Television is a very powerful and dangerous means of influencing people. Morality of Russian society and influencing factors (Internet, television)

First of all, it should be noted that television is just a tool, which in itself is neither bad nor good. However, like any tool, it can be used to achieve different goals.

Considering that television remains the most popular and accessible mass media today, it should be considered as a tool with which one can most effectively manage the masses, that is, realize specific goals in relation to large groups people (we are talking about a structureless method of management).

The “Teach Good” project carried out on various channels of Russian television indicates that in the vast majority of cases the main emphasis is on:

  • propaganda of alcohol and tobacco;
  • propaganda of sex and vulgarity;
  • propaganda of stupidity;
  • promoting consumer attitudes to life;
  • propaganda of free relations.

This does not mean that all actors, journalists and TV presenters consciously help realize these goals. Rather, on the contrary, it is desirable that the majority of them do not understand anything. This idea is best explained with specific examples.

Based on this, it is necessary to use all legal opportunities to try to influence the content of modern TV broadcasts: appear on programs promoting traditional family values; make your own films; try to create your own television channels; write complaints to the appropriate authorities; support good laws; fight for the revival of morality on television, etc. That is, it is necessary to try to change the previously stated goals of modern TV to more moral and decent ones.

But should you watch TV? In our opinion, if other sources of information are available to you, then a complete refusal to watch TV is the only correct decision in modern conditions.

The main alternative to modern television is the Internet. Unlike TV, on the Internet you can find many projects that really work for the benefit of the majority, and do not create the illusion of caring for the majority.

And the reason for this is this: to create your own television channel and get on TV, you need a lot of money, which ordinary people do not have, and it is ordinary people who most advocate traditional family values. But to create a website on the Internet and start disseminating information, you don’t need a lot of money, which means this mechanism is accessible to ordinary people, and for this reason it works for them in much to a greater extent than television, which is always in the hands of the elite.

At the same time, giving up TV does not mean giving up watching what you like and what you think is right. All this is available on the Internet today. After all, there are many , and you need to not only watch them yourself, but also show them to your children from an educational point of view. The question is to consciously choose the information that will make your life better, cleaner, kinder and not allow information aimed at dumbing down and degradation to come to you and your loved ones.

On TV you have the illusion of choice, but on the Internet you have real choice. But in order to make the right choice, in any case you will have to search, analyze, show willpower and think with your own head. But this is our life.

Attached is the video “Hello, capitalism!” video blogger Zhenya and Horse, which very accurately reflects what goals it works for modern television:

First of all, it should be noted that television is just a tool, which in itself is neither bad nor good. However, like any tool, it can be used to achieve different goals.

Considering that television today remains the most popular and accessible mass media, it should be considered as a tool with which one can most effectively manage the masses, that is, to realize specific goals in relation to large groups of people (we are talking about an unstructured method of management) .

The analysis of many popular films, TV series and programs broadcast on various Russian television channels by the “Teach Good” project indicates that in the vast majority of cases the main emphasis is on:

  • propaganda of alcohol and tobacco;
  • propaganda of sex and vulgarity;
  • propaganda of stupidity;
  • promoting consumer attitudes to life;
  • propaganda of free relations.

This does not mean that all actors, journalists and TV presenters consciously help realize these goals. Rather, on the contrary, it is desirable that the majority of them do not understand anything. This idea is best explained with specific examples.

Consider, for example, the show Let's Get Married, which is supposedly aimed at creating new families. Its hosts were women who had been married many times, whose husbands beat them, died from drug overdoses, and so on. As a result, acting as a matchmaker, nothing good participants shows and the audience who listen to them, they cannot teach, even if they sincerely want this and consider themselves “experts” family life" Simply because their life experience shows that they do not understand anything about creating a strong family. And the format of the program itself does not imply the appearance of adequate and decent participants. As a result, the show “Let's Get Married” works to destroy the institution of family.

What is the best way to promote alcohol on TV? The technology is very simple: you need to make films in which main character loves to drink, and sober people are simply not allowed on the screen (or ridiculed). Accordingly, to achieve this goal, it is desirable that the vast majority of television presenters, actors and journalists be drinkers. At the same time, these people either should not ask questions from the series “does my behavior serve as an example for others?”, or the size of their salaries should serve as a guarantee of the “correct” answer to the question posed. If you implement several of these simple conditions, then the viewer will constantly see people drinking and consider this the norm.

I think you yourself have guessed how to organize the propaganda of violence, stupidity, vulgarity and everything else. It’s not for nothing that perverts, idiots, murderers and simply immoral people are increasingly shown on screen today. And this trend is only intensifying every year. There is no reason to expect that anything will change soon.

Understanding that modern television is aimed at destroying traditional family values, it is necessary to determine how TV should be treated today. How to protect yourself from all this anti-family propaganda and preserve moral ideals at home and in society in general? To correctly answer this question, it is necessary to return to the consideration of television as a tool.

In addition to the fact that television today serves as the main mechanism for disseminating information to the masses, its distinctive feature is that the vast majority of the population is the object of influence of this tool and only a small part of people is the subject that manages or participates in the management of this tool. Of course, an ordinary person can choose which channel to watch, but, in essence, this is an illusion of choice, because almost all TV channels work to achieve the same goals (compare, for example, video reviews of the “Teach Good” project on films and programs of the First channel and TNT).

Based on this, it is necessary to use all legal opportunities to try to influence the content of modern TV broadcasts: appear on programs promoting traditional family values; make your own films; try to create your own television channels; write complaints to the appropriate authorities; support good laws; fight for the revival of morality on television, etc. That is, it is necessary to try to change the previously stated goals of modern TV to more moral and decent ones.

But is it worth watching TV today?

If other sources of information are available to you, then completely refusing to watch TV is the only correct decision in today's conditions.

The main alternative to modern television is the Internet. Unlike TV, on the Internet you can find many projects that really work for the benefit of the majority, and do not create the illusion of caring for the majority.

And the reason for this is this: to create your own television channel and get on TV, you need a lot of money, which ordinary people do not have, and it is ordinary people who most advocate traditional family values. But to create a website on the Internet and start disseminating information, you don’t need a lot of money, which means that this mechanism is accessible to ordinary people, and for this reason it works for them to a much greater extent than television, which is always in the hands of the elite.

At the same time, giving up TV does not mean giving up watching what you like and what you think is right. All this is available on the Internet today. After all, there are many films that teach good , and you need to not only watch them yourself, but also show them to your children from an educational point of view. The question is to consciously choose the information that will make your life better, cleaner, kinder and not allow information aimed at dumbing down and degradation to come to you and your loved ones.

On TV you have the illusion of choice, but on the Internet you have real choice. But in order to make the right choice, in any case you will have to search, analyze, show willpower and think with your own head. But this is our life.

There is no doubt that television has become an essential part of people`s lives as it has a great influence on people, especially the young ones. Over the past few years teenagers have changed a lot due to the affect of the colored world network. The new generation can't imagine their lives without TV programmes. It seems to me that teenagers are badly influenced by TV. There are various facts that support this opinion.

Firstly, teens have become "multitasking" as they are unwilling just to watch TV. They prefer combining it with other activities, including social networking, looking from their laptop to the TV screen and back again, or flicking through magazines. Even if children are concentrating on the television, they want to keep up with two programs at the same time, switching over channels. So teens are not interested in playing and social interaction. Sedentary activities and using a computer cause obesity, heart and eye diseases. Secondly, watching inappropriate programs leads to children`s cruelty and violence because it is not always easy for them to determine the difference between reality and fantasy.

It is, however, discussed that television can be also useful for teenagers. Numerous channels are devoted to particular subjects. So some programs are really educational, they expand teenagers` outlook and make them knowledgeable.

In conclusion, television influences teenagers badly as they become dependent on it. Their daily lives are to the accompaniment of the TV. So they refuse to live an active life, reading books, communicating with peers and doing sports.


Television is without any doubt an integral part of our lives as it has a strong influence on people, especially young people. Over the past few years, teenagers have changed a lot as a result of his influence. The new generation cannot imagine their life without television programs. In my opinion, teenagers are susceptible negative influence television.

Firstly, the younger generation has become “multifunctional”. This means that they do not want to just watch TV, but prefer to combine it with other activities, including communicating with friends on social networks, looking at the monitor, then at the TV screen, or flipping through/reading magazines. Even if teenagers limit themselves to watching TV, they want to watch several programs at the same time, switching channels. So, teenagers are not interested in outdoor games and live communication. A sedentary lifestyle and excessive computer use causes obesity, heart and eye diseases. Secondly, watching inappropriate programs leads to child cruelty because it is difficult for them to recognize the difference between reality and fantasy.

Some, however, argue that television can also be beneficial. Numerous channels are dedicated to specific topics. Some programs are actually educational, expanding young people's horizons and knowledge.

Thus, television negatively affects teenagers: they become dependent on it. Television accompanies them throughout their lives. They refuse to live an active life, reading books, communicating with peers and playing sports.

Kamenskaya Tatiana

Moral - This is a basic characteristic of society that affects the state of the country’s spiritual security and demographic processes.The value space of morality is a variation of the choice between value and anti-value. Conducted by the Center for Scientific political thought and ideology, the analysis showed that the Russian mentality is characterized by 12 value blocks that determine the viability Russian state: work, soul (spirituality), collectivism, intangible values, love (family, children), innovation, altruism, tolerance, the value of human life, empathy, creativity, striving for excellence %5B1%5D.

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What is the attitude of modern Russians towards moral norms and rules? Quite a large number of people continue to consider moral standards as unshakable: 55–60% (according to 2007 data). However, this is primarily what middle-aged (those over 35) and older people think this way. The opinions of those who think supreme goal achieving personal well-being (50.5%), and those who consider moral traditions and faith more important (42.5%).

Ideas about the most important qualities of a worthy person have not undergone significant changes over the course of ten years (1997–2007). These are decency, devotion to family and tolerance.

In 2007, respondents to VTsIOM indicated that they considered drug addiction, poor parenting, cruelty to animals and drunkenness to be the most immoral actions (Fig. 1). Opinions on adultery are roughly equally divided: 48% see no justification for it, and 44% disagree.

Rice. 1. Immoral actions (data from a 2007 VTsIOM survey)

Among these actions there are those that every third or fifth respondent considers acceptable in some cases or requires leniency. This is drunkenness and alcoholism, 19% consider them sometimes acceptable, and 4% call for lenient treatment of them. Getting rich at the expense of others (18 and 4%), prostitution (13 and 9%), rudeness, rudeness, obscene language (23 and 3%), public display of hostility towards people of a different nationality (22 and 7%), business non-obligation (22 and 7%), giving and receiving bribes (29 and 4%).

According to a Levada Center survey (August 2012), alcohol abuse is considered morally unacceptable by 64% of respondents; smoking marijuana - 78% of respondents; passion for gambling - 56% of respondents (of which 24% believe that this is not a moral issue); tax evasion - 53% (of which 24% also believe that this is not a moral issue); adultery is considered unacceptable by 58%, polygamy - 73%, sex outside marriage - 23%; abortion - 36%; receiving a bribe - 63%, giving a bribe - 56%.

Despite a fairly tolerant attitude towards homosexuality, the share of those who negatively evaluate the idea of ​​allowing same-sex marriage has increased significantly over the period 1995–2005. from 38 to 59%. According to VTsIOM in 2012, 74% of Russians consider homosexuality a vice, and already 79% are against the legalization of same-sex marriage. At the same time, 86% of those surveyed by VTsIOM in 2012 support the introduction of a ban on the propaganda of homosexuality among minors. According to a Levada Center survey (August 2012), homosexuality is considered morally unacceptable by 81% of respondents.

Obscene language has become widespread in Russia, where, according to a 2008 VTsIOM survey, 61% of citizens use it. 42% of Russians are forced to listen to obscene language in their inner circle (data from VTsIOM 2012). At the same time, the absolute majority of Russians (80%) consider the use of swear words in a wide audience unacceptable. But at the same time, swearing has become a “working discourse” for a significant part of young people, although in this regard, students are still perceived as behaving in a more civilized manner than the main part younger generation. Thus, the values ​​of Russians remain quite traditional and conservative. In Russian society, the value of security, order and law-abidingness is increasing, which is why these issues, including psychological safety, are so actively discussed in society.


Despite the desire for moral values, judging by the indicators of many sociological studies, Russian society is experiencing a value and moral crisis. Thus, the family remains the last value point of support for Russian citizens and is nominated as the main value. The top five most common answers also included security, prosperity, peace and stability. The least common were firmness (will), strength, democracy, religion, power.

The level of value destruction in Russia as a whole can be assessed as crisis (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Level of value destruction in Russia (“0” - complete destruction) (data from World Values)

At the same time, the majority of the population not only fears the onset of a value crisis (Fig. 3), but also believes that it has already occurred, or assumes a high probability of its occurrence in the near future (Fig. 4). This indicates the population’s feeling of moral degradation in society and its concern about the loss of moral traditions.

Rice. 3. Concerns of the population regarding the loss of moral values, etc. (data from a 2010 VTsIOM survey). Question - Tell me, to what extent do you personally fear in our country the loss of moral values, immorality, the spread of drug addiction, pornography, prostitution, gambling, etc.?)

Rice. 4. The likelihood of loss of moral values, etc. (data from a 2010 VTsIOM survey). Question - how likely do you think in the near future will be the loss of moral values, immorality, the spread of drug addiction, pornography, prostitution, gambling, etc.?)

According to Levada Center surveys, the majority of respondents consider the crisis of morality, culture and morality to be an acute public problem. In 2010–2011 This problem worried 28 and 29% of respondents, respectively. This is confirmed by data from the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2011), according to surveys of which the moral state of society in the 2000s. received a leading position among spheres of social life in which the state of affairs has deteriorated over these years, overtaking such areas as the standard of living, the state of the social sphere (health, education, culture), the fight against corruption and the state of law and order. At the same time, moral decline is characterized as the main vector guiding and determining the development of society in the last 20 years.

A careful study of modern Russia can see a process of mental dynamics based on the borrowing of “Western” American values, on an appeal to historical heritage through “Russian” and “Soviet” value patterns, as well as based on innovation through the formation of new, so-called “Russian” cultural patterns. All these values ​​and patterns coexist in Russia and make up a polystylistic mosaic of modern Russian mentality. However, as a result of top-level political transformations, it is borrowing that dominates over other elements. Imposed values ​​that are not perceived by the bulk of the population give rise to a crisis between existing mental models and new stereotypes. The upper and lower strata of society and numerous marginal groups of the population are most susceptible to this situation. However, from the point of view of mental deformations, these two levels of Russian society are initially the most vulnerable.

Because such Social diseases, such as alcoholism and drug addiction, can be considered significant indicative characteristics of society; let us consider in more detail the available data on these diseases in Russia.

According to Rosstat, consumption of recorded alcohol per capita in the country increased from 5.38 liters of absolute alcohol in 1990 to 10 liters in 2008, or 1.8 times. However, according to WHO data, the level of alcohol consumption in liters of pure ethanol per capita (aged 15 years and older) is higher. In 2005, it amounted to 11 liters of recorded consumption and 4.7 liters of unaccounted consumption. According to other sociological data, the level of alcohol consumption per capita in 2010 was about 18 liters. Despite a significant reduction in reported cases of morbidity, the level of alcoholism and mental disorders in Russia still remains high. According to Rosstat, in 2008, the number of patients with alcoholism taken under dispensary observation with a diagnosis established for the first time in their lives amounted to 173.4 thousand people (24% less than in 2003); and in 2011 - 138.1 thousand people (20% less than in 2008). In total, in 2011, there were 2 million people diagnosed with alcoholism in Russia.

The number of drug addicts taken under dispensary observation for the first time in life with an established diagnosis, according to Rosstat, in 2003 was 22.9 thousand, but in 2007 it increased to 30 thousand people. However, starting from 2008, their number decreased and in 2011 amounted to 21.9 thousand people. In total, 342 thousand people were recorded as drug addicts in Russia in 2011 (in 2003 - 349 thousand people).

Compared to other countries, including the western area, Russia occupies a leading position in terms of indicators of the state of society, indicating its degradation and, as a consequence, a drop in the level of morality: 1st place in Europe and the CIS in terms of mortality from murders per 100 thousand. residents, 2nd place in Europe and the CIS after Lithuania in mortality from suicide per 100 thousand inhabitants, 1st place in Europe and the CIS in mortality from accidental alcohol poisoning per 100 thousand inhabitants, 2nd place in Eastern Europe and the CIS after Lithuania in the number of children left without parental care per 100 thousand inhabitants, 1st place in Europe in the number of abortions per 1 thousand women (aged 15–49 years) and 1st place in Eastern Europe and the CIS by the share of children born to unmarried women.

Returning to the question of the value characteristics of the state of Russian society, it should be noted that there is evidence that in our country a larger number of respondents, compared, for example, with the United States, answer affirmatively to the question of whether a person can break the law and at the same time to be right. And the number of people who believe that laws cannot be broken under any circumstances, i.e. those who are truly law-abiding, at least in words, have remained virtually unchanged over the past 15 years and amount to 10–15%.

There is a noticeable deformation of the value foundations of young people’s worldview. According to a survey by the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, already 55% of young people (i.e. the majority) are ready to cross moral standards in order to achieve success. A significant portion of young people consider prostitution, enrichment at the expense of others, rudeness, drunkenness, giving and receiving bribes, abortion, and adultery acceptable. The most acceptable of the immoral practices for Russians is the practice of deliberately deceiving someone in order to achieve their goals. At the same time, among young people only a little more than a third are its opponents, and 41–45% of young people (and 27% of Russians over 35 years old) have resorted to it. Thus, deception for the sake of profit is considered the norm among young people.

This is very significant, since this area is regulated only by moral standards and is not supported by legislative restrictions and prohibitions. More than half of respondents under the age of 36 are not opposed to giving bribes, and 18–22% of representatives of different age cohorts admit that they themselves have given bribes. Thus, young people are actively involved in the field of illegal and socially disapproved interactions, and their tolerance for such practices is higher than that of the older generation. Russian youth for the most part have a rather negative attitude only towards drug use, although in this regard their tolerance to the corresponding practice is 19% higher than in the group over 35 years of age (Fig. 5). In general, the proportion of opponents of immoral actions has been increasing over the years. The share of those who oppose drug use increased from 79 in 1997 to 90% in 2011, the use of sexual relations for personal gain - from 71 to 77%, and tax evasion - from 45 to 67%.

Rice. 5. The share of opponents of immoral actions in various age groups (data from ISPI RAS, 2011)

Changed value guidelines most of Russian youth. Wealth (59%) and success (40%) are preferred to family (29%) and dignity (18%). The share of the population that prefers success to any moral norms and principles, equality of income, status, living conditions to equality of opportunity, is increasing (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Hierarchy of value orientations of Russian youth

In general, it can be stated that the value preferences of Russian society are constant, however, modern ideas promoted in the information space have largely influenced the consciousness of young people as having less psychological stability and a flexible moral core, and therefore primarily subject to their influence . So far this has not changed the overall picture of society’s value guidelines.

The first choice in the alternative answer to the question what a person should strive for (to spiritual harmony or income), the overwhelming majority of respondents of all ages are inclined - the level is 85% and above (see Fig. 6). Moreover, even among young people this level does not fall below 75%. Regarding the question of what is more important - equality of income or equality of opportunities for the manifestation of human abilities, the majority gives preference to equality of opportunity (60% of respondents in 2011), and among young people under 30 years old - 67–68%.

The isolation of the younger generation from its national and cultural identity is also evidence of a moral crisis. 73% of young people and 80% of the older generation believe that modern youth have little interest in the history and culture of their country and are focused primarily on Western values. The idols for young Russians are rock and pop stars, successful businessmen and heroes of television series.

By the beginning of the 2000s. A generation has entered adulthood whose mentality is largely determined by asocial guidelines (Table 1).

Table 1. Hierarchy of status values ​​of Russian youth



Writer, poet

Ministry of Internal Affairs employee

Engineer, designer

Singer, musician


Ministry of Internal Affairs employee



Writer, poet



Entrepreneur, businessman


Banker, financier

New Russian, rich man


Programmer, computer scientist

Ministry of Internal Affairs employee

Model business


successful marriage


Entrepreneur, businessman

Sales worker

A prostitute

Representatives of the older generation have also become primarily interested in material interests in choosing a future profession for their children. To the question “Who would you like your son (daughter, grandson) to be?” respondents answered as follows (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Hierarchy of status values ​​of parents. What parents want their children to be, %

It is impossible not to mention extremist sentiments among young people. According to an analysis conducted by the Institute of Socio-Political Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2008, extreme moods are clearly visible in their life orientations. This can be judged by young people’s ideas about modernity. As an extreme manifestation the importance of one's own superiority over others was considered. This idea of ​​modern criteria for social advancement is shared by two-thirds (59.8%) of young people. High level the extremity of a radical orientation according to this indicator is manifested among 15.5% of young people.

The disrespect of today's youth for their elders is also regularly noted. The phenomenon of ageism has become widespread, covering negative stereotypes regarding old age and aging, as well as corresponding discriminatory practices, which aggravates relationships between age generations.

With all the diversity of such phenomena, as well as processes characterized by the above statistical data, they can be brought under a common denominator, which is the complex and systemic moral degradation of modern Russian society, which, however, has stable traditional values.

How do Russians themselves assess the change in the moral climate over the past 10–15 years? The majority of respondents (60–80%), according to a VTsIOM survey, believe that it has changed for the worse. It is noteworthy that, according to VTsIOM data for 2005, Russians evaluate their own environment significantly more positively than society as a whole, which means that society prefers to see the problem somewhere outside, rather than within itself. At the same time, 66% of Russians surveyed in 2008 were not satisfied with what was happening in the country in the field of morality and ethics.

Levada Center polls conducted in 2009–2010. also show that since 2001, about 75% of Russians are not satisfied with what is happening in the field of morality. At the same time, 44% of respondents believe that over the past 10 years the level of morality in society has decreased; 26% of respondents named the crisis of morality, culture, and ethics among the most pressing problems of our society. According to Levada Center surveys (2006–2011), concerning the most acute social problemsIn Russia, the crisis of morality, culture and morality is classified as such: in 2006 - 26% of respondents; in 2008 - 30%; in 2010 - 28%; in 2011 - 29%.

How exactly does the moral climate change? According to Russians, cynicism (57%) and aggressiveness (51%) have sharply increased, and traditional Russian attitudes have weakened. moral tradition camaraderie (52%), unselfishness (59%), warmth (62%), goodwill (63%), patriotism (65%), trust (65%), honesty (66%) and sincerity (67%).

Among the main reasons for immorality in post-Soviet Russia, one can note the destruction of the usual ideological and social system, which led to a crisis of public morality and the popularization of crime, a pseudo-liberal understanding of freedom as non-compliance with any rules and prohibitions, as unbridledness and irresponsibility, as well as ignoring the traditional Russian unity of education and education of the younger generation.

This affects the psychological state of society. According to a Levada Center survey (December 2012), the following feelings emerged and became stronger among Russians: fatigue, indifference (37%); hope (30%); confusion (19%); bitterness, aggressiveness (18%); resentment (13%), envy (12%); despair (12%), fear (12%).

At the same time, according to a VTsIOM survey conducted in 2010, the loss of moral values, immorality, the spread of drug addiction, pornography, prostitution, gambling, etc. are considered probable in our country in the near future by 63% of respondents. 83% of respondents are worried about this (even to the point of severe fear).


An increasingly significant factor influencing morality, mental health and psychological the state of its users and a reflection of the state of morality of subjects of the information industry becomes the Internet space.

Morality level and the psychological state of Internet users can be determined by the nature of requests and the orientation of popular sites. In the Internet space, the most popular information is information that contradicts the basic tenets of morality and morality. Until 2008, the first place in queries to Yandex was occupied by the query “Porn”; in 2008, this query took third place after “Odnoklassniki” and “VKontakte” as a result of the increasing popularity of social networks.

In 2011, general statistics on the Russian Internet space showed similar data. The request “Porn” took second or third place, the request “Odnoklassniki” was in first place, “Odnoklassniki ru” was in fourth place, and “In Contact” was in fifth place. According to Yandex data, from January 2011 to December 2012, the number of requests for the word “porn” amounted to 1.5 billion requests, “sex” - 309 million, “erotica” - 72 million, “drugs” - 9 million, “children” porn" - 3 million, "suicide" - 1.8 million. Requests for the words "in contact" amounted to 7 billion, "oddnoklassniki" - 64 million, "facebook" - 26.5 million, "twitter" - 15.8 million.

In 2006, the Russian segment of the Internet hosted about 20 thousand sites containing pornography. Directorate “K” of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (combat the distribution of pornographic materials involving minors via the Internet) received 995 reports of the existence of child pornography on the RuNet. In the first half of 2010, Directorate K identified more than 5,400 sites containing child pornography. Prohibited content was removed from 5,135 sites, 4,929 of which were hosted by Russian hosting companies. Eleven criminal cases were initiated under the article “Production and circulation of materials or objects with pornographic images of minors.”

According to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, over four years (from 2009 to 2012), the number of crimes related to the production and distribution of pornographic materials depicting minors via the Internet in Russia increased more than 12 times. In 2012, 554 such crimes were registered. On the global Internet there are up to 200 thousand sites offering child pornography.

On average in Russia, a company engaged in posting pornographic materials on the Internet earns 120–140 thousand dollars a month, the income of larger portals is 300–500 thousand dollars. Those who create free pages with links to paid resources earn 2 –3 thousand dollars per month. There are 5–7 thousand such agents throughout the country.

The factor of popularity of images of violence is indicative. “Crime” and “Incidents” are among the most visited sections on the Internet.

As for obscene language, it is used everywhere on the Internet on social networks, blogs, and forums. At the same time, most users do not allow themselves to be rude to the search engine: a relatively small number of queries contain obscene language - only one and a half percent.

The Internet space also includes computer games, many of which already exist online. In Russia, from one hundred fifty to four hundred thousand young people suffer from computer addiction.

A study conducted in Taganrog showed that almost all computer games available to visitors to computer rooms (and these are mainly teenagers and young people under 18 years old) were interactive action on criminal, military, science fiction and sports themes.

Only 17% computer games did not contain any scenes of violence. 55% of computer games included interactive scenes of various murders (“Doom”, “Young Blood”, “Final Doom”, etc.); 39% of computer games were based on interactive scenes of fights of varying degrees of cruelty (“Kensei”, “Hercules”, etc.); 35% of computer games depicted interactive disaster scenes (“X-COM”, “Resident Evil”, etc.). In general, 82% of computer games necessarily contained at least one type of on-screen violence (murder, fights, disasters). Moreover, in many of the games analyzed, violence and cruelty were presented in several forms at once, that is, with the combination of fights, murders, torture, disasters, etc. in different combinations.

The repertoire of computer rooms was dominated by relatively simple games, so-called “shooters.” Games are more complex: so-called strategies and quests - an interactive search for a way out of a certain situation - turned out to be clearly less popular.

At the same time, the Russian Internet audience is constantly growing. According to the FOM, in the summer of 2003, the monthly audience was 9.4 million people, in the summer of 2012 - already 59.4 million people.

According to a FOM survey conducted in August 2012, 59% of the monthly audience uses the Internet for their own needs, and 27% of users (of which 47% are Facebook users) believe that if they do not have the opportunity to use the Internet for themselves, their lives will change significantly . At the same time, according to a survey by the FOM in May 2012, 59% of the audience uses the Internet to communicate on social networks, 16% communicate in chat rooms, blogs and forums.

According to a Levada Center survey (November 2012), 63% of users use the Internet for communication, 47% for entertainment. At the same time on the Internet greatest number users spend 3–5 hours (29%). Social networks are visited daily by 37% of users, several times a week - by 27%. Of these, 74% visit Odnoklassniki, 58% visit VKontakte, and 14% visit Facebook.

Russia is one of the five countries with the largest number of social media users, behind only China, the USA, India and Brazil. According to TNS estimates, almost 40 million people use such resources in our country. According to comScore, residents of our country spend 9.6 hours on social networks every month.

Due to the increase in Internet users, the number of visits to social networks and time spent on the Internet, the phenomenon of Internet addiction, which is proposed to be classified as a mental disorder, is increasingly being discussed in Russia. And although the status of Internet addiction is not formally recognized, the number of requests to psychologists with complaints about Internet addiction is growing.

So, we can conclude: moral guidelines in the Internet space have practically no effect, which negatively affects the morality, mental health and psychological state of Internet users, including causing Internet addiction. This is due, among other things, to the lack of legislation regulating the rights, obligations and responsibilities of Internet providers and Internet users, as well as establishing the rules for the functioning of the Internet.

The public consensus is that 63% of Russians support censorship of the Internet because there are “many dangerous sites and materials” (according to the Levada Center). Of these, 65% support the introduction of restrictions on teenagers' access to such sites and materials. The decision to ban certain information on the Internet should be made by experts and specialists (23% of respondents), law enforcement agencies or expert councils under them (15%), executive authorities or expert councils under them (14%), only the court (11% ), public council formed by Internet users (10%), Internet providers (9%).

These data indicate that the expert public council still enjoys the greatest trust among Russians, therefore, by analogy with foreign experience, it is advisable to create such an organization in Russia.


Let us also consider separately the influence of television on the morality, mental health and psychological state of the population of Russia, since television in Russia is the key media occupying most free time of the population. The average daily television audience in 2011 was 69%, weekly - 91%, and the volume of television consumption per capita - 3 hours 40 minutes per day. At the same time, according to the Levada Center, in 2012 it was through television that 79% of Russians most often learned news (in 2011 - 84%).

Both positive and negative processes can be traced in the influence of television on consumers. The negative thing is, for example, that the priority formula for creating the image of a movie hero is often violence and cruelty. On average, there are 4.2 scenes of violence per hour of television broadcasts. Every 15 minutes, a viewer of Russian television sees an act of aggression, violence or an erotic scene on the screen. The theme of violence constantly circulates in modern Russian films (Fig. 8). And films are not taken into account here. high class, although, as you know, a film with erotic scenes, and action movie. Only films of average and low level, which are most often watched by the ordinary citizen of Russia.

Rice. 8. Number of films with scenes of violence in the 90s. XX century and in beginning of XXI V.

As can be seen in Fig. 8, the largest number of films depicting violence occurred in the 1990s. In just five years (1993–1998), about 300 Russian films were made, containing more than 4,000 scenes of violence and murder. In one in five prime-time films, audiences rarely or never see the anti-hero punished for committing violence, cruelty or molestation. In every third film it is observed only in the finale. Obviously, the impact of scenes of molestation and violence is enhanced by showing their physical and emotional consequences. Close-ups of mutilation, blood, wounds, suffering, orgies, etc. can evoke difficult emotions in viewers. In an attempt to mitigate the negative impact, some filmmakers resort to highly conventional techniques that make the violence feel more like a game than a brutal ordeal. But in every fifth film (22%) the natural consequences of violence are shown in full, in every third (39%) - partially.

It is especially alarming that minors become consumers of such products. Although the majority of schoolchildren do not support violence on screen, on average one in ten schoolchildren readily named violent films and their brutal killer characters as their favorites, having attractive traits such as beauty, strength and courage.

The number of “highly active” consumers of screen violence among boys is 62%, among girls - 50%. This means that at a very young age, even before personality maturation, children, under the influence of television, develop an ideology of consumption and wasting their lives; they become more aggressive, cruel and depraved. Let us note that the active exaggeration of the topic of violence on the domestic screen in the 1990s. The level of murders in Russia also corresponded. On Russian television channels, more than 60 news programs dedicated to crime stories are published weekly. Special crime programs, including documentary scenes of victims of violence and disasters, were shown on various Russian channels almost throughout the week.

Moreover, they were broadcast not only after 23.00, but also in the morning, afternoon and evening hours, quite accessible for viewing by minors, including children under 10 years old. It should be noted that consumers perceive an excess of negative information and an abundance of violence on television. According to the Levada Center in 2012, 45% of respondents believe that there should be more positive content on TV.

On the other hand, the presence of “positivity” on television touches on the problem of its excessive entertainment. According to Levada Center data in 2012, entertainment ranks third, and the most modest, in Russians’ perceptions of the functions of television. Information, education and upbringing are considered much more important (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Functions of television (Levada Center survey 2012)

As an analysis of supply and demand on 20 federal television channels shows, the most popular genres are television series, entertainment programs, art films and news. These four genres occupy two thirds of television airtime (68%), i.e. more broadcasting volume than educational programs and programs for children and youth, and they account for 78% of television consumption by Russians (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10. The ratio of television supply and viewer demand, 2011 (20 federal television channels; Audience 4+)

Each of the six federal television channels is required to devote 10% of their airtime per month to children and adolescents. This provision is contained in the state license of television channels. However, in In fact, TV channels spend 0.3% of their broadcast time on young people - this is the time when children's programs are shown, and the rest of the time TV channels show cartoons. Russians express dissatisfaction with this policy of television channels, since it does not provide both what they actually prefer to watch and what they would like to see on television (Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. Programs that should prevail on the currently created “Public Television”, %

And although surveys conducted indicate that Russians are in dire need of educational programs, programs about culture and morality, children's and educational programs, their demand still prevails for television series and entertainment programs. That is, the ratings of “immoral” programs and channels reflect viewer interest in them. For example, during two weeks of the scandal with the immoral program “2×2”, according to the research company TNS, the channel’s share among Muscovites over four years old decreased from 1.6 to 1.3% - but in its target group from 11 to 34 years old There were no significant changes, the share is 13%. The Comedy Club rating was confirmed by the record-breaking earnings of the film “The Best Film” - $16.4 million in the first week of release. “Dom-2” also had no rating problems.

The above characterizes the value state of Russian society from a negative side and emphasizes the need for greater implementation of the educational, educational function of television, which is currently not possible without appropriate state regulation.

Researcher L.G. Svitich analyzed video fragments from 2002 and 2008. regarding the content of anti-values ​​- such fragments make up almost half of Russian television broadcasting (Table 2).

Table 2. Negative characteristics, anti-values ​​(2002, 2008)

Negative characteristics; anti-values

Number of fragments 2002

Number of fragments 2008

Aggression, cruelty, murder

Prevalence consumerism, consumer psychology

Fornication, adultery, vice, early sexual intercourse, abnormal relationships

Acquisitiveness, greed

Ruthlessness, intolerance

Discord and conflicts in the family, family destruction, distorted childhood

Unscrupulousness, dishonesty

Callousness, callousness, heartlessness

Slave resignation, humility, cowardice

Immorality, immorality

Disunity, fragmentation, individualism

Misanthropy, selfishness, envy

Extravagance, extravagance

Worship of Evil

Lies, slander, injustice

Passivity, inertia, stagnation

The same researcher monitored individual TV channels on the same subject (Fig. 12). The data was obtained using the clip-content method. During the week, in different time periods from 8 to 24 hours, sequential switching was carried out selected channels and recorded fragments of all programs in a row, including films, advertising, etc. A fragment in the field of attention until the essence of the dominant idea is understood (1.5 minutes). A total of 1304 fragments were analyzed. On average, negative characteristics and anti-values ​​account for 42% in the recorded fragments.

Rice. 12. Correlation of positive and negative characteristics and values

Russian television shows products recognized as harmful to health in other countries. The American Medical Association stated that the creators of the cartoon "Pokemon", which was shown on Russian television, used flashing colorful pictures at a frequency that could cause an epileptic attack in children. This industry is currently undergoing active research, with billions of dollars being spent on it. Frequencies, colors, the rhythm of flashing frames are selected - everything necessary to quickly get children hooked on the TV needle.

Thus, television, even state television channels, disseminate a large amount of information reflecting anti-values, which negatively affects the morality, mental health and psychological state of television viewers. This requires greater government participation in the formation of television channel broadcasting networks and motivating television channels to implement the educational, informational and especially educational functions of television.


To summarize, we must conclude that the role and influence modern media on consumers are very large and the media largely influence the morality and psychological state of consumers negative impact. At the same time, consumers are poorly protected from harmful effects. Manufacturers of media products and individuals who post information on the Internet for profit exploit the base instincts and vices of consumers. At the same time, the value state of society is deteriorating. The task of the state, therefore, should be to establish control over the factors of public morality, including through the development of mechanisms for protecting morality, mental health and the psychological state of consumers of media products, the Internet and publishing activities.

NOTES Tarasov K.A. The image of a violent world in TV film programs // Materials of the international scientific conference “Lomonosov-2002”. M.: MAKS Press, 2002.

Media violence: children are instilled with a passion for murder: an interview with D. Grosman // Internet magazine “”


Titova Alexandra Alexandrovna

4th year student, Department of Transportation Organization and Road Safety movement of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "TSTU", Tambov

E- mail: alexsa _555@ mail . ru

Drobzhev Alexander Mikhailovich

scientific supervisor, Ph.D. sociol. Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Relations, Faculty of Law, TSTU Tambov


Cinema is art. The essence of art is that the creator perceives and then conveys a piece of reality to the viewer.

Art captures the general character of a culture. Through cinema, you can examine the history of entire generations, decades. Through cinema you can see how our grandparents, mothers and fathers, and ourselves lived. The movie shows how real life, so is fiction.

Cinema (from the Greek kineo - moving, moving) - part difficult words, indicating a connection with cinematography; for example, cinema, cinema, etc.

Sociology of cinema is a branch of sociological knowledge. In a narrow sense, it is a field of research whose purpose is to study the socio-demographic structure of the film public (gender, age, education, social status), the frequency of cinema visits, the attitude of viewers towards certain films, genres, themes, etc. in a broad sense- study social factors functioning of cinema, influencing its development.

Many people identify themselves with movie characters. Cinema helps pass the time, have fun, and sometimes think. There are different genres: comedy, action, thriller, horror, etc. Each person can choose a film for themselves. Cinema shapes worldview and outlook on life. The influence of cinema is enormous. But the worst thing is that this influence is invisible. Through films you can teach people both good things and bad.

With the help of television we can find out the latest news, events that happened very far from us. With the help of films we can study the culture of other countries, their customs and habits.

Watching any movie changes your worldview a little every time. Therefore, every person has the right to choose those films that he likes and that are close to him.

People's attitudes towards cinema vary. For some it is a good pastime, for others it is a way of development, for others it is a business. Cinema can spiritually develop both an individual and an entire society. Cinema can be moral, aesthetic, intellectual, religious.

“The modern television and film industry is the end product of the intellectual activity of a huge army of professionals: screenwriters, film directors, writers, artists, advertising agents, designers, journalists, psychologists, producers. All of them create in the mass consciousness a feeling of insufficiency and lack of various material and intangible objects. The state of “dissatisfaction” in the mass consciousness is necessary to maintain mass consumption and economic development. Often the viewer simply cannot think rationally and critically perceive this information. Our brain is attacked from all sides by hidden forms of influence on mass consciousness: advertising, television programs, movies, etc.” .

When people come to cinemas or relax while watching a film at home, they receive a charge of positive emotions.

Cinema in our time has become an accessible sphere of entertainment, even familiar. Every person can turn on the TV and watch the movie he likes. You can watch horror films, melodramas, or just a news program. Nowadays people don’t even think about the fact that cinema is an art.

Cinema shapes public opinion. Through it, ideology is formed. They use methods of subconscious influence. Society's attitude is formed through stereotypes that are introduced into cinema. This causes either a positive or negative reaction to a particular event.

They can even use techniques prohibited by law, such as 25 frames. The human eye can perceive 24 frames per second. We don’t see frame 25, but our subconscious perceives it. Thus, in any movie, advertisement, news, you can insert 25 frames with any information and influence the mood in society, the opinions of people, etc., even to the extent of programming people to commit suicide or riots.

When they want to hide some information, they switch the person to something else. This is another method of influencing society through the media. Now, for example, all channels show programs about magic, about sorcerers, about brownies, etc., or programs such as “Let Them Talk,” “Between Us Girls,” “Dom-2.” People watch these programs for hours, sympathize with the main characters or are afraid of the invasion of aliens and forget about unemployment in our country, about high prices, about bad roads and other problems. People of the older generation watch TV series: “Carmelita”, “Euphrosyne”, forgetting about their small pensions. The purpose of such films and programs is to distract people.

Another method of suggestion is to quickly alternate information, for example, trips of the country's leaders, disasters, military operations. This prevents a person from correctly assessing the information.

Advertising promotes certain products. And this shapes needs, lifestyle, fashion.

Thus, the media, particularly cinema, has a huge impact on people and society.


Of all the art forms, cinema ranks unique place. Cinema conveys our feelings, habits, customs, and immerses a person in the world of his illusions.

Cinema brings people together. Cinema is capable of covering almost all spheres of public consciousness. Cinema makes a person comprehend life as something more than how he perceived it before. It cannot replace real life, but turns it into a beautiful fairy tale.

Cinema frees the viewer from the stresses of the past day, from feelings of melancholy, guilt, and fear. Cinema helps you understand yourself. For example, a horror film helps to overcome fear, a comedy helps resolve the conflict between a person and society.

The state of society can be determined by the development of cinema in a country.

I love it social problem can be seen in the movies.

Propaganda in cinema exists in all countries, in all societies. This includes the fight against Nazism, propaganda of love for the motherland, violence, etc. For example, in Soviet films the police presented themselves as honest, smart, worthy people. This profession sounded proud. And now in all modern Russian films, policemen and policemen are portrayed as vile people, they do not respect anyone, they do not obey any laws. And the ordinary population thinks that the police really have bad people. This is how cinema influences public opinion. It’s interesting, but in America, police officers in movies are presented as respected people; people always go to them for help, they ask for advice.

Through cinema, the state manipulates the population. History is being rewritten for us. Parts that are not needed by the authorities are cut out from newsreels. Show only what is beneficial in this moment. Not long ago in Ukraine, the news showed a picture of a hungry child, which was once published in Soviet history textbooks. The photo was taken in the Volga region after civil war when there was severe famine. Now this picture is being passed off as evidence of the Holodomor in Ukraine.

Cinema is social institution. It influences society and shapes the viewer. However, society demands new achievements, technical and creative, from cinematography, i.e. there is a constant connection between society and cinema.

The main groups of moviegoers are children, teenagers, middle-aged and elderly people. And each group prefers certain films. This can be seen from the survey (Figure 1, Figure 2).

Which TV channel do you like best?

Figure 1. Opinion poll (favorite TV channel).


Figure 2. Sociological survey (modern films).

Now let's look at how cinema influences children, youth and adults.

The child is more susceptible to various influences and is easier to control. Through cartoons, you can instill in a child’s brain various moral values. You can show children good good cartoons, such as “About Leopold the Cat”, “The Scarlet Flower”, “The Lion King”, etc. They will teach the child to be kind, honest, and responsible. Or you can show cartoons such as “Family Guy”, “ SpongeBob", "The Simpsons". They traumatize the child's psyche. These cartoons give children nightmares. It is very important how the cartoon is drawn. Soviet cartoons were colorful, the characters were beautiful. And in many modern cartoons the main characters are scary monsters. The speed of scene changes in a cartoon is very important. Before fairy tales They were unhurried and calm, as if a grandmother were telling this to her grandson before bed. The child calmed down, he listened to the fairy tale. And now events replace each other very quickly, the child does not have time to follow the plot, gets excited and nervous. This negatively affects the child's psyche.

There are currently no good cartoons shown on television, and very few educational or educational programs. All this suggests that the state does not care about the education of its own children.

Although Article 17 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child states: “States Parties recognize important role media and ensure that the child has access to information and materials from a variety of national and international sources, especially those types of information and materials that are aimed at promoting the social, spiritual and material well-being, as well as the healthy physical and mental development of the child. »

Over the years since the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, more than a hundred regulations aimed at implementing its principles have seen the light of day in Russia. However, their actual practical implementation remains an unresolved social task. Practical social policy of the state is still poorly oriented towards the interests of children.

“In the absence of a mature and influential civil society, the residual forms of children's TV plunged into the elements of anemia and quickly transformed into a tool for the intervention of immorality in life world childhood,” writes V.A. in his article. Bachinin.

Debauchery, permissiveness appeared on television, sex scenes, violence, aggression. The volume of children's television broadcasting has decreased. There are very few educational programs. Instead, we are shown programs that are imbued with the motifs of the philosophy of consumerism and moral insensitivity.

Modern TV is something like a mirror. TV shows such as “We Talk and Show”, “Dom-2”, “Comedy Club” corrupt young people. From childhood, people are taught not to think about their family, loved ones, or morality.

The media are being studied by many scientists, however, the methodology for systematically monitoring the very process of the media’s influence on the audience, assessing the state, and monitoring the nature of the reaction of this audience has not yet been developed.

We have to be convinced again and again that the frantic advertising by the media of scenes of violence, the cult of profit, murder, etc. leads to the total destruction of the individual.

Young people do not know their history. We watch films such as “Once upon a time there was a woman” and believe that this really happened, we believe that a woman in Rus' was the most powerless creature. We are deliberately shown films that contain little truth. After all, “a people that does not remember its past has no future” - Sir W.S. Churchill.

Older people love to watch TV series and programs such as “Hour of Judgment.” TV series help you disconnect from household chores, problems at work, and in your family.

Let's also consider the statistics of films for the week on the following channels: First, Russia, NTV, Culture, STS and TNT (from November 26 to December 2, 2012).

Table 1.

Statistics of films and programs on television






Other programs





From this table we can conclude that news programs and series are most often shown on television.

Some people expect personal development and a shift in attention from television. They want to expand their horizons, develop their minds, the desire to keep up with the pace of life and at the same time relax.

Others think that television will help them understand the laws of the country, how to apply them, navigate current events, and understand the actions of politicians. These are the programs “Man and the Law”, “Echo of Moscow”, “The Trial is Coming”.

From all of the above, it is clear that cinema and television influence public opinion, the mood in society, every person, and especially children.


Modern culture cannot be imagined without cinema. It is more effective means dissemination of information compared to radio. Cinema can not only convey messages that people perceive auditorily, but also show images.

There are a wide variety of functions of cinema: educational, ideological, entertaining, spiritual, religious, economic, normative, etc.

Let's look at these functions in more detail.

The cognitive function of cinema is to disseminate information and transfer knowledge to people. There were a lot of educational films and programs in Soviet cinema. Trained English language, Spanish, German. There was a program “Obvious - Incredible”, where the latest achievements of science and technology were discussed in an accessible form. Now such programs include “Galileo”, “I want to know”, etc. Educational - formation public opinion. Educational function is a continuation of cognitive.

Propaganda of beauty is an aesthetic function. Such programs and films are shown on the Culture channel. For example, “World Cultural Treasures”. This channel often shows performances, ballets, classical music concerts, and painting exhibitions.

The aesthetic function also contributes to the formation of tastes and fashion.

Cinema can even influence fashion on the female body. In the 50s of the last century, Marilyn Monroe was a movie star. She was of average height, normal build (by our modern standards, even plump), and blonde. Everyone tried to be like her, wanted to have the same figure. Then there was Audrey Hepburn, Madonna, Kate Moss. In 2000, Angelina Jolie appeared on the screens. She is tall and thin. Now many girls are losing weight, ruining their lives, just because the fashion for “skinny girls” has appeared on the screen (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Female beauty standards over the past 60 years.

Cinema also helps people communicate - this communicative function. It gives people the opportunity to meet in the studio and discuss various topics: music, films, communal problems, etc.

The ideological function was very clearly visible in Soviet films. There was propaganda of love for the Motherland, for one’s country. All films had morals, good and bad. In all American films The following phrases are heard: “I am an American,” “This is my country,” “I am proud of my country,” “I am proud to be an American.”

Every function of cinema is very important. You cannot separate them from each other; on their own they lose their meaning. But the cognitive function comes first, and then everything else.


Not so long ago, everyone in Russia went to the movies, schoolchildren, adults, and even entire families. A decline in cinema attendance began to be observed in the late 1980s. And now cinema halls have become almost empty. It is rare to have more than 15 spectators. This happens due to the monotonous repertoire and high ticket prices. In addition, now you can watch movies on the Internet for free and the ones you like.

The form of film distribution has changed. Now people prefer television, video, and almost no one goes to cinemas.

The cultural status of cinema has decreased. Watching movies has become a common pastime. As for the more demanding public, as film director A. German sadly noted in one of his interviews, “cinema turned out to be crossed out from the cultural list of the intelligentsia.”

The most receptive audience is young people and teenagers. Nowadays people don’t watch a program, they turn on the TV, change channels and choose who likes what until the next advertisement, then start switching further, forgetting what they were watching before. Television has a very strong influence on children. But parents are always busy, and at school they don’t want to pay due attention to this, believing that this should be monitored at home.

Now, of course, a law on age limits has been adopted, all channels indicate the age at which you can watch this program. But who will supervise children and teenagers when parents are at work? It should be recognized that the overwhelming majority of young viewers watching television are left to their own devices.

Films with deep content and educational programs are disappearing on television. Good Soviet films are shown at night, cartoons for children early in the morning. We have only one channel left where they show programs about painting, theater, etc. - “Culture”.

Very often they watch TV while doing other things, for example, cooking dinner. Sometimes they just turn it on for background so that it doesn’t get boring or lonely. That is, the perception of the film becomes superficial. By switching the TV from channel to channel, you develop the habit of not focusing on anything. This can be seen from Table 2.

How do you most often decide which show to watch?― from a TV program or just switch channels and select the program that interests you? (Answers of all respondents who watch TV, except those who stated that they turn on the TV to watch a specific program, ― 58% of all respondents).

Table 2.

Sociological survey

Now in our country they mostly show hollywood movies. Everything is explained very simply. He who pays the money “calls the tune.” All film distribution companies are American. 80% of the film market in Russia is Hollywood, only about 5% is Russian cinema, everything else is European. Most of the scripts used for filming Russian cinema- from Hollywood. Hollywood imports its films into our country at a very low price. Due to the large number of impressions, they earn money, which more than covers all their expenses. And tickets to our films, which have good quality, are much more expensive. The interests of the population play a very small role here. Nobody asks ordinary people what they show us - that’s what we watch.

The state does not have any policy in the field of cinema. Although it should support the art of cinema, so that more patriotic, kind, children's films are made, so that more high-quality, rather than low-quality, products come to the market. It is necessary to better train directors, support talented actors and producers.

A very large number of films are made for viewers who do not go to cinemas but sit at home. They - main source money for TV companies.

Television and cinema, in particular, are aimed at mass tastes. And people who really want to watch a good movie should be content with what they see on TV. They, of course, can buy a cassette or disk with a film, or download a video from the Internet. But the vast majority watches the films and programs that are shown to us.


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