Karen ace divorced his wife. Karen TUZ: biography, what happened to him, why is he in a wheelchair? Real name, facts from life

A budding star of Russian rap, whose lyrics touch the soul and do not leave anyone indifferent. This is Karen ACE. Biography, what happened to him - all these questions concern everyone who has ever heard the work of this extraordinary person.

In what city was Karen ACE born?

Rising young rapper Karen Movsisyan, known by his stage name "Karen ACE", born August 11, 1989 years on the territory of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic.

His hometown is Tashir was founded in the middle of the 19th century by Russian settlers fleeing the persecution of tsarist despotism. The majority of the population throughout most of the city's history was Russian. That is why Karen was fluent in two languages ​​since childhood.

In 2001, the boy and his older sister were transported by his parents to Russia, to the city of Kaluga.

From a young age, Karen showed remarkable determination and perseverance in achieving the assigned task. As he noted in his later interviews, the reason for this lies in his zodiac sign. Born under the sign of the lion, he, like a true predator, is implacable and fearless, but at the same time, generous, as befits the King of Beasts.


Karen became interested in rap from a very early age. The boy was just over ten years old, and he had already become a fan of the cult hip-hop artist Tupac. The latter is considered almost the most outstanding rapper in history. The biography of this black performer with bewitching beats and capacious lyrics determined Karen’s life path.

In addition to Tupac, Karen admired such MCs as:

  1. "Dr. Dre"
  2. "Notorious B.I.G."
  3. "Eminem";
  4. "Snoop Dog".

In the sixth grade, the guy began to make his first timid attempts to record his own compositions on the built-in microphone of a tape recorder. The young man only allowed his closest friends to listen to his amateur tracks, but even behind the “handicraft” performance it was impossible to hide Karen’s nascent talent.

The injury that happened to the guy in the 9th grade took the young man by surprise, who was fond of sports and was a lover of outdoor activities.

Why is Karen Tooze disabled?

All his childhood dreams seemed to come crashing down in 2004 when terrible accident confined him to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. He did not write or compose anything for three years. But, in the end, he gathered his will into a fist and decided to follow his quest to the end.

There is another disabled Russian rapper with a similar fate - Rem Digga.

Parents had different attitudes towards the young man's intention to become a rapper. The father believed that this was a passing hobby and laughed at the timid experiments of the young talent. The mother, on the contrary, fully supported her son. As Karen said in an interview with one of the Armenian TV channels, his mother once knocked on his door, gave him a piece of paper and a pen with the words: “Write.” And since then, writing texts and reading them accompanied by musical recitative became his meaning of life.

For himself, Karen chose the pseudonym “Ace”. In his opinion, such a name reflects his uncompromising life position to become the first and the best. Whatever it costs him. He understands his creativity as the unity of two card suits:

  • “Hearts” - embody all high and positive feelings: love, soul;
  • “Cross” - the sign has a religious motive and is the embodiment of unity with God.

Under this nickname, Karen announced himself in 2009. Moreover, his full stage name is as follows: “Karen ACE” (the first word is typed in Latin, the second - in Cyrillic and capital letters).

“Music of our city” - 2010

A turning point in the life of “Ace” was participation in 2010 in the “Music of Our City” competition.

This festival serves as a springboard for many regional performers, who had previously been ignored by eminent metropolitan producers. Moreover, it doesn’t even matter that the composition sent to the qualifying round may initially be of poor quality. If the jury likes it, then at the expense of the festival it will be properly finalized in a professional studio. In 2010, the event was held in eight Russian cities with more than 550 competitors. The invited experts were participants in the “Umaturman” project and music critic Artemy Troitsky.

Karen represented his native Kaluga at the event. The young man managed to win the hearts of the jury, and he made it to the finals. As a result of the competition, “Tuz” released a collection of songs called “Music of Our City.”

This achievement allowed Karen to attract the attention of the public. The following year, 2011, he received the audience award at the Russian youth rap festival.

Analysis of creativity

The work of TUZ generally receives positive responses from critics. Journalists noted the general gloomy and gloomy mood of most of his compositions. And if Karen’s texts can still hardly be called mainstream in Russian rap art, then they are certainly the most convincing and spontaneous. He speaks simply about complex things, without mincing words or looking for workarounds.

Karen stated in an interview that he has no role model or authority in the world of music. As he put it, his goal is himself, only the best. However, despite his statements, the influence of many other Russian rap stars is quite clearly visible in the work of the young artist.

Among the main themes of Ace's lyrics:

  • Relationships with close friends;
  • Love;
  • Worldview and life values;
  • Real life situations;
  • Motivational songs.

Among all the songs, the composition “Orphan” stands out. Karen created it under the impression of visiting one of the orphanages. This prompted the artist to engage in charity work: now he takes part in several non-profit projects.

His life serves as an example that no obstacles can break a person on the path to his dream. His songs fascinate him and serve as the best motivation; it is in them that Karen TUZ conveys her sad life experience. Biography of what happened to him - we talked about all this in this article.

