Harry Potter and the Cursed Child plot description. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Optional Sequel

Very soon, on July 28, 2016, the premiere of the play Harry Potter and Cursed Child(original name Harry Potter and the Cursed Child) at the London Palace Theatre. It would seem that the huge community of Potter fans should have generated information noise worse than Kim Kardashian. No! Information about the eighth part is only available on fansites. And even there she doesn't seem to be very popular. But it can only be cooler A new book Game of Thrones.

I couldn't get around this interesting event side. Moreover, there is something to see there: the characters grew up, had children, and some even changed their race.

Translations of the book into Russian can be found in

The play takes place 19 years after the victory over the Dark Lord (this was in book 7 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows). The children of the main characters are either just about to go to school, or are already going to school. It’s clear that they are schoolchildren.

Snobs who managed to buy tickets will probably see soul feelings students and parents from separation. Not surprising. After the wild stuff that happened in the previous seven books, it’s time to seriously think about home education. And why is no one bothered by the prospect of being killed by a huge and bloodthirsty willow? I’ll just keep quiet about the rest.

By the way, about tickets. The play consists of two parts. Each part goes on a separate day. Ticket prices are not amazing: from 15 to 65 pounds sterling per person day. Don't rush to rejoice. All tickets have long been purchased. Although the production runs until May 2017.

Draco and Scorpius Malfoy

Originally Draco & Scorpius Malfoy

It’s immediately obvious: the Malfoys have a rich imagination. They choose names for their offspring with a twist, unlike other characters.

From the epilogue of the seventh part, we remember that the Malfoy Potters are, at a minimum, no longer openly despised, or even generally respected. It seems that, according to the law of the genre, everything will end with family friendship and joint Thanksgiving dinners. Although you know that modern tolerant art can represent strong male friendship somewhat differently than you imagine it. Let's just say, stronger and less masculine, if you know what I mean.

I didn’t see any mention of Mama Malfoy.

Potter Family

The protagonist's family is represented incompletely. Out of five people, only three. Harry Potter himself, Ginny Potter(nee Weasley) and their middle son Albus Severus Potter. Where are the other two children with strange names– history is still silent. Let me remind you that their names are James Sirius (senior) and Lily Luna (junior).

There is a chance that if there is a scene with a train station, then the Potter family can be seen in its entirety... For those arrogant people who will go to the production.

Did you also notice that Harry only has one scar left? They couldn't forget to draw him. What if Voldemort wasn't lying when he said Harry was a liar? As you know, history is written by the winners. All the important, power-holding characters played the game. There is no one to ask anymore. Only Harry survived. He tells his story. Did we read the story from the perspective of the wrong character?

Harry looks kind of shabby. I think one of the reasons is his mother-in-law. Yes, the same Molly woman who sent swear words to her children. Potter's life is clearly not easy. Guess what he will choose: Mother-in-law's visit for the holidays or defeat Voldemort once again?

Here's some more of Jamie Parker's interview (in English).

Cast: Harry Potter – Jamie Parker, Ginny Potter – Poppy Miller, Albus Severus Potter – Sam Clemmett

Granger-Weasley family

Life has taken a toll on Hermione the most. She is one of those people who are said to have changed beyond recognition. But it is so. Remember that cute girl with brown hair? Well, here she is.

Ron looks happy. Looks like he doesn't notice the trick. For him, Hermione changed smoothly, for 19 years.

What do you think Hermione says when she and Ron look at the yearbook? That there used to be bad photographic equipment and it turned out bad all the time? Or is it because of frequent trips to resorts? You definitely can't get a tan like that in England.

Ron's character was like his father's. A serious, strict wife is the head of the family. He himself could not even persuade her to change her last name. On the other hand he looks strong better than that the guy who was vomiting slugs his entire sophomore year.

There are actually two children in the Granger-Weasley family. The second one is named Hugo, but he was also not shown.

Interview with Noma Dumezweni (in English)

Interview by Paul Tonley (in English)

Starring: Hermione - Noma Dumezweni, Ron - Paul Tonley, Rose - Cherrel Skeete.

Book and film “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child”

Bye we're talking about only about the performance. But you know it's always about money. If the production goes well, then rest assured, the book and film will not take long to arrive.

Do you want to be the first to know what the story is about, but your budget doesn’t allow you to go see the play in person? There is an exit. They will publish interesting printed material for you: the so-called Harry Potter and the Cursed Child – Parts One & Two (Special Rehearsal Edition Script). This is a specially prepared printed version of the script. Keep in mind that no one has planned to translate it into Russian yet. If you know English and don’t mind $18, then you can pre-order it on some foreign Amazon. And very soon you will be able to show off in front of your friends completely new history from the world of Harry Potter. Let them envy.

A little more Potter

While I was writing this post, I learned a lot more interesting things about works related to the Hogwarts universe.

Background to "Harry Potter"

The Harry Potter prequel is an 800-word piece by JK Rowling, written on a postcard in 2008 specifically for sale at a charity auction supported by the Waterstone's bookstore chain. The postcard with the text was sold on June 11, 2008 for £25,000. On the same day, the text of the story was published on the Internet.

