Werewolves are children of nature. In China, parents abandoned their werewolf child

09/08/2004 at 00:00, views: 2060

A small businessman in the capital told me a story about how his own police “roof” called him as a witness.

“They call: friend, help. I arrived and saw a man sitting in handcuffs in a car. They pull him out, unfasten the handcuffs: look, they’ve just detained him. “And you called me two hours ago - is that okay?” - "Doesn't matter. You'll be watching from now on. That’s how it’s supposed to be.” Standing nearby is a second witness - the wife of a sobrite. They filmed on video camera: “Now we will search.” Once - into the jacket pocket, and there - a loaded barrel: “Please look - a weapon. Now take off the sock. Oh! They found a narcotic substance. Now let's take a look at the car. Yeah! There is powder scattered everywhere under the rugs.”

I didn’t know then that they planted all this themselves. Later, about a month later, they boasted: “We captured this moose. This is how we imprison whoever we need.”

Irremovable doubts about a person’s guilt are interpreted in favor of the accused.

Constitution of the Russian Federation, art. 49

Operational technologies

Individual but numerous law enforcement officers generously throw “checks”, “grass”, cartridges, non-working grenades, fuses, etc. to those “who need it”, as well as migrant workers, homeless people, drunkards... This is how “popular”, popular articles of the Criminal Code are organized Code: “three geese” (222 - acquisition, storage and carrying of weapons and ammunition) and 228 (sale of narcotic substances). You can recall, without leaving the spot, a lot of examples of such “organized” cases.

The case of drug dealer Islamov (Russian, but with an alarming surname) is the most ordinary, ordinary one. According to all the documents, it appears that the fool Islamov, with witnesses, sold two matchboxes of marijuana to the operative. Now he has been in “Matrosskaya Tishina” for five months. As they said at the police department, “the boy faces a maximum sentence.” And rightly so.

But suddenly - rare case! - the cops had a puncture. They were caught by the hand. And all the evidence of the distributor’s guilt fell one after another: it turned out to be lies, confusion and a setup. Interrogation protocols and face-to-face betting reads like a detective story.

And the price of the issue, if you think about it, is up to 10 years in prison. Including the time spent in a pre-trial detention center cell, where about 60 people are sitting with Islamov.

Does this mean that every single law enforcement officer who is involved in planting is “werewolves in uniform”? It's more a question of scale and technology. Real “werewolves” have cool money, bank accounts and villas. And the young officer from the regional police department has a “stick” in terms of solving crimes and a big plus for the entire department. Although, of course, if you're lucky, it's better with money...

Almost all the characters in this story, starting with the 23-year-old accused, are very young, they are practically the same age. And the 21-year-old detective is the main witness for the prosecution, and witnesses, and a female investigator from the police department. At 21, you can’t think of some operational technologies with your own mind. You can only learn from the experience of your older comrades.

Honor Guard Company

Fan healthy image life, physical education teacher Sasha Islamov from Nizhny Novgorod region He doesn’t even smoke regular cigarettes - what kind of marijuana is that? More precisely, I didn’t smoke before “Matroski”.

After the army, he stayed in Moscow and got a job as a bartender in a cafe. Although, after serving, he received the most brilliant recommendations, with which there is a direct path to either the police or the FSB. His army service was honorable and difficult - in the commandant's regiment of the Kremlin.

From the description of a soldier of the 2nd honor guard company of a separate commandant regiment, Alexander Islamov:

“Proven itself only with positive side. He is calm and reasonable, has his own opinion on every issue, knows how to express it and defend it in a discussion. Performed tasks to protect the military and government facilities, military courts, special tasks - escorting defendants, collecting money, capturing deserters. For exemplary performance of special events, excellent physical training has a number of encouragements from the President of the Russian Federation, the Minister of Defense, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II, the military commandant of the city of Moscow...”

This spring Islamov was going to sell his “six”. To save on repairs, I drove it home and handed it over for service there. The repaired car was going to be driven back to Moscow: a buyer had already been found and even paid the deposit. Finally, Islamov received a call from the auto repair shop and was told to come urgently: the car was ready, and if it was not picked up by April 24, they would be thrown out of the gate.

On the morning of April 23 this year, before work, Alexander bought himself a ticket for the evening flight to Arzamas. The train left Moscow at 21.55. Then at work he agreed on time off from tomorrow, but did not have time to leave.

