Harry Potter. “Fantastic Beasts”: We analyze secret references to “Harry Potter” What is the name of the creator of Harry Potter

In this article you will learn:

Harry Potter - the main character of the books of the writer from England - JK Rowling. In the film, the famous magician and wizard was played by actor Daniel Radcliffe.


Harry is the most famous student at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A modest, independent child. The character is impulsive, can get angry, but is quick-witted and wise beyond his years.

The main things in life: friends, courage, honor. He is not without curiosity, which is why he voluntarily gets into various troubles. He loves to help his friends, he is ready to rush to save a friend even if the forces with the enemy are not equal.

Harry Potter with lightning in his forehead


Events in life

1980 – birth of Harry Potter

1991 - admission to Hogwarts school, Gariffindor faculty

from 1991 to 1997 - catcher in the Quiditch game

from 1996 to 1997 – captain of the Gryffindor Quiditch team

from 1991 to 1993 – used the Nimbius-2000 broom

from 1993 to 1997 – used the Lightning broom

from 1991 to 1997 - Hedwig was his owl until she died in an attack

1998 - victory over the Dark Lord


Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter

Harry James was born on July 31, 1980 to Lily and James Potter. He was a descendant of the ancient magical family of Peverells.

The family lived in a hideout in Godric's Hollow, hiding from the Dark Lord, while under the protection of the Fidelius Charm. The family was hiding for a reason. There was a prophecy that said that at the end of July a child would be born who would be able to defeat the Dark Lord Voldemort, which is why the villain tried in every possible way to find the boy and kill him (although there was also a boy, Neville Longbottom, born on the 30th).

Harry's godfather was a family friend, Sirius Black, who they wanted to make the guardian of the Potters' location. At the very last moment, Peter Pettigrew became the guardian, who in fact turned out to be a traitor. He revealed to the Dark Lord the location of the wizard family's hideout and framed Sirius.

Voldemort killed Harry's father when he came for the boy. He also had to kill his mother, since she stood between the evil wizard and her son. The villain wanted to kill Harry, but the spell cast by his mother reflected the Dark Lord's spell, hitting him. The boy remained alive, but Voldemort lost his powers and disappeared for 10 years.

From the first meeting, Harry had a mark in the form of a lightning bolt on his forehead.

Harry sees his parents

Life with aunt and uncle

For 10 years, Harry lived with his aunt and uncle, Vernon and Petunia Dursley, being raised with their own son. They explained the death of the boy's parents as a car accident.

Harry went to the same school as his cousin, where Dudley continued his bullying along with his classmates.

In a family where he was constantly attacked, Potter was considered an outsider. The Dursleys used Harry to the fullest, instilling in him a sense of his own uselessness, oppressing and humiliating him. Despite this, the modest, quiet boy still showed abilities in magic, with which he often pissed off his relatives.

Harry receives letters from Hogwarts

First year of study – 1991

In 1991, eleven-year-old orphan Harry Potter had no idea that he belonged to the world of wizards, although he noted that sometimes mysterious things happened to him.

On the eve of his birthday, owls flew to the Dursleys' house with letters for Harry. However, not a single letter ever reached Potter. Eventually, Harry managed to find out that he was enrolled in an unusual school called Hogwarts.

Harry and his owl Tow

Gamekeeper Hagrid, who came to congratulate Harry on his birthday, told the child that he had been enrolled in the School of Magic since birth, and also told the truth about the mysterious death of his parents. Together with him, Potter went into the wonderful world of magic.

At school, Harry found true friends in Ron Weasley and. At his own request, Potter ended up in the Gryffindor house, like his new friends.

In his first year of study, the boy discovered the gift of flying on a broom and was soon accepted as a Seeker on the Quidditch team.

Everything would be fine if they didn’t constantly want to kill Harry. After surviving two assassination attempts, in an attempt to find the mysterious philosopher's stone, Potter came face to face with his main enemy Voldemort, who possessed Quirrell's teacher. By destroying the stone, Harry prevented the Lord from being reborn, surviving another meeting with dark forces.

Harry and his first Quiditch game

Second year of study – 1992

In 1992, a mysterious creature entered Harry's house - the brownie Dobby - who warned him of the danger that threatened the boy at school. However, the child did not want to leave his friends and went back to Hogwarts.

The brownie's fears were justified. Strange events began to occur at school. Someone attacked school students and put them into a daze. The teachers suspected these actions of a mysterious monster (basilisk) living in the Chamber of Secrets.

Potter and his companions managed to find the Chamber of Secrets when the basilisk kidnapped Ginny, Ron's sister. Harry killed the basilisk, finding himself face to face with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named in the form of Tom Riddle's memory from the diary. Thanks to his courage, the boy defeated the aspiring Dark Lord by piercing the diary.

The last good deed of the year for Harry was the liberation of the brownie Dobby from his tyrant master Lucius Malfoy.

Harry, Ron and Hermione

Third year of study – 1993

In 1993, the guy learned about the escape of a brutal killer - Sirius Black, who was accused of massacring thirteen people and betraying Potter's parents. Black was considered the Dark Lord's successor and was expected to come for Harry soon.

Dementors, creatures guarding the Azkaban prison, were entrusted with searching for the killer. At the first meeting with these terrible creatures, Harry lost consciousness, but he was saved by the new Professor Lupine.

