Presentation "dream motif in Russian literature". Country of origin XI

Master class Open lesson based on A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” teacher-methodologist I. V. Kozitsyna, principal. school named after M. Gorky, Klaipeda, Lithuania

Topic: It used to be that a fiery creator showed us his hero as a model of perfection. (Based on the novel by A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”).”

If genius is a piece of God...and cannot be solved, one can only get closer to this mystery. (V.V. Kozhinov)

Based on slides, illustrations, the text of the novel and critical articles, students will: Remember the images of the main characters of the novel Onegin and Tatyana and conduct a comparative analysis of them; working in groups, expand their own understanding of the images of the novel; They will create a cluster and a syncwine and, making their presentation, will discuss the results of the work

Based on these articles, draw a conclusion: which opinion is closer to you and why? 1. Two views on the character and personality of Onegin. (V. Belinsky and D. Pisarev) 2. What is the most important thing in the nature and fate of E.O.?,...for the secret of human existence is not just to live, but in WHY TO LIVE? (M. Dunaev).

V. G. Belinsky - portrait of D. I. () Belinsky - portrait of Mikhail Mikhailovich Dunaev

Cluster (Sequence of actions) in the middle of a blank sheet of paper, write a word or sentence that is the key topic; around write words or sentences expressing ideas, facts, images suitable for this topic; As you write, the words that appear are connected by straight lines to the key concept. Each of the “satellites”, in turn, also has “satellites”, new logical connections are established

Cluster analysis: 1.Tatiana, Russian soul... 2.,...and... everyone decided that he is the most dangerous eccentric. (Analysis is carried out differentiatedly in groups)

Rules for writing a syncwine: Line 1: topic in one word - noun Line 2: description of the topic in two words - adjectives or participles. Line 3: description of the action within this topic - three verbs or gerunds. Line 4: attitude to the topic, feelings, emotions - a four-word phrase. Line 5: repetition of the meaning of the topic in one word or phrase - synonym

Tatiana. Sinkwine. Tatyana (Russian in soul, Without knowing why) With her cold beauty She loved the Russian winter. ... Thoughtfulness, her friend From the most lullaby days, The flow of rural leisure adorned her with dreams. Her pampered fingers knew no needles; leaning on the hoop, she did not enliven the canvas with a silk pattern. For a long time, heartache had oppressed her young chest; The soul was waiting... for someone,

Onegin. Sinkwine. Here is my Onegin free; He had his hair cut in the latest fashion, dressed like a London dandy, and finally saw the light of day. He could express himself perfectly in French and wrote; He danced the mazurka easily and bowed at ease; What do you want more? The light decided that he was smart and very nice. How early could he be a hypocrite, conceal hope, be jealous, dissuade, force to believe, seem gloomy, languish,

The main evaluation criteria: cluster number of concepts logical completeness literacy syncwine accuracy of description accuracy of description compliance with the number of parts of speech compliance with the number of parts of speech Logical completeness

Makarenko Faina Dmitrievna, teacher of Russian language and literature, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Shuryshkarsky district, village. Ovgort, MBOU "Ovgortskaya OSHIS(p)OO"

Sinkwine in class and extracurricular activities

In 2006, during advanced training courses, I learned about one of the technology techniques for developing critical thinking through reading and writing - syncwine. First of all, I paid attention to its definition. “Sinquain is a poem of five lines, each of which has strict content and a specific form: 1st - a noun that sets the theme of the poem; 2nd – two adjectives to this noun; 3rd – three verbs to a given noun; 4th – semantic phrase; 5th – one final word that determines the emotional attitude to everything said.” I immediately assumed that the students would like this method of creating text. Firstly, because it’s short, and secondly, it gives you the opportunity to become a poet, because you get “almost poetry.” Yes, and everyone knows nouns, adjectives, verbs. First, I introduced schoolchildren to this interesting technique during a school-wide holiday - Science Day. Based on the results of the work of the “Literary Creativity” section, a booklet was created on this day, where students placed their first syncwines. The children became interested in this kind of work, and we continued our joint activities to create syncwine during class hours, in preparation for creative competitions. Here are some examples.


Native, taiga.

Beckons, attracts, does not let go.

My home is my castle.

My motherland.


Clean, bubbling.

It flows, calls, breaks through.

Water is all living things on earth.

Life source.