Video: interview with Karen

In this video, Karen TUZ himself will talk about his childhood, goals in life, and answer the question - what happened to him, how exactly he became disabled:

The young man was born on August 11, 1989. His homeland is Armenia. The singer and at the same time a sports lover was born in the glorious city of Tashir. It is not surprising that Karen’s zodiac sign is Leo, because this is felt in his character, perseverance, and fortitude. He is known to his circle as an assertive and purposeful person. His full name is Movsisyan Karen Arturovich. He is not the only child in the family and has an older sister.

2001 turned out to be a difficult year for the guy, because it was during that period that the eleven-year-old teenager left his native country with his family. His new home was Kaluga in Russia.

From a very young age, the guy was passionate about sports and led an exceptionally healthy lifestyle. In addition, Karen had another hobby - hip-hop. One of Ace’s favorite performers was 2Ras. It was his work that gave impetus and inspiration for writing Movsisyan’s first songs, which he performed exclusively with family and friends. Tracks were recorded at that time on tape recorders and nothing more. In 2005, when Karen was already in 9th grade, he decided to take music seriously and devote himself to hip-hop culture.

Tragedy in the life of a star

In the same year, a real test of fate awaited the star. He suffered a serious injury that confined him to a wheelchair. Due to a fracture of the cervical vertebrae, Karen's legs gave out. But, despite the terrible diagnoses, the guy does not give up, undergoes treatment and believes in the best.

Thanks to his inner core and strong will, the guy, having gathered his strength after the tragic incident, continued his business with music. And already in 2009 one could hear about the beginning of Karena Tuza’s solo career. The celebrity did not choose her pseudonym by chance. It was precisely because Ace is the highest value in a card deck that the guy decided to use it.

Participation in competitions

2010 is a crucial period for the rising star. It was this year that the guy took part in the “Music of Our City” show. Here he was able to become a finalist of this grandiose project. The show took place in seven Russian cities, after which a collection with the same name “Music of Our City” was released. After completion, the finalists of this project were given the opportunity to go live on the Kaluga radio station Hit FM.

Karen Movsisyan did not stop at this achievement and in March 2011, the young and ambitious hip-hopper decided to take part in the International Hip-Hop Festival for Youth. He managed to win the audience award, and also became the “Discovery of the Month” on the Internet portal “Kaluga Sale”. Another victory for the young hip-hop artist was a certificate, which was presented personally by the general producer of “First Wave” Maxim Tereshkin. Today, Karen Tuz plans to release her first solo album, and is also filming a video with famous rap artists.

The singer's personal life

On September 5, 2017, many fans were shocked by the news that Karen had married his beloved Anahit. Today the guy has a second meaning in life besides playing his favorite music - this is his family, his beautiful wife, with whom he is happily married. Videos filmed during the couple's fairy-tale wedding have already spread all over the Internet.

Movsisyan Karen Arturovich (Karen TUZ) - born on August 11, 1989 in the Republic of Armenia, Tashir. His zodiac sign is Leo, this is noticeable by his character, assertive and playful, like a real predator. Karen is not the only child in the family; he has an older sister.

In 2001, at the age of 11, Karen left Armenia and moved with her family to live in Russia, in the city of Kaluga.

From an early age he was involved in various sports and led a healthy lifestyle. His passion for hip-hop began with the songs of 2Pac, it’s not even strange to hear this, many of us started with 2pac and still listen to and respect him. At the age of 13, he began writing lyrics that were performed among friends and recorded tracks on regular tape recorders.

In 2005, after finishing 9th grade, he decided to seriously engage in hip-hop culture, but a turning point occurred in Karen’s life, he was injured, a fracture of the cervical vertebrae, as a result of which his legs failed, and is still undergoing treatment.

Without losing faith in life, Karen finds strength in herself and continues to do what she started. In 2009, Karen TUZ's solo career began. Why ACE - this is the idea. ACE is a card maximum concept (in rap to the maximum), in this card concept there are 2 signs, hearts and clubs, two opposites meaning - from the soul and closer to God.

In 2010, Karen TUZ became a finalist in the “Music of Our City” project, which took place in seven major cities of Russia and the collection “Music of Our City” was released. The finalists of the project had the opportunity to be interviewed live on the radio station HIT FM Kaluga.

In March 2011, Karen TUZ took part in the International Youth Festival of Hip-Hop, R’n’B and Rap cultures. He became the winner of the nomination “Audience Award”, “Discovery of the Month” for creating an article in the Internet portal “Kaluga SALE”, and also became the owner of a certificate outside the nomination for creating an article in the Internet portal “StarLand” personally from the general producer of the First Wave project Maxim Tereshkin .

In the near future, it is planned to release the first solo album, as well as shoot a video with the famous rap artist N’Pans.

A budding star of Russian rap, whose lyrics touch the soul and do not leave anyone indifferent. This is Karen ACE. Biography, what happened to him - all these questions concern everyone who has ever heard the work of this extraordinary person.

In what city was Karen ACE born?

Rising young rapper Karen Movsisyan, known by his stage name "Karen ACE", born August 11, 1989 years on the territory of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic.

His hometown is Tashir was founded in the middle of the 19th century by Russian settlers fleeing the persecution of tsarist despotism. The majority of the population throughout most of the city's history was Russian. That is why Karen was fluent in two languages ​​since childhood.

In 2001, the boy and his older sister were transported by his parents to Russia, to the city of Kaluga.

From a young age, Karen showed remarkable determination and perseverance in achieving the assigned task. As he noted in his later interviews, the reason for this lies in his zodiac sign. Born under the sign of the lion, he, like a true predator, is implacable and fearless, but at the same time, generous, as befits the King of Beasts.


Karen became interested in rap from a very early age. The boy was just over ten years old, and he had already become a fan of the cult hip-hop artist Tupac. The latter is considered almost the most outstanding rapper in history. The biography of this black performer with bewitching beats and capacious lyrics determined Karen’s life path.

In addition to Tupac, Karen admired such MCs as:

  1. "Dr. Dre"
  2. "Notorious B.I.G."
  3. "Eminem";
  4. "Snoop Dog".

In the sixth grade, the guy began to make his first timid attempts to record his own compositions on the built-in microphone of a tape recorder. The young man only allowed his closest friends to listen to his amateur tracks, but even behind the “handicraft” performance it was impossible to hide Karen’s nascent talent.

The injury that happened to the guy in the 9th grade took the young man by surprise, who was fond of sports and was a lover of outdoor activities.

Why is Karen Tooze disabled?

All his childhood dreams seemed to come crashing down in 2004 when terrible accident confined him to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. He did not write or compose anything for three years. But, in the end, he gathered his will into a fist and decided to follow his quest to the end.

There is another disabled Russian rapper with a similar fate - Rem Digga.

Parents had different attitudes towards the young man's intention to become a rapper. The father believed that this was a passing hobby and laughed at the timid experiments of the young talent. The mother, on the contrary, fully supported her son. As Karen said in an interview with one of the Armenian TV channels, his mother once knocked on his door, gave him a piece of paper and a pen with the words: “Write.” And since then, writing texts and reading them accompanied by musical recitative became his meaning of life.

For himself, Karen chose the pseudonym “Ace”. In his opinion, such a name reflects his uncompromising life position to become the first and the best. Whatever it costs him. He understands his creativity as the unity of two card suits:

  • “Hearts” - embody all high and positive feelings: love, soul;
  • “Cross” - the sign has a religious motive and is the embodiment of unity with God.

Under this nickname, Karen announced himself in 2009. Moreover, his full stage name is as follows: “Karen ACE” (the first word is typed in Latin, the second - in Cyrillic and capital letters).

“Music of our city” - 2010

A turning point in the life of “Ace” was participation in 2010 in the “Music of Our City” competition.

This festival serves as a springboard for many regional performers, who had previously been ignored by eminent metropolitan producers. Moreover, it doesn’t even matter that the composition sent to the qualifying round may initially be of poor quality. If the jury likes it, then at the expense of the festival it will be properly finalized in a professional studio. In 2010, the event was held in eight Russian cities with more than 550 competitors. The invited experts were participants in the “Umaturman” project and music critic Artemy Troitsky.

Karen represented his native Kaluga at the event. The young man managed to win the hearts of the jury, and he made it to the finals. As a result of the competition, “Tuz” released a collection of songs called “Music of Our City.”

This achievement allowed Karen to attract the attention of the public. The following year, 2011, he received the audience award at the Russian youth rap festival.

Analysis of creativity

The work of TUZ generally receives positive responses from critics. Journalists noted the general gloomy and gloomy mood of most of his compositions. And if Karen’s texts can still hardly be called mainstream in Russian rap art, then they are certainly the most convincing and spontaneous. He speaks simply about complex things, without mincing words or looking for workarounds.

Karen stated in an interview that he has no role model or authority in the world of music. As he put it, his goal is himself, only the best. However, despite his statements, the influence of many other Russian rap stars is quite clearly visible in the work of the young artist.

Among the main themes of Ace's lyrics:

  • Relationships with close friends;
  • Love;
  • Worldview and life values;
  • Real life situations;
  • Motivational songs.

Among all the songs, the composition “Orphan” stands out. Karen created it under the impression of visiting one of the orphanages. This prompted the artist to engage in charity work: now he takes part in several non-profit projects.

His life serves as an example that no obstacles can break a person on the path to his dream. His songs fascinate him and serve as the best motivation; it is in them that Karen TUZ conveys her sad life experience. Biography of what happened to him - we talked about all this in this article.

Video: interview with Karen

In this video, Karen TUZ himself will talk about his childhood, goals in life, and answer the question - what happened to him, how exactly he became disabled: