult throughout the entire show. That's why he liked her.

    In general, of course, there is now a lot of information on the Internet that our fourth bachelor chose Natalia Gorozhanova (the one who received the first impression rose). It seems to me that this is all a hoax, remember, this has already happened in other seasons. All the same, until the end of the show it will not be known who his choice fell on

    Perhaps this is a hoax to attract attention. I don’t think that the organizers of the show missed such a flow of information, because then the show itself would not be interesting. But so far there is information somewhere that this is someone Natalya Gorozhankina. I'll be wrong and Alexey Vorobyov fell in love as soon as he saw it. Let's see how true this is.

    Alexey Vorobyov, of course, did not name names, but it is no secret that he really liked Natalya Gorozhanova, who received the first sympathy rose.

    Moreover, the bachelor admitted that one of the girls immediately fell into his soul and he understood who he wanted to see in the finale in a wedding dress. According to Alexei Vorobyov, this girl did not conflict with anyone during the filming or swear, and behaved with restraint. I think that over time it will be possible to determine by behavior who this participant is.

    Yes, in fact, there is a lot of information on the Internet that Natalya Gorozhanova became the finalist of the Bachelor show. It is not yet possible to say exactly who became the singer’s chosen one. At the moment there are only rumors. By the way, today Alexey announced that that same beloved is expecting a child from him.

    At the very beginning, during the very first meeting with the participants, the Bachelor was fascinated by Natalya Gorozhanova. But later, in one of the episodes, we saw how Vorobyov just as quickly became disillusioned with her. If she wins, it will be too predictable. In addition, there are already at least two girls - Alla and Yana, with whom Alexey had close relationships. Perhaps the Bachelor will choose Yana. She, like Natalya, did not conflict with anyone and behaved with dignity.

    As the practice of past seasons of The Bachelor shows, everything can be deceptive, everything can be twisted in such a way as to mislead the viewer. I think this season is no exception...

    No information was leaked onto the network about Natalya Gorozhanova that Vorobyov would choose her! The viewers themselves simply drew these conclusions:

    • Natalya was the first person the bachelor met
    • Natalia, as a pretty girl, of course, liked Alexey
    • Natalya received an impression rose

    It was on the basis of these points that the audience came to the conclusion that it was Natalya who was immediately selected as a finalist by the bachelor. For now, these are just conclusions and speculations of the viewers themselves. I don’t think that right from the first episode the creators of the show will immediately show their trump cards and let the viewer know who will win! My personal opinion is that Natalia has good chances.

    Do not forget that Alla Berger also caused a strong reaction from the Bachelor - the Bachelor really liked the girl. But the rose of impression, unfortunately, is one. And it’s logical that the first girl I met got it!

Yesterday, June 4, the last episode of the “Bachelor” project with the participation of Alexei Vorobyov was shown on the TNT channel. The main character of the show surprised the audience with his final decision: choosing from two finalists - Yana Anosova and Natalya Gorozhanova, Alexey chose to remain alone. According to the rules of the show, in the finale the bachelor had to say goodbye to his status by proposing to one of the show’s participants. Previous participants in the project - Timur Batrutdinov, Max Chernyavsky and Evgeniy Levchenko managed to decide on such an act, however, none of them was able to build relationships outside the reality show.

Alexey Vorobiev

Alexey Vorobyov has repeatedly emphasized that for him participation in the project is more than work and show, and he wants to be as honest as possible with the participants. According to the rules of the reality project, out of 27 contenders for Vorobyov’s heart, only two should have remained in the final. They were Yana Anosova and Natalya Gorozhanova. Since filming of “The Bachelor” ended several months ago, social networks were full of rumors regarding the name of the winner, and Vorobyov himself intrigued fans. So, a few days ago, the singer released a new video for the song “Happy Here and Now,” where he showed his ideal model of a relationship with a girl.

In the video for my song “Happy Today and Here,” I, as a director, showed an “ideal” life, a dream life that not only I, but, it seems to me, every person dreams of. My new directorial work is a visualization of the Bachelor’s dream,” said Vorobiev.

Meanwhile, the finalists, who were left without the main prize - the love of Alexei Vorobyov, have already given comments about their participation in the show.

This is the end of this bright adventure with endless mind games, sleepless nights and eternal limbo. Thank you everybody!!! To each of you!!! Inhuman, universal thanks!!! I couldn’t even imagine that so many people would care about me and my story. You charge me and give me confidence in myself and my abilities! I am grateful to the project for a new me! For the opportunity to look at yourself with different eyes. But what can I hide, thanks to the project I actually learned to reveal them. Previously, I lived in glasses with pink lenses and did not see how the world really works. The project taught, invigorated and once again hardened me, already hardened for a long time... An invaluable experience. The strongest school of life. Unforgettable time,

Natalya Gorozhanova wrote on Instagram.

My dears! I want to thank you all so much for each of your comments, for each of your emotions and experiences!!! Thank you! Love you! Thank you for being with me! I hope to be on Periscope soon and answer all your questions!