This is what it says on Wikipedia

English is not yours strong point? No problem, there’s a brief summary under the spoiler.

Sirius Black and James Potter, fleeing on a motorcycle from a police car pursuing them, turn into a narrow alley between houses, at the end of which there is a dead end. The car also drives into this alley, and thus the teenagers find themselves sandwiched between the wall and police car. Sergeant Fisher and Officer Anderson get out of the car and charge the "looters" with speeding, riding a motorcycle without a helmet and resisting arrest. Suddenly, three figures on brooms appear in the alley, Sirius and James cast some kind of spell that raises the car on its hind legs, and leaves the trio unconscious. The next moment, Sirius and James fly away on a motorcycle.

The first pre-premiere showings of the play “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” took place. Despite the situation of the strictest secrecy, many viewers posted their retellings of what they saw online. The screenings are “pre-premiere” because the official premiere will take place only in July, and before that a lot can still change in the play (and in the play that will be published). But the plot is unlikely to be changed entirely, so in general you can already get a fairly accurate idea of ​​the eighth story.

Rowling took to Twitter to ask people not to give out spoilers. She supposedly worries about how to keep surprises for the audience, and not at all about sales, don’t think about it - after all, the tickets have already been sold out. If she had limited herself to this one appeal, one could still believe that she was worried exclusively about the audience. But: the performance is on in two parts, in two different days, and after the first day, representatives of the theater tracked who was posting spoilers online (!), identified them by names and places in the theater (!), and on the second day of the performance they approached them in the theater and politely asked them not to do this again. To put in so much effort just to take care of the audience? Yes, of course. They are afraid that the tickets will be returned - this is more accurate.

True fans were terribly disappointed by the plot, although the audience admits: the performance is very entertaining, beautiful, the special effects are amazing, the actors are wonderful, etc. But the plot...

Under the cut - detailed retelling the entire performance. I translated and compiled it from several sources, mainly , and .

I read a dozen more reviews and was convinced that this is not a hoax, not a fake, the plot is reliable, although if you read it, you will shake your head in disbelief more than once :))))))

The characters' lines are, of course, inaccurate, only the basic meaning. Notes in parentheses - sometimes mine, sometimes the authors of the retelling, see links above.

The first day. Part one.

Scene from the ending of the seventh book, The Deathly Hallows (Nineteen Years Later).
Adults Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny escort the children to school. Albus Severus Potter (Harry's middle son) is worried: what if he ends up in Slytherin? Harry reassures him: it’s okay, because he studied in Slytherin brave man like Severus Snape.
Rose Gainger-Weasley (daughter of Hermione and Ron) can't wait to get on the train. She is cheerful, outgoing and much more confident than Albus.

On the Hogwarts Express.
Rose reminds Albus that they The parents met on this train, so they need to carefully choose who to sit with in order to make friends (“for the rest of their lives”) with normal kids.
To Rose's displeasure, Albus chooses a compartment in which a slightly reserved boy like him sits. He introduces himself: Scorpius Malfoy, Draco's son.
Rose and Albus immediately discuss that there are rumors that Scorpius may be Voldemort's son. Like,Draco and his wife Astoria couldn't have a child for a long time, then they went back in time... and Scorpius appeared. Voldemort's child is believed to be a "cursed child". (Spectators who watched the play express different versions of how exactly Draco and Astoria could have acquired a child from Voldie - artificial insemination?.. magic?.. or?.. - so, apparently, this is not directly discussed in the play).
Scorpius says, rather cheerfully, that it's all nonsense. Rose also says that the rumors are nonsense, “after all, Scorpius has a nose, but Voldemort didn’t!”, but still Malfoy is not best acquaintance, so let's get out of here, Albus. But Albus remains.

Great Hall of Hogwarts
The director of Hogwarts is Minerva McGonagall (although earlier in one interview Rowling said that McGonagall retired, and “nineteen years later”, when Albus went to school, the director became completely new character).
The Wizard's Hat (played by an actor wearing a bowler hat) assigns Rose Granger-Weasley to Gryffindor. Scorpius Malfoy is sorted into Slytherin. Albus Severus Potter... although the Hat hesitated between Gryffindor and Slytherin, ended up... in Slytherin! Rose is terribly unhappy that he is in Slytherin and quarrels with him. Other students mock Albus: “Potter, but you’re in Slytherin!”

First academic year:
Broom flying lesson. The teacher is Madame Hooch. Albus is the only one in the class who fails to lift a broom into the air with magic (another student also fails, but he cheats and lifts the broom with his hand). Albus begins to be teased that he is a weak wizard and is not like his Potter dad. But Rose is the best in everything; She is smart like her mother Hermione and is a great flyer.

It's quite strange. Albus grew up in the family of "the youngest Seeker in the last hundred years" and a Quidditch match reporter (Ginny) plus Uncle Ron, a Quidditch goalkeeper and an avid Quidditch fan - and can't fly on a broom?

