Litrpg in Harry Potter fanfiction. Mel Gibson's war drama "Hacksaw Ridge"

The cartoon “Phineas and Ferb” became a real hit on the Disney Channel, so we got to draw a few more characters from this series. Isabella will be the first character associated with the animated series, because she was remembered by us for her phrase in the original “What’cha doin`?” And Isabella usually says this to Phineas because she has a huge crush on him, which is clear from the very first episode.

And if you want to know how to draw Isabella from “Phineas and Ferb” step by step, then you have come to the right place. Full name Isabella “Isabella Garcia-Shapiro” and her best friend Phineas and Ferb, and she often helps them realize their plans. Since she is the leader of the Fireside Girls, she often forces her girls to use their services to help Phineas and Ferb. The main reason why she works with girls is because she wants to get new badges and credits as a scout. Isabella is sweet and beautiful girl, and often reminds us of the sister of one of our friends. So we think you friends will love this lesson and learn... how to draw Isabella from “Phineas and Ferb” step by step.

After we present you with this lesson for today, there will be more characters, who exactly you can help us choose in the order table, and we ourselves will try to choose when watching the series (the video will be at the end of the lesson with all the series in Russian). Drawing Disney characters is always fun because they are easy to draw. All the steps we will show you will allow you quickly draw Isabella with an ease that will surprise you. Everything is done so that you can relax while drawing and make this path interesting and creative.

Step 2.

Step one, all we need is to draw a frame for Isabella's body. Start with an egg shape for her head and then continue drawing lines for her face. Let's draw the stickman structure for Isabella's body, as you can see in our drawing, and we can move on to the next step.

How to draw Isabella from the animated series "Phineas and Ferb" step by step

Step 3.

Using the face guide lines you got in the first drawing step, start drawing out the shapes of Isabella's eyes, nose, mouth or grin, and then add the lower part of her face and neck.

How to draw Isabella from the animated series "Phineas and Ferb" step by step

A great song from the cartoon “Phineas and Ferb”

Step 5.

Complete the shape of her eyes and then add eyelashes. Now the process of drawing the beauty’s hair will begin, starting with the bangs. Continue drawing the figure and torso, and then move on to the arms.

How to draw Isabella from the animated series "Phineas and Ferb" step by step

Step 6.

Let's finish drawing Isabella's hair and then draw her cute bow that is neatly tied on her head. Draw eyeballs character and pupils. You can also draw after Isabella and. Collect your cartoon character drawings to track your progress.

How to draw Isabella from the animated series "Phineas and Ferb" step by step

Step 7

Let's fill in her eyes and then draw in the details for the bow and hair. Let's draw a few lines on the dress.

How to draw Isabella from the animated series "Phineas and Ferb" step by step

Step 8

Let's start drawing Isabella's legs, and then give her a beautiful belt. We can clear the face of unnecessary auxiliary lines.

IN Lately, cartoon characters are becoming more and more popular. On TV we can see cartoons not only for children. But adult audiences can also enjoy animated series that are suitable for viewing only by adults and are in no way suitable for children’s ears and eyes. In fact, these are original films, only with drawn characters. One of these animated series is the cartoon about Phineas and Ferb.

Who is Ferb

Do you love these characters, maybe let's try to draw them? How to draw Fitness and Ferb? Phineas is a character with red hair, by nature he is an idealist who is not used to being bored. He is distinguished by his small stature and a large number of brains Ferb is Phineas' half-brother. Unlike his brother, he wears green hair. He also has a lot of brains, but he is more silent and more often does physical work than mental work.

Drawing Ferb

First, let's figure out how to draw Ferb.

  • Take those pencils thin lines sketch his figure. It's a little angular, so you won't have to draw much.
  • The head is long, oblong, the body is the same size as the head.
  • The nose is rectangular, there is little hair on the head, and the arms and legs are small.
  • Phineas a little shorter, his head resembles a triangle, the corner of which is the nose. The body is also small.
  • We complement the finished sketch the necessary details, draw clothes and paint them exactly color scheme. You can use a still frame of a cartoon or just a picture as a sample.

Since release last book More than ten years have passed about Harry Potter, and fans have really missed their favorite characters. Even the release of the play" Cursed child“did not greatly ease their suffering, because even before the premiere the text caused a lot of discussion and criticism.