Yana Anosova wrote on Instagram.

Main character 4 seasons of the popular television show The Bachelor hoped that he would be able to bring the fairy tale to life, to find a beautiful girl who would become a worthy partner for him. But he failed to do this. The tragic ending shocked an audience of millions. But, as it turned out, not only the participants and fans suffered from this decision, but also the bachelor himself.

Alexey actually took everything to heart. Vorobyov assures that he needed a lot of time to come to his senses. Information also leaked to the media that the young man decided to seek help from a psychologist, since he was unable to cope with mental trauma on his own.

Alexey Vorobyov is the hero of the show Bachelor 4. The bachelor did not expect that he would be left alone in the finale. After the project, Alexey took a long time to come to his senses. However, Vorobyov continues to enjoy life. Vorobyov after the project Alexey Vorobyov with Nastya Kudri. After the project, Vorobyov began a short affair with Yulia Baranovskaya. Alexey Vorobyov with Yulia Baranovskaya.

While the TV audience believes that the man is suffering from a bad breakup, several provocative photographs and articles have appeared on the Internet. As some sources write, Alexei Vorobyov had a short affair with Nastya Kudri, and then with Yulia Baranovskaya.

In response to this, Alexey was indignant and said that his life on the Bachelor show did not end. Yes, he attends various social events, hugs girls there, but this does not at all mean that he has any romantic relationship with any of them.

One of participants of the 4th season of the show Bachelor, subsequently the finalist (Natalya Gorozhanova) in the last issue, after the announcement of the results, stated that there was no need to put an end to their relationship. The girl is sure that she and Alexei still have a warm relationship with each other and therefore, it is likely that they will continue to communicate.

In turn, Alexey assured the fans that he was not going to maintain a relationship with any of the girls from the project. After this, at the end of June, information appeared on the network that Gorozhanova was now not allowing her former lover access.

All due to the fact that the girl regularly appears at the same parties as the young man. However, Vorobyov often pretends not to notice his former lover. Having seen Natalya Gorozhanova at the pre-party of the “Heat” festival in the Moscow Rose Bar, Vorobyov pretended that they did not know each other.

This behavior is not surprising, since most likely the young man was still in a lot of pain and he was not ready to calmly communicate with the girl who broke his heart. The once-in-love young people didn’t even say hello.

During his speech, Natalya pointedly turned away and began talking to a friend. When the girl saw that her ex-lover sat down at a table already occupied by several girls, she demonstratively packed her things and left the establishment.

Gorozhanova pursues Alexey after the project. Natalya Gorozhanova hopes to maintain warm relations with Alexey after the project. Hot kiss on the Bachelor show. at the Heat festival, Vorobyov ignored Gorozhanova.
Alexey Vorobyov said he would not communicate with the participants after the show.

Despite the fact that everyone saw how the young people pointedly ignored each other, Gorozhanova assured the press that they had an excellent relationship and that they were simply very busy that evening and therefore practically did not intersect with each other.

Vorobyov after the Bachelor project

Despite the fact that Alexei Vorobyov’s heart is broken, he is not going to stop and be sad. He attends various events and participates in projects.

Filming in the video

For example, in June 2016, Vorobyov was lucky enough to take part in the video for the RedOne song “Don’t You Need Somebody.” Of course, such an offer in itself made Alexey happy. But he could not even imagine that such popular personalities as Jennifer Lopez, Cristiano Ronaldo, Milla Jovovich, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Rafael Nadal, Akon would star with him.

The script for the video is incredibly simple. All the guest stars listen to the newly released song, sing it along with the performer and dance. At first it was assumed that everyone would arrive at a special studio for filming. However, this idea was not implemented.

The video shows that some stars were filmed on a professional camera, while others danced in front of a webcam on a laptop or filmed themselves on a phone. For example, the video of Alexey Vorobyov was recorded on a regular camera in Sochi. Overall, as the creators note, the video turned out even better than one could have expected. He is very lively and bright, which is why many fans liked him so much.

Beach soccer tournament

In September 2016, Alexey Vorobyov participated in a beach volleyball tournament. It was held between two concerts (between stars and participants) on New Wave. Today this is the most widespread tradition outside the competition program of this festival. The tournament was held at the Sport Inn hotel next to the Olympic Village.

It is worth noting that Alexey was at his best, he scored almost the majority of the goals during the tournament. He admitted that the test was very exciting and he was able to take a break from all his worries.

Alexey kept the bar high at the beach soccer tournament.

Using his example, Alexey Vorobyov showed that even if everything is not going well in your personal life, you should not give up on yourself. Life goes on, and every person will be able to find the partner with whom he will feel good. Perhaps he simply hasn’t met Alexei’s betrothed yet.

In the finale of the show “The Bachelor,” the famous actor and musician, Tula resident Alexei Vorobyov had to choose a wife from two girls. However, Lyosha did not choose any of them, which shocked the producers of the program. Myslo found out why this happened and what kind of girl Alexey needed. We talked with the person who knows the artist best - his mother Nadezhda Nikolaevna.