In the new year of study, Potter managed to find out that Sirius was his godfather and was not guilty at all. Friends discovered the real traitor, Peter Pettigrew, who was pretending to be Ron's pet rat.

In these events, Harry had to go back in time to save himself and Black from the dementors with the Patronus spell.

Harry and Sirius Black

Fourth year of study – 1994

Harry Potter has returned to Hogwarts. The fourth year of study was marked by the fact that the Triwizard Tournament was expected to be held at the school of magic. Many wanted to take part in the tournament, but this could only be done by an adult wizard, who would be chosen by the cup itself.

In some unknown way, the name of the minor Potter also appeared in the cup.

All his friends, except Hermione, thought that the young man had managed to deceive the cup and stopped communicating with him.

After passing the first two tests, Harry found himself in a maze where he had to find the Triwizard Cup. The guy managed to reach the cup together with a parallel faculty student, Cedric Diggory. Having touched the cup, the guys found themselves in the cemetery, where they were met by Peter Pettigrew and Lord Voldemort.

Harry and Cedric

Only Harry managed to survive this battle. He returned to Hogwarts with Cedric's body using the Cup. Potter declared that the Dark Lord had returned, but only Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Ron and Hermione believed him.

Although Harry survived a fifth attempt on his life this year, he became the winner of the Triwizard Tournament, earning 1,000 Galleons.

Fifth year of study – 1995

The young man was sure that the Dark Lord had regained his strength, since he and his cousin Dudley were attacked by dementors. Since Potter used magic outside of school by calling a Patronus, the Ministry of Magic wanted to expel him, fortunately Headmaster Dumbledore stood up for him.

Harry also began to have dreams in which he saw the actions of his enemy.

It didn't get any better when I went to school. No one believed in the return of the Dark Lord, so everyone thought Potter was crazy. New Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher Dolores Umbridge even forced Harry to write “I must not lie” on the board. This inscription was scratched on the boy’s hand, remaining like a scar.

To teach students how to defend themselves against dark magic, Harry created Dumbledore's Squad and managed to train many people.

Finally, love reached Harry when the girl he liked, Zhou Chang, reciprocated his feelings. Potter kissed for the first time and began dating Cho, but her jealousy soon put an end to their relationship.

This year, another attempt to kill Potter failed, the sixth in a row, when he and his friends went to look for a prophecy in the Department of Mysteries. The company fell into a trap set by the Death Eaters and only the appearance of Dumbledore with the Order of the Phoenix detachment saved the lives of the heroes.

Siruis Black died in this skirmish, which was a great tragedy for Potter.

Harry's first kiss

Sixth year of study – 1996

The Ministry of Magic could no longer deny the return of the dark forces, nor could it cope with them. The world of wizards and Muggles was on the verge of war. The Order of the Phoenix lost its best wizards in battles with the Death Eaters.

Harry spent all his holidays in Sirius's house, which he inherited and where the Order of the Phoenix gathered.

Returning to school, Potter found the diary of a certain Half-Blood Prince, which made him the best potions student.

Harry also found information about horcruxes - in which Voldemort's soul was kept. To defeat evil, Potter decided to devote himself to finding these things.

During the attack on Hogwarts, Harry witnessed the murder of Dumbledore by Severus Snape, who was the mysterious half-blood prince.

Search for Horcruxes

When Harry turned 17, he became an adult. This allowed him to cast magic on his own and destroyed all the magical protection his mother had once placed on him. He became an easy target for the dark magicians, who tried to kill him for the seventh time. Fortunately, Operation Seven Potters was successful and Harry reached the Weasley house.

Potter had no intention of returning to school. Together with Ron and Hermione, he went in search of Horcruxes. With the help of their patience and loyal friends, they found and destroyed them, one by one.

Battle of Hogwarts

Returning to Hogwarts, Harry was present during the siege of the school by dark wizards. There was only one Horcrux left - Voldemort's snake - Nagini. From the dying Snow, who was playing a double game, Harry learned that the very last Horcrux was himself. (A piece of the Dark Lord's soul remained in him when he first tried to kill him).

At the Battle of Hogwarts, Neville Longbottom managed to kill Nagini, and Harry sacrificed himself to destroy the Horcrux inside. In the decisive battle with Voldemort, Potter gained the upper hand, destroying the Dark Lord once and for all.

What happened after

After the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry began dating Ginny Weasley. A few years later, they got married. So Potter became related to his friend Ron, who married a common friend Hermione.

Harry and Ginny had three children whom they named after significant people in their lives: James Sirius, Albus Severu and Lily Luna.

Another desirable child in the Potter family was Teddy Lupine, whose parents died in the battle for the school.

At the age of 27, Potter became the head of the Auror department in the Ministry of Magic. He became quite a celebrity, who was occasionally invited to Hogwarts to teach a class on Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Harry and Ginny accompany the children to Hogwarts

Magic power.

  • The talent of a catcher is the innate ability to control the flight of a broom.
  • The snake tongue is an ability inherited from the Dark Lord. Once the villain falls, the talent disappears.
  • Defense Against the Dark Arts ability. Summoned a corporeal Patronus at an early age.
  • Possessor of the Deathly Hallows. The boy put together all three ancient magical artifacts. Harry, having taken possession of them, took death for granted. The guy did not strive to become the master of Death, leaving himself only the invisibility cloak.

Art - Potter's friends


  • The Potter fortune left to his son in Gringotts Bank.
  • Magic wand made of holly and phoenix feather. She chose the boy herself.
  • An owl given by Hagrid. Named Hedgehog. (Died on her 17th birthday).
  • Broom Nimbus-2000. It was presented by the Head of Gryffindor House.
  • The cloak of invisibility. Inherited from my father. Given by Dumbledore as a Christmas present.
  • Lightning broom and communication mirror. Gifted by godfather Sirius Black.
  • The house of the Black couple, the family fortune, was received after the death of his godfather.

Hermione Granger is a friend and... One of the main heroines of the Harry Potter series. Characterized by a high level of intelligence, education and increased interest in any interesting information.

Hermione met Harry and Ron on the Hogwarts Express. It was a chance meeting in which Hermione showed off her level of knowledge to the boys and surprised them.

Let's start getting acquainted with the most legendary wizard of the universe and his adventures. The entire life of Harry Potter from the very beginning to the very end. The narration will be conducted in chronological form, so you can express your thoughts about Harry Potter. In the story we will touch on those who influenced the development of Harry Potter.

Harry Potter is the main character in the novels of JK Kathleen Rowling. Harry was discovered by a gamekeeper at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry named Hagrid in a building destroyed by an evil wizard. Albus Dumbledore, a close friend of his parents, sent Hagrid to their home after learning that the dark lord had killed his entire family and failed to kill Harry.

Hagrid flew to Godric's Valley on Sirius Black's magical motorcycle. Taking little one-year-old Harry in his arms, Hagrid took him to the house of Harry Potter's only relatives - the Muggle Dursleys.

Albus Dumbledore was already waiting for Hagrid at the Dursleys' house. Dumbledore gave the child to his living relatives along with a letter in which he explained the reason for everything that had happened.

The main villain of Harry Potter. Voldemort's real name is Tom Redl. Tom's mother was in love with a Muggle and later became pregnant by him. Later
Tom's father left his mother and returned to his parents. The mother gave birth to a child in an orphanage, where Tom spent many years. Already at this time, Tom was bullying other children and using magic on Muggles. At the age of 11, he visited an orphanage and told the boy about.

Rubeus Hagrid and his great height excite many people. At the very beginning, I think this greatly worried his school bullies, if there were any. The fate of this character is very interesting to many Muggles, and all because he is very unusual, even for the wizarding world.

Ronald Weasley is one of the members of the ancient magical Weasley family, the youngest son of Arthur Weasley. Since childhood, he was raised in a family of wizards. After his 11th birthday, Ron met, and a little later, Hermione Granger.

At school, what I liked most was not having to study homework and sitting in the big hall when they served a lot of food there. Ron was not a very good student, but thanks to advice and tips from Hermione, he always passed his exams well.

Godric Gryffindor is a great wizard and one of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Godric Gryffindor was born in the year 1000. In whose honor one of the faculties of the School is named, as well as Godric's Grove, where he was born. The symbol of Gryffindor is a golden lion on a red cloth. Godric Gryffindor valued courage and fortitude in people. Guided by this criterion, I selected my students.

Muggle, this is what all wizards call ordinary people who are not capable of doing magic. Wizards are also born among Muggles, but this is very rare. For example, Hermione Granger's parents are Muggles, and she herself is a sorceress, this is such a strange paradox.

Hogwarts gamekeeper Rubeus Hagrid is as straightforward and a soulful giant as you could ever meet. Hagrid will give you tea with St. John's wort from a bucket. Feed you with a giant pumpkin and other vegetables and meat. Hagrid's father was a Muggle, and his mother was a giant. So Hagrid turned out to be not such a tall giant. As a child, Hagrid lost his parents and was forced to live alone. At this time, he was already studying at Hogwarts, but was expelled for falsely accusing him of opening a secret chamber. After which Albus Dumbledore allowed him to live in a forest house on the edge of a dark forest.

The director of the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Albus Dumbledore, was a very calm person who loved to joke and say something clever. Albus spent his youth in Godric's Hollow. Here he, along with his friend Grindelwald, thought about the search for Horcruxes.

But after Grindelwald caused his sick little sister to become upset, he ran away. And Albus revised a lot after that moment. Afterwards he had to defeat Grindelwald.

Ron's rat, whose name was Karosta, was actually a wizard who had bewitched himself. He was afraid that he would be punished for his betrayal and, having cut off his finger, he turned into Karosta, the rat that Ron received from his brother when they bought him an owl.

Harry Potter and Ron did not like Mrs. Norris and her master, as they constantly played dirty tricks on the students. Argus Phil was very fond of punishments and Mrs. Norris helped him in this; she found students who were in a forbidden place and reported this to Filch.

Remus Lupine is one of the friends of James, Sirius, and Peter. As a child, he was bitten by a werewolf and suffered from this infection all his life. During school, his friends did not know about this for a long time, and Headmaster Dumbledore managed to hide it from the parents of other children.

Remus studied very diligently, often he turned out to be the most resourceful in his company. After graduating from school, he disappeared from the sight of his friends and acquaintances for a long time. As he later told Sirius and Harry, he tried to hide from people and wizards.

Minerva McGonagall is a professor in the Gryffindor house. Also among Minerva’s responsibilities is the selection of students to faculties. Minerva is quite tall and has a thin build. He usually wears a black robe and a pointed hat. Becoming and honor speaks in her every move. McGonagall's defining feature is her humanism. She loves cats as pets, which is why she is an animagus and the animal she turns into is a tabby cat.

Dursley Dudley is a cousin who always gave him trouble. Since childhood, Dudley received from his parents everything he wanted. As soon as little Dudley howled, mom and dad did everything he said.

Nagini is the dark lord's closest friend and his Horcrux. The snake personifies Voldemort's kinship with Slytherin and is his mystical form of behavior. The origin of the snake is unknown, but during the Triwizard Tournament, the dark lord kept the snake at hand as his most trusted ally. Nagini was killed in 1998 by Neville Longbottom.

Draco Malfoy is a Hogwarts student who has entered the Slytherin House. Son of Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Black. He is a purebred wizard. Has no brothers or sisters.

Tom Marvolo Riddle is a half-blood wizard, a parselmouth, a descendant of the founder of Hogwarts school, Salazar Slytherin, and one of the creators of the Deathly Hallows, Cadmus Peverell. Descends from the Muggle Riddle family and the pureblood Gloom family.

Cedric Digory is a student at Hogwarts School and one of the champions of the Triwizard Tournament from Hogwarts School. He studied at the Hufflepuff faculty and was the most capable representative of this faculty during the training of Harry Potter. He was killed by Peter Pedigrew in the cemetery in Little Hangleton after winning the Triwizard Tournament on the orders of the Dark Lord.

Nymphadora Tonks is a young Auror who joined the Order of the Phoenix after the return of the Dark Lord Voldemort. She studied at Hogwarts School in the Hufflepuff department. A metaphorical sorceress capable of changing individual parts of her body. Favorite hair color is pink. She was killed during the Battle of Hogwarts.

Kreacher is a family house-elf of the noblest and most ancient Black family. All his life he carried out the orders of members of the House of Black, and then was given to Harry Potter for use as an inheritance. After receiving Master Regulus's medallion from Harry Potter, Kreacher will begin to respect and obey Harry.

Neville Longbottom is a Hogwarts student who entered the Gryffindor faculty, one of the leaders of the student organization Dumbledore's Troop, and a teacher of Herbology at Hogwarts school. Born around the same time as Harry Potter. Neville's parents, the aurors Alice and Frank Longbottom, are alive, but they live without a soul, since the death eater Bellatrix Lestrange brought them to this state while trying to find out about the whereabouts of the dark lord.

Dolores Umbridge is the former first deputy to the Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge, Inspector General and Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Wizardry. After the assassination of the Minister of Magic Rufus Scrimgeour, she became the deputy minister of Pius Thick and was responsible for registering Muggle-borns.

After the destruction of the Dark Lord's forces, Dolores Umbridge was convicted and sent to Azkaban for numerous crimes. Some of Dolores Umbridge's convicts for theft of magic died in Azkaban.

Popular writer, author of books about his struggles against various magical creatures and magical adventures. Having managed to sell a huge number of his books, he became famous and influential in the wizarding world. Largely due to his celebrity, he became a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The school caretaker Argus is a squib and therefore despises wizards, and especially Hogwarts students. When choosing a name for Argus, Joan used a creature from Greek mythology who acted as a guard. This is probably why Argus knows every corner of the castle better than others.


Newt Scamander was a Hufflepuff student.

Readers of the books and viewers of the original film series are accustomed to the fact that the true heroes study in the Gryffindor house. Hufflepuff, it seems, did not raise a single significant character in the “Potter” series - his more or less noticeable student was Cedric Diggory, who appeared in and died in the same part, and among the graduates we can only remember the animagus-auror Nymphadora Tonks. The distinctive qualities of Hufflepuffs are considered to be hard work, loyalty and honesty, but it is generally accepted that these Hogwarts students are not outstanding individuals. Newt Scamander is ready to convince any skeptic, because he once studied at this very faculty - and even expulsion did not prevent him from achieving success in his chosen field of magizoology. You can guess that the hero is a Hufflepuff in the very first minutes of the film: we see that among his personal belongings there is a faded yellow-black scarf in his suitcase. By the way, he himself, who plays the role of Newt, believes that the Sorting Hat would certainly have sent him to Hufflepuff, and he would certainly be proud of this, because this is his favorite faculty.

Hufflepuff scarf in Newt's suitcase


The Invisible Expansion Charm is how Hermione was able to fit an almost infinite number of items into her small handbag. The expression “Hermione's purse” itself has become almost a household word. Apparently, the magizoologist Salamander has mastered this technique to perfection, not only placing exotic animals in his suitcase, but also providing them with a decent habitat. True, it’s not entirely clear why they didn’t all eat each other there.

Newt inside his own suitcase


Leta Lestrange is a mysterious girl with the face of an actress, whose portrait Salamander keeps in his magic suitcase. Telepath Queenie reads Newt's thoughts and understands that he and Lyta were once good friends (in many ways they were united by their love for fantastic creatures), but then their paths diverged. It is known that it was this girl who was responsible for the fact that Scamander was expelled from Hogwarts: one day one of Lyta’s creatures endangered the life of a student, and Newt took the blame, for which he was expelled. Of course, the surname Lestrange is familiar to every viewer and reader of “Potter” - it’s hard to forget the image of the charismatic villain Bellatrix, created by. However, her maiden name is Black (she is Sirius's cousin). The surname Lestrange belongs to her husband Rodolphus: his father, in turn, was one of the first supporters of Voldemort and studied in the same course as Tom Riddle. Perhaps he was Lita's nephew. In any case, the director promised that the audience would not suffer from ignorance and the relationship between Newt and Lita would be revealed in the next parts of the film series. Considering the fact that mainly hereditary dark magicians enter the Slytherin faculty, Lita is most likely a Slytherin. Since Lyta is essentially one generation older than Voldemort, perhaps her story will somehow shed light on the rise of dark magic in Rowling's world.

Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix Lestrange


This is one of the very first references made in the film, but it is difficult for a Russian-speaking viewer to appreciate it. When Newt first arrives in New York, he encounters Mary Lou, a hostile representative of the New Salem society, who still knows nothing about his magical essence. The woman asks Newt a question: “Are you a seeker?” (Are you a seeker?), to which he replies “I’m more of a chaser, actually.” In the Russian localization no one noticed this reference, but in the original the word seeker means “catcher”. This is what they call a team member who catches the ball in Quidditch. Harry Potter himself was the Seeker.

Harry catches the Snitch


This is not the first time that adorable furry kleptomaniacs have appeared in Rowling's world. Rubeus Hagrid introduced these creatures to his students during the events of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and Lee Jordan, a bosom friend of the Weasley twins, planted a couple of these creatures in Dolores Umbridge's office when she was appointed headmistress of Hogwarts.

Niffler in the movie Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them


The three main locations of the "Potter" series - Hogwarts school, the Ministry of Magic and the Three Broomsticks pub in Hogsmeade - found their mirror image in America in the 1920s. We hear only a mention of it, although details about it can be read on the Pottermore website: it is located on the east coast of the country, and the school’s teachers pay great attention to the study of the magic of the indigenous population of America - the Indians.

Cartoon "Ilvermoni School of Witchcraft and Wizardry"

The haunt we see in Fantastic Beasts is the Blind Pig, a Prohibition-era speakeasy. Only magicians can enter here (Kowalski managed to become, probably, the only exception). Like the bars described in Potter (The Three Broomsticks, The Hog's Head and The Leaky Cauldron), The Blind Pig becomes a place of secret meetings and secret negotiations. True, it is more cheeky than the same “Three Broomsticks” - after all, children studying at Hogwarts often visit Madame Rosmerta. But she still pours them butterbeer regularly!

The Goldstein Sisters at the entrance to the Blind Pig

The equivalent of the Ministry of Magic, MACUSA (Magical Congress of the United States of America), according to Rowling, was founded after the persecution of the Salem witches by the surviving representatives of the magical race. MACUSA was modeled after the Wizards' Council of Great Britain, which was the forerunner of the Ministry of Magic. MACUSA elected representatives of magical communities from all over North America to create laws that would regulate the life of the American magical community and at the same time protect it. MACUSA's primary mission was to get rid of the bounty hunters, the traitors who hunted down their fellow wizards in order to receive a reward for their capture from the militant No-Majs. As a tribute to the memory, a monument to the Salem Witches was erected in the MACUSA lobby.

Salem Witches Monument


During the first meeting, the Auror Percival Graves mistakes Newt for his brother, the “war hero” Theseus Scamander - he is also mentioned by a certain dark-skinned ambassador at a magical meeting. It is known that he was a strong British auror and served in the Ministry of Magic. According to Percival, he corresponded with Theseus. It is unknown when this correspondence began and ended and to what extent Theseus shared Grindelwald’s anti-Muggle ideas (perhaps the dark magician continued the correspondence). It is likely that such sentiments, endangering the world of people, have crept not only into America, but also into Britain - and even, perhaps, into the family of Newt himself. In any case, if Theseus appears in the sequel, this will help to better reveal the image of the young magizoologist, because in the first part none of the characters are his long-time acquaintances, colleagues or relatives.

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. "The History of Magic in North America"


It is obvious that a spark has flown between Tina and Newt, and viewers are now hoping for their next meeting and the development of a full-fledged romantic line. However, attentive readers of the Pottermore website are aware that Luna Lovegood, one of the members of the Order of the Phoenix, after graduating from Hogwarts, married a certain Rolf Scamander, the grandson of Newt and... Porpentina Scamander. As Rowling herself previously reported, after the wedding, Tina moved from America to the UK and lived in Dorset with her husband and three zhmyr (magic cats) - Millie, Jumpy and Bandit.

Character poster of Porpentina, played by Katherine Waterston


Kiunni Goldstein, Porpentina's sister, masters the art of legilimency - reading the thoughts of other people. We know that in the original series only the most powerful wizards could use this ability - Salazar Slytherin, Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort and Severus Snape, but for telepathy they required the use of an appropriate spell or the use of a special connection (so He-Whom-Not -The name made its way into Harry’s consciousness, because the boy, in fact, was connected in a special way with his enemy). Queenie, on the other hand, does not use any additional actions - she simply reads thoughts like an open book, it is not difficult for her to penetrate someone else's mind (a problem arises only with the British - they are too stiff and think with an accent). Despite the fact that she had no career at the time of her appearance in Fantastic Beasts and is rarely seen in public, it is quite possible that she has a great future ahead of her. By the way, the surname Goldstein is also mentioned in books and films about Harry Potter - the name Anthony Goldstein is the headman of Ravenclaw and a member of Dumbledore's Army, who fought on Harry's side at the Battle of Hogwarts, and even earlier stood up for the Boy Who Lived on the Hogwarts Express, when Draco Malfoy and his cronies started bullying him.

Character poster of Queenie Goldstein (actress Alison Sudol)

Credence's Obscuri on the New York Subway

Although Rowling had never used the term "obscuri" before, it could have been Ariana Dumbledore, Albus's sister. At the age of six, when children of magicians usually begin to experience uncontrollable bursts of elemental magic, Ariana was conjuring something in the backyard. Her actions were observed by three Muggle boys. They were so intrigued that they climbed over the garden fence and began to pester the girl, begging her to show them what the trick was. Ariana could neither repeat her actions nor explain them. Then the boys began to beat her, went into a rage, and were stopped only by the appearance of the girl’s father - he later, in a fit of anger, killed them and for this crime was forever imprisoned in Azkaban. This incident broke Ariana: she did not want to use magic, but she also could not get rid of it. It turned inward and drove her crazy, sometimes breaking out against her will. Then she could be strange and even dangerous, although the rest of the time she was an affectionate, frightened and submissive girl. Ariana, by the way, lived to be fourteen years old and died by accident, due to a ricocheting spell, and not from her own strength.

Portrait of Ariana Dumbledore, shown in the films of the original film series. Her “face” was actress Hebe Birdsall


This reference was already noticed in the trailer - the great wizard and future headmaster of Hogwarts is mentioned by Graves, asking Newt: “What did Albus Dumbledore find in you?” As it turned out, after the question of Scamander’s expulsion arose at Hogwarts, only Dumbledore stood up for the student. We already know that Albus will become one of the main characters in the next parts of Fantastic Beasts: Rowling promised to reveal his identity and tell many stories unfamiliar to even the most devoted Potter fan.

"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them." Final dub trailer


Thanks to Rowling's statement several years ago, the whole world knows that the great wizard Dumbledore was homosexual and in his youth was attracted to his friend Grindelwald. However, the writer did not report anything about the villain’s love preferences. Considering how intimate the communication between Grindelwald, who took on the guise of Graves, and young Credence, is, perhaps Dumbledore is far from the only LGBT adherent in the wizarding world. It is also known that the adult Gellert became a kind of analogue of Hitler in the wizarding world - a similar association is emphasized by the Hitler Youth haircut that can be seen on the character during the short seconds of his presence on the screen. By the way, an interesting fact: the events of the new film series will span 19 years, that is, the denouement will come in 1945. Perhaps we can expect very clear parallels with historical reality: in Rowling’s statements one can find hints that he was an accomplice of Nazi Germany and was in charge of the “magical aspect of the issue” (the fact that the Nazis were actively interested in the occult sciences is an indisputable fact).

Johnny Depp as Grindelwald

By the way, the fate of the real Percival Graves still remains a mystery. It is possible that Grindelwald killed him or captured him, as was the case with Mad-Eye Moody in the film and book “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”: Barty Crouch Jr., who took on his appearance, kept the Auror in a chest for a long time to create a polyjuice potion he needed biological material from a living person. There is also the possibility that Graves was originally a supporter and friend of Grindelwald - and gave him the opportunity to use his appearance voluntarily, at the same time turning over all the passwords and appearances of the magical convention - after all, in MARCUS, apparently no one noticed any changes in Percival's character , who was not distinguished by his softness and pliability anyway. It can be assumed that the character will return again, this time being himself, although it is not clear whether he will be on the side of evil or good.

Colin Farrell as Percival Graves


The sign of the Deathly Hallows, a symbolic image of the elder wand, the resurrection stone and the invisibility cloak, was noticed by fans in the character poster of Percival Graves, played by Colin Farrell. In the film, Graves-Grindelwald gives this amulet to his ward, the hidden magician Credence, and then the artifact ends up with a girl adopted by Mary Lou, who also has a secret sympathy for witches (given that Modesty has very developed empathy, she too may be an undisclosed sorceress ). According to legend, the one who brings together all three Deathly Hallows and becomes their sole owner will be considered the Lord of Death, which means he will be able to defeat Death itself. In history, only one owner of all three Gifts is known - Harry Potter.

Percival Graves character poster showing the Deathly Hallows symbol

Much earlier, Grindelwald was obsessed with collecting all the gifts. So, for example, we know that after being expelled from the Durmstrang school (Gellert himself was believed to be German or Austro-Hungarian by nationality, and he was born either in Germany or in the German part of Switzerland), he spent the summer in England with his great-aunt Bathilda Bagshot, a famous wizarding historian. It is worth saying that his visit was hardly caused by family feelings. The fact is that Bathilda lived in Godric’s Hollow, the very village where Ignotus Peverell lived and was buried - as legend says, one of the very brothers who received gifts from Death. Gellert managed to take possession of only the elder wand, which passed to Dumbledore after he defeated his former friend in a duel and imprisoned him in the Nurmengard dungeon.

Young Grindelwald, played by Jamie Campbell Bower, steals the Elder Wand


An interesting coincidence: the time period for Fantastic Beasts is set as 1926. It was this year that the dark wizard and main antagonist of the “Potter” series, Tom Riddle, aka Lord Voldemort, was born. Considering the fact that the events of the new film series will span nineteen years, this is hardly a mere coincidence.

Tom Riddle during his first meeting with Professor Dumbledore

Interesting facts about the Harry Potter films that you might not know:

24. The actress who played Moaning Myrtle in the film Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets was 37 years old at the time of filming. She was the oldest actress to ever play Hogwarts students.

23. Ron Weasley in Rowling's original idea often used profanity, but later the writer considered that this would be inappropriate for young readers.

22. Rowling's publisher suggested she use initials instead of her full name in order to attract the attention of a male audience. The writer chose "J.K.", borrowing the letter K from her grandmother, whose name was Kathleen. Thus, neither "K" nor "Kathleen" are in any way associated with the writer's official name.

21. Only Alan Rickman (the actor who played Severus Snape) knew about the further fate of his character before the last book was written. Rowling personally shared this secret with him.

20. According to Rowling, the name for Harry's school came from a plant that the writer saw in Kew Gardens in New York

19. Rupert Grint came to the audition dressed as a drama teacher and rapped about his character. The first lines of his text began as follows: “Hello, my name is Rupert Grint, and I hope you don’t think I stink.”

18. Contrary to popular belief, the "t" at the end of the word "Voldemort" is not pronounced. This name comes from the French word meaning "death flight".

17. Rowling created the image of 11-year-old Hermione, starting from herself at the same age. Even Hermione's patronus is an otter, Rowling's favorite animal.

16. During the filming of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, there was an outbreak of head lice among children.

15. Tom Felton originally auditioned for the roles of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, but was eventually cast as Draco Malfoy

14. The idea for Sirius Black's tattoos was based on those tattoos used in Russian prisons. Usually they serve to ensure that others respect and fear this person.

13. Robbie Coltrane (the actor who played Hagrid) had a mini hairdryer and a small fruit bat stuck in his beard during filming.

12. Dementors, the deadly phantoms that guard Azkaban, were the embodiment of the depression Rowling had been struggling with for some time.

11. Since 2008, 400 million Harry Potter books have been sold worldwide and have been translated into 67 languages.

10. Perhaps the most impressive fact is that JK Rowling became the first writer in the world to earn billions from her works.

9. While filming the kissing scene between Harry and Hermione, Rupert Grint had to be kicked off the set for laughing too much.

8. During the filming of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Tom Felton's pockets had to be sewn up because he was constantly trying to sneak food onto the set.

7. One of the flying cars used in the filming of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets was stolen. Seven months later, she was found thanks to an anonymous phone call to the police.

6. The name McGonagall was engraved on one of the Quidditch trophies in the film Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. It is very likely that the professor was an excellent player in her time, which would explain her interest in the sport.

5. Since many people had problems pronouncing Hermione’s name, Rowling voiced it in the film “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” with the direct participation of Viktor Krum.

4. It took forty copies of Salazar Slytherin's infamous locket to be created before Harry and Ron were finally able to destroy it, according to the story.

3. When the book “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” was released in the UK, the publisher asked not to sell it until the start of the holidays, so that schoolchildren would not play truant.

2. In order for the actors to better understand their characters, director Alfonso Cuaron had all three main characters write essays about their characters. In the best traditions, Emma Watson wrote a 16-page essay, Daniel Radcliffe got away with a small piece of paper, and Rupert Grint did not bother to do it at all.

1. The least successful film in the Harry Potter series made $90 million more in profit than the most successful film in the Twilight series.

General information

Name: Harry James Potter (middle name in honor of his father, James Potter)
Date of birth: July 31, 1980
Parents: James Potter and Lily Evans Potter
Body type: thin
Special features: a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt on the forehead, round glasses and a scar on the cheek that appeared after the fourth year
Unusual abilities: wizard, parselmouth
Study at Hogwarts: 1991-1997
House: Gryffindor
Favorite Subject: Defense Against the Dark Arts
Quidditch: Seeker (1991-1996)
Wand: holly and phoenix feather, 11 inches long
Broom: Nimbus 2000 (1991-1993), Lightning (since 1993)
Wife: Ginny Weasley
Children: eldest - James Potter, middle - Albus Severus Potter (named after the last two heads of Hogwarts school: Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape (in English versions of the book - Snape), youngest - Lily Potter
Best friends: Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Sirius Black, Rubeus Hagrid, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood


Infancy (1980-1981)

Harry James Potter was born on July 31 (the same day as JK Rowling) 1980, to parents Lily and James Potter. James Potter's best friend, Sirius Black, became Harry's godfather. Sirius, James and Lily were part of the Order of the Phoenix, a group of wizards who fought desperately against the Dark Lord Voldemort. They were not outnumbered, but continued to fight despite numerous losses. James and Lily managed to escape death at the hands of Voldemort three times.
Before Harry was born, a prophecy was made that at the end of July a boy would be born who would either be able to defeat the Dark Lord, or the Dark Lord would kill him. Harry Potter, born on July 31, and Neville Longbottom, born on July 30, met the conditions of the prophecy. Lord Voldemort heard part of the prophecy from his supporter Severus Snape and decided to destroy the child. Voldemort chose Harry as his victim. James and Lily learned that Voldemort was planning to kill Harry, and in October 1981, they used the Loyalty Charm to hide from the Dark Lord. Unfortunately, at the last moment, James Potter's best friend Sirius Black convinced the Potters to choose Peter Pettigrew as Secret Keeper instead, who turned out to be a traitor and spy for Voldemort and revealed their location.

On the evening of October 31, 1981, the Dark Lord appeared in Godric's Hollow and attacked them. James tried to protect his family, but died. The Dark Lord was going to spare Lily, but she stood in his way, protecting the child. Then he killed her too. This self-sacrifice of Lily turned out to be a vital circumstance for Harry, as it was an ancient witchcraft that protected the child. When Voldemort cast Avada Kedavra and it hit Harry, Lily's sacrificial defense deflected the spell and caused it to backfire. The reflected spell almost killed Voldemort (knocked his soul out of his body), but left a lightning-shaped scar on Harry's forehead. Thus, Harry stopped Voldemort for several years.
The battle between the Potters and Voldemort left the house in ruins. The good wizard Albus Dumbledore, director of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, sent the half-giant Hagrid to Godric's Hollow, who managed to save Harry before the Muggles began to investigate what had happened. At the Potter's house, Hagrid unexpectedly met Sirius Black, who asked that Harry be given to him as the boy's godfather. Hagrid did not agree because he was following Dumbledore's orders. Sirius lent Hagrid his flying motorcycle so that he could take Harry to where the boy would be safe.

Hagrid and Harry were still on the road in the 24 hours following the incident. Dumbledore apparently provided security at Privet Drive. The next evening, Minerva McGonagall met Dumbledore at Privet Drive, and Hagrid soon appeared on a flying motorcycle with Harry. The three left Harry on the doorstep of number 4, the home of Harry's last relatives, Vernon and Petunia Dursley.

A decade of mistreatment (1981-1991)

For the next ten years, Harry's life was full of abuse and hardship. His Aunt Petunia, Lily's sister, and his Uncle Vernon loved their son Dudley madly, who was spoiled in every possible way, and Harry was kept in a closet, fed scraps, forced to wear Dudley's old clothes, which were much larger in size, yelled at, insulted and beat. Dudley bullied Harry mercilessly, using the support of his parents, as well as his physical strength (Dudley was six times larger in size and fat, while Harry was thin and bespectacled).

Three times during these years, the Dursleys were visited by Uncle Vernon's sister, Marge. She took great pleasure in telling Harry off. She gave Dudley expensive gifts and gave Harry something terrible or completely forgot about him. She often took her beloved bulldog Sinister with her. When Harry was nine, she allowed the dog to chase the boy into a tree, where he had to remain until midnight until Marge called the dog away.
In addition, his uncle and aunt decided to suppress the magical principle in him. They never talked about his true origins. He was told that his parents died in a car accident, which is where the scar on his forehead came from. The first rule in the Dursley house was "don't ask questions." Their goal was to keep Harry subjugated and oppressed in the hope that he would not develop what they considered to be an abnormal tendency towards wizardry. They sent him to the same school as Dudley, who continued to bully him there. Dudley's friends joined in the bullying, and other schoolchildren, afraid of Dudley and his friends, avoided communicating with Harry.

Despite the efforts of the Dursleys, Harry managed to demonstrate magical abilities. When Aunt Petunia got annoyed with Harry's messy hair one day and cut it off with kitchen scissors, Harry woke up the next morning with his hair growing back. Another time, Dudley and his friends were chasing Harry, who suddenly found himself on the school roof. Harry dyed his teacher's wig blue and shrunk Dudley's ugly sweater beyond recognition so he wouldn't have to wear it. And also, when they went with the whole family to the zoo, he began to talk to the snake and it attacked Dudley from the aquarium. After that, Harry was imprisoned in the closet of the Dursley house.
By the age of ten, Harry had grown into a thin, useless boy with always disheveled black hair and a narrow face. His eyes, like his mother's, were emerald green. He wore taped-up glasses, broken in constant fights with Dudley. Harry was unusually fast, a skill developed in constant attempts to avoid being beaten by his cousin.

His life changed dramatically in the summer of 1991. Harry Potter began to receive strange letters that frightened his uncle and aunt. They destroyed the letters, preventing Harry from reading them, but the letters continued to arrive in ever-increasing quantities. In an attempt to avoid the letters, they ended up hiding in a hut on a cliff surrounded by the sea. During the night of a violent storm, Harry looked at his sleeping cousin's watch, counting down the minutes and seconds until his eleventh birthday. Just as Harry's birthday arrived, Hagrid burst into the hut to be surprised to learn that Harry had no idea about his magical heritage. Hagrid told the boy all about his past and on the morning of July 31, 1991, he took Harry to Diagon Alley to buy everything he needed for school. A month later, on September 1st, Harry boarded the Hogwarts Express and arrived at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry "Hogwarts".

Life at Hogwarts

Harry Potter went to Hogwarts at the age of 11 and spent 6 years there, with the exception of summer holidays. There he found new friends such as Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, Ginny Weasley and others. He also found new enemies - Draco Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle and Voldemort.

Further fate

After defeating Voldemort, Harry headed the new Auror department at the Ministry of Magic and married Ginny Weasley. Harry and Ginny have three children: James (eldest), Albus Severus (middle) and Lily (youngest).