Literary reading lesson “Ovsey Driz “The Very Tall Man” (2nd grade). The Tale of a Big Man

The cartoon was created in the Soyuzmultfilm studio based on the work of Ovsey Driz. The main character is a very tall man, whom everyone looks at as a curiosity. They do not understand him and avoid him. On top of everything else, he is also a dreamer, which is why he himself does not strive to become like everyone else. But whatever one may say, a very tall man will have to get along with the townspeople and find happiness. And it can’t be any other way, because this is a fairy tale.

For fans of modern cinema who decide to watch The Tale of a Very Tall Man online in good quality, at first the cartoon may seem a little gloomy. It really lacks a little color, but considering that the film has long since passed thirty years and that the authors focused specifically on the meaning of the animated film, it is a must see. The main character is a very tall man. He spends most of his time alone and, even being among people, he does not feel comfortable. And while others are absorbed in their own affairs, the main character is immersed in himself. He looks thoughtfully at the sky and dreams. Residents are trying to find something for him to do. So, the baker invites him to bake a bun, and at first everything goes according to plan, but the dreamer forgets about the baked goods and an entire fire brigade has to put it out. But the cartoon The Tale of a Very Tall Man is not about confusion and a loser, it is about something completely different. The truth will be revealed at the end of the picture, and it will be instructive.

Although the target audience of this cartoon is children, it will also be useful for adults. There are only a few people who do what they love, while the rest are forced to put up with their lives and work day after day at a job they hate. The main character is in constant search; he cannot do what the townspeople impose on him. He knows that he was created for something more, and he follows his dream, although he himself does not fully suspect what he needs. How this search will end, whether the tall guy will be able to fulfill his dream, you will only find out if you watch online The Tale of a Very Tall Man. The voices of the characters in the cartoon are not heard, however, it is understandable even without words. See for yourself.

The cartoon was created in the Soyuzmultfilm studio based on the work of Ovsey Driz. The main character is a very tall man, whom everyone looks at as a curiosity. They do not understand him and avoid him. On top of everything else, he is also a dreamer, which is why he himself does not strive to become like everyone else. But whatever one may say, a very tall man will have to get along with the townspeople and find happiness. And it wouldn’t be any other way

In one country, it seems in Denmark, there lived a Very Tall Man. He could, without standing on tiptoes, look out of a window on any floor.

He wanted to become a baker. But all the furnaces in Denmark were up to his knees. And to look into the oven, he had to squat down. This was, of course, very inconvenient. No, he could not keep track of the rolls and bagels, what was being done with them there in the oven. And no matter how much he asked:

All the same, the bagels and saits did not obey and burned. And no one bought them, they were so dirty.

The Very Tall Man had to become a cab driver.

Clack, click, click!.. New stroller, good horse.

But, sitting on the box, he touched the clouds with his head and this made them very angry. And angry clouds poured cold rain on him and all the passengers. And no matter how much he asked:

no, and the clouds did not obey him. People stopped riding in his carriage. And he remained idle. And who doesn’t know that when a person is idle, the stupidest thoughts come into his head.

So, to prevent stupid thoughts from entering his head, the Very Tall Man put on a large hat. So large that firefighters could calmly walk in its wide fields and make sure that there was no fire in the city, it seems in Copenhagen.

But the mischievous boys did not give the Man peace. In the evenings they shouted under the window:

And the Very Tall Man became very sad. All day long he wandered alone through the sad outskirts of the city, considering himself the most unfortunate person in the world.

One day, when he was resting on the sad edge of a sad forest, a storm arose. A strong wind shook the trees so much that here and there fledgling chicks fell from nests above. And when the wind died down, the Man saw that the mother birds were anxiously circling over their children and could not do anything. After all, the chicks did not yet know how to fly. And then the Man carefully picked up the chicks in the grass and put them all back into their nests. Downy beds. He was very tall.

And so that the frightened chicks could sleep peacefully, he began to tell them fairy tales.

