April 1 holiday re-enactment. Invitations to the festival of laughter

At the very beginning of preparations for a grandiose holiday of fun and laughter, I want to ask you: please forget to invite people to the party who are absolutely “not friends” with humor. Even if they are very close people! April Fool's Day is not a formal holiday (like a corporate party), and not a family holiday (like a birthday), because you have every right to spend the evening in the circle of those people with whom you can laugh great and boisterously! After all, only such anti-stress “therapy” will really work! Well, now - I announce the countdown to the start of our preparatory April Fools' campaign: three, two, one... Let's go!


... the postcard with two faces in photo 2 is similar in style and manufacturing technique. Only one of them is cheerful, the other is sad. This card contains a warning: “Some of our jokes may upset you! But we truly love you! Therefore, don’t take everything so close to your heart!


Traditionally, laughter and good mood are associated with a laughing face, a jester in a snuffbox, or a piece of pie. Why not invite friends to your party of healthy fun with postcards with such generally accepted symbols? In addition, making such invitations yourself is not at all difficult!

Option 1. Smiley postcard

Do you really want to smile back at such a pretty girl?

To make a postcard you will need:

1 A4 sheet of white and yellow cardboard, half a sheet of black and pink colored paper;

A piece of 20*10 cm vinyl wallpaper in yellow, pink and white tones;

Yellow finishing tape (60 cm);

Red finishing tape (25 cm);

Corrector pencil, glue, scissors, black marker.

Manufacturing sequence:

1. Fold a sheet of white cardboard in half. We glue the prepared piece of structured vinyl wallpaper onto the front side of the card.

2. Separate the bottom strip of white cardboard from the main vinyl sheet with a yellow ribbon tied in a bow.

3. We cut out a circle with a diameter of 10 cm from yellow cardboard and glue it to the right half of the front part of the postcard.

4. Modeling a smiling face. From black colored paper we cut out a smile, pupils for the eyes, and eyelashes. With pink - rosy cheeks (circles with a diameter of 2.5 cm). With white - the whites of the eyes (circles with a diameter of 2 cm). We assemble the face and decorate the smiley with a red bow.

5. Using a corrector pencil, draw white dots on the yellow and red tapes.

6. Sign the postcard and send it to the recipient!

Option 2. Postcard - pie

Food (especially cakes, pies, and other baked goods) has a whole chapter devoted to April Fools' pranks! Therefore, I advise you to invite your friends to try a sunny, cheerful April Fool's cake, depicting it on an invitation card!

Materials for making a postcard:

Two sheets (standard format) of yellow cardboard, and 1 each of red, black and white;

One sheet each of green and red structured cardboard;

25 cm of red finishing tape;

Correction pencil, black marker, hole punch, glue and scissors.

Manufacturing method and assembly sequence:

1. Fold the yellow cardstock in half and cut out two halves of the card in the shape of a flower with rounded edges.

2. Use a hole punch to make a hole at the top and tie the two parts of the card together with red ribbon.

3. From green cardboard (decorated with white small peas) we cut out a circle with a diameter of 10 cm and glue it to the center of the front part of the assembled flower.

4. We model the central figure of the postcard - a piece of pie. To do this: cut out a quadrangle from yellow cardboard (round the edges). On the rectangle we draw a happy face with lowered eyelashes (it is best to do this with a black marker). We cut out “cream” from red cardboard - one third of the rectangle in width and length equal to the length of the upper edge of the rectangle. We cut out “cream” from white paper, and a strawberry from red structured cardboard. We collect all the parts and glue them to the center of the green circle.

5. Using a white corrector, we draw dots on the tape and shade the strawberries and cream with a “seam”.

6. Using a black marker, draw a seam along the edges of the green circle and the yellow flower - the base. The postcard is ready to delight your friends with very promising anticipation!

Options for invitations to April Fools' Day

If you don’t have the time (or talent) to make your own invitations, we can offer several fun options that are easy to find on sale. For example, very often I had to see “piglets” with April Fool’s fools.

Invitation forms of a very simple but original format can be found on the Internet. Well, the hit of the April Fools' season for you and your friends can be cheerful crayfish taking a hot foam bath.

However, there is another fresh idea. You can also invite someone to an April Fool's party with a Christmas card, which is quite likely lying somewhere in the back of your closet. Such a joke will also be received by friends with a good sense of humor with a “Hurray!”

And a few words about the text of the invitation:

"Expensive _________! You've probably heard that real humor and sincere laughter have a positive effect

on heart health and the general condition of the body. In this regard, we invite you to join us in


By the first of April, the decor should be both specific and functional. Specific because its elements are absolutely exclusive, and they can only be used on April Fool’s Day. Well, a functional one is one that in itself is already a kind of fun, or can be used as part of one of the pranks.

The entrance to your holiday, which prolongs life, should definitely be decorated with smiling faces like these. Let these cheerful balloons put your guests in the mood you need.

Orange signs and plastic safety barrels

This April Fool's decor idea will surely interest extreme comedians. To implement it, all you need to do is knock over a bucket of cement at the entrance to your house and put up road fence signs notifying about repair work in this area. And also - install a sign: “Bypass”, pointing to a blank wall. 10 minutes of a cheerful “aperitif” before tasting the main portion of laughter, your guests and you yourself are simply guaranteed!

Posters of famous clowns and comedians

April Fool's Day- the best reason to honor the memory and pay tribute to people who for many years made millions of compatriots laugh until they cried. Decorate your home with photos and posters with portraits of those comedians whose jokes always lift your spirits!

Fun sofa cushions

Why not scatter soft chickens from a well-known and beloved computer game throughout the house? Let them sit on cabinets, on sofas, on tables, and even “nest” on the floor. Firstly, such decor perfectly conveys the atmosphere of April Fool's Day, and secondly, multi-colored chickens can be used as an instrument for one of the games in the entertainment program.

Masks for April 1

Masks will help diversify the lyrical atmosphere created by a photo in the style of “nostalgia”. Decorate the walls with totems with cheerful and bright faces, and you are guaranteed many reasons for funny ideas and improvisations!

Giant spiders and rubber snakes

And under the cheerful sofa cushions you can hide such cute surprises for slightly tipsy and relaxed friends. Imagine, a guest sits down on the sofa with a smile, reaches out his hand to adjust the pillow, and from under it crawls out... a very cute snake, looking like a real steppe viper! Ah-ah-ah! April Fool's Prank was a great success!

Paper fish - collection of fools

By the way, about one more preparatory moment for the entertainment program. All your achievements on the basis of friendly scams and practical jokes must be recorded. According to a tradition that has existed for many years, a person who perceived a joke as the pure truth had a paper fish glued to his back or sleeve - a symbol of excessive gullibility (or the dexterity of the joker). Why don't you take advantage of old symbols? And at the end of the evening - count how many successful jokes took place on this first of April? And who turned out to be the biggest April Fool? Cut out fish-shaped stickers from colorful sticky notes and hand them out to your guests. Let them hunt and be creative!

Wine stains

“Adorn” your holiday rug with a chic ink, wine or gravy stain. Your guests will have a lot of fun seeing such a marvel in the middle of your luxurious, always perfectly tidy living room. Spot... Isn’t it a very original, exclusively April Fool’s decoration element?