Islamov received a call on his mobile phone from someone Maxim Smirnov, a former cafe cook who had been “asked” from there a year earlier. (“When it became known that he was a drug addict, we fired him. Preventatively,” they delicately explained to me in the cafe.) Smirnov said that he wanted to repay a long-standing debt to Islamov. He was extremely surprised by the unexpected call, because he had already given up on this money: before, no matter how much he demanded it from Smirnov, he answered that there was nothing to give. “Come on over, don’t be late, otherwise I need to catch the train,” Alexander agreed.

At 20.00 he took a pre-packed travel bag, said goodbye to the employees of his native cafe and went down to the street - to Vernadsky Avenue.

Strangers don't travel here

There was no Smirnov in front of the cafe, but instead of him there were several people waiting for Islamov unknown men. They arrived in two foreign cars (one without license plates). Islamova's arms were twisted and she was dragged to the car. He resisted, but in the end, through the joint efforts of the bartender-athlete, they pushed him into the salon. Later, police department investigator Olga Larkina, who is leading his criminal case, called the process of pushing Islamov “a mess.”

Local policemen walked past along the avenue - a local police officer and an employee of a patrol service company: they had come off duty and were in a hurry to go to the cinema. But during divorces at the police department they were punished: robberies have become more frequent in the area, if you see a suspicious car, even a police car, but from someone else’s department, write down the numbers and report to management.

So the guys came up to find out what was going on and showed their IDs. They were told: don’t interfere, operatives from the Orekhovo-Borisovo Yuzhnoye police department are holding an event here.

Here? On Vernadsky Avenue?! - the policemen were surprised. - And where are the witnesses?

“There,” he nodded at the two young men, who at that time were holding Alexander’s hands with all their might.

Well, can you imagine such “understood” muzzle-witnesses? But the funny thing is that both of these young men, after a very short time, became them quite officially.

But it must be said that Vernadsky Avenue, 109, is the territory of the Troparevo-Nikulino police department, and not at all Orekhovo-Borisovo Yuzhnoye. The rules of good police manners require: if the arrest occurs on someone else’s “land,” it is a good idea to take the detainee to the local police department or, at worst, to at least inform the owners. “We will send you material on it,” the visiting opera director promised. And both foreign cars sped off. Islamov's travel bag remained standing on the asphalt.

When everything calmed down, a cafe worker came out to the police: he saw everything from the stairs of the establishment, but was afraid to approach. Later, two more eyewitnesses to the “mess” were found, and one of them was a police officer from the district police department. And the next morning the district police officer filed a report on the incident to his superiors.

Version No. 1. Club “Cheburashka”

The men who kidnapped Islamov turned out to be detectives of the criminal investigation department of the Orekhovo-Borisovo Yuzhnoye police department, Alexey Bazurov, Alexander Makarov and Pavel Igumnov.

At that time, of course, they still knew nothing about the eyewitnesses of what happened. In his native police department, Captain Makarov drew up primary documents stating that Islamov, in the presence of attesting witnesses (those same young people, remember?) and witnesses Makarov and Igumnov, sold marijuana to his younger colleague Bazurov and received the marked money.

Only it happened not on Vernadsky Avenue, but on Yasenevaya Street (that is, already on the native “land” of the Department of Internal Affairs). And not at all on April 23 at 20.30, but on April 24 at 0.30 - four hours later.

“In the Shapoklyak nightclub, I don’t remember the address,” with a light hand Peteushnik 21-year-old Bazurov gave his explanation: I met a young man named Sasha, who offered to sell the drug “marijuana.” I took his mobile phone number in order to further expose him in criminal activities. We met at the Cheburashka nightclub.

Islamov, having spent half the night in the police, obediently repeated this strange story about “Cheburashka”.

I don't want to comment on the reasons why he did it. All I know for certain is that in court, decisive issue about the arrest, the big man Islamov lost consciousness, and they called him to “ ambulance" How can I not comment on his testimony:

“In the car they told me that I was facing a sentence of 6 to 10 years, but the issue could be resolved for 10 thousand dollars. I said that I would never find that kind of money. They replied that they had then solved the crime and earned a “stick” from it. At the police department I said that I would not sign anything. Then Bazurov began hitting me on the head with a thick, hard-bound folder. At some point I changed the position of my head, and he hit me on the temple above my right eyebrow. One of my hands was handcuffed to the back of the chair. Then he forced me to take off my shoes and began hitting me with a club-like object on my feet and heels. After that, Makarov began to threaten me that if I did not sign the documents, they would take me to the outskirts of the city and bury me alive. Or they will put me in a cell with criminals so that they can “let me go.” Or I will suddenly die in the cell. They also told me to give up my defense.”

The necessary indications have appeared. The investigation department of the Orekhovo-Borisovo Yuzhnoye police department took up the case of drug sales.

Version No. 2. There was no marijuana

Within a day (the family was still calling lawyers at that time), Alexander abandoned the opera version. Here the lawyer finally stepped in and began to look for witnesses to Islamov’s detention. I found everyone: young policemen from Troparevo-Nikulino, and a cafe employee. And then - and only then - following Islamov, his opponents - the operatives - change their testimony. This is how version No. 2 appeared, trying to explain their appearance on Vernadsky Avenue.

Bazurov told investigators that in search of a potential drug seller, he followed a chain of informants: a drug addict he knew introduced him to Maxim Smirnov (who lured the bartender out of the cafe), and he, in turn, pointed to a former colleague and his creditor as a person who is willing to sell two matchboxes of marijuana.

So Smirnov satisfied the operative and was freed from his long-standing debt. Drug addicts “protected” by the police are actually forced to periodically rat someone out so that they themselves are not touched. This is common operational practice.

But the arrest did not happen on Vernadsky Avenue, the operative explained, because there was no marijuana on Islamov. He allegedly promised to bring the drug at half past midnight to the Cheburashka club in Yasenevo. That's where they took him.

Sorting out all the absurdities and inconsistencies in the police version is as entertaining as reading a detective story. It turns out that no witnesses were taken to Vernadsky Avenue. They were invited to the police department and only after instructions, as well as the preparation of marked banknotes (as it should be), were taken to the “Cheburashka”. And in “Troparevo-Nikulino” the brave opera went out for an “operational experiment on the purchase of a narcotic drug.” It turns out that they were going to “experiment” without witnesses, without documentation?

Is it possible that the “calm and reasonable” Sasha Islamov, who had urgent business awaiting him in the Nizhny Novgorod region, abandoned the trip and rushed to another district of Moscow to visit a random acquaintance in order to earn 800 rubles from selling drugs?

“I promised to compensate him for the ticket money,” Bazurov answered, not at all embarrassed.

And some incomprehensible trouble began with the witnesses.

Professional witnesses

Witness A. told in detail how an operative, having bought a drug from Islamov, handed it over to a police officer right next to the porch of “Cheburashka”: the cellophane package was “sealed with the stamp of the duty station of the Orekhovo-Borisovo Yuzhnoye police station and certified by the signatures of attesting witnesses.”

Witness B. remembered that the officer did this at the police department itself.

A. said that he met his partner only at the police station.

B. let it slip: both, it turns out, have known each other since school.

A., at the request of the lawyer, named his place of work (his partner does not work at all). The lawyer was not lazy and checked: there is no such company at the specified address.

Well, how irreplaceable these boys are, these lively witnesses! Real professionals.

Do your employees have no one else to call as witnesses? - I asked investigator Olga Larkina. A black kitten frolicked at her feet, and on the office floor there was a bowl with crumbled pieces of sausage. On the bookshelf, among the codices, perched two dolls.

The lieutenant of justice looked out the window for half a minute:

Our territory is small, we all know each other.

Why do you stubbornly not believe Islamov?

Now, if he had told the truth from the very beginning, and not changed his testimony,” the investigator even sighed as if pityingly, “then, yes, Islamov could have been believed. And so...

But why so much faith in the operas, who changed their testimony much more often than he?

No answer.

Islamov was also very lucky: a whole crowd of people saw how his arms were twisted and shoved into a car at a time and in a place when this was not the case. official version consequence No. 2. Their testimony simply screams that the criminal case is falsified, rude and careless.

Then what should be the next step? That's right: dirtying up the witnesses.

Interested people

The district police officer from the Troparevo-Nikulino police department, who recognized operative Bazurov as the man who captured Sasha Islamov on Vernadsky Avenue, was immediately called the “roof” of the bartender-drug dealer (because, they say, he stands up for him). They said about the PPS company employee that he probably worked part-time in a cafe (this is not true). Without thinking twice, investigator Larkina considered both police officers “persons interested in the outcome of the case favorable to the accused,” whose testimony should be treated critically. And she made a decision to exclude the testimony of both policemen from evidence - as inadmissible. And at the same time she “threw out” the testimony of the third witness for the defense - a colleague of the bartender.

I asked the investigator: what shows the interest of the cafe employee? “Because they are friends,” Larkina answered. And she referred to an article of the Code of Criminal Procedure that supposedly prohibits taking testimony from friends.

There is no such thing in the Code of Criminal Procedure,” experienced lawyers laugh. - This is arbitrariness. The only thing the investigator can do is to critically evaluate the testimony of the witness.

Upset district police officer Stas (he asked not to mention his last name: he’s afraid unnecessary problems on duty) accompanies me at the porch of the stronghold. Sighs:

I'm leaving the police. Unpleasant. I didn't expect to encounter such chaos...

The investigation was completed on July 13. The head of the 2nd department of the department for supervision of procedural activities of the Moscow City Prosecutor's Office, Khetagurov, in response to 16 complaints from the lawyer, said that the prosecutor's office had checked the materials of this case. The audit showed that Islamov’s arguments about his innocence were not verified to the proper extent. Therefore, the Nagatinsky prosecutor was given instructions to carry out additional investigative actions. Everyone knows how such checks end...

After all, the Nagatinsk prosecutor’s office has already refused to initiate a criminal case against police officers“Orekhovo-Borisovo Yuzhnoye” on the fact of falsification of materials.

Little Chinese girl Liu Janli was born with a rare hereditary disease - “werewolf syndrome”. Even her father and mother abandoned her, and only a distant relative saved the girl from the orphanage. Now he is looking for doctors to help the baby.

(Total 8 photos)

1. A girl was born with black spots on her skin and increased hairiness.

2. Part of her face and 60% of the surface of her body are covered with thick black hair, which is more reminiscent of the fur of some animal than the usual vegetation on the human body.

3. Several years ago, when the girl was only 2 years old, her mother could not stand the test and left the family.

4. And a little later, Liu’s own father, who took care of her for some time, simply did not come for her in the evening kindergarten and also disappeared in an unknown direction.

5. After some time, a distant relative, great-uncle Liu Mining, took the girl from the orphanage.

6. Although Liu Jang Li's illness does not cause her physical suffering, the poor child, despite childhood, suffers serious moral torment.

7. The girl will soon have to go to first grade, and the old man dreams that by this day a doctor will be found who would save the child from a terrible cosmetic defect - the grandfather is very afraid that his granddaughter will be subjected to cruel ridicule by her peers.

8. Moreover, no one has yet officially examined the girl and made an accurate diagnosis. Only presumably she is diagnosed with one of the forms of hypertrichosis. However, in typical patients with hypertrichosis such dark spots usually not observed on the skin.

On their account - great amount human casualties
During the witch hunts in Europe and North America in the XVIth and XVIIth centuries many women were tried and executed for allegedly being witches. But the same fate befell many men - they were suspected of being werewolves. Our article lists the victims of this persecution, more modern werewolves, and even a couple of animals that were considered such. Most likely, many of these people were serial killers and were then executed for the cause, but there were also innocent victims.

Man of the Forest (born 1537)

Petrus Gonzalez, also known as “The Wolf Man” and “The Man of the Woods,” was not a killer. Apparently he suffered from generalized hypertrichosis, meaning his body was completely covered thick hair, and the head really resembled a wolf’s. He first appeared at the court of the French king, who sent him to the court of Margaret of Parma, a noble lady and the current regent of the Netherlands.
His portrait is included in the collection of the Chamber of Arts and Curiosities of the Ambras Castle, along with others strange pictures like a portrait of Vlad the Impaler, the prototype of Dracula. Gonzalez was also one of the few men to join Satan's entourage at the New Orleans Mardi Gras Carnival in the 1970s, and his image inspired a special costume.

Gilles Garnier was a contemporary of Gonzalez and also spent a lot of time in France. True, he did not suffer from any physical illness - he was a disgusting cannibal and serial killer. Also known as the Hermit of Saint Bonnot, this terrible man killed children right outside his home. His victims were boys and girls aged 9 to 12 years.
Legend has it that a ghost gave Garnier a magical ointment that allowed him to turn into a wolf. He confessed to four murders and was found guilty not only of lycanthropy (turning into a wolf), but also of witchcraft. He ended his life at the stake.

The Werewolf of Bedburg (died 1589)

Peter Stump was accused of selling his soul not to some random ghost, but to the Devil, for which he received the ability to turn into a wolf. Together with his mistress Catherine Trompin and daughter Bill Stump, he killed and dismembered 15 victims from 1564 to 1589.
Superstitious witnesses after the hunt for the “werewolf” stated that he, hiding behind a bush, made a last desperate attempt to regain his human form, but was captured while he was removing his skin.
At his trial in Cologne, he was, of course, found guilty and sentenced to the same fate that befell his victims. The judge ordered him to be crucified on a wheel and with red-hot tongs to burn the flesh in several places in order to skin the killer alive. After this, the legs, arms and head should be cut off with a wooden ax, and the body should be burned. His mistress and daughter had to watch the execution, and then in 1589 in Germany on Halloween they were both burned at the stake.

The Werewolf of Chalons (died 1598)

This man is known by the nickname Demon Taylor; history has not preserved his real name. He preferred to cut the throats of his victims and then eat their bodies. The total number of victims is unknown, but almost all of the murders appear to have been carried out by Demon Taylor in Chalon, near Paris, France.
The alleged werewolf was sentenced to death on December 14, 1598 and burned the next day. A huge crowd of people gathered in front of the fire - everyone came to watch the execution. Witnesses to the execution later said that, unlike other “werewolves” who repented and admitted all their sins, as soon as the flames began to lick their heels, Demon Taylor swore and blasphemed all White light until the end.

The Wolf of Ansbach (1685)

In the XVIth and 17th centuries wolves were hunted in the same way as “witches” - wolves were treated especially cruelly in the lands of the Germans, who were then part of the Holy Roman Empire. At the wolf from Ansbach human name no - apparently it was real wolf, and not a person who supposedly knows how to turn into a wolf. However, the residents claimed that this wolf was none other than their mayor, who had turned into an animal and hated the entire city.
The residents hunted the animal, hunted it down with dogs and chased it to a well, where they caught it in a trap and killed it. Even though the wolf was already dead, the villagers accused him of various murders and then gave him clothes and a beard to resemble their former mayor. Just in case, they even hung him on the gallows and only then put the corpse on public display in the museum.

Werewolf Hans (1691)

To the east, Estonia bordered the Holy Roman Empire, where an alleged werewolf also lived - this suspect is known as German name Hans. The court forced 18-year-old Hans to confess that the “man in black,” most likely Satan, turned him into a wolf, and Hans lived and hunted in wolf skin for two years.
Hans' legs had scars left by dog ​​fangs, which the court used to prove that poor Hans had been bitten by a werewolf. In any case, in those days, being accused of making a pact with Satan was enough to get a death sentence; a person was considered a werewolf or something else.

Livonian Werewolf (convicted in 1692)

Livonia, another Baltic state, also had its own werewolves, the most famous of them being Tiss of Kalterbrunn. Just a year after Hans' execution, 80-year-old Thiess began to claim that he was not only a werewolf himself, but had teamed up with other werewolves to fight in Hell against the Devil and the witches. Thus, Thiess said that he was a “good” werewolf, a “Hound of God.”
The court did not believe this story, and instead of rewarding Tiss in fear of hellfire, he was flogged and sent into exile. This particular case became the subject scientific articles and books, latest publication happened in 2007.

The Beast of Gevaudan (1764-1767)

Even in the 18th century, werewolves were still feared in Europe. One of the most famous werewolves in history is the Beast of Gevaudan, but what exactly this beast was is unknown. It could be a werewolf (well, let's say), a lion or even a hyena. It could be a hybrid of a dog and some other predator. Or a beast trained to kill by a group of Christian fanatics, as in the 2001 film Brotherhood of the Wolf. There could even be several animals, not just one.
One way or another, the beast attacked a total of 210 people, 113 of whom died - this figure exceeds the number of victims of all other killers on our list combined. As a result, the animal was killed, and its stuffed animal was displayed in royal palace at Versailles, but the killings did not end. It became clear that they had killed the wrong animal, but after about a year the killings stopped on their own. Who really killed terrible beast or whether he died a natural death remains unknown.

In the 19th century, people were still accused of being werewolves, even though trials of witches and werewolves had ceased by that time. The world already knew about the existence of serial killers, but sometimes they were still called werewolves.
Manuel Blanco Romasanta is one such killer - in spanish history he became the first officially documented serial killer. He himself confessed to 13 murders, but was convicted of only nine. He was sentenced to death by hanging, but last moment the sentence was commuted.
His life even before he became a killer was strange. His parents believed their son was a girl and raised him like a daughter, until a doctor confirmed that Manuel was in fact a boy. When he grew up, he married, and then lost his wife, and in 1844 he was accused of her murder. Accusations rained down on him until 1850, until the maniac was finally tried. His victims were both men and women total number from 10 to 47 people.
The circumstances of Manuel's death are equally mysterious. There are no prison records, and conflicting rumors say that he either died in prison from illness or was shot by a guard who hoped that on pain of death the prisoner would turn into a wolf.

All descriptions of werewolves from the 15th to the 20th centuries speak of them as deadly monsters, known for their inhumane crimes. One such killer, who could truly be called a monster, was Albert Fish, also known as the Brooklyn Vampire, the Boogie Man, Gray man, Lunar Maniac and Werewolf from Wisteria. He is the most vile and disgusting guy on our list.
Fish was definitely guilty of at least four murders and was suspected of three more, eventually being convicted of the kidnapping and murder of Grace Budd (1918-1928). The details are too disgusting to write about. The worst thing is that he wrote to his mother ten year old girl letter detailing how Grace resisted and how he ultimately dismembered her.
Fish also provided a vivid description of how he killed and ate a four-year-old child named Billy Gaffney. Authorities eventually learned that Fish had been sticking own body a huge number of needles and engaged in all possible types of sexual perversion. It is not surprising that he was eventually sentenced to death in the electric chair.

Werewolves. Legends and reality. Cursed Blood Berg Alexander

Werewolves are children of nature

Werewolves are children of nature

One of the reasons for the appearance of tales about werewolves was fire. When a man learned to make fire, he began to be afraid of the forest and darkness surrounding him, although he had previously lived there and was not afraid of them. Fire allowed a person to feel safe in a small spot of light and warmth near the fire. However, not everyone needed this. There have always been people who were not afraid of the dark and strange sounds from the forest. They knew that man would never win in a dispute with nature. They became part of nature, they were not afraid of it, and for this everyone else began to fear them. Them, these special people, and began to be called werewolves.

IN primitive tribes werewolves were not terrible enemies at all, but rather helpers of the tribe. Most ancient tribes, especially in Europe, lived by hunting, and the most successful hunters were those who better than others comprehended the knowledge and habits of the animals they hunted.

It often happened that the elders and best hunters a baby was taken from the children of the tribe. They took this baby to the beasts' den. The risk was great, because the wolves might not accept the human cub. But if the wolves accepted him, then he grew up, being part of the time in the tribe, part of the time among the wolves. He had two tribes. One is his native place, where he was born. And the second is the one who accepted it. These were the first werewolves “out of necessity.” The experience of survival of two tribes was embodied in this child. And this experience, the loyalty of this man-beast to both communities, gave the tribe a greater chance of survival. The werewolf was useful to the entire tribe.

With their existence, werewolves then helped all people. And people did not come into conflict with them. But time passed, and man moved away from nature, believing that he did not need its protection and help. Man declared himself the king of nature and began to destroy it. Fields appeared in place of forests. Animals were killed for fun. And the werewolf, who remained faithful to nature, became an obstacle on man’s path to imaginary well-being. This is where the first conflicts arose. They reached their peak by the end of the 15th century, although isolated outbreaks of these conflicts had been observed earlier.

What did the werewolves stand for in this confrontation? They sought to preserve their way of life and the right to this life. What were people striving for? To increase the level of your well-being through the development of new territories and use natural resources. At the same time, people did not always bother to notice the animals that were doomed to extinction.

From the book Other Worlds author Gorbovsky Alexander Alfredovich

6. Werewolves and werewolves Reports of werewolves are very ancient. Herodotus also wrote about some northern people of the Nurs or Neuros, supposedly capable of turning into wolves. The author of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” mentioning the real historical figure Polotsk Prince Vseslav,

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V. WITCHES, WITCHCRAFT AND WEREWOLVES Sorcerers and witchcraft, of course, are central place subject that we treat in our book. Intercourse between a person and evil spirits in nothing else is it so clearly indicated and characterized as in witchcraft.

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From the book Werewolves. Legends and reality. Cursed Blood author Berg Alexander

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Werewolves of Voodoo As you know, voodoo is a form of Caribbean Islands(in particular, on the island of Haiti) a religion whose roots go back to West Africa, from where slaves were once brought to Haiti. Mixing traditional beliefs Dahomey people from West Africa and

From the author's book

Chapter 4. Werewolves in the 20th century Undoubtedly, the most difficult time for werewolves in Europe was the Middle Ages, when the Holy Inquisition reigned supreme. Werewolves almost disappeared in those years. Then, when immigrants went to the USA, werewolves from the North began to disappear

From the author's book

Werewolves in Russia Today, werewolves in our country are not necessarily wolves or even bears. These are cats, dogs, horses and even pigs. In one domestic research folk beliefs the following is said about werewolves. Most often, village werewolves are shown on

From the author's book

Werewolves in legends and life

Werewolf – mythical creature, which existed in the legends of almost every nation.