Second academic year
On platform 9 3/4, Albus is sulking and doesn't want to go to Hogwarts. Harry doesn’t understand him about this, so their conversation is strained. Draco asks Harry to make an announcement that the rumors about Voldemort's son are lies because they are disturbing Scorpius at school. Harry replies that such an announcement will only fuel the rumors and it is better to let them die down.
At school, in potions class, Albus and Scorpius, who by this time had become strong friends (even suspiciously strong ones), work in pairs. They didn't succeed in the potion - they don't succeed in anything at all.
Rose, meanwhile, is accepted into the Gryffindor Quidditch team. She is a chaser, a player who scores goals.

Third training year:
Platform 9 3/4. Albus doesn't want Harry to accompany him because everyone is always staring at them.
Hogwarts. Lily Luna ( younger sister Albus) enters Gryffindor.
At the lesson of protection from Dark Arts Everyone in the class practices actions with sticks (this is done in the form of a dance). Albus's wand sticks into the floor and gets stuck there - he's so inept.

Before the fourth school year. In the Ministry of Magic, in Harry's office (he is the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement).
Hermione arrives and reports the news: the Ministry conducted a search in Theodore Noth's house, and among other dark artifacts they found a Time Turner - better and more advanced than the Time Turner that Hermione used at school. She tells Harry to quickly finish his paperwork. There, in the documents, there is evidence that Dark magic is intensifying (giants and other dark magical creatures are uniting throughout the country). And Hermione, as the Minister of Magic, is terribly worried about this. (The fact that Hermione is a minister is mentioned in passing in this conversation). In conclusion, Hermione tells Harry not to stay too long and go home, because tomorrow the children are leaving for Hogwarts.

At Harry's house
Old Amos Diggory is waiting for Harry at home. wheelchair. Amos had been asking to see Harry for months, but nothing had happened. He still blames Harry for Cedric's death, especially because Harry is so famous and Cedric is just "extra" (“kill the spare”, as Voldemort put it then. And Amos wants Harry to fix it. To return his son to him. Harry: « This impossible, is not ethical». Amos: « I I heard, You, Guys, found Flywheel time». Harry was like, “What? This is not true, we didn’t find any Flywheel, and in general it broke.”
Albus overhears this conversation from the landing. Then a girl comes up to him, a little older than him, she has silver hair with blue tips. She introduces herself as Delphi (Delphine) Diggory, Amos's niece and part-time nurse. She apologizes for Amos, who is all thoughts of the past, and invites Albus to come visit them one day at the nursing home where Amos now lives.

Albus goes up to his room
Lily Luna and James (Albus's older brother) look at the gifts. Lily received from Harry some “fairy wings”, which she immediately put on her back, James received an invisibility cloak (!) from Harry, and a potion from Ron, hair coloring V pink color(?). Harry arrives and gives Albus his gifts. First - a love potion from Ron (?). Albus was like, “What does that even mean?” At the same time, for the hundredth time he asks his father not to call him Al, but to call him full name, i.e. Albus. Then Harry gives his gift. This is a baby blanket. Albus: "Uh... a blanket?.." “This is a special blanket! - Harry assures him. - I was wrapped in this blanket when they brought me to the Dursleys. When Aunt Petunia died, Dudley found the blanket - apparently Aunt Petunia wanted me to have it and it would bring good luck."
Albus was not impressed by the blanket story. James and Lily got cool gifts, but he got some crap. But Harry assures that this is a very significant gift, because for him, Harry, it means a lot. They are arguing. Albus says that for Harry Hogwarts was a wonderful place, Hogwarts saved it from the Dursleys and Harry became famous there, but for Albus Hogwarts was hell.
Then Albus begins to taunt his father: “Look at me, poor Harry Potter! Poor orphan with a difficult childhood and cruel Dursleys! Poor Harry Potter, who grew up and saved everyone!”, and then says “I wish you were my father” and then Harry says that sometimes he wishes Albus wasn’t his son (and that’s so out of character!). Then Harry says something like, “At least you have a father.”
Albus throws the blanket onto the bed, where it knocks over the bottle of love potion. The potion hisses and spills onto the blanket.

Hogwarts Express. Albus goes to school for his fourth year.
Scorpius reveals that his mother, Astoria, fell ill over the summer and died. A rather gay moment occurs between them: they talk about how they are each other’s only ones and tenderly look into each other’s eyes...

At this time, Harry is either having a dream or a vision. about how Hagrid comes to him for the first time, gives him a cake and tells Harry that he is a wizard. The scene is the same as the book scene at the cliff hut, except that Uncle Vernon calls Harry a "cursed child." Harry wakes up and his scar hurts. Ginny is worried because this is the first time in 22 years.

The Hogwarts Express again.
A sorceress with a cart rides down the aisle, selling sweets. Rose finds Albus and wants to be friends with him again. Albus is in doubt. Rose reports that according to rumors, a Time Turner has been found. Albus: “What are you talking about?.. Okay, I need to find Scorpius." He finds Scorpius and says, "We have to get off the train right now." Scorpius is surprised. Albus tells him about Amos, and that Harry lied to Amos about the Flywheel. But Cedric can be saved, and NATURALLY, they should do it.
(Albus knows little about Harry's past, so after hearing Amos blame Harry for Cedric's death, he decides that his father is bad person, and his mistake must be corrected. Moreover, because of his father’s fame, everyone at school expects Albus to do well in school, to succeed in Quidditch, and to get into Gryffindor - but he does not live up to these expectations. And, apparently, he wants to prove himself).
Scorpius like true friend, agrees. They climb onto the roof of the carriage. Roof sways, the wind howls. And then... and then... a sorceress with a cart climbs onto the roof of the carriage. Directly with trolley. And he says: “Would you like something sweet?” O_o. And in a kind grandma’s voice she says that her sweets contain magic. He throws candy at them and the guys get some kind of evil eye and damage. The sorceress explains: she is a guard on the train, and for 190 years she has been making sure that the children do not leave the train until they reach Hogsmeade. And no one, neither Sirius Black and his friends, nor Fred and George Weasley, had yet managed to get off the train. Long claws grow on the sorceress's fingers! She's going to attack them! And after all this, Albus and Scorpius quite easily jump from the roof into some lake. A sorceress with a cart (and now also with claws) screams desperately from the roof.

Nursing home.
Albus and Scorpius assure Amos that they will save Cedric. His niece Delphi offers the boys her help. Together they come up with a plan using Polyjuice Potion.

There must be bugs in Harry's office, and some spies are watching his every move and word. Not only thatrumors about the found Flywheelspreadalmost instantly (and reached all the way to the nursing home where Delphi and Amos live), it is even known in detail what kind of Flywheel it is and how it works.
All Flywheels that have existed in the magical world so far could be sent into the past for a maximum of 5 hours. And it turns out that Albus, Amos and Delphi ALREADY found out (and from different sources) that the new Flywheel is advanced, and is capable of sending them
to the past so far that they will save Cedric!

At the Ministry.
Harry and Hermione make an announcement that Harry's scar is hurting again, and the crowd of wizards listening to them discuss how Dark Magic seems to be rearing its ugly head.
Draco comes and says that these are all lies so that Potter will be in the newspapers again. Draco again asks Harry to stop rumors about Scorpius' parentage. He refuses again. Draco encourages the crowd not to trust Harry, and they don't.

Near the Ministry.
Albus, Scorpius and Delphi in black cloaks drink Polyjuice Potion. Scorpius becomes Harry, Delphi becomes Hermione, Albus becomes Ron. (They say this is done very cool on stage - child actors in raincoats disappear, and adult actors suddenly appear in these raincoats).

Just curious where they got the “pieces” of Harry, Ron and Hermione (hair, for example) for the Polyjuice Potion. Or has our Polyjuice Potion also become so advanced that it transforms into anyone you want? After all, the children left home without planning to use the Polyjuice Potion.

Somewhere along the way, it turns out that Scorpius cannot stand the smell and taste of fish (which seems to be a very gay thing).
Children infiltrate the Ministry with surprising ease. Alohomora easily opens the ministerial door. (In the wizarding world, apparently, there are only two types of security systems: 1) none and 2) three levels of riddles that only children can solve).
They approach Hermione's office - and suddenly they see the real Harry and Hermione in the corridor. Scorpius-Harry and Delphi-Hermione hide in the office, and Albus-Ron remains to distract the adults.
Hermione: "What are you doing here?" Albus-Ron: "Since when does a husband need an excuse to see his wife?!" AND tries to kiss Hermione. Harry: "Uh... I think I will go". An awkward scene in which Albus-Ron tries to figure out why he won't let Hermione into her own office. Albus- Ron says to Hermione: “Let's have another child!” Hermione: "What?" Harry: O_o. Albus-Ron: "Or we'll go on holiday... or have a baby... or go on holiday...". And he tries unsuccessfully to kiss her a hundred times. Hermione finally leaves: "Okay, I don't know what you're hiding in my office, but if it's dung bombs again, then even Merlin won't save you." (In general, they say that in the play Ron’s role is reduced to the position of a comic fool - that is, the character of his character was simplified even worse than in the films).
The children look for the Flywheel in the office and get to the cabinet in which illegal books are stored. A trap in the closet is activated. And children must answer riddle questions quickly, otherwise the closet will swallow them. First the wardrobe swallows Delphi, then Albus. But Scorpius still answers the last question. And everyone is alive and well, the Flywheel has been found.

Part two

Harry's house
Harry has a dream: he is small, lives with the Dursleys and feels the presence of Voldemort. Harry wakes up on the stairs own home. Ginny finds him. Then a school owl flies to them with a message that Albus and Scorpius have disappeared.

Forbidden Forest.
Albus, Scorpius and Delphi plan to go back in time to the first task of the Triwizard Tournament and disarm Cedric so that he cannot cope with the dragon - so that Cedric will not be the winner along with Harry and will not go to Voldemort.
To prevent Hogwarts students from identifying them as strangers, they wear the robes of Durmstrang students. Albus and Delphi practice doing spells and Delphi praises Albus.
Albus and Scorpius decide to go back in time without Delphi because she's too old to be a student and looks too weird (hair?). Delphi is unhappy. Suspiciously very dissatisfied. But she wishes them luck, kisses Albus on the cheek; Scorpius also turns his cheek hopefully - but she doesn’t kiss him.
Adults appear in the Forbidden Forest, they are looking for children. Harry meets the centaur Bane and he reports that he “sees Albus in the stars, there is a dark cloud around him, and something is predicted there.”

Stadium stands
Albus and Scorpius found themselves in the past, in the stands of the Tournament. A black girl sits next to them (the same one who plays Rose in the play). Scorpius: "Rose?" Oh no, it's young Hermione. Young black Hermione watches them with suspicion.
From the stands, Albus deprives Cedric of his wand with a Disarmament spell, but then they are suddenly thrown out of the past into the present, and Albus breaks his arm along the way. Adults find them.

In the hospital.
Albus is sleeping. Harry enters. Dumbledore appears in the portrait hanging over Albus's bed. Harry asks Dumbledore for advice, and he says that love for his son blinds Harry, and he does not see that he is “wounded”. Harry doesn't understand what he's talking about.
Albus wakes up. Harry questions him, but Albus does not admit where he went with Scorpius or what happened to them. Harry tries out loud to figure out the truth from what he knows - and, of course, his guesses are completely off target. He decides that Scorpius is after all Voldemort's son, and it is Scorpius who is " dark cloud" around Albus. (here the audience smiles skeptically: Dad, are you even saw Scorpius - this kind, quiet blonde?).
Harry decides that he has behaved wrongly before: he needs Albus to be safe, which means Albus, whether he likes it or not, must obey Harry unquestioningly! Harry forbids Albus to be friends with Scorpius. Albus protests. Then Harry declares that he will change the lesson schedule, and will also give McGonagall the Marauder's Map so that she can keep an eye on them and prevent them from being in the same room. (And for this reason, our Harry Potter survived the fight with Voldie? To become such a stupid dad? On the other hand, having been in the past, the children changed the present and Harry in this present seems to be a little different than he really is).
Albus gets out of bed, runs into the corridor and runs into Ron on the stairs. They talk and Albus mentions the joke shop where Ron works with George Weasley. Ron is surprised: he doesn't work at this store. Ron mentions his wife Padma and their son named Panju. Albus is shocked and asks him about Rose. Ron: "Who's Rose?"

McGonagall's office.
Harry demands that McGonagall make sure that Albus and Scorpius are not together. McGonagall says she can't do it (because she normal person, unlike some). She also tells Harry that there is no point in listening to Dumbledore's portrait because he is dead and portraits are "just paint and memories."
Harry says that McGonagall doesn't understand him because she doesn't have children of her own (the most disgusting and stupid argument you can come up with). McGonagall is shocked and says: “I have dedicated my whole life to working with children!..”. Harry threatens that if she doesn't comply with his demand, he will set the Ministry on the school. Apparently in this version of the present he is the Minister of Magic. Then McGonagall has to obey.

Defense Against the Dark Arts Lesson
The teacher is Hermione. Albus enters the classroom and starts asking dumb questions about why things are not as they should be: why he is in Gryffindor and why Hermione is not the Minister of Magic. Hermione: "minus a bunch of points for Gryffindor and shut up." Albus says that she should be married to Ron and they should have a daughter named Rose. Hermione is shocked and later cries.

If Hermione is NOT the Minister of Magic at this time, in whose office were the children stealing the Flywheel then? And how did they distract the one in whose office the Flywheel was? So the Polyjuice Potion scene didn't happen in this timeline?

Harry's house
Harry is having nightmares again. Ginny wakes him up, they talk about how the nightmares could be caused by concern for Albus, and Harry must have a heart-to-heart talk with his son.
Draco comes to Harry's house. He asks why Harry won't let Albus talk to Scorpius, because Scorpius is sad. Harry hints that Scorpius is Voldemort's son. Draco challenges Harry to a duel and they fight until Ginny arrives, she separates them, sits them at the table and tells them to make peace and come to an agreement.

Delphi talks to Scorpius. Scorpius: "Oh, you're still here!" (it is not explained how she manages to hang out at a school where no one knows her, despite the fact that she looks older than the students). Delphi reveals that she never went to Hogwarts because she was sick, and she seems jealous of the boys for going there. Delphi tries to console Scorpius about his separation from Albus. She says Albus writes letters to her and he seems to miss him. Scorpius was like, “Is he texting you?” in a terribly jealous tone, and it is not clear whether he is jealous of Delphi for Albus or Albus for Delphi. Delphi says something like, “You belong together.” (This is not even a hint).

Harry's house again
Draco Malfoy gives a big speech about friendship. He says that he was always jealous of Harry, Hermione and Ron because they were friends and others were friends with them. Ginny nods sympathetically and says she understands. Draco knows that a person without the support of family and friends - lost man. Ginny again sympathizes and understands. Draco also says that Tom Riddle was lonely and therefore fell into the Dark Arts.
Draco's speech touched Harry to the core - it dawns on him that he did something stupid by separating the boys, and decides to let them meet as friends again.
Draco also says that he knows that Scorpius could not have started anything bad himself, if only because, despite all the upbringing of Draco, he is only a “follower”, i.e. follows someone. So the instigator is most likely Albus.

Marble staircase at Hogwarts
Ron and Hermione accidentally collide on the stairs. They chat a little. Ron tells how his son Panju is making progress in magic, and recently accidentally conjured a mustache for himself. They are laughing. Then they discuss Albus's crazy delusions that they should be together. They laugh awkwardly. At the same time, it is noticeable that they are attracted to each other; Ron says that he likes her hair.

Hogwarts Library
Scorpius approaches Albus, but he: “Get out of here, I wasn’t told to talk to you, and I won’t tell you why.” Scorpius: “But we have to fix everything! We must tell adults that we can’t handle it on our own.”
Albus is currently studying history books. It turns out that their journey did not save Cedric, but young Hermione was very suspicious of the strange Durmstrang boys who seemed to interfere with Cedric's battle with the dragon. Because of this, she did not accept Krum's invitation to the ball, and went with Ron "as a friend." Because Ron wasn't jealous of Hermione and Krum, he didn't develop feelings for her. At the ball he danced with Hermione, then he danced with Padma, and he stayed with Padma.

It turns out that the attraction between Ron and Hermione is so weak that without jealousy of Krum, Ron did not even think about the possibility of dating her. But the attraction between Scorpi and Al is so great that even now they best friends, althoughin this realityAl is in Gryffindor, and Scorp is in Slytherin, and despite the fact that Al does not have a “bringing together motive,” that is, in this reality he is not an outcast from Slytherin!

There follows an almost ten-minute scene in which the magical bookcases somehow show Albus and Scorpius so close to each other, and yet so far apart at the same time. And how unhappy they both are. And then they fight. Albus: “I have to bring Cedric back, because my father and blah blah blah...” Scorpius: “Why are you all about yourself, and about your father, I also have problems, my mother died, and you don’t care.” No. Ron and Hermie aren't married, Rose has disappeared, and I may be Voldemort's son." Albus is ashamed, and they make up touchingly. Albus: "You make me stronger." Scorpius extends his hand for a handshake, but Albus pulls him towards him... and hugs him. (the audience gasps: everyone was waiting for them to kiss now).
Albus is developing new plan- they must somehow humiliate Cedric in the second task of the Tournament, and this must be done quickly, because... The flywheel doesn't seem to keep them in the past for more than five minutes.
Scorpius: "We must make sure that Rose is born again." His concern for Rose hints at a slight crush. At one point in the play he tells her, “Your hair smells like delicious bread.” (perhaps the authors of the play have not decided on their crushes and want to see who to leave with whom: Al with Scorpi or Scorpi with Rosa, based on the reaction of the audience).

McGonagall's office
Harry, Ginny, Draco, and then Ron appear through the fireplace. McGonagall says he doesn't want to follow Scorpi and Al anymore, he can't stand in the way true friendship. Harry says that is not what they are here for, and in general he realized that he was wrong, forgive him. Draco says the children should get back together. They unfold the Marauder's Map and McGonagall says, "I swear I'm only planning a prank." They see Al and Scorpi in the girls' bathroom. Harry realizes that this is Moaning Myrtle's toilet.

Myrtle toilet
In the center is a large sink with real water, which begins to flow when Myrtle begins to cry. Myrtle flies out of the chimney and begins to shamelessly pester the guys. Albus and Scorpius tell her their plan to save Cedric, and that they need to get into the lake so that, without wasting time, they can start the Flywheel in the lake. Myrtle sobs: “Cedric was so handsome!” She tells them that the pipes lead straight into the lake. The boys jump into the pipes, disappear - and at this time the adults appear. The children have already disappeared from the Marauder's Map.
Myrtle begins to shamelessly pester Harry and Draco. Myrtle reports that the children went to save Cedric, and Harry realizes that the Time Turner is involved.

In the lake during the Triwizard Tournament
The boys successfully humiliated Cedric by using the Blow-up Charm - Cedric pouting as balloon, flew out of the lake (Corrected: adding " and exploded into fireworks with the words "Ron loves Hermione" turned out to be a joke!).

Lake in the present tense
Scorpius climbs onto the shore (from a real pool of real water set in the center of the stage)."Albus, we did it!" Albus? Albus is nowhere to be found. A woman in pink walks along the shore towards Scorpius. She is the headmaster of Umbridge School! She: “There’s no point in hanging out in the water, it will upset the dementors!” Scorpius: “The student is missing!” Potter is missing." Umbridge: "There is no Potter at school. The last Potter died 22 years ago! Get out, otherwise you’ll ruin today’s holiday – Voldemort’s Day!”
Dementors fly over the heads of the spectators. A banner with an ominous new Hogwarts symbol rises above the stage.
End of the first part

JK Rowling, Jack Thorne, John Tiffany

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Part one

Act one

Scene one

The station is jam-packed with people hurrying somewhere. Amidst all this fuss, two boys, James and Albus Potter, are pushing rattling carts with cages, their mother, Ginny, following behind. Next to him is a thirty-seven-year-old man, Harry, with his daughter Lily on his shoulders.

Albus: Dad. He continues to tease.

Harry: James, stop it.

James: I just said that he'll probably end up in Slytherin... (Under his father's boring gaze.) Okay.

Albus (Looking at his mother): You're going to write to me, aren't you?

Ginny: Every day, if you want.

Albus: No, don't. James said most people receive a letter from home once a month.

Harry: Last year we sent letters to your brother three times a week. Albus: What?! James?

Albus looks at James piercingly.

Ginny: Don't believe everything your brother says about Hogwarts.

James (With a dry smile): Shall we go already?

Albus glances at his father and mother.

Ginny: You just need to go through the wall between platforms 9 and 10.

Lily: I'm worried.

Harry: It's important that you don't stop and don't be afraid. If you are not sure, run away.

Albus: I'm ready.

Harry and Lily put their hands on Albus's cart, Ginny's on James' cart, and the whole family rushes through the barrier.

Act one

Scene two

Platform nine and three quarters

It is filled with light white smoke coming from the Hogwarts Express. It is just as crowded, but instead of people in business suits, here are wizards and sorcerers in robes, saying goodbye to their children.

Albus: It's her.

Lily: Wow.

Albus: Platform nine and three quarters.

Lily: Where are they, where? Maybe they didn't come?

Harry notices Ron and Hermione with their daughter Rose. Lily runs towards them. Uncle Ron! Uncle Ron!

Ron turns around and picks up Lily as soon as she's nearby.

Ron: Is this really my favorite Potter?

Lily: Will you show me a trick?

Ron: Are you afraid of Weasley's magical nose-stealing breath?

Rose: Mom! Dad again for his nonsense.

Hermione: You think it's nonsense, but he thinks it's great. In my opinion, neither one nor the other.

Ron: Wait, let me fiddle with this... air. Here, a little more... Sorry if it smells a little like garlic.

He breathes on Lily's face and she giggles.

Lily: You smell like porridge.

Ron: One, two, three. Miss, get ready to feel something.

He lifts her nose.

Lily: Where's my nose?

Ron: Ta-daa.

His hand is empty. Complete nonsense, but everyone loves it.

Lily: You're funny.

Albus: Everyone's staring at us.

Ron: My experiments with noses have made me very popular. Hermione: They are truly legendary.

Harry: Was the parking okay?

Ron: Yes, Hermione didn't believe that I would pass the Muggle driving test. I thought I would use Confundus on the examiner.

Hermione: No, I was confident in you.

Rose: I'm sure he used Confundus.

Albus: Dad...

Albus touched his father's robe, Harry looks at him.

What if... Well, if I... I end up in Slytherin?

Harry: So what?

Albus: Slytherin is the house of treachery, black magic, not courage.

Harry: Albus Severus, you are named after two Headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was in Slytherin and he is probably the bravest man I have ever known.

Albus: But still.

Harry: If it's so important to you, then the Sorting Hat will honor your wishes.

Albus: Really?

Harry: That's what happened to me.

He had never said this before; he was overcome with thoughts.

Hogwarts will teach you a lot. I promise there's nothing to be afraid of.

James: Except the Thestrals, watch out for them.

Albus: I thought they were invisible!

Harry: Listen to your professors, not James, and be yourself. And now, if you don’t want the train to leave without you, then it’s time to climb on it.

Lily: I'll catch up with the train.

Ginny: Lily, come back.

Hermione: Rose, don't forget to say hi to Neville.

Rose: Mom, I can't say hi to the professor.

Rose gets on the train. Albus turns around last time hugs Ginny and Harry.

Albus: Okay. Bye.

He gets on the train. Hermione, Ron and Harry look at the train, the whistle blows every now and then on the platform.

Ginny: They'll be okay, won't they?

Hermione: Hogwarts is a big place.

Ron: Big. Wonderful. With the sea tasty food. I would give anything to come back.

Harry: It's strange, Albus is afraid he'll end up in Slytherin.

Hermione: Rose is worried that she won't break the Quidditch records. And when will she be able to take the S.O.W.

Ron: Where does she have so much ambition?

Ginny: Harry, what if Albus really ends up in Slytherin?

Ron: You know, Ginny, we always thought you might have been sorted into Slytherin. Ginny: What?

Ron: Well, actually, Fred and George were betting.

Hermione: Shall we go? People are watching.

Ginny: People are always watching. It doesn't matter if there are three of you standing together or alone. The four go to the exit.

Harry, everything will be fine with him?

Harry: Of course.

Act one

Scene three

Hogwarts Express

Albus and Rose walk around the carriage.

The witch selling sweets approaches with her cart.

Witch: Anything tasty? Pumpkin pie? Chocolate frog? Butter pot?

Rose (noticing Albus's hot gaze chocolate frogs): Albus, we need to focus.

Albus: Focus on what?

Rose: On those with whom we should be friends. Our parents met each other for the first time on the Hogwarts Express.

Albus: So we need to choose those with whom we will be friends for life? It scares.

Rose: On the other hand, it's cool. I am Granger Weasley, you are Potter. Everyone will want to be friends with us, we just have to choose.

Albus: So how do we choose which compartment to go in?..

Rose: Let's go through each one and make a decision later.

Albus opens the door and looks at the blonde boy Scorpius. The compartment is empty, the boy sits alone. Albus smiles and Scorpius smiles back.

Albus: Hello, this is a coupe...

Scorpius: It's free here, just me.

Albus: Great, can we come in for a minute then?

Scorpius: Yes, of course. Hello.

Albus: Albus. Well, my name is Albus.

JK Rowling did not write the eighth part of the Harry Potter story herself. John Tiffany and Jack Thorne worked on the text of the play - their names are indicated on the cover more than small print. Of course, Harry Potter's mother did not stay away from creative process- she gave direct authors advice on plot twists and fully approved of the final version of the play.

Readers who are accustomed to the fact that one book about Harry is equal to one calendar year are in for a surprise: in the play, time runs faster and every now and then turns far back. The first three acts cover three years, and the fourth act covers several days. To show all this on stage requires more than five hours of real time.

The boy-who-lived is already approaching 40 and works at the Ministry of Magic (he, alas, never became an Auror). Therefore, the main character this time will be Albus Severus, the middle son of Harry and Ginny. After another domestic quarrel, he decides to change the past with the help of a Time Turner. Central theme The books will become the relationship between fathers and sons.

Do not rush to answer that this is Albus Severus. In fact, there are three candidates for this post: the average Potter himself, one new character and, oddly enough, Scorpius Malfoy. The point is that according to magical world there is a rumor that Scorpius is not Draco's son, but Guess-Who.

In the epilogue of Deathly Hallows, Albus worries that the Sorting Hat will put him in Slytherin, and Harry says not to worry about it. Albus's fears come true, but Harry turns out not to be the best the best father in the world. And this is just the beginning.

Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy school years were sworn enemies, but their children seem to have found mutual language. Who would have thought that Scorpius, Draco's son, would turn out to be a kind and smart young man. The daughter of Ron and Hermione, Rose Weasley-Granger, will also fall under the spell.

After the epilogue of the 7th part, fans still had questions about the resulting couples. Many noted that the marriage of Ron and Hermione is unrealistic. So, almost 20 years later, these two look much happier than Harry and Ginny. While the Weasleys are hugging and discussing whether to have more children, the Potters are mired in a heap of family problems.

When a Time Turner is involved in the story, wait confusing plot. Could Cedric Diggory have survived the Triwizard Tournament if Hermione hadn't become the damn cool Minister of Magic and Ron had married Padma Patil? And these are just the most harmless questions that will worry the reader.

Continuation cult history, written by JK Rowling and filmed in eight films, won the hearts of both children and adults. The release date of the film Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is of interest to almost every second inhabitant of the planet.

The life of an orphan wizard, brought up in a school where magic was taught, gained more and more amazing momentum with each book. Nowadays it’s hard to find a person who would say that they have never heard of Harry Potter.


Harry - a regular guy With unusual abilities. Magic flows in his blood, which he successfully learns at a school for wizards. Together with his friends, Ron and Hermione, the boy, from the age of 11, goes through tests that are beyond the power of adults and experienced magicians: he fights giant snake In order to save his friend's sister, he saves his godfather from death, participates in the world tournament of wizards, and then throws all his strength into fighting the dark magician who killed his parents.

In the final, seventh part, with the common forces of friends and allies, as well as thanks to the heroism of the protagonist, good wins: main enemy disappears forever, and the last thing the viewer sees is happy heroes 20 years later. Harry and Ginny send their children to school, as do Ron and Hermione. This ending made everyone happy, even though there were many sad moments in the film.

Many years later, the author decided to release a sequel, the film adaptation of which promises to take place in 2018. To the question “When will it be released? New film Harry Potter?”, it’s impossible to answer for sure, because the book itself was published in mid-2016, and judging by the dynamics of filming the previous parts, The film will be released on big screens in 2019.

The film will feature younger son Harry is Albus, and Draco Malfoy's son is Scorpius.

The guys, having heard about the opportunity to return one of Harry’s old friends, Cedric Diggory, steal the time turner and try in every possible way to save the guy’s life, thereby changing any detail in the present time. Each time the changes occur more and more significantly, but in the end they neutralize themselves, who made the decision to be sent back in time.

In addition, at the end of Harry Potter 8, an epic battle between the main characters and Voldemort's daughter is promised. The happy ending at the end must definitely please the viewer and give hope for a sequel.

  • In the new part, the actress playing Hermione will be replaced by another. Fans were dissatisfied with the fact that Numa Dumezweni, who plays Hermione Weasley-Granger, is black, although according to the book the character has a standard European appearance and White color skin. JK Rowling herself admits the fact that the character may be black.
  • The release of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child will show us unification former enemies– the Potter, Weasley and Malfoy families. All old enemies will forget their grievances and unite against the evil wizard of all times.
  • The character Harry Potter was based on the book's author's childhood friend, with whom she played wizards.
  • There is a world the real Harry Potter is a man over 70 years old, and despite the fact that he has nothing to do with the history of the wizard, he is very popular among adults, children and the press.