The stupidest outfits on this day will look like a brand, like the latest fashion! Invite guests to come to the party in completely incompatible wardrobe items, or even in dresses turned inside out. Anything that looks very funny and absolutely ridiculous is welcome! For example, a girl dressed in military style and with a glamorous bright flower on her forearm will look very original on April 1st.

And guys can wear plush overalls, recreating the same computer-generated, stupidest chickens in the world who declared war on pigs.

If you have time to think April Fool's Day you don’t have an image at all, you can come to a party in a children’s dress with bright polka dots, covering your hair with a large and curly clown wig. And the face can be embellished with a huge plastic nose, glasses and a mustache.

Do you know what the main beauty of planning an April Fool's party for adults is? The fact is that it is almost impossible to “overdo it” with jewelry, outfits and other paraphernalia! And there is no need to combine all the decorative elements in style! After all, absurdity is the main trump card of the quality of your author's April Fool's Day! Appreciate it! And hurry up to arrange a holiday - mega anti-stress!

Where exactly this holiday comes from - April Fool's Day or All Fool's Day - from France, England, Mexico or Sweden is a mystery that, unfortunately, is shrouded in darkness. Our students will solve this mystery.

Feast of Fools contests and sweepstakes

For whom: students, youth
Location: concert hall stage, assembly hall
Duration: 1-1.5 hours
What you will need: prizes, “jokes” (emblems, medals or funny pictures), glasses of water, tablespoons, toy cars, threads, pencils, boxing gloves, scarves.
The presenters (he and she) go on stage.
Presenter: The long-awaited moment has arrived: the chimes are striking, the champagne is sparkling. Happy New Year, country! Something wrong. Yeah, here it is. The long-awaited moment has arrived: fireworks roar, orderly rows of soldiers march in the parade. Happy Victory Day, country! Yes, this is not the same folder at all! I knew I shouldn’t write the spurs, I’ll get it mixed up anyway. Although if you think about it, you could expect something like this today. Students... Well, we can’t live in peace: either butter at the door, or a disco after midnight. After all, while studying, students have a choice: sleep, parties and, in fact, study itself. Moreover, in each individual semester, only two of these classes can be successfully combined. So we look forward to the weekend as a holiday, and the holiday as a weekend. Why do you think the first of April is not a day off? The most fun day, and here you study. But then there wouldn’t be so many pranks: “calling to the training unit”, “cancelling a pair” and much more. Moreover, after classes you can joke to your heart’s content from the stage. Which, in fact, is what we will do now.

Of course, every draw must be avenged, so at the end of the evening we will announce the winners in several categories. You will find out why he was avenged later.
And, of course, we have a jury. And, of course, the representative of our student fraternity, a student... of the group... She is tasked with keeping an eye on the rest of the jury so that they do not forget that they are not in class and do not grade too harshly.
So, we begin our holiday.

Leading: This holiday is celebrated in many European countries. In our country it is an unofficial national holiday. Cheerful deceptions and pranks, laughter, carefree fun - all this is appropriate on April 1st. It’s hard to say why this particular day. There are explanations, both religious and historical, but we will not give them here, since no one can guarantee the reliability of these explanations.
In all countries, April 1 is celebrated differently. For example, in France this day of playful deception is called “April fish”. Who knows why? In 1574, King Charles IX issued a decree moving the beginning of the year from April 1 to January 1, but many of his subjects, as a sign of disagreement with the highest command on April 1, sent each other a copyright-by-holiday traditional gift - fish. And the Dutch try to make fun of their friends and come up with some unusual news. Even newspapers take part in such pranks. In England, April 1 is All Fools' Day. From midnight to 12 noon on April 1, everyone can play a joke on their friends and acquaintances and deceive them.
Anyone who falls for an April Fool's joke is greeted with cheerful laughter and shouts of "April Fool!" The Germans consider April 1 an unlucky day, since according to legend, Judas was born on this day. Adults and children deceive each other, sending each other to stores and pharmacies with impossible orders.
And we will start our humorous evening with a funny games "Zoo", and will carry it out...
Presenter: We are sure that everyone's spirits have lifted! That's how it should be. After all, today is April 1st - don’t trust anyone! But this does not give you a reason to doubt that today there are fun competitions and tasks in our program. They will help us identify the funniest person of the evening. Who will be this walking humor? The one who collects as many “gag moments” as possible. (Showing hand-drawn buttons). The most important “prankster” will receive a prize!
Leading: Attention! First joke! Question: “Which city is considered the most fun?”
That's right, Odessa! As we know, Odessa is famous for the funniest pranks, and there are so many jokes about Odessa residents! And now we are providing the opportunity to earn the next “joke” with the help of an anecdote related to this city.

Jokes competition.
Presenter: Now I invite two young men to the stage (go out).

For you competition "Dapper!"

You need to tie a scarf in boxing gloves as quickly as possible.
Leading: How many popular expressions were born with the help of the humor of some funny people.

Competition "Catchphrases".
Remember the popular expressions associated with the ears.
Presenter: “It went into one ear and out of the other”, “A woman loves with her ears, and a man with his eyes”, “A bear stepped on your ear”, “To hang noodles on your ears”, “And the walls have ears”, “It’s better to see once , than to hear a hundred times”, “And Vaska listens and eats”, “They hear the ringing, but don’t know where it is”, “Believe your eyes, not your ears”, “Mouth to ears, even sew strings.”
Everyone who named at least one expression gets a “joke”.
And now we are again inviting four young men.

The next joke is called: "A thread from the world".

It is necessary to beg as many different accessories as possible with which to decorate yourself. The one who does it the coolest will win!
The time of the competition is the sound of one musical composition. Presentation of jokes.
Leading: Now name the names of the classics whose works contain humor.
Competition "Humor in Literature".
Ilf and Petrov “The Golden Calf”, Gogol “The Nose”, Chekhov “Thick and Thin”, Saltykov-Shchedrin “The Wise Minnow”.
Presenter: We thank everyone for their participation and accordingly present the winners of this competition with a “fun”.
Two girls are invited to the stage.
Leading: Now you will all see that girls are “cool drivers” of cars. As you can see, threads of exactly the same length are attached to the machines; you need to wind the thread around a pencil. The winner is the one who winds the entire thread faster, and the car must move strictly along the intended road - line.
« Car enthusiasts competition « : The winner is awarded a "driver's license" and a "joke".
Presenter: And now we invite four Aquarius according to the horoscope. To whom, but to them you can ask the question: “Am I a water-carrier of honor?”
Competition "Fast Water Carriers" . There is a bowl of water on one side. And on the other there are empty cups. It is necessary to fill the cups, passing the copyright-by-holiday to each other in the palms of water. So, one pair competes against another. We start the competition with the start of the soundtrack. Just for fun - the winners.
Leading: It's time to sum up. Who has how many “jokes”? We ask you to come up to the stage. Introduce yourself... You turned out to be the funniest people of the humorous evening. Applause to you all!
Presenter: Who is the winner anyway? We will test the speed of your reaction and ask the most difficult question of the entire evening: What date is today? (The presenter says this question very quickly). The winner gets a prize! The prize is to go to the studio! (Set of buttons). A festive disco for everyone!

