The best home workout for men. Simple workouts at home for all men

Regular exercise and proper nutrition are the key to excellent physical shape. This truism is known to many, but due to various circumstances, not everyone can go to the gym. In such situations, a way out may be a program to conduct workout at home.

Features of training at home

A characteristic feature of the vast majority of home muscle workouts is the limited amount of equipment used. This is a limiting factor for increasing the number of elements performed, and also does not allow the load to constantly increase.

After all, few people can afford to equip one of their rooms with a full-fledged gym. Since this requires financial costs and the availability of free space.

In order to start home muscle training, there is no need to purchase an expensive multifunctional exercise machine. As a rule, the higher the price of a projectile, the less useful it is in practice. It's cheaper to take a closer look at the most necessary shells.

Representatives of the fair sex will need collapsible dumbbells and a jump rope. Men may not be satisfied with the minimum set, since they will also need crossbars and parallel bars or a bench for bench press.

Ideally, a home sports corner would be well equipped with a barbell with a set of weight plates and squat racks. But such a purchase can be postponed until better times, and to start training, dumbbells and a bench will be enough.

Sports equipment is one thing, but having a strong motivation to change yourself is a completely different matter. Working out in the gym, surrounded by other people, you involuntarily begin to compare yourself with them, look up to others, try to achieve impressive results, etc.

At home, alone with oneself, the absence of a serious motivational component can lead to irregularity of classes and, as a result, delay the approach of the desired effect. Only if you have a strong desire to achieve your goal can you switch to a home workout regimen.

How to properly train at home

To workout at home gave results, adhere to the basic rules - systematic and regular training. The lack of a system reduces the effectiveness of the most effective exercise significantly. You will have to strictly adhere to the chosen study schedule and give up bad habits that distract you from achieving your main goal. Only by leaving everything unnecessary can you move forward.

Each workout should have an organizing and mobilizing beginning - a warm-up, the duration of which is at least 10 minutes and depends on the upcoming load. This is a kind of mindset for effectively achieving results, as well as a necessary preparatory stage for muscle fibers, warning against ruptures, sprains and other injuries.

The total duration of the training is approximately an hour, and the pace is selected in such a way that it is possible to complete the entire set of exercises for home workouts within the allotted time. The length of pauses between sets depends on the final goal of the workout. If this is the development of endurance or the fight against excess weight, then a thirty-second break will be enough. When increasing muscle mass, it is permissible to increase the break to 2 minutes. In any case, extraneous matters will distract and disrupt the pace and rhythm, so you should forget about them during the training.

Any business has a beginning and an end, including home workouts. Therefore, each lesson ends with a cool-down, the purpose of which is to gradually transition the body systems, especially the cardiovascular system, to a normal state. Typically, stretching or running elements are performed at a calm pace during the last 10 minutes of the workout. A cool-down will allow your muscles to recover faster after intense exercise!

Exercises for training at home

In the home gym arsenal, weighted squats should be at the top of the list of basic exercises for the home. Squats are a basic exercise that not only trains your legs, but also perfectly stimulates the release of testosterone, which in turn will accelerate the growth of muscles throughout the body.

Push-ups have been the most famous exercise since childhood; due to their simplicity, push-ups are very popular in home workouts. Push-ups are an excellent alternative to the bench press and dips, especially since not everyone has a bench press or parallel bars at home.

Pull-ups on a horizontal bar are the main exercise for the back muscles; the only drawback is that not everyone has a horizontal bar at home. Our team recommends acquiring this equipment, because during pull-ups, not only the back muscles are pumped, but also the arms and even the abs, so it is obvious that the horizontal bar is for workout at home required.

If you still decide that you don’t want to install a horizontal bar at home, then we have selected alternative exercises for you: bent over rows and deadlifts with dumbbells or any other weights.

Above we described the most effective exercises For workouts at home, in fact, there are a huge number of exercises that can be done at home and it makes no sense to list them all, so we have compiled home workout program given the lack of equipment.

Home workout program

Workout #1 Workout #2 Workout #3
Jumping rope 10 minutes Jumping rope 10 minutes
Squats with weights 3x15 Push-ups (parallel bars or bench press) 3x20
Seated dumbbell press 3x12 Shrugs 3x12
Press bike exercise 3x20 Press crunches 3x20 Reverse crunches 3x20

Home workout program for weight loss

Workout #1 Workout #2 Workout #3
Jumping rope 15 minutes Jumping rope 15 minutes
Squats 3x25 Push-ups 3x20 Pull-ups on the horizontal bar 3xmax (or bent-over rows)
Jump squats 3x15 Seated dumbbell press 3x12 Shrugs 3x20
Deadlift with dumbbells 3x20 Lifting dumbbells in front of you 3x15 Curls with dumbbells 3x12
Press crunches 3x20 Reverse crunches 3x20
Jumping rope 15 minutes Jumping rope 15 minutes Jumping rope 15 minutes

Training program for girls at home

Workout #1 Workout #2 Workout #3
Jumping rope 20 minutes Jumping rope 20 minutes
Squats 3x20 Push-ups 3xmax Deadlift with dumbbells 3x15
Lunges with dumbbells 3x15 Seated dumbbell press 3x12 Shrugs 3x20
Lying pelvic lift 3x20 Bent-over dumbbell row 3x15 Curls with dumbbells 3x12
Press bike exercise 3x20 Press crunches 3x20 Reverse crunches 3x20

Many men have the desire to start training at home, but the question arises: what home exercises for men exist when you have everything you need for training at home? You need a little space to engage all muscle groups.

To create a training program, you need to decide on the main tasks:

  • target,
  • equipment,
  • duration.

The goals of the training can be: weight loss, increasing muscle volume, creating sculpted abs, improving health, or something else. In sports, for example, this is an increase in speed and strength qualities, flexibility, and coordination. The goal is the main point for drawing up the program.

How much time do you have for training at home? 10 or 30 minutes, 1 hour? And what equipment do you have at home? Anyone can.

Home inventory

At home you can use:

  • dumbbells,
  • barbell,
  • weights,
  • expanders (band, wrist, tubular),
  • health disks,
  • fit-ball
  • rug,
  • bench.

The equipment listed is not all that can be used for practicing at home. This is the most common equipment that is sold in any sports store.

Exercise options for home

Before starting the main complex, it is necessary to prepare the muscles and ligaments for work and warm up. It can be:

  • 10-15 minute walk on a treadmill,
  • jumping rope,
  • running in place
  • strength exercises without additional weights, for example, push-ups, squats,
  • joint gymnastics – circular movements of 8–12 repetitions for each joint.

In sports, warm-up can last from 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the athlete.

After the warm-up, you can perform the main part of the workout.

A set of exercises for men includes training large muscle groups:

  • squats, all kinds of variations,
  • lunges (standing without weight, with dumbbells in hands),
  • deadlift on straight legs,
  • flexion of the foot while standing (or sitting),
  • back:
  • hyperextension on the mat,
  • rowing dumbbells (or any other weight) while standing on an incline,
  • pullover,
  • chest:
  • push-ups with different hand positions,
  • dumbbell bench press,
  • fly, lying on a bench, bench press,
  • press:
  • straight twists,
  • reverse crunches,
  • plank (straight, side, knee and straight leg),
  • shoulders:
  • bench press sitting with dumbbells,
  • shoulder abduction while sitting (or standing),
  • standing shoulder flexion,
  • curling arms while standing with dumbbells,
  • forearm extension while standing with dumbbells,
  • close grip bench press.

The exercises listed are not all possible options, but the most common and easy to perform. For variety, you can add new programs. Use different equipment, change the number of repetitions.

If the training involves the development of a quality such as endurance, or the goal is weight loss, then the number of repetitions should be from 15, 3-4 approaches for a beginner athlete.

Training to increase muscle volume and body strength: 6–8 repetitions, 3–4 sets.

The first workouts at home are best done for all muscle groups, 1-2 exercises each. After 3–4 weeks, you can complicate the complex and add a new exercise for each muscle.

It is very important to have the right mindset for productive training. At home, when there are no others or a coach, create such an atmosphere and mood so that every success, even the smallest, brings joy, and all achievements motivate for further results in sports.

At home, you need to remember about safety. Each exercise must be performed taking into account all methodological recommendations. Thanks to preliminary stretching and a warm-up approach, you can protect yourself and prevent possible injuries.

Complex for increasing muscle volume

The complex is aimed at training the muscles of the whole body, increasing strength indicators and muscle volume. Must be performed at a slow pace.

Preliminary warm-up includes joint exercises:

  1. Circular movements in the shoulder joints. Move your arms in a circle back and forth 10 times.
  2. Circular movements in the elbows. Similar to the previous exercise, do 10 times in both directions.
  3. Move the body in a circle clockwise and back, 10 times.
  4. Circular movements in the hip joints (leg at the knee is bent), 10 times in both directions.

The strength part of the workout includes:

  • squats with dumbbells at the shoulders,
  • bend forward, with dumbbells at the shoulders,
  • bench press (or dumbbell bench press, depending on the equipment available at home),
  • rowing dumbbells to the waist while standing bent over,
  • seated dumbbell press,
  • forearm curl with a hammer grip while standing,
  • forearm extension while lying on a bench (French press),
  • , lying on the mat.

Do each exercise 6–8 times, 3 approaches, at a slow pace. Do the last abdominal exercise 30 times, 3 approaches.

The program includes simple exercises. They work all muscle groups and help increase volume. Since a small number of repetitions are used here, the weight must be used quite heavily. Before performing a working approach, do 1 warm-up exercise with light weight.

After completing the program, you can stretch or walk in place to logically complete the workout. During this time, breathing will be restored and the pulse will return to its resting state.

At home, you can turn on motivating music during the training period. It will help create the right mood and allow you to control the right pace.

Complex for weight loss

Physical bodies can be the same as in the previous complex. The difference from the previous training is the number of repetitions and the weight of the weight.

The dumbbell weight should be lighter and the number of repetitions should be higher (12–15).

A high-intensity program, thanks to volumetric work (number of repetitions and muscles involved in the work), allows you to achieve results in a short time.

For a beginner, training at home means comfort, convenience and the opportunity to improve your body without undue embarrassment.

People who have been in sports for a long time often train at home. This approach allows you to save time and create a convenient daily routine.


Any physical activity is recommended for everyone. Restrictions in training may be due to certain contraindications. But even in this case, doctors recommend doing fitness in moderation.

In case of some violations, you need to take precautions and exclude some exercises from the program. The most common ones are listed below:

  • influenza, ARVI,
  • hypertension,
  • intervertebral disc herniation (protrusion),
  • asthma,
  • diabetes.

It is important to understand that with all the listed disorders it is possible to exercise, and even necessary. The program should be designed taking into account the individual characteristics of the body; an active lifestyle and training at home will only bring benefits.

For many men, sport is not just fun, but a way of life. Doing it at home is a little more difficult than in gyms, because not all exercises can be done with available equipment, but this is not a reason to immediately sign up for a fitness club. The main thing for a good lesson is a great desire and a little creativity. If these two components are present, then you can safely start exercising without spending a lot of money on expensive subscriptions.


The desire of many men to quickly start exercising sometimes goes off scale, which leads to rapid fading, after which the sport is completely forgotten for a while. That is why it is important to create a clear schedule of activities at home, because only a systematic approach will help achieve better results. What do you need to know before plunging into the world of improving your body and improving your health?

It is worth noting that eating right is not difficult. In order for the body to receive everything it needs, you need to eat fruits and vegetables, as well as boiled meat. Moreover, dairy products will also help in developing the body. However, it is important not only to eat, but also to do it rationally, since being under load means consuming calories that need to be replenished. On the other hand, sweets and chocolates contain a decent amount of carbohydrates, but it is better to consume sweets as rarely as possible, since sugar in large quantities can seriously slow down progress in exercise.

How to train at home?

Sports at home is not an easy task for those who do not have basic training tools, namely:

  • rods;
  • dumbbells;
  • benches.

However, this does not mean that you need to immediately run to the store to get them. For example, the same dumbbells can be built from improvised means, for example, by putting several heavy objects in a handbag or putting bottles of water in it.

Fortunately, the torso in men is an excellent exercise machine in itself, as lifting it stimulates the muscles.

Therefore, there are a decent number of exercises that will require the minimum of tools from the practitioner, but maximum impact.


Every workout for men at home or in the gym requires warming up all muscles to avoid injury. It often happens to young athletes that if they have a program, they immediately forget about warming up before class and this leads to various troubles. How to properly prepare to make sports fun?

  1. It all starts with warming up the neck and head, for which they perform smooth rotations in different directions for 4 sets of 4 times.
  2. Next, they stretch their arms, performing various rotational movements, but carefully and slowly so as not to dislocate the joint; This is done within a couple of minutes.
  3. Pelvic rotations and tilts follow; They must also be performed carefully and without haste for about a minute.
  4. At the end of the warm-up, you need to stand on your toes, and then rotate them in your ankle.


To maintain good physical shape, men do not have to exercise 1-2 hours a day. The sport should be completed in 30-40 minutes, no more, so that the muscles work properly, but are not overworked. This is why you don’t need to train every day at home: 3 classes a week is enough. However, it is better to perform warm-up exercises immediately after sleep throughout the week, as they will give a powerful boost of energy for the whole day.

Exercises for the back and legs

It is quite difficult to train the muscles in the spine area without special equipment, but it is possible.


The legs are spaced slightly wider than the shoulders, slightly bent at the knees. It is important to keep your back straight. Further:

  • if there is a load, then you need to use it (any bag filled with something heavy will do);
  • a forward bend is carried out, then the load on the floor is lifted with the help of the hands along with the body to the starting position;
  • after standing in tension for a couple of seconds, calmly do another 8-10 such bends;
  • complete 2-3 series.

This training element must be performed with adequate weight, otherwise men may experience problems with the vertebrae and joints.

Side bends

The starting position is the same as in the previous version, but you need to take weights in each hand, preferably their weight should be equal. After this, the body is smoothly bent to the left, then to the right. Perform 3 times for 8-10 repetitions.


They help not only develop posture in men at home, but also perfectly develop the hips. This sport element is performed smoothly and with a straight spine, 10 repetitions per approach.

Chest and arm workout

One of the main exercises at home is push-ups in various variations. This sport is very useful for muscle growth, since in men they will definitely begin to appear with the right approach and a healthy diet.

Push-ups can be:

  • from the floor;
  • from a bench or bed;
  • between two benches or chairs.

Standard push-ups develop the chest and triceps muscles in men. It is important to note here that the wider the placement of the arms, the greater the load on the sternum, and the smaller the placement, the greater the load on the arms.

Having your legs thrown up on the bed allows you to increase the load on your shoulder and forearm, allowing you to hammer them deeper. If we consider sports between two equipment (for example, chairs), then it is important to secure them well so that they do not move apart during the activity.

For the last type of push-ups, you will need to sit on one of the chairs, and then put your feet on the next one. Afterwards, the body is lowered into the space between them, and then returns to the height of the chairs. This is repeated 10-12 times in 3 episodes.

You don't need to do 40 push-ups, but it's important to do small sets of 10, since it's much better to do 4 times 10 than twice 20.

Working out in an apartment is not easy, as there are many distractions, but it is good for your health and good mood in any weather. In addition, home exercises can help on those days when it is not possible to go to the gym.

Greetings, dear readers and part-time supporters of a healthy lifestyle! Today I’ll tell you about exercises for men at home, don’t worry girls, you can use them too. I will give several complexes for all occasions, and I will also not ignore such a rapidly developing trend as CrossFit and tell you how you can do it at home!

Not everyone now who wants to get or keep in shape has the opportunity to visit the gym due to various circumstances, be it workload or a long and long business trip somewhere where there is no gym. It is for such cases that there are sets of exercises that can be done at home, in a hotel room and even on the street. Next we will figure out what they are.

A very convenient option is training with your own body weight, since it does not require any equipment costs and can be carried out anywhere, and all you need is comfortable clothing.

When training at home, do not forget to follow these rules:

  • Use rooms where there is enough space for studying
  • You should train in a well-ventilated area
  • The optimal temperature for training at home is 23⁰С
  • Before you start training, do not forget to warm up thoroughly
  • After class, do
  • Directly during training, drink enough water so as not to feel thirsty (0.5-1 l.)

Now let's go straight to the training program and start with the simplest one.

  1. Squats: 3-4 sets of 15-20 reps. To complicate the exercise, you can slow down the pace of execution: 10 seconds for the negative phase of the movement and 10 seconds for the positive one. If this load is not enough, then squat on one leg, holding onto a stable support with the other
  2. Exercise “wall”: 2-3 sets of 30-40 seconds. In this exercise you need to stand on your hands next to a wall.
  3. : 2-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions
  4. Boat exercise: 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps
  5. Pull-ups: 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps. If you can’t do pull-ups, then do a plank with your arms straight forward for 2-3 sets of 20-30 seconds.
  6. Push-ups: 3 sets of 30-40 reps
  7. Vertical push-ups: 2 sets of 8-10 reps

As you can see, this complex is designed for all muscle groups. This type of training has a name and is great for beginners, and will also be useful for experienced athletes as maintenance training. The exercises do not require the use of equipment (except perhaps a horizontal bar), but I came up with a replacement for that too. A plank with arms extended forward is an analogue of a pullover with a dumbbell, and as you know, a pullover is the basis for the latissimus dorsi muscles.

To give this complex a fat-burning effect, you need to increase its intensity. This can be done by converting the training into a circular one, performing each exercise one approach. After you complete the entire circle, rest for 30-60 seconds and repeat everything again, and so on 2-3 times. This training is perfect for losing weight, but don’t forget about nutrition!

A set of exercises for home using sports equipment

More advanced training will be using various types of sports equipment: dumbbells, jump ropes, and fitballs. Their use will expand the possibilities for fruitful training. Where you can buy them - at any sports store.

Dumbbell workout

Today I will make a training program for you with dumbbells. Go!

  1. Squats with dumbbells in hands: 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps
  2. Deadlift with dumbbells: 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps
  3. Standing calf raise with a dumbbell in your hands: 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions
  4. Standing dumbbell rows: 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps
  5. Dumbbell push-ups (similar to push-ups, but unlike them, they use stabilizer muscles): 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions
  6. Seated or standing dumbbell press: 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps
  7. Zottman Curls: 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps
  8. Overhead dumbbell extension: 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps
  9. Crunches: 2 sets to failure (to make it more difficult, you can pick up a light dumbbell)

In addition to fullbody training, there are training programs aimed at working one muscle group, for example, the pectoral muscles, back or legs. Their distinctive feature is the use of a certain range of exercises to work only the target muscle group.

For example, if you want to strengthen your back muscles, then the width and direction of your grip can be changed to shift the emphasis to certain areas of your back. Don't be discouraged if you don't have a bar, use dumbbells or an expander.

Training with an expander

An example of a complex (if everything is done correctly, your back will thank you):

  • Vertical traction of the expander to the chest

Attach the middle of the expander somewhere high so that when you sit down, its attachment point is some distance above you. Grab the handles. In the starting position, the arms with the handles should be raised up and straightened, while the expander should be slightly stretched. Next, pull the handles down towards your chest. The exercise is similar to the vertical block pull in the simulator, but only instead of a cable with a weight, an expander. Perform 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

  • Horizontal pull of the expander to the belt

The sequence of actions is the same as in the first exercise, only now the expander should be in front of you and you need to pull the handles towards your belt. An analogue is the horizontal block pull in the simulator. Perform 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

  • Extension

We step on the middle of the expander with our feet and grab the handles. Initial position: the body is tilted forward 50-60 degrees from the vertical, the lower back is straight. Slowly straighten your back, stretching the expander; when your back is fully straightened, just as slowly return to the starting position, repeat the movement. Perform 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

  • Shrugs

Step on the middle of the expander with your feet and grab the handles. The initial position of the body is at attention. For those who have not been in the army, this means the body is vertical to the floor, the fists touch the outer side of the thighs, the expander must be in a tense position. Gently pull your shoulders towards your ears and slightly squeeze your shoulder blades. There is no need to pull straight to your ears; stop halfway and return to the starting position. Perform 2-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

That’s actually the whole complex for a strong back! Do it no more than 2 times a week, as the muscles need rest.

CrossFit at home

First, let's figure out what CrossFit is. CrossFit is a currently popular sport. It is equally popular with both boys and girls. It is a separate brand and is promoted as a system of physical exercises. Incorporates elements from various sports areas. This is high-intensity training, powerlifting, and even gymnastics all rolled into one. The main goal of CrossFit is to develop ten parameters:

  • Cardiovascular endurance
  • Breathing endurance
  • Flexibility
  • Power
  • Speed
  • Coordination
  • Dexterity
  • Balance
  • Accuracy

CrossFit is characterized by high intensity, since the complex is performed without rest for a strictly defined period of time. For example, you select 4-5 exercises and do them one after another, as in circuit training, but you do not rest after each circuit, but try to complete the maximum number of circuits in a certain amount of time, say 20 minutes. As you can see, you have to work hard!

Well, we’ve sorted it out, now let’s talk about what can come out of all this at home.

I note that the exercises here have specific names, as they were invented by the Americans. Let's go over them.

  • Burpee. , knees should touch your chest. Throw your legs back, taking a prone position, then return to the starting position and jump up as much as possible. Afterwards, return to the starting position again.
  • Kipping. Essentially, simple pull-ups, but they need to be done as quickly as possible, so we perform pull-ups with a jerk.
  • Leg lift. Hang on the bar and lift your legs bent at the knees towards your stomach, you need to do this as quickly as possible and without swinging. .
  • Explosive squats. They differ from regular squats only in that the moment you stand up, you must jump up with all your might. At the same time, your hands should be above your head at all times.
  • Explosive push-ups. Just like regular push-ups, but as you rise, push your arms up so that your palms come off the floor.

An example of a CrossFit workout at home (it’s better, of course, that there are no neighbors downstairs):

  1. Burpees - 15 reps
  2. Kipping – 15 reps
  3. Leg raises – 15 reps

Complete as many circles as possible in 20 minutes.

So that you don't get bored, I'll give you another complex:

  1. Burpees – 15 reps
  2. Explosive push-ups – 15 reps
  3. Explosive Squats – 15 reps
  4. Leg raises – 15 reps


Due to the variety of types of workouts, as well as even more exercises that can be done at home, there is no need to worry about not being able to go to the gym. What can we say, even if you can do CrossFit at home! So friends, everything is in your hands!

With this, I will say goodbye to you and ask you to subscribe to the blog and share, share and once again share useful things with your friends on social networks. See you soon!

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Contrary to popular belief, training at home can also be very useful and effective. They are suitable for those people who do not plan to gain a lot of muscle, but just want to pump up.

Home bodyweight workouts for men

Many people are sure that they can build muscles only with the help of sports equipment. At the same time, using your own weight can be no less effective. This requires a proper home workout program for men. But you must understand that in this case you will not be able to gain a lot of muscle mass. But keeping yourself in good shape will be ideal. It also makes sense to exercise with your own weight for beginner athletes who do not yet have muscles.

Bodyweight training is also perfect for girls. However, if you are an experienced athlete, but are on a business trip, you can stay in shape with a home weight training program for men. The presented set of exercises is aimed at developing all the muscles of the body. It will help you not only maintain muscle tone, but also burn fat, which is very important for girls.

  1. Push ups. This movement allows you to actively develop the muscles of the upper body. When performing it, the triceps, chest muscles, and stabilizers are involved in the work. And also the anterior deltas. First you need to increase the number of repetitions, and then you will have to find an opportunity to use weights. Let's say a backpack with a load can help you with this.
  2. Push-ups between chairs. The movement allows you to strengthen your triceps and there is no need to use special sports equipment for this. Just place two chairs (bedside tables) next to each other and perform the movement. It is important to choose items that are as durable as possible.
  3. Incline push-ups. The movement is performed similarly to classic push-ups, but the legs must be placed on an elevated platform. As a result, the main load will fall on the chest muscles.
  4. Pull-ups. An excellent movement that allows you to effectively work out the latissimus dorsi muscles. When you can perform 12 repetitions, you should start using weights.
  5. Pull-ups, reverse grip. The technique is similar to the previous exercise, but you need to use a reverse grip with your palms facing you. The movement helps develop the biceps.
  6. Hyperextension. With this movement you will be able to strengthen the muscles of the lower back, buttocks, and thighs. To perform it, special exercise equipment is used, but at home you can use a bed. The frame should hang over the edge of the bed at waist level and you will need a helper to hold your feet and prevent you from falling.
  7. Squats. If you work with your own weight, then you should go as low as possible. The quadriceps and buttock muscles are actively involved in the movement.
  8. Lunges. An excellent exercise for the leg muscles. To make it more difficult, use dumbbells.
  9. Calf raises. Develops the calf muscles and to make it more difficult you should use dumbbells or another type of weights.

#1 weight training program for men

If you decide to train at home, then you must adhere to the same bodybuilding principles that are used in the gym. First of all, you need a home workout program for men, which you need to follow in the future. We will look at an example of such a program below. At home, if you have sports equipment (you should have dumbbells, or even better, an additional barbell), you can train almost as effectively as in the gym.

Of course, it will take time for you to see the results of your workouts, but training in the gym cannot bring instant results. Beginning athletes should work on all muscle groups in each session for several months. Then you need to divide the body into several groups, which should be trained on a separate day. Let's look at an example of a home workout program for men.

Day 1 of the training - pumps up the muscles of the arms, back and chest

  • Push-ups - perform 2 sets, each with 10 to 12 repetitions.
  • Push-ups between supports - perform 4 sets each, of which there will be from 15 to 18 repetitions.
  • One-arm push-ups - perform 3 sets each, with 8 to 12 repetitions.
  • Push-ups, wide arms - perform 3 sets, each of which will have from 8 to 12 repetitions.
  • Push-ups, narrow hand position - perform 2 sets, each of which will have from 6 to 10 repetitions.
Day 2 of training - leg muscles are pumped
  • Squats - Perform 4 sets, each with 10 to 12 reps.
  • Lunges - perform 3 sets, each of which will have from 10 to 12 repetitions.
  • Standing calf raises - perform 3 sets, each with 15 to 20 repetitions.
3rd day of training - abdominal muscles are pumped
  • Lying leg raises - perform 4 sets, each of which will have 20 repetitions.
  • Lifting the body in a lying position - perform 4 sets, each of which will have from 20 to 30 repetitions.

Training program No. 2 with weights for men

As an example, we will give another complex that can be effective not only for beginner athletes.

1st day of training

On this day we work on the biceps. Select the weight of the dumbbells so that you can perform the specified number of sets and repetitions. At the same time, the last repetitions should be difficult for you.

  • Bicep Curls - Perform 5 to 7 sets, each with 20 to 25 reps.
  • “Hammers” - perform from 3 to 5 sets, each of which will have from 15 to 25 repetitions.
2nd day of training

This is a day to work on the chest muscles and we will actively work on all three sections of this group. All movements must be performed at a slow pace.

  • Push-ups - perform 5 to 7 sets, each with 15 to 35 repetitions.
  • Incline push-ups - perform 3 to 5 sets, each with 15 to 30 repetitions.
  • Bench push-ups - perform 3 to 5 sets, each with 15 to 30 repetitions.
3rd day of training

After the first two training days, you need to rest for 24 hours. The third training day is devoted to working on the muscles of the shoulder girdle or deltoids. Thanks to the use of three exercises, you can effectively work out all sections of the deltas.

  • Seated Dumbbell Press - Perform 5 to 6 sets of 20 to 25 reps each.
  • Dumbbell lateral raises - perform from 3 to 5 sets, each of which will have from 15 to 25 repetitions.
  • Dumbbell front raises - perform 3 to 5 sets, each with 15 to 25 repetitions.
4th day of training

Now you have to work on your back muscles and the main movement will be pull-ups.

  • Pull-ups - perform 5 to 8 sets to failure.
  • Incline Dumbbell Rows - Perform 3 to 5 sets of 15 to 20 reps each.
  • Shrugs - perform 4 to 7 sets, each with 20 to 25 repetitions.
5th day of training

Again, after two days of training, we give the body a day of rest and begin to develop the triceps.

  • Push-ups, narrow hand position - perform from 5 to 7 sets, each of which will have from 15 to 25 repetitions.
  • Reverse bench push-ups - Perform 4 to 5 sets, each with 20 to 50 repetitions.
  • Overhead arm extensions with dumbbells - perform 3 to 5 sets, each with 15 to 20 repetitions.
6th day of training

This is the final day of the training program, aimed at developing leg muscles. After this, you rest for a day, and the program is repeated from the beginning.

  • Weighted Squats - Perform 5 to 6 sets of 20 to 25 reps each.
  • Dumbbell rows, legs straight - perform 4 to 5 sets, each with 15 to 20 repetitions.
For more information about training at home for men, see here: