Michael Jackson biography personal. Michael Jackson in his youth

15 Grammy Awards, 13 Guinness World Records, 1 billion albums sold, 2 stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, 13 #1 hits in the US and more than 500 prestigious music and charity awards. It's not hard to guess who we're talking about. In 2009, the pop music icon, master of fiery rhythms, dance genius, composer and main musical provocateur of the 20th century left us. The one and only Michael Jackson. The music magazine site invites you to remember the brightest moments of his career.

Michael Joseph Jackson was born on August 29, 1958, to Joseph Jackson and Catherine Scruse. In addition to Michael, the Jackson couple had 5 sons: Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon and Randy, as well as 3 daughters: Rabbit, La Toya and Janet. The entire large family huddled in a tiny house with 3 bedrooms. Michael's father, Joseph Jackson, or simply "Joe", was a crane operator. He had a boundless love for music and was even a member of the R&B group The Falcons, however, he never managed to achieve success in this field. But the whole district had heard about his tough character and stern principles in raising children. In one of his future interviews, Michael openly admits that his father brutally beat him for the slightest offense, believing that thereby he was helping him grow up “disciplined.” In addition, the failed musician always tried to morally suppress his children, especially Michael. “My father always said that I had a huge, ugly nose, which made me feel like a freak,” Michael recalled in his 1993 interview with Oprah Winfrey. “And one night he climbed into my brothers and I’s bedroom with a scary mask on his face. So he wanted to teach us to close the windows before going to bed. For the next three years, I woke up from nightmares in which I was kidnapped from my own bed ... "

In 1964, Michael joined the Jackson Brothers group, founded by the head of the family. Soon the group renamed The Jackson 5, and the main vocal parts began to go to 8-year-old Michael more and more often. It was then that the first success came to the group. The team became more and more popular thanks to the unique vocals of Jackson Jr.

In just a few years, from a provincial band performing at city festivals, The Jackson turned into superstars with more than 100 million albums sold and fame in all countries from the USA to Japan. Most famous song the collective still remains the canonical “I’ll Be There”.

Michael's first solo work was the album “Off the Wall,” produced by 27-time Grammy Award winner Quincy Jones. One of the most beautiful compositions of this multi-platinum record was “She’s Out Of My Life”. In support of this single, a simple but very touching music video was shot, which won the hearts of a million American girls.

Many music critics They called the disc “Off the Wall” a beautiful end to the disco era. More aggressive music began to come into fashion. This trend did not bypass Michael. He spent more than 2 and a half years in the studio with the producer of his first record. The result of their collaboration was the album “Thriller”, the title single of which was the song “ The Girl Is Mine.” The composition became the first collaboration between two legends - Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney.

A few months later, Jackson presented to the public his second single, the song “Billie Jean”. Interesting fact: The future worldwide hit was initially rejected by Quincy Jones as “not good enough.” However, Michael’s musical instincts did not fail him, and he persuaded the short-sighted producer to give the song a chance.

As a result, the song became one of the most successful singles not only in the career of the King of Pop, but also throughout its existence music industry. The composition took first place in several major music charts, including the Billboard Hot 100 and the UK singles Chart. The next single, “Beat It,” was officially released on Valentine's Day, February 14, 1983. The subsequent music video became the first in a series of “mini-movie clips from Michael Jackson.” And of course, the song easily topped the aforementioned Billboard Hot 100.

The single of the same name was the perfect ending to the “Thriller” era. The extended version of the album’s video is approaching 115 million views on the popular video hosting site YouTube.

Without exaggeration, this clip can be called “historical.” The legendary choreography of this video gave rise to a phenomenon called “zombie-dance” (zombie dance), and the images invented by Michael remain relevant as before, being reflected in the work of many contemporary artists.

In 1985, Michael became one of the authors of the charity single “We Are” the World”, which aims to attract public attention to the problem of poverty in Africa. Such world stars as Lionel Richie, Tina Turner, Diana Ross, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen and, of course, Michael himself took part in the recording of the composition.

The success of the single exceeded all expectations. Four Grammy Awards, including for “ Best song of the year". “We Are The World” went to number one in more than ten countries and sold over 20 million copies, making it one of the best-selling singles in music history. All money from the sale of the song was sent to help starving children in African countries.

Next great success Michael’s album was “Bad”. As many as five singles from this long play managed to take first place on the Billboard Hot 100, which is still an absolute record among male performers. But first things first. The first big hit of the album was the song “Bad”.

Many then expressed the opinion that this song became a kind of response to gossip and Michael’s many ill-wishers. And this version sounds quite convincing, given the interest with which the topic of “Jackson’s changing skin color” was discussed in the press that year.

The album “Bad” amazed with its diversity. Incendiary dance hits here quite successfully coexisted with lyrical compositions. One of the most expressive songs on the entire album turned out to be “Man In the Mirror”.

Song after song, Michael became more and more daring and independent. He experimented with genres and, as it turned out, very successfully. His rock experiment “Dirty Diana” instantly won the top lines of the world music charts.

Jackson never stopped improving his dancing skills. And after the release of the music video for the track “Smooth Criminal”, millions of people were convinced that Michael had no equal in dance.

The success of the album was phenomenal. Diamond status in the US and platinum in all European countries cemented “Bad” as one of the most successful records in the world.