On this page you will find interesting jokes and competitions, as well as funny scenarios:

1. April funny
April Fool's Day for middle and senior kindergarten groups

2. Matinee with buffoons
Scenario for older children: fun games, nursery rhymes, songs about spring and dancing.

3. Day of friendship, humor and laughter
April Fool's fun for preschoolers.

April 1st at school

1. Let's be friends with humor
Competitive game program for elementary school students.

2. Congratulations to everyone who loves laughter!
Humorous program for students in grades 3-5.

3. The first of April in a modern way
A scenario with impromptu competitions, funny riddles, unusual dances.

4. Humor in folk style
A comic holiday for younger schoolchildren.

5. April KVN for high school students
Play scenes, reprises, funny pantomime, a lot of music and songs-remakes.

April 1 for youth and adults

1. Student April Fool's Day
Fun youth competitions and a festive disco.

2. A holiday of humor in good company
Ideas for a corporate evening: prank and joke competitions, trick questions, comic bets, informal feasting and dancing.

3. April Fool's Party at Home
Humorous quizzes and funny competitions will provide all guests with a great mood!

4. Vitamin of laughter
A large festive program is a family evening of relaxation for adults and children.

5. Pranks and comic games
Can be used at almost any party, not just April 1st.

To help hosts of corporate events and parties

1. Comic competitions with musical breaks
Humorous entertainment, April bad advice, original tips for musical games. And of course, all kinds of competitions - more than 30 of them!

2. April Fool's riddles
There may be unexpected answers to long-familiar questions...

3. April competitions for women
Frivolous competitions in resourcefulness, charm, acting and culinary knowledge.

4. funny poems
Cheerful, congratulatory, sometimes slightly wonderful - what a holiday, so are the poems

5. How to spend April Fool's Day
Approximate plan for an April Fool's event.

When preparing pranks for friends on this day, do not forget that you yourself may be the victim of a prank. In any case, the April 1 holiday is a good test of a sense of humor and, to some extent, resistance to stress.

Guests invited to the holiday may arrive either too early or too late; on this day you need to be prepared for any turn of events. When the guests have gathered, announce a competition for the best drawing (the competition is held throughout the holiday, and only at the end of the fun the results are summed up and the winner is determined, who is awarded a prize, which must be funny). After this, guests are invited to the table. The treat should be unusual. You can put inedible dishes or objects disguised as food on the table mixed with normal food. However, the main dishes of the holiday should still be appetizing and tasty.

At the table, it makes sense to hold a competition for the shortest or funniest joke. The winner is determined immediately.

After the feast, guests are offered an April Fool's entertainment program. The most important thing here is to alternate simple games and pranks so that it is impossible to understand when the prank begins; this is the highlight of the whole holiday. In between entertainment, you can hold a competition of funny riddles. Here are examples of some of them.

1. Stands on the chest of drawers, black on the outside, red on the inside. What is this? Answer: galoshes. Why on the dresser? I put my galosh wherever I want.

2. Red heels sticking out of the garden bed. What is this? Answer: red-heeled bed-raker.

3. Crawls along the ceiling, flies around the light bulb, buzzes, starts with “v”. Who is this? Answer: fly. Why does it start with "v"? Because he's showing off.

4. Lies on the floor, folds its paws, does not buzz, starts with “d”. Who is this? Answer: fly. Why does it start with "d"? Because she was showing off (or she was dead).

5. Why are the elephant's eyes red? Answer: to hide in tomatoes. You saw the elephant in the tomatoes - that's how well he hid.

6. What is ten times one hundred grams? Answer: kilogram (usually people answer: liter).

Game "Degree of Sobriety"

To excite your guests and lead them to more serious pranks, offer them a simple but very fun game. The host names various words, and the guests in chorus name the diminutive form of this word. For example:

mom - mommy

slipper - slipper

bag - handbag

lamp - light bulb

goat - goat

rose - rosette

water - vodka

In fact, the diminutive form of the word “water” is, of course, “vodichka”. As soon as the players say “vodka,” the presenter stops the game and diagnoses the participants with “increased bottleism.”

Drawing "Traffic Inspectorate"

In this drawing the host is a traffic police inspector, one of the participants is a “offender”. Before the drawing, “car racing” takes place. To do this, the presenter calls two or three daredevils and invites them to cover the distance in “state-of-the-art cars.” Race participants are given plastic basins. At the command of the leader, the racers sit in the basins and try to get to the finish line as quickly as possible. The distance is approximately four meters.

At the finish line there is a “traffic police inspector” who stops the fastest racer and asks to show his driver’s license and registration certificate (the participant replies that he does not have documents with him). Then the inspector suggests breathing into a tube (the role of the tube is played by a balloon; the inspector forces the “offender” to breathe until the balloon bursts). After this, the participant is asked to go the distance, since the tube is still damaged. To do this, the player is blindfolded, and four or five empty bottles are placed in a line on the floor in front of him, between which the “victim” must pass. After the “victim” is blindfolded, the bottles are removed. Amid laughter and advice from the audience, the “offender” weaves across the floor.

At the end of the drawing, the “traffic police inspector” hands the “offender” a “liquid for reinforcement.” This could be a bottle of wine or vodka. In any case, the prize must be serious enough to console the “victim.”

Prank game "MPS"

All party participants sit in a circle. The presenter says: “Each of you has an MPS, each has his own, and your task is to find it.” Participants ask the facilitator questions about their MPS. The question should be asked in such a way that it can be answered “yes” or “no”. The game is played until one of the participants guesses that MPS is just “My Right Neighbor”.

The presenter must always remember that he must give answers specifically for the player’s right neighbor.

Draw “Reflection”

For the prank, a “victim” is selected and given a simple task: you need to connect ten dots on a sheet of paper, viewing the sheet only through the reflection in the mirror. The “victim” is given props: a mirror, a marker and paper. While the victim connects the dots, one of the participants quietly writes down the words spoken by the drawer. And after the test, this “speech” is read out under the title “What (the name of the victim) said on their wedding night.”

The evening continues with dancing. In the midst of the fun, a “gypsy woman” appears and offers the guests to tell their fortunes for money or just like that.

Here are some examples of predictions.

1. Various diseases are waiting for you, young one, contagious diseases. No, not because the lines are bad, but because your hands are dirty.

2. Wow, dear, I see everything, I know everything, in the morning you will run after beer, in the evening - after girls.

3. Oh, honey, a heavy blow awaits you! In the morning, when you step on the scale.

4. Oh, I see they’ll have their eyes on you, as well as your heart, lungs, and liver. And on top there is something long, thin... Ah, a herring!

5. You will sleep, dear, softly, you will sleep sweetly... Until the cake is pulled out from under you.

It’s good if the predictions concern the occupation of the person being told fortunes. Then it will be even funnier.

At the end of the holiday, the results of the drawings are summed up and all participants are awarded funny prizes. Prank victims are given consolation gifts. Examples of funny prizes:

1) a small souvenir, packed in a large number of boxes, like a nesting doll;

2) a head of cabbage, from which the stalk is cut out, and a piece of paper is inserted into the resulting void with the inscription: “So big, but you believe in fairy tales!”;

3) a shoe box with a small slot on the side, a small end of a rope sticks out in the slot, next to the slot there is an inscription: “Pull the rope” (inside the box there is a coil of rope at least five meters long);

4) beads made from sweets;

5) a mirror with the inscription “it’s you”;

6) badges with funny inscriptions;

7) “constructor” - a box of matches and a glue stick;

8) “realtor's manual” - children's fairy tale “Teremok”;

9) “for a beginning musician” - a whistle or rattle;

10) “a set of a real man” - a bottle of beer and a newspaper with a telegram.

Mandatory condition: all party participants must unpack their gifts.

And one last thing. Laughter prolongs life, this is a well-known truth, so laugh often, with or without reason. Just remember, not everyone will be able to appreciate a joke if they are the victim of a prank. In any case, your task is to amuse your friends, and under no circumstances laugh at them. We wish you that your jokes will always be kind and that your friends will be able to appreciate them. And if you know that a person may be offended, then do not trust him to play the victim.

We wish you a happy holiday!

Who at school on April 1 didn’t try to prank their desk neighbor or make someone laugh? Funny scenarios for April Fool's Day will help you remember fun days and leave a lasting impression for schoolchildren, children, and their parents.

Scenario for April 1st "April Fool's Day"

LEADING. Good evening, dear friends!

HOST. Hello, comrades in arms.

LEADING. Lena, what weapon? What are you talking about? Tell me immediately that you misspoke.

HOST. Hello, comrades in the world's sharpest weapon - laughter!

LEADING. Aaah! I would have said so right away, otherwise there would have been a commotion.

HOST. It is possible that, since those present did not understand what kind of weapon I was talking about
I said, they don’t understand why I call them comrades-in-arms?

LEADING. And to prevent this from happening, I will explain. Here's the thing. We are with
Lena introduces the director and production group who are filming
new color multi-part action-packed widescreen
a humorous, generally awesome film with an unusual, and, most importantly, extremely
rare title: `Laughter for no reason...`.

HOST (interrupts). Igor, have you forgotten that the name has not yet been approved, and we cannot announce it ahead of time.

LEADING. No, I didn’t forget, I remember it very well and that’s why I didn’t say the last words.

HOST. But now it’s not difficult to guess them.

LEADING. Well, that's how to say...

HOST. There's nothing to say. Guys, sure enough, they’ll guess. We bet?

LEADING. I bet. And for what?

HOST. Here's what. If they guess right, then at the end of the evening you stand on a chair in the middle of the stage and crow.

LEADING. What if they don’t guess?

HOST. Then at the end of the evening the whole hall crows.

HOST (after thinking a little). Deal with each other, I agree!

(The presenters shake hands and make a bet)

HOST. However, we got a little distracted. We settled on the fact that
We're filming a comedy. And everything would be fine if some problems had not arisen

LEADING. We need actors to play the main roles. And we decided to choose them from you.

HOST. And being confident that there is a dime a dozen talents in our hall
a dime a dozen, which means our business is doomed to success, we named you
companions in laughter, because the picture is ours, let's say in secret -
you'll laugh.

LEADING. What do you want to laugh about...

HOST (interrupts). He wanted to say that she was very funny. But not now
about it. I think you guys understand that acting in films is a big deal.
how difficult. And, of course, very prestigious. For one and
the same role is sometimes screened by several applicants before
stop at just one. The director then works with him.
Therefore, we will select actors for our film on a competitive basis.

LEADING. I assume you are wondering what the selection criteria are.
We will talk about them in detail later, when explaining the conditions of this or that
competition. But we can say one thing firmly and right now: the main thing
the criterion will be the presence of a sense of humor and the ability to use it with
benefit for everyone present in the room.

HOST. However, let's not waste time - I really want to laugh, as if
someone's mouth is tickling. Our first competition is called...

LEADING. Stop!.. There is no need to name him - now everything will become clear. Please turn on the recording!

(A tape recording of laughter is turned on. It should be made in advance,
asking several guys and girls to provide a “ridiculous” service. Laughter must
be loud and juicy, infectious. This will allow you from the very beginning
smile at everyone who comes to the evening.)

LEADING. Everything is correct. The competition is called “LAUGHTER”. Its terms
we will announce right now, but we will sum up the results later, since laughter is
It's a serious matter.

HOST. As it became known to a narrow circle of excellent students of the school (college,
technical school) in the word `LAUGHTER` there are four letters - S, M, E, X. Competition
assumes that its participants are quite creative people. At least
enough to compose a poem of four lines - each
of which begins with the letter S-M-E-X. And at the same time we hope that
anyone who takes up the pen is aware that today is the 1st
April, April Fool's Day, so the most appropriate would be a quatrain
Laughing character. How successful the contestants will be will be
decide for all those present. As you can see, the conditions of the competition are simple and in the spirit
democratic times. It remains to add that we invite you to participate
everyone, and that we will appreciate the fruits of creative daring after some time.

LEADING. And we continue our holiday. Interesting discoveries lie ahead
And. finds. We want the most silent and sad people today to at least
smiled a little, because laughing, really, is not a sin, but
necessary. Because laughter improves health and instills confidence in
tomorrow and in our own strengths.

HOST. So, let's start the second competition!

LEADING. What should we call it?

HOST. This is a secret for now. We will announce the name when we go on stage
three of its participants will rise. No, four are better. Two girls and two
guys. I ask those who wish to be bolder. Don't be shy, no big deal
it won’t - we won’t force you to fly into space. Everything will happen on

(Competition participants come up to the stage. The presenters seat them on chairs. There is paper and a pen on the table in front of them).

LEADING. Do you like everything about our school? Yes, I read your thoughts -
Not all. Of course, nothing is perfect. I passed by the group yesterday
guys and heard how one of them was indignant at the order at school. That
If the disco doesn't work that way, then the teachers are strict with the students. And he
uttered the following phrase: “If I were a director, then....”

HOST. Now we will try to make this desire come true.
Guys, imagine that you came to school, and you were offered a substitute
director. You sit in the director's chair and... What would you change?
improved, perfected, what orders would they issue on the first day?

LEADING. So, we are announcing the competition `If I were a director...`. Smooth
in five minutes you must prove yourself in this position. Do you understand
exercise? Great. Start drawing up abstracts and orders. Good luck
to you!

HOST. Now let's chat a little. I will start the sentences, and you will
finish them. Only, of course, with humor. And after your versions I
I'll give you mine. Agreed? Begin!

No matter how much you feed the wolf... he still eats!

Learning is light... but ignorance means it's almost time to go to work...

Work is not a wolf... but the product of force and distance.

Don't spit in the well... there's no one there...

Time for business... money for fun.

Don't dig a hole for someone else... so that he doesn't use it as a trench.

One head is good... but two boots are a match.

Without a pond... you can't even get a fish out of it.

Each creature has a pair... The teacher said during the exam.

The spool is small... and there’s nowhere to get it.

Wash your hands... instead of eating.

Hunger is not an aunt... it won’t run away into the forest.

Whatever the child amuses himself with... as long as it doesn’t hurt his own.

Fight and search... find and hide!

It's good at a party... but bad at home.

Debt payment... scary.

If you chase two hares, you won't catch the third!

Learning is light... and the unlearned are darkness!

Learning is light... and you have to pay for light.