Fortunately for, JK Rowling gave great interview, in which she talked about the future of the main characters. Finally, fans will find out what happened in magical world after Voldemort's defeat. Of course, this will not replace a full-fledged book, but, nevertheless, it is very interesting to learn about the future from the lips of the writer herself!

Harry Potter and Ron Weasley

After defeating Voldemort, Harry and Ron remained not only friends, but also colleagues. They entered the service of the Ministry of Magic and became aurors. Harry became the youngest head of this department - he was 26 years old when he received the position. He helped bring about major changes to the department and the entire Ministry.

After the Battle of Hogwarts, Ron also joined the Aurors, but after a few years he got tired of fighting and joined George. Together they turned Magic Pests into a huge business, thanks to which the Weasley family no longer suffered from poverty. Finest hour Rona's moment came when he saw himself on the chocolate frog cards!


After the end of the Second Wizarding War, Hermione returned to wizarding school and completed her studies. Rowling noted that she went on a quest to find the Horcruxes with Harry and Ron because she had a big heart, but she also has a very sharp mind. She is not drawn to fights, pain and killing, so in the first place she was glad to return to school. Of course, Hermione graduated from Hogwarts with honors and went to work for the Ministry!

She also did not abandon the idea of ​​her society to protect the elves. At the Ministry she continued to fight for rights magical creatures and began her career in this department. She then moved to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, where she carried out many reforms to eradicate the persecution of non-pureblood wizards.

Draco Malfoy

All Potter fans dreamed that Draco Malfoy would become a better person and realize his mistakes. However, according to JK Rowling, he has not changed dramatically, no matter how sad that is. And this is not surprising, because he was raised by a man with very bad views. But there are still improvements - Draco and his wife Astoria abandoned their pureblood origins and raised their son Scorpius in other traditions.

Ginny Weasley

As Potter fans remember, Ginny became a Seeker on the Gryffindor team after Harry. After her studies, she pursued a career in Quidditch and became a member of the Holyhead Harpies team.

After retiring from professional Quidditch, Ginny became a sports correspondent for the Daily Prophet. She had to deal with Rita Skeeter, who repeatedly tried to write about Harry scandalous stories. Ginny, being Harry's wife and mother of his children, defended her family from Skeeter on several occasions.

Dudley Dursley

Harry's cousin made his life very difficult as a child and bullied him constantly. But after meeting the Dementor, he changed his idea of ​​the wizarding world and began to treat Harry differently. That's why Dudley became the only one he talked to after moving away from the Dursleys.

Harry and Dudley did not become real friends and brothers, but continued to meet on holidays. True, they just sat silently and watched their children play together.

Neville Longbottom

This funny boy managed to make an excellent career after the end of the Second Magic War. As readers remember, he made a huge contribution to the victory and became an Auror after all the events. But after a few years, his passion for herbology won out, and he began teaching this subject at Hogwarts.

As for his parents, Frank and Alice, many fans hoped that they would be able to recover from Bellatrix Lestrange's curse. However, no matter how sad it was, Longbottom’s parents remained in their madness, because dark magic creates irreparable things. Rowling thereby wanted to show that there are options much worse than what happened to Harry's parents.

Luna Lovegood

Many Potter readers thought that Luna would be a great match for Neville, but JK Rowling decided differently. Luna married Rolf Scamander, the grandson of Newt, known to everyone in the film Fantastic Beasts. The couple met during trip around the world Luna. They had twins, Lorcan and Lysander.

Professor Umbridge

Many Potter fans hated this woman even more than Voldemort, because she committed many blasphemous crimes. For her active persecution of Muggle-borns who died while imprisoned in Azkaban under her sentence, she was sentenced to life imprisonment. It was a pity that Azkaban was no longer guarded by dementors - she would have liked a personal guard sucking all the joy out of a person.


This giant definitely deserved at least a little happiness, especially after he carried the lifeless body of Harry in his arms. Fans were so hopeful that everything would work out with Madame Maxime, the director of Beauxbatons school. However, Joan decided differently!

After all the events, Hagrid returned back to Hogwarts, where he lived alone in his lodge until the end of his days. Madame Maxime refused to become his wife, since he was not too worthy for her.

Teddy Lupine

The death of Remus Lupine and Nymphadora Tonks immediately after the birth of their first child was the most heartbreaking part of the last book. But Rowling admits that she did this in order to show that Harry was not the only one left an orphan after the war. This is sad, but without this, more than one bloody battle is impossible.

Teddy Lupine inherited magical abilities Nymphadora and became a metamorph. He was raised by his grandmother and all members of the Order of the Phoenix. Harry, as fans remember, became his godfather.


Many were wondering what happened to Voldemort after his death. He lost all the Horcruxes and found himself in limbo, between life and death, where Harry saw him.

But after all that the Dark Lord had done in life, he could not die like a common person. He could not return to the world of the living as a ghost, he could not get into other world. He remained in the state of a pitiful, powerless child with torn skin. It's hard to imagine the suffering he's going through, but he deserves it after everything he's done.

Victor Kram

Viktor Krum was a very skilled Quidditch player who ultimately brought his team to victory in the World Cup in 2014. At the time of his victory, he was the oldest Quidditch player. He married a girl from Bulgaria, but all his life he kept in touch with Hermione, who became his good friend.


Completely rebuilt after the end of the magical war, the Ministry of Magic refused to cooperate with the Dementors. It’s amazing how they managed to work with these creatures for so many years, sucking all the joy out of people. In addition, the Dementors sided with the Dark Lord in the war.

Now in Azkaban, Aurors are guarding criminals. It is unknown what happened to the Dementors after they were fired. But fans hope they just moved far, far away.

Professor Snape

At the end of the book series, many Potter fans radically changed their opinion about Professor Snape. Having been a notorious villain and henchman of the Dark Lord for all seven books, he turns out to have laid down his life on the altar of love. To save Harry, the son of his only love.

And Potter managed to restore Snape's memory - his portrait was placed among other images of Hogwarts directors. Rowling admitted that Harry's role in the restoration was important to her good name Severus, who had risked his life for so many years to save him.

Well, JK Rowling told the most important events from the lives of the grown-up Potter characters. Of course, this will not replace the continuation of the beloved saga, but still at least some joy for loyal fans!

The world of Potter in Fantastic Beasts New film Dardenne brothers and Russian thriller based on the opera “Queen of Spades” (VIDEO) Film premieres of the week

Today, one of the most anticipated films of the fall is being released - “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” based on the script by J. K. Rowling. The film tells about events 70 years before Harry Potter and, of course, is intended for Potter fans, but it will also be interesting for those who are not familiar with Potter - the characters in it are all new. In limited release you can get acquainted with new job favorites of Cannes critics, directors of the Dardenne brothers - “Unknown”. Also in the movie is a thriller based on the opera “Queen of Spades,” a war drama and a couple of horror films.

"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them"

Fantastic beasts and where to find them

"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" directed by latest films David Yates's Potter films can safely be called one of the most anticipated films of the fall, if not the year. This adaptation of Fantastic Animals and Where to Find Them is the first in a series of five films to be written by J.K. Rowling. The film is not a prequel or sequel to Harry Potter, but Magic world will be the same - 70 years before the boy with the scar left ordinary world and went to the school of Witchcraft and Magic. According to the creators, this independent work addressed not only to Harry Potter fans. It can be watched even by those who have never heard of Hogwarts and the orphan boy. The film follows the adventures of writer Newt Scamander in the New York secret society of witches and wizards.

Starring: Oscar-winner Eddie Redmayne, Johnny Depp, Gemma Chan, Ezra Miller, Katherine Waterston and others

“When watching Fantastic Beasts, it’s hard to say who did more here - the screenwriter, the strong craftsman, the director of the last Potters, David Yates, the worthy cast or Oscar-winning Big Fish cinematographer Philippe Rousseau. However, upon common reflection, the picture quickly becomes clearer. As for the script, the best thing about it is the retro-fantasy spirit, which saves even the most idiotic episodes. The same can be said about directing: Yates does not have any characteristic style; this year, let us remind you, he also managed to release a new film adaptation of “Tarzan,” writes – As for the actors, they are all undoubtedly good, but the question is still how Eddie Redmayne managed to get the role of Stephen Hawking (“Stephen Hawking Universe”), a transgender (“The Danish Girl”) and a fairy-tale fool in a row. But there are absolutely no complaints about the way it was all filmed. With a few crazy flights through New York streets (which were built in Liverpool), any inconsistencies can be forgiven, especially when you look at it all in 3D.”

"Beasts" promises to be one of the studio's most successful films. It's not just the impressive special effects - all the creatures, of course, are drawn using computer graphics– and in precise acting “hits” and detailed study cinematic universe. And, of course, in a high-quality scenario, writes Izvestia. – “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” by JK Rowling is a real medieval bestiary in the spirit of the famous work of the 12th century author Richard Furnival. In addition to the famous griffins, the writer’s magical world is inhabited by the cutest sniffers and lechurki, camouflora and burnsponges. And, of course, looking at them is much more interesting than reading the most detailed descriptions.”

Mel Gibson's war drama "Hacksaw Ridge"

Hacksaw Ridge

Mel Gibson directed the war drama about World War II American Army medic Desmond Doss, who served during the Battle of Okinawa. He refused to kill people and became the first ideological evader in American history, awarded the Medal of Honor.

Starring: Andrew Garfield, Richard Piros, Jacob Warner, Milo Gibson and others. The film has a high rating of 8.7 points.

“...A feature film about his feat has only just been shot. But this case is exactly one of those about which they say “better late than never,” especially since it was not just anyone who took on the story, but Mel Gibson himself. Surrounded constant scandals and constantly attacked by spiteful critics because of his ultra-conservative positions, he not only made a brilliant biopic, but Once again proved that, be that as it may, there are only a few equals to him in the ability to make both spectacular and profound films in Hollywood,” writes “Kinocracy” of the Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

“Hacksaw Ridge” makes you admire and at the same time brings tears, amazes with revelations and allows a smile to creep into the corners of your lips, writes user “PALPATINE” on Kinopoisk. – Mel Gibson once again confirms the undoubted talent of one of the most extraordinary directors of our time, simultaneously allowing Andrew Garfield to play almost best role in a career. The director, actor, and their colleagues presented us with a powerful, thoughtful story, as multifaceted as life itself. A war never passes without a trace, but we must understand that what we bring back with us depends on us and only us. Desmond Dess once realized this. Now Mel Gibson brought this to us. Therefore, draw the right conclusions and watch a movie that keeps you in suspense until the very end, leaving an indelible imprint on your soul.”

Russian thriller based on Tchaikovsky’s opera – “The Queen of Spades”

Pavel Lungin directed a film based on the plot of Tchaikovsky's opera " Queen of Spades", which, in turn, was written according to work of the same name Pushkin. Opera diva Sofia Mayer after for long years emigration returns to Russia. The singer intends to stage Tchaikovsky's Queen of Spades on the stage where she once made her debut. The performance will undoubtedly become the highlight of the season, and all the actors in the production will wake up famous. The young singer of the opera troupe Andrei dreams of fame and money, and “The Queen of Spades” is a chance for him to achieve what he wants. He is ready to do anything to get the role of Hermann, and Sophia guesses this, leaving the role of the Countess for herself. The opera diva begins a cruel game in which all participants in the performance will be involved.

Cast: Ksenia Rappoport, Ivan Yankovsky, Maria Kurdenevich, Igor Mirkurbanov and others.

Reviews from viewers and critics are mixed. Some praise the film for its extraordinary approach and theatrical action, while others accuse it of being shot in the language of not-so-successful Russian TV series.

“The Queen of Spades” is a vulnerable, uneven, contradictory, irritating, provocative film, writes Novaya Gazeta. “It’s surprising that in our glorious times the shouts and sobs of offended Pushkinophiles and Chaikov-loving people are not yet heard. In addition to the excessively free and disrespectful attitude to the classics, Lungin’s cinema will be reproached for falseness. But his film is about the “operatic” nature of our consciousness, the pretense of relationships, and the distorted perception of reality. According to Lungin, the whole world is an opera. He plays with the genre, exaggerates the colors, is not afraid of exaggeration, outright kitsch, and raises the relationships between the characters to the extreme. “The Queen of Spades” is a mix of opera and psychothriller. ...This one may not best picture Lungina is emotional, brave, and temperamental. Unlike many modern Russian films– cold-blooded marriages with cinema of convenience, “Queen of Spades” is a lively, at times controversial discussion with textbook classics, seething with passions and questions. Not to Pushkin and Tchaikovsky. To yourself".

“As a result, the film argues in a sweeping manner with its own simulacra, collecting cultural cliches along the way. “The Queen of Spades” turns out to be a thriller about the destructive power of art, and if it had not been filmed in the language of “Russia 1,” it would have turned out to be a grandiose satire, says a reviewer of the portal. – A satire on faith in high calm (and what kind of art in public consciousness higher than opera?), which still flourishes in Russia at all levels. On people of art who give too much great importance to oneself in art, and not to art in oneself. On patriotism in culture: “Howl like a real Russian woman!” – Sofia Mayer, who has not lived in Russia for more than ten years, instructs Lisa. Instead, Andrei explodes the Moon with his singing, and Sofia Mayer, despite her demonic nature, puts on what seems to be a really good performance. The plastic world has won.”

Detective drama by the Dardenne brothers "Unknown"


In the Salyut and Titanic Cinema cinemas you can watch the drama “Unknown”, nominated for the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival this year. Directed by brothers Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne.

One evening, after finishing seeing patients, Jenny decides not to open the door to a late visitor to her surgical office. The next day, the police inform her that the body of an unknown girl was found nearby. Experiencing secret remorse, Jenny tries to independently establish the identity of the stranger...

Starring: Adele Haenel, Olivier Bonneau, Jeremy Renier, Luca Minnelli and others.

According to critics, “Unknown” is a very “Dardenne” film. Visually simple, but forcing you to delve into yourself, to recognize things in yourself that you don’t always want to admit.

“Unknown,” conceived a long time ago, is even more like a detective story than the duo’s previous films, writes Afisha Daily. – ...One can superficially notice that “Unknown” explores the situation with migrants in Western Europe(the murdered woman was an illegal immigrant, hence the difficulties with the investigation): everyone uses them, but no one cares about them or needs them. Or you can step back and see that the authors here are proposing to ask the question of collective responsibility. The only possible answer is not at all “I’m ashamed of so-and-so,” but exclusively “I’m ashamed of myself.” Actually, according to the Dardennes, responsibility is never collective, but only individual, inextricably linked with the awakening of conscience. ...The brothers demand from the viewer that he see himself in the mirror, enter into an honest dialogue with himself, try the situation on himself, and the other here, it seems, is just an excuse for this dialogue.”

“In general, an ordinary masterpiece from the duo Belgian masters. Those who know the Dardennes will definitely go to see “Unknown”. Those who are not familiar with their films will watch and immediately join the ranks of fans. Fortunately, the release of the film is accompanied by a retrospective and the publication in Russian of the brothers’ book “Behind the Backs of Our Pictures.” It will be possible to watch “The Unknown” and refresh your memory of the most strong work Dardennov,” writes Fontanka.

Another thriller about the epidemic “Virus”

Henry Joost and Ariel Shulman present another horror film about a dangerous virus that has infected humanity. Evil is creeping up on the city, where a young girl, Emma, ​​lives with her parents and sister. The first signs of an epidemic have already appeared, but the sisters, despite a strict ban, decide to have a blast at a student party. But a terrible virus will make its way into this epicenter of fun. The virus attacks and turns people into angry monsters. The heroine of the film is trying to survive and save her loved ones.

Starring: Sofia Black-D'Elia, Analeigh Tilton, Travis Tope and others.

In Yekaterinburg, the film is shown at Kinomax Megapolis, Kinoplex Carnival, and Titanic Cinema.

“In a word, a banal, clichéd, boring story about survival in quarantine, and about children who perform surgical operations of varying complexity using improvised means, without experience and knowledge. I won’t even mention any of the actors. They have a pretty face, but they express their emotions in clichés and cliches,” viewers write on the Kinopoisk portal.

Detective horror "Evolution"


In the Salyut and Colosseum cinemas you can watch another horror film, this time of French-Belgian origin, directed by Lucile Adzialilovich. 11-year-old Nicholas lives with his mother on an isolated island inhabited by the same boys and their mothers. Nicholas explores the seabed to find fish, but finds a body. Or did he just imagine it, and instead of a body there was only a starfish? Every day Nicholas has everything more questions and suspicions. The boy is placed in a hospital, within whose green walls children seem to be being treated for something, or maybe in fact women are conducting a strange experiment on them in order to get rid of their own burden of motherhood. Evolution is going places we couldn't imagine. Blue water, white houses, shadows, yellow light - the shots of incredible beauty will take your breath away. But right there, needles pierce the skin, blood flows from the nose, and the body mutates.

“Evolution” makes frankly frightening eyes at us, brightening up the shocking revelations of life in a gloomy future with the beauty of nature, which looks somewhat alien in this festival of depressing feast. After watching the film, a persistent taste of rot remains, caused by our personal indifference, short-sightedness and self-centeredness, write Kinopoisk users. – Lucille Adzialilovich does not talk about this openly, but the world created by her extraordinary imagination allows us to make appropriate assumptions. Its “evolution” is going to seem attractive to everyone, it is what it is, without unnecessary embellishment. I won’t say that I want to continue getting acquainted with the story of the unfortunate Nicholas, but it’s not recommended to refuse a trip to the island of living physiological nightmares for an audience searching for an unconventional and intelligent movie. So welcome to another disturbing dream that can penetrate deep into the memory without invitation and remain there for a long time.”

Australian thriller "Fear of the Dark"

Fear of the dark

Christopher Fitchett's film Fear of the Dark looks more banal; its rating on movie sites rarely exceeds 4 points. Brilliant young psychologist Sarah Faithfull takes on the investigation. mysterious disappearance student. Suspicion falls on his girlfriend, Skye Williams. The scene of the incident is literally covered in blood, the body young man disappeared without a trace, and Skye doesn’t speak, doesn’t say a word... Sarah wants to help the girl, but to do this she will have to descend into the dark depths of the subconscious and tame her own demons.

Detective drama "Running from Reality"

Running from reality

Joshua Marston directed the detective drama Running from Reality. During dinner on his birthday, Tom is among the guests mysterious girl named Alice. Tom is convinced that they knew each other and were more than close, but the mysterious guest does not admit it and introduces herself as a completely different person. When Alice runs away, Tom follows her, rushing into the unknown. Together they become absolutely free, anonymous, lost in the crowd of the metropolis. This full of adventure the night is their chance to change their lives.

Cast: Rachel Weisz, Michael Shannon, Kathy Bates, Danny Glover, Condola Rashad and others.

In Yekaterinburg, the film is shown in three cinemas: Kinomax Megapolis, Salyut and Titanic Cinema.

I have another round of love for fan fiction. Many people view this kind of creativity highly. In fact, of course, in fan fiction, as everywhere else, there are orders of magnitude less consumer goods and outright waste paper. However, there are amazing things there that I would like to put on the shelf, but alas, copyrights and all that...
To prove this, I wanted to make my own list of the best fan fiction in the world of Potter. So...

1. ...ergo sum
Snape did not die in the Shrieking Shack, but, having faked his death, went into the Muggle world, where he spent a year restoring his health in Spinner's End. But now the throat has healed, the voice has almost recovered, and the money is running out, and the question involuntarily arises, what to do next. And then an uninvited guest knocked on the door...
Excellent humor, very canonical and realistic Snape (a misanthrope, but not a villain at all) and pedagogical theory. And also a public school with funding problems, difficult teenagers, Olympiads and lots and lots of tea.
An amazing story, after which you begin to respect the work of teachers and want to go to work at school, bringing to children “smart, kind, eternal” :)


Her heart

This is a story that hurts your heart and brings tears to your eyes. But at the same time, this is a story - a manifesto of life, a call to rejoice in every day and enjoy every moment you live, because tomorrow may not happen...
One quote that once changed my life. A quote that explains everything:
"“You’re completely headless after all,” I summarize, watching the cigarette butt fly into the fireplace. - Didn’t you think that it’s worth saving your health? You don’t have his barns anyway.
- What's the point? - Sunny gently rubbed her cheek against my shoulder. - Scorpi, I can... at any second, you know? No one knows their hour, and even more so I, but... I don’t want to waste the seconds I have left on all sorts of nonsense. Denying yourself pleasures, joy, friends... You know, one day I almost died. Clinical death, just a few moments, but they were enough to look back and understand: the whole previous life was... somehow rotten. Life is on tiptoe, there are only “no”s all around - completely meaningless, because they won’t change anything. Life in a collar: not a sip of coffee above the norm, take pills not a minute later, don’t climb stairs, don’t run, don’t jump, don’t laugh... I’ve never even played with a ball in my life - “ physical exercise are strictly contraindicated." When I woke up, I decided that it wouldn’t happen again. Life is a great gift and happiness. We have no right to spend it on all sorts of crap like diets, dubious duties, unnecessary revenge... Look, Scorpi, what people spend their lives on. For hatred, career, money, fame, stupid self-affirmation... All this is not listed there.
Sunny grinned and picked up the string with her finger. Its ringing was intertwined with the crackling of logs being consumed by fire in the fireplace.
- Do you know how great it is to wake up in the morning? Just wake up... That means there is one more day, one more song, one can still rejoice. Imagine - a whole day of happiness! You can't waste time because one day you might fall asleep forever. And you will have nothing with you to light the way - no love, no joy, no happiness... just disappointment and anger at lost life. Fate is not a draft; you cannot rewrite it again. What's done is done forever."