This is how the Very Tall Man became happy. All his life he told the fledgling chicks

My mother told me many of these tales. All mothers know the tales of the Very Tall Man. And if you really, really ask your mother, she will tell you them.

Translated from Yiddish by G. Sapgir

Driz O., fairy tale "A Very Tall Man"

Genre: literary fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "The Very Tall Man" and their characteristics

  1. A very tall man. Kind and responsive. I was looking for my way in life, I wanted to be useful.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "The Very Tall Man"
  1. Somewhere in Denmark
  2. Very tall baker
  3. Very tall cab driver
  4. Very big hat
  5. Very nasty boys
  6. Very strong storm
  7. Very good tales
  8. Very happy man
The shortest summary of the fairy tale “A Very Tall Man” for a reader’s diary in 6 sentences
  1. There lived a very tall man in Denmark.
  2. He wanted to become a baker, but the rolls burned all the time because he had to bend over so much
  3. He wanted to become a cab driver, but the clouds were angry and poured rain on everyone
  4. He wore a huge hat, but the boys teased him.
  5. He helped the chicks return to their nests and began to tell them stories.
  6. A very tall man became happy
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "A Very Tall Man"
If a person benefits others and does good deeds, then he himself will be happy.

What does the fairy tale “The Very Tall Man” teach?
The fairy tale teaches you to look for your place in life, to look for something that will bring joy to a person and benefit others. Teaches never to despair and not to listen to stupid ridicule. Teaches that any apparent disadvantage can be turned into your main advantage.

Review of the fairy tale "A Very Tall Man"
I liked this fairy tale, and of course I liked the tall man. It doesn’t matter how tall he really was. It is important that he always helped others and was loved for this.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "A Very Tall Man"
Whoever is longer knows best.
It is not the place that makes the person, but the person the place.
Life is given for good deeds.
Living life is not a field to cross.
Helping a kind person is not at a loss.

Read a summary, a brief retelling of the fairy tale "The Very Tall Man"
Somewhere in Denmark there lived a very tall man who could easily look into a window on any floor.
One day he decided to become a baker, but it was very inconvenient for him to bake buns, because he always had to squat near the oven. And the buns constantly burned and no one wanted to buy them.
Then a very tall man wanted to become a cab driver, but when he sat on the box, his head touched the clouds and he really didn’t like it. The clouds became angry and poured rain on the ground and passengers. A very tall man asked the clouds not to play pranks, but they did not listen to him and the passengers stopped riding in his carriage.
Then a very tall man put on such a large hat, with such a huge brim, that firefighters could walk along it and see if there was a fire somewhere. But the stupid boys teased the very tall man with towers, and the man became sad. He began to consider himself the most unfortunate person in the world.
One day he was resting on the edge of the forest and suddenly a terrible storm began. She threw many little chicks out of their nests and their parents screamed sadly as they flew around.
A very tall man put the chicks in their nests and, in order to calm the birds, began to tell them fairy tales.
And the very tall man became happy. All his life he told birds fairy tales, and we know many of his tales.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "The Very Tall Man"

Once upon a time there was one very big man in the world - the Giant. Well, of course, he had both a mother and a father, as expected - Giants. They lived and lived until their parents died. And then a terrible flood began in that country, and many of the giants who still managed to escape had to seek refuge in other places. Well, maybe someone was lucky, I don’t know... But our little Giant ended up miraculously in the country of ordinary people. Well, how are you and I...

How long or how short did it pass - our Giant grew up, became a sprout more and more... And people, some with envy, some with apprehension, and some with outright malice, looked askance at the grown-up Giant. He instilled fear in them with his size, his incomprehensibility, his thoughtfulness...

And this only made the Giant more thoughtful and sadder... He had no peers with whom he could play... Nobody loved him...

And the giant began to think... He thought for a long time. But even though the Giants have a big head, they still have one... But I still thought of something for myself.

And the Giant began to adapt to human life... He decided that since people could not grow to his size, he needed to become smaller. So that everything would be like that of other people.

And so he began to slowly cut off pieces of himself and hide them in different places... Far away, so that no one would find or guess. Of course, it was painful for him to cut off the living things from himself... But where could he go? How else could he become like everyone else?

So he hid everything like that... and walked around... what had been cut off hurt, oh, how it hurt! but he endured. For this, people began to accept him as one of their own. Well, not too much, but the Giant even became friends with someone... So he lived like that...

So everything would have been fine if not for one concern. The pain was not enough for him and the fact that the cut pieces were now living on their own, and separately... But no! His body continued to grow.
The more he cut off, the more it grew, the more it hurt... He was already exhausted, poor, and the white light became not pleasant to him...


And I don’t know how long he would have suffered like this, but one day he met a little girl. And she was the simplest and most ordinary girl, although she had a kind heart. And she was not afraid of anything - because she had nothing. So she saw our big man, who was pretending to be small - and she wanted to play with him. But the big man had no time for games at all - everything hurt, and he ached every time he moved... And then the girl noticed how sad the Giant was... And she began to question him.

For a long time he didn’t want to tell the Little Girl anything - it’s not like a Giant to talk about his problems! And how could such a little girl help him...

But a miracle happened - the little girl finally managed to get the Giant to talk. He was very surprised. And the girl was surprised - how did she even notice that he was sad? And he surprised himself - why did he tell her this? But the Giant noticed that he felt better. Well, of course, the wounds still hurt and sometimes bled. But the Giant noticed that the sun was still shining in the sky, that the grass on the lawn was surprisingly bright green, and that even with the wounds you could play a little with the girl, this distracted from the pain.

And the girl was horrified at how the giant disfigured himself - and all just so that he would be loved at least a little... And the girl felt pain for him, and it was insulting - well, why is such a big man - and lets himself be insulted... Here she is Even though she’s a little girl, she doesn’t allow anyone to hurt her! And the Little Girl thought - how could she help the Giant?

And she thought - what stupid people! Why are they afraid of such a kind Giant! After all, if he were himself - that is, a Giant - then he could bring much more benefit to people. And then they would respect him more. Or maybe they even loved - who knows...

Although she understood the Giant why he was doing this, she believed that he was doing the wrong thing, disfiguring himself for the sake of the imaginary well-being of others. So I told him about it.

And our Giant began to think. He thinks for a day, two, three...

It would probably be nice to become a real Giant, and not a cut-down... Then nothing would hurt. And it could bring more benefits to people. Or maybe he would even decide to go traveling - to look for Giants like himself...

But soon the fairy tale will tell - but it won’t be done soon... So he’s still thinking. And we can’t help him here.



Although she understood the Giant why he was doing this, she believed that he was doing the wrong thing...(c)

With your permission I will continue:

Still, the Little Girl took into her heart the good wishes of the Giant,
after all, she also wanted to be useful to people.
She thought a lot about how she and the Giant could live in this world and finally realized
that you shouldn’t figure out exactly how to benefit people,
you just need to do what you love,
and people, observing them, will themselves glean what is useful to them,
After all, you can’t put too much into a vessel...

This is the most touching fairy tale I have ever read...
Thank you very much, dear Golden Bird!
With warmth of heart, Yours

Thank you!
I finished writing the beginning of my continuation... The ending is not yet in sight... Apparently, the fairy tale will be long...

How much time has passed since then, but the Giant began to notice that memories were coming to him more and more often.

About his former life, about mom and dad, and in general about the land of giants.
And he remembered that he had one great Friend THERE, in this wonderful magical country. Only he couldn’t remember what his name was. And so I remembered everything - what they talked about, what they argued about, what they did, for the most part they got along, but sometimes they didn’t get along...

Our Giant was compliant and did not insist strongly on his opinion. And Drut was a little older than him, and taller...
Only sometimes, no, no, and our boy rebelled against his Friend. He didn't always like the way he acted. He was a bit arrogant, his friend. And so good. And they lived like water then.