Don't have a hundred rubles... but have a hundred bucks!

Time heals... but the doctor is faster.

What goes around... is never found again!

For one beaten... they give 15 days.

HOST. So, the five minutes that we had to prepare for the competition
`If ​​I were a director...` expired. Are you ready guys? Fine. Who
will he be the first to sit in the director's chair? Gena Dorofeev, please.

(The guys read out their essays on a given topic).

LEADING. Has everyone spoken? Thank you. How will we summarize
competition? Let's do this: we ask ten guys and by majority vote
we will name the winner of the competition, whom we invite to the role of commissioner
Katani in our film.

(After summing up and congratulating the `commissioner`...)

HOST. We continue to receive entries from the LAUGHTER poetry competition. We
Now we will read them to you (the supposed quatrains are conditional):

It's really not a sin to laugh -

We should sing and have fun...

If our day is so funny,

I wish their faces were like this.

LEADING. And I have a note. Here is her text:

No doubt: an April Fool's joke

We will amuse you as much as we can...

If suddenly a minor moment happens,

We'll cheer you up with a good song...

(Here you can offer an amateur performance number - a humorous song or something of the choice of the evening organizers).

LEADING. Thank you. There were a lot of smiles in the audience, which means they liked the song. And
we have a new competition. It's called 'Catch up on the contrary'. Participate in it
as easy as getting a scolding. I invite three to the stage
willing - two guys and one girl.

(They go on stage and stand next to the presenters).

LEADING. Wonderful. It’s immediately obvious: they are experienced people, they don’t give any scoldings.
you'll scare me. Really, guys? Or vice versa, I wanted to try what it is
is that? But I must remind you that this will be a scolding in reverse. How
This? Yes, very simple! Please bring the offending students onto the stage!

(The presenter hides behind the curtain and, after a few seconds, brings three teachers onto the stage - two men and a woman)

LEADING. And here are the guilty ones. Imagine, they skipped
test in chemistry. What teacher would tolerate this? No. I
Am I right, fellow teachers? (Addresses students). Not
look at me with such surprised eyes. Yes, yes, in this competition
you will be the teacher. And you are given the opportunity to spend
educational work (conversation) with truants. You will do this
one by one. First, the first teacher will scold the three truants,
then the second and finally the third. But the winner of the competition, that is,
the one who can do it most convincingly and intelligibly will be helped
identify our guilty ones. So let's begin. I hope you find
the very best words... Who's first?

(The presenter provides the opportunity to conduct an 'educational conversation'
each of the competition participants in turn. At the discretion of the organizers
time for this may be limited. After the end of the competition, the presenter
interviews the 'guilty' and determines the winner).

LEADING. Well, let's assume that there is an actor for one more role.
I'll tell you a secret. Vanya Petrov, who won this competition, will play in
film the role of Karabas-Barabas. According to the script, he is the director
factories and scolds his subordinates for the lack of candy for sale

HOST. However, we need to continue selecting artists for other roles. A
because - the next competition. What should I call it? Well, at least this way -
`The most eloquent`. Why not a name? But I hope you understand
that on April 1, everything should be believed literally the other way around. So I ask everyone
eloquent silent ones to take the stage.

(Competition participants line up on stage).

HOST. Wonderful. Please state your first and last name. Just
wonderful - you started talking in earnest. So we can start
contest. It's very simple. You only need to recite one thing by heart.
quatrain. Any, of your own choice. The main thing is that you
those sitting in the hall understood. There is nothing simpler, you say. How to say. I
Please add a word absorber.

(The presenter brings out a bottle of water).

HOST. Apparently, you already guessed that reading poetry will not be so easy.
By the way, since ancient times, people considered this remedy to be the first in
combating excessive talkativeness. But this does not apply to those present. I
please start.

(Each of the competition participants takes water into his mouth and reads
worm poem. The winner is the one whose performance is the greatest
the audience will like it, as can be judged by the applause).

HOST. I am very pleased with the progress of our qualifying competition. Here it is already
Tryndychikha's vacancy is closed. True, you will have to tinker a little with
appearance of the actor, because in the film she is a middle-aged woman. That is OK,
We’ll come up with something, we have the right makeup artists. The main thing is that the applicant
There's nothing wrong with the tongue. Just a joke, of course. I ask all speakers to take their seats.
seats in the hall. Let's move on to the next competition. We'll call it `Competition
marksmen`. I invite those who wish to come on stage. I explain the conditions

(Explains the conditions. They are as follows: on a stand so that
could be seen from the hall, two sheets of white paper were attached. They're green
and a square is drawn in blue ink. One of the participants makes soap
bubbles, and the second one should blow on them and “drive” them into a square. Wins
the one who manages to do it more out of 5-10 attempts).

LEADING. Thank you, our competition seems to have been a success. You see, soap balls
It’s much more difficult to hit the top ten than from the small ones. We reward the most
well-aimed with their prizes and assign the winner to play the role of Robin Hood.
We will definitely send you an invitation to filming.

HOST. Igor, do you think our knowledge that we acquire at school will be useful in life?

LEADING. But of course! Necessarily. But, as popular wisdom says, “If you know a lot, you will soon grow old.”

HOST. So what should we do?

LEADING. The answer to this is given by the satirist Vladilen Prudovsky. He wrote about it this way in his poem “To Know or Not to Know”:

Known to everyone, without any doubt,

A proverb that says

What in knowledge is the root of rapid aging,

That knowledge is a syndrome close to old age.


We really pay for them with weak eyesight,

Active hair loss

Gastritis and high blood pressure...

So to know or not to know? - that is the question!


Let someone be overwhelmed by ambition,

But I have no doubt that

What is better earlier, but to grow old wisely,

Than later becoming an old fool.

LEADING. Do you know, Lena, what I'm thinking about?

HOST. About what?

LEADING. Won't our guys get the impression that there are no serious heroes in our film?

HOST. I think this won't happen because our next
The competition is very, very serious. At least as far as
this is possible on April 1st.

LEADING. Do you mean...

HOST. ...Competition 'True Friend'. To participate in it, please rise
There are five girls and five guys on stage. Moreover, in pairs. Please be bolder.

(On stage, the guys sit on chairs, and the girls are taken to the other side,
so that they do not see in what order the children are seated. Presenter
instructs the guys, tells them that during the competition they must
maintain complete silence so that their “true friends” recognize them not by their
voice, but by intuition. And at this time the girls are instructed by the presenter).

LEADING. Please tell me, girls, do you remember what it was called
feature film in which the main character was a slave
Isaura? That's right, you are very quick-witted. But you are mistaken if you think that
Lena and I called you on stage just to ask this question
question. We want to give you a difficult task. Now you will all be tied up
eyes and will give you a piece of cake, which you will treat to your faithful friend -
whose role is played by the guy with whom you dared to come up to us. I
I hope that intuition, and in extreme cases - touch, will not give you
make a mistake and treat the wrong person. You can touch with your hands, but who wants and
lips. Of course, this will not be a big problem, and the one who was accepted
mistaken for the wrong thing, will not be offended. But then you are cast in the role of slave Izaura in
Don’t fit in our film, because she didn’t make such mistakes. I
I ask the assistants to blindfold the girls and give them treats.

(The girls are blindfolded and taken one by one to the guys sitting on
chairs. The winners are those who made no mistakes with
blindfolded, they recognized the guy with whom they went up on stage. Maybe
It may happen that there will be several winners. In this case
the host congratulates everyone and asks to stay on stage.)

HOST. Our acting troupe is growing successfully. Already elected
comic, and tragic, and historical heroes. Not yet
lyrical. What is a lyrical hero?

This, of course, is a lover, it is desirable that he finds reciprocity and
I was sometimes in a state of dreamy sadness. Maybe I'm wrong
but it seems to me that in the upcoming competition, in which again I ask
girls take part, those who understand what I mean will win
I say. I ask the applicants to come up on stage and join
winners of the previous competition.

(After the circle of participants in the upcoming competition is determined...).

HOST. Our next competition is called 'I love you'. Beautiful
name, right? This phrase should run like a red thread through everything.
performances of the contestants on this topic. Just please don’t think that now
you will have to declare your love publicly. Although in the movies it is
have to do. But school (college, technical school) is not cinema, especially not
a comedy, although both here and there have something to laugh about heartily. To tell about
you will have to... without uttering a single word. So
try to show all your eloquence silently. Difficult? Difficult! Can?
Need to try. And the one who does it better than others will
invited to the role of Tatyana Larina in our film.

Now about how our competition will take place. Each of the girls silently, once again
I repeat - silently, I must say, or rather, reproduce just one
phrase. Here's the phrase:

I love you, I'm going crazy without you,

Ice cream, lemonade and kvass.

(After the end of the competition, the presenter turns to the audience with a request to give
his assessment of the contenders for the role of Tatyana Larina. The winner
the one who receives the most applause is recognized.

LEADING. And now another very interesting competition! Competition for the best
joke. But these may not only be anecdotes as such. It can
be short jokes and reprises, humoresques, satirical poems. Who cares what
much So let's begin!

HOST. Who's starting? Those who want? From the third row? Over to you.

(Perhaps, for the “seed”, it is necessary to prepare several speeches; all the rest, of course, are impromptu).

I ANECDO-TELLER. Conversation between a girl and a young man:

Tell me, Louise, would you agree to become the wife of a limited but rich man?

Let me see. Your proposal is unexpected for me.


Well, how is your husband? - asked Valentina, who came to visit her friend.

You know, not very good. He fishes in the bathroom all day long.

So you should call a psychiatrist.

I thought so too, but I really want fresh fish.

III ANECDO-TELLER. A patient who has just suffered a heart attack comes to his senses and asks the doctor:

Doctor, can I have a cigarette?

Well, if this is your last wish...

(The proposed anecdotes are conditional. Participants can offer much more
interesting. Students can know about this competition in advance).

HOST. And now let’s sum up the results of the very first competition, the competition
poets who wrote four lines `C=M=E=X`. We believe that
the winner was tenth grade student Vitya Mashkov. His quatrain
turned out to be the most successful (reads it out). That's why he will take part in
filming of our film. He will be entrusted with the role of Omar Khayyam. Role
D'Artagnan will go to Igor Bogdanov - the best joke teller.

LEADING. So the filming will take place. The tests, in our opinion, were a great success. And in conclusion, all we have left is...

HOST (interrupts). Igor, you forgot something...

LEADING. Oh yes! Bet. Moreover, I won it.

HOST. Won? You are so confident in yourself. And don't you consider yourself a braggart?

LEADING. I don't think so. Of course I won. And even among the notes from the hall
there were also many witty and apt names, such as... (reads out
some). Still, an agreement is worth more than money, and I ask the whole room
crow, because our film is called `Laughter for no reason -
that means there is no sadness. The most amazing heroes will meet in it, and with
The most amazing adventures will happen with them. Just like today
on our April Fool's Day. However, it's time to crow...

(In this episode, the organizational skills of the presenters should be demonstrated. They should infect the hall with their example).

HOST (addressing his assistant): Lena, isn’t it time to end the evening - the first roosters have already crowed.

HOST. Well. We have turned the last page of our holiday.
If your soul feels a little warmer, if it doesn’t disappear on your faces
smile, it means that it was not in vain that we tried to instill a good mood in you.

LEADING. It’s really not a sin to laugh!

HOST. Laugh every day, for a reason or without a reason, - from this
the heart and thought work more confidently. And the person becomes kinder and more beautiful.
Have a good mood!

LEADING. Smiles and success!

HOST and HOST: - Goodbye! See you again on the radio wave “Laughter is the companion of our life.” Happiness to everyone!!!

Scenario for celebrating April 1st with a disco

The presenters (he and she) go on stage.

Presenter: This long-awaited moment has arrived: the chimes are striking, the champagne is sparkling. Happy New Year, country! Something wrong. Yeah, here it is. The long-awaited moment has arrived: fireworks roar, orderly rows of soldiers march in the parade. Happy Victory Day, country! Yes, this is not the same folder at all! I knew I shouldn’t write the spurs, I’ll get it mixed up anyway. Although if you think about it, you could expect something like this today. Students... Well, we can’t live in peace: either butter at the door, or a disco after midnight. After all, while studying, students have a choice: sleep, parties and, in fact, study itself. Moreover, in each individual semester, only two of these classes can be successfully combined. So we look forward to the weekend as a holiday, and the holiday as a weekend. Why do you think the first of April is not a day off? The most fun day, and here you study. But then there wouldn’t be so many pranks: “calling to the training unit”, “cancellation of a pair” and much more. Moreover, after classes you can joke to your heart’s content from the stage. Which, in fact, is what we will do now. Of course, every draw must be avenged, so at the end of the evening we will announce the winners in several categories. You will find out why he was avenged later.
And, of course, we have a jury. And, of course, the representative of our student fraternity, a student... of the group... She is tasked with keeping an eye on the rest of the jury so that they do not forget that they are not in class and do not grade too harshly.
So, we begin our holiday.

Host: This holiday is celebrated in many European countries. In our country it is an unofficial national holiday. Funny deceptions and pranks, laughter, carefree fun - all this is appropriate on April 1st. It’s hard to say why this particular day. There are explanations, both religious and historical, but we will not give them here, since no one can guarantee the reliability of these explanations.
In all countries, April 1 is celebrated differently. For example, in France this day of playful deception is called “April fish”. Who knows why? In 1574, King Charles IX issued a decree moving the beginning of the year from April 1 to January 1, but many of his subjects, as a sign of disagreement with the highest command on April 1, sent each other a copyright-by-holiday traditional gift - fish. And the Dutch try to make fun of their friends and come up with some unusual news. Even newspapers take part in such pranks. In England, April 1 is All Fools' Day. From midnight to 12 noon on April 1, everyone can play a joke on their friends and acquaintances and deceive them.
Anyone who falls for an April Fool's joke is greeted with cheerful laughter and shouts of "April Fool!" The Germans consider April 1 an unlucky day, since according to legend, Judas was born on this day. Adults and children deceive each other, sending each other to stores and pharmacies with impossible orders.
And we will start our humorous evening with a fun game “Zoo”, and it will be held...