This term refers to a person, spirit or demon who can transform into any animal and vice versa. Although it is generally accepted that werewolves in most cases take the form of wolves.

In this case, the transformation can occur either at the request of a person or become a consequence of certain factors: changing moon cycles, the smell of blood, the howling of animals, and so on.

What kind of monsters are these?

Initially, werewolves were people who were able to transform into various creatures, and even inanimate objects through magic and witchcraft. In most cases they were portrayed as some kind of monsters.

For example, among the Greeks, a werewolf was a skinny sorcerer with a donkey's head and a monkey's tail. Such “shifters” walk the streets in winter nights and scare people. But after the blessing of water, held on the feast of Epiphany, the world is cleared of these monsters until the next winter.

U different nations your idea of ​​what animals a werewolf turns into. This could be a leopard, lion, fox, bear and even a seal, like the “silks” in Celtic mythology.

But still, for most people, a werewolf is associated with a wolf. Such a creature has many names: lycanthrope, werewolf, werewolf, mardagail, viltaki.

It was believed that the transformation from man to beast occurs in different ways. If the werewolf is a sorcerer, then he could “put on” the animal’s skin at any time at will. At the same time, he retained his mind and thought logically in any situation.

If a person was bitten by a monster or a curse was placed on him, then he could transform at any time without his desire.

In most cases, the transformation occurred during the full moon, but it could be provoked not only by the light of the night luminary, but also by the smell of blood or the howl of another monster.

The transformation process itself is quite painful and at this moment the “changeling” is most vulnerable.

After conversion, the man could not control his instincts, and killed everything living in his path, while he did not remember anything about his “tricks.”

The appeal of werewolves

These monsters have many advantages over ordinary people. First of all, they are strong, resilient and fast, just like the animals they turn into. In addition, these monsters have other abilities:

  • Tissue regeneration. It is believed that werewolves regenerate cells very quickly. Thanks to this feature, creatures do not age and are not susceptible to any diseases.
  • Immortality. It is almost impossible to kill a werewolf, and the only danger for them is silver, and in those cases when the monster is wounded directly in the heart or brain.
  • Cunning and knowledge. These monsters are dangerous because, even while in animal skin, they do not become stupid, and can use all the knowledge and skills that they had in human form. Monsters can easily outwit hunters, see the trap from afar and bypass all traps on their way to the victim.

These skills make werewolves excellent killing machines. And if you consider that the “changelings” in the legends had increased bloodthirstiness and mercilessness, then it becomes clear why people felt horror and at the same time respect for these creatures.

How to become a werewolf

There are many legends about how to learn to turn into an animal. According to legend, you can become a werewolf in the following ways:

Apply a special magic spell;

Being bitten or scratched by a werewolf;

Take a sip of water from a wolf's trail, or drink from a pond used by a pack of animals;

Born on Christmas Eve;

Eat the brain or flesh of a wolf;

Wear clothes made from animal skin;

In addition, it was believed that the children of werewolves were able to transform into animals from birth.

At the same time, people who become “changelings” after a bite or curse can be healed. But only if they can withstand hunger and do not taste human flesh. Then you can perform a cleansing ritual and save the person.

If a werewolf tastes human flesh, then his soul is cursed, and he will be forced to wear " animal skin"until death.

In the mythology of many peoples, it is believed that a curse can be lifted by killing the monster that bit the person. In this case, all the victims of the werewolf again become normal people.

Myths about werewolves

Why did the wolf become a symbol of werewolves?

For many hundreds of years, this animal remained quite fantastic. And, despite the fact that his habits were quite studied, people did not stop endowing the wolf with incredible “devilish” intelligence and intelligence.

It was believed that the beast could hypnotize a person and he would lose all will to resist and lose the “power of speech.”

The first legend about turning into a wolf appeared back in the days Ancient Greece.

One day Zeus decided to visit King Lykaon in the guise of a simple wanderer. But the cruel ruler ordered to kill the traveler in order to find out whether he was a man or a god. As punishment, Zeus destroyed the king's palace and turned him into a wolf for the rest of his life.

This is how the term “lycanthropy” appeared, meaning the transformation of a person into a beast.

But before, wolves were, albeit fantastic, quite revered animals.

Many warriors chose this beast as their totem.

According to legend, a man with the “soul” of a wolf had endurance, strength and speed, as well as intelligence, which made him invincible in any battle.

In history there are many references to tribes that lived in different corners planets that considered themselves werewolves.

For example, the Balts had a caste of warriors who were servants of the wolf god.

Before each fight, these “werewolves” performed a special ritual, which included taking narcotic substances, henbane to be specific.

Under the influence of the plant, the warriors saw hallucinations about their transformation into wolves, and in “animal form” they went into battle.

With the widespread spread of Christianity, all wolf cults began to be considered pagan, and they were mercilessly fought against.

The early founding fathers of the church denied any possibility of the existence of any werewolves or lycanthropes. But a little later, Christian preachers changed their minds.

Medieval persecution

Later legends about werewolves appeared in the 14th century.

In one of the medieval cities there was a massive attack of dogs on domestic animals. Having found the pack, the townspeople discovered in it a wolf who supposedly knows how to turn into a human. Later, the werewolf himself was “identified” - one of the residents was accused of lycanthropy.

Under torture, the man “confessed” to turning into a wolf and committed several murders. He was, of course, executed, but the story received loud publicity. Soon all the towns and villages were talking about werewolves.

These rumors were strongly supported by the Inquisition, which happily began looking not only for witches, but also for “changelings.” Many people confessed under torture to their ability to turn into animals. And the number of werewolves burned at the stake is in the hundreds, if not thousands.

The most famous case the trial of the werewolf was the trial of Gilles Garnier, which took place in the 16th century.

According to investigators, the defendant met the devil in the forest and sold his soul to him.

In return, Garnier received a potion that gave him the ability to turn into a wolf.

One way or another, this “werewolf” really killed a lot of people.

He raped women and children, gnawed off the genitals of the dead and did many other terrible things.

In 1621, after the publication of the book “The Anatomy of Melancholy”, written by the scientist and priest Robert Barton, attitudes towards werewolves changed.

His theory was also confirmed by the fact that in those days medicines for many diseases were created on the basis of tinctures of opium and belladonna.

These plants are known hallucinogens, and it is not surprising that many patients "became werewolves" after treatment with such drugs.

Scientific point of view

Many drawings from the Stone Age have been found that depict hybrids of humans and animals. Our ancestors often depicted a mixture of man and beast: deer, horse, cat, bird, fish. In addition, statues of demihumans were often created.

The oldest figurine of a human-cat hybrid was discovered in Germany, and its age is about 32 thousand years.

But where could the image of werewolves come from?

First of all, such “monsters” could appear as a result of physiological disorders in the body of a person.

For example, there is a disease called “ congenital hypertrichosis».

This disease, which causes hair to grow on the body, face and upper limbs, could change a person's appearance and make him look like an animal.

And since before people were prone to superstitions, they could endow “lycanthropy” with everyone who was sick with this disease.

Another ailment due to which a person could “become a werewolf” is porphyrin disease.

This disease not only provokes increased hair growth, but also makes visible other manifestations that coincide with myths about werewolves.

Patients develop photophobia, in addition, their skin changes color, facial features are distorted, and the flesh separates from the nails, making them look like claws.

In most cases, patients also have psychological disorders that make them more aggressive. And the inappropriate behavior of patients, coupled with physical changes, could well be the reason for the emergence of myths about lycanthropy.

Werewolf in art

Despite the popularity of werewolves, they failed to take root in literature.

Still from the film “An American Werewolf in London”

But the situation changed dramatically with the advent of cinema.

The first time a werewolf appeared on wide screen back in 1913 and since then has taken a leading position among all the “cinema monsters”. He was able to move even his eternal literary enemy - the vampire.

In 1981, the werewolf received an Oscar in the category for best makeup. It's about about the film “An American Werewolf in London”.

Despite the fact that the plot of the film is quite banal, the external “natural” appearance of the main character made an indelible impression on the audience.

In addition, the special effects of the picture were amazing, because the fur, fangs and wolf’s muzzle grew “right before our eyes.”

Since that time, werewolves have repeatedly appeared in various films and blockbusters, and each time these monsters ensured the film's commercial success.

With the development of technology, werewolves occupied another niche in contemporary art, namely, they became favorite characters in computer games.

You can try yourself as a werewolf in such famous RPGs as Diablo II, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, Werewolf: the last warrior and many others.