In 1988, Michael’s autobiography, the book “Moonwalk,” was published, which reveals previously unknown and sometimes shocking details of the star’s childhood and youth. The memoir became a global bestseller in less than a year, selling 250,000 copies.

Spiteful critics argued that after such a successful album, Michael was unlikely to record anything as talented. But Jackson, breaking all stereotypes, again released a brilliant album. The “Dangerous” album still has a cult status, backed by 50 million copies sold. The album was foreshadowed by a track called “Black Or White”. Star guest The music video for this composition was made by the charming boy from the movie “Home Alone” Makalay Culkin. “Black Or White” is considered an unspoken anthem of tolerance and equality.

In the music video for Jackson's next hit, the song “Remember the Time,” the role of the emperor was played by the famous comedian Eddie Murphy. To date, this video has more than 33 million views on YouTube.

One of the main hits of the album is the composition “In the Closet”. It was after the video for this song global recognition received by aspiring model Naomi Campbell.

The album is not complete without dance action scenes. The track “Jam” became the main hit of the summer of 1992, conquering the dance floors of America and Europe.

The composition “Heal the World”, the sixth single of the record, became a kind of solo remake of the song “We Are the World”. The lyrics of the song again reminded people of world problems: wars, famine and AIDS.

In 1993, Michael found himself at the center of a disgusting scandal - he was accused of child molestation. The parents of a certain Jordan Chandler contacted the police with a statement alleging that Jackson had sexually harassed a 13-year-old boy. Such monstrous accusations seriously damaged the artist’s health. The result of the case was a settlement agreement under which Michael paid the Chandler family $22 million. In 2009, 16 years after the proceedings, the same Jordan Chandler admitted in an interview that he slandered the singer under pressure from his father, who later committed suicide. The trial, troubled personal life and public censure could not but affect Jackson's work. In June 1995, he released perhaps his most emotional and intense album, “HIStory”.

The album's lead single was a duet between Michael and his sister Janet, a song called “Scream,” the music video for which became the most expensive in history. Its creation cost the singer approximately $7 million.

The second single of the record, the song “ You Are“Not Alone” set a world record by debuting straight from number one on the Billboard Hot 100. Years later, music critics would call it "one of the most inspiring songs of all time."

In November 1995, one of the most important and most important important songs in Jackson's career, the composition “Earth Song”. Song in Once again raised burning issues: deforestation, air pollution, extermination rare species animals.

Another highly social single was the song “They Don’t Care About Us.” It really can be called scandalous, because the lyrics clearly pointed to imperfection political system in the USA and the rest of the world. As a result, more than 80 million views on YouTube.

The final, sixth single was the song “Stranger In Moscow”.

In 1997, the remix album “Blood on the Dance Floor: HIStory in the Mix” was released, the title single of which was the song of the same name. In the music video for “Blood On the Dance Floor,” Jackson showed off his consistently great dance skills.

Michael's last work was the album “Invincible”. “You Rock the World” was chosen as the first single of the new product.

Unfortunately, despite the success of the album, Jackson quickly curtailed the promotional campaign, limiting himself to three singles. The most favorite song for fans was “Whatever Happens”. The guitar parts in this song were performed by Carlos Santana himself.

Since 2002, Michael disappeared from television screens for the first time. Some close associates claimed that during this time period he recorded more than a hundred songs for his grand comeback. In the spring of 2009, the first rehearsals for the “This Is It” tour began, which promised to become the most ambitious event in the history of music.

But the dreams of millions of fans were not destined to come true. On June 25, 2009, Michael's heart stopped forever. Official reason The legend's death was caused by a lethal dose of a drug called propofol. Internet media (in particular Twitter) were the first to notify fans of the death of their idol. The news became a nightmare for many millions of fans of Jackson's work. His death was the biggest shock to the public since the September 11 attacks. Many famous artists decided to honor the artist’s memory, but perhaps the troupe of the world famous Cirque du Soleil did it best. In memory of Michael, a whole tour appeared called “Michael Jackson The Immortal World Tour”.

Michael Jackson is the most great artist in the history of mankind. His incredible achievements will forever remain an unattainable bar for all his followers. Of course, his contribution to the development of modern pop music is simply invaluable! He has become an idol for most mainstream artists of our time, such as Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Beyoncé and Lady Gaga. It is impossible to express in words the emotions that cover you while listening to timeless hits. His dance moves became the basis of modern choreography. And is it possible to tell a story? modern dance without mentioning the branded " moonwalk"Michael?! All this makes Michael a unique artist, who has never been, is not, and never will be equal. But this is only part of his merits - albeit a significant one, but still a part.

First of all, he was a man with with a huge heart. His charitable foundations prevented millions of young children living in lagging African countries from starving to death. In total, for your creative activity he has donated more than $300 million to charity, more than any other person on the planet can boast of. But any amount, no matter how large, becomes insignificant against the background of how selflessly Jackson lived his life, devoting himself entirely to maintaining world peace.

They say that great people do not live long because they invest all their strength and emotions into creativity. Well, it really is. Michael lived a short but incredibly productive life. Of course, his good name will be remembered for a very, very long time, because such people are not born every day. Michael Jackson's contemporaries should be infinitely happy that they lived at the same time as the legend.

Rest in peace, King. Everlasting memory.