Presenter: We are sure that everyone’s spirits have lifted! That's how it should be. After all, today is April 1st - don’t trust anyone! But this does not give you a reason to doubt that today there are fun competitions and tasks in our program. They will help us identify the funniest person of the evening. Who will be this walking humor? The one who collects as many “gag moments” as possible. (Showing hand-drawn buttons). The most important “prankster” will receive a prize!

Presenter: Attention! First joke! Question: "Which city is considered the most fun?"
That's right, Odessa! As we know, Odessa is famous for the funniest pranks, and there are so many jokes about Odessa residents! And now we are providing the opportunity to earn the next “joke” with the help of an anecdote related to this city. Jokes competition.

Presenter: Now I invite two young men to the stage (come out). The "Dapper" competition is for you! You need to tie a scarf in boxing gloves as quickly as possible.

Host: How many catchphrases were born with the help of the humor of some funny people.

Competition "Catchphrases".

Remember the popular expressions associated with the ears.

Presenter: “It flew into one ear and out of the other”, “A woman loves with her ears, and a man with his eyes”, “A bear stepped on his ear”, “To hang noodles on your ears”, “And the walls have ears”, “It’s better once to see is to hear a hundred times”, “And Vaska listens and eats”, “They hear a ringing, but don’t know where it is”, “Believe your eyes, not your ears”, “Mouth to ears, even sew strings.”
Everyone who named at least one expression gets a "joke".

And now we are again inviting four young men.

The next joke is called: “A thread from the world.” It is necessary to beg as many different accessories as possible with which to decorate yourself. The one who does it the coolest will win!
Competition time - the sound of one musical composition. Presentation of jokes.

Host: Now name the names of the classics whose works contain humor.

Competition "Humor in Literature".
Ilf and Petrov “The Golden Calf”, Gogol “The Nose”, Chekhov “Thick and Thin”, Saltykov-Shchedrin “The Wise Minnow”.

Presenter: We thank everyone for their participation and accordingly present the winners of this competition with a “fun”.

Two girls are invited to the stage.

Host: Now you will all see that girls are “cool drivers” of cars. As you can see, threads of exactly the same length are attached to the machines; you need to wind the thread around a pencil. The winner is the one who winds the entire thread faster, and the car must move strictly along the intended road - line.

Car enthusiast competition: The winner is awarded a “driver’s license” and a “joke”.

Presenter: And now we invite four Aquarius according to the horoscope. To whom, but to them you can ask the question: “Am I a water-carrier of honor?”

Competition "Fast Water Carriers".
There is a bowl of water on one side. And on the other - empty cups. It is necessary to fill the cups by passing water in each other's palms. So, one pair competes against another. We start the competition with the start of the soundtrack. Just for fun - the winners.

Host: It's time to sum up. Who has how many “jokes”? We ask you to come up to the stage. Introduce yourself... You turned out to be the funniest people of the humorous evening. Applause to you all!

Presenter: Who is the winner? We will test the speed of your reaction and ask the most difficult question of the entire evening: What date is today? (The presenter says this question very quickly). The winner gets a prize! The prize is to the studio! (Set of buttons). A festive disco for everyone!


Scenario for a fun April Fool's Day celebration for schoolchildren

The presenter greets the children with the words:
"Everyone, everyone, everyone!
We greet you!
Good morning!
Welcome! Come in!
Everything here is ready for fun!
Dance, sing, have fun
And let laughter reign everywhere.”
Today you came to the Feast of Laughter. People say: “April 1st - I don’t trust anyone!”
Because: April 1st is humor,
April 1st is a joke
April 1 means laughter and smiles on your faces!
Let's start our holiday with a cheerful song.

Children sing the funny song “What miracles!” (Words by N. Berendhof, music by A. Filippenko).

Guys, pay attention to the painted box in the corner. He's with a surprise.
And with which one - the children will tell us in the comic skit “Boxes”.

Comic skit “BOX”

Grandfather put a box in the corner, in the corner.

1 child:
What's in the corner?

2nd child:
What's in the box?

3rd child:
Maybe raspberry?

4th child:
Or red rowan?

5th child:
Maybe ripe lingonberries or black blueberries?

We'll go to the corner and open the box. (Everyone comes up to the box and opens it.)

The box contains:
The first one is Tishka!
The second one is Trishka!
The third one is Vasenka! (“kittens” jump out of the box and dance).

What is a holiday without people?
What is a holiday without guests?
Anyone come and try it
Make your friends laugh!
“Abstracted” (an adult dressed as an absentminded person with a suitcase with various things sticking out of it. The suitcase contains 2 pairs of adult felt boots) runs in; he runs around the hall, fusses, behaves anxiously. His actions are accompanied by any cheerful music.

What is this, what kind of joke?
I'm going for the second day!
But I didn’t end up in Leningrad,
And I ended up in kindergarten!

And then the guest’s suitcase unzips, and all his clothes and felt boots fall out.

How absent-minded you really are, why did you take felt boots on the road?
Addressing the children: Children, will the absent-minded feel the boots come in handy now?

No! It's spring outside now!

That's right, and if you can no longer wear felt boots, you can play with them.

The game “Fast felt boots” is played. Two children are called up, put on felt boots. Whichever one of them reaches the finish line is the winner. (The absent-minded man plays with the children.)

It's fun and interesting here. But it’s time for me to go to Leningrad!
I'll run to the cashier
Buy a bottle of kvass! (Waves to the children and runs away).

Now let’s listen to some funny ditties.

Children come out and perform comic ditties.

Comic ditties

Oh, girlfriends, ditties
We'll sing today.
Let them remember for all the years,
How joyfully we live.

I painted it myself
Black paint blanket.
The red cat slept on it -
Became a striped tiger.

Vova was lazy in the morning
Comb your hair
A cow approached him.
She combed her tongue.

Allah is at the table today
I dozed off at the plate
Pinocchio sat down with her
I ate compote and porridge.

Smoky pan
Julia cleaned with sand.
Two hours in Yulya's trough
Grandma washed it afterwards.

We sang ditties for you
Is it good or bad
And now we would like -
So that you clap!

Do you want to play again? Do you like games? Now we'll find out!
I ask those who love games and jokes to speak loudly - I am!
- Who loves games?
- Who likes cartoons?
- Chewing gum?
- Erasers?
- Baskets?
- Cake?
- Ice cream?
- Chocolate?
- Marmalade?
- Treasure?
- And the slaps?
- Who likes to sunbathe?
- Who likes to yell?
- Swimming in a dirty puddle?
- Who doesn't wash their ears?
- Sing and dance?
- What about playing?
Well, then let's play, kids.

The game “Move the Harvest” is played (You need to move the potatoes with a spoon from one designated place to another; for this, two teams are selected. Whose team is ahead is the winner).

Let's listen to a comic song performed by children.

Any funny song can be played.

If you laugh in your mouth
What if it accidentally hits
Don't be angry, don't grumble
Laugh, laugh!

Two clowns come out and have a conversation:

Did we go with you?
- Let's go!
- Did you find the gingerbread?
- Found!
- Did I give it to you?
- Gave!
-Did you take it?
- I took it!
-Where is he?
- What?
- Gingerbread?
- Which?
- Yes, like that! Did we go with you?
- Let's go!
- Did you find the gingerbread?
- Found!...

And again all over again...

It's time for us kids to play again!

The game “Feed your girlfriend” is played. (Two children are called, they are seated opposite each other, they are blindfolded, and the boy feeds his girlfriend chocolate candy).

Presenter: (Draws the children’s attention to the beautiful box) Look guys, what a beautiful and magical box I have, and there is a magic golden mirror in it. (Takes out a cardboard mirror covered with gold foil, with a cutout for the face.)
My light, mirror, tell me,
Tell me the whole truth:
Am I the most terrible thing in the world?
Worst or funniest of all?

The game “The most, the most” is played: a) scary; b) funny. (Children repeat).

Shouldn't we listen to the fables in our faces?
Tales in faces
They are sitting in the bright rooms,
Nuts are cracking
Yes, they create ridicule.
Want to know which ones?
And here are the ones!

Several guys are reading fables.


Because of the forest, because of the mountains.
Uncle Yegor is coming.
He's on a piebald cart,
On a creaking horse
Belted with an axe,
Boots wide open
Kaftan on bare feet,
And there's a pocket on the head.

A village was driving past a man,
Suddenly from under the dog
The gates are barking. A stick jumped out
With grandma in hand
And let's bludgeon the horse on the guy...

Early in the morning in the evening,
Late at dawn
The uncle was riding on horseback
In a chintz carriage.
And then behind him at full speed
Jumping my feet
The wolf tried to swim across
A bowl of pies.
The hare looked up to the sky,
There's an earthquake
Jam was dripping on him from behind a cloud.

Isn't it time for us to hurry up with the game?

The game “Glue the Monkey’s Tail” is played. (A picture with a picture of a monkey, but without a tail, is attached to the easel; children must glue the tail to the blindfolded monkey).

Children come out and recite poems.

Comic poems
Celebrate the holiday of laughter
Well, fun, what fun!
Like a whole white light
Ate a funny one for lunch!...

Birds chirping,
The ticking of a drop.
The morning rises early on April 1st.
On this smiling day
Living without jokes is bad.

If you are touchy,
Hot-tempered, forgetful,
Gloomy, quarrelsome,
Beware of the catch!

Presenter: (Turns on an audio recording, music can be played with the song “Fortune Teller” (Fashion Changes Every Day) music by M. Dunaevsky, lyrics by L. Derbenev.) And now meet!

"Guests from the past!" (To the music and applause of the audience, several girls enter, dressed in clothes of bygone days. For this, they will come in handy: dresses, hats, beads, ear clips from their mothers. The girls walk in a circle, performing involuntary movements).

(A little bit later). - And now “Guests from the future!” (to music and applause, several girls dressed in suits and dresses made of cellophane and shiny wrapping paper enter, walk in a circle, perform involuntary movements.)
The artists all dance together to the music and then stay for the celebration.

Humor has come to us
Brought us fun!
We ask everyone to sing along
And dance a little
And then for sure
We won't be sad yet.
Smile: Sasha, Masha, Kolya, Nina and Natasha
From every corner let it be heard: ha-ha!
Laughter and humor, fun - replace vitamins!
Join us! "Let's do everything like I do!"

(Children, together with the presenter, perform any comic folk song).

To any cheerful music, a smartly dressed Matryoshka with a basket enters the hall. (There are chocolates hidden in the basket, each of which is glued with tape to a drawn flat matryoshka doll).

Matryoshenka, dance,
Show us your heels.

(Matryoshka dances and spins).

In my girlfriends basket
Everyone looks alike
In colored sundresses
Yes, in painted handkerchiefs
Just different in height
And their names are very simple,
Help me guess
What are these girlfriends called?

Children in chorus:
Matryoshka dolls!

Matryoshka gives gifts to children.

The holiday is over, and the children leave the hall to the melody of “Smile.”

During the games, the winning children are awarded comic prizes.


There are rich rivers. These all year round, like tribute, as if by hereditary right of high origin, collect water from powerful tributaries that lie outside the Land of Permafrost or receive it from under the permafrost through taliks.
Every drop of water has its own destiny, just like every tree, stone and person.
Abandoned desert cities seem to me like something between | between mirage and reality. They are slowly being destroyed and covered with sand. But all the houses in such cities served the people, and once they had a present, and then they began to have a past. But here, where I have arrived now, almost next to a large railway station, there are houses without a past, present and future. They did not serve man and will never serve him. Reality and almost a mirage.
A large pumping station building with huge sparkling windows, a boiler room with black blocks of boilers, a slender pressure tower, girlishly cheerful, with a bright roof, everything | pre-disassembly pumps at street intersections - everything is new and everything is abandoned. Because of the smallest, barely noticeable point, hidden in the taiga - the well at the source.
Water supply engineer Pakhomov, young, fair-haired, very short-sighted, is acutely worried about troubles. 01 brought me to this miserable station.
“The nearest railway station, which stood on the river,” he says, “was left without water in the winter.” Here they found an irreplaceable source, built all the structures, but when the well was made, there was no more water...
All railway stations at the beginning of the century, when the first tracks were laid here, as in Russia, were placed on rivers. But it turned out that the rivers were freezing. During the years of winter lack of water, in order to preserve the remaining water in the rivers, people thought in different ways: they insulated the ice of the river with snow, manure, and blew air under the ice. In the thirties, when they began to lay the second tracks! They tried to build highways and stations no longer on rivers, near unfrozen deep underground springs. But, having learned from bitter experience one feature of the frozen country, they have not yet comprehended another - how can and should be built!
such sources. Apparently, it was also necessary to go through
this trouble.
Pakhomov says sadly:
We build foundations for bridges by freezing: we freeze the top layer of soil saturated with water, remove it, freeze it again, remove it again until we reach the required depth. They also began to lower the well. And the source froze from such a thing...
The source turned on its underground path to where it was warmer. It is most difficult for weakening deep jets at the surface of the earth, where frost is severe. A person needs to meet these jets with warmth, and he helps the frost kill them.
In lifeless buildings, everything is prepared to welcome the dear guest - water. The pressure pipes of the pumping station arch their proud necks, and pressure gauges and water meters flash in red and blue colors. It seems that if you wave a magic wand, everything will come to life, spin, and a living stream will flow. But oh, it will never appear...
Pakhomov took me further to the old station. There is a gallery under the river bed. It was built correctly, but the water flowing through the gallery thawed the frozen soil at its base.
“And when I started, I started scalding from below,” says Pakhomov, squeezing his lips almost painfully, “and the gallery is empty.”
The permafrost here was aquifer until it thawed, and then became water-bearing rock. Such a transformation only happens in the Land of Permafrost.
In the evening, on a red horse in an old tarantass, we arrived at a mountain spring. September was calm and bright. The well at the source was built several years ago. Clay is compacted around it to keep water out. But the clay, frozen in winter, began to swell, pulling the well up with it, and now it looks like a huge, disheveled chicken with log feathers crawling out of the ground. The source froze and there was no water.
On our way there was also a small spring in the taiga. It stood out among the collapse of dark red granites, surrounded by orange larches. There is a well at the spring. Nearby there is a woodshed. Who would have thought - the barn protected the thawed soil from the frost, but the well at the source was not heated, and blue icefalls appeared on the woodpile in the barn in winter. The barn collapsed, it was filled to the top with ice, and the well became empty - the water went down the drain into the barn.