Alexey Vorobyov with his mother Nadezhda Nikolaevna.

— Nadezhda Nikolaevna, why, in your opinion, did Lyosha not choose a single girl on the “Bachelor” show?

There is such a cartoon “Three Heroes”, and there is Alyosha Popovich. There he has a girlfriend, Lyubava, who always says to him: “Alyoshenka, Alyoshenka!” And she follows him all the time and goes somewhere, and drives, and ends up in different stories. But she's always there. Lyosha needs just such a girl who says: “Alyoshenka!” - that's all. But that's what I think...

- That is, who is ready to go to the ends of the world for him?

Ready to be his rear always and everywhere. After all, what is Alyosha? Few of the girls understood that his religion is work. And the second it stops working, it will fade away. Because his purpose is to realize his talent. It's like an object that moves across the sky - it's alive, it's whole, it's glowing. He stopped and that’s it, he died... Lyosha has lost time syndrome. If he sat for half an hour, he panicked that his life was being wasted. Well, I can talk a lot about this...

— The finalists of the show Natalya and Yana don’t fit this image?

They are wonderful girls. Smart, beautiful, characterful, good in their own way. And each has its own story and its own position in life. They have different goals and objectives in life. They didn’t come to build relationships, they came to “win on The Bachelor,” no matter who he was. I didn’t see any of them with him on the road of life. In the last episode of the show, this was so obvious that even if the sound was turned off, everything would have been clear without words.

Alexey Vorobyov and Yana Anosova.

- Do you think the girls didn’t have feelings for Lyosha?

I was amazed that not one of them mentioned that they were in love. I was waiting for this. After all, it doesn’t matter at all on what occasion they met, or why the girls came to the project. I was waiting for at least one to say: “Yes! I came to the project for my own reasons, even to gain experience, even to show off, even out of curiosity... But I met your son... and fell in love. And even though I look funny, now I know why I’m here! I only want to be with him. Is everything else important in this world?”

I am sure that everything happened as it happened, because in the girls’ coordinate system, love is not the core of a relationship. And it's scary. Alyosha has one family project before his eyes - his family. And he went to the project to find love. He believes that this happens. This is the kind of love we have with dad. For Alyosha, a family without love is a crime.

Alexey Vorobyov and Natalya Gorozhanova.

— Does Lyosha currently maintain relations with the finalists?

I have no idea. We will learn about this much later, when the time comes. What if he brings someone to us? Our door is open. And we are sure that it will include the one we love.
Alyosha gave us a bottle of Massandra 1984 in Crimea. This is the year my dad and I met. And this bottle will be opened on the day when his love comes to our house. This means he believes in his love and is waiting for it.

Only three days left until the finale of the show “Bachelor” season 4, the hero of which was the artist Alexey Vorobyov. After Natalya Tkalina left the project last Saturday, only two girls are vying for the heart of the Bachelor - Natalya Gorozhanova and Yana Anosova. Viewers on the Internet staged a real debate, discussing the latest news - who will win in the Bachelor 4 project?

“Bachelor 4”: who left in the last episode

Last Saturday, an episode was aired in which Alexey consults with his family regarding his upcoming choice.

The Bachelor's parents and sister met three girls, and formed their own opinion about each. During the conversation, Alexei’s mother was briefly left alone with potential daughters-in-law.

Like any mother, Nadezhda Nikolaevna tried to understand how Alexey’s relationship with each bride would develop in the future. The artist’s mother was very disappointed with the answer from Natalya Tkalina, who frankly said that her and Alexey’s children would be raised by nannies.

With her careless frankness, Tkalina managed to turn both Vorobyov’s parents and his sister against herself.

Having listened to the advice of his relatives, the artist decided to break up with Natalya Tkalina in the last episode.

Finale of “The Bachelor” season 4: who is the winner?

Judging by the latest episode, even the main character of the project is in serious thought. One thing is clear: those who remained among the girls in the final of “Bachelor 4” have an equal chance of winning.

Another Saturday is approaching, “The Bachelor” has come to an end, but who Vorobyov chose still remains a mystery to the audience. Both Natalya Gorozhanova and Yana Anosova confidently walked towards the finale all season, so there is a difficult choice ahead for Alexey Vorobyov and bitter disappointment for that participant in “Bachelor 4” who will leave the project in the very last episode.

“Bachelor 4” - who Vorobyov chose in the final

Having tried to reveal the main intrigue of the Bachelor season 4 project - who Alexey Vorobyov chose, we decided to ask the opinion of viewers on social networks. However, there is no consensus among fans of the show. If at the beginning of the project many were confident that Alla Berger would win, now that the girl left two weeks ago, there is complete confusion among Internet users.

Some believe that from the first day Alexey Vorobyov chose Natalya Gorozhanova, who received the “rose of first impression.”

The second half of the project’s fans know for sure that Yana Anosova, who regularly received the first rose at ceremonies from Alexey, will win in the final of “Bachelor 4”, and was familiar with Vorobyov even before the project.