Even 8 years after his death, Michael Jackson is still the most successful pop artist in the history of the music industry. Total The singer's albums, compilations and singles sold amount to one billion copies. Through his activities, the artist made an invaluable contribution to world development video clips, music, choreography and fashion. In addition, Michael Jackson in his youth took part in the film adaptation of the musical “Wiz”, feature films"Miss Robinson", "Moonwalk" and "Men in Black 2".


The boy was born on August 29, 1958 in the Katherine family and decided to name him Michael. The future musician was born in the town of Gary. In 2003, his father publicly admitted to the moral and physical humiliation on his part that all ten of his children, including Michael Jackson, faced. The child suffered beatings, intimidation and insults, which developed into nightmares. In an interview with Oprah Winfrey, Michael said that communicating with Joseph made him vomit and cry from a feeling of helplessness and loneliness. Despite this, the singer tried to justify his father’s cruel actions by saying that he wanted to teach his son discipline, which would help him become the best of the best.

In 1964, the brothers of the future artist created Music band The Jackson 5. The guys performed in the genre of disco, soul and rock and roll and played the tambourine and conga. Some time later in the same year, Michael Jackson joined the group. The child had little experience performing at Christmas concerts in front of his classmates. Later, Michael tried himself as a dancer and backing vocalist.

The artist's youth

Since 1966, Jackson has toured extensively with his brothers in the Midwest. Four years later, The Jackson 5's singles topped the American Billboard Hot 100 chart. Despite the fact that Michael was the youngest in the group, it was to him that the public's attention was drawn thanks to his dance moves and manner of performance, which were unusual for that time.

While he was involved with The Jackson 5, the singer managed to release four solo albums. Michael Jackson achieved stunning results in the world of music in his youth. The ballad Ben from his second album, which he dedicated to his pet rat, topped the charts in the early 70s.

personal life, religion

The artist's amazing talent brought him hundreds of awards, including 15 Grammy statuettes. Jackson is listed in the Guinness Book of Records 25 times. The artist was on friendly terms with many celebrities, including Whitney Houston, Macaulay Culkin, Elton John and Princess Diana of Wales.

Michael was married to Elvis Presley's daughter Lisa Marie from 1994 to 1996. After the divorce, they remained good friends, as evidenced by the HIStory tour, in which a woman accompanied the singer, despite the fact that he was married to Debbie Rowe. From his second marriage, the artist has a daughter and a son - Paris and Prince.

Michael Jackson was a Jehovah's Witness in his youth. As a child, Catherine's mother encouraged him to study the Bible and attend sermons. As a sign of protest, Jackson refused to celebrate Christmas, Easter and his own birthday. The singer's brother, Jermaine, is a supporter of Islam. He often gave Michael books about his religion in the hope that faith would ease his struggle with many illnesses.

Solo career of the King of Pop

Thriller is the best-selling album in music history. The album included such hits as Billie Jean, P.Y.T., and song The Girl Is Mine, which was created by Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson. The albums Bad and Dangerous became almost as successful as Thriller.

At the end of January 1984, Michael took part in the filming of a Pepsi commercial. During this process, the artist's hair caught fire from pyrotechnic devices. He received 3rd degree burns. A terrifying incident became the impetus for the development of vitiligo. Michael Jackson, whose black skin color was one of his many features, began to partially turn white. But, despite the next life difficulties, he continued to do his life's work.

After his death, the artist's family entered into a contract with the Sony label to release ten records, the songwriter of which was Michael Jackson. The albums Michael (2010) and Xscape (2014) turned out much better than fans expected. The latest album includes the song Love Never Felt So Good, recorded in two versions: solo and in a duet with Justin Timberlake.


Michael Jackson in his youth provoked negative comments about music videos with his explicit dance moves. Some time later former reason for a stormy scandal, it became a feature and an integral part of the singer’s choreography.

In 1993, Michael was accused of sexually assaulting thirteen-year-old Jordan Chandler. The situation was resolved with $22 million, which Jackson paid to the boy's family. Ten years later, the parents of thirteen-year-old Gavin Arvizo accused the artist of drugging and groping children. In 2005, the court acquitted Jackson, as it was proven that the accusers sought to quickly enrich themselves at the expense of the singer. After the artist’s death, Jordan Chandler stated that his father forced him to slander Michael for the sake of huge compensation. By the way, after the failed deception, the negligent parent committed suicide.

Appearance and plastic surgery

Michael Jackson experienced many problems with physical and mental health. The black skin color became pale due to the disease vitiligo, which was diagnosed in 1986. The illness forced the artist to hide from sunlight using multi-layered clothing, umbrellas and masks.

According to the singer's autobiography, apart from rhinoplasty and adding a dimple on his chin, he did nothing else. However, surgeons claim that Michael Jackson in his youth, before surgery, had a different shape to his forehead, lips and cheekbones. The artist’s mother asked her son to stop adjusting his appearance and believed that he was addicted to plastic surgery. Michael himself attributed the changes in facial features to weight loss, puberty and a change in hairstyle.

Grueling vegetarian diets brought Jackson’s weight to 48 kg with a height of 175 cm. By the end of the 80s, the artist gained a little weight, but in 1993, due to worries about being unfairly accused of child molestation, he practically stopped eating and lost even more weight. Two years later, he was hospitalized due to a panic attack, abnormal heart rhythm, gastrointestinal inflammation, dehydration and abnormal liver and kidney function. It should be noted that none of Jackson’s doctors found any drugs in his blood.

Their last years the musician lived with an addiction to painkillers, could not speak clearly and could barely remember the names of loved ones and the titles of his recent albums.

Singer's death and funeral

The favorite of millions died on June 25, 2009. As it was established by the investigation, death was due to an overdose of Propofol. Attempts to resuscitate Michael continued. more than an hour and were unsuccessful. A post-mortem autopsy found that Jackson had a strong heart and a normal weight for his height. The most serious problem turned out to be chronic pneumonia, although this was not the cause of death. Ze'ev Kane, doctor University of California, reviewed the autopsy and said that his overall health was within normal limits.

On the eve of the artist’s death, Christopher Rogers, who was the head of a group of forensic experts, claimed that in Lately Jackson was in good health and called him a murder victim. The funeral ceremony took place on September 3, 2009 at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Los Angeles.

Celebrity biographies


29.08.14 10:01

He began working on stage very early and reached unimaginable heights in his career. The name of this star is associated with scandals and fads; millions of fans still do not want to believe in his death.

Biography of Michael Jackson

Deprived of childhood

Little Michael was taught discipline by his father. And he did it quite cruelly. But perhaps it was precisely those trials and humiliations that befell the child that made him so persistent in achieving his goal and helped him in his career.

There were nine children in the Jackson family, Michael was born the seventh. He was five when the boy began performing in front of his peers in holiday concerts, and seven when he joined the family band The Jacksons, founded by his older brothers.

The boy danced, played several instruments, and was a backing vocalist. The musicians traveled around cities and villages, performing in nightclubs. Soon Michael became the soloist, and the group received a different name - “The Jackson 5”. The little vocalist was only 8 when his ensemble won a talent competition. This was the start to national recognition. Already in 1970, their compositions topped the charts.

On the way to a solo career

Tours across America and albums released by the group consolidated their success, but gradually it became clear who the reason for this sudden fame was. It was Michael that the public's eyes were directed at - his dance movements were enchanting, it was Michael that everyone listened to - he performed almost all the songs. A turning point came, and the seventh Jackson child realized that he had to build his career on his own. His solo records and singles (such as “Got to Be There”) quickly gained popularity, and this was the beginning of his path to worldwide love and fame.

On the set of a film based on Baum's book about the Wizard of Oz (in which Michael played the role of the Scarecrow), he met the star, Diana Ross, and director Jones. It was this man who would later become the producer of the singer’s most famous discs.

Zenith of glory

The first was “Off the Wall” (it was released a year after the shooting of the film) and “overcame” a circulation of 20 million. But “Thriller”, born 3 years later, was the best-selling album on the planet. The collection earned 7 Grammys.

The premiere of the “Thriller” video clip took place in 1983. The author presented it at the Motown Records anniversary. The audience roared with delight - the singer had such energy, everyone was delighted by the “moonwalk” demonstrated that evening, which later became famous.

Since then, Jackson's work has firmly established itself at the top of the charts - everything the artist touched turned to gold. He was not greedy - a significant portion of the proceeds went to charity.

The album “Bad” stayed at the top of the Billboard 200 for 6 weeks. 29 million copies - this circulation sold out instantly. And in 1988, the singer’s fans waited for his first tour, which took place in fifteen countries.

Beginning of the End

It was the appearance in the video for the song “Bad” that gave rise to many rumors. Everyone noticed that the skin of the idol of millions had brightened greatly. The singer himself claimed that it was to blame rare disease, which occurs on an immune basis and is fraught with the appearance of white spots throughout the body - vitiligo. The disease was allegedly provoked by burns received in January 1984 (this happened on the set of a Pepsi commercial). It was from that terrible day that the countdown of plastic surgery and painkillers began.

Along with crushing fame came the desire to be in public less (not at concerts, but in my personal life). Only at his personal Neverland ranch did the singer feel safe. Only friends could visit him, including Macaulay Culkin and Hollywood star Elizabeth Taylor (it was she who first dubbed her friend the “King of Pop”). Accusations of the musician for molesting children also added fuel to the fire. In 2003, a jury acquitted the singer for the first time. History repeated itself ten years later, and he was again found not guilty.

Personal life of Michael Jackson

Spouses and heirs

Lisa, only daughter 20th century cult figure Elvis Presley became the first "Mrs. Jackson". They got married in 1994, but after a couple of years they separated - as friends, the girl supported her ex-husband during the most difficult moments his life.

Michael's wife for three years was Debbie Rowe, who previously worked as a nurse. From this marriage, the singer is survived by his son Prince Michael and daughter Paris-Michael Katherine. Michael got another heir in 2002 (from a surrogate mother).

He planned a large-scale tour, but he was not destined to realize these dreams. On June 25, after an injection of the medicine prescribed by the doctor (propofol), our hero passed away. The doctor, who arrived a couple of hours after the injection, was unable to resuscitate his ward - later Aesculapian Murray would be sentenced to 4 years.

The 15-time Grammy winner is buried in a Los Angeles suburb. His death became a real tragedy for millions; at the farewell ceremony, the singer was mourned by many celebrities - from Stevie Wonder to Queen Latifah.

Michael Jackson is the king of the pop scene who achieved incredible success in its musical career and survived an equally impressive fall. An idol of millions, a symbol of his time. His death on June 25, 2009 - in the midst of preparations for the most ambitious tour in the history of show business - had the effect of a bomb exploding and forced people to reconsider their attitude towards Michael Jackson.


Michael Jackson- the seventh child in the family. His parents Joseph and Katherine Jackson lived in Gary, Indiana, where they had nine children. From the early childhood Michael Jackson showed extraordinary musical abilities.

Michael made his stage debut in 1964 as a member of The group Jackson 5, where his brothers played music.

Subsequently, Michael himself said in an interview that he, in fact, had no childhood, that while his peers were playing, making friends, studying, he went to clubs, sang, danced, was wildly tired and wanted to sleep all the time. Michael Jackson often admitted that his father mercilessly beat him, as well as his brothers, right at rehearsals. The father also scared the children at night by wearing a scary mask. He explained that in this way he weaned children from sleeping with the windows open. However Michael Jackson Since then I began to suffer from nightmares.

Psychologists believe that similar childhood in the future it gave rise to a lot of complexes and problems that made life so difficult for the matured Jackson. All his life he tried to make up for lost childhood, for which he built the Neverland amusement park, for which he made young friends with whom he played children's games. He came up with the role of a kind of Peter Penn who would never grow up - and this, apparently, was his defensive reaction to memories of childhood.

Creative path

The Jackson 5 enjoyed considerable popularity in the Midwest. In 1970, four of their songs reached the top lines of the nationwide hit parade. Michael Jackson begins to stand out from his brothers with his dancing, he turns into the frontman of the group. And in 1973 he began his solo career and recorded four albums.

In 1978, Michael Jackson starred with Diana Ross in the film adaptation of the Broadway musical The Wizard of Oz. Dayna gives Michael every support. According to rumors, the grateful Michael will strive throughout his life to achieve portrait resemblance with Diana.

In 1982, the Thriller album was released - and it had the effect of a bomb exploding. The world's best-selling album makes Michael Jackson a superstar, whose image is being copied all over the world. Thriller stayed on the chart for two years and received 8 Grammy Awards and 7 American MusicAwords. In 1985, this album was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Michael Jackson During this period he became a revolutionary in the field of music television. His videos - colorful, bright, expensive and original - became sensations. Just look at the 14-minute Thriller clip, in the genre of a horror film. It was during that period that Michael Jackson showed the world another miracle - his moonwalk, which became the musician’s signature for life.

During the same period, strange metamorphoses begin to occur with Michael's appearance. The pronounced Negroid facial features begin to become strangely Europeanized. Black skin begins to lighten.

Michael Jackson always answered questions about his appearance in a streamlined manner. He admitted to only two plastic surgeries - thinning his nose and replacing his chin (a dimple appeared on it). As for whiteness, Jackson claimed that he suffers from a rare genetic disease - vitiligo, that his skin turns white in spots, and he is forced to wear thick makeup.

However, experts say this is not entirely true. That vitiligo occurred, but also numerous plastic surgeries, is an indisputable fact. Doctors believe that Jackson did not have a realistic view of his appearance and that his addiction to surgery was in the nature of a psychological disorder.

One of the cynical doctors even joked on this topic: “Michael Jackson turned from a black man into a white woman.”

As a result, numerous anesthesia “planted” the heart Michael Jackson. And the thinning skin could not withstand the stress: the graft in the nose broke the skin, and Michael Jackson was no longer able to restore his nose.

However, by 1993 Michael Jackson was considered the most successful musician in the history of American show business, the highest paid and most beloved. His unprecedented donations to charities earned him respect throughout the world. In January 1993, he sang at the presidential inauguration Bill Clinton, and this undoubtedly testified to the highest social status of the singer.

But... this was the beginning of the end.


In 1993, Michael Jackson was charged with child molestation. Michael Chandler. The scandal was initiated by the boy's father, Evan Chandler.

According to him, Michael Jackson collected children in his closed and carefully guarded Neverland amusement park and indulged in sexual games with them. At the same time, Evan Chandler agreed to agree to a settlement if... Michael Jackson would pay him $27 million and help stage four of his scripts in Hollywood. Michael Jackson, by official version, did not make a deal.

The press immediately remembered that among the regulars of Neverland in their childhood were such star boys as Sean Lennon And Macaulay Culkin. However, both young men, recalling that time, said: “We were really mad! You will never understand or believe: Michael is a 13-year-old boy in spirit, he plays all the children's games, trying to make up for lost childhood. And there was never any dirt!”

The scandal plunged Michael into severe depression, which he habitually suppressed with pills. He was on the verge of death. And in the midst of the “Chandler case,” Michael Jackson’s actress friend Elizabeth Taylor took Jackson to a clinic in Switzerland for detoxification - his dependence on morphine and pethidine was frightening, he did not sleep for two days, and then passed out. The press blamed Michael for the escape.

Upon his return, another blow awaited Jackson - he was subjected to the most humiliating thing - a physiological examination: in the presence of lawyers, doctors examined Jackson's genitals and took photographs.

After the examination, Michael bought airtime on one of the private channels and stated: “I am innocent, so I ask you not to treat me like a criminal... Nothing more humiliating has happened to me in my life. You wouldn’t wish something like this on your enemy.”

The results of the examination were not officially announced, but in January 1994, Reuters, citing a law enforcement source, reported that photographs of Michael Jackson's genitals did not match the descriptions of the boy accusing the singer of molestation.

Here we could breathe a sigh of relief, but... Accusations rained down like from a cornucopia. True, the moral character of the accusers raised questions.

Philip Quindoy in Manila stated that he and his wife worked at Neverland in 1989-1991 and saw Michael Jackson molesting boys. Jackson's lawyers proved that this was just a family of extortionists.

Then a couple made similar accusations Lemarkov, who also worked in Neverland. They were fired in 1991 for trying to bring correspondents to the wedding of Elizabeth Taylor and Larry Fortensky - for a bribe of 100 thousand dollars.

Subsequently, the couple made money by creating porn sites on the Internet. They also hoped that Michael Jackson, trying to hush up the scandal, would pay them a million or two. Further Blanca Francil- a cleaner in Neverland - gave a scandalous interview about Jackson's perversions. But it turned out that she received 20 thousand dollars from the media for her story. Subsequently, under oath, she admitted that she had “exaggerated things somewhat.”

The most devastating blow to Michael Jackson was dealt by his sister - Latoya Jackson, which confirmed that Michael is a pedophile and schizophrenic. The Jackson family immediately rushed to Michael's defense, saying that Latoya was an outcast in their family, that she was completely subservient to her swindler husband Jack Gordon. Subsequently, when Latoya finally divorced her husband in 1996, she admitted that she testified against Michael under pressure from her husband, who was promised a quarter of a million dollars by the media for these confessions.

Family status

On May 26, 1994, the world was shocked by the news - the king of pop Michael Jackson would marry the daughter of the king of rock and roll. Lisa Marie Presley.

The modest civil ceremony took place on a small island in the Caribbean. The press immediately rushed to declare this marriage fictitious - Michael Jackson, saving his reputation, is trying to prove to everyone that he is heterosexual. On air on the ABC channel, the TV presenter directly asked the newlyweds: are they having sex - and the couple answered: “Yes!”

Without getting into the true relationship between Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley, we will only note that Michael Jackson was a fan of her father Elvis Presley.

After 19 months the marriage broke up. But he left a mark on Michael’s life: Lisa Marie Presley was an ardent supporter of the Church of Scientology, and, according to rumors, she managed to captivate the ideas of Scientologists and Michael Jackson for some time.

In November 1996, Michael married again - this time to a 37-year-old nurse Debbie Rowe. Again accusations of fictitiousness. For the birth of the first child - Prince Michael I— Debbie allegedly received $6 million from Michael. The couple's second child was a girl. Paris. At the same time, Debbie lived separately and somehow let slip to the press: “If Michael is the king, then I am the queen in exile.”

The press claimed: Debbie gave birth using artificial insemination. The lack of Negroid facial features in children gave the press a reason for another gossip: the donor was not Michael Jackson.

In 1999, the couple divorced, the children remained with Michael.

In 2002, Michael Jackson presented the world with his third child, Prince Michael II - who the baby's mother is is still unknown.

Scandal again

In 2003, a scandalous film was released on the English ITV channel Martin Bashir « Life with Jackson" The journalist, having gained Michael's trust, gained access to all corners of Neverland, Michael gave hours-long interviews to Bashir, and allowed himself to be filmed while shopping - as it turned out, to his own detriment.

Bashir made it clear to the public: Michael Jackson- a most dangerous pedophile. And in 2003, the investigation against him was resumed. A search in Neverland again: research into printed materials, mattresses... Michael faces a real threat of receiving a 45-year prison sentence.

This time, the prosecution line was based on the confessions of Gavin Arvizo, a boy with cancer whom Jackson helped - morally and financially.

Gavin stated that Michael Jackson forced him to sexual relations. However, the accusations fell apart. Michael Jackson's lawyers managed to prove that Gavin and his family had already perjured themselves several times in court and turned cancer into a business, playing on the pity of famous people.

Having survived this trial, Michael Jackson swore that he would leave America - for England or Canada, but... Now other troubles fell on Michael - financial ones. His capital decreased sharply. Reputational losses affected business. Nobody wanted to sign advertising contracts with Michael Jackson. He was practically bankrupt. Against this background, my health deteriorated. Sudden weight loss, lung problems... Michael Jackson began to move around in a wheelchair, wearing a mask... A powerful, unexpected move was needed for salvation. This is how the idea of ​​a tour arose, which was supposed to begin with concerts in London, where the public was most favorable to Michael.

The final

Today many believe that Michael Jackson was killed by greed. Contract for tour at 50 concerts in his condition? Only a suicide could sign this. Relatives asked him to cancel the tour, but he waved it off. Nevertheless, he told his daughter Paris a month in advance that he would not celebrate Father’s Day with her, that he would not last even a few weeks.

Despite his terrible health, Michael Jackson prepared for concerts like a true professional. The documentary “That’s All” can tell about this work today. Amazing dances, new versions of old songs, spectacular scenery - this was supposed to be a unique show!

Return Michael Jackson promised to become greatest event throughout the history of world show business. The English side paid Michael an advance of 10 million pounds sterling, which ended up in the pockets of his entourage. By the way, about the environment. Michael Jackson's mother said: "No matter how Michael died, the root of all troubles is in a handful of scoundrels around him."

According to rumors, in recent years Michael Jackson was surrounded by people from the organization " Nation of Islam" In particular, his children's nanny Grace Ruramba was a member of this organization. According to the same rumors, Michael himself converted to Islam, but it is precisely this fact that his relatives do not believe. Nevertheless, one thing is indisputable: a lot of strangers were supposed to earn money on Michael Jackson’s tour, to whom his condition was deeply indifferent.

On 20 May 2009, it was announced that the London show had been canceled for 5 days, with the remainder rescheduled to March 2010. Michael Jackson was terrified of the upcoming tour - he didn’t eat, didn’t drink... With a height of 5 feet 10 inches, he weighed 1.4 pounds - it was the most terrible anorexia.

Michael Jackson had a whole army of doctors who satisfied his every request. Therefore, it is unfair that the accusations fell on the doctor Conrad Murray, who observed him for only a week and who allegedly gave him “a fatal painkiller injection that his heart could not withstand.”

Michael Jackson himself walked towards his death and often said: “I will die just like Elvis” (Presley, who committed suicide).

Michael's will will be announced in 2010.

Michael Jackson managed to outsmart everyone. He wrote and did not publish 200 songs, thereby providing for his children for the rest of their days, because each of these songs will be a highly paid sensation after the death of the King of Pop. At the end of May 2010, Jackson's will was made public, according to which he divided his estate into three parts - one to Catherine's mother, one to the children, and one third will go to charity.

Evan Chandler, who was the first to accuse Michael Jackson of sexual perversion, committed suicide on November 18, 2009.

Now that Michael Jackson is gone, isn't it time to forget about the gossip and enjoy his music?

Touches to the portrait

Michael Jackson he often admitted that if he had started all over again, he would never have chosen the path of a musician, but would have become an artist. He could talk about Renaissance art for seven hours straight. He adored Van Gogh and Rembrandt and was a good painter himself.


1. 1972 - Got to Be There

2. 1972 - Ben

3.1973 - Music Me

4.1975 - Forever, Michel

5. 1979 - Off The Wal

6. 1982 - Thriller

7. 1987 - Bad

8. 1991 - Dangerouse

9. 1995 - HIStory

10. 2001 - Invincible

Michael Jackson - not only famous singer and an actor, but also a very shocking personality. The fact is that the guy began to conquer the stage at the age of five, when his father and sister noticed his talent.

Michael grew up in terrible conditions, but for most of his fans it was a terrible secret, since they followed the life of the Jackson family as if it were a beautiful fairy tale.

In the seventies, the guy began a solo career, while most of his albums have held leading positions in world chats for many years. At the same time, few people believe that the King of Pop died suddenly, so more and more evidence is being found that Jackson is alive.

Height, weight, age. How old is Michael Jackson

Fans of the great singer are trying to find out what Michael’s height, weight, and age are. How old Michael Jackson is can only be found out at the time of his death, since the man died in 2009.

The future singer was born in 1958, so at the time of his death he was exactly fifty. At the same time, Michael Jackson: photos in his youth and now have changed significantly over the years, since he had many plastic surgeries that seriously damaged his health. He died from cardiac arrest due to an overdose of propofol; the sedative was injected into the man by his personal doctor.

Jackson's height was approximately one meter and seventy-eight centimeters, and his weight at the time of death did not exceed fifty-one kilos.

Biography and personal life of Michael Jackson

The biography and personal life of Michael Jackson has always attracted the attention of fans and ill-wishers.

Father, Joseph Jackson, a boxer, crane operator, famous manager and producer of his own children, died in June of this year from cancer.

Her mother, Katherine Jackson, worked in a store selling clothes, but she also sang beautifully and played the clarinet and piano.

Brothers - Marlon Jackson, Toriano Adaril (Tito) Jackson, German Lajuan (Jeremy) Jackson, Zigmund Esko (Jackie) Jackson became singers, musicians and music producers.

Brother - Stephen (Randell) Jackson, sisters - Morris (Rabby) Jackson, Janet (Dameta) Jackson, La Toya (Yvonne) Jackson - also found themselves in the world of music, cinema and television.

Since 1964, the guy joined the family group“The Jacksons”, with whom he toured the world, recorded albums and acted in reality, while warming up the audience in strip clubs.

Ten years later he began his solo career, and then performed in the musical “The Wizard of Oz.” From 1972 to 2001, ten studio albums were recorded, two more were released after the death of the King of Pop.

In 1993, Michael visited Russia, giving a concert at Luzhniki, and three years later returned to our country again. He acted in full-length and short films, was a screenwriter, producer, and choreographer. He has been listed in the Guinness Book of Records twenty-five times.

The king's personal life was of interest, but he said that he was terribly afraid of women. In 1987, he was secretly and hopelessly in love with dancer Tanya Tambtzen, although the guy kissed her right on stage, the girl was instantly fired so as not to distract Michael from his career.

In addition, Jackson fell in love several times with singer Beyoncé and model Joanna Thoma, but said that no one had ever loved him.

Family and children of Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson's family and children are areas in which there was a lot of controversy. The fact is that the Jackson family belonged to the petty bourgeoisie, had many children and was part of the Jehovah's Witnesses community, so the children from an early age went to neighboring houses with sermons, but Janet soon moved away from religion.

The kids were afraid of their father because he was very cruel and constantly beat them for the slightest offenses. For example, he scared Michael by sneaking into his window at night. scary mask, to wean him from sleeping with the window open, but because of this the boy became afraid that he would be stolen and he was tormented by terrible nightmares.

There were supposed to be ten children in the family, but Marlon’s twin brother, Brandon, died shortly after birth. The guy's parents were mulattoes and an Indian woman who were simply obsessed with country music. By the way, my paternal great-great-grandfather was a shaman named Jack, from whom the surname came.

When the children grew up, their father demanded that all of them, including seven-year-old Janet, call him not daddy, but producer Joseph. The fact is that the parents did not scold their children for breaking the strings on the guitar, but held an audition and created children from the oldest five music group, which brought constant profit.

In addition, the whole family starred in the reality show “The Jacksons,” which was also profitable and helped promote the musical group. At the same time, no one knew that their father beat musical, cheerful and resourceful children with a lot of talents at rehearsals with a leather belt. Joseph was incredibly cruel, he constantly humiliated children morally and physically and demanded unquestioning obedience from them, so they tried to leave home early into adulthood.

The guy had three children from his second wife and an unknown woman; he was jealous of his kids, putting masks on them before going out. After the man’s death, his mother took custody of the children.

Jackson's upbringing was not the same as his father's, but he compensated for his complexes by creating the Neverland ranch, which had cafes, amusement parks, and a sea of ​​toys, where he invited American children to spend the night.

By the way, in 1993 and 2003, two thirteen-year-old boys accused Michael of sexual harassment and were awarded a tidy sum, and after that they admitted that this never happened.

Michael Jackson's son - Prince Jackson

Michael Jackson's son, Prince Jackson, was born in 1997, receiving the name Michael Joseph Jackson Jr. at birth. His mother was his second wife, Deborah Rowe.

The boy studied at a private school in California, he adored humanitarian sciences. Prince often wrote articles and loved to take photographs, but he never liked to dance or sing.

Jackson Jr. attended journalism school and then began filming stories for the Entertainment Tonight channel. He is not only a presenter, but also a persistent person, because he wants to try himself as a director and screenwriter.

Michael Jackson's son - Blanket Jackson

The son of Michael Jackson - Blanket Jackson or Prince Michael Jackson II - was born in 2002, he was born by an unknown surrogate mother. The fact is that the boy is surprisingly similar to his father, he is quiet and modest. Blanket constantly comes to the aid of his friends, by the way, he stated that his father's popularity negatively affects him.

The boy changed his pretentious name to a simpler one a year ago - Bigi Jackson. He loves silence and reading, so he studies well, and often says that he does not want to be a singer or actor.

Blanket wants to devote himself to science, but has not yet thought about what industry he wants to achieve success in.

Michael Jackson's daughter - Paris Jackson

Michael Jackson's daughter, Paris Jackson, was born in 1998, receiving the name Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson at birth. Her mother is still the same Deborah Rowe.

The girl lived with her father, whom she simply adored; she studied with her brother in a private California school. Paris sang, drew and danced well, she decided to pursue a career as an actress.

Since 2011, the girl has been acting in films, and she made her debut in animated film"Lando's Bridge and the Three Keys." According to People magazine, Jackson's daughter became one of the most beautiful girls peace.

In 2013, Paris tried to commit suicide, but two years later she got married and is pursuing a modeling career.

Michael Jackson's ex-wife - Lisa Marie Presley

Michael Jackson's ex-wife, Lisa Marie Presley, was a famous person because she was the daughter of Elvis Presley himself. The guys met at a concert in which they took part when Lisa turned eight.

They met again in 1993, began to communicate, and when the guy needed support, it was Lisa Marie who supported him. After this, the young people began dating and soon got married in the Dominican Republic, but they had no children.

The marriage lasted three years, and then the star offspring divorced, but remained friends, although the reason for this is still unclear. Michael is said to have had a terrible time with the divorce and even suffered from vitiligo.

Michael Jackson's ex-wife Deborah Rowe

Michael Jackson's ex-wife, Deborah Rowe, was far from the world of cinema or show business, as she worked as an assistant to a dermatologist. The young people met in 1996, when Michael was undergoing treatment for vitiligo.

Deborah asked why he regretted that the marriage ended, and Jackson said that he would like to have children with the woman he loved. Rowe jokingly promised to give him babies, and the King of Pop thought about it and agreed.

It is worth noting that many considered this union strange, since Deborah gave birth to her wife two children, and then simply renounced parental rights to them, filing a divorce in 1999.

Michael Jackson is alive - evidence

Information constantly appears on the Internet that Michael Jackson is alive - evidence is attached to them. For example, the singer’s friends say that they saw their idol shortly before his death; he was full of strength and making plans for the future.

Fans noticed that the posthumous photo of the singer was too clear, although he was lying in an ambulance with darkened windows, and the expert’s report found great amount errors and inaccuracies.

Michael's father often talks about how he was not allowed to see his son until two days before his death, and that surveillance video mysteriously disappeared. Rumor has it that Jackson is alive because they found his diary, which talked about how he would fake his own death and said that he would be dead in six months.

Most likely, the problem is that Michael began to be accused of molesting minors, debts of $500,000,000 appeared, and his career came to naught.

Instagram and Wikipedia Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson's Instagram and Wikipedia exist for a long time, despite the fact that he died suddenly. The fact is that interest in his modest person does not fade, but in social networks groups of his memory are appearing more and more often.

From the article dedicated to him on Wikipedia, you can really learn a lot of useful, reliable and up-to-date information, which is dedicated to his difficult childhood and parents, family and creative path as a musician, filmography and other activities, spouses and children.

The singer’s profile on Instagram is followed by 2,200,000 people, who, even after the death of their favorite, add photographs and review concert videos from different years. Article found on alabanza.ru