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If you go to any forum and ask a question there: wife or spouse - how to say correctly, then a hundred messages will appear (provided that the site is popular), and many of them will contradict each other.

This is due to the fact that most people do not know the correct answer, but rely on information once received from dubious sources. In fact, there are clear definitions of the relevant words. From them you can understand what they mean and when it is permissible to use them.

Is there a difference between a wife and a spouse?

The first thing to consider is whether there are differences between these two concepts. And it should immediately be noted that many of those who were not interested in the relevant issue consider the words “wife” and “spouse” to be synonymous.

And indeed it is. But there is still one nuance. Many people misunderstand the meaning of the concept “synonym”. They think that the corresponding words are completely identical, and exist solely to avoid tautology in the text.

However, this is not the case. To demonstrate this, you should take some shining example– let it be the word “home”.

The following can be synonyms for it:

  • hut;
  • villa;
  • mansions;
  • palace, etc.

Even a child will say that the concepts listed are not identical to the word “house,” although in certain situations they may be so. The situation is approximately the same with the “wife” and “spouse”. These words have different natures.

So, several hundred years ago in Russia the word wife did not mean married woman, but absolutely any representative of the “weaker sex”. The same goes for my husband.

The above is known to many, but few know where “spouse” came from. It arose from the word “supryaga”. This in turn means a couple yoked together.

Therefore, this word was used in relation to a man and woman of peasant origin, who live together, lead a common life, but are not blood relatives in relation to each other.

That is, they actually lead family life and are husband and wife in modern understanding. It should also be noted that in the old days there was no division of this word into two. There was only one concept - “spouse”. This was due to the fact that at that time there was no particular need to complicate the language, since the peasants had very limited rights, and a minimal set of terms was enough to interact with them.

It should also be noted that “Spouse” is a more capacious word. He assumes that a woman is a man’s ally in common affairs, and she helps him in every possible way with them.

The need to create a separate concept was most likely due to the fact that in the old days the words husband and wife had broad meaning, and a separate term was introduced to avoid confusion.

How to speak more correctly?

However, we live in the 21st century, and language and culture in general have changed a lot over the past few centuries.

Therefore, the old order in modern world not very applicable.

But still, there are differences in these two words even now, although many ignore them.

In particular, the concept of “spouse” should be applied to a woman from another family. In relation to his husband, he is obliged to say “wife”. The same applies to a man.

To make it clearer, we can give specific examples:

  • his wife got a job;
  • On the weekend, my wife and children went to her mother-in-law.

Now this is the correct way to say it, although only a few follow it. You can often hear that men say “spouse” when referring to their own woman, and “wife” when referring to someone else’s.

However, such expressions are not entirely correct, although they are not considered gross errors from the point of view of philology. Although, on the other hand, the correct use of these words will only be beneficial.

To demonstrate how incorrect the use of the words in question sounds, an analogy should be drawn. So, many (even some famous journalists) they say “put on” in a situation where you need to say “put on” (for example: “Misha put on a jacket”).

A person who does not know the difference between these two concepts will not notice the error. However, those who understand it will most likely want to correct the speaker. And for some, what they hear will cause some discomfort.

It should also be noted that the words “spouse” are often used to emphasize the irony of the situation. Use for the sake of style is acceptable, but, of course, not in official documents. Although there is no place for irony in them.

Husband, wife or spouse in official documents: which is correct?

You can speak as you please - if you express yourself incorrectly, then no one will particularly judge you for it. However, when it comes to documents, it is extremely necessary to follow the established rules.

The interesting thing is that even officials often make mistakes. In particular, they sometimes write "spouse" to refer to both a man and a woman. However, this is completely false. A document that deals with the relevant concept in this way is highly likely to be rejected.

Therefore, when drawing up official papers, if necessary, it is necessary to indicate gender person, for example: wife or spouse.

But what if such a paper is missed? In some cases, nothing bad will happen. And if it was drawn up, and he, for example, wrote “spouse” in the document, when he meant his wife - and such situations existed. As a result, property may not go to the person for whom it was intended.

Now we must consider which word should be used. There are no criteria provided, so it is acceptable to use both “wife/husband” and “spouse/spouse”.