3. Chemical wedding

Harry Potter, of course, is cool and powerful, but can anyone really believe that a school of 300 students and a dozen teachers can provide a truly strong academic education? It’s clear that no, and therefore welcome to Durmstrang! After this fic, I really fell in love with this school (hidden somewhere on Novaya Zemlya) and, even more surprisingly, with its director. Karkarov revealed himself from a completely unexpected side: a scientist, a lecturer, a man who once greatly stumbled, but was able to realize and correct his mistakes, not without moral principles and of course their cockroaches, but wonderful friend and a charming man in love))
But the fic is not even about school, or rather not entirely about it. Main character history - Ivanna Machkevich, a Durmstrang graduate, a talented young scientist and simply good man. If I lived in a magical world, I would really like to be like this: cheerful, passionate about artifacts and science, loyal to friends and at the same time constantly disappearing on some expeditions or laboratory.
This is a fic about what Potter, due to his youth and English worldview, simply did not know or did not notice: about magical science and magicians of other countries, about real criminals and forced heroes, about the polar night and the pride of cats that live in the same estate near Warsaw, about the blindness of first love and the value of true love.
An excellent fanfic with a well-written, multifaceted world, realistic and adequate characters and fascinating story. I highly recommend it ;)

4. Nec plus ultra

Due to the fact that the main female characters There’s nothing at all in Potter, and the fandom is big, so they crossed poor Hermione with whoever. Among all these stories, there are some quite high-quality ones, but this is perhaps one of my favorites.
Events begin after the seventh part, excluding the epilogue. The trio goes to the Auror Academy, while Hermione simultaneously undergoes an internship at St. Mungo's. In order to be on time everywhere, the girl is given a time-turner, as she once was in her third year. Everything is going fine until a fire occurs on one of the hospital floors. Saving herself and the patient, Granger triggers the time-turner, but the chain breaks and the girl is thrown 25 years into the past. Her parents haven’t even met yet, she has no documents and nowhere to live. Besides, Hermione knows very well main law time travel - you can't change the past. But what if you change what happened with the mere fact of your existence? What is it like to live and communicate with people without knowing their fate, and how to forbid yourself to love when the soul itself reaches out to a person. This is a story about people, their destinies, motives and dreams, and also about the fact that sometimes the choice between what should and what is right is doomed to failure.
After reading this story, I admitted that the Hermione/Lucius pairing has a right to exist. And here he is so natural and beautiful that it seems it could not be otherwise.
And above farewell letter Snape, I just cried. But in the fic, in addition to the main characters, there is a surprisingly lively and real Fabian Prewett, the dangerous and fiery Belatrix, the young Madame Pomfrey, the wise Harry Potter and the charming two-year-old Draco Malfoy.
This is truly an amazing story, which can easily be called quality literature. :)

5. Team

“After his resurrection, Voldemort flies endlessly with his plans, and the mysterious Team is to blame for this, the existence of which no one, including Dumbledore, suspects. But Snape was very lucky, if you consider “luck” another life debt to the name of Potter.”
This is the story about true friendship, loyalty and devotion to one's convictions. About the desire for development and discovery of new things, about forgiveness and self-sacrifice. About what it seems and what actually is.
I won’t spoil it, but this book has already become a classic of fan fiction. Although the title says “Strong Potter,” he is not Marty-Sue at all, but simply the first among equals, equally enthusiastic, talented and fearless friends and associates.
The only negative is that the author tried to find explanations and justification for all the characters in the canon without exception. And if regarding Snape and Belatrix I still believe her, then regarding Pettigrew, in my opinion, she went a little too far. But I was completely delighted with the amazingly thought-out ideas of Colin Creevy and the other guys from the Team.

6. Monster

The people who get there are different. This incredible story about getting caught by Belatrix Lestrange and the autistic Potter, filled with Irish flavor, the secrets of the criminal world of magical Britain and family warmth.
A unique item of its kind. A true gem of a fandom! :)

7. "Journey to Summer" and prequel "Spring, cigarettes and a lot of music"
When I want to feel the breath of the summer wind and the smell of fresh green grass, when my soul is cloudy and I want to feel lightness and freedom, I open this fic.
Hot Summer. Lovers and absolutely free Lily and Scorpio. Two guitars and all of England at their feet.
Fabulous, amazing and incredibly tangible story)))

8. We are aristocrats
(on this moment Volume 5 is being written)
In the life of every fan of this or that story, sooner or later the thought flashes: “what if everything was completely wrong?” And then you can safely take on this series))
The plot is interesting and non-trivial: in the early summer of 1991, as a result of a well-aimed hit from his brother’s brick in Potter’s head, the soul of the boy himself is safely sent for rebirth, and in the liberated corporeal shell a horcrux with amnesia takes root and comes to consciousness. As a result, a child with a completely different character arrives at Hogwarts, is assigned to a different faculty, has new friends and a completely different view of the events of the canon and the actions of the characters.
I really liked the thoughtfulness of the world, the bright real characters and a reasonable, non-trivial justification for their actions. At the same time, it is worth considering that the story is full of Dumbigad and Weasligad, and in general the whole “light” side is not shown in a white light)) Of the characters in the fifth part, my favorites were Neville and such unexpected characters as Theodore Nott and Romilda Vane. It's a pity, there were somehow not enough of them in last chapters. The variability of Granger and Malfoy Jr. was a little scratchy, but these little things don't detract from the enjoyment of the story as a whole.
As far as I understand, history is moving towards its logical conclusion and the fifth part will be the last. And this series is worth reading! :)

9. “Once Upon a Time 20 Years Later” and sidebar “The Law of Opposites, or the Psychology of Happiness”

The scar did not hurt for 19 years, but what happened next? What mistakes were made by the winners in May 1997? And is life in Azkaban really better? death penalty? What is a life debt and what are its consequences? What is the threat to children when they bear the names of dead people? These and many other questions will have to be answered by the youngest head of the Auror - Harry Potter.
This is a whole series of fics. I like “Once Upon a Time...” (without him, not everything will happen in the future) and “The Law...”, which in my opinion came out the most. best story series, and I was completely delighted with Snape and Mulciber.
True, in my opinion, the author whitewashed too much The dark side, they turned out to be just innocent sheep, but her style is simply beautiful and the stories turned out to be very interesting and original :)

10. mini series “Harry Potter and kindness with positivity”
This is a series of very short and incredibly funny fics about Harry Potter, who grew up in a normal family and has a healthy boyish curiosity and restlessness. I won’t spoil it, but after reading it you are guaranteed a couple of minutes of laughter)))

11. Politician's wife
This is a fic career ladder and healthy ambitions, about the dirt of political squabbles and adultery. About the fact that even the most best friendship may dissolve under the influence of time. And that people tend to change and get smarter with age...
By the way, this is a story about grown-up Draco and Hermione and their dreams of becoming the Prime Minister of magical Britain :)

12. "No other way"
This is the kind of Sirius I like in this fic: quite a loafer, of course, but sincerely loving his godson and ready to protect him from everyone and everything, not only in words, but also in deeds. However, both of them here (Sirius and Harry) are very nice and real. As is the resulting world as a whole. A wonderful fic that allows you to believe in miracles and a happy ending this story.

13. Alternative Muggle Studies
Muggleborns are different. Some try their best to imitate a new environment, while others are proud of their roots. The “Golden Trio” was still allowed too much, and there were still many children studying at Hogwarts...
Main characters: NJP, Draco Malfoy

14. Tempus Colligendi

"Auror Potter is dead. Long live Student Potter."
A very interesting time travel fic with strong politics, interesting and lively characters and an engaging, smart storytelling style.
Unfortunately, the fic is frozen at the moment, but what is there is worth reading. An amazing thing, one of the strongest in the fandom.

ZY If someone is inspired to read and then writes about their impressions, I will be incredibly happy and grateful;)