Generous, rich.

Warms, develops, unites.

My home is Yamal, calm and strong.

Heart of Russia.

Longortova Lena


Big, powerful.

Grows, teaches, is proud.

Russia is our sacred power.

Big Motherland.


Rich, varied.

Gives, nourishes, grows.

The most beautiful place in nature.


Anagurichi Galya


Beloved, dear.

Works, teaches, develops.

Small homeland.


Pure, rich.

Flows, waters, feeds.

The river is a source of clean water.



Developed, rich.

Lives, cares, does not forget.

The best place in Russia.


Longortov Ilya


Prosperous, beautiful.

Grows, gets rich, teaches.

Needed where was born.

Small homeland.


Generous, rich.

Grows, expands, unites.

A small peninsula on a map of the earth.


Nedoshovenko Yulia

The result of extracurricular work is the creation of a presentation “The land in which I live.”

Life impressions give rise to experiences, so any lyrical work is a reflection. Among the poetic forms based on reflection and constructed “according to the rules,” we do not know very much: Japanese tanku, haiku; sonnet.

Cinquain belongs to such forms.

Sinkwine helped revive the lessons and introduce an element of novelty. I use syncwine as an interpretation of someone else’s text, a way of taking notes, compressing information. I will give examples of creating syncwine in literature lessons.

Heroes of "The Captain's Daughter" by A.S. Pushkin in syncwine:

Peter Grinev.

Kind, noble.

Serves, falls in love, protects.

Trust in God, and don’t make a mistake yourself.



Dishonest, immoral.

Lies, takes revenge, cheats.

Take care of your dress again, and take care of your honor from a young age.


Masha Mironova.

Modest, persistent.

Attracts, loves, saves.

Pushkin's favorite female character.


The heroes of the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" in syncwine

Eugene Onegin.

Fashionable, spoiled.

Having fun, falling in love, moping.

“And he’s in a hurry to live, and he’s in a hurry to feel.”

Hero of the novel.

Vladimir Lensky.

Naive, simple-minded.

Believes, loves, dreams.

“He was a dear ignoramus at heart.”


Tatyana Larina.

Thoughtful, tender.

He reads, gets bored, dreams.

The time has come, she fell in love.

"Sweet ideal."

Sinkwine is an interesting methodological technique. Allows you to practice text analysis skills, develops students’ attention to words, encourages children to analyze their feelings, and helps the teacher organize a dialogue. Sinkwine is a means of creating not only a teaching, but also a developing speech environment that promotes the individualization of learning and speech development of students. Despite its apparent simplicity of form, syncwine is a quick but powerful tool for reflection (it is not so easy to summarize information, express complex ideas, feelings and perceptions in a few words).
Of course, it is interesting to use syncwines as a means of creative expression. As practice has shown, this methodological technique helped to involve children with different levels of training in the subject into the creative process.


Literature. Textbook for grades 8, 9. M., Education, 2010

Plenkin N.A. Speech development lessons: 5th – 9th grade. Book for teachers: From work experience. M.: Education, 1995.

“First of September. Russian language", 2006, No. 18

General lesson on A.S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”

A game similar to the TV show “What?” Where? When?"

between 9a and 9b grades

Teacher (Leader): Hello, dear ninth graders! Today we are conducting a game lesson as the final lesson on studying the novel in verse by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”. Much has been said in previous lessons, much has not been said, because a true classical work is inexhaustible. I would like to come into contact with this brilliant work once again, to summarize our knowledge, to understand what the writer teaches us. I wish everyone GOOD LUCK!

Each class forms a team and sits in a circle. A name is invented. A JURY of teachers and parents evaluates the competitions.

9a – “Feeling”, 9b – “Reason”

ITeacher (Leader): So, our first competition is a reading competition.

“Blitz survey” based on the text of the novel:

1. Indicate the time frame for writing the novel (1823-1830)

2. Indicate the time boundaries of the action taking place in the novel (1812-1824)

3. What size is the work written in? (iamb tetrameter)

4. About whom did A.I. Herzen say: “smart uselessness”? (About Onegin)

5. Which Russian composer created an opera that he initially wanted to call after the main character? (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky)

6. Where are Tatyana Larina and her mother leaving the village? (To Moscow)

7. Who in the work is the personification of the romantic hero?

(Vladimir Lensky)

8. How old is Eugene Onegin at the beginning of the novel and in chapter 8? (18, 26)

9. “He was a simple and kind gentleman...” Who? (Dmitry Larin)

10. “Take any novel and you will find the right portrait of her...” (Olga Larina)

11. Tell me exactly how long it took to write the novel (7 years 4 months 17 days)

12. Who is a rake? (fickle young man)

13.What science did Eugene Onegin comprehend to perfection? (“the science of tender passion”)

14. “A disease whose cause should have been found long ago”? (spleen, melancholy, blues)

15.Which hero of European literature is Eugene Onegin compared to in the novel? (with the hero of Byron's poem "Childe Harold")

16. “Wave and stone, poetry and prose, ice and fire are not so different from each other...” What technique is used in these lines? Who are they about? (Antithesis, Onegin and Lensky)

17. Where does the novel “Eugene Onegin” begin in terms of compositional structure?

(from the beginning, from the introduction, from the address to readers)

18. Why is this not a poem, but a novel? (the scope of life is wider, the hero embodies the typical features of young people of that time, a whole era is shown)

19. Which Russian critic called the novel “an encyclopedia of Russian life”?

(Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky)

20. What is the name of the author’s reflection not related to the plot narrative, which he included in the work for special purposes? (lyrical digression)

The results of the first competition are summed up (this can be done by a pre-selected jury of independent experts or by the teacher himself).

For each correct answer, the team is given one point.

IITeacher (Leader): The second competition is literary competition.

“Find paths and figures.”

Tropes are figures of speech in which a word or phrase is used in a figurative sense for the purpose of greater expressiveness (metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, personification, allegory, comparison, periphrase, irony, hyperbole, oxymoron, epithet)

A figure of speech is a syntactic construction designed to increase the expressiveness of speech and its emotional impact (anaphora, epiphora, syntactic parallelism, antithesis, gradation, inversion, parcellation, ellipsis, rhetorical question)

At the beginning of the fifth chapter, the first THREE STROPHES, re-read and write down examples of artistic features;

(one point for each example)

Nature awaited winter (personification);

Light patterns, low nature, fluffy reins, a brilliant carpet of winter (epithet);

Yard, curtains, roofs, fence, magpies, yard... (homogeneous members of the sentence);
- trees in winter silver (metaphor);

Winter! (rhetorical exclamation)

Horse, boy, finger (words with diminutive suffixes);

Ellipsis (helps to think through the text);

Fluffy reins exploding (inversion);

But maybe this kind of painting will not attract you...

(free appeal to readers and heroes of the work);

Oh, don’t know these terrible dreams / You are my Svetlana! (use of epigraphs);

In the morning, wood, sled (words of colloquial style of speech);

Combination of dialogic and monologue speech (stanza 3)

III. Teacher (Leader): The third competition is research.

"The secret of the first and last name"

Teams are invited to express their point of view on the question “Why did Pushkin give his hero such a surname - ONEGIN? And this name is EUGENE? How does it help to understand the character of this person, his life values ​​and aspirations? Conduct research at the phonetic and lexical levels to arrive at a semantic meaning. For answers in the right direction, you can give from one to three points.

An example key to checking the completion of a task:

"Eugene" translated from Greek as “noble”. The surname possibly comes from the name of the river – Onega, which flows in the north of the country and flows into the White Sea. Or from Lake Onega, there is also the city of Onega at the mouth of the Onega River. The hero’s “northern” surname suggests that he forgot the feelings that “cooled down in him early.” Cold heart! Sober mind! The inaccessibility of the hero - everything merged together in this surname. At the phonetic level, it goes well with the name of the hero, a harmonious combination, which is important for the author of the work.

"Tatiana"– translated from Greek as “homemaker”, a popular, ancient name, was the Greek king TATIAN. Apparently, Pushkin wanted to bring the character of the heroine closer to folk traditions and customs, to make her image truly folk, close and understandable to all of us.

IV. Teacher (Leader): The fourth competition is practical.

"Five - five"

Five surnames and names of the heroes of the novel and cards with their characteristics are given (five for each hero). The teams are given envelopes with cards (25 cards), on which details of the portrait, remarks, qualities, and characteristics of a particular official are written. The task of each team is to find the “owner” of each sign and attach cards under the names of the heroes. Each hero must have 5 cards attached. Working time is 10 minutes. Maximum points - 5

Key to checking the job:































V. Teacher (Leader):

Fifth competition - geographical - visual

“And restless Petersburg has already been awakened by a drum...”- this is what Pushkin writes in the first chapter of the novel. So what is Petersburg like in the novel? How is this city presented in it, marked on the map of Russia and at all times exciting writers and ordinary people?

This city enters into it from the first chapter of the work and becomes a full-fledged hero. Onegin lives in St. Petersburg, meets there with the author - the narrator on the banks of the Neva River, where the events of the last eighth chapter take place, the culminating events when the reader is waiting for the resolution of the love conflict of the novel. Flip through the first chapter of the novel and draw a verbal portrait of the city of DREAM, the city of Pushkin and Dostoevsky, Gogol and Akhmatova. But we need a “portrait” from the novel “Eugene Onegin” (first chapter, from stanza 15). We “draw” the portrait with thick oil paints, strokes, smears, nouns and adjectives, verbs (like a sketch, like a sketch for a future whole picture)

(5-7 minutes to prepare)

A sample answer is: 1. Boulevards, Bolivar, Breguet rings dinner, BALLET reigns everywhere. The theater is already full, the boxes are sparkling... A luxurious office. Amber, porcelain, crystal.

French cuisine (cork in the ceiling, bloody roast beef, truffles, Strasbourg incorruptible pie between live Limburg cheese and golden pineapple); French fashion (knickers, tailcoat, vest, in the latest taste of dressing, and I will give a thoughtful outfit)

Carriage lanterns, a magnificent house glittering, doormen, marble steps, a hall full of people, the music is tired of blaring, living rooms, gossip, Boston.

2. But there is another Petersburg. A merchant gets up, a peddler comes, a cab driver pulls to the stock exchange, an okhtenka hurries with a jug, the noise is pleasant... chimney smoke... and the baker, a neat German, has already opened his door.

CONCLUSION: Two cities and one, half-French, half-Russian, in contrast to patriarchal Moscow, which is also the hero of the novel. In the eighth chapter, Tatyana will say to Onegin: “And to me, Onegin, this pomp, this hateful tinsel of life, my successes in a whirlwind of light, my fashionable house and evenings, what’s in them? Now I’m glad to give away all this rags of a masquerade, all this glitter, and noise, and children for the shelf of books, for the wild garden...” St. Petersburg is a city of the idle and the poor, a city of sharp contrasts, which we will see in F.M. Dostoevsky, this is a Russian city that has so deeply absorbed European customs. But for Pushkin he does not become less loved. Pushkin is patriotic in his description of not only Moscow, but any other corner of our Motherland. I wish you to visit St. Petersburg and breathe its special air of luxury, history, tradition, grandeur and simplicity, pride and art.

VI.Teacher (Leader): Sixth competition - Creative.

“Five inspirations – five successes! »

Each team is asked to compose two syncwines based on the studied work, one about the novel as a whole, the other about some hero of the work. To do this, let us remind students that cinquain is a five-line poetic form that originated in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century by analogy with Japanese haiku. In 1997 it appeared in Russia. The value of such a poem lies in a philosophical generalizing view of a particular subject of discussion, in the ability to highlight the most important thing and synthesize this main thing in a short, orderly form. Let us recall the rules for constructing a syncwine:

1. Topic - one word - a noun or pronoun, an object or subject of research, reflection.

2. Two words - adjectives or participles (can be nouns) that define the selected object.

3. Three verbs characterizing the action of the specified object.

4. A phrase of 4-5 words expressing the author’s personal attitude to the subject, perhaps as an epigraph to the entire work

5. One word as a summary, a powerful point, a significant association.

The teacher pre-composes his syncwines:


Cold, insensitive.

Suffering, luxurious, moping.

A reluctant egoist, a hero of the times.



Sensual, soulful.

Believes, hopes, waits.

Pushkin's favorite female character...


" Eugene Onegin".

Realistic, unusual.

Teaches, captivates, attracts.

The first Russian novel.


During the game, you can take a tea break or just a break, since the game is designed for two lessons.

Homework: We talked a lot in class about the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”, about its heroes and their destinies. At home, I suggest you write a letter to some hero of the novel and tell about your impressions, your attitude towards him, the events of that time and our vision of them.


After the end of the game, the results are summed up, but it seems that there are no losers, just as there are no those who would remain indifferent to the wonderful novel by Alexander Pushkin, which TEACHES US TRUE FEELINGS, THE ABILITY TO LOVE AND BE FRIENDSHIP. WE MUST STRIVE FOR HARMONY OF FEELINGS AND MIND! What we did today, thanks for the lesson.

Left a reply Guest

"Eugene Onegin" is the first realistic novel in the history of literature. Belinsky called it “an encyclopedia of Russian life.” A.S. Pushkin wanted to write a work whose main characters would be his contemporaries. Indeed, characters play a huge role in expressing the poet’s thoughts and feelings. Belinsky wrote: “He was the first in his novel to poetically reproduce Russian society of that time and, in the persons of Onegin and Lensky, showed its main, that is, male, side; but our author’s almost greater feat is that he was the first to poetically reproduce, in the person of Tatyana, a Russian woman.”
Tatyana Larina is the poet’s favorite heroine, the most famous female character in Russian literature. Pushkin lovingly describes her appearance, “sweet simplicity,” the strength of her feelings, character, and way of thinking:
So, she was called Tatyana.
Not your sister's beauty,
Nor the freshness of her ruddy
She wouldn't attract anyone's attention.
Dick, sad, silent,
Like a forest deer is timid...
When did the nanny collect?
Tatyana loves to read, dream about the future, imagining herself as the heroine of a novel. Tatyana also loves nature, loves to “warn the dawn of the sunrise,” but she prefers winter more than all seasons:
Tatyana (Russian soul,
Without knowing why)
With her cold beauty
I loved Russian winter...
Nature is the world of Tatiana’s soul, infinitely close to her. In this world she is free from misunderstanding, from people. Trees, streams, flowers are her friends to whom she can trust her secrets.
And so Tatyana met Onegin. “The time has come, she fell in love,” and images of book heroes came to life in her mind:
...They clothed themselves in a single image,
Merged into one Onegin.
Tatyana has grown up and become a bride, which means it’s time to marry her off, and it’s best to do this in Moscow, at the “bride fair.”
Well, mother? why did it happen?
To Moscow, to the bride's fair!
And here is Tatyana in Moscow. I am very sorry for Tatyana, such a wonderful girl who will not marry for love.
...she's a dream
Strives for life in the field,
To the village, to the poor villagers,
To a secluded corner...

Accident brings Tatyana Larina and Evgeny Onegin together again. Evgeny did not expect to see Tatyana like this. What was unexpected about it? Tatyana became quiet, indifferent, felt calm and confident. She remembered Evgeniy’s “lesson,” the first rule of “light,” and it was the light that forced Tatyana to live by its own laws, taught her to control herself and subdue her feelings. But Tatyana, even with such “harsh laws,” could not stop being herself.
She was leisurely
Not cold, not talkative,
Without an insolent look for everyone,
Without pretensions to success,
Without these little antics,
No imitative ideas...
Everything was quiet, it was just there...
Onegin saw in the outwardly cold, former, spiritually rich Tatiana, and his soul rushed to her. Onegin writes a letter to Tatiana in which he declares his love:
...Everything is decided: I am in your will
And I surrender to my fate.
But for Tatyana the main thing now is her duty to her husband. Previously, before marriage, she could sacrifice herself, but now she cannot sacrifice the honor of her husband. Onegin, with a “cold and lazy” soul, is not suitable for a life partner, because he cannot even create his own happiness. The heroine is tormented, but this torment is noble!

I got married. You must,
I ask you to leave me;
I know: in your heart there is
And pride and direct honor.
I love you (why lie?),
But I was given to another;
And I will be faithful to him forever.

Is Tatyana happy after marrying a rich general? Of course not! Her purity, beauty, moral strength - all this was not accepted in the world where she found herself. That’s why she is sincere with Evgeniy, because she feels a kindred spirit, but that’s why Tatyana refuses him: after all, she truly loves him.
For Pushkin, Tatyana is the ideal of a Russian woman. She became an ideal for me too. Her image teaches modern girls fidelity, moral purity, sacrificing everything for the sake of love, a serious attitude towards life and people, and enormous spiritual strength. This image will be eternal, because sincerity, depth of feelings, readiness for self-sacrifice and chaste purity are always valued in a girl.