Which is correct: wife or spouse? There are so many subtleties in the Russian language! The words “wife” and “spouse” are perceived by most of us as synonyms. If the first is considered a colloquial option, then the second has a slightly official connotation. However, few people think about the fact that these concepts still have certain differences. Who are a wife and a spouse? Let’s look at S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary: “A wife is a woman in relation to the man with whom she is officially married (to her husband)." "A wife is the same as a wife. If we talk about the word “wife”, then in Rus' it was used in the meaning of “woman” in relation to all adult representatives of the fairer sex. Now a wife is simply a woman married to a man , however, this concept does not always imply unity of goals and interests. modern society you can hear the expression " common-law wife“in the meaning of “cohabitant” - a woman living together with a man, but not legally married to him. As a rule, the term “spouse” is used only in the case of legalized relationships. If the word “wife” is more of a colloquial option, then the term “spouse” is used in various documents, including small talk or professional vocabulary. The word “wife” is used when covering official events, for example, they say: the president with his wife, the ambassador with his wife, etc. However, in Lately it increasingly slips into everyday speech, and many women note that the address “spouse” seems more respectful to them. Others consider it colder and more formal. The difference between the words wife and spouse The word “wife” comes from the word “supryaga”, meaning “a couple harnessed together.” The partner served as one of the traditional forms labor cooperation of peasants in Rus', which lost its significance with the beginning of collectivization. Thus, the concept of “spouses” literally means “coupled together” - that is, two people called upon to jointly pull the common cart of life. And the “wife” is a “teammate”, “the one harnessed next to” - she goes through life next to a man, helps him in business not only with words and affection, but also with her own participation, cooperation in everything. To achieve results, they must always go in the same direction, help each other and be united by common goals. Consequently, a spouse is necessarily a like-minded person. And a wife is a woman with whom relations are legalized, but unity of goals and actions is not always present. Which is correct: wife or spouse? The use of the words “spouse, wife” can also be considered from the point of view speech etiquette. Thus, it is customary to speak of one’s own “soul mate” as “husband, wife,” and of someone else’s – “husband, wife.” Therefore, the phrase: “My husband asked me to say hello to your wife” would be a violation of speech etiquette. It would be correct to say: “My husband asked me to say hello to your wife” and, accordingly: “My wife asked me to say hello to your wife.” One’s own is always one’s wife. You say: “Meet: my wife...” or “My wife thinks...” But a stranger, that is, not your own, is always a spouse. You can address a person only in this form: “What does your spouse think?”, “What does your spouse think about this?” Let’s try to convey greetings from your other half to the other half of your colleague. Correct: “My wife (husband) sends greetings to your wife (husband).”

The words “spouse” and “wife” are synonymous, since “wife” is a woman in relation to a man married to her (like “spouse”).

If we turn to history, we will see what each of the words means:

The word “spouse” comes from the word “supryaga”, which means “coupled together” (as they said in Rus'), which implied mutually beneficial cooperation in absolutely everything.

But the word “wife” in Rus' was used in the meaning of “woman”, and was applied to all “middle-aged” women, not girls.

Therefore, the word “wife” is a colloquial version of the word “spouse”; the latter is used in all documents and is also considered more respectful.

The word “spouse” comes from the word “supryaga” and this word has the meaning of “a couple harnessed together.” And the familiar concept of “wife”, of course, means that these are two people who are going in the same direction, they are united by a common goal - building a family. They help each other in this all their lives. In essence, marriage is, of course, cooperation.

And the word “wife” is, of course, a colloquial option about the family, but the term “spouse” is written in all official documents and is used in small talk. And what is important is the word “spouse” is usually said when a marriage relationship is legalized by official

The words "wife" and "husband" in their original meaning meant "woman" and "man". And since the natural state of adult men and women is living together in marriage, then these terms extended to marital relations. But still in the “high style” the word “husband” is used specifically to designate the standard of masculine qualities, for example: “great men of the Fatherland” (about outstanding personalities), “learned men” (about scientists) and so on.

The word “spouses,” as has already been correctly pointed out here, comes from the ancient word “harnessed in one harness” (about draft animals). It came from the church environment, which is characterized by the widespread use of allegories and allegories. Gradually, the expression “spouses”, originally used in sermons (as an element of various kinds of parables), firmly entered into church usage. And since it was the church that was in charge of the “civil registration”, then from there this expression came into official circulation, becoming a kind of clericalism - as opposed to the everyday “husband” and “wife”.

The name spouse is used in official documents and questionnaires. This also applies to official events and officials, for example, the president and his wife, the ambassador and his wife, etc., in accordance with the protocol. Husband and wife are common names.

In principle, there is no difference. The word “wife” just sounds more respectful. For example, I often use it when addressing colleagues with whom I speak on “you”: “How is your spouse feeling?” etc.

Difference between wife and spouse

The words “wife” and “spouse” are perceived by most of us as synonyms. If the first is considered a colloquial option, then the second has a slightly official connotation. However, few people think about the fact that these concepts still have certain differences, which we will talk about in this article.


Wife– a woman in relation to a man married to her.

Spouse- the same as the wife.


that is, two people called upon to jointly pull the common cart of life. To achieve results, they must always go in the same direction, help each other and be united by common goals. We can say that true marriage implies mutually beneficial cooperation in everything.

If we talk about the word “wife”, then in Rus' it was used in the meaning of “woman” in relation to all adult representatives of the fairer sex. Summarizing the above, we can conclude that the spouse is necessarily a like-minded person, while the wife is simply a woman married to a man. The latter concept does not always imply unity of goals and interests. Also in modern society you can hear the expression “common-law wife” meaning “cohabitant”

The word “wife” is more of a colloquial option, while the term “spouse” is used in various documents, in small talk or professional vocabulary. However, recently it is increasingly slipping into everyday speech, and many women note that the address “spouse” seems more respectful to them. Others consider it colder and more formal.


  1. The word “wife” is more of a colloquial option, while the term “spouse” is used in various documents, in small talk or professional vocabulary.
  2. The word "wife" can also be used to mean "cohabitant." The term "spouse" is usually used only in the case of a legal relationship.
  3. A spouse is necessarily a like-minded person, while a wife is simply a woman married to a man.
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There are so many subtleties in the Russian language! The words “wife” and “spouse” are perceived by most of us as synonyms. If the first is considered a colloquial option, then the second has a slightly official connotation. However, few people think about the fact that these concepts still have certain differences.

Who are the wife and spouse?

Let's look into S.I. Ozhegov's dictionary:

"Wife- a woman in relation to the man with whom she is officially married (her husband)."

If we talk about the word “wife”, then in Rus' it was used in the meaning of “woman” in relation to all adult representatives of the fairer sex. Now a wife is simply a woman married to a man, but this concept does not always imply unity of goals and interests. Also in modern society you can hear the expression “common-law wife” meaning “cohabitant” a woman living with a man, but not legally married to him. As a rule, the term “spouse” is used only in the case of legalized relationships.

If the word “wife” is more of a colloquial option, then the term “spouse” is used in various documents, in small talk or professional vocabulary. The word “wife” is used when covering official events, for example, they say: the president with his wife, the ambassador with his wife, etc. However, recently it is increasingly slipping into everyday speech, and many women note that the address “spouse” seems them more respectful. Others consider it colder and more formal.

The difference between the words wife and spouse

The word "spouse" comes from the word "supryaga" meaning "a couple harnessed together." Supryaga served as one of the traditional forms of labor cooperation among peasants in Rus', which lost its significance with the beginning of collectivization. Thus, the concept of “spouses” literally means “jointly coupled” that is, two people called upon to jointly pull the common cart of life. And the “wife” is a “teammate”, “the one harnessed next to” - she goes through life next to a man, helps him in business not only with words and affection, but also with her own participation, cooperation in everything. To achieve results, they must always go in the same direction, help each other and be united by common goals.

Therefore, a spouse is necessarily a like-minded person.

And a wife is a woman with whom the relationship is legalized, but unity of goals and actions is not always present.

Which is correct: wife or spouse?

So oh own It is customary to say “husband, wife” to the “other half”, but about stranger- "husband, spouse."

Therefore, the phrase: “My husband asked me to say hello to your wife” would be a violation of speech etiquette. It would be correct to say: “My husband asked me to say hello to your wife” and, accordingly: “My wife asked me to say hello to your wife.”

But a stranger, that is, not one’s own, is always a spouse. You can address a person only in this form: “What does your spouse think?”, “What does your spouse think about this?”

Let's try to convey greetings from your other half to the other half of your colleague.

Correct: “My wife (husband) sends greetings to your wife (husband).”

Which is correct: Wife or Spouse? What is the difference?

For example: am I the wife of Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov? Or is it more correct to say - I am the wife of Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov?

Just wondering what the difference is?

For me, a spouse is an official address, and a wife is an everyday address)

The wife is after the registry office, the spouse is after the wedding. But with us, everything with our spouses sounds more beautiful, more respectable.

Wrong! Sit down "2"!)))))) "Spouse" - terminology of the Family Code.

My mother hates it when they say the word “spouses”. How I explained it to her school teacher Russian that this appeal is only for official visits and crowned heads, but is not applicable in ordinary speech.

Bullshit. Look in the dictionary: “spouses are a married couple.”

The wife sounds more intimate))) In one harness. The wife is official)) IMHO

Take a look at the Family Code - there is no concept of “wife”.

Take a look at the Family Code - there is no concept of “wife”.

Have you ever heard at the registry office that at least once someone was “declared husband and wife”?

And the marriage certificate (an official document, by the way) also says husband and wife.

Yes, it makes no difference whether they are hanging out with one or the other. Now families do not exist. ONLY COMMERCIAL PROJECTS.

Husband, spouse - this is for presidents and prime ministers))) the word takes on an ironic meaning when Uncle Vasya, a mechanic, calls his wife that.

spouse is an unpleasant word)

I got tired of fights between wives and mistresses, and fights between wives and spouses began.

that is, wives with cohabitants.

According to etiquette, it would be a gross mistake to introduce any woman as “this is the wife of so-and-so,” only a spouse. They say it right here, spouse is more official, wife is a word with an everyday connotation.

spouse is an unpleasant word)

this is unpleasant for unmarried people

married and married people are very pleased to be the wife of their spouse

These are synonymous words. The word “spouse” has a clerical connotation and is more often used in official speech. “Wife” is a word of neutral vocabulary. That's all. All sorts of weddings and so on have nothing to do with it.

Wife of her husband

Take a look at the Family Code - there is no concept of “wife”.

How else to write? Rights and responsibilities of married people? And “people who are married” are too long. And the spouses - short and clear.

yes, spouses - about both with the same word.

You can use one or the other, of course, there are shades of meaning.

It's like tomatoes and tomatoes - both words are in circulation, and also not completely synonymous.

Wife is an abbreviation for the word "Woman". More ancient word. In the same Bible, the word “wife” is used to mean “woman”.

Spouse is a younger, more official word that denotes the status of a woman.

But in essence there is no difference.

Husband is also, by the way, short for “man.” Previously, everyone was a husband.

Husband is also, by the way, short for “man.” Previously, everyone was a husband.

Rave. But as always. You need to be smarter less.

It’s not nonsense at all, “learned man” - you think it’s about an intelligent spouse.

Karrreglazka Husband - also, by the way, short for "man". Previously, everyone was a husband. Rave. But as always. You need to be smarter less.

It’s not nonsense at all, “learned husband” - you think it’s about an intelligent spouse.

Yes, this guest today writes the same thing about me on every thread. Let him do it) This is his mood today.)

It looks like the speck in your eye has turned into a log in someone else's eye.

Carre-Eye 28, it looks like the speck in your eye has turned into a log in someone else’s eye.

Well, yes. Most people find it more pleasant to dissect other people's specks. after all, this is how they are distracted from their logs.

Spouses in Old Russian means “harnessed in one harness”... like married horses, in general. This is where, it turns out, the word came from.

That is, this word has nothing to do with etiquette and officialdom at all.

The words: devour, eat, eat, also came from somewhere. But when we want to appear cultured in front of strangers, we use the option we use. And according to etiquette, we are either right or wrong.

Rave. But as always. You need to be smarter less.

I support. She's at today good mood and writes adequate posts. And don't touch me like. How many times have you trolled others, brown-eyed? How many topics were spoiled with your landing?

You're a fat troll, brown-eyed)) what else have you done to yourself, you

Right. those. “this is Tatyana, so-and-so’s wife,” or “my wife Tatyana”

According to etiquette, it is not correct to introduce your wife as a spouse, that is, the expression “this is my spouse” is not correct. But we need to talk about Vaskina’s wife, whether Vasya is a minister or a janitor. The choice of expression does not show the status of a woman, but only the knowledge of the ethics of the speaker.

The words “husband” and “wife” certainly come from the word “harness”. But in modern speech this word is most often used in formal speech. The word “believer” was not originally ironic either, but now it is a word with a touch of humor.

Bullshit. Look in the dictionary: “spouses are a married couple.”

I looked in. it says "same as wife"

I hate the word "spouse". I immediately imagine a plump elderly lady with curls and glasses, so strict))

When my husband calls me that, I get mad at what kind of SPOUSE I am.

For me, my spouse is better. My wife sounds a bit rude. It’s as if I’m a man with a big hairy belly, and my wife (WIFE) is 80 kilograms :-)

`"According to Vasmer, it comes from the ancient Russian spouse "pair team;" It follows from what has been said - a married couple. I assume that the word "spouses" can only be used in plural when introducing a married couple. One’s own or someone else’s is a “wife”, but not a spouse.

spouse is an unpleasant word)

For me, wife is an unpleasant word, it hurts the ear.. And wife is a respectful treatment.. Therefore, if you do not respect a woman, call her wife, and if you respect her, call her wife!. The concept of wife can also be used from the point of view of humor, without offense.

In general, many people have a disturbed sense of speech... We say many things incorrectly... This is not surprising in a country that has experienced cold war, perestroika and horrors after the collapse Soviet Union.. But we have to become normal person!. This the only way be happy..)

The spouse is a more ancient and respectful option, and the wife is more down-to-earth. They also say “my half.”

A spouse is an old-fashioned option. None of the young people usually use this word.

Well, because they are still young.. And in general, our youth use little normal in their speech.. And you know how and how much our youth swear (I once went to a computer club - swearing on swearing, an 8-year-old boy... even I haven’t noticed the use of such swear words in adults, both in quantity and in strength...).. Yes, and you and I are not doing anything to ensure that our youth speak normally..

By the way, in foreign languages There is also a difference between “wife” and “spouse”, for example, in French, and in English as well. “Spouse” is an official title, “wife” for everyday life.

I believe that the word "spouse" is more polite than "wife".

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What is the difference between wife and spouse?

Now I asked my wife, the answer was expected. The wife is the one who is behind her husband. And the wife is the one who is opposite the friend.

It turned out that a wife is a woman whom a man marries out of love and desire, with whom he lives because he wants to live with her.

And a wife is a woman whom a man marries because it was necessary, had to, was obliged to do so, with whom he is connected by some kind of business or interest, but not love or intimacy.

“Have you not paid attention to what kind of relationship is between spouses, and what kind is between husband and wife? After all, it’s clear that spouses only tolerate and respect each other, but how close husband and wife are to each other!” - he convinced the dry cleaning receptionist. The man considered the strongest argument confirming the correctness of his opinion famous expression"fulfill marital duty."

“What kind of debt can there be when there is love? And with a wife there are no debts, there is love and natural desire. Because a wife means a desirable woman.” (c)

But it seems to me that these are synonyms; your reasoning looks too complicated. To be precise: marriage (Greek γάμος - marriage; derived from the verb to take), or marital union, matrimony - regulated by society and, in most states, registered with the relevant government bodies family connection between two people who have reached marriageable age, giving rise to their rights and obligations towards each other, and also, when a couple has children, towards their children. To enter into a marriage, the parties to the marriage must have mutual consent and have reached the age of marriage. In a number of countries, when registering a marriage, a marriage contract is concluded.

A man in a marriage is called a husband or spouse, a woman is called a wife or spouse

The same is true according to V. Dahl’s dictionary. These are the same concepts, it’s just that husband and wife are considered a more polite designation for a married couple than husband and wife.

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